Dear Tamahome,
Hmph. I guess I will write my own letter. Stupid author! *razz* Hrm... How much would I have to pay you to take the author (One-chan) out? (Money is not a problem...) Keetia: Tsk tsk, Essence. *punts Keetia* GET LOST YOU DRINK SPIKING DAUGHTER OF A *CENSORED!* Ahem... name your price. I'd do it myself, but the author does have some control over me. Especially when it comes to killing her... Or should I just go ask Suboshi?
Dear Essence,
I have no desire to hurt One-chan. Now go away!
Dear Nuriko,
You are so pretty! You're a guy, though, ne? *sweatdrops* Sorry, I'm new to this...
Dear Rabbit,
Hai! But arigato for your kind words!
Dear Tasuki,
I don't know how L-chan feels about us. He's hard to read some times when i'm with him i think he could have the same feelings for me as i do for him but other times i feel like he hates me so much. I realy want him to like me but i always think that he thinks i'm still the little stupid kid he's know for as long as i can remember. i don't know about E-chan it's the same thing. he has a close friend but they say they aren't going out. i wouldn't mind if they did they'd make a good pare but i can't help how i feel for L-chan. if you had told me 3 years ago that i would be in love with him i would have laughed and hit you up side the head. but something hadend i fell for him in one instaent i was in love with a guy i thought was a total idiot. but now i can't get him out of my head. i wish so much that i could make you understand how much he means to me i just don't know what to do. I'll try telling E-chan how i feel thought i just don't want her to get mad at me. she's one of the best and most understanding people i know but for some resone i just feel that i can't tell her this, i feel weird just telling you and you don't even know who i am. I'l TRY to tell her though. Thank you
A Bad Bad Friend
Dear Bad,
Perhaps you and E-chan can work things out. But if he just sees both of you as friends this may all be moot.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*sputters profanity for a full five minutes before regaining her composure* you know how you can have bad days? is it possible to have bad MONTHS?...*rubs her temples*
Dear Saralady,
Dear Tamahome,
Dark Lady Charrion:"FREEZE ARROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Keisei: Kyaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!! Coldcoldcoldcoldcoldcoldcoldcoldcold!!!!!!!!! Help me out here guys!!!!!!!!
DLC: Now! Reveal your true powers to me!!!! So I can finally prove to Karika-sama that she did the right thing in giving up on your training! Show me your pathetic powers so I can smite you!!!!!!!!
Keisei: *dodging freeze arrows* I....... don'! I never liked it!!! I'm peaceful!
DLC: (sweatdrop) How about if I find someone soooo pathetic that you can't help but want to smite them?
Keisei: Like who? There's noone that pathetic around here as far as I know.
DLC: Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm? *spies Tamahome counting his okane* Hehehehe...... maybe there is...
Dark Lady Charrion and Shrinemaiden Keisei
Dear Dark Lady Charrion and Shrinemaiden Keisei,
*Frowns and looks over his shoulder...* Not funny!
Dear Tasuki,
Happy birthday! I hope you're having a fun time celebrating with the other seishis in some place away from all the "hentai chicks"? ^_^ So what's your b-day wish this year? That you'd be able to drink all day and not suffer from any of the side effects of alcohol intoxication? Oops, don't answer on this question, in our world it's thought that your wishes don't come true if you let others know what it is! Well then, how does being 21 feel? Turning 21 is a big event in our world, but I suppose it's different in yours? People in the your world do things in such an accelerated mode, like getting engaged at around 16 or so (average in our world being 23 or so) *whispers: presumably because you guys have a shorter life span than us* So how are things going then, kid? Hope you're behaving yourself more, huh? Or at least getting more skilled in evading Tamahome/Nuriko's attacks on you when you get them pissed? Anyway, will you and Kouji and/or the other seishis be going out for a drink for celebration? Mind if I join? Don't worry, I'm not one of those "hentai chicks"! I just enjoy a good night out, and it's your b-day afterall! Have fun!
Dear Ayumi,
Sure! I think they're partyin' on thw Message Board an' in th' Chatroom.
