Dear Chichiri,
I'm just a bit curious, what exactly do you do as a monk and does it pay well? (not that I'm considering such a career move myself, I'm just curious...(ie nosy!) What sort of benifits package does it include?
Nosy In New Jersey
Dear Nosy,
I wander the countryside, no da. There is no pay and no benefits package, no da. Gomen.
Dear Hotohori,
Um..Mr.Emperor sir..I am a big fan of yours.. please say hello to Boushin for me..
Dear monica_no_miko,
I shall. Arigato.
Dear Tasuki,
Hey Tasuki! I KNOW you told the truth about what you feel about Miaka...hmmm...I'm watching you...heehee..anyway, you're so cool! Do you like Taka or Tamahome..nah, I don't need to ask that, it's Tamahome!!! HAHA
i_hate _you_taka_but_i_love_you_thtc!!!
Dear Strange person,
Taka an' Tamahome are th' same person.
Dear Chichiri,
Hello! If this is mean, I'm sorry, but what's the name of your *gulp* fianceč? and I just love how you say no da cos its sooo kawaii!
Dear monica_no_miko,
Her name was Kouran, no da.
Dear Chiriko,
What does the word "Sumimasen" (That's how it sounds) mean? I've heard it in anime before, and I think it means "I'm sorry" but that's Gomen nasai, right?
Confused with Japanese
Dear Confused,
Sumimasen does mean "I'm sorry" but in more of an "Excuse me" sort of way.
Dear Tasuki,
Wonderful? Well maybe...Charming? H*ll no! ^_~ ::hands him some sake:: Just be a little more open-minded...or I'm gonna kick your ::glances at tessen:: nevermind... Gimme hug, ne?
Guess who ^_~
Dear Guess who,
Ya' insult me AN' ya' wanna hug?!?!?! Sheesh!!
Dear Chiriko,
Heya Chibiko ^_^ Do you mind if I take over the webmaster duties for this week? Because I want to create a special birthday shrine for my Hotohori.
Dear Nuriko,
There are plenty of shrines to Hotohori-sama. Besides, you don't know HTML Nuriko-san! Gomen.
Dear Hotohori,
Hotohori-sama! You don't seem to be getting too much mail these days! Tasuki and Chichiri are hogging all the fans again, huh? We'll you're still the most beautiful of them all! *gives Hotohori-sama a kiss on the cheek* I hope that's not breaching proper court decorum, Heika! ^_^; So what's up with Boushin these days? How old is the little cutie now?
Chibi Pixie
Dear Chibi Pixie,
Arigato! Boushin is 4 years old now.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Which of the seishi are you each closest to?
Chibi Pixie
Dear Chibi Pixie,
Tamahome: Tasuki
Tasuki: Chichiri
Chichiri: Mitsukake, no da
Hotohori: Nuriko
Nuriko: Hotohori
Chiriko: Tasuki
Mitsukake: Chichiri
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Chichiri,
Heya Chichiri-chan...when did you start using your "no-da"s? Did you always have that habit as a child? Also, if Tenmei was a nickname for Kouran, what does it mean? Did she really look like that girl you transformed into in the cross-dressing part of the manga?
Rei Hino
Dear Rei,
I have always spoken this way, no da. I don't think the name of Tenmei has a particular meaning and no, she didn't look like that, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Come on i know you want a gf!!
Dear Renee,
Dear Tasuki,
*bounces in all happy and stuff* TASUKI-SAMA!! TASUKI-SAMA!!!!!!!!!! *Hug kiss!* I FINISHED THE NEW SPHERE - THINGY!! I'M SO HAPPY!! Just the main page itself took about 7 hours!! Wanna' take a look? *big puppy eyes* PLEASE!?!??!?! *HUGGGGGGZZZ!!!!!!*
Dear Kaori,
It's cool, but ya' gotta somethin' 'bout th' annoyin' Yahoo screen that comes up in th' middle of yer peeji!
