Dear Tasuki,
Sandwiches? I thought whipped cream, lace and blindfolds would be more your style...Can I borrow some money? ^_^ ::smooches Tasuki and runs before she gets toasted::
Dear Christine,
ACK!!!!! Yer hentai!!!!!
Dear Tamahome,
*hands Tama 500,000,000,000,000,000,000 out of Kasaspace* Now I'll meet you at 9:00 at the place gate and we will go to the pub till we get drunk! * gives BIG kiss* See you there :-)
Kimika (your BIGGEST fan)
Dear Kimika,
NANI?????? *looks confused*
Dear Tamahome,
Hello, Tamahome? I have some questions for you. Don't worry, I already paid the 2 gold ryou, so I am not cheating you...
1: How much money do you HAVE, anyway?
2: Do you ever play video games?
3: Why do you always have to get fried by Tasuki?
4: What if you and Tasuki switched places?
5: What would you do if you could pick on Nakago for a day?
6: What element do you prefer? Wind or fire?
7: And finally... You help Miaka with the chores, right?
Sorry I kept you... I just needed to get those questions out of my system...They've been nagging me for a while, ya know? Good bye!
Dear Jennifer-san,
Here are all your answers:
1. Not enough!
2. No
3. I have NO idea! Ask Tasuki...
4. Then I'd feel sorry for Miaka...
5. Make him kiss Ashitare.
6. Wind, I suppose...
7. Of course I do!
Dear Tamahome,
How do you handle Miaka's eating habits...? I want to know because I eat the same way she does (no kidding!) and my sister can't stand me! I wanted to ask you because you are around Miaka more than everybody else. The scary thing is, I can actually relate to Miaka-chan! That is VERY scary...
Nuriko no hime
Dear Nuriko no hime,
I make sure I make enough okane to feed her! That will be 2 ryou onegaishimasu.
Dear Tasuki,
Hi. I was just watching an anime called 'Flame of Recca' recently, and I thought of something...What if you had eight flame dragons living inside of your tessen? Nadare, Saiha, Homura, Setsuna, Madoka, Rui, Koku, Resshin... But, you know...The creator ought to have added a dragon called Tasuki! It would have been much cooler! What do you think?
Dear Sodina,
I think it's kinda strange...
Dear Nuriko,
my prom is coming and i need some advice about makeup. My dress is a midnight blue ballgown with litte spaghetti straps. I really love it and want to know if glitter will go with the dress 'cuz it's got velvet trim at the top. This is gonna be so much fun!
Dear omni82,
It should, as long as you don't overdo it. Have fun!
Dear Hotohori,
*sighs* Heika-sama...please advise me on something, onegai? Well you know, I auditioned for this role in the Drama Club's performance this year, and today..I found out that one of my best friends who auditioned with me got the role I really, really wanted. So now...I'm kinda confused...I feel very very happy for her, yet I feel sad and envious at the same time...when my friend called, I was in a state of shock, but I was congratulating her..and feeling like crying at the same time..*sits down on the floor and stares down at the ground* I don't know what I should do now..*rubs her eyes*
Dear Suzuno,
You are feeling disappoimtment in your own loss and that is OK. Be happy for your friend. I'm sure she would be happy for you.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Could you guys do me a favor and give this to CnA-san? *Hands them a blanket.* It's my blankie that we have fought over sometimes, maybe it will help make her feel better! ^_^
Dear Xelloss,
*Takes the blanket from Xelloss and wraps it around CnA.* Arigato, no da. I think it will help. Would you like to stay and help me and Tasuki look after her, no da? I think she could use some tea, no da.
Dear Chiriko,
Someone wants to read my fanfic?! WAI! All my FY fanfics are under Taiitsu no Miko at The Fushigi Yuugi Fanfiction Archive. This site has A TON of other FY fics and they are all excellent! I only have Episode One of my 'Alternate Universe' fic done yet. It's actually titled Seishi Generation - Suzaku no Miko and Seiyruu no Yogen. It's just set in an alternate universe. Thanks for the interest! I hope you enjoy it!
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
Thank you for the information!
