Dear Tasuki,
oyaoya...You did not seem to get my last message, since I sent it WAAAAAAAAAY before Valentines Day. Maybe it was when you guys were having problems with the site / forums...ANYWHO.. I haven't been here in SOOOOO long!! IT'S RIDICULOUS I TELL YOU!!!! AHHHH!!! hmm....I was just wondering....*Starts massaging your shoulders*...hmmm...Could you be my sensei? Teach me the ways of..well...YOU! *Grins*
Dear Kaori,
What? Ya' wanna learn how to drink an' brawl???
Dear Chichiri,
Hi! Me again! I finished my little tribute for Niiyama-tenshi. If you want to see you can go here ( and look. Some of the roles she did were Seiya (the love of my life) from Sailor Moon, Deedlit from Record of Lodoss War TV series, Doris from Marmalade Boy, and others that I can't think of right now.
Anyways, thanks for letting me cry on your shoulder (I'm feeling better now), and I'll see ya around!
Dear Sunshine,
You're very welcome, no da. It is a lovely site and a beautiful tribute to her, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
That sounds like so much fun!!!!!! I've never been to Las Vegas... no where exciting like that. We usually go to South Carolina for vacation... it's okay... but my parents are thinking of moving there. I really don't want to. I'll be even farther away from my best friend! (Did I tell you that my best friend had to move to Ohio?? I hardly ever talk to her! [But she's coming to visit sometime soon!^^]) *sighs* I guess moving wouldn't be too bad... there'd be only one regret...
Dear Moon,
Yeah, it's hard movin' away from yer friends. But, then ya' get to make new friends!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hello-- Tsutsuji has offered us a new cyber home, which is now open. could you please link to us: Ask the Seiryuu Seishi. May we also link to you?
Seiryuu Seishi
Dear Seiryuu Seishi,
Hai! You have also been added to our Links peeji. Just for your information Suboshi has also opened an Ask the Seriyuu Seishi peeji. Perhaps you can work together. Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Chichiri,
Keisei (Wakes up slowly, teary eyed) I'm sorry Chichiri-sama! (runs off. we see her diary open. )
(it reads) I know we could never be together, even as friends. I don't know if he doesn't just like me. I've seen him use his magic to visit people before, why not me? I wish I could let him know how I feel,but he never seems to notice me. Not one lettle hug, or even a smile.
Sakura: (sweatdrops) Um..... she's kinda upset with me isn't she?
Keisei (she would of sighned it) and Sakura
Dear Keisei and Sakura,
*Reads the diary, sighs, and looks sad...* No Sakura, I think she is upset with me, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Hello Fang Boy! Guess who? It's Keisei, I 've been talking to Chichiri a lot lately, and he's not paying any attention to me! So I thought I'd make myself feel better by bugging you for a bit.
I think that whoever's pairing you up with Lina is an idiot! Anyone can see that you're gonna remain single for a long time yet! (don't take that the wrong way, please.)
And, since Chichiri's paying no attention to me........ (whips out a bokkan) I was wondering if you'd like to fight me for a bit? I'm not usually violent, but I feel like blowing off a litle steam.
I have an idea..... you just get Lina here, I'll do the rest! I'll show her a little trick my friend Kamikasu tought me.
Hey Lina...... remember what this does? (Begins chanting a spell) Darkness beyond the blackest pitch. Power that shines like a glint of gold upon a sea of chaos. I call upon thee, swear myself to thee. Let all those who stand before me be destroyed with the power You and I posess. Sword, accept this darkness and obey my will........ (Let's see how Lina reacts to this)
Shrinemaiden Keisei
Dear Shrinemaiden Keisei,
WHOA!!! I don't think he's ignorin' ya'! I jus' think that he's got a lot of fangirls tryin' to pull him in too many directions right now! An' I ain't fightin' ya' either! Ya' know I don't fight girls!
Dear Nuriko,
Who would win in a strength contest between you and Hercules. Hercules was belived to be the strongest man in the world. However, you are also incredibily strong. I hope to read your reply soon.
Dear R2-D2/C-3P0,
I believe it would be a tie.
Dear Suboshi,
Good luck! And you do have some competition! Another Ask the Seiryuu Site has also opened.
Chichiri no Aijin
Dear Nuriko,
Hi Nuriko! Long time no see! Although i believe jean and i will be seeing you and the other seishi + CnA on Saturday. I have to iron out the details with jean though. But i have a question for you. The guy that I wrote to ask you about earlier in the past months is also included in this question. Well, he asked me out. And my mom has had the rule "No dating until your 16 and when you do, it's group dating. Until that time. I don't want to hear it."
