Dear Nuriko,
Nuriko-dono! *cries and hugs Nuriko* WHY NURIKO! WHY??? Why'd ya have to go kiss Tamahome-san like that the very first time you saw him!? (you remember? when you saved them from the pillars that fell on them I think that was... the third episode!) WHY? I would have understood if you did that with Hotohori-sama-(i don't know why) BUT WHY Tamahome??? I don't like him very much... *Hugs Nuriko even tighter than before* NURIKO-SAMA!!! is that the last time you'll ever do it again???
My Life Is Shattered
Dear Shattered,
Gomen!!! I did it to upset Miaka!
Dear Hotohori,
Dear Tasuki,
Luv the teeth! But hey when are ya going to get a girlfriend, honestly. Your cute you could easily get someone!
Dear deedee45,
Thanks, but I don't want a girlfriend!
Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki, I hope I'm not bringing up any sad memories when I ask this. In a few of your letters, you talked about a girl named Rei Rei, who is she? Was she your girlfriend?
Shrinemaiden Keisei
Dear Keisei,
She was a close friend.
Dear Chichiri,
Your Sooo cool! I still can't beleive your 24 you look so young. Oh well I don't care your still cute!
P.S. Ummm can I.....uh have a hug?
Dear 2COOL,
Arigato, no da! *Hugs her*
Dear Nuriko,
So Chichiri only wants friends huh? Well you're wrong Nuri-chan! Seriously wrong! Now I know why he didn't like me! He loves Kelli! He just claimed her as his Aisai in one of his letter! Why'd you lie to me Nuriko?
Shrinemaiden Keisei
Dear Keisei,
I didn't lie to you. It was the truth at the time. Besides, he also loves WMC, CnA and all of his fans. So don't feel bad.
Dear Tasuki,
*giggles* OOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! You haven't seen the seishi of the week pic yet, have you Tasuki? Take a look at it, and you'll see what I mean. Okay "Bandit Bunny-Chan"? *Takes a deep breath* I've gotta stop laughing! My sides hurt just looking at that brilliant pic!
Shrinemaiden Keisei
Dear Keisei,
I've seen it!!!!!!! *Grumbles and curses...*
Dear Tasuki,
Many females would like to know...upon what do you base your generalization that all women are manipulative?
Dear Ebony,
My *(^%$#@ SISTERS!!!!!!!!!
Dear Tasuki,
*stalks up soaking wet, wrapped in a towel with her hair dripping down her back and grabs his tessen* Sorry. I need this. LEKKA SHIEN! *blasts herself with fire until she's dry and give the tessen back* Thank you. Do you happen to have a hairbrush I could borrow? *grumbles* I hate it when they make me have a bath in the morning...
Dear Kourinish,
*Looks confused...* Yer welcome...
Dear Chichiri,
Hello Chichiri-Sama... I know I really don't deserve your help or anyones that for that matter but could you please give me some advice anyways... You see I'm a professional Dancer for Mary's Islanders Demonstration Troupe and I've taken lessons from Mary herself for over 9 years.... Last year I was picked to be part of her pro troupe... I thought thing would be fun but I soon realized how cruel Mary is... She dictates... she forces us to be in some form of uniform contantly. Islanders Tee-shirt and straight legged jeans on day trips. Red shorts and Islanders Tee-Shirt on our tours, Islander sweatshirt and jeans at spring and summer fundraisers and Islanders jacket and jeans at the winter and fall fundraisers... and lets not forget we each have at least three costumes and three different sets of dances shoes to go with each... you get my point about the uniform thing right? We must go to every performance rain or shine in costume and leave in costume. One of our drivers on the tours is a drunk driver... I am new so I am treated at a lesser level like all the other new to the Demo Troupe (I've been around 10 years but only in demo 2). Mary even treats my friends badly... One boy in the junior demo with me isn't allowed to move on to the next level because he isn't tall enough when he could easily out dance Mary herself. Things got really harsh when we found out I had to leave to tour the whole summer from the the begining of exam week. I get home the week before school starts up. You see where I'm going with this right? Well Mother finally got so fed up with how Mary was treating teens in the demo she told Mary that the year end recital would my last day dancing for her but... as stupid as this sounds, I don't want to go. You see outside of dance I don't have an identity... I'm just another one of Mary's puppets and well... after 10 years of dancing under her I don't have anything if I don't have dance. I know Mary is horrible and should have nothing to do with children but without her I'm nothing... literally. I have nothing to turn to without the dance school. What can I do! Mother doesn't understand... Mary didn't even put up a fight to keep me in the troupe... nobody cares and no one will listen to me. Please help me...
Suriel, The Angel with No Identity
Dear Suriel,
have you considered joing a different dance troupe, no da?
Dear Tamahome,
I was arm wrestling this guy at a college I was visiting and He Beat Me!!! How is it that guys never know when to let girls win? And do you know what he said? "Yer pretty strong for a girl." What a punk. I thought you should know since my strength is said to rival yours. If this guy ever got loose in Konan there would be heck to pay, no da. Just a warning.
Dear Omni82,
Thanks, sorry he beat you.
Dear Nuriko,
Your so sweet! Do you have to practice being that way. I know I did for a couple of years, to break myself of the most rotten of habits, being mean. Now I think I am too nice and I kinda let people walk over me. How does one go back to being mean anyway? And is hurting other people's feelings preferable to being hurt yourself? I think I'm on my way to meaness, though and it's scary. I laughed at Omni when that jock beat her at arm wrestling when we were in Boston. Is it wrong to laugh when something funny like that happens? (Sorry Omni! It was funny! The look on your face...) Thanks, Nuri!
Trophy Hunter81
Dear Trophy Hunter81,
Arigato for your kind words. You can still be nice and stand up for yourself. They are not mutually exclusive. As for laughing at your friend... well...
