Dear Chichiri,
:smiles at him:: Baka monk.::hugs him:: Oh well. Can't be helped that ya hang out with demon boy so much. Although...I do miss Xell-kun, you know. I hope you have fun this weekend! I believe I am going to be in rehearsals all weekend...::kicks the rehearsal schedule:: BUT it cannot be helped. ::hugs him, the rest of the seishi, and CnA:: Catch you later!!
Kelli, Chichiri No Aisai
Dear Kelli,
I will, no da. I believe I am spending it with WMC if she will have me, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
So if you're not with Koji, what's the deal with you and Chichiri? I saw him grab your hair in OAV 2 ep. 5! Something must be going on between you two beside the casual swearing and 'no da's... ^_~
Dear Lurai,
There ain't NOTHIN' goin' on!!! 'Che crazed hentai fangirls...
Dear Hotohori,
Here are a few questions for you, Hotohori.
Do you have to pay taxes? Why don't you break up Tauski's bandit group? If you sword fought Sir Lancealot (the best knight in King Arthur's court), who would win?
Dear Artoo1,
I do not pay taxes. The Mount Leikaku Bandits were very helpful to me and to Konan during the war with Kotou and as such i have decided to keep them in my employ. As to Sir Lancelot, I would win.
Dear Hotohori,
Hello Hotoh- I mean your hinis,I have all ways dreamed of being your wife or the lucky girl to be yours but why did you get married or if your are not why not?Some people say I am a Angle but I really only wanted to be yours who did you get married to if you did?Please tell me.*hugs Hotohoroi*
Dear Alexis,
I got married to Houki.
Dear Chichiri,
You are soooooooooooooooo kawaii? Will you be mine? ;-)
Dear Devon-chan,
How about just tomodachi instead, no da?
Dear Nuriko,
I'm giving you fair warning Nuriko. Inori's birthday is comming up. You have been warned. I would get her a purple rose, by the way.
Dear Artoo1,
Exactly WHEN is it?
Dear Mitsukake,
Hey, I got a question for ya. This is a dare, so don't blame me, but... regarding you and Shouka-san, are you a virgin?
Menaiya, who's going to get pounded for asking that
Dear Menaiya,
That is an inappropriate question to ask anyone as well as for this forum.
Dear Tamahome,
I'm not giveing you 2 ryou but I do have something to ask. Do you realy love Miaka?
The Female Nuriko
Dear The Female Nuriko,
Yes I do.
Dear Nuriko,
Hello Nuriko what's up? I'm great!!!!!
But I haven't been geting many letters back and I'm not too happy about that. hey did I ever tell you that you are the coolest seishi?!?
The Cross Dresser from a galaxy far far away!!!
Dear Cross Dresser,
Glad to hear you're doing well. Thanks for the sweet compliment!
Dear Hotohori,
Why CAN'T I be emperor for a day? *pouts*
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
You asked to lick all the Seishi! Need I say more?
Dear Chiriko,
I'm fine...happy now...getting over the baka boy I was going out with. ^_^ I thought you'd be closest to Mitsukake, or Chichiri...Tasuki's a bad influence on you, ya know.... ^_^ Don't tell him I said that though! See you later. ::hugs Chiriko::
Dear Christine,
I'm glad to hear you're feeling better. Tasuki is like a big brother to me. He's teaching me to spit and swear and all about girls!
Dear Chichiri,
::shakes head and changes into her normal clothes:: You and Xell-kun been hangin' out WAY too much...
Kelli, Chichiri No Aisai
Dear Kelli,
And why would you say that, no da? *Smiles*
Dear Tasuki,
*twitch* I'm not THAT bad a singer, baka. Keetia!
Keetia: *pops up outta nowhere* Yeeez? ^-^
Keetia: Oh! *grabs her mega phone* Back on teh topic of denial, are we, alright! *holds the megaphone up to Tasuki's ear* DDDDDDEEEEENNNNIIIIIIIIIAAAAAAALLLLLL!!!!!!! *ahem* Now to show you some BAD singing. TSUNAMI! ^.^
*a small blue reploid dragon toddles in*
Serenade him, Tsunami.
Tsunami: Nami! *to the tune of My Heart Will Go On and incredibly sharp and sour* Naaaaaami tsuuuu, tsunami, tsunamiii... tsu NAmmmi! Nami tsu, tsunami, nam tsu.... Naaaaaami! Tsunam nami tsu! Tsunami tsuuuunami! Tsunami... tsunami... tsuuuu...
She can keep at this for a very, very, very long time. Oh, she's named Tsunami cause that's all she can say and she happens to love soaking people... beware =P
One-chan, Keetia, and Tsunami
Dear One-chan, Keetia, and Tsunami,
*Looks at them all confused... Pulls out a super heavy duty earplug.* Did ya' say somethin'?
