Dear Mitsukake,
Hello Mitsukake-chan! *leans down, pets the cat, gives Neko-chan some fish* Oh, what a sweet little kitty! Um, Mitsukake, did you happen to see two people around here who might be looking for me? There names are Nikos and Guardian Lady Karika. Okay, Guardian Lord Nikos and....well..... Karika wan't everyone to use the formal title no matter who they are. ^_^; Have you seen them Mitsukake? I've gotta find one of them so I can ask permission to stay here. Can you help me find them? Have you seen one of them? If so please tell me where. I'd rather run into Nikos than Guardian Lady Karika. He'd be more understanding to my case.
Shrinemaiden Keisei
Dear Keisei,
Guardian Lord Nikos was just speaking to Chiriko. And I beleive that Karika has been abusing Tasuki.
Dear Tasuki,
*Runns up and Tackes Tasuki* OKAY BANDIT BOY!!!!!!!! GET YOUR DRUNKEN A** OVER HERE AND ANSWER ME! IF YOU KNOW WHERE THAT GOOD-FOR-NOTHIN' TRAINEE OF MINE IS, THEN YOU'RE GONNA TELL ME! GOT IT! *gets an idea and waves a bottle of sake around* Okay Fang-boy, I was gonna give this to ya for your help, but if you won't tell me where Keisei is...
Guardian Lady Karika
Dear Guardian Lady Karika,
*Looks at her with contempt.* Even I'M not THAT pathetic!!!! *Grabs sake and runs.*
Dear Chiriko,
Oh, so she's with CHICHIRI? Oh boy, Karika's not gonna be happy about that........... Where is this Chichiri person anyway? I've gotta find Keisei and drag her back to the training accademy before Karika does. She just doesn't like Keisei getting too good for some reason. I don't know why, just everytime Keisei has a chance to move up in her training, Karika has a reason to keep her back. *sigh* She's such a good girl too. I've gotta find her before Karika does, She isn't thrilled about her studen taking any "creative liberties" with her training, by leaving the accademy to get it. She hates the idea that she would go to the seishi for training (so she's gonna hate the fact that she even has the chance to train under her favorite seishi). Oh well thank you for your help.
Guardian Lord Nikos
Dear Guardian Lord Nikos,
You're welcome! Good luck!
Dear Tasuki,
ooooooooo, I love green beer *reaches out for it....*
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
*Smacks her hand.* NOPE! Yer too young an' it's mine!
Dear Tamahome,
I'm not going to give you any money but I wanted to ask you a question..... Today(the day I wrote this) is March 15, and it also happens to be my friend's birthday....I was wondering, if Miaka will let you, would you please wish her a happy brithday, she really likes you alot!!!!!! So, please please please......*keeps repeating 'please' until he says yes*
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
Sure!! Omedeto otanjoubi gozaimasu!
Dear Tasuki,
How'd ya hear I was mad at Zelgadis? I don't remember telling you....but I forget things easily. And I don't think talking will do anything. He'll just ignore you cause he thinks he didn't do anything. And if he can't remember what he did, then I'm not telling him again. I've told him 4 times already and he won't listen.
Reikaku no Miko
Dear Reikaku no Miko,
Ya' didn't, but I know he did apologize to ya'. I dunno what guy hurt ya' sop bad, but all of men ain't ALL bad ya' know!
Dear Hotohori,
And how do you feel about being Nuriko's present? It seems to be that you should mind being wrapped up and given over as some sort of piece of meat...^_^ Got any money you could lend me? Just kidding...or am I?
Christine (I need Pixie Stix!!!!)
Dear Christine,
I decided to go along with it for the fans...
Dear Chichiri,
WAI!!WAI!! Kawaii picture!! you look soo cute Chichiri!!*gives hug and kiss on cheek* i have a question..if you guys won't post a hentai come they posted that one with you with only the red blankie? i thought that was kinda hentai...i mean there was some kind of innuendo in that picture.*blushing and giggling* *sighs* I'm kinda down this week. Sure it's my spring break but i still have some cold and cough leftover from my recurring flu last week. i could really use a hug and a kiss right about now...*hint hint*
Lady Arashi
Dear Arashi,
*Gives her a hug and a kiss on the forehead.* That picture of me isn't hentai in comparison to some other pictures we have received, no da! Feel better, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
Why in the world did you slap Miaka back when she returned from searching for your "missing" earring? I just can't understand why you did that.
Dear Saralady,
Because I just wasn't being very nice to her back then.
Dear Tasuki,
*trips him into the pond.* Oh yeah!??? Well I told Iridal that you said she was almost normal and even SHE knows that's not true! You just tell yourself that so you can sleep at night and not have the fear that she is watching you in the back of your mind! SO THERE!
Dear Lina,
Hmph!! She's more normal than you !! *Pulls her into the pond wwith him.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I don't know whom to write this to, considering i'd like all of your opinions. Well, here is the problem...... I have a friend, and well, she's overly vocal. Well, I never express my opinion to her because she'll either get hurt by what I said or she'll play it as a joke and turn it right back around and make fun of me. She always makes fun of my clothes and my chest (i'm a bit bigger there) She says things like 'Oh, tight enough for you?' or when she draws me, she'll scream across the room 'Oi! ______ did i make your chest big enough?" Infront of all the people who know I don't like my chest to be the center of attention, it's just she thinks I do. Anyway, back to more of the problem....I don't express my opinion to her in fear i'll really hurt her feelings and then she'll be mad at me forever. And i don't want to loose her as a friend, it's just sometimes she's like the relative you see to much and wants to spend oh so much time talking about herself and poking fun at anything that comes along (i.e me) and you just want to tell her to shut up, but you don't b/c that would be rude. But I don't know what to do, I want to express my opinions, I'm used to doing it everywhere else but in her presence. Can you guys help me.