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hypothetical question. Suppose a person writes a friend a nasty email (and very bad english skills) about something on that friends webpage, about homosexuals. Suppose that friend showed it to you and said you could email the evil person who wrote it. Suppose you did. Suppose the evil person replied with another nasty email (with the above mentioned bad english skills) Suppose you said at the end of your reply to the latest nasty email to leave your friend (and her other friends) the h*ll alone or else you'd ruin the evil person's internet existence. Would that have been a bad thing to say, even though you are quite capable of caring out such a threat/warning? *coughs* All hypothetical of course...
Dear One-chan,
Generally, yes, no da.
Dear Chichiri,
Hey Chichiri, how are you today? I am feeling fine. I have to tell you something. I'll try not to scare but here goes. Once during geometry class i was EXTREMELY bored so i started to draw. Guess who i drew?? You of course!! it's so kawaii but i still say you are much more kawaii than any drawing. Maybe i'll scan it and send it to you(it's without your mask). I hope you'll enjoy and appreciate it. Oh my question,... could i have a kiss? Pretty please? I promise not to brag about it. Oh i was also wondering if you would like to go fishin' with me. You can help me with my fishing skills. Arigatou.
Aenne aka Chichiri no hime
p.s. did i mention i love you
Dear Aenne,
I would certainly like to see the picture you drew of me, no da. If I could come to your world, I would be happy to go fishing with you, no da. *Kisses her on the cheek.*
Dear Chiriko,
How are you, Chiriko? Im pretty fine myself, exept that i got "book fever". I read any book that gets in my way(i think you know the feeling ne? ^_~) I have just started to read a fantasy book by Katharine Kerr and I like it it very much ^_^ Im in a contest again. You wanna see? Here is the adress There are so many beautiful pictures in this contest! It is really worth looking on them^_^. If you want to i would be happy if you voted for me^_^ See you later *Gives Chiriko a big hug*
Dear Annie,
Your picture is very nice. I will cast a vote for you. Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi Chichiri! *waves* Why on Earth did they change your 'no da' to 'you know'? 'No da' is much cuter and less annoying! *glomps Tasuki*Hi cutie! How can anyone think there's something between you and Koji? And how dare a little kid say you have a scary face! Your a major babe! *hands Tama-kins 40 gold ryou and smooches his cheek* Melting Nakago's shoulder like that...totally cool! The bird-squishing freak deserves that and more! Now, tell me you do something equally cool to Tomo? You do don't you? I swear you better or I'll be very mad! *hug Chiriko*Here I hope you like crossword puzzles they're fun. Of course, you'll probably have them done in a day you so smart but it's worth a try. *hands a medical journal, and kitty food to Mitsukake* Here's a little something for you and Tama. *hands a teddy bear to Hotohori*Here's another bear to add to your collection. Bears are so cute, I have at least 20 different stuffed animals in my room. Five bears and a few bunnies. *hugs Nuriko*Speaking of bunnies...can I add you to my collection? You're just too cute in a bunny outfit.
Dear Kamea,
Tasuki: Heh-heh-heh... *Fanged grin* Thanks!!
Chichiri: I don't know, no da.
Nuriko: I'm a bit big for a bunny collection...
Everyone: Arigato for the presents!!!!!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
I think you better look at the seishi of the week Tasuki-chan. *snickers*
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
I DID!!!!!!! >.<;;;
Dear Nuriko,
Blackarachnia! Terrorize! *transforms, impales the table with a claw and flings it aside* That isn't helping! You think you're going to smash a five foot four predacon spider transformer with a table? I think not. *sighs* C'mon! I asked for help. I'm not going to eat YOU! Humans taste awful. Now c'mon help me out here. I don't wanna eat Silverbolt, really. I just need some way to dull my natural instinct to suck the energon out of him. Now stop trying to smash me and think of something!
Blackarachnia (darned annoyed at having a table thrown in her face too)
Dear Blackarachnia,
Gomen! But, I really don't know how to subdue your natural instincts. You may just have to make a concerted effort to do so on your own.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*Opens up another box of chocolates and distributes to the seishis* I just want to ask all of you, if there are any annoying habits of anyone in the group that you notice... *Gives Tamahome a bouquet of flowers* ...For Ms. Miaka, Tama-chan! How's married life treating you?
Dear Honou,
Arigato!! *Everyone takes some chocolates* I'm fine and married life is great! Thank you fo rthe flowers for Miaka!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hello everyone! * Gives Chichiri a new blue shirt* This is for you! * Hands Nuriko a new pair of jade earings* Nuriko-sama! this ones yours *hugs Nuriko* * Hands Tamahome a bag of gold and a box of cookies* Here you go Tama-neko! and the cookies are for Miaka-chan * Gives Chiriko a book of Pride and Prejudice* I don't know if you've read this but it's pretty cool. *hugs Chiriko* * Gives Hotohori a beautiful hand-crafted mirror and a bottle of French perfume* Hotohori-kun! this is for you-- and the perfume is for Houki-chan * Hands Tasuki a bottle of sake* There you go Tasuki-sama ENJOY-- I don't doubt that you will. and finally... * Hands Mitsukake a ruby amulet and a small collar* The amulet is for protection, and the small collar is for your cat, By the way-- what's his name? ENJOY!
Dear Kumiko,
Everyone says "Arigato!" for the wonderful presents! By the way, I'M Tamahome. The cat is Tama-neko.
Dear Nuriko,
Nuriko-sama! *opens up a box of Confectionery chocolates and offers* Take as many as you want!
Dear Honou!,
OOHH!!! Arigato!!! *Takes some chocolates*
Dear Chichiri,
Chichiri-dono; I just want to ask, are you familiar with anyone named Himura Kenshin? I have a friend who says you kinda remind her of him...
