Dear Tasuki,
Why did you decide to pierce your ears?
How do you keep your hair so shiney when you lived with the bandits?
Why are you afraid of milk? ^_^ (It does the body good ya know =P
Okay this is a question that is for Kouji: Do you miss Tasuki when he's gone on those trips? (no hentai intended)
Maria-kun & Cin-chan
Dear Maria-kun & Cin-chan,
I pierced my ears so I don't lose my earrins'. An' jus' 'cos I'm a bandit don't mean I don't bathe an' stuff! Th' story of me an' milk is too long to get into an' Kouji says he don't miss me 'cos he ain't like that!
Dear Hotohori,
*is still in a kind of trance listening to Hotohori's singing* That's beautiful! Were you and the seishi born with this talent, or did you all have to do much practicing? ^^ You probably are getting a sore throat by now, so you may stop. Thank you. *applauds*
Dear Hoshi,
Arigato! I took lessons and had to practice. I don't know about the others.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Maria-kun & Cin-chan
Dear Maria-kun & Cin-chan,
That since they were fellow Seishi's we hoped they would help us with our quest, no da.
Dear Hotohori,
*stomp stomp stomp BAM!!!* HOTOHORI-SAMAAAAA!!! I'm getting paranoid!!! *takes a deep breath*
Today, during my chem class (we had a sub so we basically did whatever as long as we took book notes) I talked to this guy friend of mine, well complained to actually, that guys don't like me! They either just want to copy my schoolwork! You know what he said to me? He said to attract the damn confusing opposite sex, I have to "put out" (which basically means to go around and act like a skank)!! He also told me that I'm too smart and that's what intimidates a guy, and that I'm too much of a goodygoody! So if I want to attract a guy, I have to act like a skanky airhead! The world makes sense once again!!
For some strange reason, I WANT a boyfriend... but I can't seem to attract a guy! I wear relatively nice outfits, I'm smart, talented, creative and cheerful and yet, guys don't like me! I don't get it! People told me not to change myself to attract a guy but I know better than that! I would NEVER in my life change who I really am because I like who I am!! But, what's wrong with me that guys are more attracted to sluts or really skinny girls? (hey, I at least have a figure, not a very good one but a figure no less)
Dear Jean,
Your friend sounds extremely immature and therefore his opinion is of little value. YOu are better served to not change and seek a boyfriend that will appreciate you as a person and not as a thing that just "puts out". Patience, you WILL find your boyfriend... *gives her a hug.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
If you had an Arago car, where would you drive it? And why do all anime people have transparent hair!?
Dear Sora-kun,
I don't know about the car, but the second answer is so you can see our eyebrows.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I know this was answered at one time or another, but who drew the picture of all of you at the top of this answer page? ^_^
Dear Hoshi,
Chichiri no Aijin's husband.
Dear Tasuki,
That reporter was stupid, ne? I had her fired. ^^ Anyway, I had a really weird day. A few nights ago one of my friends had a dream, and she, Paige, and I were at the mall. So, this masked guy takes me hostage. (^^;;) Well... the root of all evil, Paige, throws a book at him! So, guess what he does? He kills me!!! *shudders* That dream really freaked me out, even though I didn't dream it. ^^ Then, nothing interesting happened, but we had a lot of fun in science. My group and Cedric's group were all talking in German, French, and Japanese! It was really fun, 'cept Cedric was asking my stupid stuff about cheese...(some inappropriate stuff, too. o_O) And Lisa taught us a song about the demon's pants... it goes: oni no pansu wa, i pansu! Or something like that...
P.S. My friend and I are going to watch Perfect Blue tonight! ^_^ Have you seen it?
Dear Moon,
Yes she was, so th' letter never posted. I haven't seen Perfect Blue but I think yer too young to see it!
Dear Tasuki,
I was just watching Vince Carter and Steve Francis all slamming and dunking, doing 360s, and between the legs, they were amazing. So did you watch the dunking contest?
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
What th' h*ll are ya' talkin' 'bout???
Dear Nuriko,
*wanders in looking kind of sad* Hey, Nuri-papa... How are you? *looks at the floor* I'm not so good. I've been feeling really awful lately. The no sake rule hasn't helped either. *sighs and looks sad* Do you think I could have a comfort hug? *gives Nuriko puppy eyes*
Dear Kourin,
I'm fine. Sorry you're not feeling well. *Give her a hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
Konnichiwa, Tasuki-san. If you do not mind, I have a few questions I wish to ask of you about your time as Genrou in the Mount Leikaku bandits' stronghold.
1. Do you know the reasoning behind the name 'Genrou' being bestowed upon you?
2. Did you call Kouji 'Aniki'?
3. As a bandit, you collected a toll from travellers through the mountain, correct? Was this money given to the poor as charity?
I thank you for answering.
Dear Maya,
I was called Genrou 'cos I'm as a fast as a wolf. I didn't call Kouji 'Aniki' 'cos I preferred livin'! An' most of th' money went to th' poor. We have expenses too ya' know!
Dear Chichiri,
I have a crush on this guy, and I don't know how to tell him. What should I do?
Dear Shy,
Are you already friends with him? Or is he in one of your classes, no da? If so, perhaps you can ask him out on a study date, no da. You may not want to tell him right away as that tends to scare guys, no da! Good luck, no da!
Dear Mitsukake,
it seems that your cat has more fans then you. But i think your beter then the cat any day!!!! I can't say how this is
Dear Anonymous,
Ano, thank you I think...
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
"Sore wa himitsu..." wha?
Still confused & refusing to learn Japanese Hedgehog
Dear Hedgehog,
That's a secret, no da! That's Xelloss' line,n o da.