Dear Chichiri,
*purple light appears near Chichiri's head, brown-headed girl falls out and lands on the head of the monk* Ow....I've gotta work on that landing. Eh? Oh--konnichiwa, Chichiri-chan*hugs him, pets his new kitty* Kawaii! Hey, Chichiri-chan, do you want to go fishing with me? It ought to be fun! I've got something to show you*pulls out a kasa* I found it at my Grandma's house! I'll return it to her soon, but I thought that if you agreed to go fishing with me, I might as well wear it! *hugs him again* May I have a kiss on the cheek, please Chichiri-chan? Well, bai bai!
C-chan ~_~.
Dear C-chan,
Ok, no da. Let's go fishing, no da! *Gives her a kiss on the cheek.*
Dear Chichiri,
I know your hair is blue in the anime. But what color is it in the manga. Arigatou!
Dear me,
In the manga it is described as the color of the wind and in the manga drawings it is portrayed as blondish, no da.
Dear Chiriko,
hey Chiriko i have a question for you. Which came first the chicken or the egg? MUHAHAHAHAHA!! Gomen for the evil laugh.
me gusta pollo
Dear me gusta pollo,
Actually the single-celled organism came before either of them.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
If you could get rid of just one Seiryuu seishi besides Nakago, who would it be?
Dear Rin,
It was a toss-up between Suboshi an' Miboshi.
Dear Tamahome,
Itoshi....I was wondering what you would like to call our future child, if it happens to be a boy, and what if it happens to be a girl? By the way, you should realy get Chiriko to put a "Ask Suzaku No Miko" section up too! Humph! I know Yui-chan would love to have a "Ask Seiryuu No Miko" up on the Seiryuu page.
Dear Miaka,
Gomen darling but this peeji is going to remain a Suzaku Seishi only peeji. Perhaps you can start one of your own? I really haven't thought about baby names. Why? Are you trying to tell me something?
Dear Mitsukake,
Well.......*blushes*.........I hardly know where to start! My friend Rei persuaded me to write you this message on my laptop, since she's gone and written a similar message to your friend Tasuki. *sweatdrop* I was wondering......since we both seem to have common interests, you liking to heal people, and I aspiring to become a doctor....*stutter*....I was wondering if we could meet up some time for coffee and talk? *blushes*
Ami (Sailor Mercury)
Dear Ami,
Certainly. I would be interested in discussing medicine with you.
Dear Tasuki,
Would you be interesting in going out for a night on the town, chugging on sake together? C'mon Gen-chan, you can abandon your post for one night, right? Plus, i think we'd actually have a great time! You see, I happen to be a Sailor Senshi, one who controls the element of fire! I am also a bit hot-headed like you are, but much more tame on the foul language. ^_^ So what do you say Tasuki? I think we'd get along quite well!
Rei Hino (Sailor Mars)
Dear Rei,
I s'ppose. Long as ya' don't turn into no crazed hentai fan chick!
Dear Tamahome,
You look a lot like me. In fact, our girlfriends even act alike, and have the same hairstyle. *shudders* This is just too weird for me...
Tuxedo Kamen
Dear Tuxedo Kamen,
Honto ni??? Hen desu yo!
Dear Hotohori,
Did you ever know that Nuriko had feelings for you? You seem to always be oblivious to the fact, even though Nuriko-chan can be *very* blatantly obvious!! ^_^
Dear Rydia,
He did??? *Blushes and sweatdrops*
Dear Chichiri,
I've been doing some thinking. (Taking a break from all the brain-drain of finals coming up. ^_^) I think that the reason why Hikou's evil magic influenced Tasuki to try to take Miaka away from Tamahome, was to have revenge on you for being the one that Kouran loved. Maybe revenge isn't quite the right word, but it sort of fits, don't you think? To make one of the Seishi suffer the same way he suffered. I feel rather sorry for him though, it must be tough to suffer through unrequited love. Do you *want* to get married some day, Chichiri? Or are you content with the life of a wandering monk?
