Dear Tasuki,
*stumbles in* FORGET Chicken Boy! I'm... *stops and catches her breath* I can beat cha at drinkin'! An'.... and SO THERE! Yeah.... crazy fang boy.... *takes a slug of beer* GYAAAAAA! This is the way to live.
Dear Misato,
*Looks at her and laughs* Ain't no broad ever been able to outdrink ME!!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Ah, well, I just need to rant to someone. See, I'm an artist, and I've been trying to get into animation schools, but so far they've all turned me down except one place (which hasn't replied yet) I wouldn't mind spending a year taking illustration or something... I think I'd be happy just getting to draw people all day. But it's really starting to get me down that I have to go through all this college stuff again, and that I can't seem to get in anywhere. It's all based on art! They don't care about how smart you are or anything, most of the places. I guess they just don't like what I'm sending them. I'm really hoping that last place will accept me. Wish me luck...
Dear BluePard,
Good luck with your endeavor! Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
How many songs have each of you song for all those cds?
Dear Himiko,
It really depends on the CD, but we generally have two songs each on them.
Dear Chichiri,
Konban wa! Thanx fer answering my question about the fic. ^_^ I'll have to send you a fic sometime. I've HEARD they're hilarious. Moonsong would know. BUT anyway... Have you ever heard of the nickname Minki? I gave that to you one day...can't remember how tho...Ah well. ANYWAY! I was just curious, is there any limit to how much stuff you can put into your kasa? I just don't want to max out my pocket, *pats pocket on black lab-coat* since it's basicly the same as the kasa. Ja ne!
Dear MinkiMiko,
I have never heard of the name Minki, no da. Gomen. I don't think there is a limit to my kasa-space, no da.
Dear Mitsukake,
Hi may i call you Mitsu-chan? I need your advice. I'm starting track soon and I can only run a mile and a half before I feel and pain in my sides. What should I do to build mt endurance? thank you bye bye
Dear Himiko,
You just need to keep practicing and little by little your endurance will build. Ganbatte kudasai.
Dear Chiriko,
Hi ^_^ can you explain to me indepth the big bang theroy? I got most of it i just want my facts straight. thankx bye bye
Dear Himiko,
Basically that the universe startted with a large expolosion and is contiually expanding. If you want a more indepth explanation, you should do some reaserch on the Internet. Good luck!
Dear Tasuki,
I know this is a really weird and pointless question, but how do you guys cut your hair back in ancient China? Last I heard there wasn't barber shops and stuff.
Reikaku no Miko
Dear Reikaku no Miko,
Pretty good don't ya' think?
Dear Hotohori,
Hotohori-sama I have a rather strange request, may I ....brush your hair? *blush* I kow it sounds silly but I love to brush long hair for some silly reason, maybe I'll ask Nuriko too. I promise I'll be gental ^_^ *big smaile* please dont think me strange.(how many songs do you sing exactly?) bye bye
Dear Himiko,
Well, I suppose it's alright.
Dear Tasuki,
Why do you think people put you in so many damn yaoi fics? Its weird your not gay at all at least I think so. Hey I know your b-day is coming up I have no idea what to get you, I have a bottle of sake but that not original. Oh well I'll be back on your birthday I hope you miss me till then ^_^ bye bye
Dear Himiko,
I dunno, but I wish they'd stop it!
Dear Tasuki,
This question's not really directly related to you, but I'm going to ask it anyway. I was surfing some of the FY seiyuu shrines the other day and I stumbled upon one of your seiyuu's sites. I was a bit taken aback when I read (the only message in Romaji, ;^^) "Nobutoshi Canna on the Internet!" Now I know your seiyuu's name is Nobutoshi Hayashi, but what's with the Canna thing? Did he suddenly decide to change his surname or what? I can barely read Japanese so...I haven't got any answers. The page's address is Apologies for asking a bit too much. ;^^ My curiosity is going hyperdrive these days. ;~_~
Jill (aka Squall-chan)
Dear Jill,
It's him. But I don't why he's goin' by a different name.
Dear Tamahome,
Why would I want food tips from Miaka? Cuz, how did she manage to eat so much food without popping her belly and still in good shape? YOu should put her on a diet before she eats all the food on the whole planet and we would all STARVE! And you have to double up your charge in order to support her! hehehehehehehe ( do you think I laughed like a witch? If so, don't burn me at the steak like some people to to witches, I'm too young to die!)
Dear Nikki,
Oh, she just has a fast metabolism.
Dear Tasuki,
this is my first time and i am testing how this works so will ask this: why is it exactly that u hate girls? oh and don't go trying to hit me or anything... my "boyfriend" don't like that
Hiei's Girl
Dear Hiei's Girl,
HMPH! I don't hit girls! An' I don't like 'em 'cos they're sneaky an' manipulative!
Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki! Keep her away from me!
*Too late, Karika Grabs her and stalks off to find Nikos*
Bye Tasuki.......
Karika: Yeah. Thanx ya dumb bandit! You blocked her for me, I knew you couldn't be quite as dumb as you seemed.
Shrinemaiden Keisei
Dear Keisei,
Oi! get back here!!! Ya' can't jus' grab people an' leave!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*Sees Karika draging Keisei towards him*
Nikos: miss Keisei! Karika!
Karika:I found her! That moron Tasuki blocked her for a minute to talk to her and I cought her! So, What are we gonna do with this brat? Trow her in the abyss? (this is the one thing, other than old age, that can trap, hold and possibly kill a guardian)
Nikos: NO Karika!
Karika: What do you mean 'no'?
Nikos: No. We aren't going to hurt her or take her anywhere.
Karika: but..
Nikos: No buts. We'll also give her the right to study here, and give her her guardianship.
Karika: If you hadn't noticed, to geta guardianship, she'd need to show great bravery by her next birthday. That is tomorow, the 26th of march. What has she done to deserve the honor?
Nikos: If you hadn't noticed, she's been running away from you to do what she needs to, when you wouldn't give it to her. She cares for these people, and they care for her. Tell me, did Tasuki even tell you where she was?
Karika: well, no, but-
Nikos: *waving his hand to silence her* listen, to go through all that, her heart and spirit was proven to be brave, loyal, patient, caring, and trustworthy. Keisei, come here.
Keisei: *kneeling* Yes Lord Guardian.
Nikos: I know bind you with fate, destiny, and the protection of the stars. Rise new Guardian.......
Karika: THAT scrawny useless girl? You're crazy, I completely dissown any part in her training!
Nikos: Arise New Guardian. Lady Infinfity, Guardian of the Life Gate!
Karika: LIFE GATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU'RE GIVING HER THE TASK OF PROTECTING THE LIFE GATE!!!!!!!!!!!! *faints*
Keisei: Thank you, Guardian Master.
Nikos: Lady Infinity, even though you're now a Guardian, you're still a learner and need to study. *adresses the seishi* You will take care of her, right?
Keisei: Thank you,Nikos, my friend.
*Nikos opens a warphole and drags Karika off through it.* Lady Infinity, Suzaku warriors, I bid you goodbye.
Guardian Lord Nikos
Dear Guardian Lord Nikos,
Hai! We will take good care of her, no da! Sayanora!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*Watches The portal close* Me? Guardian of the Life Gate? *turns to the seishi* I would be honord if you would begin my training where Nikos left off. Should I Still go be Keisei, or use my new title?
Shrinemaiden Keisei (or Lady Inifity of the Life Gate)
Dear Keisei,
Use Keisei for now, no da.
Dear Chichiri,
it's Shinemaiden Keisei Birthday tomorow, or today because you wont post it till tomorrow but I'm writing it to day so it's tomorrow.(it's on sunday!)and I would like it if you would give her a small little freandy kiss on the lips! (it is her b-day)*starts to put up birthday stuff* I'll just be an hour or two. I'll talk to you later (kiss her)
The Cross Dresser From A Galaxy Far Far Away!!
Dear Cross Dresser,
Gomen that this is late, no da! Omedeto otanjoubi gozaimasu, no da! *Gives Keisei a hug and a kiss*
Dear Tasuki,
Hey dude what's up? I have got 2 friends that fight, mainly about you. I try to tell them to shhut up but nothing will work. What do you suggest? I am out of ideas. They each want you for a certain purpose. One wants to fight the other wants to beat you in a koolaid drinking contest. (don't ask... long story) Anyways any suggestions are welcome. Arigato! :>
Dear Spacecookie,
Mebbe ya' should jus' stay outta it. I don't wanna fight no girls an' I hate Kool-Aid! So they both lose!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I am a big Yui fan simply because I inherited the nickname from my friends for personal reasons. I wanna know whatcha think of her. Feel free to say anything and everything. I won't get angry, that's not my place. Thanks!!
Dear Yui-sama,
We all feel she was confused, misled, and horribly used. Miaka has forgiven her and so have we.
Dear Nuriko,
How can I be as beautiful as Hotohori?
Dear Hotopori,
You can't. No one can. Not even me.
Dear Tamahome,
How come Miaka doesn't get charged for food?
Dear asi,
Because I love her!
Dear Tasuki,
Ora, Tasuki--!! Need a lil' man to man advice, here. This damned lush of a woman keeps drinkin' all my sake, an' I can't drag the wench away from my stash! She has this huge iron fan which she keeps whackin' me with an' all my best moves are hindered by the fact that I've gotten #@$!%^ 3rd degree burns everywhere!! What should I do!?