Dear Nuriko,
hi!! i think you're absolutely without a doubt the most beautiful seishi!! but you probably don't need to be told that.. anyhow, since you seem to be the beauty expert around here, i wanted to ask you..
well.. i've never really paid much attention to my appearance.. i never wear makeup and my wardrobe consists of jeans, big t-shirts, and baggy sweatshirts, all of which are mostly hand-me-downs. i never really thought anything of it until my older sister (who is VERY fashion-oriented) mentioned something about how she wanted to buy me a whole new wardrobe as i will be going to college in the fall and she wanted me to look good.
what i inferred from that statement is that the way i look now isn't good at all.. so lately, i've been rather self-conscious about how i look.. i notice what all the other girls wear, how they do their hair, how they wear tight little clothes, how skinny they are, etc. and all of a sudden, i'm not so content with my own look. part of me wants to look like the other girls, and yet part of me thinks that it's all so superficial. and expensive!
i was looking through a clothing catalog, and i was absolutely shocked at the prices! i doubt i've ever had any clothes that cost more than 10 dollars, maybe 15.. and there there were shirts, just plain little cute shirts like all the other girls wear, for like 30 dollars! not that i'm poor or anything, but it just seems like a lot of money to be spending on one shirt.. and yet, i want to wear those very expensive shirts... i'm not sure what to do.. and how would i go about changing anyway? how do i just dump 18 years of relative ignorance and nonchalance and become a body glittered, butterfly clipped fashion diva? or should i just stick to how i am now?
oh, and if it's not too much trouble, could you tell tasuki that i think he's one FINE hunk of a man. tee hee.. ;)
flaming cow o death
Dear flaming,
I think you should let her treat you and start dressing up more. Baggy clothes are fine for hiding in, but now is the time to become that butterfly and show the world how beautiful you really are! One thing I would suggest is you pick up a copy of Mode magazine and look through it for fashion ideas and tips. This is a magazine for all size women so you won't see toothpick thin anorexic models in it. What you will see are beautiul healthy women of all colors strutting their stuff and showing the world that they ARE gorgeous! Have fun!
Dear Nuriko,
Did you ever have 'politically incorrect' thoughts about Hotohori?
Bill Bradley
Dear Bill,
Of course not! I agree with Konan's politics and think that Hotohori is an excellent Emperor!
Dear Tasuki,
*grins* So Tasuki, how do ya like them pics on the Seishi of the Week page? Hmmm? *chuckles*
Iridal, aka Tasuki no Aisai
Dear Iridal,
They don't prove nothin'!! An' jus' what th' h*ll is a "honeymoon"???
Dear Nuriko,
Hello there, this would be my first time on the page. It came highly recommended to me by a friend. As I do respect him a great deal I take his opinions in good taste.
So...what's it like being a seishi? And if you could change one thing about the duties of a seishi, what would it be?
I was going to ask the old "If you could change one thing about you..." question, but seeing as you are an admirable person to begin with I couldn't bare the thought of you wanting to change the slightest bit of such perfection.
Dear Kara,
Welcome to our peeji! I hope you're enjoying it! It's a lot of responsibility but I would change a thing about it!
Dear Tasuki,
Are you straight?
Dear raye,
H*LL YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dear Nuriko,
*Practically slamming her head against the wall* Stupid stupid stupid! Why did I say that to Chichiri? He probably thinks I'm not a loyal fangirl or guardian! I mean the line "I hope we can be friends" when it was just revealed that you have the biggest crush on him is the worst thing you can say! As far as I know, it's almost always followed by "Have a nice life"!
Maybe if i looked prettier he'd like me. *runs her fingers through her amythest hair, moaning* I look sooooo boreing! Nuri-chan, could you give me a makeover or some guy advice or something! I realy need your help!
Shrinemaiden Keisei
Dear Shrinemaiden Keisei,
You did just fine and you look beautiful! All Chichiri ever wants are friends. So you said the right thing!
Dear Mitsukake,
I don't know much about you, so I figured I'd ask you a few questions...You seem like a real sweetheart. Here are the ?'s
1. Do you still mourn Shouka a lot? Or has the pain faded?
2. How old are you? I imagine that you're 25 or so, but I know I'm wrong...
3. When did you first find out about your healing powers, or realize that you had them?
4. Which of the other Seishi are you closest to? (please don't say Tasuki, he's already corrupted Chiriko...)
5. Does Taiits-kun (I probably spelled that wrong) scare you too?
6. What's your favorite color?
7. How are you?
Write back soon...if you want ^_^
Christine, the curious observer
Dear Christine,
Arigato for your letter. Here are your answers:
1) I am still saddedned by Shouka's passing.
2) 24
3) I was a teenager.
4) Chichiri
5) No. But I do respect her.
6) Yellow
7) Fine, and how are you?
Dear Tasuki,
Hi... Tasuki-san. I am Sodina, and I want to ask you a question. My sister, Lee, wants to know if you like a girl with a fiery personality, a kind heart, the guts to beat any guy who messes with her to a bloody pulp, very intelligent, mischievous, and drop-dead gorgeous (I am describing HER, by the way.). Please answer me. My sister would be very happy. Arigato gozaimasu.
Dear Sodina,
Goemn, I ain't really interested in a girlfriend right now or mebbe EVER as girls ALWAYS get me in trouble or d*mn near killed!!!
Dear Tamahome,
I haven't talked much to you, gomen. How are you? I think Miaka is lucky to have such a caring, sweet guy like you to have around to protect and love her. You're a great guy! Just a question: Did you fall in love with Miaka straight when she came from her world, or was there a certain point after you two had met that caused you to feel so deeply about her? ^_^
Christine, the hopeless romantic (on the prowl)
Dear Christine,
Arigato for your sweet words. It was after we had met and been together for awile.
Dear Chichiri,
Aw, get up, ya don't need to bow. I just wanted to do something noble to welcome my littlest sisters to this world. I wasn't lying about the 'guardian' part. Not about me anyways. My sisters are all in love with the cat...........