Chibi Pixie
Dear Chibi Pixie,
You are probably right, no da. Right now, I am content to be a wandering monk. In the future, who knows, no da?
Dear Tasuki,
Were you ever in love with Rei Rei? I think you two would've made a great couple. ^_^
Rei-Rei's reincarnation
Dear Rei-Rei's reincarnation,
I dunno... mebbe...
Dear Nuriko,
Why aren't you a member of THTC (besides the name thingy). It could be called the NHTC! (Tama just sucks.) I think you sing good enough to be able to take on Tamahome in a karaoke contest anyday!!
Winamp No Miko
Dear Winamp No Miko,
I prefer to be a soloist.
Dear Nuriko,
NURIKO-SAMA!! It's been so long!! *hugs* Did you miss me? Huh? Huh? Did you taste Quatre's cake? ^_^;; Anyway, I wanted to say hi!! And I wanted to ask wish me luck...Prom is this Saturday...>.< WAAH!! *fears prom* It's gonna be kowai...I'm going cause my friend made me. *fears her friend* ^_^;; J/k! Anyway...I got my dress! Now I just need hair and make up and tada!! ^_^; I got a green Chinese style dress! ^_^; In case you wondered...^_^;; Anyway, I must be on my way now...I've been slacking on my chores!
Dear Inori,
Have fun at prom! A green dress!!! Why not a purple one??? Tee-hee...
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
This is actually for Tamahome and Heika-san. How could i persuade the guys in my class to rent tuxes for grad? On of em's planning to come in this old "Jeckle and Hyde" jacket that he wore to halloween one year!!!!!!!!! I want them to look as good as you guys!!!!!! I would like an answer from both of you please. Or else I might just send a couple Nyan Nyans to visit you.
Shrinemaiden Keisei
Dear Keisei,
Renting tuxedoes can be expensive! Perhaps you can talk them into wearing a nice suit or sportscoat instead. Tamahome is correct. Good luck!
Tamahome and Hotohori
Dear Nuriko,
What's a better color for someone with dark brown hair and blue eyes to wear (as in a grad dress), maroony purple or pearly pink? How should I do my hair? It's kinda like Yui's, only longer and (since I'm growing it out) a bit shaggy if I don't use gel. o ya think that since I'm graduating in the millenium I should weare blue and silver makeup? I want you guys to come sooooooooo bad!!!!!! You sure you can't come to our world? You did it rather well near the end of the series!!!!!! Should I wear flats or heels? Shoes or sandels? Would a shawl or scarf look elegant? (I don't wanna wear gloves because no one else is going to and I don't wanna look like a snob) I beg fro your fashion advice!!!!
Shrienmaiden Keisei
Dear Keisei,
I like pink with a nice scarf and shoes with heels. You could wear you hair down and have your stylist do something nice with it or put pretty combs or barettes in it. Toned down makeup for a natural look and a pretty scarf to complete your graduation look. I wish we could be there, too!
Dear Tasuki,
hey sweetie i'm back well like i was saying you really shouldn't say you don't like women cause it's just wrong and well do you want to be like nuriko i think not (no offence nuriko you are totally cool and all but think about it tasuki gay those two words just don't mix sorry but true you on the other hand it well it's just a part of you and yeah well back to tasuki) i mean you are just to cool to HATE me i mean what did *i* do wrong *sobs* i mean you say you hate girls and i'm a girl and you *hate* me but i didn't do nothin' how can you just say that not think about all the hundreds of girls who love you(who by the way are all $!^*&ing %#@!$ cause you are mine if any of them.) i mean i'm a realitively nice girl except when i go on a rampage about a guy who thinks girls are the plague of the earth. *sobs* *cries* *thinks to herself* 'he hates me he probably thinks i'm the biggest baby but i love him i do i mean once i saw *him* i droped my obsesion with tama-chan of a 68 story building. (no offence tama-babe you come in a close second but tasuki is my one and only) i mean i absolutly went crazy when i found out what he did to miaka in the ova's first because that's horibble then cause he was under a spell and then cause he really does like her i mean where does that leave me *sobs* i love him more than she ever could i would have printed out that life size picture of him but my mom saw how much ink it was taking up and made me stop at his hair man i love his hair the least she could have done was let me get to his fangs. i love those fangs but no he doesn't like girls *sobs* it's not fair.' IT'S NOT FAIR OH WHO CARE HE DOESN'T! WELL OH WELL I'M DOING THIS ANY WAY! *grabs tasuki through the computer and gives him a big kiss on the mouth* *5 minutes later she pushes him back into the computer screan.* there that's much beter well i hope you aren't to mad at me. i got to book it but i really could talk about this all day but got to get to my next class. see ya. bye sexy.