Dear Chichiri,
fine but i said you don't have to go out with her. she would just be there and i think you guys could have some fun and become friends tamahome said yes and i still have to ask everybody else. plus it would give you a chance to see miaka's world well think about it. we all will hopfully be going as friends so don't worry to much if you still feel the same way that's ok. but miaka REALLY wants you all to be there. she might get mad and ask me to bring you anyway. (hey i have an allpowerful crystal and that is how i'm getting you guys all here.) :) well i got to bookit. see ya.
Bunny of the moon (serena (sailor moon (princess serenity)))
PS think about it PLEASE
Dear Bunny,
Hai, I will consider it, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
*POUNCE!* APOLOGIZE FOR PICKING ON ME ABOUT NATE! Please? I don't want to have to extract revenge on you too! *cries*
Keetia: Oh pfft. Happy b-day, Fungi-chan. *tosses him a box, and no, it isn't ticking ;p* Variety is good. *inside is a beaded necklace* One said I should try and be nice ;p So that's my niceness for you on your birthday. I'm stilling giving frosting to the hentai fangirls though! ^.^
Essence: hmph. *throws a card at Tasuki* That's all the niceness yer getting out of me either. *the picture on the card is a person behind a card shelf shouting, "I finally found a card with your name on it!" and it side it says.... "Happy Birthday, Butthead." and is signed, "Hate you, Essence."* Hah. ...
You stole from my pile of cards. *sniffle, cry*
Essence: I wasn't going to waste money BUYING one for him. He's not worth it.
One-chan and co.
Dear One-chan and co.,
Thanks... I think... Demo One-chan... yer fun to pick on!! *Ruffles her hair and gives her a hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
Hey there! I've been so busy lately that I've been neglecting you. Poor Gen-chan! *hugs* Anyway, what are you doing for your birthday? Don't you want to go out with your beloved aisai? ^_^ I've got a bottle of sake with your name on it...
Iridal, Tasuki no Aisai
Dear Iridal,
Sake?!?!?! HAI!! Ikimasho!
Dear Tasuki,
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, TASUKI! ^_^ *gives Tasuki a big hug and hands him a huge bottle of sake* Enjoy! So, Tasuki, you're 19 years old again... huh? ^_^ cool.
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
I am??? I thought I was 21! Thanks fer th' sake!
Dear Tasuki,
*glomps onto Tasuki*My poor baby! They're still picking on you for being dressed as a bunny! *snuggles* I don't see what's so cute about you being dressed as a bunny. Now Nuri-chan...he makes a perfect bunny! You...Gen-chan are the perfect bandit! Demo...I could think of maybe one other thing I'd like to have you dressed up in...but I'll be good and keep my mouth shut on that one. *giggles and snuggles Tasuki some more* Ja ne cutie!
Dear Kamea,
Thanks fer small miracles! *Gives her a hug*
Dear Nuriko,
No, no, no! Megatron dead is good. He's a nasty tyrannical overlord type. Like Emperor of Kutou, but not half as perverted... Silverbolt huh? Well. I'll have to hunt him down. He's probably been worried. I said I'd meet him yesterday and then we all got so preoccupied with burying Megatron and I forgot totally. *grins* Well, I'll be back later!
Dear Blackarachnia,
Ah, good luck!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
What's the weirdest thing I've done to you guys yet?
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
We all agree that gettin' tasted was pretty bizarre!
Dear Hotohori,
*comes back, pulls the pin out of the hat, and runs with the crown* Didn't you just tell someone you have several crowns? You don't need this one! *disapears in a puff of smoke*
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
No no no, no da! *Grabs her and the crown* Here you are Hotohori-sama, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
*holds now crying plushie* Now look what you did! They may not have brains but they do have feelings you moron! And they are NOT freaky! The attacking ones I'll admit are weird, but these don't attack! They don't have a brain so they don't know HOW to attack!! (and no cracks like 'No brain just like the origional', I'm sick of hearing that and I'll pound ya into the ground if ya say that) *puts plushie with others* Now I have to calm them all down again!