I was just reading some of the fin-fics on Kichiri's site. I was wondering, in several of them, she reffered to thingy's called "H rays". What are they? I suspect they're something like "glomps". All fangirls should know what they mean, but noone ever tells them! I have a very good idea of what they're talking about. I just want to see of you know. =p
I just remembered that I said a few mean things about Koran the first time I was on here. I just want to appoligize. *Bows and kneels* I'm sorry Chiri-chan. I didn't ever want to be so mean to you again. I must of hit some old heartstrings, not very nice of me. I'm just so upset about how much of a jerk I was............. please forgive me.
Shrinemaiden Keisei
Dear Keisei,
Daijoubu, no da! You don't need to apologize. Well, the "H" in H-rays stands for Hentai, no da!
Dear Chiriko,
Hello... Just call me Sodina. I was just wondering, since this just crossed my mind not too long ago, why don't you have a girlfriend? You're the cutest of all of the Suzaku Seishi, and I'm sure that all of the girls have fallen head-over-heels over you (I know I have! Of course, I'm thirteen, same as you, so I'm NOT a perverted old lady!). There are probably quite a few girls who share the same interests as you do... Like I do. I read, write, and I also like to study quite a bit. But I also like to have fun, like most thirteen year olds, only I don't go to the mall and giggle like an idiot like most girls my age (You don't wanna hear them... They're SCARY!!!)... So I guess you can call me a prodigy. Well, maybe if you want to talk sometime, I'd be happy to. And NO I AM NOT a hentai! Well, please write me back. Thank you for listening to me... Sayonara...
Dear Sodina,
I guess I just spend too much time studying, that must be why I don't have a girlfriend.
Dear Chiriko,
Oh Chirikoooooooooooooooooooooooo.....
I know somethign you don't know! Ya know that girl that was failing pre-calculas? You couldn't answer her question, but I can. The answer is 48.
THAT WASN'T EVEN A HARD QUESTION! all you need to know is B.E.D.M.A.S.
(A and S can be done in the same step. add and subtract as they go across the question.) If you need any more math help, please let me know.^_~
Shrinemaiden Keisei
Dear Shrinemaiden Keisei,
Arigato, but the form the problem was in with all the commas, made no sense.
Dear Tasuki,
*POUNCE!* Why are you corrupting, sweet, innocent, little Chiriko?
Essence: *rolls her eyes* The LAST thing we need is for him to grow up and be like YOU. *pulls out a bar of soap* For teaching little kids to swear... *puts Tasuki in a choke hold and washes his mouth out with soap*
Amemiya: *clobbers Tasuki over the head with a frying pan* You stop teaching Chiriko how to swear!
Essence: And to hate women! Just because YOU hate them because of your sisters doesn't mean you should run around corrupting other people!
Yeah! ^^;
Essence: *eyes One* Your next.
O.o; ME? I hardly swear at all! And I don't swear infront of little kids or teach them to swear! ^^;
One-chan and co.
Dear One-chan and co.,
She does too!!!!! Nail her!!!
Dear Chichiri,
*slight sniff* Well, you didn't have to be quite so mean about it, Chichiri. *grins*You and Tasuki better watch out...Iridal and I are actually gonna be spending a weekend together, and we will devote it to.....hmm....probably shoppingfor stuff about you guys. When we aren't hunting you down. *evil smile* But I am an angel. Just ask CnA.
Kelli, Chichiri No Aisai
Dear Kelli,
Gomen nasai, no da. *Gives her a hug and a kiss.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Fungi-chan, Chichiri- NICE WEDDING PICTURES! AAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!! *LHAO* I hope there will be photos of the honey moon too! >=D
Dear Keetia,
Honeymoon?!?!?!? Not a *^%$#@% chance ya' *(^%$#@ demon!!!!!!!!!
Honeymoon, no da?!?!?!?!?
Tasuki and Chichiri
Dear Tasuki,
My my sure do take to compliments quickly don't you?
Reikaku no Miko
Dear Reikaku no Miko,
You betcha'!
Dear Tasuki,
You ate them all? Oh well, I suppose that eventually I have to come back down to face reality. I know I'm strange. Thank you for pointing that out though.
Dear Shuurei,
Yer welcome! Heh-heh-heh...
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
You asked for more information, so here it is.
This guy is the kind of person that you will either love or want to beat the crap out of. We have been fighting since as long as I can remember. It seems like everytime I look up at school, he is trying to be the most annoying person in the world. He is always trying to get my attention by taking my workbooks and pencils.
And then just lately, he has started to be nice to me!He has stopped stealing my stuff and even has started calling me by my first name!
This all started when I wrote about the person that I most respect, I did it on another guy in the class. About this time, I started to get really weirded out. Then....The plot thickens when the moron had the nerve to ask me out. I still hate him, so I flatly said no. What should I do?
I'll give you a few choices. Should I
A. Beat the crap out of him.
B. Drop kick him.
C. Go and tell him how much I hate him.
D. Go out with him if he askes again.
(Personally I vote for a mix of A and B.) I am open to your opinions and expect a reply from all of you.
Magic Turtle Genbu
Dear Magic Turtle Genbu,
We all agreeed (Except for Tasuki. He agrees with you. *sighs* Tasuki wa baka desu.) that you should tell him no if thatis how you truly feel. He's probably ALWAYS had a crush on you and he just finally worked up his courage to ask you out. But if you truly dislike him, tell him no thank you and ask him to please leave you alone in the future. Good luck.
Dear Nuriko,
*dances in with Mikomi's walkman on- bumps into Nuriko* *shouts* Hey, sorry! Music's too loud! *dances a bit more* Nutty, question okay? If you had to compare yourself with an animal, what would you say you're most like?
I know, dumb question, but it's fun, ne? *dances out*
Dear Orian,
Hmmmm... a cat.