Dear Honou,
I have heard of him, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
I dont think im to young for you,I would love to be with you, Im saying more then Eric! because your cuter and your funny and your just more sexy, *sighs* Im sorry maybe your right but i dont think so....But anyways *kisses him softly on the lips* Still think about it please
Love Ya,
Dear Renee,
Nope! Gomen, I don't want no girlfriends.
Dear Cutie Nuriko,
Nuriko You seem to be good with problems so what do you say to help a confused 15 year old out? There is this guy named Chris, I have been with him for over a year and a half and i have been hearing that hes been cheating on me but im hearing it from someone i hate and hates me, so now im mad at chris and i feel really bad what should i do? Should i believe what im told or not? *hugs Nuriko tightly* Sorry i couldnt help it your just so cute.
Dear Dedra,
Why are you mad at him??? Consider your source!!! A person you say hates you! Talk to Chris before you do something you'll regret and let him know what is going on. Good luck!
Dear Nuriko,
I wanna go back with him because he is the only guy that has ever made me feel special, all the other guys just wanna o out with me because they think that im easy, and they always hurt me...And he was the only one that wasnt like that, but i heard he was only going out with me because he felt sorry for me but i found out that wasnt true...I mean i dont know why but i still like him a lot So what do i do?
Dear Renee,
Maybe you should try talking to him and see how he feels about this. You might also try starting out as friends. Good luck!
Dear Chichiri,
Hi, I was just wondering..why do you carry that stick? How old are you? Which of the seishi is the oldest? You're really kawaii!!!! Thanks!
Jenny (7)
Dear Jenny,
The staff I carry is called a "shakujou", no da. I find it useful, no da. I am 24 and the oldest of the Suzaku Seishi, no da. Arigato, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
How can you be so certain that all women are generally ill-disposed towards you, especially since all these crazed fangirls have the mega-hots for you? I'll admit it, you are kinda cute, but I don't think it's the girls that get you into trouble...I think it's chivalry on your part, which isn't a bad thing, it's good! And what's this about you and Kouji? JUST KIDDING!!! ::ducks from a certain toasting::
Guess who... ^_~
Dear Guess,
So, yer sayin' what? I SHOULDN'T be my wonderful charmin' self???
Dear Hotohori,
HOTOHORI!! Lookie what I got! *waves Gourry's Sword of Light* Wanna try it out?
Dear Jean,
*Takes and hides the sword...* I think Lina was looking for this... Arigato.
Dear Chiriko,
Chiriko-dono! You are absolutely the cutest 13-year old ever! *kisses Chiriko on the cheek and forehead* I just think you're adorable! Can you share with me some intresting books you've read in your lifetime! Arigato! now how 'bout a goodbye kiss?
Dear Kumiko,
Arigato! *Blushes* Some of the books I've read are: A Wrinkle in Time, Catcher in the Rye, Shakespeare, Huckleberry Finn, and Tom Sawyer.
Dear Chichiri,
Konnichiwa, Chichiri-chan! *hops into his lap, gives him a big kiss, ruffles his hair, hops right back out of his lap* How are you enjoying the kitten?*wink wink* What are you going to name it? Well, enough with my happiness, I'm actually kind of upset today. I saw OAV2, episode5. *bursts into tears* Oh, Chichiri, poor you,Hikou, and Kouran!!!!*grabs kleenex. HONK!!SNEEZE!!!* ACHOO! it's too sad!!!!!!!*weep,cry* Oh man, I need a hug and a shoulder to lean on! b--bai bai
C-chan =(
Dear C-chan,
The koneko is totemo kawaii, no da. Demo, I haven't thought of a nme yet, no da. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
Hello, Tasuki-sama. Ogenki desu ka? Hehe. If you don't know what that means, it means "How are you?" Uh.. my little sister Sarah told me about this site and she's utterly obsessed with the Seiryuu Seishi. Gomen, but I really love you guys the best. ^_^ Especially you, Tasuki-sama. Can I have a plushie of you? Please? BTW.. I love your fangs.. they really give you character. *grins, flashing her own fangs* Hehe.. I believe we're both almost a bit alike.. you hate girls, I hate guys.. we both are just cute.. Okay, I'll stop now. *clings* ^_^ Arigatou, Tasuki-san.
Dear Katsue-san,
Genki desuyo! Ya' can sometimes get plushies on eBay, but they're expensive!! Glad ya' like th' fangs! *Fanged grin*
Dear Tamahome,
*offers Tama-chan a bag full of gold ryou* please answer me this... What does Miaka-chan have that other girls don't? (appart from her appetite) It's not fair that she has everyone at her feet and that the ones who aren't, are always excluded. But anyway she's a nice girl after all ^_^ Cheers for you two!! ^_^
Dear Tasuki-no-betting-gal,
Arigato! I guess she's just a very special girl!
Dear Hotohori,
Hotohori-sama, I'm really confused! I hear your in love with your miko, or should I say your miko was the only person you've loved. But aren't you married? no disrespect Heika, But who do you really love more? anyway? your wife or your miko? Gomen, I just need to know
Dear Setsuna,
I love them both. Just in different ways.
Dear Tasuki,
Sooo...are you and Zelgabunny teaming up or something? Hitting the malls at Easter for picture opportunities? Or is it some sort of perverted thing you do for pure pleasure? Anyway, I think it's quite adorable...and disturbing.
P.S. Just in case your too much of a baka to figure it out, I'm talking about the bunny costume.
Dear Katsumi,
It wasn't MY idea!!!!!!!!!! *Yells* CnA!!!!!!! Why'd ya' go an' put THAT picture up?!?!?!?!?!