When doug asked me out, i told him my mom's thoughts and he accepted them. We both agreed that just seeing each other in a friend environment would be fine too. Even with the rule standing in my way, i asked my mom if it would be okay. She said "Over my dead body" Her ever so famous line. I pleaded and asked what if it were a group thing. She said she'd think about it. I told Doug and he said that's fine. We spent forever talking on the phone talking about...everything in the world. We set up a time to go see a movie, 7:00.
Well, i brought this up with my mom, she said that that would be okay...just to go see the movie, not dinner. She wants us to have dinner at my house before the movie. But that's not possible: he goes to school 30 min. away from me + he has after school responsibilities so 7:00 is the earliest he can see me on any given school day. And on weekends he has family responsibilities, he has 4 younger siblings to take care of.
What I would like your opinion on is : Is it wrong of me to ask that I spend 3 hours with Doug on a Friday night? I know my mom is bending the rules already, but we never get to see each other. She doesn't understand that he has other responsibilities and can't get here at the time that she would like him to. Am i asking to much of her? What's your opinion on this.
Thank you Nuriko-sama
Dear Mary,
OK. She is already bending her rules for you. You can try and explain that he can't have dinner that night and then a movie and let her know why. Don't ask for another bend! She may revoke what she has already given to you. Perhaps instead of a movie at 7:00 he comes for dinner then and spends time with you at home so your folks can get to know him. Once they get to know him better, she may be more willing to bend the rules more. Good luck and don't push your mom!
Dear Chiriko,
*pops out of her kasa, huddled in her kesa, with a can of raid* the message board is so quiet.... the bugs are moving in! DA!!!!!!
Can you fix the board? I figured if anyone could it'd be you. Oh yeah, if you see Chichiri.... *sighs* nevermind.
Dear WMC,
I'm trying but BeSeen is not very cooperative. Gomen. Ano, WMC... Chichiri said to give this to you if I see you before he does...*Walks up to her, stands on tiptoe and gives her a kiss on the cheek and a hug.* Please don't be sad he does miss you.
Dear Nuriko,
::pulls out her own showgirl outfit and gets dressed:: Heehee....Wanna see if we can get Htohori in one of these?? ::getsan idea:: Oh Chichiri!!! Come see my new clothes!! ::looks at Nuriko and starts giggling::
Kelli, Chichiri No Aisai
Dear Kelli,
I'm sure he'll love it on you, but i doubt you'd get Chichiri into it... tee-hee...
Dear Chiriko,
Are fansubs illegal?
Dear Moon,
I the strictest technical terms, yes. However the Japanese commpanies seem to have a don't tell us and we won't prosecute attitude towards them. Especially since American fans once they have seen the fansubs tend to want the raw tapes or LD's or will clamor for their favorite to be brought over here and done by a proper company. Such as what happened with Fushigi Yuugi and Pioneer.
Dear Tamahome,
You're fun to scare Tamahome! You're a goodie goodie and we fans like to see you have a violet heart attack once and a while, ya know.
(Okay maybe that's just me but hell, call me a Nakago fan.. *grin*)
Hey, I wanted to ask. Ignoring all fanfics and speculations by moi, what's your take on Nakago and Soi? Do think Nakago really loved her?
I asked him on the FY cast board a while ago and he didn't answer me. (He's scared to hell to admit anything I swear...) Also, what would you do if Nakago stole your money?
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
You ask a lot of questions, you know that? Yes, I think he loved her. And if Nakago stole my money, I'd get it back!
Dear Chichiri,
Hello there Chichiri!! *walks up to chichiri and touches his head* How's your head? Aidou threw a pretty mean log at you last Valentines day.
anyways, i have a question. Did you take a vow of celibacy as a monk? I just want to know. If you did, does that mean you musn't/won't/can't ever be with a woman THAT way? Does this also mean *whispers* you're still a virgin???
Oh yes and another question. What's it like to fall in love? i mean i've heard about it and it's described in so many ways. There's one that's "can't eat, can't sleep, reach for the moon!" and then there's one like "when you see him you sigh, when he's near you turn to jelly, and when he's talking to you and holding you (hand or in a hug) you can just die." What can you say about falling in love chichiri? I've obviously not been in love before since i'm asking. crushes don't count.
Lady Arashi
P.S. Do you think i should drop the Lady part when signing my name already or going into chat?