Dear Nuriko,
HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY!!! (how old now?)
Dear omni82,
Arigato! Oh... let's just say 20. Tee-hee...
Dear Tasuki,
*POUNCE!* Lina is now Suboshi no Aisai. Thought that might interest you. She and Inori were fighting about it. Scary, huh?
Dear One-chan,
It don't interest me! It DOES disturb me...
Dear Tasuki,
Me miss Tasuki very very much!!!
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
I miised ya' too. How're ya' doin'?
Dear Tasuki,
You went on a honeymoon with Iridal?
Dear baka,
I didn't go on no *(^%$#! honeymoon wit' no one!!!!!!!!!!
Dear Chiriko,
Chiriko im here im here!!*HUGGIE HUGGIE* I havent been able to write to you lately. My computer system crashed, *sob* but now im back again^_^ My dear, kind godfather is a computer genius and he saved me and my computer^(He is so kind^_^) Just wanted to tell you ^_^ See ya!
Dear Annie,
Glad to hear that you and your computer are both OK.
Dear Tasuki,
You know, I GAVE YOU a bloody shirt, but do you wear it? Nooo, you sit around naked as Seishi of the Week again! Fine then. *gives Tasuki another shirt* And USE it this time! BTW, if you aren't going on that honeymoon with Iridal, can I have the sandwiches? I'll pass on the whips and chains, though...
Dear Suboshi,
Why th' h*ll would I wanna wear a bloody shirt??? I'll tell ya' what, ya' can have th' WHOLE *^%$#@* honeymoon!! 'Cept I MIGHT keep Iridal...
Dear Mitsukake,
*hugs him* I'm sooooo happy!!!!!!!! My friend who I thought didn't care about me really does! I'm so happy!!!!!!!!!!*starts to happily cry*
Dear Sora,
I am very happy for you, too!
Dear Chiriko,
can i cut your hair? i was playing with a pic and i know just the hair do for you. oh please!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dear in-love,
Sumimasen, but I generally prefer Nuriko cut my hair as he seems to have a talent for it.
Dear Chichiri,
Ch..Chichiri? I.. I need help. I promised I woulden't bother you anymore but I have nowhere else to turn. It's my... my best friend. My only friend left, even if she lives so far away.... Someone she trusted hurt her really badly and I can't do a thing to help! She was on a trip with her step sisters to visit some family in a distant country and she met a guy there who she became very good friends with and when they were on the plane togather... he... he crossed the line and tried to rape her! *starts to cry* She got out of the situation before he got to far but it really hurt her! Worst of all her main trigger is food and every time she tries to eat she gets horrible flashbacks and gets sick... she's losing weight. She's getting help and her friends are supporting her but I live so far away. I can't do a thing to show how much I want to be there for her! If I could I'd be there everyday at therapy right by her side! But I rarely even get to speak on the phone with her... It just isn't enough! It never should have happened to her!!! She is the nicest, most caring, helpful and all round sweetest person I have ever met. I'd gladly take her place if only she didn't have to ever go through that! I can't do a *%^$ing thing to help her! It isn't fair! She has always been there for me. When I shattered my jaw and had to have it reconstructed surgically she was there when I woke up. She came all that way for me?! And I can't be there for her... I'm no friend... I've known her since I was two years old... she moved away in grade two and we remained best friends long distance all these years. I can still tell what her favorite shade of nail polish is, metallic purple, Bonnebell brand. We planned what we would do after high school togather... we know what colleges we want to attend. She knows me inside out and has been there every step of the way, knowing just how to make me smile. And now I can't even begin to understand what she is feeling. I talked on the phone with her for two hours straight and it felt so good to make her laugh when I know how sick she is but that isn't enough. I should be there for her but I can't. I just need some way to show her that I'm behind her every step of the way, no matter what! I just feel so helpless... She is my only friend left and I don't want her to hurt. PS: DOn't suggest talking to my parents because they don't take me seriously, and I have no friends other than her at the moment, I'm not close with the rest of my relatives. I guess it is either you or my cat.... That's how pathetic I am these days... asking my cat for advice. Please if you have any advice don't hesitate. I need help. Please. Thank you (not that it's much coming from one *%^& of a screwed up angel)
Dear Suriel,
You are NOT a bother, no da! Why don;t you either send her an email or write her a letter, no da? Tell her how you feel. Let her know that you will always be her friend and want to support her anyway you can, no da.
