Dear Chiriko,
Hi Chiriko! How are you? I would like to ask you this: What is your favorite book? Or genre? I am partial to fantasy, myself.. Also I want to tell you that you are very kawaii! Bye-bye!
Dear Dota,
I am fine. Arigato. I like Fantasy, Science-Fiction, Mystery the best.
Dear Nuriko,
How do you keep in such excellent shape? I cant help admiring you. It is very noticeable that you and the other seishi are not chubby in the least. What do you all do for exercise?
Dear Kloot,
We all exercise and do martial arts training daily. Thank you for noticing.
Dear Tasuki,
Hey brother. *does the Bandit dance* Hows it goin man? @#@$ it man do ya got any sake? Im out..Any hentai chicks been after ya lately? They aint been askin hentai questions about us right? $%$%ing women!!! See ya pal.
Dear Koji,
They're ALL after me! An' a couple of 'em did ask some hentai questions. 'Che! Here! *Gives him a couple of sake jugs.*
Dear Tasuki,
Have you ever accidently burned yourself with your tessen? Did it hurt really bad? If so, heres some BAND-AIDS!!! *chucks them* By the way, your fangs are KAWAII..heh heh
Dear Kloot,
I did, but it wasn't an accident. Hai it hurt, but Mitsukake cured me. Thanks!
Dear Hotohori,
What IS that shampoo you use?
Dear Momoko,
It is not a commercial brand. It is made in the Imperial Palace especially for me.
Dear Chichiri,
What would you do if someone STOLE your kasa?
The Mysterious Play-er
Dear Mysterious,
I would buy another one, no da. It has no inherent magical powers, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
What do you think of Houki?
Dear Kloot,
I think she is very beautiful and very lucky to be married to Hotohori-sama.
Dear Tasuki,
What would you do if someone STOLE your tessen?
The Mysterious Play-er
Dear Mysterious,
Get it back from 'em!! Besides it don't work fer no one but me!
Dear Hotohori,
How many crowns do you have? Just curious.
Dear Elf,
Oh several. It depends on the occasion as to which one I wear.
Dear Tamahome,
hi tamahome. you know what you look a lot like my boyfriend,Mamo-chan (darien (tuxedo mask (prince darien))). well any way i was wondering if you would like to come to miaka's and my world cause we (my friends, (sailor mercury, mars, venus, jupiter, uranus, and pluto) my boyfriend, (tuxedo mask) miaka, and i) wanted to go out and have some fun. your friends chichiri, tasuki, chiriko, mitskate, hotori, and nuriko will hopefuly be coming also. so ya you would get a chance to be with miaka and all of your friends could see miaka's and my world well any way i'll e-mail you the details later ok bye.
bunny of the moon (serena (sailor moon (princess serenity)))
Dear bunny,
Possibly. It might be an interesting adventure. So, how much is this going to cost me?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
If every single one of you could each have one wish, what would they be?
Dear Gateau,
Chichiri: I'd wish for Hikou and Kouran to be alive again, no da.
Tamahome: OKANE!! (What can we say, at least he's consistent!)
Tasuki: Th' never empty sake bottle wit' no hangovers!!
Chiriko: A visit to the Library of Alexandria.
Mitsukake: Shouka back alive.
Hotohori: To live long enough to see Boushin become Emperor.
Nuriko: For Kourin to be alive again.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Mitsukake,
Hello! *offers a box of chocolate Pocky as payment* I have a question concerning my cat. He likes to sleep in the bathroom sink. Should I be concerned? Thanks for your wisdom.
Dear Swardfish,
Unless your house is extrtemely warm I wouldn't worry. It is just something cute that cats do.