Dear Chichiri,
daaaaaaaaaaa *sniffs* I thought you were going to spend the weekend with me.... *sighs* Da, we need to talk no da... but it seems everytime we do there's a fight or... technical dificulties no da.
Dear WMC,
Gomen nasai, no da. I try to talk to you but you disappear, no da. Stop that onegaishimasu, no da!
Dear Hotohori,
How've you been? *sigh* This past week hasn't been much help for me...first my Irish Setter had to be put to sleep (it was best for him, but still) and then I accidentaly cut myself a few times with my reed knife and such. O.o Hehe, I just had to vent to someone...sorry. ^_^; *sits down...* you think you could sing for me? I just love your voice and it would make me feel better. *looks up at him and smiles* Pretty pleeeeease?
Dear Hoshi,
Certainly. I'm sorry you lost your dog. *Holds her and sings to her.*
Dear Chichiri,
Chiri-chan... What are we gonna do about Lady Kei? I don't think she'd ever hate you... she thinks you're a wonderful person with a kind heart. I know, it said in one of her diary entries. I don't want her to be upset at either of us...
Dear Sakura,
You should probably apologize to her for showing her personal journal to me, no da. I am sorry that she is upset, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
I feel to embarrased to talk to Chichiri......... about everything. Sakura...... my diary, the doll.... the pictures.
I saw what he wrote, and feel sorry if he feels sad or upset. I'm not made at him, just a bit upset at myself for being so utterly hopeless. I shouldn't of worked up the confidence to talk to him in the first place. I would of been better off just keeping my feelings to myself.
Please let him know that I don't hate him........ I'm just upset with myself. I'm sorry if you found me annoying Nuri-chan, I just thought you'd be a good listener.
Shrinemaiden Keisei
Dear Keisei,
*Gives her a hug.* He doesn't hate you. And you were very brave to tell him how you felt. I'm sure he was flattered and touched by your feelings. Don't worry about it.
Dear Tasuki,
*sniffs* If you say so... but what about Monty Python fans?? I bet I'll never hear the Lumberjack Song sung again! I'll have to call Cedric long-distance and have him sing it! ;_; And the same thing will happen if I get accepted to the other school! I think I need some chocolate...
Dear Moon,
I'm sure you'll still find Monty Python fans, too! Here! *Hands her some chocolate.*
Dear Tasuki,
Umm....why exactly would you fry Seifer for saying I was delusional?
Reikaku no Miko
Dear Reikaku no Miko,
'Cos he was insultin' me an' Kouji when he said it!!!
Dear Tasuki,
Hi! *runs and gives Tasuki a big hug* I'm so happy. finaly sent my new FY video, I've been waiting for over a month, and it finally came, Hooray!! *realizes she is squeezing Tasuki* Oops, sorry *lets him go*.
I love my tape so much because it has more of you in it! hehehe. I wish I had more to write. I just can't think of any thing.....Oh yeah, TK is dead *Hooray* but he might come back to life *shivers* scary...
*sigh* I'm kinda bored today....well I guess I better go, thanks for listening to me bye *gives him a kiss* hehehe.
*a very bored little angel* Hino Tenshi -_-
PS: when do you come in the chat room? When ever I go your either not there or you just left. *sighs again* bye bye
Dear Hino Tenshi,
I dunno when I'll be in chat next. Gomen. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tamahome,
Why did you fall in love with Miaka when you could have some one like me!! I think you are the most handsom man I have ever seen. Please respond
Dear Kimika,
Because I never you met in the book. Besides Miaka is a wonderful person even if she is a lousy cook!
Dear Hotohori,
Hi! Remember me? I'm the one with the friend, Kosetsuno Tenshi, who likes you. She asked me to write you another letter. I have nothing to do with this letter at all, Ok -_-'. Well here it is:
Dear Hotohori,
Would you marry a tenshi? If so she would make a great wife/empress.(I told her you were already married). If you say no then she'll start to sing "My Heart Will Go On" *AHHHH...cover your ears!!!*. Hmmm...lets see, what else...Oh yeah, She said to say that Miaka doesn't love you (she gets so mad at Miaka when you hug her *rolls eyes*.
*Hears Kosetsuno yells* "Oh yeah, What about when Tasuki kisses..." *covers Kosetsuno's mouth* AH, gotta go, bye!
Hino Tenshi and Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi and Kosetsuno Tenshi,
Gomen, I am already happily married.
Dear Nuriko,
Wai!! I have but one request then, Nuriko-sama! Could you...pretty me cook dessert? Ever since I saw you helping Chuei cook in that episode where Mitsukake healed Tamahome's dad, I thought it must be so much fun to cook with you! Can we bake a cake? Pleassse? *puppy dog eyes* ^_^!