You might want to consider sending her a teddy bear or other stuffed toy to be there with her since you can't. That way, whenever she is sad, she can hug it and remember how much you care about her, no da. *Gives her a hug.* Don't worry, you are a good friend, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
Who are you going on a honeymoon with??!! CAN I COME?! I HAVE LOTS OF WHIPS AND SANDWICHES!!
Dear Taka,
ARRRGGHHHHHH!!!!! HENTAI!!!! *Smacks him with the tessen* Get outta here! Ya' got Miaka!! Ain't that enough?????
Dear Tasuki,
Why don't you like women? Maybe you just haven't found the right one, ne? ^_~
A Tasuki Fanatic
Dear Fanatic,
'Cos all they do is get me in trouble!!!!!
Dear Nuriko,
i was just wondering... how do crossdressers shave? i mean, girls don't usually run around with beards sprouting out of them or anything... gomen, this has been bugging me... it's one of the only parts of FY that don't make sense...
Dear Anonymous,
With a razor the same as anyone else.
Dear Chichiri,
Heh...I want to know the easiest way to make some of the seishi blush (especially Tasuki.) Got any hints? *innocent evil grin*
Dear Kaori,
I don't know about the rest of the Seishi, but Tasuki seems to blush if you mention Iridal and honeymoon in the same sentence, no da!
Dear Nuriko,
*walks in* Nuriko! Did you get my last letter or did you just ignore it *pout* If you didn't get my letter then I'll just tell you what I remember of it. Lets see, I can do both of your voices pretty well, but I do the dubbed best. I know I know! Dubbed is evil! I've heard it all, but I don't own the first two tapes of the series and I had to barrow them from a friend. She only buys dubbed *sigh*. I do own a couple of subtitled videos though so I know what you sound like. Hehehe, I like it when you talk to Hotohori "Hotohori-sama". You sound soooo cute!! *gives Nuriko a hug* You know what? *eyes get really big* One of my freinds really scared me (I think I scared her more) We were just playing around, and she tried to do Hotohori's dubbed voice (yes, she likes the emperor too) so I tried Tasuki's dubbed voice. Then she began to back away from me. She said I sounded exactly like him! Whats wrong with me? Am I weird? Well I guess I shouldn't take up anymore of your time, but thanks for listening, bye bye *waves bye to Nuriko*
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
No, you aren't weird. You're just very talented!
Dear Chiriko,
Hello there Chiriko!! Anyways, I was wondering...i have seen some hints and some things thrown in about that fic in an alternate universe done by Taiitsu-no-miko but so far i have not found it anywhere and i don't know where to look. I'm really interested in reading it. Do you perchance know where she has posted it? Can you tell me where? And if not, can you ask her for me? please?
Thank you, Chiriko-san!
Lady Arashi
Dear Lady Arashi,
I do not know her website, gomen. Taiitsu no Miko, can you tell us where youyr fanfic can be found onegaishimasu?
Dear Chichiri,
*runs in and glomps on really tight* CHICHIRIIII!!!! How i've missed you!!! How are you? Why is Kelli talking about your honeymoons? Oh and before i forget...about that picture posted... EH?????*looks really puzzled* I already know you're gorgeous and all, Chichiri-chan, but what the heck was that picture about?! I've tried looking at it upside down and right side up and i still get the impression that it really puts you in a..ahem*blushes*...shall we say compromising position? I didn't know you posed for playgirl , Chichiri-chan.(you naughty kitsune you!) *gives hug and big kiss* I don't know how long it'll be til i write again.
Lady Arashi
Dear Arashi,
I didn't, no da! I posed for Mulan-sama! *pouts* Chiriko, can you change the picture, onegai, no da?