Dear Mitsukake,
I'm Kimika's sister.I LOVE you to death!!!!!!!!!!! Sometimes I wish you lived in the U.S.A!!!!!! Do you write poetry? PRS!
Dear Sora,
I'm sorry, I don't write poetry.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hey I have a question for you. O.k I was riding on the bus w\ this guy I know aand he put his hand on my shoulder. So far so good. Then he slips his hand under my shirt.I cussed my head off at him. If this ever happens again what sould I do? I HATE him!!!!!!!!!!!
Dear Kimika,
You need to report this immediately to an adult in authority!!!!!
Dear Hotohori,
Good day, Emperor. I really see no reason to tell you this, but I'll say it anyway: This year, Daylight Savings Time begins on your birthday. What do you think about that? And also, tell Chiriko and Tasuki that it's going to be a full moon on both their birthdays this year. They probably won't care, but I just thought I wanted to tell them that. Anyways, ja ne, Emperor...
Dear Tonberry,
Interesting. I will tell them, thank you.
Dear Tamahome,
I have a friend who is realy in love with you!!
so would you dump Miaka and go out with her??? PLEASE FOR ME!?! love ya bye-bye(srorry old habbit, don't love ya Bye-bye!)
Soy Bean
Dear Soy Bean,
I love Miaka, so gomen, no.
Dear Tasuki,
Hiya Tasuki-sama! Just dropping in between schoolwork to say hello. Hope you're doing well! I'm working on my second website now. It's gonna have some artwork of mine on it. I'd like to show you a couple pieces I did!
This one's of you. You turned out looking kinda young of my friends said it looked CLAMP-ish style. O_o;
and this is an ookami, your favorite animal!(And mine ^^;) I'm kinda pleased with this one.
let me know what you think, hai? Ja!
Dear Reddie-chan,
How've ya' been? I liked th' picture of me! Th' ookami was really good, too!
Dear Tasuki,
hi there. i guess i have a difficult question for you, genrou-sama. what is love? can you be in love with someone and that someone makes you cry all the time? when you have strong feelings for someone, and you constantly worry about making them happy, is that love? or worry that you've made them sad? when you think about them all the time, and when you can't get them out of your mind? when every mood change that they have, you worry if it's because of something you've done? when you'd do anything for them? please help me, because i'm confused. i don't want to lose the one dearest to me, if this isn't love, and i'm pushing it off as that it is. i hope this letter made sense, gen-chan. i'm so totally lost right now, and i promised myself, that i would never, ever, fall in "love" with someone again. but i'm feeling all these feelings. i don't know what it is anymore. i'm scared. and i'm confused. and my mind is so garbled. i'll quote you.. "if i fell in love..if i DID.. would I cry like that?" so, gen-chan.. is this what love is?
Dear Chiisai-Chochou,
It's possible, but I dunno. Ya' could jus' be infatuated wit' him, too.
Dear Nuriko,
::sighs:: As a responsible adult, I feel the need to inform you that your handmaid Inori has been slacking in her schoolwork. Gomen, Nuri-chan. I can always help. ^_~
Kelli, Chichiri No Aisai
Dear Kelli,
Arigato! Oh, Inori-chan...!!
Dear Tasuki,
*evil glare* YA'!! YOU SHOULD TALK!! DON'T EVEN GO THERE GENROU!!!! Now come on....TEACH ME SOMETHIN'!!! MAKE ME YOUR SLAVE FOR ALL I CARE!!!! JUST MAKE ME FEEL WANTED!! (the whole purpose : I'm lonely - need to talk ta' someone)
Dear Kaori,
'Che! If all ya' wanna do is talk, why didn't ya' say so??? I'm willin' to talk to ya'!
Dear Tasuki,
You are corrupting Chiriko??? >pats Tasuki on the back< ALRIGHT!
Dear Chi,
Heh-heh-heh... I ain't corruptin' him! *Fanged grin*
Dear Tasuki,
Is it true, what they say about you and Kouji... Heh, Just kidding! My real question was... Why couldn't you have just stayed a girl hater? Dija have to fall in love with Miaka? Everone falls for Miaka, have some creativity! Besides... There are more interesting girls to fall for. I dont chase guys, but I act more like your type than that Odonga Atama! Plus, you should have more flare than to go for the same thing as erevyone else!
Dear Kiakama,
OI! It was in th' (*^%$#@ script!!
Dear Hotohori,
OyaOya! Have you ever met a man by the name of Narsus? I saw a picture of him...and you look very similar. Is the whole 'long hair, big sword' thing in this year?
Dear Katsumi,
Gomen, I can't say that I have. I really don't know what is "in" from year to year. That's Nuriko's job!
Dear Chichiri,
konnichiwa, chichiri-san! i just wanted... not really to ask a question, but to say that... you gave me... something to hope in... if you know what i mean. i am sort of a shinji ikari type personality... but i usually hide it on the inside while smiling and laughing on the outside. i felt really weird... but then... i found out about you and the other seishi. funny... i can relate to you the best... you and tasuki-chan. but... *sweatdrops* i just wanted to say that. hee hee... arigato for listening!
Dear Kamo-chan,
You're welcome! I'm glad we are able to be there for you, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
hey, this might be kind of personal... but, i am writing a fanfic, and i wanted to know when you **** in the book. gomen! *sweatdrops* it's just... i have this great scene all planned out but i need to know at least the season. gomen if this is hurtful....
*bashes shinji over head* STOP PLAYING WITH THE CHICKENS!!! geez, ya let a man handle yer feathered friends and voila... DISASTER! DA!!! okay, that's it, buddy, no more power rangers for you!! men. *sweatdrops* my many personalities... heh....
Ikari Lina
Dear Ikari Lina,
I censored the letter as it was a BIG spoiler! It happens when I go to the mountain to get the Shinzaho.