Dear Inori,
Hai! I love to cook and bake. Is chocolate ok?
Dear Chiriko,
Hello Chiriko!!! I have a week of this week^_^. And i have started to do a manga art page. I promise to give you the adress when its ready.*Hugs Chiriko* I will write to you later, Ok. Bye.
Dear Annie,
Please let me know when it is up. I look forward to seeing it.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
... Well whaddya know! I scared the Hellbrat off. Must have been the threatening to haunt him by singing love songs if he killed me. ^^;
Dear One-chan,
Heh! I don't blame him!!!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
@#$% I go to whack the board into some shape, and all the @#$ posts disappear. Looks like I ain't doing no @#$% good. *SMIRKS* *throws a log at Tasuki and smiles* that makes me feel better.
Dear Aidou,
CnA Killed an' replaced th' Board. OI!!! Watch where yer throwin' them thins'!!!
Dear Tasuki,
You would be able to answer this... people say I cuss like a sailor... is this a bad thing??
Dear Chi,
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*walks in and looks around* Doko minna?
Dear Marron,
Koko Marron!!
Dear Chichiri,
Hi Hi! It's me again! I just saw vol. 11 from Pioneer. It was pretty cool. There was one scene where your legs looked really skinny, it was great. (did I mention I think skinny is sexy?)
So, I was wondering, what do you think of how Pioneer is dubbing your show (and it is your show after all)? A lot of people say they don't like how your 'no da' was changed to 'ya know', but I think it's really cute (not that what I think counts). I would pity the voice actor if they had left it, since it would be hard to add a non-english ending to an english sentence. The 'no da' was left in the comic though, and that's ok since it's easier to read than to say. But I was just curious on your opinion.
Ok, that's all the rambling for today. Love you love you! ^.~
Dear Sunshine,
I prefer the subtitled version, no da. I don't care for the voice they gave me for the dubs, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
You know Seifer? That guy from the Ask the FFVIII Cast site? Well, I've been hanging around the site lately and it seems that he's pretty much confident that he can beat the crap out of you and Kouji. He might have that gunblade, but he still doesn't have your super-speed and awesome Tessen!!! Burn him for me, will ya?!?!?
By the way, I read your seiyuu did the voice of Knuckles, that red Echidna from Sonic. Omoshiroi, ^_~
Dear Jill,
Sure, I'll fry him fer ya'!! He's already been drowned once by Xelloss.
Dear Chiriko,
Hiya! I was reading the past answers and such, and I realize that no one asks you about yourself. You're such a cutie, and so sweet, I wonder why. So, I thought I'd ask you a few questions about yourself.
1) Exactly how old are you?
2) Which seishi are you closest to?
3) What's your favorite color?
4) Do you have any hobbies other than studying?
5) How are you today?
Dear Christine,
I am 13, closest to Tasuki, I like green , and I have no hobbies (suppose I should get a life). I am fine, thank you. And yourself?
Dear Tasuki,
Celebrating on BOTH 2/28 and 3/1 if your birthday were 2/29? Hmm, that would be a great idea. I never saw it that way... If you can't decide on one, take both, huh? D*mn, now I wish MY b-day were 2/29... Oh well, that's life....
Oh, one more thing: I recently finished some video game RPG. "So what?" you may ask? Well, I named the 4 heroes Hojun, Shunu, Juan, and Dokun. Thus, I would then imagine that you, Chichiri, Chiriko, and Mitsukake would be the ones to head out into the world and save it from doom. Kakkoii, ne?? ^_^ Come to think of it, if I ever get to play FF7, maybe I'll rename the cast as follows:
Cloud -> Tamahome
Tifa -> Miaka
Aeris -> Yui
Cid -> Tasuki
Cait Sith -> Chichiri
Barret -> Hotohori or Nuriko
Red XIII -> Mitsukake or Hotohori
Vincent -> Chiriko or Mitsukake
Yuffie -> Nuriko or Chiriko
What do you think, huh?
Dear Tonberry,
I've never played th' game so they don't meanmuch to me. Gomen.
Dear Tamahome,
*tosses Tamahome 2 gold coins* Who would you rather kiss...Nakago, or Tasuki's horse? Seriously, if you HAD to....*hands Tamahome a barf bag while he contemplates his answer*
Dear Saralady,
Tasuki's horse.