Dear Ryokazu,
Get yerself a new woman!
Dear Mitsukake,
You were REALLY cool with that shaggy look on you, why'd you shave?
Dear Koukie,
I did not wish to face the world looking like that.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
What're all your favorite foods?
Tai ho
Dear Tai ho,
Chichiri: Fish, no da!
Tasuki: Steak, flame broiled!
Hotohori: Chocolate Ice Cream
Tamahome: Whopper with Cheese
Nuriko: Salad
Chiriko: Green Tea Ice Cream
Mitsukake: Fruits and vegatables
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
HAAAAAAAAAAALLLLPPPP!!!! STANFORND 9 TESTING IS COMING UP SOON!!! IT'S EVIL I TELL YOU!! EVIL!! Gen-chan, how much sake will it take for you to go and burn up the office? PLEASE TELL ME!! JEAN NO WANNA WANNA TAKE STAT 9 TESTS!!! *grabs on to his leg all weepy* *sniff sniff* Hey, wanna go ICE skating next saturday night? ^^;;
Dear Jean,
Ganbatte kudasai on yer test! I don't think so. Gomen, but CnA has to work th' next day.
Dear Hotohori,
Were you upset about Nuriko's death?
Dear Kuriran,
Of course I was! I had just lost a dear friend and fellow Seishi!
Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki-sama!!! *Glomp!!* Daijobu Tasuki-sama?? Firstly, since I'm on a sugar high so the questions are a biiit odd.
1) If you had to and there was NO POSSIBLE way out of it, which of the three following people would you kiss (and it MUST be a good one, no cheap kisses!) a) Yui b) Chichiri c) Tomo
2) Okay, you're at a truth/dare party, and you choose dare, which one of the following three choices to you pick for dare: (remembering that you MUST pick one.) a) throw your tessen out the window b) NOT drink any sake and swear for the rest of the time that you are there. c) do a three minute round of "post office" with Yui
3) You are stranded on a deserted island, you are stranded with two other people, which set of the following people would you not mind being stuck with? a) Amiboshi & Tomo b) Suboshi & Tamahome c) Miboshi & Nuriko
4) It's your turn to dare someone, and you pick Tamahome, which of the following dare would you make him do? a) streak outside for five minutes b) make him play "post office" with Suboshi c) make him praise you for five minutes, without letting him repeat anything and not giving him more than five second between complaments
5) If the palace guard announced that someone was visiting you, and you were in the dungeon and this person had sake, which of the three people would you agree to see? a) Aidou b) Miboshi c) Tomo
Okay, that's the end of the baka question round, now on to you give me your answers round, hehehe... okay, which of the Seiryuu Shichiseishi would you not mind sharing a prison cell with for a night? If you had to marry, who is your first choice? When Miaka was unconscious, was that CPR you were giving her or were you kissing her? (It really did look like you were kissing her) Which of the Suzaku Shichiseishi would you say you're closest to? How would you describe your relationship with Kouji-san? And why do you two, everytime you meet do that weird little kawaii dance? If you had to do a human sacrifice amoung the Suzaku seven, which one would you sacrifice? Have you picked up on any of the habits of the other Suzaku Shichiseishi? What would you say your best feature is? Your worst? If you were a teacher, Tasuki-sensei, what would you teach? Of all your sisters, who would you say you like the most? Hate the most? Kill? Okay, that's the last of that. Oh yeah, Kitsune-san and I were on a sugar high when we wrote this, tell me what you think:
Ai-chan; Futago no Aiyoku
Dear Ai-chan,
Daijoubu desu yo! I think ya' ask too many questions!!! Here are th' answers to th' multiple choice ones: A, B, B, A, A. That was one weird story ya' wrote! Here's the answers to th' rest of yer questions: 1) Amiboshi, 2) No one! I wanna stay single!, 3) CPR! 'Che!, 4) Tamahome an' Chichiri, 5) Kouji an' I are best friends an' THAT'S IT!, 6) It's just or way of sayin' hello., 7) None of 'em! But if I copuld do it to a Seiryuu Seishi... heh-heh-heh... Oh yeah, none of THEM are human!, 8)I don't think so, no da., 9) My good looks!, 10) I ain't got no bad features!, 11) I guess I'd teach Phys Ed, 12) Aidou, Aidou, an' none of 'em!
Dear Nuriko,
So I can go to the kitchen and they'll let me have pancake mix and egg salad? Alright! *smiles* Thanks Nuri-papa! *hugs him* You want to come with me? We could have a snack together. *thinks, sweatdropps* Not that you have to have pancake mix or anything...
Dear Kourin,
Sure! Ikimasho!! (Let's go!)