Dear Lady Arashi,
I did not take that vow, it is just how I wish to live my life for now. And taking that vow does NOT mean THAT! Besides, I'm not telling, no da. I can tell you that falling in love is a wonderful feeling, no da! Pretty much like you were describing it and more! As for your name, that is what you are known as, keep it, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
I keep forgettin to yell about this, but I finally remembered because a friend brought it up. *clears her throat.* THAT WAS NOT ARTIFICIAL RESPIRATION, D*MNIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
... One moment, please.... *smacks Firefury upside the head with a mallet* Okay, I'm done. ^^;
Firefury: Oro.... @_@ *falls over and dreams of Kenshin. Whether it's hentai or not is none of your business*
One-chan and Firefury
Dear One-chan and Firefury,
You two are REALLY strange!!!!! Anyone ever tell ya' that???
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Happy Valentines Day everybody! *hands everybody a chocolate heart* Thought I'd bring you all a treat! *beam* Hey, pointless question for everyone? What do these three words make each of you think of? Soi, Nakago,
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
Irritatin' woman, despicable villain, and we think ya' had too much of THAT already!!!
Dear Nuriko,
*blushes bright red* Oh! Nuriko-sama...*hugs Nuriko back and blushes more* would you like for breakfast? *smiles still blushing because she's too happy and embarrassed to know what else to say*
Dear Inori,
Nothing! Today I will serve you!
Dear Tasuki,
*walks over to Gen-chan, smiles and gives him a big hug* Happy late Valentine's Day!! ^_^
=( Even though this day sucks because a certain young bandit whom I am in love with didn't say anything to me... *sighs* Yeah, skating's fine for Saturday but then Anne can't go and I'm having a b-day party the next day. *sighs again* I'm almost sixteen, insane over a guy and the guy isn't interested in me anymore... but he's not saying anything!!! Mary got this great guy now and I'm so happy for her! But... I'm really jealous too... why can't things work out between me and Kyori? *sits on his lap, buries her face into his shoulder and sobs*
Dear Jean,
*Hugs her* OI! Third in command, lighten up! Mebbe you'll get to see Yuki... *sighs and dries her tears* I'm sure thins' will get better fer ya'.
Dear Nuriko,
Hi Nuriko....I need to tell someone this just to get it off my back and i've been really depressed for the passed week or so. *sighs*... last friday two of my best friends died, on the same day....
I first found out that my one friend,Chris, died when i woke up friday morning. I got a call at 4:00 in the morning from his brother and told me he died...of cancer. I didn't go to school that day because i couldn't stop thinking about him. later that day, i came online about 3:00 in the afternoon and my best friend told me that my other friend tommy had died that same day. So, to see if it was true, i called his brothers house and i didn't get an answer, so i called my cousin who is Tommys girlfriend and she was crying so hard which made me cry. She told me He was home by hiself that day and when his parents came home, they found him dead at his computer. do you know how he died?...he had a heart attack! A heart attack at the age of 15! He was too damn young!..but..he's always had heart problem's. I stayed home almost all weekend, and i couldn't stop crying....i had lost two of my good friends on the same day.
I didn't go to school monday either cuz i went to Tommys viewing...he looked so bad, i meen really bad...I went with my cousin and she saw him and totally broke down......but now...the worst part is, i was told another one of my friends has cancer.
I don't want to lose another friend, what will i do? Its like everyone is leaveing me...either of death or their moving...most of them far away.I'm totally lost in what i should do... I try to hide the crying inside so no one can tell i'm depressed, but i can't do it anymore....I'm sorry to tell you this, i feel alittle better. thanks for listening to me, Nuriko
Dear Momoko-chan,
*Hugs her and holds her.* Go ahead and cry, you'll feel better for it. You need to grieve, it's all part of the process. Just remember we're here for you.
Dear Chichiri,
Pointless questions for Chichiri!
1) Guess how old I am!
2) Does Tama-neko ever sleep in your kesa?
3) Can I lick you and see if you taste like blueberries? (just kidding)
4) Are you SURE Nakago never wore your hat when you left it in Kutoukoku?
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
Here are your pointless answers, no da!
1) 15, no da.
2) Hai, all the time, no da!
3) IIE, no da! Why do you want to do such a thing, no da?
4) Positive, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
hey I'm really dpressed cause I got a d on my history quiz my guy just droped me and I have the flu (achoo!) so I was thinking a hug from a really cute red head couls make me fell better (hint hint)
Lots of love
Dear Kathryssa,
Sorry thins' suck right now! *Gives her a big hug.* I'm sure they'll get better fer ya'! Now study harder an' go sneeze on th' creep that dropped ya'! Heh-heh-heh...