Dear Mitsukake,
Hi, this is my first letter to you, I think...I've been bugging Tasuki a bit too much and I thought it might be nice to speak to the other seishis as well. I hope you liked the present I gave you last time (well I hope Tasuki handed them over to you...they're my medical notes, in case you don't recall a thing). I thought you might be interested in what we know about medicine in our world. I know you're a healer with special powers but I think you also practise "normal" medicine, right? Like herbal remedies and all that? Do you have to take any exams in Konan to become a doctor? Were you taught by somebody or did your healing powers give you a natural insight into medicine and you just managed? In our world we have to take loads of exams and gain practical experience in hospitals but I think it's great fun learning medicine! Please say hi to the others for me, and to Tama-neko as well!
Dear Ayumi,
I get my power from Suzaku but I trained in regular medicine from a healer in my village. I will give everyone here your regards.
Dear Tasuki,
I love your fangs^_^I know you prabaly dont do this but can you smile for me please!!*.*
Dear Deserae,
Thanks! Sure... *Fanged grin*
Dear Tasuki,
I still can't believe you broke my scythe you baka bandit!! You could have at least apoligized! least Suri-chan gave me a new one... *hides new scythe from him* And your not gettin this one!
Reikaku no Miko
Dear Reikaku no Miko,
Hmph! Sorry... But ya' shouldn't run around whackin' people wit' it!
Dear Nuriko,
Hi!!!!!!!Again(^_^) How tall are you^.~ Am going to ask you a question^_^ If you had to kiss someone on the lips would you kiss A'Makia B'Me C'Yui or D'Tasuki(~.~)Your very nice person to talk to! I love writeing to you! Well BYB! Kisses ^_~
Dear Deserae,
Arigato for your sweet words. I'm about 5'8". I'd kiss Tasuki just because I know it would tick him off! Tee-hee...
Dear Hotohori,
*resists urge to go fan-girl* Hotohori-sama? I have a little present for you for your birthday... I made a special chocolate cake.. Will you eat it? *Gives you big purple bunny eyes* If you could have anything for your birthday, what would it be?
Kate-chan, the cute bunny girl of the moon
Dear Kate-chan,
Arigato! Oishii desu! My wish would be to live long enough to see my son grow up to be Emperor.
Dear Tasuki,
For my protection, eh? I'm not scared of the DTFC!! THEY should fear ME!!! *I* am one of the AISAIS!!!! *takes a triumphant stance* Besides...I'm a card carrying member of the DTFC...~_^ I doubt they'd turn on one of their own...they might get annoyed, but not do me PHYSICAL harm. *hugs* Thanks for the concern though.
Iridal, your AISAI!
Dear Chick with a death wish,
*Blushes* Yer welcome. An' before ya' yell, I KNOW yer name is Iridal!
Dear Nuriko,
Had Miaka come to Konan to be the Miko and if Hotohori wasn't in the picture to influence your decision, would you still ask Miaka to be a woman before summoning your God?
Dear Nikita,
Gomen nasai, your question makes no sense.
Dear Tasuki,
Yes, I am a perfectionist. Being a perfectionist leads to pessimism... I'm sick of talking about this. Why don't we talk about something positive? Um... well... There's going to be a show about Monty Python on A&E tonight! ^_^ I can't wait!! Do you like Monty Python? (I've probably asked you this a million times . . .^^;;)
P.S. Take a look at this page: Fushigi Yuugi Flying Circus *laughs evilly*
Dear Moon,
I've never seen it, but CnA-san has. That peeji was hen!!! But, CnA-san is still laughing over it.
Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki!!! I'm so bored!!!!! actually I can't say that, I got to watch tons of Anime this weekend!!!!! I got to see more of FY, Patlabor, Lodoss Wars(I got to see ALL of it), Legend of Crystania, Sorcerer Hunters, and Tenchi Muyo. hehehehe, Me so happy!!!!! All I have to say is I want more *giggles* I know I'm obsseive, but I can't help it! *hugs him* Oh and by the way, who won the drinking contest? you or your sister? Like I need to ask......*giggle*
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
I think it was a draw...
Dear Nuriko,
HI!!!! Nuriko! Are you a girl or a boy or are you both?But you always look cute! Can I have a kiss~
Dear Deserae,
I am male. Arigato for your sweet compliment! *Gives her a kiss on the forehead.*
Dear Tasuki,
Lina called you a bandit.But I really think everbody should bow down to YOU! Am your lovely messager and am at your comaned!
Dooms Day
Dear Dooms Day,
Course she did! I AM a *(^%$#@ BANDIT!
Dear Chiriko,
Ok~Chiriko Whats 1*11(and its not my homework)You look cute! Can I have a kiss
Dear Deserae,
If I understand you correctly you are asking me what 1 x 11 is. Anything multiplied by 1 is always that number. So your answer is 11. *Gives her a peck on the cheek.*
Dear Nuriko,
I've got a little problem I was wondering if you could help me with. There's this guy I like you see....well actually he likes me and I sort of like him back, but.... Okay this is hard to explain. *taps her forehead with one claw* How do I word this, ah, okay it's like this. There is this guy I really like you see. He's nice and sweet, the real knight-in-shining-armour, never-hit-a-lady type (which is enough to make me gag sometimes but...) The problem is, I'm a black widow spider! I'd love to get closer with him, but I'd probably eat him at some point, and then he'd be dead and I'd be upset and it really just wouldn't work that way........ Not to mention, it could kill me to follow natural instinct and eat him anyway. The guys is huge. He's a hawk/wolf fuzor, I'm a spider. There's a size difference here. *sighs* So you see, I'm really in a pretty big pickle here. Got any advice?
Dear Blackarachnia,
ACK!!!!!!!!! SPIDER!!!!!!!!!!! *Smashes it with a a table.*
Dear Mitsukake,
I love your kitty! Where you get it?(^_^) I like your power its nice that you can heal people^.~ Can I have a kiss~
Dear Deserae,
I did not find Tama-neko, he found me. *Gives her a hug*
Dear Nuriko,
Love the bunny outfit Nuri-chan!!!!!!!! You just make sucha wonderful bunny! You look alot better than I did! (I was in a play at church, had to be a giant (flourescent) pink bunny-chan!) Happy Easter!