Dear Tasuki,
*Runs in, almost out of breath* GASP!!! CHECK IT OUT TASUKI-SAMA!! SHE'S DONE!! ELYRA THE MAGNIFICENT (Who not only is my Sista' peeji....but also MY BEST FRIEND!!!!!!!!) HAS FINALLY FINISHED THE REMODDELING OF THE TAVERN!!!!!! WA HA HA HAAAA!! *passes out from exhaustion*
Dear Kaori,
Thanks! I think she plugged herself further down th' peeji...
Dear Tasuki,
eh? pic of chichiri? the one where he looked sad or the one where i gave him pierced nipples? i thought the nipples one was cute and not hentai at all... hmmm...perhaps i need someone to define hentai for me again, since i thought it involved sexual actions....what do you define hentai as, tasuki-sama?
slightly confused Saralady
Dear Saralady,
Th' pierced one was ... disturbin'! Hentai jus' means perverted.
Dear Chiriko,
YAY! *does happy dance* I look forward ta teachin ya! It's good ya already have some trainin from Tamahome. Ya will pick up the moves faster. *grins* I'll mainly jus' help ya with yur defense. Tamahome has the perfect attacks, but I noticed that his defense is rather bad. No offense ta him an' all... *looks ashamed* I didn't mean that in a bad way... *walks away sadly*
Dear Inuchan,
Ano, I don't think he'll agree with you but please don't be sad!
Dear Tasuki,
I heard ya don't fight with girls. *growls* do ya think we're weak? do ya think we're incompetant? I wanna fight with ya. *thinks* well, no, not fight.. I wanna spar! Sparrin is fun! I'm really good to! Tamahome's attacks are better than mine, but my defense is perfect! Please say that ya will spar with me... And if ya do, then don't worry 'bout hurtin' me. I CAN TAKE IT LIKE A MAN! *ahem* gomen. That's jus' one o my fave. sayings. I say it all the time. *fanged grin* so what do ya say?
Dear Inuchan,
*Puts n padded sparring gloves so he doesn't hurt her.* Ok, let's spar!
Dear Tasuki,
Hey Tasuki, just me (Elyra) anywho I just want to tell you that Tasuki's Tavern has moved! and been updated majorly! the new address is: just thought you'd want to know!
Dear Elyra,
Chiriko has changed your link! Ya' need to change our link on yer peeji. Our new address is: Thanks!!
Dear Tamahome,
*dangles the ryou just out of reach with Chchiri's fishing pole* Hey Tama, could you teach me? I got to a green belt in karate and then I had to quit. PLease? I have to go destroy Miboshi at the Ask the Seriyuu seishi site. He wasn't impressed wiht the fact that I was only a green belt... PLease? Por Favor?
Deadly Nightshade
Dear Deadly Nightshade,
I would love to help you but martial arts are of little use against Miboshi. *Jumps and grabs the ryou.* Arigato!
Dear Chichiri,
I have many friends that are boys.. and almost none that are girls.. but the reason is that the girls I know are all really mean. Should I try making friends with them? or should I try to show them how mean they can be?
Dear Tammy,
Enjoy the friends you hav, no da. If someone is mean to you, you don't have to be friends with them or be mean to them either, no da.
Dear Chiriko,
*hugs him* Aww, don't cry... your hair'll grow back! I promise! Anyway, you DO look good like this.. *gives him tissue* Here. *smiles*
Dear Suzuno,
*Sniffs & blows his nose* Arigato.
Dear Tasuki,
Oh, yeah, yeah, SURE they are . . . hmph. I hate band. They only reason I'm taking it is because of my parents. And my mom still won't let me quit! And we have a concert today after school so I have to wear dress clothes to all of my classes. -_- You know, I really think they are out to get me. Not just them, but the whole world. (Well, maybe not . . .) And if I'm angry now, what will I be like if I don't get accepted to the other school? Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr . . . *smile smile* On a brighter note, I finished my science project: Moon's Science Project It turned out pretty well. And my science and math teachers both talked to me about how nice it was to be Amanda's partner and help her with the project. (You know, that girl cannot stay focused for 2 minutes! ^^) If she had failed this project she'd have to repeat this grade, methinks...
Always Writing Too Much,
Dear Moon,
Ya' know ya' jus' gotta lighten up! So what is that thin'?
Dear Tasuki,
HI, I just love you alot I mean it! Ok ok Did you love someone? I want to know so bad. Hey your b-bay is coming up APRIL 18! Do you die in Fushigi yugi? ok
Dear Barra-chan,
I kinda loved a girl named Rei-Rei. I don't think I died! I don't feel dead!