Dear Nuriko,
My my Nuriko-san.. All that chocolate CAN'T be good for the figure.
Dear Xelloss,
*Glares at Xelloss. Picks up a table and throws it at him...* OOPS!! Gee, how did that table get over there??? Tee-hee...
Dear Tamahome,
hi tamahome *hugs him* sorry I haven't written in so long - i guess i have been busy. are nakago and his sei in charge of homework, papers, and that or what? *sighs* anyway, i just wanred to see how things were going. I do have a few questions though -
1. Do you have a favorite animal
2. If you were not a sei do you know what you would be
3. Do you believe that revenge is a dish best served cold??
I know...odd questions and no one theme...Oh well...Behave yerself and throw tasuki in the water for me *evil smirk*
Ina Chan
Dear Ina Chan,
Here are your answers:
1) Not really, I tend to like all animals.
2) Good question! Perhaps a well paid bodyguard?
3) Not unless you want to kill someone by serving them leftovers of Miaka's cooking!
Dear Tasuki,
*Sweatdrops* WELL THAT'S TOO D*MN BAD! *Smacks him upside the head with a slipper.* Besides there's nothing I can do about that NOW. *Shrugs* Well happy late V Day and all that stuff..
Dear Hotohori,
Pointless questions for Hotohori-sama!
1) Can I be emperor for a day?
2) Can I brush your hair?
3) Can I lick you and see if you taste like cinnamon? (just kidding)
4) What did you get Houki for Valentine's Day?
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
Pointless answers below:
1) No.
2) Yes, you may. But no pulling or cutting please.
3) No. One does NOT lick the Emperor!
4) The finest chocolates and roses.
Dear Mitsukake,
Hello.My name is Amber but you can call me Ambi.I wanted to give this too you for Valentine's Day but I didn't have time so here take it.*Smiles and give Mitsukake a stuffed puppy holding a rose and a Valentine's Day card that says: Happy Valentine's Day Mitsukake! Love, Ambi.*
Dear Ambi,
Ariagto! It is very cute. Happy Valentine's Day to you, too.
Dear Tamahome,
*Gets flute readly*Oh, how rude of me.Tamahome from now on I am going to play my flute for you and NOT Tasuki.K? Any way do you is her name...oh!Do you like Mariah Carey's Thank God I Found You? Well if you do great! If you don't sorry!*starts to play the song on his flute*
Dear Amiboshi,
Not bad. Never heard of the song but it's WAY better than your usual stuff!
Dear Chichiri,
Hi Chichiri! I jest whached Fushigi Yuuig:The Mysterious Play(the english dubbed version.The VHS is called Separtion)and noticed that you say 'ya know?' at every(jest about) end of your sentecs.I thought you say 'No da.'
Dear Ambi,
I do, no da. For the dub it was translated as "you know", no da.
Dear Nuriko,
::hands Nuriko a feather boa, sparkly teddy, and headpiece:: Go put theseon!! I wanna see what kind of a showgirl you made!!!
Kelli, Chichiri No Aisai
Dear Kelli,
Are!!! Who told you??? *takes outfit puts it on and strikes a pose.* A beautiful one of course!
Dear Chiriko,
Pointless questions for Chiriko!
1) Um..... what's my destiny?
2) Why didn't you show up on my Matchmakers list at school? *pout*
3) Can I lick you and see if you taste like mint? (just kidding)
4) I wuv you! Happy Valentines! *kisses his cheek*
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
Here are the answers to your rather pointless and bizarre questions...
1) I'm a genius, not a fortune teller. Gomen.
2) Because I do not attend your school.
3) No.
4) *Blushes* Arigato. Happy Valentine's Day to you, too!
Dear Tasuki,
Ooooh, Vegas!! Sounds fun! Did you guys gamble and get drunk??
Dear Moon,
Hmmmm... Lessee... Tamahome gambled, Chiriko stayed in th' room calculating Tamahome's odds fer him, Chichiri an' Mitsukake went to see some shows, Hotohori an' Nuriko went shoppin' in th' big expensive mall, an' I gaot drunk!!! *Fanged grin*
Dear Nuriko,
*hugs nuriko really tightly* Arigato!!!!
Dear Bella-chan,
*Starts to turn purple and gasp for breath* You're welcome!
Dear Nuriko,
Hey Nuriko! Remember me? I just wanted to tell you something really neat? HEHE, I can make my voice sound exactly like yours in the show! I't is so cool. My friends get freaked out when ever I do it. It's soooo funny. Isn't that sooo awesome! Anyways, thaks for the beauty tips. They really helped. *gives Nuriko a hug* See ya later. *waves bye*
Hino Tenshi ^-^
PS: Tasuki gave me a hug! I'm so happy!