Lady Opinion
Dear Lady Opinion,
We all agree that you need to gently tell your friend that her behavior is hurting your feelings. If she can't handle that, then the two of you need to have a serious discussion.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Happy Saint Patrick's Day!!!! *hands everyone a four leaf clover* I stopped by to give you all an Irish blessing, but I couldn't decide which one so I'm giving all of you guys two: "Wherever you go and whatever you do May the luck of the Irish be there with you" and "May you have all the happiness And luck that life can hold... And at the end of all your rainbows May you find a pot of gold".
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
Arigato! May you have a wonderful Saint Patrick's Dya, too! *They all give her hugs...*
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
Gen-chan, why did you decide to pierce you ears?
Dear Maria-kun,
So I wouldn't lose my earrins'.
Dear Tasuki,
Because I said so!!!! *giggles and squeezes him even tighter* Oh and by the way, you make a cute lil' leprechaun, and I wanted to tell you an Irish blessing that had to do with drinking but couldn't find one so you'll just have to be happy with this: May the saddest day of your future be no worse Than the happiest day of your past.
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
Thanks! *Drinks a green beer in her honor...*
Dear Nuriko,
Konnichiwa Nuriko! I just had a little question for ya! Jus' how long have ya been growin' yur hair? Have ya ever cut it? I've been growin' mine for a long time, but I made a big mistake and cut a foot off about a year ago! It was a big, big mistake! *weeps* Its still long though. If I hadn't cut it, It would have reached the top of my thighs now.. *weeps* Oh why oh why did I do such a stupid thing?!
Inuyasha (Inuchan)
Dear Inuyasha,
Now, now it will grow back! My hair has been browing all my life. And I did cut it about as short as Tamahome's.
Dear Tasuki,
*POUNCE!* I said WE, not I! As in Emerald, Firefury, and myself being crazy =) Whee! I may be broke, but at least I'm happy! THAT PLUSHIE IS MINE NOW! YAY!!! Well, I'm not TOTALLY broke... I have lotsa loose change and two two dollar bills that I haven't been able to get rid off. Well, I have a castle I need to get the hell out of (I'm playing Shadow Gate 64 ;p) so- AUGH! STUPID SUNBURN! >.<- *ahem* so I'm outta here to go put some lotion on my burn and THEN get the h*ll out of the castle... ow.
Dear One-chan,
Omedeto gozaimasu on th' plushie!! Mitsukake says to use aloe on yer burn!
Dear Chichiri,
*pouts* Its FUN to pop off Gohans arms like that! Trichan was makin' fun of me! Its just So AMUSIN' *pops off an arm and giggles insanely* Heehee. Go ahead and try it Chichiri. Its so much fun! A good way to relieve tension...
Inuyasha (Inuchan)
Dear Inuyasha (Inuchan),
*Looks at her and sweatdrops.*
Dear Nuriko,
Hey, Nuriko-papa. *hugs him* I have a question. I have been in the most horrible alcohol withdrawal lately and I was wondering if you know if those Shirley Temple things are any good. Or have you ever had one?
Dear Kourin,
They're ok if you like sweet non-alchoholic soda drinks.
Dear Tasuki,
Hey there Tasu-chan! *punches him on the shoulder* Ah. I ain't no good at hugs or nothin'. Anyway, I jus' got a couple a q's for ya. 1.) Do ya DYE yur hair?! I looked for the color in the stores and couldn't find it... :P 2.) Do ya really HATE all women? Seems kinda cruel ta me. Ya don't know everyone ya know. 3.)Why didja run away from home ta go ta the city? Sorry, I know that's kinda personal and all but I'm curious. 4.) Do ya like all the popularity being a seishi gives ya? 5.) Do ya like ta wear sunglasses? Kinda pointless question, but hey! Okay. That's all. Talk ta ya soon! Ja ne Tasu-chan! Burn Tama for me k?
Inuyasha (Inuchan)
Dear Inuyasha,
Here's yer answers:
1) No! It's jus' naturally cool!
2) Jus' th' annoyin' ones!
3) To get away from my annoyin' family!
4) I guess it's OK, but th' fangirls are killin' me! *Fanged grin*
5) I dunno. I don't think I ever wore 'em.
Dear Chiriko,
Hello young man. Maybe you could help me. I'm looking for a student of mine, her sisiters said that she was around here somewhere. Did you see her parchance? Her name's Keisei, and Karika and I have to talk to her about her guardian training. SHE'S NOT SUPPOSED TO BE TRAINING WITHOUT OUR PERMISION! Not here at least. Could you please tell me where she is.
Guardian Lord Nikos
Dear Guardian Lord Nikos,
I have seen her. I do not understand why you do not want her to take instruction from Chichiri. He is an excellent sensei and a very nice person.