Dear Nuriko,
I need a new hairstyle!! Any suggestions? Oh, and would you like a piccie of JAMM at winter formal?? I'm taking requests now for MY pics!! ~.^
Dear Jean,
Well, let's see... If you don't want to cut it you could always wear it in a bun or in braids. You also might consider putting highlights in your hair for a splash of color. I would love to see pictures of you at your Winter Formal!
Dear Tasuki,
*wide-eyed* You mean NO ONE'S ever told you what a honeymoon is? Or what one DOES?! Oh dear... *sighs* *draws him to the side and patiently explains a few things* Does that clear things up?
Iridal, Tasuki no Aisai
Dear Iridal, Tasuki no Aisai,
*Looks at her in abject horror...* W-w-whips, handcuffs, an' sandwiches?????? *Bolts for the door.*
Dear Tasuki,
I figured you wouldn't post it. And how did I know that you would think I was too young to watch Perfect Blue? I'm not a baby, you know. I'm more mature than a lot of older people. Besides, it wasn't that bad. Creepy, yes. Scary and permanently traumatizing? No. Actually, I liked it a lot. ^^ You should see it! There are like two gross scenes and the rest are horribly fascinating.
P.S. Sorry if I sound mean... I've been feeling rather evil lately. I still have to do my awful science project, and my partner and I are procrastinating way too much. ^^;;;
Dear Moon,
I'll watch it when I get a chance. Now go do yer science project!
Dear Chiriko,
Okay Chriko.. here is a toughie... What is the meaning of pretzles... er.. i mean life?? what is the meaning of life?? (and the answer is not 42...)
Chi,the spoof-o-matic
Dear Chi,
Sore wa himitsu desu.
Dear Nuriko,
I found out that my boyfriend onece played synth at a club in a velvet dress... should be worried or proud??? (tho he would look totally great in drag tee-hee)
Chi, The wonder onion (?!!!)
Dear Chi,
Depends... does he still do it and if so, is he any good at it?
Dear Tamahome,
*returns with a soaking wet, soapy and very grumpy Ashitare by the armload* Taiitsu-kun? You think I could have been her? *dumps Ashitare in a rinse tub and pours clear water over his head* You know, that lady did look pretty crabby. It must have been her. Huh. So Taiitsu-kun doesn't like me...great...
*lifts Ashitare out of the bath and rubs him off with a towel, really hard so he turns out all fluffy - Ashitare runs off howling* Sheesh. What a crybaby. So he's fuzzy for half an hour. Soi pays more attention to him when he's cuddly like that. *sighs at the dog hair all over his clothes* You don't happen to have a lint brush anywhere do you?
Dear Nakago,
*Shakes his head and hands him a lint brush.*
Dear Nuriko,
*hugs Nuriko back hard* *shakily* Thanks... I needed that... *sighs* I shouldn't be upset, not at all. Things have been fine since Tenkou's daughter left.... *sniffs* I don't what the hell I feel like crying for... *holds Nuriko tighter* Man, the one time I come to talk to you that I DON'T have an insane problem I feel like sobbing my heart out for no damn reason at all... I-I'm sorry Nuri-papa... I don't know what's wrong with me... *starts crying hard*
Kourin (sad for no reason)
Dear Kourin,
*Holds her tight* I think it's called pregnancy...
Dear Nuriko,
I don't know what to do!!!!!!!!!!! I HAVE THIS GUY WHO IS STALKING ME!!!!!! I'm SCARED!!!!!!!!!!! *starts crying* I wish I had your strength too kick his @$$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dear Scared,
*Gives her a hug.* Tell your parents or the police IMMEDIATELY!!!
Dear Tamahome,
*hands two ryou to him* Tama-kins I have some questions for you.
1.what is you favorite color?
2.If Miaka got Koduku and loved Nakie-poo what would you do?
3.What is your favorite food?
4.If you were a flower what would you be?
5.If I payed you 500,000,000,000,000,000,000 gold ryou would you date me for a day
Dear Kimika,
Here are all your answers:
1. Gold of course!
2. I would cure her!
3. Whoppers with cheese
4. A sterling rose
5. Only if Miaka said it was OK.
Dear Chichiri,
You are the CUTEST monk I have ever seen. Just wondering why do you say 'no da' at the end of each sentece?