bunny of the moon
Dear bunny of the moon,
An' THIS is why ya' girls drive me nuts!! *Fanged grin*
Dear Chichiri,
*sighs* I have been accepted to two other dance schools already but to me its like... well... Pretend you're in grade eleven and have been with your friends since kindergarten... you'd want to graduate with them, ne? Well it's like that, I've been an Islander for ten years... I don't want to dragged off to some other dance school now. I want to finish with my friends. I met some of my best friends there... and most of them I will never see again without dance. We live scattered all over the province. I myself drive an hour just to get to practice. As much as I dispise Mary... I'd miss my friends, not to mention the dances I worked so hard to learn so that I'd be ready for this years summer tour... I couldn't handle having to go to some other school with all new dances, people, methods... I'm all for change but ten years is a long time having the same habits... *Sighs* You're probably right though... I should just get on with my life... I just wish I hadn't planned be a student dance instructor for Mary next year... oh well... thank you for listening. You've been a great help. *Returns to silently polishing her dance shoes* Whoops! Sorry, force of habit... *Dives into her file cabinet and disappears*
Dear Suriel,
I understand and perhaps you can make your mom understand too, no da. Good luck!
Dear Tasuki,
*-* Oh my's really you...your here and I am here and itgs you. <3_<3 Tasuki I just have to say that you are the greatest guy ever! :Flames everyone with her Tensen she made just to be like Tasuki: STOP BEING HENTAI! NO MORE KOUJI QUESTIONS! TASUKI IS NOT HENTAI!!!!! :calms down and turns back to Tasuki: anyway even though you hate women *sniffs* I just wanted to say that I love you Tasuki, your the greatest. :hands him a megaton of sake: please expect my offering of Sake. :kisses his cheek:
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley Chan,
Arigato! An' arigato fer th' sake!
Dear Tasuki,
hey you have absolutely no $#$^ing right to hate girls i mean there are a lot of nice girls like me hey i am nice im just really mad right now i mean i know you hate your sisters or that's your reason or what ever but hey say you hate sisters instead ok well i got to go to class see ya and i'm no longer mad at you who could be mad at you for very long and your fangs are soooooooooooo cute see ya. bye
bunny of the moon
Dear bunny,
Hmph! Mebbe now I should jus' hate whoever!
Dear Tasuki,
I really don't know who you are. But my friend love's, and I mean love's, every thin about anything that has to do with you guy's, and girls. But i figured you wouldn't mind if i came in to say hi to you, and ask, DO YOU REALLY HAVE FANG'S?!!!!
Dear AlleyKat,
Yes, I do.
Dear Tasuki,
Ello Tasu-chan, this is yur faithful servant Inuchan here! ^_^ I got bad news actually. *sniff* I might not be able to send ya any letters for a few weeks... I got 5 F's on my report card. Now I'm gonna be banned from the comp. My site is gonna DIE. Oh well. My fault anyway. I deserve it! But I'm gonna miss ya a lot! Well, smile and bear it I guess. ^_^ Ja ne then.
Dear Inuchan,
Yes, ya' do!! Now get to studyin'!!