Reikaku no Miko
Dear Reikaku no Miko,
Hmph! Ya' took th' words right outta my mouth! Anyway, I said they were CREEPY, not freaky! An' it's my birthday, so try an' be nice to me fer once.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Do you guys ever get tired of responding to mails? You've been doing it for a few years now!! It *must* get rather irritating down the road, doesn't it? (at least, i'm sure Tasuki's tired of all the hentai fan girls, right Gen-chan?) How long do you plan on continuing "Ask the Seishi" for?
Dear Reuben,
We will continue this peeji for as long as it is needed and enjoyable.
Dear Nuriko,
would you wish to be reborn as a girl, if given the chance? or have you adapted to being female, and prefer it that way?
Dear Kaeli,
I prefer to just be myself.
Dear Chichiri,
How old were you when you first fell in love with Kouran?
Chibi Pixie
Dear Chibi Pixie,
I don't really know, no da. We had known each other since we were babies, no da.
Dear Hotohori,
Okay so you love Houki, thats good. How did you feel knowing that your son's first words were "Lord Father" where you happy? Sort of heart broken knowing that you couldnt be there with him? How is the second most beautfuil person in all of Konuon doing anyway?
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley,
I was very happy that his first words were "Lord Father". Boushin is doing quite well thank you.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hello suzaku seishi! I just wanted to say hello to all of you.. and thanks for being sooo nice in answering our questions..^_^
Dear me,
You're welcome!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
WHY DID MOST OF YOU HAVE TO DIE???! ;-;...and if you can you be here writing responses to our letters!!!
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley,
It was fate. With the help of the Nyan Nyan and the humble cyber abode we are able to answer your letters.
Dear Chichiri, not kenshin but hes cute like you too no da!!!! ^_^
Dear ^_^x;;,
Arigato. Interesting signature, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Okay...I wont mess with your sisters, but after I am done with my fanfic where you fall in love with me (ya like that would ever happen ;-;) will you read it? Please??
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley,
Sure! I always like readin' 'bout me!
Dear Nuriko,
:looks at Nuriko with wide shiny eyes: So Nuriko Chan, whatcha been doing since I have been gone? I have missed you so much! :huggles her brother: But now I am back with Nuriko Chan! Arent ya glad?
Dear Kourin,
I missed you imoutou!! *Hugs her*
Dear Chichiri,
Oh I have watched all your adventures, it was very odd to see you loss your cool...I mean very odd. :*( Why did almost all of you guys have to die?! I mean couldnt all the Seryiuu of died slow..painful agonzing deaths! Why did it have to be the Suzaku?! :sniffles and hugs Chichiri: I am glad you lived!
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley,
I suppose because it was in the script, no da?
Dear Tasuki,
OTANJOUBI OMEDETOU!!!!!!!!! Heh one day early!!!! But who cares!!!! *hands 'im a parcel* Go on make a wish an' open it!!! Anything ya wish for will come out of tha parcel!!! *Hands 'im another parcel* this is from my sis' I'd better throw it out of tha window, she told me it would be tha boom of tha year!!! I'd not trust her... I've been all my life with her so if she says it'll be a boom she's sayin' it's a Bomb!!! *throws it out* BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!! yep told ya!! ^_^ Happy Birthday Gen-chan!! or as we say 'ere FELIZ CUMPLEAŅOS!!!!!! *gives special happy Bday kiss on the lips* 'c' ya daarin-sama!!! Remember my sis' an' I will be 19 on the 7 o' June ^_^
Dear Hieisan,
Thanks fer th' present! *Shakes package and wishes for sake* (What can we say? At least he's predictable, no da!)