Dear Kimika,
Arigato, but I bet I'm the ONLY monk you've ever seen, no da! I speak that way because that is how people from my village speak, no da.
Dear Chichiri,
Hiyya Chi-babe! *crosses her arms* My baka friend told me I can't touch you so I'm stuck here like this. *pouts* Well, at least I can bother Tasuki. *drags Tasuki into the room and sits on his lap*
Oh yeah, onto my question. So, Chichiri... do you like singing? Cause I think you do it very well... and what was your favorite song?
Dear Mei-Lin,
Chi-babe, no da? *Looks at her like she's crazed...* I do like to sing, no da. I guess my favorite song is "Ochanoko Sai Sai...", no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Hiya hito-chan! *glomps him and sits on his lap* I've always waited for this! WAI!!! *squeezes Tasuki tightly* I need a life. But that's pretty obvious, isn't it? *lets Gen-chan go* As the great Iridal once sang, "Hey Tasuki! You're so fine! You're so fine you blow my mind! Het Tasuki!!!" ((Iridal gets full credit for that wonderful line))
Anywho, I was kinda wonderin', cripes, I forgot my question. Can I just sit here and smother you for a while? *sees him shaking his head no eagerly* Aw, you're no fun. But at least you can sing! *hugs him again*
Oh yeah, I remember my question now. (drum roll) Hey Tasuki... do you like jalapeno peppers?
Mei-Lin (who is feeling very silly)
Dear Mei-Lin,
I dunno, I never had 'em.
Dear Nuriko,
Hi!!!! Guess what..guess what....guess what....!!! Okay fine, I'll tell you! Darren....whose real name is going to the Prom as Evey's escort!!! I've got an escort of my own, and we'll be accompanied by another couple too! It's a group thing, and it's gonna rock!!! I'm a happy puppy!!! By the you have any money you could lend me? I'm kinda low on funds and I have to pay for my way to Prom...onegai shimasu?
Christine...who's too high on Pixie Stix and adrenaline right now...
Dear Christine,
Have fun and nope, sorry. I'm a Seishi not a money lender.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
This is for all of you 'cept Nuriko, cuz I already asked him....can I borrow money to go to Prom? You guys want me t have a good time, don't you? I've been really good lately! Onegai?
Christine...the broke hopeless romantic (who's going to Prom!!!)
P.S. know you need to unload some of those big bucks you get...
Dear Christine,
I don't THINK so! Besides I have to feed Miaka... Have fun!
Dear Tasuki,
HA! Reikaku No Miko ADMITTED that I am hotter than you! So take your fan and EAT IT, fangboy!
Seifer Almasy
Dear Seifer Almasy,
Oh yeah???? LEKKA SHIENEN!!!!!!!!!!! *Toasts Seifer (again)* Hot enough fer ya' loser????
Dear Nuriko,
Hey, Nuri-chan!! I just wanted to tell you that in my opinion, you could kick all of the other seishi's asses in not only strength, but also attitude, sexiness, sense of humor, and, most of all, female fans. I've given myself the name Nuriko no hime ever since I saw you in guy's clothes...*drools* You look so kawaii!! Not to mention you have the best fashion sense out of all of the Suzaku Seishi... *Hugs Nuriko and kisses him on the cheek* Well, I gotta go now, Nuri-chan. C'ya!
Nuriko no hime
Dear Nuriko no hime,
Arigato! *Kisses her on the cheek.*
Dear Chichiri,
Hey, it's me, Suriel. Sorry to be bothering you again... really I am but you seem to give good advice. I've got a rather bad dilemma on my hands. I hope you can help please.
My best friends recently admited to me that they started smoking. It wasn't so bad at first because they told me they hated the experience and had quit and stupid me, I trusted them! Why shouldn't I! They are my two best friends, we refer to each other as sisters. Well... they haven't quit. I know. I've seen them sneck off during lunch, I can smell it, I can see the signs... for goodness sake I saw their cigarettes!