Dear Chichiri,
hey! i just bought a new FY tape, and i figured out a way for me to talk to you! You were able to do this one fun spell that let miaka and tamahome see and hear each other. soooo....when my birthday rolls around(don't worry, it's not till late summer), could you use that spell and let me hear "happy birthday!" from you and your fellow seishi? I brought brownies in case you said yes!*presents a big old serving platter covered in brownies*
Dear Saralady,
I will see what I can do, no da. You may have to remind when your birthday is, no da.
Dear Tamahome,
*sighs* Do you have any suggestions for bathing Ashitare supposing that I have no powers? Before you ask, I'll explain......
I was walking home from battlefield training and this weird old woman came running down the hill I was passing by. She tripped, went flying and knocked me down when she bounced off my head. Well it hurt, and I cursed under my breath, right? So she hears me, jumps up, says something about being a goddess and smacks this ribbon on my forehead. So I try to kill her and lo and behold I've been stripped of my powers.
Wouldn't you say that's a little drastic, ne? She said it was temporary but I very much don't appreciate being cursed by a freaky old woman from Mt.Tariyaki or someplace. And if I may point out how much cursing she did when she was walking back up the stupid hill! *sighs*
Dear Nakago,
Yes. Wait till you get your powers back and stop ticking off weird old ladies who may or may not be Taiitsu-kun. You'll keep your powers and live longer that way!
Dear Nuriko,
^_^; Thank you very much. *Sits down and sips some tea.* Would you like a cup? ^_^
Dear Xelloss,
Don't mention it! ESPECIALLY the "message" from CnA to you that I gave you. I mean it. DON'T MENTION IT! Thanks for the tea. So, how is Lina doing? Did she ever get our card?
Dear Tasuki,
As much of a fan that I really and truly am, I just have to ask this one, teeny, weeny, question. WHen you saved Miaka from drowning, were you really kissing her or was it just mouth to mouth???
Dear September,
*Grumbles* Artificial respiration!!! Ya' know, mouth-to-mouth!!
Dear Tasuki,
*glomps so forefully, she knocks the poor hito-chan to the floor* Wai wai... ;_; Tasuki-sama I missed you sooo!! And minna-san too!!
*rubs her face in his chest with a big fang grin and blushes, giving off slight tears of happiness, and taking advantage of her posistion* *_*;; Maa maa, I had to spend most of my time working, and trying to get into a good school. Its not been fun at all, and my ol' nagging baba doesn't help much... >.- She's going to school now as well, so she can become a nurse... x.x; Idontknowwhyshesuddenlydecidedtogothrougharebirthshesold.
Demo ne, what have you been up to? How's Chichiri no Aijin-sama? Araaaa, I missed her birthday again. @.@; I hope she wasn't sick like she was last year...x.x I was in bed that whole week of Christmas because I had surgery...
..andIwonttellyouwhattypeofsurgery. ~.~ Maybe CnA-sama but its not for your ears to hear.
Araa~~~ But now I'm back to become your devotee-fanged-sake-serving-wench-chaaan!! o.o
*gently pushes a small cup filled of sake to his lips* Sa? ^-^
Dear Amy-chan,
We're all doin' good. So what hapened to ya' that ya' won't tell me 'bout?? Artigato fer th' sake.
Dear Hotohori,
*glomps*..Hihi! ^_^ Long time no write you..;_; Hee~..missed me? XP Anyway... can you please let me be your personal advisor for a day? *big sparkly eyes* We learnt about these Emperor's personal advisors in Chinese Literature, and I thought that it was pretty kewl. I want to try my hand at being one...XD
Dear Suzuno,
Alright. However I am under no obligation to take your advice.
Dear Chichiri,
Are you ticklish?
Dear Mirena,
I'd rather not say, no da!
Dear Nuriko,
What do you like best? Milk chocolate, dark chocolate, or white chocolate? Me and my friend have a bet on this...I say Dark, she says Milk....Who's right?
Dear Christine,
Dark chocolate... with nuts!
Dear Chichiri,
Hey Chichiri-sama!! I had a wonderment .... I saw a pic of u, ur best friend, and ur finacce (sorry if I cant spell) .... Did u all know each other since u guys were all little kids?? Or did u guys just meet along the way ... or did u know ur best friend first and then ur dream girl??
My friends say I act like a cat allot becuz I can do that purring thang and I'm real friendly in my werid way ... would u think u would make a good kitty? better than Tama-chan? hum.??? hehehe *hugs* later
p.s. no offense to that one girl ... but is she still asking to lick u guys?? and why does she want to lick all u guys??? hehehe
She did explain that she was just kidding, no da. Hikou, Kouran, and I had known each other since we were children. As to you being a cat, I don't know, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
::smirks:: That kid Moe is ok sometimes, you know. ::levels his gunblade:: Bring it on, fangboy.
Seifer Almasy
Dear Seifer Almasy,
Heh-heh-heh... LEKKA SHIENEN!!!!!!!!!!!
*Frys Seiger and melts his gunblade.*
Dear Nuriko,
::hugs Nuriko::I believe.....that men have no appreciation for truebeauty, what do you think? ::smiles::
Kelli, Chichiri No Aisai
Dear Kelli,
Kawaii picture of you and Chichiri! I certainly think I do!
Dear Tamahome,
I know you know a lot about money, Tamahome, so I have a weird but hopefully appropriate question... Here goes.... A couple weeks ago, my dad bought from some tv shopping channel....ready for this?.... 5000 WHEAT PENNIES. Yup, that's right, 5000 wheat pennies. The cost was $300. If you agree with me, you'd say that that was a REALLY stupid purchase. But, what IS your thought on that??
Dear Tonberry,
I know they are supposed to be valuable, but I think he paid $250.00 too much for them.