Dear Hino Tenshi,
Glad I was able to help! He did? Good for you? So do you do my dubbed voice or my Japanese voice?
Dear Mitsukake,
Pointless questions for Mitsukake!
1) Would you think it would creepy if Shouka's spirit lived in Tama-neko?
2) *gives him a box of candy hearts* Happy Valentines! It's from Shouka.
3) Can I lick you and see if you taste like bananas? (just kidding)
4) Can I kiss your cat?
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
Here are your answers:
1) Purrhaps...
2) Arigato! *Eats one* Oishii!
3) No. Why do you want to lick us???
4) I suppose so. But please don't lick him.
Dear Chichiri,
::sniffle:: I feel sooo bad! I found out a few days ago that the most beautiful voice in the world, Niiyama Shiho, died. She was a popular voice actress and now, at age 29, she's gone. I've been sniffling about it for days... Everyone thinks I'm nuts for grieving for someone I've never met, but it really affected me. ::sigh:: I'm going to make a little web page tribute to her... I should work on that now. Thanks for listening! Love you love you!
Dear Sunshine,
If she was a person whose work you enjoyed, then you should grieve for her, no da. I am sorry for your loss, no da. *Gives her a hug* So, what characters did she do, no da?
Dear Mitsukake,
Okay, here's some cream cheese. *gives Tama-neko a tiny bit of cheese* Hey Tama, ya like? At least Mimi does, but I'm not giving her any more. Hey Mimi don't look at me like that! =^.^=
Dear Sammy,
I think he likes it! *Smiles*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
This is actually for Tasuki, Tamahome, and Chichiri...Me and Emily (who has now decided to give her real name, Evey) want to go to Prom, but can't find any guys as kawaii and sweet as you three. So we were wondering if you three would like to go to Prom with us? What would make it especially tantalizing to y'all is that it's in....LAS VEGAS!!!! Yes, fabulous Las Vegas, full of wine and microbreweries (Tasuki) casinos (Tamahome) and a couple of great lakes to go fishing in (Chichiri). Plus two fabulous single girls (US!) SO come on down, it'll be a great time. It's on March 25, and I expect tuxes on all of you. Evey says that you can just skip the tux, though, Tasuki. (just kidding) And if Miaka likes, she can come as well, Tamahome. Just as long as you pay for her, k? Well, see you all later. ^-~ *chu to Tasuki from Evey, and ::smooches:: from me to y'all!
Christine, and Evey-chan
Dear Christine, and Evey-chan,
Gomen but we are unable to come to your world, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
Pointless questions for Nuriko!
1) Is there such a thing as a perfect hair day?
2) Do you like checkers?
3) Can I lick you and see if you taste like grapes? (just kidding)
4) If you weren't opposing seishi and you had met Soi like you meet most other people, do you think you would have liked her as a friend?
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
Here are your pointless answers:
1) For me, yes! For you, I don't know... tee-hee!
2) It is an OK game.
3) NO! ICK!
4) I doubt it! She has lousy fashion sense and worse taste in men!
Dear Tasuki,
Pointless questions for Tasuki!
1) Was Kouji dropped on his head as a child?
2) Would you call yourself a pyromaniac?
3) Can I lick you and see if you taste like strawberries? (just kidding)
4) How do you think you would have turned out if you had grown up abusing your sisters instead of the other way around?
Also, could you explain the answer to my last question in the letter I sent asking about what you would do to your chosen Seiyruu Seishi?
You said: 'Lock her an Tomo in a room fer the day.' I looked at that and had to go 'what under suzaku does that mean?'
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
Here's yer answers:
1) Mebbe, I didn't know him as a kid.
2) No, I'd call myself a bandit an' Suzaku Seishi. YOU I'd call strange!
3) NO!!! An' it's cinnamon...
4) Probably like Eiken...
I'd lock Soi an' Tomo in a room fer a day. They'd probably kill each other! That's what it means.
Dear Tamahome,
Is the expo going to be at that hotel again? I don't know if I can make it this time, but maybe Chip can get a ride since he has that license thing for kids 16-18... what's that called again? He probably won't take me since last year I kept wandering into movies and uh... getting unfound. Not lost exactly. It's just dark in those movie rooms. My parents weren't thrilled about that either. They thought I was watching one of those adult animes. Do they even show adult animes over there? That's off the point. WHoops, wandering mind, heheh. So maybe I'll go if my parents and Chip say okay. Are you going to be there?