It wouldn't be so bad... but I hold a terrible gruge against smokers. I know it's wrong and it's their own business but smoking killed the only person I love more than anything. I don't want anything bad happening to my friends... and what hurts even more is they flat out lied to me! I don't know what to do... I think they hate me! I catch them whispering behind my back... spreading rumors that my boyfriend is doing drugs when they know perfectly well he isn't. I thought I could trust them. We have be best friends for years.
On top of all that my other friends are starting to take sides... my side or my best friends'. I can't stand that! I'd rather they all ditched me than be waging this silent war against each other behind each others backs.
I hte to think this is my fault! Our group used to be inseperable! Please, I need some advice. I don't know what to do anymore. If I don't figure out something none of us are going to have any friends period. Thanks for listening... I need to get that out. Once again... sorry to bother you.
Dear Suriel,
Unfortunately, people we love do stupid things, no da. You have choices, leave them be about their nasty habit or escalate things and tell their parents, no da. You can also decide to ditch them as friends, no da. These are all difficult decisions. Good luck, no da! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
My name is Lee. (oh and tasuki sorry about my sister Sodina, she just wanted to see how you'd react. Not that I mind) Anyways, What the hell does Miaka have that makes everyone want her. I think that she is a pimp. She is also whiny and feels sorry for herself too d*mn much. Personally I cant stand anyone of that nature and I find it quite ironic that Tamahome, Hotohori, Nuriko (later in the series), Tasuki, Amiboshi, Nakago and other miscellanous people in the series. FOR GOD'S SAKE PEOPLE! Come on. What about Yui and Soi. Weither they are taken or not you might want to try to go after them once in a while. You guys have known that Miaka has been taken so quit trying. (this currently wouldnt apply to Hotohori.) I hope that this is easy to understand. Im not trying to total offened Miaka, but how can you possibly stand her. Just because she is a preistes dosent mean that she is good enough to take up the responsability. (in the OVA you guys had a little more sense.) I'm sorry to have bothered you. Gommenasai...
Dear Lee,
I'm sorry that you feel that way about our Miko.
Dear Tasuki,
Hey, I was talking with a friend (more like arguing) and I was wondernig which you prefer of the following:
1) A white wolf, or a black wolf?
2) Dark chocolate, Milk chocolate, or White chocolate?
3) Dark red, or fire red?
4) Your black outfit, or that reddish one?
Reikaku no Miko
Dear Reikaku no Miko,
I guess th' black wolf, dark chocolate, fire red an' th' black outfit.
Dear Essence,
We did! It was great!
Dear Tasuki,
*POUNCE!* I DO NOT TEACH PEOPLE HOW TO SWEAR! *WHACK!* Who's side are you on, anyways???? You'd agree with ESSENCE? Instead of me???? PFFT!
Keetia: Well, she doesn't, so NYAH TO YOU FUNGI-CHAN! So when's the honeymoon? ^.^
Essence: YOU AREN'T SUPPOSED TO AGREE WITH ME! *WHACKWHACKWHACK!* I refuse to allow you to agree with me! I refuse to have the same opinion as you! *pulls out a can of spray paint and paints the tessan neon pink O.o;*
One-chan and co.
Dear One-chan and co.,
*Wahcks Essence with the tessen and burns the paint off of it.* 'Che! No one around here can take a *^%$#@) joke!
Dear Mitsukake,
I'm very, very sorry about that letter you recieve from 'me'. That was not of my doing. It was my little sister Kimika. Please accept my apology for 'acting' so foolish in front of you and the other sieshi.
(The real) Sora
Dear Sora,
Daijoubu. It is OK. Don't worry about it.
Dear Chichiri,
*blushes furiously when he kisses her* Ano...*changes subject* Whoever that hentai was (ONE-CHAN!) that wanted pics of the honeymoon, that answer is NO!
And if you are confused as to 'honeymoon', I am sure Chichiri No Aijin will be more than happy to explain it to you. ^_~ Needless to say, it ISN'T something that you, me, fangboy, or Iri-chan would want pics shown of. Actually...maybe Iri-chan would...JuSt KIDDING!