Dear Tasuki,
Geeeeeeeeeeeeen-chaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan!!!!!!!! I'm back!!! I could hold me sake cup!!!! It's just that I had 'bout a 8-9 Pints o' sake before I wrote to ya!!! Geez!!! T'day I've been sleepin' all day long!!! *goes up to Gen-chan* Want some sake? *kisses 'im an' hands him some* 21 years soon?... I'll be 19 on June ^_^so ya're the right age for me ... Pity ya 'ate women!!! I'd like to give ya this *hands hin a new pair o' earrings* d'ya like them? *hugs him* ya're a &%$!! great pal ya know!!! I'd be really pleased to teach ya how to swim ^^ so that Tamahome couldn't make fun of ya by throwin' ya into lakes an' so, what'd ya say? You could teach me how to fight like you Genrou sensei!!! I'm workin' on my fightin' skills!! *kisses 'im* I'm workin' on a Gen-chan clothin' I'm gonna dress like ya!!! Luv yer style!!.... *offers some more sake* Hey!! I made onigiri t'day, want some? *offers* C' ya ^_~
P.S: could I possibly 'ave a hug an' a kiss?
Dear Hieisan,
Thanx fer th' sake an' onigiri! They were oishii! Thanks fer th' earrins' too! Mebbe I'll teach ya' how to fight... *Gives her a hug and a kiss on the forehead.*
Dear Chichiri,
HI!!!!!!! again!!!^.~ I think you look heavenly...(eyes glowing)in the manga way~ I like you saying no da or da! My heart feels so funny when I write to you I wouder why? What would you where in blue^.^Why you keep that mask on I..know because your scar but I dont think anybody would mined^_^ Kisses~can...can I have a hug?
Dear Deserae,
Arigato for your kind words, no da! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hello, okay I was wondering, I got stuck on my fanfic trying to get this right! Okay, if say six months have passed in Miaka's world...that's six whole much time would pass in the book? I thought maybe Six years? Kind of the same numbers, but push it up to years? So six months in Miaka's world--six years in the universe of the four Gods? Does that make sense? Have I got the years part right? I need to know since six months have gone by in Miaka's world, I need to know how much time is in the other? And what happened to everyone in the end of the OAV series? I thought a few dead Suzaku Warriors came back to life didn't they? I haven't seen the OAV's yet, but soon will, but I need to know. Did they return to heaven, or were they all reborn?
Emeric (F)
Dear Emeric,
Your second is a HUGE spoiler, so we can't answer it, no da. As for the time difference, two days in Miaka's world was several months in ours. So, 6 months in her world would be approximately 2 years in our world, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
Gomen Nuriko I didnt think of that, but it gets me mad cause I really really think that you and Hotohori sama would make a wonderful couple, since you cant have him...and you had to date one of the Seishi, besides Tamahome since he is already taken, who would you date
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley,
None of them, gomen.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,'s been a long time, ne? ^_^;; I disappeared AGAIN due to WAAAY too many assignments and a lot of crap with high school (but I got accepted! Whoooo!) and I also had a bit of trouble thinking of a good question to ask that hasn't already been asked yet. ^_^;; So, here's the question: If you guys had your own cars and vanity license plates, what would the cars be and what would the plates say? ^^;; I'll give you guys your belated gifts next time..I'm still making sure they look perfect. ^_^ Ja ne!
Dear Myrna-chan,
Welcome back! Here are you're answers:
Tamahome: Jeep - OKANE
Tasuki: Red Ducati Motocyle - COOL1!
Hotohori: Mercedes Benz - BEAUTY
Nuriko: BMW Z3 - MAMORU
Mituskake: Range Rover - HEALER
Chichiri: Blue Saturn - NO DA
Chiriko: I'm too young to own a car or drive.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
Arigatou, Tasuki-sama! All of my friends that go to that school are really excited that I'm going to their school. ^^ Well, my friend Caitlin says hi. (She's visiting from Beaver Creek, Ohio, and she's a HUGE fan of yours.) Have you seen Mononoke Hime yet? It finally came to our theatre. It was sssssssssoooooooooo cool!!! It was a lot better than I expected.
Dear Moon,
I've seen it an' it was great! Glad ya' got to go to th' school ya' wanted to go to.
Dear Nuriko,
NURIKO CHAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :runs to him and jumps in his arms: I MISSED YOU!! Didja miss me?!
Dear Kourin,
HAI!! *Gives her a hug*
Dear Hotohori,
Did you ever love Houki? Or did you marry her because you HAD to get married and you knew thta you needed an heir to the throne eventually.
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley,
Of course I loved Houki! That is why I married her.