Dear Chiriko,
Konnichiwa Chiriko-chan! I'm havin' loads o trouble in my classes. I got FIVE F's!!! I suppose I don't try hard enough. >_< I always try really hard at the beginin' o the school year, but then, boom! my resolution breaks near the middle. >_< I'm gettin' soft! I should jus' do the work an' not complain, yet here I am.. grrrr... I don't wanna do it. But I gotta! *smacks self on head* Ja ne then. I need ta do my work now. *leaves with #2 pencils*
Dear Inuchan,
Oh my!!! You really need to study more and be on the Web less! Perhaps your parents can get you a tutor. Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Nuriko,
*sighs* Hmmmm. That'll probably have to be it then. Maybe I could eat before I see him or something and then I won't be hungry, but I hate doing things on a full stomach....*sigh* Well, maybe I have something you CAN help me with. How do you get back on your bosses's good side after you painted him in mulitcoloured Polka dots with indelible spray-paint for April Fools Day? (in case it helps you to know, my boss would be this nasty T-Rex transformer with a mean streak a mile wide....) He's sort of not talking to any of us anymore outside of giving orders cause we refused to tell him who to blame.(AKA. it was a group effort and he'd kill all of us) He's not the type that understands (or has the patience for) apologies. Any advice? Or should we just pin it on the Maximals and get it over with?
Dear Blackarachnia,
Dear Chiriko,
in-love-with-ya wake in her hair shourt(my hair was down to my shoulders) Dose this make you feel beter? becuase i feel beter like this!!!
in-love-with ya
Dear in-love-with ya,
Not really, but if you like it then I'm sure it looks good.
Dear Nuriko,
HHHHEEEEELLLLLLLLOOOOO I was told to tell you this joke: what do you call a Male ladybug?? NURIKO!!!!!!=)-.o *falls over laughing*
Dear loving-Tasuki,
Funny... NOT!!!!!!!!!!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I'm a bad person.=( i have thi friend we'll call her,E-chan and she likes this guy we'll call him L-chan. the problem is i don't like L-chan I LOVE him but when I try to tell her how i feel she just starts to go on and on about how she likes him too. now when i see L-chan i can't help but think of E-changoing on and on about how she feels when i need to tell her how i feel, and she's the only one i troust. i thought it might pass but when i talk to E-chan i feel like hitting her up side the head. i'm a bad friend. Idon't know what to do.
Dear A-bad-bad-friend,
Yer not a bad friend! But ya' do need to tell her how ya' feel. By the way, how does L-chan feel about th' two of ya'? Ever think of that??
Dear Tasuki,
you make a cut Bunny rabit. -.o
the cross dresser from a galaxy far far away
Dear cross dresser,
Yer NOT funny!!!!!!!!
Dear Tasuki,
so tasuki: what's with you and koji? eh? heheheh
eriko abe
Dear eriko abe,
Stupid *(^%$#@+ hentai questions!!!!!!! Can't ya' read????? We're jus' friends!!! 'Che!
Dear Tamahome,
tama chan... why were you crying in the part when yui drugged you with the pill and u became bad... and miaka was saying bye to you - you were drugged after all, weren't you?
Dear yakult,
Because my love for Miaka is stronger than any drug.
Dear Hotohori,
hotohori sama: i think u look best wearing that bucket thing (the crown). why don't you wear it all the time?
miyuki chan
Dear miyuki chan,
I prefer my hair down. But thank you for your kind words.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
So if I HAD been planning to ruin this person's internet existance it would be something I shouldn't do? ... Suppose I already started? All hypothetical... really.
Dear One-chan,
Then stop, no da! It could be bad karma, no da!