Dear Tasuki, uncle is having more heartproblems, and it's gotten my Nana all upset and everything because she think's that my uncle's wife is trying to kill him. Not like stabbing him or anything, but she's like giving him food that could kill him as soon as he get's out of surgeory! *smacks fist into palm* I hate that b*tch I hate her! We knew he never should have married her!! All his problems started when they got married!! If she does anything to hurt my uncle I'll strangle her fat @$$!!!!! *cries*
Reikaku no Miko
Dear Reikaku no Miko,
I think I know why yer depressed... Have ya' talked to yer parents 'bout this? Ya' really should, ya' know. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
(This is really to Tasuki-sama and Chichiri-sama!)
To Chichiri: Hey, Chichiri-sama! Do you think it'd be possible for me to learn sorcery from you, that way I can find a way to get into "The Universe of the Four Gods" and be with you, Tasuki-sama, and the rest of the Suzaku Seishi? ^_^
To Tasuki: Ah, fiery-haired cussing-bandit-style one... you're awesome (REKKA...SHINEN!!") and you, Nuriko-sama, and Chichiri-sama have *wonderful* voices... hey, can I borrow your tessen until your hangover's gone? ^_~
Dear Jasmine-chan,
As much as I would like to, there is no way for me to get to your world or bring you to mine to teach you, no da. Gomen, no da.
Tasuki: No. No one borrows th' tessen. Besides, it only works fer me!
Tasuki and Chichiri
Dear Tasuki,
Arrrrrrrrrg! *tackles Tasuki* Kouji is NOT a baka!! He's just...*smiles* a BAKAYARU!!! *thinks* Wait, that's not the, namagomi? No, that mean's raw garbage...I HATE JAPANESE!!!! *sits on Tasuki's stomach* Je n'aime parler pas le japonais! Je parle le japonais tres mal!! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!! *pokes Tasuki's nose* Et toi! Tu chantes...bien!
By the way, there was a point to this!! Kouji didn't put me up to it! I just think the "kowai faced man" is funny...and true! BWAHAHAHAHAHAAAA! *cough cough* Pixie stik?
Dear Shuurei,
Giime those! *Takes all the pixie stix he can find.* I think yer eatin' too much of this!!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
A random question! A random question! Don't worry, it doesn't involve licking, for I am NOT Taiitsu no Miko!! *slaps a name-tag on her shirt that says: "Hello! My name is Shuurei, and I'll be on a sugar high this evening!"*
Oooookay...random question!! Which of you gets the most "glomps"? What is a "glomp" anyhow? Should I be practicing my "glomp"ing talents? I seem to be one of the few hyper fangirls who doesn't "glomp"...I might be missing out on something! Uuuuuum...yeah, that's it!
Jaaaaaaaaaa neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! *bounces away in search of more pixie stiks*
Dear Shuurei,
Tasuki, no da!
Dear Tamahome,
From where did you learn how to speak japanese?
Dear M,
I speak Japanese???? Since when??? *Smiles*
Dear Chichiri,
::shows him her showgirl outfit and grins:: Nuriko and I look good, huh? ::winks at Nuriko::
Kelli, Chichiri No Aisai
Dear Kelli,
*Looks at both of them and smiles.* Sore wa himitsu desu, no da! *Disappears into his kasa.*
Dear Tasuki,
Heh-heh...Ya look like an echidna wit' yer hair stickin' out all over th' place like ya do...Anyway, jus' thought I'd say 'hey' an' all that since SOMEbody finally told me who ya were...
Dear Knuckles,
I look like a *%^$$##@ anteater?!?!?!?! Hmph!! Look who's talkin'!!!!!
Dear Tasuki,
Hey TASuki-chan!!!! *Runs over and gibs u a big suffercating hug* How ya been???~~!! I know ... me havent wrote in forever ... lots of busy thangs .. but this week i may have time to write a few letters cuz im on winter break ...
wut has all of u been up to?? u and tama-chan been gettin along while me gone lately??
So did u get allot of candies, flowers, and kisses from ur millions of girl fans?? bet ya did ... hehe *hands a dosen orange roses* I know they aint red or white ... but i personally think orange roses kick a*# the best!! unless they had like blue roses than that would be cool too .. but i say orange all the way ... besides i think they match ur fiery hair an attitude .. hehehe *winks* I better get a hug for that too* smiles
are u still on that no girl for me journey?? prolly are .. hehe oh yea ... i really didnt think chocolate would suit u for such a late valentine's day present ... heres something to go with ur orange roses .. *hands over a hug case of sake* here ya go ... i dont think u'll gain as much calories from sake as u might from all that chocolate ... so happy drinkin for u!!! well i haffta get moving along so i'll chat to u later!! love ya ~~~~~~ *gibs a kiss on ur forhead n runs off* ~hahahaha ... now u got girl germs...hahah~
Yeah I got th' usual Valentine's Day attacks. Thanks fer th' roses. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tasuki, anteater???? THAT's what Knuckles is??