Dear Tasuki,
Sir! Mister Bandit! HEY YOU!!!! *walks up to Tasuki and whaps him in the head* Answer me you morron! I'm looking for some one! She's got purple hair, brown eyes, real short? *Sees the clueless look on Tasuki's face* She's a shrinemaiden, claims to be a guardian? *sigh* HER NAME'S KEISEI YOU MORRON!!!!!! HOW MANY PEOPLE ARE THERE WITH THAT FLIPPIN' NAME!!!!!!!!! *Stands still and fumes at the bandit for a bit* Well? I can't stand around here all day ya know! Where is she?
Lady Guardian Karika
Dear Lady Guardian Karika,
Yeah, I know who yer talkin' 'bout!! But I ain't tellin' ya' 'cos yer so d*mn rude!!! *Walks away...*
Dear Chichiri,
Believe me, I'd love for you to instruct me, but do you think I wanna go out there to find them? I don't think so! My sister ratted me out so bad, that they won't listen to anything I say. *leans out and takes a quick look around* Well, it looks like they're not around here anywhere. I guess I'll go find them. I guess I have to. * gives Chichiri a kiss* Just for luck. *walks away, looking rather nervouse.*
Shrinemaiden Keisei
Dear Keisei,
*watches her as she leaves...* Good luck, no da!
Dear Chiriko,
Hi! *gives Chiriko a hug* It's march break, finally! It's felt so weird to procrastinate and actually have so much time that I don't need to worry about my procrastiation! *dances in circles* This is so great! By the way, are you out of school this week too? I don't know what school is like in ancient china.
Dear Rachel-chan,
I am taking a rest from my studies as well. Have a fun break!
Dear Tasuki,
*gives Tasuki some sake and sits down across from him with a root beer* I've got this shoe here, ya see. *holds up Hotohori's left duck shoe on her finger* I'ds like to know how much Mr. Emperar is gonna to pay to have this here duckity shoe back. *takes a swing of her root beer, chokes and sneezes foam out her nose* Sh*t....that was supposed to look cool... *rubs her face off* Okay, kill the gangster talk. I'll give Hotohori-sama his shoe for 100 ryou of okane.
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
Ya' got th' wrong Seishi fer that! *Grabs the shoe and heads off to Hotohori.*
Dear Tamahome,
*thinks* Hmmmm, well, the very end of the series....I guess that's a happy medium between skinning you and henpecked husband now isn't it. *sighs* Well, I guess it's too bad for you though Tamahome. Soi-chan likes me as I am now and to tell you the truth, I'm alot happier this way myself. *smiles* I find it so much less stressful not to be running around worrying about what my enemies are doing. *thinks for a second* Now I had something to tell you.....d*mmit what was it....Oh yes! You remember Yuri-chan, ne? Well, I've got some rather nice news. I'm going to be a father again! *smiles*
Dear Nakago,
Omedeto gozaimasu.
Dear Tasuki,
What the H*LL was going on in the chatroom the other day?! Nobody would tell me! All I know is that some jerk was trying to pick a fight and I got in the middle of it! Do you have ANY idea what started it?
Reikaku no Miko
Dear Reikaku no Miko,
I dunno, I wasn't there. But I heard it was them tenchis again! CnA an' us ain't real happy 'bout what's been goin' on in there lately. So, why're ya' so ticked at Zelgadis? Want me to talk to him fer ya'?
Dear Nuriko,
I got a new hairstyle!! It's shoulder length, layered in front and straight in the back and I'm going to get my hair streaked again!! Problem is....IT KEEPS CURLING OUTWARD!! I LOOK LIKE SOME KINDA 50'S CHICK!!!! TASUKETE NURIKO-SAMAAAA!!
Dear Jean,
Perhaps you can use a styling gel and either hot rollers to straighten it or blow dry it straight. I believe that ConAir makes a hair starightening styling wand for around 20-30 dollars that Bloomingdales sells. That might do it for you. Either way, it sounds kawaii!
Dear Nuriko,
Hey Nuriko-sama!! How ya been? Me good so far .... I wanted to know without people laughing or thinking I'm dumb, but I have a question... My school is having a dance coming up soon since our school screwed up the Valentine Tolo we were suppose to have ... and turned it into a semi-formal dance this month .... I'm not the greatest formal dance girl .... I'd rather have it casual and fun .... so I know wut formal is with dressing up and looking pretty like homecoming dance but ... wut is this semi-formal biss?? I don't know wut ur suppose to wear ... wut would u suggest? I know its nuthin too fancy but I was wondering exactly wut would be good to wear which would be semi-formal and not too dressy or over doing it ... so please if u could advice me ... our dance is on the 31st ... so I just want to know soon before I go shopping soon ... Arigato!!! Love Fush
You can wear a mid-calf or knee length dress or skirt. Or you can wear a casual longskirt with a dressy shirt and jacket. Dark colors are good if it is being held at night. Either way, wear something that you feel comforatble in and something that makes you feel fabulous!
Dear Tasuki,
Hello this is my first letter to the Seishis! Hope everything's been going well for all of you! I'll get to the point...just exactly how old will you be next month, Tasuki-san? I'm curious...*_* And did nobody ever mention to you that your drinking habits may be a bit excessive? I hope you've got an exceptionally good liver and all... Ayumi ^_^
Dear Ayumi,
I'll be 20 next month. People tell me that all th' time!