Dear Hotohori,
I'm back Hotohori-sama! And with a _NEW_ problem!! Like I have mentioned in my previous letters, I have a boyfriend, who does not attend the same high school as I. This is a conflict because I don't think my entire school should know, that would be problem is that this specific guy doesn't know I have a boyfriend. For the past few weeks, every time he sees me, he hugs me. My best friend Lady Fox and I were thoroughly suprised when he did and continues to do so. Well, now I am beginning to think that he wants more than this friendship and his hugging me was the first step to getting what he wants, i.e. me. (I hope I don't sound totally self-involved when I said that...). Anyway, now I am terribly uncomfortable hugging him or just when he hugs me (cause my arms are conveniently busy holding something else). Lady Fox and I have agreed that I need to tell him since it is obvious to everyone but him. I had a chance to tell him this morning, but I chickened out. I don't want to hurt his feelings or shine him off completely because I like having him as a friend, and nothing more than that. My friend has been helping me prompt a script in my head for when the moment truely occurs. It goes like this....
'Vader, I just wanted to let you know that I have a boyfriend right now and when we hug it makes me terribly uncomfortable. (blah blah blah.' Does that sound like something I should say? I _REALLY_ don't want to say the wrong thing and hurt his feelings. Please help. And if it couldn't hurt, could you or one of the other seishi (er...maybe not tasuki) come along with me for moral support (and pushing), this little chicken would really appreciate it.
Lady Opinion
Dear Lady Opinion,
How does this sound? "Vader, I just want you to know I have a boyfriend and since I value your friendshipI don't want to hurt you or lead you on. But you need to know that while the hugging thing is sweet, I do feel uncomfortable because I do have a boyfriend. I hope you understand and that we can still be friends." Nuriko Aand I weill be rooting for you.
Dear Hotohori,
What would you do if someone STOLE your little crown-thingie?
The Mysterious Play-er
Dear The Mysterious Play-er,
I would have the Imperial Guard hunt them down and retrieve it.
Dear Tasuki,
Not that you would care or anything, but something interesting happened in my Spanish class...Well, we had to make menus, and I made one for La Parrilla de Tasuki, or Tasukis Grill! Heh heh! Anywho, I heard your grill got AWESOME reviews, and the roast beef is muy sabroso. You can get it rare (you dont like that), medium (light tessen use), or well done (Lekka shinen)! Arigatou for being there to be my fang-boy CHEF!! *runs away SCREAMING* AHAHAHAHAHAAH!
Crazy Kloot
Dear Crazy Kloot,
Heh-heh-heh... cute. Thanks!
Dear Nuriko,
What kind of guys interest you?
Dear Kloot,
Dear Chichiri,
This is a question that has been bugging me lately, Chichiri-san..what is it LIKE inside your kasa? Is it like a netherworld, or is it really black inside, or is it like the inside of the genie bottle like on the show I Dream of Jeannie? You know, like fancy pillows and gold junk lying around..*mumbles on and on about what could be inside*. Anyway, I would really like to know, no da.
Dear Kloot,
There are little pocket worlds such as where the humble cyber abode is and there are gateways to many places, no da.
Dear Hotohori,
Gomen if this is rude, Hotohori-sama, do you fit all your hair into It seems as if it would burst!
Dear Matt,
I do it quite well. Don't you think?
Dear Tasuki,
Gen-chan T_T ya hate me T_T *hugs Gen-chan 'n' sobs* ya didn't answer to my mail... am very disappointed with ya!! Luvely Fang-Boy doesn't like Hieisan!!! I even gave Tama-chan a bottle of sake for ya!! *sniffle* and ya ignore me ...koko ni mecha samui ne? atashi wo dakishimete kudasai yo? atashi ga kirakunai ne? atashi wo aishiteimasu ka? atashi to osake o nomanaide? ONEGAAAAAAAAAAAI!!!! ^_^
Dear Hieisan,
I'll drink th' sake wit' ya', but I don't hate ya'!!