*takes a look at Tasuki and starts laughing* And, you know that his fur is a red-orange color too? *falls over backwards laughing...*
Dear Hoshi,
Yer NOT funny.... ><;;
Dear Mitsukake,
My friend she likes this guy alot, but her friend liked him first, and he likes my friend, but she think's that if she go's out with him her friend will get mad at her, what should I do?
Dear Priss,
While it might hurt the other girl, if your friend and this young man like each other they should be together and you should not interfere.
Dear Nuriko,
Hey Nuriko-sama, Wow...dats the fastest ever u guys ever responded to my letters and i thank u lots....i really didnt expect them to be posted up the next day ... im not complaining but really happy... thanks for answering my questions so quick...
I also read the other letters .... wuts up with that girl wanting to lick all u guys to see if u taste like food products?? kinda weird .. but oh well ...
0oh yea my birthday was like on the first on this month ... so actually it should now be fushigi16 ... but i guess i dont gots really much time to change the name and i enjoy fushigi15 better since u all know me by that sn..
if u guys (all u seishi) had online screen names ... whut would they be?? yes everyone needs to answer ... hehehe
well im outtie for now gots to go babysit soon .. love ya *gibs a hug* oh and happy belated valentine's day~ to every1 .. smiles
Happy Birthday! Sweet 16 awwww....
Here is the answer to your question. Hope you like them!
Tasuki: Hot Stuff
Tamahome: Money Man
Chiriko: Study Buddy
Chichiri: DA Man
Hotohori: Mirror, Mirror
Nuriko: Empress
Mitsukake: Shizuka na
Dear Tasuki,
do you have a girlfriend?
Dear tsubasa-seishi,
No an' I don't want one either!!
Dear Tasuki,
HAI!! ANYTHING!! TEACH ME ANYTHING!!! *Weird look*..Did I just say that? Anyways... *Sits on the floor excitedly* I'm ready to learn oh mighty Sensei! *Smiles*
Dear Kaori,
Before we begin, I gotta question fer ya'! How old are ya'???
Dear Chiriko,
daaaaaaaa *shakes her head* I just wish he'd talk to me. Thanks Chiriko for ofering to give him a message no da. *reaches down her hands itching, un does his hair and starts giving him dreads* *SNICKERS* DA DAaaaaaaaaaa!
Dear WMC,
ARA!!! Don't do that onegaishimasu!!! To get rid of them I'd have to shave my head!! Chichiri tasukete!!!
Dear Chichiri,
Woah! You're good! I'm forteen. That was a pretty close guess!
Now when I ask if Neko sleeps in your kesa I mean does he sink into kasaspace? Like does he dissapear into a reality warp and climb out with ruffled fur and bows on his head from an encounter with little girls in another part of the country? Has that ever happened?
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
Not that I am aware of, no da!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*Reads the letters section.* Perhaps One-chan should just refrain from calling Hellmaster Hell brat and leave him alone for a bit to cool off? Respect the dead! ^_^;
As to keisei-san, The spell known as the Giga slave has been sealed so is no longer castable, and please don't pick fights with Lina-san. She is very ill and no one knows if she's going to get better..
I would also like to add...BOSTON KOWAII!!!!
*Cowers in the corner, away from the accent.*
Dear Xelloss,
I agree with you on One-chan! Chichiri no Aijin has told us how ill Lina is. Gomen nasai, we wish we could send Mitsukake to her. We were only able to send her a card. CnA is VERY worried about her so if you can let her know how Lina is she would appreciate it. *smiles*
CnA was going to send Tasuki to you with her message but he refused to give it to you! Come to think of it... I was the only willing Seishi... hmmmm... anyway... *Gives him a hug.* THAT was from CnA!! So don't get any funny ideas! This however is from me! *Pounds on Boston accent with a slab of concrete.* Better?
Dear Tasuki,
Hey, man. Look, this chick named Reikaku no Miko keeps writing to me an' insisting that you and some guy named Kouji are hotter than me. ::looks at him critically:: Man, she relly IS delusional like I thought!
Seifer Almasy
Dear Seifer Almasy,
I remember ya'!!! Xelloss kicked yer sorry @$$ fer messin' wit' Chichiri no Aijin!!! Ya' better leave her alone or else ya' won't have to worry 'bout drownin'... 'cos I'll FRY YA'!!!!
Dear Nuriko,
Tsk tsk, Nuriko. NEVER kiss and tell. ::smile::
Kelli, Chichiri No Aisai
Dear Kelli,
Dear Tasuki,
That's what you think! I have a very weird personality and a fragile state of mind... and I usually don't talk to people much if I don't know them. You know, until my friend got transfered to my P.E. class, (he beat someone up^^!) I spoke less than 3 words the whole time. I swear. And I'm only outright noisy in 2 classes: math and science. In the other ones I tend to stay quiet. And also; what if I don't like the teachers?? I hate some of the teachers at my school (no names, Mrs. Bridges) I just don't get along with them. Oh, now I've made myself paranoid...