Shrinemaiden Keisei
Dear Keisei,
Dear Nuriko,
*sits on floor, crosslegged* No, I really don't suppose you would know about us, would you? I am a Shadow of Seiyruu. There are only three of us at one time, ever. One to protect the Emperor, one to protect the Emperess, and one to protect the Imperial Heir. I am one of the highest ranking people in all of Kutou. I am second only to the Emperor, whom I won the right to protect. *rests chin on hand* But now that's over for me. *laughing on the edge of hysteria* I trained my entire life to serve the Emperor... Now, I know he's a terrible pervert, and I most certainly didn't want to be near him any more than necessary, but if I had the power the position would have given me... *sigh* Forget it. I'm bound to YOU now. A Suzaku Seishi. Of all people... *shakes head* I trained my entire life to end up serving my worst enemy... And I'll do it. I'll serve you until my death, but I sure as heck don't have to like it! Just don't get attacked by spiders.
Dear Kagerou,
OK... Ano, couldn't I just unbind you and send you back to Koutou?
Dear Tasuki,
Hiya Tasuki! Ya know what? You make a very kwaii little bunny-chan! *runs off laughing, for she very much values her sweet little (non-barbequed) fangirl life!*
Shrinemaiden Keisei
Dear Keisei,
Huh?? What're ya' talkin' 'bout? What bunny? Where? *Looks confused*
Dear Tasuki,
Lighten up?! So now you're trying to convert me to an optimist, too? The world needs pessimists. It's undeniably true. (And you know what my friend Sarah would say to that? She'd say, "God, Moon! Don't be such a little brat. The cup is not half full, the cup is not half empty, the cup... is over-flowing..." Oh goddess!) *sighs* Well, anyway, my project is a model of the John Hancock Building in Chicago. It took FOREVER to make, and I worked with a hyper-active girl that has no attention span, whatsoever. (Except for going on my computer while we're supposed to be working.) But she's my friend and we had a good time.
P.S. and maybe you're wondering why I tell you these things. I don't know. Why you, of all people? My mind is so messed up.
Dear Moon,
Yer project sounds cool! Mebbe yer not a pessimist mebbe yer jus' a perfectionist! An' th' cup ain't half empty, it's jus' half full! *Drinks a cup of sake* Ahhhhhh... OK. NOW it's empty! Heh-heh-heh...
Dear Nuriko,
*sniffs* thanks Nuri-chan. I guess I should ignore them, but it's getting harder to do that. Everyone seems to either have or be getting someone (even Magic Turtle Genbu, the guy hater, who wants to stay single for the rest of her life, got asked out!) It seems like the rest of the girls in my class have got the hint about how desperate I seem to be. ALMOST EVERY GIRL I KNOW'S TRYING TO SET ME UP WITH SOMEONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M CURENTLY SUPPOSED TO BE A PERFECT MATCH WITH AT LEAST HALF A DOZEN GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What'm I gonna do! These are mostly the guys who've been teasing me all through school! My one goal at grad is to look so good that any guy who's EVER teased me about my looks will instantly regret it! Am I being smart, selfish, vain, or just trying to pamper myself for once? See ya later, arigato
Shrinemaiden Keisei
Dear Keisei,
I think you are trying to pamper yourself. But make sure you are doing it for you and not the losers at your school. I hope for their sakes they grow up and stop acting so mean!
Dear Nuriko,
What do you think of Yui? Do you think shes pretty? but anyways over to my main question, Say i dont wear any make up because i dont and im trying to get this guys attention that i broke up with to go back out with him what should i do? I mean hes really HOT and i dont know what to do...Should i change my style? Should i wear tight clothes and wear make-up?
Dear Renee,
I think the real question here is why are you trying to get back with someone you disliked enough to break up with? Think about that before you consider a make-over.
P.S. I think Yui was misled. I suppose she is cute.
Dear Hotohori,
Hello! let me introduce myself I'm Kumiko and I'm a really, really a big fan of yours. Anyway, I just wanted to ask how everything's going and among the seishi's--- who are you close with? I just needed to know. Say hi to Houki-chan for me. Arigato! Sayonara!
Dear Kumiko,
I suppose I was closest to Nuriko. We are all doing well, thank you.
Dear Chichiri,
Its...SNOWING....o.O Oi...*looks outside in puzzlement*
Kelli, Chichiri No Aisai
Dear Kelli,
*Looks out her window.* Hai, no da. Do you want some hot chocolate, no da?
Dear Chichiri,
Hai hai, arigato itooshi. *drinks the hot cocoa and snuggles Chichiri*
Kelli, Chichiri No Aisai
Dear Kelli,
Dear Tasuki,
*runs to him tackling him to the ground* I swear you are so sexy i think about you a lot, I dont know why people think your scary looking because you arnt,*kisses him* I mean Come on who would think you are scary? So how about me and you getting together sometime? My Name is Renee, and im 16...So what do you think? I mean REALLY think about it sexy boy. *kisses him softly on the lips*
Dear Renee,
Arigato, but I think yer too young fer me!
Dear Tasuki,
So Tasuki if you got to know Yui do you think you would ever get with her?
Dear Nuriko,
Hello Nuriko-sama! first let me introduce myself, I'm Kumiko... And I really, really think your beautiful. to tell you the truth, I find you a lot prettier than your Suzaku No Miko (keep that from Tamahome-san, he'll kick my butt for sure!!!) Anyway, what's your secret? I'm just curious.. Arigato! Sayonara!
PS. My sister Honou-chan loves your wardrobe! I thought you just needed to know.