Dear Tamahome,
Guess who? Special wasn't tha word I was thinking of... I was thinking more about... her as tha person you would spend your life with ^_^ Isn't she adorable ^_^ At first I didn't like tha idea of her being always by your side but I've realised that you two are tha purrfect couple!!! By tha way tell my Darling Tasuki I still keep tha bet going!! Anyway I'm gonna get him!!! He'll marry me soon or later!!! ^_^ Give him tis bottle of sake^_^ as a present from me^_^ )----( ( SAKE ) -------- He'll luv it I know him ^_^ Hugs to all!! here you go another bag full of Ryou ^_^ take care of Miaka-chan (dunno why I say this 'coz I'm sure you will)
Dear Tasuki-no-betting-gal,
Arigato! I'll give the sake to Tasuki.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
HI! I'd like to know whats ya'll fav.color and hobbies^.~
Doom Day
Dear Doom Day,
Ya' might try usin' th' search engine on th' archives peeji.
Dear Chichiri,
HI! My sister have a cruch on you and will not tell you because she think she will get recjected~.~ can you hug her for me?
Doom Day
Dear Doom Day,
If she writes to me, I will, no da.
Dear Tamahome,
Konnichiwa, Tamahome-san! I've got a question, is the cup a)half-full, b) half-empty, c)overflowing, or d)empty. I say it's empty, 'cause I drank it all! Sayonara!
P.S.- Can I have a hug?
Dear Rabbit,
Ano... sure... *hugs her*
Dear Tasuki,
Hey! Don't yell at CnA, she might take it down! *slaps some duct tape across your mouth* While I find it a bit disturbing, I'm also jealous...Mulan-chan beat me to it. *sighs* Oh well, I still have that Zelgabunny picture to scan in. And don't think you have been forgotten! Oh no...May Day is coming of the faeries. ^___^
Dear Katsumi,
I ain't dancin' wit' faeries! Zelgabunny??? CnA-san wants to see that one!!!!
Dear Tasuki,
Hey! I hit everyone with my scythe and you don't see them breaking it! And I don't even hit them hard enough to hurt! What about when you flamed Tamahome all those times? You didn't see him breaking your dumb fan! *grumbles*...and Inuchan wonders why I tortured that plushie...
Reikaku no Miko
Dear Reikaku no Miko,
Tamahome is a Seishi an' can take it!! Anyway, ya' had people in chat complainin' so I defended them! Sheesh!!
Dear Chiriko,
Chiriko-dono, Just what exactly do you look for in a girl? And why don't you have a girlfriend? I mean you're nice and all! why not? just need to know! *hands Chiriko a book called '' The Runaway Jury'' by John Grisham and then kisses him on the cheek and forehead* Hope you enjoy! see ya! Arigato! Sayonara! KAWAII!!!
Dear Kumiko,
Ariagto for the book! I don't know as I haven't really started looking.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*sits on the ground with several empty bandaidboxes, a mac and cheeses box, and a jello box scattered everywhere* Why am I so BAAAKA? I can't cook. I can't WALKwithout falling over. Bandaid should make me CEO. And...WHO THE H*LL BURNS JELLO?!
Kelli, a very depressed CnA#2
Dear Kelli,
Awwwwww... gomen! We're ya' cookin' again? *Fanged grin*
Tasuki-kun, don't be mean, no da! *Gives her a hug and a kiss.*
Tasuki and Chichiri
Dear Nuriko,
Say Nuriko-chan, you mentioned to Miaka that you had outgrown your cross-dressing phase, and that you had developed a "new half" right? How come then your commentary still sounds like your female "half" talking? I don't mean to sound offensive though! Cuz I happen to think that you are the most caring, sweetest, self-sacrificing seishi among the seven. You are extremely lovable too! I cried buckets of tears when you died. ;_;
Chibi Pixie
Dear Chibi Pixie,
My voice is my voice... gomen...
Dear Chiriko,
Chirikoooooo!! <---imitates Tasuki Quick! What Romantic poet was famous for this quote: "Heard melodies are sweet, but those unheard are sweeter."
Cheery ko
Dear Cheery ko,
Hmmm... I'm not certain... Is it either Byron or Shelley?
Dear Chichiri,
I think you are an AMAZING singer, Chichiri-san! You have the most emotional, powerful yet versatile voice ever! I LOVE your solo in the THTC song! *grows weak in the knees from the sound of Chichiri's voice*
Chibi Pixie
Dear Chibi Pixie,
Arigato, no da!