Dear Sammy,
Anime Expo 2000 will be held at the Disneyland Hotel and Convention Center in Anaheim, California, from June 30th to July 3rd, 2000 (Friday through Monday). They may show adult anime but they also clearly mark the sign as such. And we will be there with Chihciri no Aijin.
Dear Tasuki,
hey Okay here goes.....why don't you and Miaka just hook up aready!god!(if you ask me she just needs to get over it) Okay done now.(chewing the valuim)
Lots of love
Kathryssa(yes that is my real name..isn't it awaful)
Dear Kathryssa,
'Cos we don't love each other!
Dear Chichiri,
I should be a character on 'Days of Our Lives' or something. Nothing this emotionally draining should happen to normal people...
Turns out that after meeting with my father, all he wanted was to tell me that he didn't want me to hit him up for back child support (he hasn't paid any in...well...ever) to pay for college. As if I would ever...! It hadn't even crossed my mind! I want him dead! Or at least audited by the IRS EVERY YEAR for the rest of his life! I mean, my goodness, I've never asked him for anything ever, so why in the world should I start now?! The male mind confuses me terribly... It's so insulting! Ugh! The nerve of that man!
Dear Kitsune83,
Gomen it was a bad meeting, no da. But at least you now know you have lost nothing by not having contact with him and can just write him out of your life, no da! *Gives her a hug*
Dear Nuriko,
NURIKO-SAMA!!! *runs to Nuriko and glomps him and gives him a BIG hug!!* I'M BACK!! THANKS TO THE WONDER THAT IS SUBOSHI, I'M BACK!!!!! *cries emotionally* Didja miss me? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? *BIG SMILE* Hey! Today was Valentine's Day! I got you this...*gives Nuriko a bunch of purple, pink, and red balloons* They're hellium you know! Nifty to look at! *blushes embarrassedly* Well, I should go back to my duties now...I've been slacking off! My kids ran amuck!!
Dear Inori,
I missed you!!! Ariagto! Welcome back!!! *Gives her a hug and a kiss...*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hello minna!!! ::grins:: Thought I would pop in and say hello!! I hope those of you who DIDN'T have somewhere else to go ::winks at Tasuki and Chichiri:: had a good time gambling this weekend!!! ::hugs everyone and gives them each a rose::
Kelli, Chichiri No Aisai
Dear Kelli, Chichiri No Aisai,
Hai! Las Vegas was very enlighenting. And Nuriko made an interesting showgirl... ^^;;;
Dear Chichiri,
Tis me again, the annoying one that just won't go away. Hehehe. I bring good news this time though! *Bounces aroung ecstatically* My friend isn't mad at me anymore nor is she mad at the rest of my friends. *Quickly calms herself* Ehehehe... sorry.
She sent me an email explaining to us that she had been having a really bad day and she sorta... took out her frustrations on us. But Everything's back to normal again! YAY! *Starts to bounce again* Thankyou so much for your good advice! It was a great help!
Wow... I'm hyper today, that's unusual. I guess it was spending all that time in the sun... ick. Oh well. Maybe it's cause I got all my homework done on time even if it did take me until 2:30am. But I did get a whole bunch more to do today. *Stops bouncing abruptly* And I missed drama accidently... *hangs her head* Well now I've gone and brought myself down... Well then I should probably stop bothering you and be on my way. Places to read about, term papers to write... Buh bye.
Dear Suriel,
I'm glad I was able to help, no da! Ganbatte kudasai with all the homework, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
I am so happy!!! How have you been?! I am sooooo happpyyy!!! On wednsday I got my self to finally call someone whom I use to work for until he quit. I was so afraid he was not going to want to talk to me. At first he was real rude. When he finaly realized it was not a buissnes call, just one out of kindness, he was like I remebered him. It was about a half hour long phone call cut short by a long distance call. He was so nice and it turns out that should he get his own pet shop, he wants me to work for him! He said had I not called he would have tracked me down and made me work for him. I was flattered. But he won't have to do that now. It was a pleasure working with him and it would be an even greater pleasure to work for him again. Oh, the sailor Tamahome pic is still in the making. I'll send it as soon as I'm done with it. THat's all for now. (I hope he can get his own shop!)
Dear Heenker,
I read yer message o th' board, too! Congrats an' good luck! *Gives her a hug*
Dear Chiriko,
Happy Valentines! *hands him a cadbury creme egg* I know, it's easter candy, but these creme eggs are the yummiest candy in the entire world! *beams*
Dear Rachel-chan,
Arigato! Oishii!