P.S. Wait! If I move to South Carolina, I bet there won't be any Monty Python fans! Or anime fans! *cries*
Dear Moon,
*Gives her a hug.* There's fans EVERYWHERE!!!!! It'll be OK!
Dear Nuriko,
Hey again!! see told ya i would write .... yup got another prob ... remember dat guy i told u would commit sucicde ... well i have a bf ... n dont get me wrong i like him ... but people always think im flirting with the other guy .... n im not .. we're just good friends ... n well my bf seems to be just to cautious n shy for me ... i dunno ... i mean he's too careful in things .. like i had to play in the band for a basketball game cuz our team ish at the playoffs n i lean against him ... but when he saw his dad (whos a sercuity cop dat night) i leaned like on the side of his leg .. nuthin profound or unapproiate .. n he kinda pushed me off ... i felt kinda bummed n kinda sighful ... i wasnt even doing nuthin ... i ended up sitting by my friend cuz i sorta lost the feeling wit him ... i didnt tell him but i really felt kinda dumb ... n now i wonder if i really want to be wit him ... we've gone for like 2 months but i dunno of him .... i kinda personally loved being single ... talking to other guys was easier without so much sacrastim .... not that i want other guys ... just that i cant figure my bf out .... is he always going to be this way?? wut should i do?? thankz again ... catch ya later
I don't know about your boyfriend, but I do know that you two may not last unless you sit down and talk to him and tell him how he is making you feel. Good luck!
Dear Tasuki,
Well, of course YOU would wake up with a hang over, but that's not what I meant cause I don't drink. I actually hate alcohal.
What I meant to say was, what should I do if every morning for the past week I've woken up wondering what would it matter if I wasn't living anymore? Now, don't misunderstand me, I'm not the suicidal type, and I'm not going to try to do anything to hurt myself....It's just that I've been so depressed lately and I don't know what's gotten me to feel like this. Do you know ANYTHING that could possibly help me?
Reikaku no Miko
Dear Reikaku no Miko,
What's happened lately, besides yer teeth comin' out? Mebbe there was somethin' that happened that's upsettin' ya' even if ya' don't realize it.
Dear Chiriko,
Hey! my prob ish dat my math isnt as good as it use to be ... i mean i do great in homework but when there comes a test n i study hard ... i do bad .. i dunno why ... i blank out when i do it or i think i do good but it turns out bad unless i really understand the chapter ... but when things are thrown all together i get confussed ... n my parents won't let me drive when i get my license until i get my "c" off of math ... n i wish i knew how to get better ... i really try ... got any advice??
Get yourself a math tutor or study buddy to help you study and help quiz you on the subject.
Dear Tasuki,
For X-mas I got the first FY DVD bax set and could not stop watching it. I truly fell in love with you, and was wandering if I could get some of the best pix of you? I also plan on getting your name tatooed on my right arm so that somehow we will be linked between both worlds.
Tama-chan is ICHI BON
Dear Tama-chan is ICHI BON,
I dunno 'bout gettin' th' tattoo but check our links peeji fer different pages to get pictures from.
Dear Nuriko,
Hey Nuriko-sama, sowwie i havent written for like forever but this is fushigi15 ... how ish every1 im good
i needed to know how to deal wit something ... my one friend today told me he was goin to commit suicide this saturday .... i didnt know wut to say ... so i broke down n started crying ... he asked me wut was wrong ... i told him my math was terrible, my bf was just confussing me, and now he was going to leave me .... so he promised he wouldn't do it for me ... when i went to the bathroom to dry up my tears i kinda laughed cuz it was just on purpose so i could get his mind off it n make him not do it ... but another close friend told me he always says he will but he never has the guts to do it ... i dunno if i can believe this all the time ... wut if he really might do it ... n i know he'd be real mad if i told some1 since he already has to deal wit so many problems ... why add 1 more to his life .... but is there anyway i can make him promise me to really never do it?? ( he kinda also told me he's in love wit me ... dats why he kinda promised not to kill himself ) but he knows i have a bf ...