Dear Nuriko,
hi nuriko that's a good idea but we are friend!(well sort of(I cut his hair, and now he's crying))my name is real in-love-with-ya(not you, chiriko)I feel SOOO bad *starts to cry* please tell him it looks good, PLEASE!! I'll love you for ever *jumps back**SDx2* not in that way but as a friend.*starts to cry again (this time less sad more crazy)*
Dear in-love,
I'm sure he'll forgive you. Please stop crying!
Dear Tasuki, need to get defensive about the Pikachu thing! It just doesn't seem possible for a little yellow mouse to do something like that for no reason. YOU musta done something to IT first! Did you? Did you hurt a Pikachu?
Reikaku no Miko
Dear Reikaku no Miko,
No! An' NEXT time it's gonna be bar-b-qued!
Dear Chiriko,
NO NO! Don't cry it looks good! I din't mean to upset you, I just wanted to make you look less like a girl. I...I...I... Please stop! come on if my friends see this they'll KILL me, please oh pease stop. you liked it in my fan-fic. please don't cry. I love you i never wanted to make you cry. STOP STOP STOP STOP STOP STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dear in-love,
*Stops crying* Gomen, it's just that I was used to my hair the way it was.
Dear Tasuki,
Firefury: It's always whacko time =) *whacks him some more*
*sniffle* I'll just... just have to become a fangirl of a different guy. *sniffle*
Firefury: Hey, One, who WOULD you become a fan of anyways-? ... *thinks about this.* .... XELLOS! (now... you wouldn't want CnA mad at you for making me a Xellos fan, would you?) Or there's always Suboshi-CHAN.
Firefury: O.o; Ooooooooooooro. *falls over*
One and Firefury
Dear One and Firefury,
*Fears CnA more than Firefury and One-chan. Hugs One-chan.* Ano... let's not be so hasty... eh-heh-heh...
Dear Chichiri,
*almost goes teary eyed, then hugs and kisses him..................still kissing...............opera singers don't need oxygen for extended periods of time, we have good breath control........^_^* You made my day so much brighter! Arigato gozaimasu! Aishiteru, aisaika!
Kelli, the newly OFFICIAL Chichiri No Aisai
Dear Kelli,
*Blushes, sweatdrops, and catches his breath...* Ano... you're welcome, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I vote the drinking contest between Fungi-chan and Rooster-head be held on the MB! ^.^ *slips some laxative into the bottles of sake and sneaks off*
Essence: *turns SD and cheers for Sano. She'd love to see Tasuki lose!*
One: *smacks Essence and cheers for Tasuki!*
Katana: yay?
Firefury: I think Hiko would beat the pants off both of 'em in a drinking contest. *coughs*
Katana: O.o; *whacks Fury*
Firefury: oro... @_@ *falls over* Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh. ^__________^
Keetia and co.
Dear Keetia and co.,
Hmmmm, we will consider it, no da!
Dear Nuriko,
WAAAAH! ;-; I just watched the part where you died (again) *sniffle* It's so sad! (Not to mention appears very, very painful.) ... now why did I go watch something depressing when I was plenty depressed before..? ...stupid. *pins a "Caution! Stupid Person" sign on her shirt* feh or at least that's what okaasan seems to think... Anyways. *hands Nuriko a Hotohori plushie and an Inori plushie* It was so saaaaaaaaaad ;-; (It's sadder the second time around. ^^;)
Keetia: Hey, yer supposed to be 89% mean! Why are you being such a mush?
I'm using my 11% nice!
Keetia: suuuuuure ya are... I believe you. =P
Shut up.
One-chan and Keetia
Dear One-chan,
Gomen! I'm sorry that I made you so sad! *Hugs her*
Dear Tasuki,
*waves* Wai, I'm back! Oops, I suppose you're not very good at remembering people though...anyway, I'm here to distribute gifts: A fishing pole for Chichiri A handheld mirror (which has been programmed to reiterate "Hotohori-sama is the most handsome person in the entire world") for Hotohori A bracelet for Nuriko A set of encyclopaedia on CD-Rom for Chiriko An antique vase for Tamahome (yeah, go ahead and sell it at a good price!) A set of medical notes for Mitsukake (and guess who did them! ^_^) Bottles of sake and chinese tea (for the hangover) for Tasuki (share it with Kouji, ne?) Hope you all liked the gifts! Just in case you're wondering what's wrong with me, I'm being so generous because I passed my assessments in med. school and I'm soooo happy! Worries gone! Well at least for the next two months...*sob sob* @_@ Oh I nearly forgot about my question! Tasuki, did you ever go to school or did any studying? Just curious as to how you got your hands onto typing and the web...^_^ And is your sis Aidou still single and living at home? She's so cool and I like her lots! *smirk* Yes you're right I'm a big sis myself *log in hand + innocent tone* Why are you running off Tasuki?