Dear Nuriko,
Hi again Nuriko!! Well I dumped my bf and I'm kinda glad cuz I like the feeling of not being overly sumerged with my ex ... it was fun while it lasted but I needed some time off .... I was wondering cuz I'm into this other guy and he's into me ... he would have been my bf first if the other guy didnt decide to ask me out that one day ... and I know he just asked me out but I'm wondering how much time should I have between dumping my ex and going out with this new guy .... wut do u suggest??? I dont want it to seem like I dumped my other bf for this new guy which I honestly can say that was not my motive for dumping my bf ... I just wanted some time off and the reality fact that I had nuthin in common with my ex .... this new guy ... we share everything in common and even my parents like him ... And we talk more and I enjoy his company and I felt warmer when he hugged me more than when my ex did .... so I just needed to know wut u would think ... Arigato for ur time & advice *Hugs & kiss on check goodbye*
I say go ahead and date him if that is what will make you happy. Good luck! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Chichiri,
Hey Chichiri, Uh.. *laughs nervously* I'm not a very outgoin' person. I'm actually really quiet. People are afraid of me at school because of that. I just wanted ta ask ya some questions. 1. If I ever go to yur world, can I wear a copy of yur mask. I've seen ya pull off a copy before. 2. When ya first met Taiitsu-kun what was yur reaction? 3. Why do people scream because of Taiitsu-kun's looks? People aren't supposed to care about looks! Its so annoying! 4. Ya should take off yur mask more often. Ya look better without it. I know that's not a question, but oh well... Ja ne for now! ^_^
Inuyasha (Inuchan)
Dear Inuyasha,
Here are your answers, no da:
1) My mask is magiickal and only works for me, no da.
2) I was rather... um... surprised and honored, no da.
3) I don't know. I suppose she is a bit intimidating, no da.
4) Arigato! A lot of people have told me the same thing, no da.
Dear Chichiri,
Hiya Chichiri-sama! I was just wondering.............. my sis, Keisei, went out as you for halloween, but almost noone could guess who she was. One guy said she was a chinese fisherman (man, how close was that!?) But many people said stuff that sonded weird. They said she looked like someone from Mortal Combat. (Radin...... Raven..... wht whas his name again? I don't know.) Have you or CnA ever seen Mortal Combat? If one of you has, maybe you could tell me for yourself how much you think you look like this character. Neiother of us have even SEEN the movie, so we can't say for sure. Bye-bye!
No da Neko
P.S. Wuv ME!
Dear No da Neko,
Chichiri no Aijin has seen Mortal Kombat and doesn't think I look anything like Rayden, no da. The only thing we have in common is that we both wear kasas, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
^_^ *laughs* nice picture!! hey, who drew ya anyway? *cocks head* 's very.... revealing(?) *laughs again* i KNOW there aren't supposed to be any hentai q's but... gotta know... you aren't GAY are you? lol... *wiggles*
Dear Kamo-chan,
I don't remember who drew last week's picture, but this week's picture Amy-chan did. An' NO, I ain't gay!
Dear Nuriko,
Konnichiwa, Nuriko-san. *bows* I hope you don't mind if we skip the small-talk, but I've come seeking your advice. There is a guy I've had a crush on since June. I know, you've probably heard stories like this before, but please bear with me. This guy and I have been friends for approximately two and one half years, and then this past June, I realized I LIKED him. However, I wasn't able to see him until the second week of August, and I resolved to tell hime then. But when I returned from vacation, I found out that he had somehow gotten a girlfriend while I was away. Well then, being his friend, I couldn't quite tell him my feelings for him. I didn't want to risk breaking them up and loosing both of them as friends. (Yes, his girlfriend was one of my better friends) Now, go forward a couple of months, to the present. They're still dating, and now I intensly dislike this girl who used to be my friend. I still act as though she is, however. Now they are confusing me. She has asked me several times to help her when they get into arguments, as has he. And so I mediate, resisting the urge to use the opportunity to break them up. And he never approves of any of the guys (which are not in our group of friends) that I associate with, constantly telling me how much better he is. Our gropu of friends tease him for flirting with me, but I can't be sure that he is. I don't want to ruin his relationship, even if I can't stand seeing them together. What do you think I should do? This whole situation is tearing me apart, and I just can't deal with it alone anymore. *wipes her eyes* Arigatou for listening, Nuriko-san. Oh yes, and happy belated birthday.
Dear Shuurei,
Tell the girl and your male friend that they need to solve their own problems. If you want, you can discuss it privately with him and let him know that your playing mediator is hurting you. You do not have to tell him how you feel about him if you don't want. Good luck and thanks! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Well, I'm kinda new to this page and I'm kinda bored, so asking a few(actually, lots) questions wouldn't hurt, right?(unless too many people are asking you...) Since I'm too lazy to ask a seishi one by one, so I just posted them here. Questions for Tasuki: 1. What kind of a relationship do you have with Chichiri? (hehe) 2. You met a girl who swears, kicks ass, drinks and a bit annoyed. You spent some time with her and thinks she's a bit interesting. Would you fall in love with her? ( I'm not refering this to someone, this is just a question) 3. How old are you in the 2nd OVAs? Questions for Mitsukake: 1. HOW THE H*** DID YOU TRAIN TAMA-NEKO??!! 2. Aren't you a bit annoyed about people ignoring/hating you?? Question for Tamahome(this one goes to Sukunami Taka too) WHY THE **** DID YOU FELL IN LOVE WITH MIAKA??!! Questions for anyone who wanted to answer this...: 1. What's with Taitsu no Miko, the sugar-holic fangirl?? 2. In the 2nd OVAs, why did Kyouda-san(Taiitsukun) and Ishida-kun(Renhou) always argue with each other? 3. Are you annoyed with these questions? Well, that's all! Ja ne!