Dear Tasuki,
*kicks him where it hurts with her duck shoes, grabs the hat and robe and hides on a light fixture*
I happen to find it very odd that my letters to you Nuriko were posted but not the letter to Hotohori where I stole..uh..I mean...rightfully claimed the robe, shoes and hat. Hotohori wouldn't let me be emperor so I just asserted my place.
*points a finger at Tasuki*
And I have way less of a problem with my sugar intake than you do with that sake you like so much, ya baka bandit. How can you be so hostile after I snuggled you like that?
*swings around indignantly on the chandelier chanting mindlessly*
I ruuuuuuuule Konan. I ruuuuuuule Konan. And the duck shoes fit me better than Hotohori-sama! *smile*
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
*Recover and blasts the chandelier out of the ceiling. Catches her as she falls...*
Ya'know yer gettin' to be a REAL PAIN!!!!
*Takes the crown shoes, and robe off of her unconscious form (AGAIN).*
'Che! Here, guess ya' can sleep it off in Chichiri's room. Tsk, tsk... crazed fan girls...
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Well, this is actually for Tamahome and Nuriko:
I'm curious, did either of you like your hair better when it was longer or shorter? I'm just wondering because I used to have really long hair, then about a year ago I got it cut short, and I love it so much better. I was just wondering if you guys liked your hair short?
Dear Spooky-chan,
Tamahome: I liked my hair longer and will probably grow it back again.
Nuriko: I like it much better shorter! It's easier to take care of!
Tamahome and Nuriko
Dear Tasuki,
Hi there, i wanna know, how do you feel about some crazy chick running around Canada wth hair the same colour as yurs? Cos i bought this dye called 'Flame' and i didn't know what it would turn out like, so i dyed my hair, and BAM! I hd Tasuki hair! So yeah!
Dear P-Nut,
I bet ya' look cool jus' like me!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I would like to ask all of you something, but first,I have a few comments. You are all cool, but my favorite of all of you is a certain sieshi's pet. Thats right, my favorite of them all is Tama-Neko! Now, I would like to ask you all about a little problem I've been haveing with this pest ay school. This guy drives me crazy! what should I do? I want an answer from everybody.
Magic Turtle Genbu
Dear Magic Turtle Genbu,
We all need more information as to the situation before we can answer you. Gomen.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Esteemed Seishi of Suzaku: I have come to you to deliver an announcement of great personal happiness. The Four Sisters have arrived!
All of the four have sucessfuly entered this site, all of us drawn in by your honor and power.
Each of us choosing our own seishi to learn, observe and admire, we now pledge ourselves to your service if ever you need our hidden strengths.
The oldest, Shrinemaiden Keisei.
The second Magic Turtle Genbu.
Elephant Chuu.
And finally the youngest, No Da Neko.
With the final child safely in your domain, I complete my pledge to protect your world. We have chosen to be your faithful guardians and friends.
Shrinemaiden Keisei
Dear Keisei,
Arigato! We welcome your presence, no da. *Bows to her.*
Dear Tasuki,
Well, I know that you could kick Seifer's @$$, but that wasn't what I meant when I said I was only telling the truth. I was talking about how you and Kouji are hotter than him. I wouldn't say it if it wasn't true.
Reikaku no Miko
Dear Reikaku no Miko,
Well THAT'S true, too!!! Heh-heh-heh... *Fanged grin*
Dear Mitsukake,
Hello Mitsu (Gives him cute anime eyes)
I was just wondering why Neko doesn't hve many parts in Fushigi Yugi? (Gives the cute kitty a huggy and a kissy) I'm Tama Neko's cutest fan. Wuv,Me
No Da Neko
Dear No Da Neko,
I guess he didn't have a good agent...
Dear Nuriko,
Oh, chocolate is perfect!! Let's go shopping for the ingredients! Wai!!! I get to cook with Nuriko-sama!! *walks off to the chariot dragging Nuriko behind* To the marketplace! Do you know what we need? I've only baked from those cake mixes that come in boxes...I don't know if you have those in Konan...But nothing we can't handle! ^_^! *is very happy*
Dear Inori,
Hmmmm... flour, eggs, butter... too much work! Oh, let's just get a mix!
Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki!! What's this I hear about you teaching Chiriko to spit and swear and about girls?! As a mother-like person-thing I must ask you to cease and desist! Polluting the young child's mind... Can't you teach him nice stuff instead? Like...nice stuff? ^_^;;
Dear Inori,
Nice stuff???? Like what??????
Dear Chichiri,
::hugs and kiss:: Well, I'll miss you. And by the way...this may interest you AND fangboy...the wedding pics are being developed...we can PROVE it!
Kelli, Chichiri No Aisai
Dear Kelli,
Fanart proves nothing, no da! I will miss you, too. Take care, no da.
Dear Chichiri,
How do you get your hair to stick up like that?
Dear Sara,
It just naturally does, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Hey waz up?? can you tell Tiitsu no miko that i think there's a youth night on friday. What do you call a male ladybug?...
The cross dresser from a galaxy far far away!!!!!!!!
Dear cross dresser,
What do I look like??? A *(^%$#@ messenger service?!?!?!?!?!?!? I dunno. What do ya' call it?
Dear Tamahome,
your last letter was very humorous - especially the bit about miaka's cooking. so...have you eaten it and survived?? that would be amazing. i have some pointless questions
1. what is your favorite color
2. what would you do with 1,000 ryo of okane
3. if you had a wish what would it be
4. do you like pizza
5. what do you think is the most precious thing in life
Well...that outta keep you busy *hugs you and kisses your cheek* see ya later my friend
ina chan
Dear ina chan,
Here are the ansers to your question.
1) Gold (The color of money.)
2) I would save it.
3) That Miaka learns how to cook.
4) I have never had pizza.
5) Love.