Ayumi *with a smirk*
Dear Ayumi,
Ever'one says thanks fer th' presents! I didn't really go to school. I was self taught! An' Chiriko helps me out wit' th' letters. Aidou is STILL single an' STILL livin' at home!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Alright, here's one of those long winded love questions. I'm...not a very emotional person, all I ever do is hide it all. Well, I met this guy named Shigeru...he's a swordsman like me and I love him to death. He was still devoted to this ex-girlfriend of his, Yukiko, but after awhile he seemed to get over her..atleast a bit. He called me his wife, and gave me his body...but not his soul. This is after I foolishly let my emotions lose...Now he's going after some other girl..and I'm in serious need of some advice....::polishes her katana:: ...Should I slice, or decapitate? ::bright smile::
Dear Seta-san,
Hmmm.. slice THEN decapitate! It will hurt more.
Dear Mitsukake,
I am in love with you! You are much more mature and profound and serious than the other seishi! Anyone could love a Tasuki or a Nuriko, but you are much better than them. I just wanted to say I am making a page with my friend (who LOVES Tasuki) and it is about ALL the characters, but you will have a HUGE shrine, because everyone takes you for granted and overlooks your great! looks. Where can I find the song of you singing? I have found it before but it was a broken link. Please help!
Dear Lela-chan,
Arigato for your kind words and fro creating a shrine for me. I don't know where to find my song on the Web. Minna, can you help her onegaishimasu?
Dear Chichiri,
My friends and I were wondering if you have magic because of your kesa, kasa, staff, etc., or is it just your Suzaku shichiseishi power? *thinks of something and goes past Chichiri to a sleeping Tasuki* Guess he had too much sake... *takes Tasuki's tessen* Now nobody has to worry about a misfired Rekka Shinen, ne Chichiri? *smiles* Anyway! Thank you na no da! ^_^
Dear Jasmine-chan,
My powers come from being a Seishi, but my skills were taught to me by Taiitsu-kun, no da. Ano... *puts his hand out..* the tessen please, no da?
Dear Tasuki,
Ok. I may be asking the wrong person here, but oh well. I've got a friend that for some reason just started crying and got real upset last night. She wouldn't tell me what happened and when I asked her what was wrong she d*mn near bit my head off! I don't know how to help her. She just left and I havn't heard from her since so far. I don't think I did anything, and I asked her if she was mad at me but she wouldn't give me a straight answer. What should I do?
Reikaku no Miko
Dear Reikaku no Miko,
Try an' get in touch wit' her an' if she's calmed down enough to talk to you. If she has mebbe she'll tell ya' what's wrong. Good luck.
Dear Nuriko,
Is it okay if we tell you that you're soo kawaii and HANDSOME? You are!
Yui Seta
Dear Yui Seta,
Sure!!! Arigato!!! Tee-hee...
Dear Tasuki,
Why did you KISS Miaka? Why did you RAPE her in the OAV?! Despite the fact you know she has a boyfriend, Taka, who is Tamahome but not really but still--! Don't you think Yui is hotter? *wink, wink* Why Miaka? She's an idiot.^-^ Men. We don't get you!!
Yui Seta
Dear Yui Seta,
That wasn't a kiss!! It was artificial respiration! An' I was under th' influenece of an' ewvil spell when I attacked Miaka.
Dear Tasuki,
I was just wondering if you could possibly tell me how you would translate your name into Japanese characters. I think Japanese is sooooooooooo cool! Bye
Dear *~AngelKiss~*,
Hmmmm... lemme see... Tasuki, click on it an' ya' should see my name in hiragana. How's that?
Dear Chichiri,
i love you chichiri!!!!!!
Dear holly,
Arigato, no da!
Dear Nuriko,
We think that is sooooo sweet that you took on your sister's identity. We wish that it wasn't how you got to be a girl because that's sooooooo sad. WE love you cus ur so courageous for taking on the identity of a girl. Our one question has to deal with Hotohori. Do you, I hope u don't think we are prying into your personal life, still like him? ::As we add 2 candles to your shrine:: We hope to know the answer.
anna and lady
Dear anna and lady,
He is my friend and that's good enough for me.
Dear Chichiri,
Konnichawa Chichiri!! Daijobu desu ka? I was wondering, what is the best way to kidnap Tomo and give him to my friend, since she likes him so much? I was also wondering, would you ever consider surgery to help heal your scar? I mean, even with your scar healed, you will still be the same guy! Next, why is Tasuki so stupid is is because he is actually stupid or because he just chooses to act that way? Of all the seishi, who would say you're closest to? If you were to go back to Miaka's world with Tasuki, would you have tried that world's liquor? And that is the end of my questions. Ja ne na no da Chichiri-sama!