Kibono Hikari (call me Hikari-chan if you want to)
Dear Hikari-chan,
Here are all your answers!
Tasuki: 1) Me an' Chichiri are friends., 2) I dunno... I ain't met anyone like that yet., 3) 19.
Mitsukake: 1) I didn't train him, he's just very intelligent., 2) Not really.
Tamahome: 1) I love Miaka, because she is sweet, caring, and unselfish among other reasons.
Chichiri: 1) We're not sure, no da!, 2) The argument was a joke, no da., 3) Not really, no da.
Tasuki, Mitsukake, Tamahome, and Chichiri
Dear Tasuki,
*pouts* I don't do disgusting things like that...geez, I was just kidding...people take me so seriously all the time... And I'm not hentai!! ^^;;;......Ok, maybe a little, but that's only when I'm hyper, and I don't really mean it. Ask Kelli! Now then, will you keep me? Pretty please with sake on top??
Iridal, your Aisai
Dear Iridal,
*Sighs* OK as long as you pull any of that hentai cr*p on me!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Ne, minna! Friday was Nuriko-sama's birthday! What you guys get him? Huh? Huh? Come on! Tell! ^_^!
Dear Inori,
We got him mostly clothes and Hotohori pictures.
Dear Tamahome,
*sweatdrops* Dammit...Really? *raises an eyebrow at Tamahome* Amusing? It's amusing is it? *glares* Well, do you prefer me as I am now or did you like it better when I was trying to kill you and your girlfriend? Which Nakago do you prefer? Evil and out to skin you or wrapped around Soi's little finger? Honestly Tamahome, I'd think you'd be an advocate of me the way I am now. If you liked me better the way I used to be I have no problem with going back to trying to kill you...
Dear Nakago,
I think I liked you better the way you were at the end of the series.
Dear Tasuki,
You will?!? *_* WAI WAI!! I'M KEPT! I'M KEPT!! *hugs and kisses him* This is wonderful! *dances around the room, dragging Tasuki with her* WAI WAI!! *kisses him on the cheek and scampers off, singing*
Iridal, Tasuki no Aisai
Dear Iridal,
*Sweatdrops* 'Che! Don't take much to make ya' happy does it?
Dear Tasuki,
*POUNCE!* Nah! ^-^ ... *whisper* if you want to annoy Emerald, call her a fangirl. Heheheheheh. But hey, I may stop having to try and steal CnA's Tasuki plushie. =) At this time there is 1 hour and 22 minutes till one if mine, as long as I'm not out bid. Between that and Emerald's early birthday present (A Sano plushie* I'll be broke until the next race. ^^; Speaking of the races, I'm HALF sunburned ^^; So is Emerald. So we went to her grandparents and jumped into the probably below 50 degrees tempature pool, twice, and stayed in for about 20 minutes. Think we're crazy?
Dear One-chan,
Do I think yer crazy? Hmmm.... Nah, I KNOW it!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Can people submit pics for the Seishi of the Week? And if so, what do we need to do to submit them? and what are the rules surrounding what is acceptable and what is not? Anyone want a lolliepop?*holds out a basket of lollies and grins*
Dear Saralady,
Thank you for the lollipop! You can submit NON-hentai pictures by sending them to the administrator's address on our peeji. If you do send hentai pics we will view them, but they WON'T get posted. Also include your name so we can give you credit for it. Thank you for asking!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*bounds over to everyone* Oi, minna! *huggles and stragles everyone* Just a quick note to ask, if all of you were ice cream flavors, what flavors would you be? ^_~ Ja!
Dear Mei-Lin,
Here are your answers:
Chichiri: Chocolate Oreo, no da!
Tamahome: Mint Chocolate Chip
Mitsukake: Vanilla
Chiriko: Green Tea
Hotohori: Chocolate
Nuriko: Plum
Tasuki: Cinnamon
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Chichiri,
*from behind Chichiri* Ya know remember that letter I sent saying that the four sisters had arrived? Well, ya remember that I told you something about me being a guardian? Well, that's kinda only half true. I AM here to protect and guard you, but, um, well, ya see I'm kind of not officialy a guardian. YET! I had to go through this special training, but to complete it, I needed to learn from someone one-on-one. Nobody would train me, so I decided to come here, to see of someone from your world would instruct me. Apparently, they (the people from the accademy) say that it's not fair to do this. Apparently, only the most qualified students get to go all the way. And I wasn't one of them. I'm just as good as anyone that was chosen, but for some reason, noone wanted to take me. My sisters didn't know that I came here to learn, so when they found out, they ratted me out. And now, my Overlord and Lady are after me because I wasn't supposed to continue my training. And ESPECIALLY not by one of you. They'll take me back unless I can get one of you guys to tell them to let me stay. Please help me.
Shrinemaiden Keisei
Dear Keisei,
I see, no da. Perhaps I can instruct you, no da. Would your guardians allow that, no da?
Dear Tasuki,
*Drop kicks Tasuki.* I HEARD THAT!!! The Suboshi no Aisai thing was just a joke anyways!! so there! besides, your one to talk whips and chains boy. *glare*
Dear Lina,
Oh yeah??? At least I have an almost normal person wantin' to marry me!!! Not some psycho yo-yo boy! So there! *glares at her*
Dear Tasuki,
*runs to Tasuki and jumps into his arms and holds him tight* Ya know what? *looks at him with big blue eyes* If I did come to Konan, you and I could live happily ever after!!! hehehe *giggles and holds him tighter....*
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
*Looks at her and sweatdrops* We could??? How do ya' figure that?!?!?!?