Dear Kumiko,
I guess eating right and getting plenty of exercise. Oh and Chiriko says good genetics, whatever that is. Arigato for your lovely compliment!
Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki-sama! A friend and I always go into an endless discussion about you and Sagara Sanosuke...she keeps insisting that you are exactly alike! I disagree, though...I think you're waaaaaaaaaaaaayy cooler than Sano! She also insists that Sanosuke can out drink you!
Dear Honou,
Heh-heh-heh... I'm better than Chicken Boy ANY day of th' week!!! We had a drinkin' contest an' that light weight dropped outta it! Heh! My SISTER Aidou even beat him!
Dear Nuriko,
No disrespect to his royal highness Hotohori-sama, but I do believe that you are so much more beautiful than he...
Dear Honou,
Honto ni?!?!?!?! *Blushes* Tee-hee... Arigato!! *Gives her a hug*
Dear Tasuki,
*pounce...* You know that saying, "You can please all of the people some of the time and some of the people all of the time, but you can't please all the people all of the time"? Wrong. You can't please all of the people some of them time. All over a nick on IRC. --; It used to belong to a friend, and the friend I got on IRC was using it and I told him how to register with NickServ (For protecting nicks. Makou (former owner of the nickname) was in a pissy mood and left. ALL my friend's on IRC got mad at me about it. I left MY OWN chatroom on IRC because of it. It also means I've broken down and cried three times this week. ;-;
Dear One-chan,
An' this is why th' only person I EVER try to please is ME!!! *Gives her a hug*
There are a couple things I want to say, I think you are just so sexy and I dont see why Miaka doesnt Get with you and Do you think you would have EVER feel inlove with Miaka's best friend Yui? Because I think you two would be perfect for each other *smiles and kisses him on the cheek* Your just so cute! i swear! You could get a great girl... *wink* Maybe even me what do you think?
Dear Junny,
Arigato for your kind words. I do not believe that I would ever fall in love with Yui. Besides I have Houki now and I love her very much.
Dear Nuriko,
*a girl runs toward you and throws herself behind you, hiding*
Hiding Girl: Ohmigod! Kill it! Kill it! *pointing toward spider about the size of the head of a pin* I swear to God that if you do, I'll protect you from anything you fear and I'll swear my loyalty for as long as I live! For the love of God, if you have any humanity in you, KILL IT!
*puff of smoke* *evil laughter* *girl with blue armor appears*
Blue Armor Girl: Why Kagerou, whatever is the matter? *makes spider disappear* I didn't think it would be quite this easy. You're not as smart as I thought. You are unworthy of protecting the Emperor, as frightened as you are of such a small thing as a spider.
Kagerou: *peeking out from her hiding place behind you* GIHEN! Why How dare you even imply...!? I beat you fairly; I won the right to protect His Imperial Majesty!
Gihen: *smirks* What does it matter? You just pledged your fealty to a Suzaku Seishi. You really are an idiot. *laughing* A Shadow of Seiryuu has just pledged her undying loyalty to her greatest enemy. *disappears in puff of smoke* *laughter fades*
Kagerou: *looks dazed and horrified* Oh, this isn't happening...
A Disgruntled Kagerou
Dear Kagerou,
I'm confused...
Dear Chichiri,
what is your favorite food? and what is it like being one of the suzaku 7?
Ps i have a huge crush on you!! <3
Dear Kiyo,
My favorite food is fish, no da. Being a Seishi is interetsing and dangerous, no da. Arigato!
Dear Tasuki,
why do you have those weired fang things were you born with them?
PS you scare me (no offence intended Mr. druken bandit sir)
Dear Kiyo,
They ain't weird fang thins'!! They're my )*^%$#@ teeth! 'Che! An' I don't see why I scare ya'!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hiya guys! How are you all doing? I got really bored, and looked up some phobias on the web, and I found one for each of you (if you lived in a parallel universe)! Ready? Here we go: Chiriko: Sophophobia (fear of learning)or Gnosiophobia (fear of knowledge) Mitsukake: Iatrophobia (fear of doctors)or Gatophobia (fear of cats) Tasuki: Pyrophobia (fear of fire) or Dipsophobia (fear of drinking) Chichiri: Ichthyophobia (fear of fish) {couldn't find a fear of magic} Nuriko: Porphyrophobia (fear of the color purple) or Cherophobia (being happy) {they didn't have anything on crossdressing or falling in love with emperors, gomen} Hotohori: Eisoptrophobia (fear of seeing oneself in a mirror) or Trichopathophobia (fear of hair) Tamahome: Chrometophobia (fear of money) or Plutophobia (fear of being wealthy) Miaka: Sitiophobia (fear of eating) or Teleophobia (fear of sacred ceremonies) ^_^ I found a couple of other ones I like: Arachibutyrophobia (fear of peanut butter being stuck to the roof of your mouth) {and they don't have one for falling in love with handsome emperors?!?) and my favorite: Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia , which, of course, is the fear of long words. ^_^;; And one question: Which is longer, Hotohori-sama's hair, or Nuriko-kun's hair (before it was cut)? Adios, Sayonara, Au revoir, Farewell, Ciao, Aloha, Auf Wiedersehn (I think I spelled that right) Bye!
Christine (waaayyy bored, and has too much time on her hands) ^_^ ::smooches and hugs:: to all
Dear Christine,
How, ano... interesting. My hair is a bit longer than Nuriko's, I do believe.
Dear Chichiri,
HI! Chichiri,your the greatest how you get that scar on your eye^_*But you look handsome with it^_^ OK am going to as you a question IF YOU HAD TO KISS SOMEONE WOULD YOU KISS A.Yui B.Makia C.Tasuki Or D.Deserae IF YOU HAD WEAR SOME SHOES WOULD WERE A.Sneakers B.Jordons C.Sadals Or D.Dress shoes Well by and can you give me a kiss*
Dear Deserae,
The story of how I got my scar is a long poainful one, no da. Arigato for your compliment. I suppose I would kiss Miaka and wear sneakers, no da. *Gives her a kiss on the cheek*
Dear Chichiri,
Was your fiance's name Kouran or Tenmei? I've heard both.