Kelli, Chichiri No Aisai
Dear Kelli,
*Looks at Kelli blushing at sweatdropping.* I asked Chichiri no Aijin, no da! She explained a honeymoon to me, no da! You want to do THAT with ME, no da?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Nope, I'm not going to bully Tasuki this time!
I wanted to ask for your advice... I've got this problem... you see, there's this guy who I already know for a year. Although we only know each other via the internet and haven't met in real, we're very good friends and we also write via regular mail. But there are a lot of things we can't talk about; sometimes, if I start a discussion about something he starts talking about something else, trying to change the subject or simply doesn't answer.
Now I already had my suspicions that he's... different qua sexuality and when I dropped by his site by coincidence I saw I was right. Hey, it doesn't matter to me at all that he's gay, he's still the same person for me and there's nothing wrong with it, but now I know it I find it hard to talk to him in the the same way as I did before. I wished he could have told me myself but I know it's always hard to do that, being afraid that others will turn you away.
Do you think I should tell him I know? I don't want to keep walking around with him thinking I don't but otherwise I don't want to hurt him. What should I do? I think Nuriko would be best to answer this letter but I'd also like to know the opinions/suggestions of the other seishi.
Regards and thanX,
Dear Shinyi,
Honesty is best. Tell him you visited his site and that you know. Let him know that regardless of his lifestyle he is still your friend. Good luck!
Dear Nuriko,
How do you get rid of breakouts?
Dear Crystal,
Wash your face daily with a good mild cleanser. You can use something like Oxy10 or Clearasil for Sensitive skin on breakouts to get rid of them. Try to eat healthy foods instead of fried or greasy junk.
Dear Mitsukake,
Guess what! Tama-neko isn't the only cat in the shijintenchisho! Latter on, there are three kittens named NO DA and TIONDO! They belong to Chiriko's daughter Yoshi. (Don't worry about Chiriko, this is from a fan fic set 25 years in the future. You all have kids,(even Chichiri) and they're continuing the battle against evil, on the same side as the Seiryuu, like you were when you were younger^_~) Just thought Neko might like to know that he's not alone.
Wuv, ME!!!!!!!!!!!
No Da Neko
Dear No Da Neko,
That's... interesting. Thank you for telling me. I shall tell Tama-neko.
Dear Tasuki,
Feh....I want ta' talk..But I want ta' do somethin' FUN! Somethin' INTERESTIN'!! SOMETHIN' GOSSIPY!! I dunno...I'm just bored and lonely!! *smiles sweetly*..And since you're such an interestin' person...I thought you could help!
Dear Kaori,
Heh-heh-heh... I am, ain't I? So whaddya' wanna talk about?
Dear Tasuki,
*recovers and sits up, shocked - begins to whimper* Oooooh....... *sniffles and tears up horribly* Can't I at least keep one duck shoe? I just love Hotohori-sama's clothes, they're so nice... I figured he'd have a huge wardrobe being emperor and just replace them.
I wasn't actually gonna rule the country, you know. I hate politics. I just really like being called a majesty and getting to say 'I ruuule Konan'. Can't I please have even one shoe? Pweese? *gives Tasuki big watery eyes*
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
Ya' hit an' kick me. Ya' steal th' emperor's stuff an' now ya' wanna KEEPSAKE?!?!?!? 'Che!
Dear Nuriko,
*peeks inside the room* Did you call me Nuriko-sama? *darns Kelli under her breath* Tattletale...
Dear Inori,
Why are you slacking off on your homework? *Frowns*
Dear Tasuki,
Who are you closest to out of all the other seishi?
Dear Taka,
Dear Tamahome,
Why do you love Miaka? and how do you know it is love for suree? Where is the line between liking someone and loving someone? And how do you know?
Dear Fayla,
I love her for a lot of reasons. She is very unselfish and giving. I can't say as it differs from person to person. But I know in my heart of hearts that I love Miaka.
Dear Hotohori,
If you really really like someone and that person leaves, should you give up? Should you get over that person? And if another nice person asks you out what do you say? That person is a friend but you don't like them but you're afraid you'll hurt that person what do you do?