Ai-chan; Futago no Aiyoku
Dear Ai-chan; Futago no Aiyoku,
Daijoubu, no da! I don't know how to kidnap Tomo, no da. Why does she even like him, no da? I prefer to leave my scar the way it is for now. Tasuki isn't stupid, no da. He just sometimes acts before he thinks, no da! I would say that I am closest to Mitsukake and Tasuki, no da. And yes I would have certainly gone drinking with Tasuki, no da.
Dear Hotohori,
Thank you hotohori-san. I finally told her. With the help of you and my boyfriend. He made me promise and I NEVER break my promises. That little devil. But I did it, and that night i called him to tell him and he could tell by the sound of my voice that i had done it...'You seem a lot happier than you did last night, you've lifted a loud off of your shoulders. Thank you Bucket Head!! *kisses him lightly on the cheek*
Lady Opinion
Dear Lady Opinion,
You're very welcome. I'm glad I was able to help!
Dear Tasuki,
*stares at Tasuki-lover holding Knife* I have to say(before this lover kills me) I'm sorry for the funny letter I wrote you.(heh heh)Ok I mean henti letter I wrote. sO IS It True?
Kimika(the new suzaku no miko)
Dear Kimika,
I don't even know what yer talkin' 'bout! But if it involves me an' Kouji... NO!
Dear Nuriko,
You're a smart guy. Maybe you can give me some advice. I've been sick a lot lately. I have a chronic illness that's been flaring up big-time, and I've missed the last 3 months of school, and I'm still not really in shape to go back. (I can prop myself up in front of the computer, but hey, even hospitalization can't keep me from the 'Net. ^_-) This is my senior year, and I still haven't completed my work from the previous semester, much less this semester. I'm pretty positive there's no way I'm going to graduate with my class. I was thinking about just going on and getting my GED, going to community college for a year or two to get the credits I still need, and then finally going on to college. I really want to graduate, but I really don't think it's possible anymore. And I think I'd be more able to handle one or two classes each semester from the community college (especially if I could be absent on the days when I needed it.) I was going to have to go to community college for my first two years anyway (I can't afford 4 years of college, even with a scholarship, which with the grades I've got thanks to abscence I couldn't win anyway ^^;;) so I don't know if I should go on and just get my GED, or try staying for another year of high school. ^_^; Which looks worse? And could I make it if I did well in community college (I'm not stupid, I just can't learn what I'm not there to be taught)....?
Dear Angela,
I'm sure you could makeit in a Community College. You should do your best to graduate with your class if that is what you want. If you are unable to do so, then go for your GED. Then you can go on to college from there. Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Tasuki,
ano....i hadn't planned on doing a hentai pic of you wearing that shirt..just wanted to see if it fit and if ya liked it. but wouldn't you have to be without a shirt(and other clothing items)for it to be hentai?*scratches her head*
Dear Saralady,
Depends I guess. I was jus' worried 'cos I saw yer picture of Chichiri!
Dear Nuriko,
I haaaate my hair!!! It's soo boring and I don't know what to do with it! Can you give any advice? It's light brown and shoulder length... Should I just buy a hat? ^_^
Dear Fang-Girl,
You can do a lot of diferent things! You can get a different cut or style, add highlights, or a body wave for example. You might want to discuss your options with your stylist so you can decide together. Good luck!
Dear Chichiri,
AHA!!*pointing at you* You've just admitted it! You've just admitted Kelli as your aisai/wife. Hmph!! well if that's the case...*stands on a podium* I didn't want to do this but you leave me no choice. *gets out a bullhorn* I now officially accept the title given to me by my good friend Iridal as Chichiri no Saiai!!So from now on, I am not only Taiitsu-kun's granddaughter but Chichiri no Saiai too!!*gets down from the podium and walks toward you* And to make it really legally official...*stops in front of you and gives you a kiss that lasts 3 mins.* *cheers* YEAY!!! I am Chichiri no Saiai!! I am Chichiri no Saiai!!*winks*
Lady Arashi
Dear Arashi,
*Blushes and sweatrains*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*cheers* Go Chiriko! You got it! My name is Amanda! *smiles* And you get a gift for guessing right! *hands him a box with some good books in it* And consolation prizes...... *gives everyone else a lollipop* Those are great guesses. I have a friend named Amy, Chichiri. And I used to know a DAWN Marie, so close Tasuki. Those are all really cool! Arigatou for an entertaining answer!
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
Arigato for the prize!