Dear Chiriko,
Porom: Hi Chiriko! My name is Porom, and this is my twin brother Palom! We are fledgling learners of the Japanese language. (heh, basically everything we know about Japanese we learned from watching anime ^_^) But we were wondering, what does "Ganbatte kudasai" mean? You seem to use it lots in your responses! Palom: Hey dude! You look EXACTLY like me and my twin sis! You could be our third triplet! Porom: We are mages from a far-away town called Mysidia. Perhaps you've heard of it? Palom: HEY! Even your hair-style's the same as ours! Porom: *bonks Palom on the head with her staff* Enough of that Palom... Arigato Chiriko, and sayonara!
Palom & Porom
Dear Palom & Porom,
"Ganbatte kudasai" means "do your best!" It's sort of like saying good luck.
Dear Tasuki,
Why the *^#$ does everyone keep asking about you and YUI??? To me, that's just plain disgusting and utterly nasty. Where did this hideous idea come from anyways? (You are WAY TOO FINE for a b%$ like her!)
Dear Silverlining,
I wouldn't call her THAT! But people can be strange.
Dear Chiriko,
Ahhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!! Chiriko-chan!!!!!!!!! I am suffering MASSIVELY from exam stress! It's finals for me now, and I'm getting VERY VERY frightened about my biochem final!!! Do you have any tips and tricks for better memorization?
Dear Kagome,
Study a little each night for say... an hour or two, then take a break for 20 minutes and come back and review what you just studied.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
First of all, I'd just like to say that I think you guys are the sweetest/coolest/wittiest/most inspirational group of anime bishonen ever!! I even got some of my guy friends to like you!! (Well they all like Chichiri, anyways ^_^) I think Miaka is extremely lucky to have you guys as her friends and confidantes. Secondly, I have a few questions to ask you guys!!
1) How on earth did you guys manage to get a computer in the Shi Jin Ten Chi Sho? And where did you find the electricity to run it? (Gomen, I'm not trying to be difficult, I'm just curious as to how Chiriko managed to pull this one off!)
2) Tamahome: I hope this isn't too personal, but how come you were so cheerful the day after your family died?
3) Hotohori: Do you find yourself even more beautiful than your wife? How about more beautiful than Miaka? ^_^
4) Nuriko: Describe your *ideal* dream girl!! And also, if Korin hadn't died, would you have still cross-dressed?
5) Chichiri: If you could bring either Hikou or Kouran back to life, who would it be? Did you ever try to look for their reincarnations? I think you of all the seishi truly deserve some happiness and love in your life, to atone for all the hardship you've gone through.
6) Tasuki: Are you a virgin? (don't hit me!) It's just that I've heard certain rumours as to you and Kouji's habits of frequenting brothels!! And I'd just like to say that I think you have enough charm and good looks to snag any girl, you don't need to look in places like that! *sighs with relief, as she dodges Tasuki's flying fists*
7) Mitsukake: Were you always a "strong and silent" type, or was it a result of Shoka-san's death? Thank you for answering, and GOMEN if I ask to many questions!! *a hug to all, and a special kiss to Chichiri!*
Chibi Pixie
Dear Chibi Pixie,
Here are all your answers:
1: Our humble cyber abode is run by Chichiri no Aijin and it resides in a pocket of Chichiri's kasa space so we are in effect between worlds. Not really in one or the other.
2: I was trying to appear cheerful for Miaka's sake so she wouldn't worry.
3: My wife is as beautiful as I am. Although Miaka is cute, she isn't as beautiful as Houki or I.
4: I don't know what my ideal dream girl would be like. If Kourin had lived I would not have cross-dressed.
5: I don't know, no da. No, I haven't. Arigato, no da!
6: OI! That's personal!!!!
7: I suppose it is a result of Shouka's passing.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Chichiri,
Can an anime character come to reality? Just asking
Cham Cham
Dear Cham Cham,
No, no da!
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