Dear Tamahome,
Could you post this so Myrna-chan will see it for me? I just wanted to say that I'm really sorry for the whole Yuri's death storyline.
I didn't mean to upset Myrna-chan. I didn't know...
I use seven or more pen names on this site, including Soi and Nakago. I tend to use letters to test out plots in stories, Yuri's young death being one of them. Plus I sort of felt like scaring the crap out of Tamahome... I just wanted her to know that I'm sorry if I made her uncomfortable.
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
Arigato for your letter. I appreciate it and I'm sure Myrna-chan will if she sees it. It was very thoughtful of you. Now, about scaring me...
Dear Tamahome,
Hey, Tamahome? *pokes his head into the room*
I was thinking last night and I think I owe you about six ryou for those last few letters about Yuri, so..... *hands him six ryou* Thank You, for listening....I really needed it...
Dear Nakago,
*Has look of amazement on his face..* Ariagto!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
i was wondering what you thought about abortion...just curious
Dear ^>.<^;;;,
Gomen, but this is not an appropriate forum for that question, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
*Essence storms off to plot.*
*POUNCE!* ;-; I hate Valentine's Day. *sniffles*
Keetia: *sweatdrops*
Dear One-chan,
Yeah, so I read on th' message board! 'CHE! yer somethin' else ain't ya'??? *Fanged grin*
Dear Tasuki,
Happy Valentine's Day! I hope I didn't worry you too much... I ain't gonna hug you to death or something *gives him a white rose* *smiles and waits*
Dear Shinyi,
Arigato! *Gives her a hug* Happy Valenmtine's Day!
Dear Tasuki,
Sooo...what name do you prefer? Tasuki, Genrou, Shun'u? Or maybe Gen-chan? Or maybe even "kowai faced man"?
Dear Shuurei,
Any of th' first three... Tasuki, Genrou, Shun'u. They are MY names!!! Did that baka Kouji put ya' up to this???
Dear Tasuki,
WAAAAAAAIIII!!! Happy Valentine's Day! *hugs and kisses him* ^^;; I have a question... why does everyone have to give CHOCOLATE?! Chocolate is the best thing in the world, but I've already gained 2 lbs. from pre-Valentine candy! And just today I got a box of pixies and a box of Russel Stovers! *groans* If my mum doesn't think I'm eating right (she found out I wasn't eating my lunch) they why the hell is she giving me CHOCOLATE?!? -_- ... So, anyway, where did you guys go over the weekend? Somewhere fun, I hope? I got to work non-stop on the yearbook! (The deadline is today) We're still not finished, but close . . . but they're putting this gigantic picture of my on the computer in it! It says, 'My New Year's resolution was to be on my computer less than three hours a day. I broke it on New Year's Day.' I did actually say that, but...
Off to school... (I really hope I don't get anymore candy ^^;;)
Dear Moon,
I dunno, I prefer sake m'self. We went to Vegas fer th' weekend an' it was great!
Dear Chichiri,
Happy Valentine's Day! ::grumbling:: Did you get my card? ::hugs::
Kelli, Chichiri No Aisai
Dear Kelli, Chichiri No Aisai,
Hai, no da! Arigato, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
*runs in and gives Tasuki a hug* Oh Tasuki, your so sweet. I don't care what anybody says about you, I think your nice. *sighs because she doesn't want to let him go but does anyway* Its ok, you don't have to flame him any more. I heard that he changed his ways, and I heard he even apologized for what he did to me.Though it
still hurts, I've decided to frogive him.
I'd would like to write even more but I have to be going soon, I just wanted to thank you for being so nice to me *hands him a bottle of sake*
Your sooooo sweet *gives him a kiss on the cheek and runs away* Bye-bye *waves*
Hino Tenshi ^_^
Dear Hino Tenshi,
Yer welcome an' thanks fer th' sake!!!
Dear Hotohori,
Hotohori-sama! ^_^ I er....I err.... *blush*...I thought I would give you this...*holds out a Hotohori plushie* know, its Valentine's Day and stuff...*shifts around nervously*..Ah..Happy valentine's Day! *kisses him*..Ano..*blushes furiously*...
Dear Suzuno,
*Takes the plushie...* Arigato gozaimasu and Happy Valentine's Day to you, too. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Chichiri,
Hiya!!!!!!!!!! It's me, Sakura! More news on the Lady Kei issue.