Dear Taka,
Did that person move or leave you? As to the other person, you can say yes to them, but tell them it is only as friends.
Dear Chichiri,
He;;o are you and Tasuki a couple?
Dear Joyce,
A couple of whats, no da?
Dear Nuriko,
Ya do, huh? ::grins:: Maybe I should have married you instead of Chichiri...^_~
Kelli, Chichiri No Aisai
Dear Kelli,
Mayeb... tee-hee...
Dear Tasuki,
*limps up and grabbs onto him in a deathgrip* Hiya, Tasuki-chan! Guess what happened to me in school the other day? In Gym we were playing pillo polo(form of hockey) and I was going after the ball, and I hit it and won the game for me team, but I fell and busted up my knee real bad. I've been limping since. It was really nasty....bleeding and all....Yuck....It still really hurts. So, I assume your doing better than me?
Reikaku no Miko
Dear Reikaku no Miko,
Hai! So, why didja' teel Seifer he's better lookin' than me???
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Howdy everyone!! Some of you might have no idea who I am, so I decided to write everyone this time. I'm so happy today because I just finished a Test that determines whether or not I get to go to college, and I know I did well. Since I know I passed *pulls out a bag full of paper cranes* I've decided to give everyone a present ^-^. There is one for eveybody. Pick one you would like: I have a blue one, a red one, a green one, a purple one, and three different sivery rainbow ones. Their all really shiny. Go ahead, pick one each of you would like. I also know how to make dragons, but I thought you would like birds better,hehehe. bye now, hope you like your paper birds *flies away*
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
Omedeto gozaimasu! We are happy to hear that you did well. Thank you for the origami cranes.
Dear Tasuki,
Ok, i'm gonna give swearing like a bandit a go.... I @$%* hate when *$@# and *#@% !$@# @*! so then $##@ tomorrow again! how was that? Should i have added some more @$%*'s in there?*gives tasuki some girl scout cookies*
Dear Saralady,
Thanks fer th' cookies. I thin kya' need to use less 'cos ya' ain't makin' any *(^%$# (*^%$#@ sense!
Dear Tasuki,
Oops, hehehe. I think I was a bit hyper at the time I said that, hehehe.No problem, I would sick up for you no matter what my "frinds" say. I personaly love your hair, even though it makes you hard to draw *sigh*. How come your the only one (other than Soi) with red hair? Just wanted to know.
Hey I was reading other letters sent to you, and you said that one girl couldn't drink cause she was to young. I was just wandering....*wicked little grin* how old were you when you started to drink? I was thinking about giving you this bottle of sake *shows Tasuki the bottle* but I don't know...
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
'Cos I'm so *^%$#@( COOL!! I was 15 but it's different in my world!
Dear Hotohori,
When did you decide to marry Houki? I know it was when the others were away on their trip, but what made you decide to marry her?
What did you think of Tamahome when you found out that Miaka loved him?
What did you think when you found out that you were going to have a child?
Maria-kun & Cin-chan
Dear Maria-kun & Cin-chan,
I married Houki for her beauty, grace, and intelligence. I thought Tamahome was a lucky man to have Miaka in love with him and I was overjoyed to find out that Houki was carrying our child.
Dear Chiriko,
HI CHIRIKO!!! How are you? My homepage is finally done!! Here is the adress I know that some of the scans are bad but i will redo them when i have time. Will you link me up???
I hope you will. I have to go now *gives Chiriko a hug* Tell me what you think about my page ^_^
Dear Annie,
I liked both your peeji and your artwork! I have added it to our Links peeji.
Dear Mitsukake,
When did you first discover your abilities?
When did you meet Shouka?
When did you find Tama-neko?
Why are you so quiet all the time? You're obviously not stupid. ^_~
Maria-kun & Cin-chan
Dear Maria-kun & Cin-chan,
I discovered my powers as a teen, I also met Shouka around the same time. I did not find Tama-neko. He found me. I suppose I am so quiet as I just do not have a lot to say.
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