Dear Chichiri,
hey chichiri how are you? well i was wondering if you could cook? 'cause i have a friend who can cook REALLY well (yummmy) and she's funny,tall, strong, can cook, and she had some bad stuff happen to her too. (her parents died in a car crash when she was little.) and i'm trying to get us all hooked up to go out on a big group date it would be fun and no one HAS to "get together" with the person i set you up with but it would be fun you could end up being just freinds but it would still be fun. ok her name is Lita and she is sailor jupiter priness of Jupiter. you guys could have some major fun. and i'm hooking ALL of you guys up ok. so talk to your friends about it. ok? i'll write all of you and tell you the details then ok? well thanks for lissoning, but i got to book it. see ya.
bunny of the moon (serena,(sailor moon (princess Serenity)))
Dear bunny,
Arigato, but I will have to decline your invitation as I am not interested in being "hooked up" with anyone, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
hiya Tasuki! Have you ever been to the Sailor Moon realm? If you don't admitt to ever being there, I know a certain Lady of Mass Destruction with massive power and an AT feild who'll come after you if you don't remember her. You do remember Lady Anarchy, ne? Shoulder-length hair, pitchfork, fangs and little horns? Hangs out with her brpther (just to smite him) and his friends. maybe you've seen them, they've been in your realm before. Lord Mayhem? Looks like Amboshi but with glasses. (plus spontanious combustion if his Ami-chan comes too close to him) Lord Pestilence? Looks like Yuu matsura. Lord Chaos? Looks kinda like Trunks from DBZ, mostly superdefopremed, often found with a sd godzilla thingy chewing on his arm. There are more of 'em, but I'm not even gonna go any farther because I'd have to get to lord Havoc (shudders) and I don't wanna go anywhere near him.
Shrinemaiden Keisei
Dear Keisei,
Nope! Never been there an' never seen 'em!
Dear Tasuki,
sighs* *holds up wiggling RnM plushie* Are these things REALLY that freaky? Inuchan says they're freaky, but Hino and Suri-chan say they're cute.
Reikaku no Miko
Dear Reikaku no Miko,
I'm wit' them!! Those thins' is creepy!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Konnichiwa! I was wondering who thought the glass was half-full or half-empty? Well, sayonara!
Dear Rabbit,
We all considered the glass to be half-full except for Tasuki, who drank it and called it totally empty!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Spike runs in waving around* Hi hi hi everyone! You people are too cool! Lalalala *Trent jumps down on Spike* sorry 'bout him...he hasn't taken his pills yet. *drangs spike away* sorry again.
Spike and Trent
Dear Spike and Trent,
OK, no da... *Looks confused*
Dear Tasuki,
*jaw drops*tasuki-sama! i can't believe you just said that! just 'cause i like piercings and tattoos and all doesn't mean i'm a pervert.*looks very hurt*
Dear Saralady,
Gomen, I didn't mean YOU were hentai an' ecchi jus' th' idea of gettin' THOSE parts pierced... *Turns blue and drops to the floor...*
Dear Tasuki,
Of course I didn't say yes, baka! I feel more like a mother to that guy than a wife. So anyway, you're going to be 21?? Cool! You'll be able to legally drink in the U.S.!
P.S. I got accepted to the school!!! I'm sooo happy!
Dear Moon,
I read yer other letter. Now I get it! COngrats on yer school!
Dear Nuriko,
*sniffs* I miss you Nuri-chan! It just isn't the same without you! I bought Vol 13 rid of Tomo...THANK GOD! Now we got that runt Miboshi...*sigh*...take care Nuri-chan! *hugs*
Dear Kamea,
*Hugs her back* Gomen that you miss me.
Dear Chiriko,
**Omni82 prances around** Oh, huzzah! My term papers are officially done and graded. Oh happy day!! Got a one hundred and an eighty five. My grades are so peachy this semester but I still have to take those darned SATs. Please, will you pray for me? The best I've ever done on my ptractice ones is a 1350 and that's no good! Yikes! There is no rest for the weary. Oh darn.
Dear Omni82,
Congratulations on finishing your term papers with good grades! So SAT's? Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Chichiri,
What makes peer pressure so effective? And how come that working at a McDonald's makes me fair target for ridicule. Minimum wage is a sorry substitute for dignity. So here's my question: Should I quit my current, local job and go to work at a far away other place offering more money or stay in the area where gas is less? I thought you would have a suggestion since it is basically a travelling question.
Trophy Hunter81
Dear Trophy Hunter81,
You should go and work where you will be happiest and most fulfilled, no da. If that is your current job then stay there and just ignore your peers, no da. If you truly are not happy there, then find a job you will be happy at and take it, no da. Good luck!