Dear Nuriko,
You realy think so? everyone else says to go with any color but pink. Taiitso no Miko told me yesterday that my hair's more like a short-brown Nakago than a grown-out Yui. I love the way the ensamble sounds anyways!!!!!! Sice you guys can't come, I'll send CnA a picture of me to show you guys, okay? It'll be a while because grad isn't untill the end of june. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm, I wonder if I can get a date for it... lots of the girls are inviting their bfs to the parties before and after it...
Shrinemaiden Keisei
Dear Keisei,
If you want to. I look forward to seeing your picture!
Dear Hotohori,
Do you know anything about the New Deal, Franklin Delano Roosevelt's reform plan? please write back
~Shinigami no Koibito~
Dear Shinigami no Koibito,
Chirikio has read about it and we both agree you need to do your own home work.
Dear Chichiri,
Konnichiwa no da! hello..are are you? I just wanted to say hello because you are so coooooll..!
Dear ^_^x;;,
I am fine thank you. And you, no da? Are you Kenshin-san, no da?
Dear Tasuki,
Konnichiwa! Hello! um...hehe. ^_^;; I am a big fan of yours. where did you get your tessen from? and please say hello to all the seishi for me. hehe. ^_^;; Sorry I keep saying hehe...
Dear hehe_no_miko,
I =got th' halisen from th' old boss of th' Mt. Leikaku bandits. Taiistu-kun changed it into th' tessen. I'll tell th' guys ya' said hi.
Dear Chichiri,
It's me again. They havta start making geometery more fun and less hazardous to its books. And yep I drew another picture but this time it was of Tasuki. Your pic is much better(no offense Tasuki). You are so kawaii and I love you so much. I know you a Buddhist monk but which type? I want to be a Buddhist. Do you think i could? I would be very happy and i you could help me reach enlightment. May i have another kiss? Arigatou Chichiri.
Aenne aka Chichiri no hime
Dear Aenne,
Perhaps you should research your choice thoroughly before you commit to it, no da. One's beliefs should be based on what they feel is right for them and not on what a person they like happens to believe in, no da. *Gives her a kiss on the forehead.*
Dear Chichiri,
Hiya would ya like some sake? ^_^*offers* What 'bout some onigiri? *offers* sushi? *offers again* Byyyyyyyyyyyye
Dear Hieisan,
Hai!! Arigato, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
*-* Arigatou for the hug and kiss Tasuki, that was really sweet of you considering the fact that you hate women. Tasuki can I go beat up your sisters for you? can I? Onegai!!!!!!!!!
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley,
Yer welcome but I don't want ya' to mess wit' my sisters.
Dear Tasuki,
could I ask ya for somethin'? well I'll ask and then you tell me? would it be much askin' ya to hug/kiss me? ^_^I'm not desperate, just askin', if ya don't want to ya don't have to ^_^ Anyway, drink some sake? ^_^ *pulls out a whole bottle of sake* just for me an' ya ^_~ Kampai!!!!! *takes a sip* mecha oishii, ne? I don't understand what's the &%$!! up with my sis' Yikes!!!!! d'ya what to see my tatt, belly piercin'? the tatt it's on me shoulder (NO hentai proposal!!!!) just want an opinion^_^ I think they look &%$!! great but I need your opinion ^_^ (not really "need" but I'd like to know it ^_^) What 'bout a night out drinkin' sake an' chattin' an' dancin'? Would you come? It'd be %$!! great!!
Dear Hieisan,
Nice tat. I can't get to yer world so I can't go out wit' ya'. Gomen. *Gives her a hug and a kiss on the forehead.*
Dear Chichiri,
do you ever get tired of ever being so calm all the time?? I mean havent you ever wanted to lose your cool and start screaming?
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley,
Keep watching our adventures, no da...
Dear Tasuki,
Hey Gen-chan! I just want to inform you that your songs are SO KAWAII! Aww...*snuggles Tasuki despite his struggling* And, for all your cool songs, here you go: *presents huge bottle of name-brand, expensive sake with lovely red bow around it* ENJOY!
Dear Sierra,
*Blushing and struggling* Arigato fer th' sake.
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