is there anyway to make him see that there is something really worth living for .. i mean to show him there is value to him ... ( cuz i really care for him) sowwie to put such a dreadful question in front of u ... i just need a lil advice ... thankz ... ill write back soon !! love ya
You really need tell his parents what is going on so they can get him some counseling. You can tell you care about him and that you'll be sad if he were to hurt himself or leave you. But I don't how well that will work or for how for long... Please let his parents know as soon as possible!! Good luck!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
(this is really to chichiri and tasuki...)You two are so fun! I recently was able to download some songs you two sing and my goodness! GORGEOUS voices!*applauds* two quick questions:
1. chichiri, can you take me fishing with you sometime? i don't want to catch any fishies, but it'd be fun to sit by a pretty river with a kawaii monk who says "no da" all the time!*grins*
2. tasuki, could you give me pointers in swearing like a bandit? anyone who can swear as well as you deserves medals of honor!*victory sign*
ok, enough of my ramblings, have a lovely day all you fun seishi!*scampers off to try to talk Tasuki's horse into being nice*
Dear Saralady,
Chichiri: Hai, no da. But you either need to find a way out to me or a way for me to come to your world, no da. Arigato for your kind words, no da!
Tasuki: Sure! Whaddya' wanna learn???
Chichiri and Tasuki
Dear Hello Dearest Nuriko,
I recently went undrcover to collect information on a smuggling ring in my kingdom, and I had to chop of most of my hair. Right know my hair is shorter than a military man's.. How do I make them go out.. I use to have down to my shoes.. this is so not fair!! Thank you..
Empress Tatianna, Empress of Mongolia
Dear Empress Tatianna,
Unfortunately, only time can cure a bad haircut. Gomen.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*hides behind the seishi* ^^; You know that Ask the Slayers cast page I showed CnA?? Well, I just called Phibby, Hellbrat, twice, and I think I am going to be dying shortly so...... ^^; um..... Help? I won't let Keetia do anything mean for a week! I promise! ^^; I won't try and steal CnA's Tasuki plushie either! ^^;
Keetia: Pfft. Isn't Tasuki supposed to protect you? =P That's what he said he'd do when yer "oniichan" died. Granted he couldn't even protect your corpse from being kicked by Suboshi... Fungi-chan sucks ;p
Keetia: You didn't have to listen!
I have this problem where I do stupid things like that because somebody mentions it! WAAAAH! ;-;
One-chan and Keetia
Dear One-chan and Keetia,
Why do you always insist on angering something more powerful than yourself then running to Tasuki? This is a Slayers deity, perhaps you should ask Xelloss for help.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hey, Seishi, I was wondering... Well, since February 29th, the leap year day is coming up in under 2 weeks. I've noticed a couple anime charas, specifically Anthy Himemiya (Shojo Kakumei Utena) and Touya Kinomoto (Card Captor Sakura), who happen to have Feb. 29 as their birthday. So my question is, what do you think people who were born on Feb. 29 do on non-leap-year years? Would they celebrate their birthday on Feb. 28 or March 1? And what would YOU guys do (individual responses, if possible) if your birthday were Feb. 29?
Dear Tonberry,
Everyone except Tasuki agreed that they would celebrate on February 28th. Tasuki, on the other hand, would celebrate on February 28th AND March 1st!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
This is probably a silly question but: I remember reading somewhere that all the seishi were men. If that's so, why is Soi a Seiyruu Seishi? Or was that just the case for Suzaku?
Dear Mary,
To my knowledge just the Suzaku Seishi are all male. Very little is known of the Genbu Seishi and there are female Seishi on both the Seiryuu and the Byakko sides.
Dear Tasuki,
Hey, have you ever woken up one day and it just seems like there's no meaning to your life?
Reikaku no Miko
Dear Reikaku no Miko,
Not that I can remember. Usually I just wake up wit' a hangpver!
Dear Nuriko,
I understand what you're saying Nuriko. But my parents know Doug and his family better than I do. In college, my dad used to date his aunt, and they've remained friends ever since. Since then i've become best friends with doug's cousin. When i went to go see her, i met doug. That's just the little history of it. But i just wanted to let you know that they know him better than i do, so they aren't THAT worried about much happening. My parents are just afraid he might try and leave his 'mark' on me before going off to college. And i know he won't, and if he does, he's losing a great thing!
But i do understand and share your view on the bending of the rules. Thank you!
Dear Mary,
Well if your parents know him that well, I would abide by their rules and explain to Doug how things are. If he's a good guy he will understand and deal with it. Good luck!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Yay! I'm the 50,000th visitor! Do I get a prize????? ^-^
Dear One-chan,
My, my... greedy aren't we? Chichiri no Aijin says yes, you get a prize and NO it will not be her Tasuki plushie!
Dear Tamahome,
How does it feel to be kissed by Nakago-sama??? Do you love him? I do!! Are his lips as soft as he says they are?? How does it feel?? Tell Me!!
Dear A.J.,
I DON'T love him! And the words "pukeishly disgusting" come to mind WHENEVER I think of him kissing me!!!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
okay, this question is up for grabs... would any of you.. bathe in chocolate then run and frolic in woods with a teddy bear strapped to your back??? Just wondering...