1)I told her about there being sites that will finish stories for you. I thought she'd be happy, but she seemed a little bit ticked off at me. You see, she thought that even thinking of letting someone other than herself or Taiitsu no Miko (they've been working on this story from the very begining together!) touch her plot line! TnM mostly does enhancements to it, but she writes quite a few scenes too, but she's been too busy with exams and her (TnM's) hundred million other fics to do anything!
Since you haven't read the story yet, I'll tell you some stuff about it.
1) It's a romance. Not hentai or anything like that, she hates anything even remotely related to porn, but can be very sweet. You and her are the main characters. (Hmmmm I wonder why.........)
2) Soi and Tomo hate her, and are trying to kill her, even though, for the moment, they're on the same side.
I'm sorry that I can't tell you more, but it seems that Lady Kei has just found me! And I realy don't want to get in her way! She'll be realy mad at me if she finds out I told you about her fic! And she's deppressed, she's just broken up with her boyfreind, Nak--
Keisei jumps her from behind, ceasing the Nyan Nyan's speech.
Keisei: Pay no attention to her at all Chichiri-sama. ::Blushing::
Shrinemaiden Keisei and (the now in serious trouble!) Sakura
Dear Shrinemaiden Keisei and Sakura,
Gomen, even after reading your letter, I am at a loss as to how to helpher, no da.
Dear Tamahome,
My sister Kari keeps trying to get you to swap places with her here in the freezing cold. I won't press it; I would rather have you here than her but whatever. I just want you guys to knit me some socks. I am very cold but don't have blue fingers yet like Kari. Please, can you and the other seishi make me some socks? And a blanket?
Dear omni82,
Gomen, none of us knit. Here... *hands her some spare kesas* Will these do instead?
Dear Chichiri,
Chichiri! Don't pay any attention to her! Please!!!!
Sakura: If you're not so fanatical about him that you wouldn't admit to writing a love story about him, than I have proof of your affections!
Keisei: (Sweatdroppong) Oh... like what?
S: Like this! (pulls out from her cloak a strange little doll, some pictures and a diary) For your enjoyment.... Some sappy pictures of you with hearts drawn around them...... several sappy entries about how she wishes you'd take some interest in her....... and..... to top it off....... A LOVER"S SWEETHEART DOLL!!!!!! Hahahahahahahahah!
Keisei: (Very embarassed) You went...... into my room....... I trusted..... you. (Faints)
Shrinemaiden Keisei
Dear Shrinemaiden Keisei,
Ano... daijoubu, no da? *Pats her hand.* It's OK, no da...
Dear Nuriko,
Seeing you're as close to a "real" gal as the suzaku seishi get, well besides miko. I need a woman's advice on something that's been kinda killing me here!!!
You see, I'm 19... and I'm dating this guy who is... Lets just say, 2x my age. Before you make any assumptions, I had no idea of his age, and he didn't know how old I was... But it's working out better than any other relationships I've been in. But here's the thing, I've fallen madly in love with him. Some people tell me that it's wrong and I shouldn't feel the way I do, because they reckon that it won't last long. It's been 6 months now... and it only gets better. They just don't know about it ;) But they're giving me a hell of a time about it.
I don't like guys my age anyway... I'm too mature for them (ummm...except those 19yo's from "KONAN") *elbows Chichiri in the ribs*. And this guy and me seem to be on the same wave length. Another problem is confessing my feelings... I can't tell him how I feel.
Do you think I should listen to my heart? 'Cuz it's telling me that he's perfect. Even if it won't work out in the long run... Not like dating a younger guy would make any difference, right? People break up all the time, I'm speaking from personal experiences here... Please tell me what I should do.
Dear Bella-chan,
Relationships and dating are always difficult dances, so please watch you step! At this point things sound like they are going well for both of you. If his age doesn't bother you and he treats you well, then thank your friends for their concern butthell them to mind their own business. If what they are saying truly bothers you is it because you harbor the same concerns? You need to ask yourself this and be honest with the answer. As for being madly in love with him, take it slow with the "I love you's." until it is VERY obvious that he feels the same way. They may be the three most wonderful words in the world, but to us men they are the three most terrifying!! Good luck! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
You take that back!I play better then Nakago sings.*gets another flute* Well,can't keep my from playing.*plays the flute till Tasuki gose nuts* I am not that dumb!Ha ha!
Dear Amiboshi,
*Glares at Amiboshi... * LEKKKA SHIENEN!!!!! *Fries him and the flute. Walks over to him and stomps what's left of the flute into the ground.* Learn to play somethin' less annoyin'!!!!!
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