Dear Tamahome,
I found your pod person duplicate and it's scary! You and Tooya from Ayashi no Ceres could be twins. Oh wow, your names even start with the same letter. Incredible. Strange are the ways that Suzaku moves, ni?
Dear Omni82,
Hai! Or if not Suzaku, Watase-sensei!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
If you could have been born anyything except what you were what would it be? (ex: If Gen-chan wasn't a bandit)
Shiru no Aijin
Dear Shiru no Aijin,
Idol singers!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Have any of you noticed the really freaky resembalence between Yui and Keisuke?
Shiru no Aijin
Dear Shiru no Aijin,
No, not really.
Dear Tasuki,
Did you especially grow those fangs to defend yourself from your five sisters? Cuz, I think it's an awesome idea. I only have two older sisters and I feel your pain keenly. By the way, did you ever bite anyone with them?
Dear Sympathy-Pain,
I don't remember bitin' anyone! An' that's jus' how my teeth grew!
Dear Mitsukake,
Don't be sad. I know you're not boring sweetie. (Giving him a hug and a kiss) I love you, Juan!
The We-Love-Juan-fanclub
Dear The We-Love-Juan-fanclub,
*Looks stunned* Arigato!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
How many of you think it would have been better if Nuriko really had been a woman and gotten with Hotohori? I know I do. Nuri - you rock!
Dear Alpha,
At least ONE of us does!! Tee-hee...
Dear Tasuki,
Hmmmmm.....I have no idea what I should write.....hmmmmm *thinks really hard* ........How are ya? are you being a good lil' bandit? ^_~ You really did make a cute bunny *giggles* *gives him a BIG hug and a kiss on the cheek*
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
I'm fine 'cept fer th' stupid bunny thin'!
Dear Nuriko,
*sighs* What is up with men? Mostly him!! *points to tasuki*What can i do to get with him nuriko? You and Him seem like real good buddies what should i do?
Dear Renee,
Leave him be and just be his friend. No man likes to be pushed.
Dear Tasuki,
Why not? Come on think about it please? At least give me a hug and a kiss
Dear Renee,
*Kisses her hand* There how's that?
Dear Tamahome,
WEll, hello Tamahome! I couldn't think of anyone to ask, so I chose you since you do know this question. I guessed. Anyways, when someone drinks Sake, does it show? I mean can others smell it on their breath? That's rice wine, right? Can you smell it on the person? I don't have any money, but I do have a cute bunny? You like bunnys?
Emeric (F)
Dear Emeric,
*Walks over and sniffs Tasuki.* It does if you're Tasuki!! Bunnies are OK I guess.
Dear Tasuki,
Ahhh!! Gen-chan!!!! Ya don't hate me? URESHII!!!! ^_^ ... Gee, how come ya don't like women? We're not all the same ya know? Many of us are different!! Look at me for a change!! I luuuuuuuuuuv sake!! I luuuuuuuuuuuv swearing!! I luuuuuuuuuuuv fightin'!!! and I don't like people askin' ya hentai q's 'bout Koji, EVERYONE knows ya're JUST pals!! So do ya keep the same opinion of women? Hey!! now little q' may I give ya this Sake? ya aren't allowed to drink it with anyone but me!! *kisses 'im on tha lips* Hey! don't go bright red!!! Where I'm from many friends kiss on tha lips!!! meaning nothing else than friendship!!! Gee am I tired!!! too much party t'day!!! Too much Sake ... wait a sec!! there's never enough sake for me an' you!!! *Hands Tasuki-sama a cup of sake* Kampaiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!... when I get drunk I start huggin' people!!! *hugs Gen-chan* Dance with me, will ya? @_@ *grabs 'im* *dances a bit* *kisses Genrou-sama AGAIN an' AGAIN* Well Daarin see ya!!! *stumbles singin' Setsunakutemo Zutto* Gee!!! ^_^
Dear Hieisan,
*Drinks his sake and watches her.* 'Che! Can't even hold her sake!