Dear Chichiri,
I love your kasa! Ahem, anyways...I bought my friend Inu-Yasha a DBZ action figure of Gohan for her birthday. It turns out his arms pop off with ease. It provides hours of entertainment, but I don't know. Is it healthy to enjoy taking the arms off an action figure, even if you are hyper at the time?
Lady Triumph
Dear Lady Triumph,
I find that behavior a bit disquieting, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
i like this boy and we use to be an item but we broke up since he started to like someone else. i was glad he was honest but a little heart broken. he told me that the it was the longest relationship he had ever been in. he was my first boyfriend as well. i still like him. but i don't know how to tell him.
can't say
Dear can't say,
Don't unless he let's you know he wants to be more than friends again. He has made his choice and you need to move on. It hurts but you'll be better for it. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki-kun!! Ogenki desu ka? Elyra-chan has almost finished remaking her new site for ya'! And so far it's wonderful!! I think you'll really like it! When its done, I'll send you the link to it.. Stay as cute as you are right now! *grin* Ja!
Dear Kaori,
Boku wa genki desu! Thanks! I wanna see th' site when she's done!
Dear Mitsukake,
Boring! You are not boring! You're so cool! Anyways, I hope I don't bore you with my questions. would you treat a burn? Gum the hair? Peanut butter or ice? Is the Suzaku really a chicken or turkey? What's the best way to beat someone at arm wrestling? Is Chichiri and Kenshin anyway related?
Dear lil-chan,
My you certainly are a curious one aren't you? *Smiles* The treatment of the burn depends on the severity of the burn. For a minor burn I would use ice ands aloe to treat it. For gum in the hair I prefer ice and making sure Chiriko doesn't fall asleep with gum in his mouth... Suzaku is neither a chicken nor a turkey. He is a god. One of the forms he takes is that of a phoenix. I really don't know the answer to your arm wrestling question and I doubt that Chichiri and Kenshin are related.
Dear Chichiri,
*stretches* Ohiou Gozaimasu Chichiri-sama! Ogenki Desu ka? I just finished remaking the shakujou!! I think it's ka-billions of times better than before!! Wanna' see?? Anywho, *thinks for a second* Hey...You didn't say what would make YOU blush...What would make you blush? *grin*
Dear Kaori,
Chiriko has already updated your link on the Links peeji, no da. Ano.. what makes ME blush, no da? Oh, different things at different times, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
Happy birthday, again!!! Here's your present. ::hands him Hothori-Sama:: Sorry that I couldn't give him to you before. It took a while to convince him to be a present.
Nuriko Luvr
Dear Nuriko Luvr,
*Looks at the sweatdropping emperor...* OOH! For me? Arigato!!!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Did Pioneer dub the OVA series (of Fushigi Yuugi)? Huh? Did they??? Would you know? ^-^ Thanks. Bye,bye^~
§Chibi Rain Star***
Dear Chibi Rain Star,
I believe they are in the process of doing so. You also might want to check out their website for any news or information.
Dear Chichiri,
Hello Chichiri! I can't get to sleep. I went to bed at 11:00, but I woke up at 3:00! *snif* Now I can't get back to sleep! *sobs* I'm gonna be really tired all day! Plus my cat is freaking me out. He's running around from one room to the other really really fast...By the way, can I borrow your kasa? *gets stars in eyes* I love your kasa!
Lady Triumph
Dear Lady Triumph,
Gomen that you can't sleep. Perhaps you should play with your cat, no da. If you can find a way into cyberspace, I will take you on a kasa trip, no da.
Dear Tamahome,
I've got a quick question for you. Do you think I've compromised my dignity lately? Someone was talking with me a while ago and said something about me having lost all sense on dignity since I married Soi. Personally I think it's stupid but I'd love to see your opinion.
Dear Nakago,
Hmmm... in a word, YES! You have become a henpecked, doting husband. If it weren't so amusing it would be a tragedy!
Dear Tasuki,
Hi One-chan's lover boy! Now, I've been wondering, what's it like being the seishi of a giant chicken? I mean, it's a GOD, I'm sure it'd taste MUCH better than KFC's chicken. You could fry it up in a biiiig frying pan... or better yet, you could use your tessan to fry it! ^_~
Emerald (protector of CnA's Tasuki plushie!)
Dear Emerald,
Ya' may be protector of th' plushie but that was jus' plain mean! He's a *^%$#@* GOD! Show some )*^%$#@ respect!
Dear Tasuki,
*POUNCE!* I never started. But just for that, I WILL! *tickles Tasuki mercilessly!*
Dear One-chan,
Dear Tasuki,
Blindfolds and lace does not seem your style. Neither does whips and handcuffs. *gives him a universal key for opening handcuffs and shears for the lace, whips and blindfolds* Sheesh, hentai fangirls...... You're lucky I've not drooling over you all. (The licking thing was joke goshdarnit! I was high on sugar!) I noticed that Lina married Suboshi. I think Lina's nuts but you have to admit that they suit each other... I mean, when you look at it, they both have dangeous powers, they're both implusive and quick tempered and I don't think either one is entirely sane.