Dear Tasuki,
*pouts* What are you, my mother? WHO ARE YOU TO SAY THAT I'VE BEEN EATING TOO MANY PIXIE STIKS?!! *bounces and strikes an SMoon pose* Everyone knows there is not such a thing as too much sugar! Can I have them back now please? Unless you ate them, in which case I wouldn't want them back and you can give them to the drunk communist pink elephants who steal from people's wallets to fund failing economies run by ChibiUsa, the love child of Usagi Tsukino and Boris Yeltsin who live on the MB! *gasps for breath* Oh, yeah...Chichiri says you get "glomp"ed the most! Uuuuuuum...what's a "glomp"? TELL ME!! *stands in front of Tasuki, smiling innocently, waiting for an answer*
Shuurei, the sugar-holic
Dear Shuurei,
I ate 'em!! An' yer strange!!! Well, a glomp is when some crazed fan girl grabs onto us and won't let go.
Dear Chiriko,
Um, hello Chiriko. I was just wondering a few things regarding the CD thingy you guys did. Lady Kei told me about it, and I was hoping you could tell me a few things about it.
Where could I get it, and how much might it cost. Lady Kei's birthday is a few months away, and I thought that getting it for her might be a nice surprise for her. What songs did everyone sing?
I was watching the board, and saw that someone named SARALADY had been able to download some music that Chichiri and Tasuki sang. If you see her, can you ask her what the URL for the site she got them off was? I'd be happy for the help.
One more thing. Lady Kei just brought us a puppy to take care of up at the mountain (mostly because we kept begging Taiitsu Oba-san for a pet). She said that it was our responsibility to take care of.
I was just wondering what 'dog' or 'puppy' was in Japanese, and if you had any ideas about what to name it. You can ask all the other seishi about any of this stuff, but I figured that I should write you because you're the smartest.
Dear Sakura,
You should be able to find our Cd's at your local anime store or on eBay. A dog in Japanese is called an "inu" and a puppy is called a "ko-inu".
Dear Chichiri,
(Humble voice) Um..... Hi Chichiri. I just want to tell you that I'm sorry about what happened with Sakura. I don't usually act like that, but that was more than a bit personal. She appoligized for going into my room at Taiitsu Kun's shrine and stealing my stuff. (If I didn't mention it before, I live in the book world. I'm one of Taiitsu Kun's shrinemaidens. Train the Nyan Nyans.)
I'm not mad at you or Sakura (Well...... Sakura's not going to see any junk food for the next month and she'll be going to bed realy early for a long time, but that's just and fair punishment as far as I'm concerned.), I was just embarassed. I haven't met agirl yet who's not been a little upset if someone tells a guy she likes that she likes him.(Especially if he's right in front of her)
Just to show that there are no hard feelings, you can keep the doll. I haven't put any names on it yet, so, maybe when you do find someone you love, it can bring you luck.
Since I know you don't like me like that... maybe we can be friends ne? I hope you understand and I'm sorry if I made you unhappy.
Lovingly yours,
Shrinemaiden Keisei
Dear Keisei,
Daijoubu, no da! Of course we can be friends, no da! *Gives her a hug*
Dear Hotohori,
You are so HANDSOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think you are as cute as Tamakins!!!!!!!!!!!!! Boshin is so Cute. He reminds me of you. I hope you and Houki are happy together.
Dear Kimika,
Arigato for your kind words about me and my son. Houki and I are very happy thank you!
Dear Chiriko,
I'm having some problems with my homework... what's the answer to w = <3 - 1, 2 - (-2), 1 - 0 > = <2,4,1>?
The girl who's failing precalculus
Dear precalculus,
Gomen nasai! I ahven't really studied that branch of mathematics yet.
Dear Mitsukake,
I LOVE Tama-neko!!!!!!!!! He is so Kawaii!!!!!!!!!! My sister is obbsesed with you. I know you like Shoka But Please just write her some thing O.K?
Dear Kimika,
If she writes to me, I am sure I will answer.
Dear Tasuki,
*Looks at Tauski in amazement* Wow! you answered my letter so quickly! It's a miracle.
Ya know what? My friends think I'm weird. Do you think I'm weird? *waits for an answer* Hmmf, They think I'm weird *well I guess I am, hehehe* and they love your show as much as I do *pouts* Oh well.
You know what made me soooo mad today? One of my "weird" friends said you were ugly *cries* She happens to like Hotohori. She said she didn't like guys with hair like yours, and she thinks your voice is annoying *WHAAA....* Grrrr...See if I let her barrow my FY tapes ever again.
I tried to get into get into the new chat room but it wouldn't let me in *snif..snif* Today just isn't my day -_- *looks at Tasuki hopefully* can you cheer me up? Well I guess I better leave you now. bye bye
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
I don't know ya' well enough to call ya' weird, yet! We ain't got a new chat room. Could be why ya' couldn't get in. Thanks fer standin' up fer me!
Dear Tasuki,
Are you and Kouji ..... Just kidding. My sister's best friend is CRAZY 'bout you. She draws pics of you kissing her all day. Why the h*!! did you fall in love with Miaka? You don't even like Girls!
Dear Kimika,
I didn't!!! She's jus' real cute, ya' know!!
Dear Chichiri,
What's with the gravity defying bangs? How about trying out a different hair style for once? I dare you to put it in two ponytails with bows. I know that hair doesn't grow on scar tissue, so how come you have Eyebrows and eyelashes?
Elephant Chuu
Dear Elephant Chuu,
I prefer this hairstyle, no da. As for why I have eyebrows and eyelashes where my scar is I guess I am just lucky, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
thank you so much for helping me out in the chat room. you see...we have a bit of a story line going and i was sort of almost killed. i am sorry if i confused you. i am resistant to fire you see...but without that dagger, the first gift and holder of the phoenix force, i was nothing *sighs* pretty much saved my life an revitalized a precious gift *hugs you and does not let go and cries* thank you so much
ina chan
Dear ina chan,
*Hugs her back and sweatdrops.* Yer welcome.