Dear Chichiri, CLAIMED me....*is smiling*
Kelli, Chichiri No Aisai
Dear Kelli,
*Blushes and sweatdrops...* Ano, I guess I did, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Essence: *sticks out a foot and trips Tasuki* Stay put. *smiles*
Keetia: Heheh! One isn't THAT scary! =)*washes out her green hair dye* *POUNCE!* I'm not that scary! *sniffles* Meanie... =< Meeeeeeeeanie! *cries*
Keetia: *blinks*
Essence: *sweatdrops* Weirdo. *rips off the green bows*
Keetia: *WHACK!* WHERE WAS YOUR SAINT PATRICK'S DAY SPIRIT? =P No left over Irish whiskey for you, Fungi-chan! 'Sides, she's Irish and people are always running around with those "Kiss me, I'm Irish" pins ;p ;-;
Firefury: *clonks Tasuki over the head with her (sheathed) sword.* BAKA! *whackwhackwhackwhackWHACK!*
One-chan, Firefury, and co.
Dear One-chan, Firefury, and co.,
*Looks at the group as if they are out of their tiny furry minds...* 'Che! What is goin' on at yer place???? Whacko time???
Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki-samaaaaa!!*pout pout* Did I tell you that I have an oboe contest this weekend? Well, I have to play a solo, duet, and trio. >| Which I didn't even want to play... the teacher made me. So---Dr. Edlefsen picked out a solo for me: Sonata No. 1 by George Fredrich Händel. *shudders* That solo is the hardest thing I have ever attempted to play. My band teacher played it when she was a senior in high school! It's evil! Evil!! EVIL!! IT'S (*@#$&%@ EVIL!!!!! Ahem... well, I have been working on this @($*% solo for over 2 months. And today, my band teacher said something about how great I was going to do at contest. (i had played it for her before and it sounded like @(#*!) And I lost it. I was almost screaming at her. "THAT SOLO! I ... I don't think I'm going to play it! It sounds CR*P!!!!" I actually said that to her. Unfortunately, another band teacher walked in while I was saying this. And do you know what they said to me?!?! "Oh, I wish that everyone played like what you consider cr*p. You're just a perfectionist" and "Moon, it is not POSSIBLE for you to play cr*p." Can you believe that?!!? I felt like hurting someone or something or whatever... I hate when people say that sort of thing! They know it's cr*p and that I'm a perfectionist! But that is an insult to me!! They're lying and I hate it! *cries* Tasuki-sama!!!! Why is this world made to torture me???? D*mn... I wish that I lived in ancient China...
Moon ;_;
Dear Moon,
I don't think they're out to get ya'! I think they're jus' tryin' to be nice an' encourage ya'. Go easy on 'em!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Do you guys ever get sick of Hotohori-sama's vain remarks? (dont get me wrong, Hori-sama is my fav. character)
Kat and Cin-chan
Dear Kat and Cin-chan,
Well... uh... no! Really, we don't!
Dear Tasuki,
*scribbles "I am a baka" in a post-it note and sticks it to Tasuki's forehead* Heheheheee! Funny!!
Dear Katsumi,
NOT!!! *Pulls post-it off of his forehead and sticks it on her's.*
Dear Tasuki,
*stops crying and looks at the Kool-Aid* Lime Kool-Aid! well Ok, but it's not the same!*sits down and drinks it*
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
Glad ya' liked it!
Dear Tamahome,
Hi there, Tama-chan.. I really need to talk to you. You know more about love than I do. I'm scared. My boyfriend has suddenly decided to act sort of distant to me. Like not returning hugs and what not.. what does this mean? He says he needs time to himself. Did I do something wrong? Does this mean that he's gonna dump me soon? I'm probably freaking out over something stupid.. but I'm so scared.. I don't want to lose him..
Dear hurting,
Talk to him and find out what is going on with him. It may be something not even related to you. But you do need to find out before you're totally stressed out about it. Good luck! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
Hey there, Gen-chan. Hope you've been doing well. Life's been kinda rough here. My dog's birthday's this Sunday. She's the one who had liver cancer. And in school last week I was stalked by some guy. He even got into my car. I was scared silly. But thankfully I kept my head about it. It makes me shiver to think what could have happened otherwise. I finished my webpage somewhat. I have most of it up. I was wondering if you'd like to take a peek. the address is here. http://lavender.fortunecity .com/birds/599/enter.html Anyone else can visit it and sign the guestbook and let me know what they think. Thanks. Well, it was nice to drop you a line again. take care.
Dear Reddie-chan,
Nice peeji! I hope ya' reported th' guy to th' police! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
Dear Inuchan,
Yer pretty kowai! Ya' know that?
Dear Chiriko,
Oi! Chiriko! I had an idea!!!!! Ya should learn Judo! I can teach ya! Judo basically teaches ya how ta use yur opponents momentum and strength against him! It would be perfect for ya! Ya could really learn ta do some damage! I'm sure that you'd be willin' ta learn somethin new ne? *grins evilly* If ya want I can come ta Konan and teach ya some throws! I know about twenty! *cackles*
Dear Inuchan,
Arigato!! Tamahome has actually been been teaching me some martial arts.
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