Rei Hino
Dear Rei Hino,
It is Kouran, no da. Tenmei is more of a nickname, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
*rushes in screaming chasing a black widebrim hat floating by* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! STOP THAT HAT! HEEEEELP! IT'S GETTING AWAY! IT'S GETTING AWAY! MY HAT! MY HAT! STOP MY HAT! *runs after her floating hat*
Dear Cybersix,
*Grabs the hat and hands it to her.* Here ya' go.
Dear Chiriko,
Sorry I havent been able to write to you lately. I have a lot to do in school. *Gives Chiriko a hug* Tomorrow I have a math test....I DONT LIKE MATH!!! My math teacher dosent like me and i dont like him either(i wonder if anybody in my class likes him?) well, well, nothing to do about that...I will just try to do my best *sigh*.
Dear Annie,
Gomen you don't like math, but I am sure you'll do your best! Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Chichiri,
*runs over and givs a big hug* I Found you!! Now that i've got you i wanted to say you are so KAWAII!!! I love you so much!! *hugs tighter* Gomen i just get so exicted when I see you. I know you have many of us, Chichiri fans, But i am the biggest fan. Well i just wanted to say i am in love with you and will do anything for you. Domo arigato for everything, Chichiri.
Dear Anna,
You're welcome, no da! Arigato for your kind words, no da! *Hugs her back.*
Dear Mitsukake,
luv ur cat!
Dear kara,
Arigato! So do I.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Well turns out the other page closed down so we decided to put our own "Ask the Slayers" up, you can find it here. It may be finished tonight it may not be, if it isn't, that's just too bad! ^^; plus it's just us main characters for now...we contacted some of the other ones and well...they won't see a computer for awhile. ^^;;; *had NOTHING to do with heh.*
Dear Lina,
Ganbatte kudasai! I have put a link to you on our links peeji. CnA-san has already written to Xelloss-san and Tasuki says you need to paint over your walls. I think it's a cute peeji!
Dear Tasuki,
Hi ya Tasuki! I'm so jealous of my friend....She gets the Cartoon Network, She gets all the cool anime....*sniff* It's not fair. Anyways, I have a question to ask you.....When you were traveling, how far did you go, and were? Just wondering.....Thanks for the lime Kool-aid, It was pretty good
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
Yer welocome! We went all over th' place!!
Dear Chichiri,
*looks at the pic Candy drew for CnA.*.....*looks at Chichiri*...*then at Xelloss.*.....*cracks up laughing* AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! SHAME ON YOU TWO!!! *falls over SD and rolls around laughing.* *holds her stomach from laughing so hard.*
Lina ,who is roaring with laughter
Dear Lina,
*Looks at Lina like she's lost her mind and then turns to CnA.* What picture CnA-san, no da? *CnA shows him the picture and then giggles...* Ano.... da? *Sweatdrops and blushes*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Do you guys have a banner or button so I can link to this site??
Dear Moon,
Gomen, no. But it's a good idea! I'll look into it.
Dear Nuriko,
Konnichiwa, Nuri-san! I have a gift for you(I am feeling generous for some reason..)*pulls out a plushie of Hotohori*. I know you'll enjoy it, Hotohori-chan is probably the most lovable emperor in the world! Well, I had a question for you that I think you might enjoy answering. What is your favorite way to pamper yourself(beautywise, that is)? Well, thanks, Nuri-san! Bye bye!
Dear C-chan,
Awwww... kawaii!!!!! *Hugs plushie* I like to go to a day spa and sit in the onseh (hot spring to me, jacuzzi to you), get a massage, facial, & get my hair done.
Dear Tasuki,
Aww..why can't we tease you about Koji anymore?? It seems like loads of fun to do so... you are so teasable.
Dear TasukiTeaser,
Because it's (+*)^%$ annoyin'! That's why!!
Dear Chichiri,
Konnichiwa minna!*gives monk sweet little hug and a tiny peck on the cheek for good luck.* Wassup? I have a gift for you, Chichiri-chan*hands him a black ball of fur that identifies itself as a kitten by meowing*. I hope you enjoy; now you won't have to borrow Tama-neko all the time! Kawaii! I have a question for you, no da! Do you think it's a good idea for me to put no da at the end of each sentence that I say, or would people just think I'm weird, no da? Well, doumo arigatou, Chichiri-chan, no da! See ya later! Wai wai!(hey, could I be your tomodachi? pretty pretty please, with no da on top?)
Luff ya furever pal!
C-chan ^__^
Dear C-chan,
They may find you a bit strange if you use no da all the time, no da. Arigato for the kawaii ko neko, no da! *Hugs and pets the kitten.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*Weakly, very pathetically* Hiya guys... Um, If you have any trouble with these questions, ask Miaka or CnA, okay. Why is it that no guys what so ever like me? I know I sound quite desperate, but it's not fair, everyone seems to have someone, everyone but me... Just in the past week, some girls in my class went over to these two guy's houses, and wrote me on ICQ to make me think it was the guy talking. They wrote (as the guys) confessing their undying love for me. Their jokes hurt alot. Just today, I was talking in a chat with them and they were telling me what an ugly weirdo of a b*tch I was, and how great one of the girls was. How do I either get a guy to like me, or get my friends to stop hurting me like this? *crying* I know I shouldn't be bothering you with this stuff, but I just hate the way they toy with me... My friends are telling me how pretty and kind I am, but I can't believe them anymore. It's not fair, it seems that one or two girls gets all the guys. There must be something wrong with me...