Dear Tamahome,
hi! I just wanted to say, your reason to make money moved me and really touched my heart, that is so sweet that your doing this for your family, you go :hands him 300 gold royu: Take care of those little munchkins!!
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley,
Arigato!!! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Nuriko,
Hi Nuriko. I was wondering...have you ever wanted to haul of and deck Houki for taking your Hotohori sama away?? Cause if you do...heh heh I can hold her down while you deck her. I think you and Hotohori Sama belong together!
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley,
NEVER!!! Did you ever stop to think that Houki could have been Kourin reborn??
Dear Tasuki,
Hey Tasuki-kun!! Havent given u some sake lately * reaches in bag n pulls out a couple bottles* here ya go! Hey .. ur a bad i mean good pottymouth bandit ... can u teach me how to swear a little in Japanese??? please????!!! I dunno ... just the way Japanese talking sounds is so cool yet cute ... Ya dont hafta if u dont want but I was just wondering ... and do u know what (dunno if this is spelled right but it sounds like) "Bo-ge" ... u say it during the last episdoe of OVA 2 ... so I was just wondering to see how much u really know.. heheh aights later!!! Don't worry ur not a boge, ur totally kisu!!! later
Gomen, I ain't never heard of that word! Chiriko says to check out fer books on Japoanese slang.
Dear Tasuki,
HEY! Hows it going with you and Koji? HAVIN A LITTLE TOO MUCH FUN??! HEH HEH HEHEH! (quote *runs to avoid flames*
The Evil Cheeky Ghost
Dear Evil Cheeky Ghost,
If ya' mean drinkin' an' brawlin', we're jus' fine.
Dear Hotohori,
I am SO sorry I am late for your birthday...anyway, here is your present. I didnt have enough money to buy you a mirror, but I figured you had too many of those already, so here it is. *hands him a plushie of...Hotohori*
Dear Late,
Arigato! Hmmm... not a very good likeness... buty it is kawaii.
Dear Tasuki,
I am very afraid to inform you of this, but I must tell you: I become VERY TERRIFIED when I see your EVIL SMIRK!!! You are usually peaceful but every now and then you will SMIRK and it is very SCARY!! Please dont smirk, please dont smirk...!!!!!!!!!!! *eyes are watering, staring at Tasuki*
At least know I'm doin' it right!
Dear Tasuki,
I know it is a few days early but I want to wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! *slams CAKE into his face* Time to light the candles! (gets the tessen from Tasuki) LEKKA SHINEN!!! Whoops. *cake is a chip of ash* Sorry. Wait a minute though!! *Opens the door, revealing a present the size of a gym* Whoa, look at that humdinger. Heh! *Pulls shiny red ribbon, taking off the top of the present* Lets look inside..*inside is a GIANT VAT of SAKE!!!!* HOLY MONKS no da! Have fun wit that one, homey..
Dear Sanosuke,
Heh-heh-heh... *Pounds him into the ground and drinks all the sake himself.* Thanks loser!!
Dear Chiriko,
About how much (in US currency) is a gold ryou?
Dear Miho,
Probably quite a bit since it is made of gold and an antique form of money.
Dear Tasuki,
This is strictly hypothetical. Say if someone paid you a ZILLION gold ryou and imprisoned all the evil women in the world and locked off all the major bodies of water, would you star in a GOT MILK commercial? Even though you hate it..Heh heh!!!!!!!
Dear EVIL,
Dear Tasuki,
How heavy is your tessen? Is it light, or kind of a burden? Or is light to you, and heavy to everyone else?
Dear Curious,
When it was the halisen it was made of paper an' wood an' pretty light. When Taiitsu-kun changed it into a tessen (an iron war fan) it got heavier. But it ain't too bad.
Dear Hotohori,
I need your help on an issue that only you would know about (and perhaps Nuriko too). You see, I love to draw people from FY and color them, but I have difficulty in figuring out the precise color for your hair. Your hair is very beautiful, Hotohori-sama, but I need your help to tell me what colors (pencils, markers, Photoshop colors, etc.) to use to make my pics of you better! Arigatou.
Dear Kloot,
I really don't know what artistic implements you should use. The best answer I can give you is my hair is a dark chestnut brown. I hope that helps.