Dear Tamahome,
After awhile, it seems you have forgotten about your intrest in money and you turn into a romantic and devote yourself to Miaka...Why?
Fire Of Suzaku
Dear Fire Of Suzaku,
The answer to that is a bit of a spoiler so suffice it to say "sore wa himitsu desu!" Love does strange things to you.
Dear Tasuki,
*sniffles* Awww . . . arigato, Tasuki-sama! You're the best. *sniff* Well, I hope you have a nice day! *hands him a bottle of sake and some ryo* Here! Go get drunk and have some fun!! ^^
Dear Moon,
Yer welcome! Thanks fer th' sake an' ryou!
Dear Chichiri,
Hi chichiri - it was fun to talk to you in the chat room. Da is such a complicated thing. it seems to be an all around thing capable of being all parts of speech and heeds no rules of grammer. well...hope to see you soon.
ina chan
Dear ina chan,
It was fun to talk to you too, no da.
Dear Tamahome,
*stalks in totally soaked and covered in soap suds and gives Tamahome two very wet ryou* There's your money, now tell me how to give Ashitare a bath and not get drenched. *taps his foot impatiently as a very dry wolf scrambles around in the background, howling*
Dear Nakago,
*Rolls his eyes at the absurdity of the situation and thinks even Nakago can't be THAT stupid!* Use your powers baka!!! Or get Chichiri to do a freeze spell on him if you are incapable of something so simple...
Dear Chichiri,
Do you love the fishes because they are soo delicious... or do you not eat the fishies you catch, ne???
Dear Chi,
I eat what I catch, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
::hits him over the head with rubber mallet:: What are you doing corrupting sweet innocent Chiriko like that?!?
Dear Christine,
*ITAI!!!!!!!!* What th' H*LL did I do??? Chiriko what are ya' tellin' people????
Dear Nuriko,
I think you are the most beutiful (ahem) man. Are you Willing to give me some tips on beauty? Please respond
Dear Kimika,
Arigato for your lovely compliment! IO would be glad to give you some tips. What would you like to know?
Dear Mitsukake,
Hey! I was just reading your answer to the screen name question! What on earth does Shinzu Na mean?
Elephant Chuu
Dear Elephant Chuu,
Shizuka na is Japanese for quiet.
Dear Tamahome,
I want to get to know you better. So what would you do in a situation where Some one offers to kiss you? Please respond.
Dear Kimika,
I suppose it depends on the person doing the offering. And how much ryou they offered me.
Dear Mitsukake,
(I can just see it now..... "NEKO ADVENTURES" starring Tama-neko, and his side-kick Mitsukake! =D )
My sisters are Magic Turtle Genbu and Shrinemaiden Keisei, just to let you know that I'm not the only Fangirl in this house.
Ya ne!!! ^_~
Elephant Chuu
Dear Elephant Chuu,
I showed him your letter and he seemed pleased with your idea, as he started purring.
Dear Tasuki,
*sneaks up to him, still dressed in Hotohori's emperor clothes* Hi Tasuki.... *abruptly grabs him around the head and shoulders and snuggles him* Congrats, you've been snuggled by the new ruler of Konan. Her Grand Imperial Majesty Taiitsu no Miko! *looks royal* *shakes his hand so it almost falls off - runs*
Taiitsu no Miko (newly a grand imperial majesty)
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
*Grabs her before she can get away...* Get them thins' offa ya' an' give 'em back to th' Emperor!! We jus' gotta cut back on yer sugar intake!!! *Starts pulling the crown, coat, and shoes off of her.*
Dear Tasuki,
*Stunned look*...Eh heh depends....My*nervous laughter*....19?
*Suzuno come out of nowhere and baps her on the head* TELL THE TRUTH YOUNG LADY!!
*Rubs her head*...ehhh...17...
Dear Kaori,
Nope!! Too young fer drinkin'! Come back when yer 21!!
Dear Nuriko,
*runs up to Nuriko, still in the emperor's clothes and snuggles him* Hotohori, still didn't catch me! Hee hee! Don't I look terirfic in this! I RUUUULE KONAN! I RUUUULE KONAN! POWER! *horrendous mad scientist cackle)
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
Ano.... what emperor's clothes??? *Blinks* All I see is a sugar crazed fangirl. I think the Emperor is wearing his clothes, see? *Points to Hotohori in his crown, coat, and shoes...*
Dear Tasuki,
Awww...gomen. I just thought that the whole voice actor coincidence was humorous. What I DIDN'T mean to happen was to get Knuckles himself to write you a letter! Now, _that_ was kinda weird. O.o (It wasn't me who wrote that message, either!! I swear!) *shrugs* If it makes you feel better, I'll play another game for awhile. *Holds up Starfox 64* Heehee!
Dear Hoshi,
It's OK. Don't woryy 'bout it. Play what ya' want.
Dear Tasuki,
I'm not delusional! No matter what Seifer says! I was only speaking the truth.
Reikaku no Miko
Dear Reikaku no Miko,
That I could kick his butt?? Ya' bet I could!!
Dear Chichiri,
;-) I'll settle for friends. You are a cutie though! ^_^ Wish me a happy birthday-- 14 in a week! Can I have a hug from my favorite bishonen monk?
Dear Devon-chan,
Hai! Omedeto otanjoubi gozaimaasu, no da! (Happy birthday) *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
*gives Tasuki a funny look*...ya know what i think?....I think Seifer could take you and Kouji on and win, no dout. I meen, You have your frying-fan and Kouji..well....^^;;, don't take that as an insult, it IS just my opionion after all^^;;...*turns SD and runs away before she is fried*
Dear Momoko-chan,
Ya' know what I think?? I think I don't care what ya' think!! So there!!! *Sticks his tongue out at her.*
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