Shrinemaiden Keisei
Dear Keisei,
Well, for starters you need to ignore those two girls. They AREN'T your friends!. As for the boys, be patient. Your time will come. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Nuriko,
*plunks down beside Nuriko and looks sad, pulls off her hat and sniffs* Have you seen my brother anywhere around here? He's a big black panther, about yay high, answers to Data 7. *sniffs again* If you see him would you tell me? He ran off the other day and I'm getting really worried...
Dear Cybersix,
Ano, iie. Gomen...
Dear Tasuki,
Konnichiwa, Tasuki-san! Long time no see!*hugs him and hands over bottle of sake, plus some strong coffee for the hangover* Wai wai! I am so glad to be your tomodachi! It is a great honor to serve you! Anymore sake? I've got plenty! A toast, maybe; a trip to the local tavern, even?*Hands him another gift, this time, a plushie of his pal Kouji(answers the door for himself, no permission needed!)* I hope you enjoy this plushie; I'm sure you miss your friend Kouji alot, don't you? I have a response to Yui Seta's letter(this is also to assure you that not everyone in the FY fanverse holds a grudge against you for what happened in the OAV2,#4). I don't see why Seta-san couldn't see that you were giving Miaka mouth-to-mouth respiration; you said something to the effect of 'she ain't breathin' beforehand, so as far as I can see it should have been quite obvious. As for your raping Miaka, I hold nothing against you(as who can say that they have the right?). You were under a spell; I had that figured out when you were saying emotional things to Miaka; I was cowering in a corner, shaking my head, and mumbling, "That's not my Genrou-chan, that's not my Genrou-chan..." Well,time for my question, who is the seishi(Seiryuu or Suzaku, it matters not to me) that you consider to be a true friend to you? Well I've gotta run off to study for my College Entrance Exams(quite the coincedince that Miaka and I were both studying for entrance exams when I first started the series, yet a different type of exam....wonder if I'LL get sucked into a book...)
Your Tomodachi forever,
Dear C-chan,
Ganbatte kudasai!! Thanks fer unnerstandin'!! I gotta say that alla th' Seishi are my true friends. But my BEST friend will always be Kouji!
Dear Chichiri,
Will I find a site about the anime, PERVERT CLUB?
Miyuki-chan in chains
Dear Miyuki-chan in chains,
Ano, I hasve never heard of such an anime, no da. Have you tried AniPike or, no da? Are you sure you don't mena the Ping Pong Club, no da?
Dear Himiko,
Arigato for the information and you kind compliment.
Dear Hotohori,
Happy early Birthday!!! since you have everything, what would you like? gomen if you don't remember who i am, or you don't know. well i'm pretty sure you live in the northern hemishpere, so i'll probably be celebrating your b'day earlier than you.
p.s. how old now?
Dear houki^,
Chocolate ice cream or a mirror would be nice. Arigato!! I'm 20 now.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
This one's for Lela...try Genrou no Koibito's peeji. She's got all the seishi's singles on Real Audio. Gambatte! Oh, and the FY Fanfic Review site is almost done! The site can be found at Thanks for all your help and encouragement! We are scheduled to formally open April Fools' Day. ^_^
Dear Moonsong,
Arigato!! That's great!! Your link has been added to our Links peeji.
Dear Tasuki,
Hey Gen-chan! How's it going? Okay, one question...I'll make it simple so you can understand... if you were to fall in love, what kind of woman would you go for? Since you said you hate girls...just wondering, if it were to happen, what would she be like? Actually I need this infor for a RPG... SORRY Genro pal, my friend and I made you fall in love with this girl in the RPG! And we are still developing the story...hehehe...I play the girl--Tana--Miaka's cousin! Hahaha...and my friend is playing you! Just want to know, so we can develop the characters more better. What would she be like? She is pretty much like you are in personality, and has voilet eyes and silver pale blond hair? Do you like violet eyes? Do you like long silver-pale hair? She's very pretty! Your lucky Gen-chan! You've already seen her naked by accident, before she knocked your lights out! hehehe... If you want to check it out, go here:)
Dear Tana,
I dunno... I guess she sounds OK...
Dear Tamahome,
Dear Jean,
Gomen!!! You're not eating like her, too are you???
Dear Tasuki,
*pouts and points at Kelli* She's insane (trust me on this poor stuffed camel....) and yet she's STILL been claimed by HER hubby!!!! What's the big deal?!? What did I gotta do to have that privilege, huh? *sighs and gets a depressed look* Maybe I outta find another guy...
Iridal, your Aisai
Dear Iri-chan,
'Che! If I claim ya' th' DTFC will LYNCH ya'!!!! It's fer yer own protection!! *Gives her a hug*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Dear Captain Obvious and Mr. Clueless (aka Chichiri and Tasuki respectively),
Kelli: *goes SD and waves* Konnichiwa!!!! *grins*
Iridal: *rolls her eyes* We just feel the need to update you on our progress in NYC. Chinatown has been officially pillaged, and we've left it a smoking ruin. Kelli couldn't find a kasa...and she was VERY irritated when I happened to find this HUGE tessen in a store. *grins* Oh well...Kelli now has a HUGE Chichiri shrine next to her bed (which I HAD to sleep next to cuz she refused to let me sleep on the floor) and she and I are doing weird things with my Koji the Camel, her Sailor Uranus UFO doll, and her FF8 action figures (I think it's cuz she got off the phone...with YOU KNOW WHO)
Kelli: *insane laughter fades into seriousness* SHHHHH, NO DA!
Iridal: *pats Chichiri on the shoulder* I'm so sorry....she gets REALLY weird late at night.... *to Tasuki* You should be glad your Aisai is the SANE one...
Both: *hugs and devilish laughter*
Kelli and Iridal
Dear Kelli and Iridal,
*They stare at both of them and sweatdrop...* Ano.. KOWAII!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chichiri and Tasuki
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