Dear Chichiri,
What is your mask made out of? Is it plastic, or is it a weird Oil-of-Olay cream-like stuff?
Dear Matt,
It is made of magic, no da.
Dear Mitsukake,
Mitsukake? Why're you so sad in that easter picture? I'm sure you could get someone to share all those Easter eggs with you.
Shrinemaiden Keisei
Dear Keisei,
I suppose I just wish Shouka was here.
Dear Chichiri,
Oh! Wai wai! Let's go*takes Chichiri by the arm and the two scamper off into the sunset, headed towards a good fishing pond* Luff ya! bai bai! ~_~
Dear C-chan,
Hai! Ikimasho, no da! (Let's go!)
Dear Chichiri,
Hi!!! Chichiri^_^ My sister Dooms Day told me to write to you *_* Well whats your favroite color?Whats your favroite soda^&^ I went fishing today I got one fish. ^.^ Chichiri! when you go fishing whets some things you got!$.@ Well by Chichiri!(love you)
Dear Deserae,
My favorite color is blue, no da. I don't really drink soda as I'm never in your world. But Chichiri no Aijin has brought the occasional Coca-Cola to the humble cyber abode and I have tried it and liked it. What do I catch when I go fishing, no da? Why dinner of course, no da!
Dear Nuriko,
*runs in laughing maniacally with a rag in her hand and hugs Nuriko* You wonderful, wonderful advice giver you! The turpentine didn't do a thing to the paint but it melted right through his plating. The CR chamber didn't do cr*p's-worth and Megatron's dead! Yippee! *hugs Nuriko again* I don't know what to do to thank you! This is fantastic! What can I do for you?
Dear Blackarachnia,
*Sweatrdrops* Oh my! I never meant for him to be killed! I'm sorry! By the way, Silverbolt stopped by and was looking for you.
Dear Hotohori,
*grabs his hat* I got the imperial bucket crown! I got the imperial bucket crown! *dances around Heika* You really should have kept bargaining to keep me off caffine too! *runs for her life with the hat of her dreams*
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
ITAI!! Considering my hair is rolled into a bun and secured with a pin that runs through the crown, not only did you pull my hair you ran off with nothing! GUARDS!!! After her!
Dear Tasuki,
Jeez! Complain complain complain! That's ALL they do in chat anyway!! It's always 'RnM stop this' or 'RnM stop that'! Honestly! ....i think I'm just gonna be like Suri-chan and be a watcher from now on.....i am just TOO sick to deal with all this right now.
Reikaku no Miko
Dear Reikaku no Miko,
I dunno. Ya' stop messin' wit' epople an' they'll stop complainin'. Seems simple to me.
Dear Hotohori,
With your duck shoes, can you walk on water?
Dear Cheeky,
No. But with my Seishi powers I can float above it.
Dear Tasuki,
what's wrong with pierced nipples? you have pierced ears.
Dear Saralady,
ACK!!!!!!!!! HENTAI!!!! SUKEBE!!!!! *Sweatdrops, turns blue and falls over...*
Dear Hotohori,
Thank you Hotohori-sama for the EXCELLENT script. All I must do now is memorize it. And now here's another thing. Should I tell my boyfriend about all this. Because I usually get all my problem advice from him and then you guys to get your opinion. But this time I haven't even mentioned it to him. Do you think I should? Or is it totally unecessary and would only create a conflict between the two of us? But thank you for the advice and I hope I have enough courage to tell him the next time I see him.
Lady Opinion
Dear Lady Opinion,
You're very welcome. As to telling your boyfrined abnout this... it depends on how upset he will be to hear it.
Dear Tasuki,
Your welcome! I hope you like the sake. Um even though you hate girls can I please have one hug and kiss from you? Please Tasuki. It would really make me happy I am having a really really bad day, I just found out my boyfriend was cheating on me and then he broke up with me and getting a hug and kiss from you would really make me feel better
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley,
Sure. WHy th' h*ll not! *Gives her a hug and a kiss on the cheek.*
Dear Nuriko,
does a guy i know really love me?