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
That's true! *Looks around nervously for Lina...*
Dear Nuriko,
*slaps herself in the forehead* Dammit! I forgot it again! Why is it that I can remember everyone's anniversary but not their birthday? *hugs Nuriko* Happy Birthday, you little liar you! (I doubt you're twenty and you've turned thirty two eight times already in my world!) *smiles* So, any suggestions as to what you're future self would like for a very very short notice birthday gift? *smiles sheepishly*
Dear Kourin,
Hmmmm... Hotohori-sama?? Tee-hee...
Dear Tasuki,
You arn't still mad about what I said to Seifer are you? I didn't mean it. Honest.
Reikaku no Miko
Dear Reikaku no Miko,
Ya' didn't? OK, I ain't mad at ya'!
Dear Tasuki,
*grabs him and hugs him* YAY!! Tasuki's not mad at me anymore!! ..although....I think Seifer will be....but oh well, I don't really care what he thinks anymore.
Reikaku no Miko
Dear Reikaku no Miko,
Ah, who cares what Seifer thinks? He's a loser!
Dear Nuriko,
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nuriko Luvr
Dear Nuriko Luvr,
Arigato!!! * Gives her a hug*
Dear Nuriko,
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, NURIKO-SAMA!!! *brings out a BIG box* Okay, NOW you can open your present! *whispers* It's a Hotohori-sama statue and some neat clothes I thought you'd like! Hope you like it!! Thank you so much for being such a great person and...and...*teary eyed* For remembering me always!! *HUGS*
Dear Inori,
OOHH!!! Arigato!!! *Gives her a big hug and a kiss...*
Dear Chiriko,
Hello Chiriko^_^ I just wished a happy birhtday to Nuriko, What are you seishis going to give him??Hope that its something nice^_^. Your birhtday is coming up soon also, what do you wish for??
Dear Annie,
we got him some new outfits. Myself, I prefer books!
Dear Nuriko,
Hi Nuriko! I just wanted to give you a BIRTHDAY HUUUUUGGGGGG!!! You look really great!!!*sparkle eyes*
Dear Annie,
Arigato! *Hugs her back*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I'm back and I'm mad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why in the #!*&^&%^&%^ do you say that that namigomi of a jerk likes me. We have a love hate relationship. (I love to hate him anyway) I just want to say that Tasuki is the only one with a hint of sense in his skull! If you use that answer for every time anyone writes to you complaining about a boy, then you must be out of your *$#@^$$&$ minds. Enough small talk. Today I come to you with another problem. I know anouther guy, this one I allways beat the crap out of, he's terrified of me. The problem is that no matter how bad I hurt him, he won't even throw a punch. He is stronger than me, and he has itleast 5cm taller than me. I keep telling him that If he fights back, I will leave him alone, yet he just stands there like an idiot. Is there something mentally wrong with him, or does he have too many morals to than to hit a girl? I await your answer with fists ready to attack.
Magic Turtle Genbu
P.S. Tasuki, could you tell me some of your fighting secrets? arigato
Dear Magic Turtle Genbu,
Ya' know, that ain't no way to get advice! I ain't givin' ya' any fightin' tips! Ya' know real men jus' don't hit women! No matter how annoyin' or loopy they are!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*runs in and hides behind the seishi* Help! The've found me! Do me a favor and tell them I've died! Don't let them find me! My sisters ratted me out! Apparently my overlord and Lady don't approve of this guardian thingy! I don't wanna go! SAVE ME!!!!!!!!!!!
Shrinemaiden Keisei
Dear Keisei,
NANI??? What is going here, no da? *Hides her behind him.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hey minna...gonna be gone for a week, so I thought I would say bye. *hug everyone except Tasuki and kisses Chichiri on the cheek....then FWAPS Tasuki* To hold ya over till I get back, baka bandit. ^_^ See you guys in a week or so!
Kelli, Chichiri No Aisai
Dear Kelli,
ITAI! What th' H*LL did ya' do THAT fer??? Hmph! I won't miss ya'!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Okay, what do these words together make you think of? Nakago, Ashitare, Bath Day Also, what about these words. Miaka, Fully Stocked Kitchen, No Supervision Just curious is all. Also, did any of you happen to read my fanfics at that site I told you about? I'd really like to know what Nuriko and Tasuki think of Kourin in seishi generation. She's in her early twenties now but in the fic she's seventeen and alot different from how she is now... Like, really alot! Like tons! I'm also sort of curious as to what Soi and Nakago on the Seiyruu board are going to think of this chapter I have planned with Yuri.... *grins evilly*
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
Well, the first three bring to mind a tragedy, no da. As Ashitare and Nakago kill each other off, no da. The second set just terrifies us all, no da!!! We haven't had a chance to read your fanfics. Gomen nasai, no da!
Dear Nuriko,
OH!! *gives Nuriko a big hug* your so sweet! Maybe I should like you instead of Tasuki, what do you think? Have you ever seen an anime show called El Hazard? I got to see all the first episodes yesterday, and it was so funny. Almost, but not nearly, as funny as FY. My favortie character was a priestess/sage named Shala-Shala. She just happened to be a red head who likes to drink and swear and has a short temper, HAHAHA.......... How ironic, huh? I think her and Tasuki might get along (that or bite eachothers heads off) HAHAHA........ Well, I better go now *gives Nuriko a good-bye hug*
Ja ne
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
I have seen it and it is a good series. You're right about Shayla-Shayla and Tasuki. It's kind of like Lina and Tasuki.