Dear Chi,
Just a guess here... but NO, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
Hi! Did you know that you Echidna? *laughs* My friends and I were playing Sonic adventure yesterday, and whenever Knuckles spoke, we heard you! It's confirmed, too; we checked the credits. Same voice actor. We're just waiting for Knuckles to yell at an enemy, "REKKA SHI- *ahem* whoops...wrong character...I mean...."
Dear Hoshi,
My seiyuu does an anteater??? Wait'll I get ahold of him....!!!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*whacks a log at her baka bro* *SMIRKS*
hey lil kawaii gen-chan. Just cause the board's down doesn't mean I won't tease ya. OI! Guys would it helped if I got out and whalloped the Message Board? Ya know a few well placed logs.... and it could get moving. *smirks* Least one can @#$% hope!
Dear Aidou,
Sure give it a shot!! H*ll, writin' to BeSeen sure as h*ll ain't gettin' us anywhere!!!!!! I think Chiriko might be looking fer a different message board place to try.
Dear Chiriko,
*blushes and touches her cheek* Chichiri really sent that no da?
Dear WMC,
Hai, he worries about you. Shall I tell him something from you?
Dear Nuriko,
Hi, it's me PNut again, it's like 2:00 in the morning and i'm BORED! So I figured I'd come ask you if you knew the best way to keep red dye in my hair. I'm dying it red this weekend and i want it to stay nice and bright without having to keep re-dying it. (that gets a lil expensive) So yeah! Thanx much!
Dear PNut,
You can use shampoos and conditioners specially made for dyed hair, but eventually you will have to re-dye it.
Dear Nuriko,
I figured that you would be the best one to ask about this: I finally get to go to prom this year, and I asked a good friend of mine to be my date. (He's a grade younger than me, so I had to ask.) The only problem is that another girl asked him too. Well, she didn't REALLY ask him becasue (according to him) she said "If I don't have a boyfriend by the time prom rolls aroud, you want to go with me?" He didn't say yes to her, but he didn't say no either. He doesn't want to go to prom with her because he doesn't really like her, plus she smokes, drinks, etc. He's going to go to prom with me, but we don't know if this other girl thinks that he's going with her. It's not really my responsibility to tell her, but I just want to know if you have any suggestions what to say?
Oh, and a fashion question... I'm the same height as my date, so do you think I should wear heels?
Dear Spooky-chan,
He needs to tell her his decision to not go with her and you need to wear flats!
Dear Tasuki,
*POUNCE!* Thank you! Yes, we ARE strange and YES, people tell us that all the time. We've been called hyper, weird, insane, crazy, mean, nice, evil, cute, annoying, funny, etc! ^-^ OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOHOHOHHOHHOHOHO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^0^ But you have to admit, that WASN'T artificial respiration. (If you say that it was I'm going to scream denial in your ear for goddess knows how long =)
Dear One-chan,
IT WAS TOO!!!!!!! *Puts in his heavy duty earplugs...*
Dear Nuriko,
::blinks:; WHy would I want CHichiri in this? I prefer him in...nevermind. ::grins::
Kelli, Chichiri No Aisai
Dear Kelli,
Oh please, do tell! Enquiring minds want to know!!! Tee-hee...
Dear Tasuki,
Anou...hypothetical question for you, Tasuki-san. If a girl fell from the sky on you, thanked you for breaking her fall, stole your horse, and rode off...what would you say? Oh, by the way, this girl would be being chased by two hyper NyanNyan.
Lady Nyan
Dear Lady Nyan,
I'd probably say, "What th' *^%$ was THAT all about?!?!?!?!?!?"
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi! :) I've got a serious problem to pose to you. Well, actually it's not just me, but myself and some of my friends. You see, we're very worried about one of our very good friends. She seems to be spending more and more time on the internet, and most of this time is spent in this one chat room she always visits. This isn't the problem. The problem is that we're starting to worry about her because she seems to be having a hard time separating real life from net life, and even has a relationship with one of her net buddies, someone she's never met.
While we realize that not all the people on the internet are axe murders posing as fifteen year old boys, we feel that our friend shouldn't be so...well, devoted, to her net friends. She's never really met this people, and has no idea if they're really the way they say they are.
The worst thing is that she's stopped talking to us about this because she knows that we disapprove. What we want to know is if we should tell her parents about what's going on (like her internet boyfriend), or should we not do this because it would be breaking her trust? Please help us!
Dear clefairy72,
At the very least her parnets should be made aware of her internet boyfrined. There have been instances where young women and girls are lured to another city or the person comes to them so they can meet the internet boyfriend and they come to an unpleasant end. For her own safety please tell her parents at least about that.
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