Dear trobled,
Gomen, I don't know. Only he knows how he feels.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
What do you think of Amiboshi?
Dear Shichimenchou,
He was the least offensive of all the Seiryuu Seishi.
Dear Tasuki,
Hi Tasuki-sama!! I've been sick, so I haven't been able to write. . . So anyway, how was your day? I had a pretty nice one! Let's see... a marraige proposal, some Ranma fanfics, I watched a Ranma video, I got out of school... ^^ Today was better than I remembered! But I am soooooo nervous... tomorrow they mail out the acceptance letters for the school I'm applying to. Eeek! Tasuki-sama! What if I don't get in? What if I do? Am I ruining my life? Have I salvaged what's left of me, or am I wasting away? Am I dying? >_< Oh, oh my... what am I saying? Sorry, I'm a little hyperactive. ^^;;; Maybe I'll calm down in a couple of days...
P.S. Your birthday is coming up, ne? So how old will you be?
Dear Moon,
A marriage proposal??? Didja' say yes??? How old are YOU? I'm gonna be 21.
Dear Tasuki,
I was just wondering why you hate women so much. I know you had sister problems and I can understand that 'cause I have three little brothers/brats myself and all of them beat on me 'cause I'm not allowed to beat back. *growls and shows her fangs* But that still shouldn't have made you hate all women, I don't automatically hate all guys. You really should give at least some girls a chance before judging all of us. We're not all sneaky and manipulative, in fact many of us are exactly the opposite. &$*#, some of us are even like you! *pulls out a couple of sake bottles and tosses them to him* Anyways, here's a present just in case you take this the wrong way! And no, I'm not going to challenge you to any kind of combat, I'd beat you! *smiles evilly* Just kidding!
Dear Kaosu-chan,
Heh-heh-heh... thanks fer th' sake!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
hey guys how ya been? well i was just wondering how long it takes for one ofyou to answer a question? (i know you guys are busy and all but just wondering) hey why can't we ask miaka a question? If you need someone to answer questions for he i would be glad to. ya see i don't got tomuch of a life so if you have any questions about me or need me to fill out any thing or you think it's not a good idea or you got some one allready just tell me when you respond. ok? well thanks for talking to me bye.
bunny of the moon
Dear bunny,
It depends on the question and whether or not we have to do any research on it. This peeji is just for Suzaku's Seishi and not his Miko. Gomen.
Dear Hotohori,
*-* it is such a privallge to bask in your beauty. No one, can *ever* compare to your beauty. May I please have a hug and kiss from you your majesty? It would be the greatest honor I could ever receive
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley,
Arigato for your kind words. *Gives her a hug and a kiss on the cheek.*
Dear Tasuki,
oh tasuki i'm sooo sorry about that picture. (the seishi of the week one) i think that you shouldn't get teased about it. it's mean to tease (my) tasuki about ANYTHING. (someone teases you, makes you mad, umm or anything you just tell me and i'll turn 'em to moon dust. ok?) (not that you can't handle it but it would make me feel better to help.) umm hey i hope you read my letter and thought about the "i hate women" thing. i mean there REALLY ARE *some* nice girls out there even if you don't think that *i'm* nice which i don't know for sure but i was PRETTY weird that day. hey did you ever think that you should hate all *sisters* and not all Women. (hey i know that *still* rules a *lot* of us girls out but gives others a try at ya.) well any way i hope you aren't mad about that kiss like i said i was actting *really* weird that day so if i could just get a smile this time . maybe even a little fanged grin (man those are my favorite smiles you got)? please? well i got to book it see ya later. love ya.
bunny of the moon
Dear bunny,
'Che, women! Yewr alla pain! *Fanged grin*
Dear Chiriko,
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAPPY (LATE) BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!! Here is your B-day preasent! *Gives him 15 100,000,000,000,000,000 page novels* Enjoy!
Dear Kimika,
Arigato! These should last me a long time!