Dear Chichiri,
...Did you HAVE to say it on the letters page??? *goes SD in embarrassment* WHY?? *runs away*
Kelli, Chichiri No Aisai
Dear Kelli,
Ano... *looks confused* I thought you wanted an answer, no da...
Dear Tasuki,
*grins* So you 'might' keep me, huh? What do I gotta do to deserve to be kept? ^^
Dear Iridal,
Get rid th' weird stuff an' stop bein' so d*mn hentai! Yer scary!!!
Dear Tasuki,
Hi! I havn't written to you guys in a while because I've been stuck at musical practice every day.... Have you heard the new dub of Gudam Wing? Quatre has a deep's really wierd. They messed up Zechs too. Heero's voice is the only one that's okay. I've got a question for you! If the Suzaku Seishi had an eating contest (Miaka is not included) who would win? I was wondering becasue at school yesterday two of the guys in my grade had an eating contest. It was rather funny and sickening watching them eat something that consisted largely of spaghetti, powdered soy milk, kidney beans, soda, chocolate milk, ranch dressing, french dressing, and rolls. Well, I gotta run to musical practice now!
Dear Spooky-chan,
Well if were fer drinkin', that would be ME! I bet Nuriko would win!
Dear Nuriko,
Happy birthday! I have no money left since I bought some fudge, but I have some left over rocky road fudge. (it's made of marshmallows, chocolate and nuts) Would you like some? ^_^
Dear Myrna-chan,
Arigato! Sounds oishii!
Dear Tasuki,
*POUNCE!* Well, I thought it might be useful for picking on them. Oh yeah- BAKA! You never answered my other letter! It actually had a question too. PFFT! I want to know if yer ticklish! Answer meeeee! ;-; Or I'm gonna cry...
Dear One-chan,
Yes, now stop ticklin' me!
Dear Tasuki,
This is very interesting, I haven't been on for like forever, now you're married to Iridal. And Lina is married to Suboshi. Hm... and I asked you to marry me before, and ya said no.
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Yer too young. An' besides we ain't married it's jus' what she wants to call herself. Now don't go gettin' all upset on me!
Dear Chichiri,
Ne, Chichiri-san...when you posed for Mulan-sama, did you by any chance notice the poor girl having a nose-bleed? How about having a heart attack?*snickers* Ano..that previous picture was really unforgettable to say the least,ne? *giggling* I can't wait for other pictures that you have posed for.*uncontrollable giggling*
Lady Arashi
Dear Lady Arashi,
*Blushes* No, no da. I thjink the next one will be for St. Patrick's Day, no da.
Dear Chiriko,
Hi Chiriko!! I'm about your age, really! Do you have a crush on Chichiri? Exactly, how old are you? Do you think Suzaku is cute? I think so, he's kinda funny looking, but cute.
Yours Sincerely,
Suzaku No Miko II
Dear Suzaku No Miko II,
I am 13. Why would I have a crush on Chichiri or any other male? And Suzakushien is a kami-sama so I don't think his looks are all that important.
Dear Tamahome,
Hi Tamahome! Do do really like Miaka? Who do you think is prettier Nuriko, Yui, or Miaka? How much do you love money? Hey, were you ever jealous of Miaka and the emperor( yikes! I don't know how to spell his name)?
Sincerely Yours,
Suzaku no Miko II (hehe)
Dear Suzaku no Miko II,
I love Miaka! She is the MOST beautiful girl in the world to me. I will admit I was jealous of Hotohori-sama, but not anymore. As for okane, I don't love it as much as I love Miaka.
Dear Nuriko,
I can't understand how someone as absolutely beautiful as you can be a man! How do you do it? It's just not fair (of course nothing is as fair as you). You make me long to be a man just so I could have your hand. Or to be more of a woman so that you would be my man. So how come your so kawaii??
FushigiFan Esther
Dear Esther,
Arigato!!! I don't know, I was just born this way.
Dear Nuriko,
Hiya! Now that I'm going to Prom, got a couple of beauty questions. I've got long, to the middle of my back, dark brown hair. My dress has a high neckline and a low back. Should I wear my hair all up, or all down, or half up, half down? The dress is a sparkly blue gauze material over a black silk "undergown" (that's what I'd call it), with a diamond neckline. It's sleeveless. Should I wear black elbow gloves? Any suggestions? And my date is about 5 inches taller than me, is it ok to wear flats, or should I really wear heels? We'll be doing a good bit of walking on the Strip. Thanks for your help! ::smooches Nuriko, and waits for the Master of Beauty to instruct her:: Oh, and tell Tasuki not to flame me please...I suggested whipped cream and blindfolds for his honeymoon (or subsequent evenings)...Just trying to be helpful ^_^
Dear Christine,
You know you're asking for trouble with Tasuki...
Anyway, I'd wear your hair up so that your back shows. You might want to find a pretty, long necklace that will drape down your back. You should try on the gloves before you buy them to see how they look. A 1 or 2 inch heel would work. Just hold onto your date's arm as you walk on the Strip! Have fun!
Dear Tasuki,
Why would anyone think that you and Kouji were yaoi? I mean Kouji is too cute to be yaoi. Not you but Kouji is. Are you sure you and Eiekin are doing something behind our backs?
Dear Kimika,
YOU are NOT my friend!!!! An' Eiken???? That's a disgustin' thought! Ya' should be ashamed!
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