Dear Nuriko,
Konnichi wa Nuriko-sama!! Just dropped by to say a warm hello to u and the others~ just seeing if all u seishi are behavioring ... probably Tasuki isn't but thats okie dokie for him ... Guess wut? I work in a bakery now ... it's a real good bakery name too that is famous ... its fun to work but not fun to wake up at 4:30 AM in the morning just to get to work at 6AM cuz its a 20 minute drive ... but its fun cuz I have all the food and drink I can enjoy while working ... of course the register just gives me heck while I try to figure out which donut is which and what bread is what ... course today I spilled hot coffee all over my left hand and cut myself running to get the phone and bumping my knee on the side ... aint I graceful?? but I have fun oh yea ... *reaches into bag and pulls out some fresh donuts* here donuts for everyone!! I'm not sure what kind u wanted so I got whatever !! or here's mah question then ... wut kind of donut do all u seishi like and wut do u like to drink with ur donut??? oks later for now *hugs goodbye*
Arigato! We aren't terribly picky about our doughnuts. WE like plain, unglazed cake, Boston Cream, Apple Fritters, and pretty much any kind you can come up with! Most of us will drink, tea, coffee, water, or milk with them. Except for Tasuki, he likes sake.
Dear Hotohori,
EEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so Hyp!!!!!!!!!! By the way HAPPY (LATE) BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *gives him a beutiful mirorr* And give this to Nuriko *hands lots of hair pins* I got something else for you*gives him a kiss* Bye!!!!!!!!!
Dear Kimika,
I shall. Arigato from me and Nuriko!
Dear Nuriko,
Hi! I need a hug today! O.k so i love my sister very much but it seems like we can't be together without her friends around and they HATE me. I want to spend time with her but I'm not "up to date with them". What should I do? Just for info she is 15. Bye the way HAPPY (LATE) BIRTHDAY!
Dear Kimika,
How old are you? Arigato! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Chichiri,
What was your fiances name? i Can't remember and I want to know!
Dear Neneko-chan,
SOmeone else already beat you to that question, no da! Check further down this peeji, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
*looks around, sees Nuriko, comes over and bows politely* Forgive me, good madam, but you wouldn't happen to have seen a Black Widow Spider in the vicinity by any chance? I'm looking for her and she has proved rather elusive foe the entirety of the morning.
Dear Silverbolt,
Foe?? That's funny, she was saying she was in love with you! Either way, she went that way... *Points to the left.*
Dear Tasuki,
Remember me? I'm Sung Teytsu, your mother's best friend from the farm down the road. And I have a bit of advice for you, little Shun'u. CALL YOUR MOTHER!!!! She has been worried sick since you left the farm (again!!) The poor dear is wasting away wondering what had happened to you, she's just a shade of her former glorious self! Don't you care about the woman who gave you your very LIFE?? I don't think it's too much to ask that you call her, or pay her a short visit. Even a postcard with "Dear Mom, Don't worry, I'm ok. I'm out saving the Empire" would help to ease her mind! It was bad enough that we found out you went to join some low-life bandits, but now you're going around calling yourself a 'Seishi Warrior' and using the name 'Tasuki'. What kind of name is that? Too good to use your own family name now? Well, if you're such a hot shot hoity-toity hero, you'd better pay your mother some respect! She probably thinks you've been kidnapped by perverts and forced to work as a gigilo in some sleezy nightclub somewhere. So call her, all right???? Oh by the way, is it possible you could get me the Emperor's autograph?
Sung Teytsu, your momma's friend, remember?
Dear Sung Teytsu,
No, I don't remember ya'. An' I ain't gettin' ya' no autograph either!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Um, I was just looking at this page that I downloaded some songs off of (or was going to, I don't know if I want to take up any more space on my harddrive. Not that you guys aren't worth it, but full songs take up a few megabites each, and the bytes add up!) I was just wondering, I know that THTC means it's done by Tamahome, Hotohori, Tasuki and Chichiri, but it said next to some songs "The S.h.e" What does that stand for?
Sakura, (do you guys remember me? I was here last with Lady Kei)
Dear Sakura,
Of course we remember you! The S.H.E. is just a name of a group and has no meaning. Gomen.
Dear Nuriko,
You're sooo pretty!!!!! ...sorry, i always wanted to say that.
Dear monica_no_miko,
Awww, how sweet! Arigato! Tee-hee...
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