Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hidilly-Ho Seishi! More pointless questions fer ya!
1)If you had to live with any one of the Seiyruu Seishi (except Amboshi) for one week, who would it be - assuming of course that Chichiri no Aijin has stripped all seishi of their powers so that they can't hurt each other.(Ex. Nakago can't kill anybody, Soi can use her lighting, etc.) AND YOU HAVE TO PICK ONE THIS TIME! DON'T JUST SAY NONE OF THEM!
2)Do you guys think dogs make good pets?
3)Am I nice?
4)Have any of you ever operrated a video camera?
5)Can you guys work microwaves?
6)Is Miaka's cooking fatal?
7)If you could do one thing to your chosen Seiyrru Seishi (short of killing them) what would it be? Personally I'd join their side just to have a pleasure of inventing a running joke - mindlessly slapping Nakago! *sick and twisted grin*
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
Here's yer answers:
1) Soi. At least she ain't too hard on th' eyes.
2) Dogs are fine pets. Just ask Nakago...
3) Ya' seem to be...
4) No
5) Yes. How do ya' think we survive? We sure as h*ll don't eat Miaka's cookin'!
6) Funny ya' should ask that... It won't kill ya' but you'll wish it had!
7) Lock her an' Tomo in a room fer the day...
Dear Chiriko,
I am so ignorant! I do not speak much japanese and I want to know a few things. When do I use san, chan, sama, and dono? And what do they mean? Are they for special people? Thank you!
Dear Omni82,
They are all called honorifics. You would use san as you would use Mr., Miss, Ms., or Mrs. Chan would be used in speaking to female friends or to children or to females that are younger than you are. Sama is used the same as san except it is politer and shows more respect. Dono is the same as sama but is very rarely used. It is a more polite and archaic form of sama or san. Kun is used between male friends the same way chan is used between female friends. They all come at the end of the person's name. Ex: Tamahome-kun (Chichiri calls him that.) Or Hotohori-sama... In your world it is used after the person's last name. Ex: Okada-san or Okui-kun. Although people also use it after a first name. Ex: Kana-chan, Haruko-san.
Dear Tasuki,
You know what, Tasuki:
You're not Hentai,
You're not in love with Miaka,
You're not going to get married in the near future,
You're the greatest bandit on earth,
And no matter what anyone says, you don't love Lina.
Now my question. Can I have a hug for that? *points at the previous sentences*
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
HAI!!!! *Gives her a big hug.*
Dear Chichiri,
Tis me again... Suriel. Without Nath this time. I feel inclined to apologize about our last letter. The tone of your response seemed to be rather annoyed that I would ask such a question. I'm so very sorry. I didn't me to offend you in any way Chichiri-san. I respect you too much for that. I don't wish to force Mine and Nath's opinioins on you. *stares at the floor* I just wanted to know because a dear friend of mine has a nosering and she receives quite an amount of teasing at school about it when it doesn't look as bad as some of the students make it out to be. Oh, and Nath has one but most people know better than to tease her... ehehehe...
There is something else I wanted to know... I have this friend, well actually she is one of my best friends. And, well... she seems convinced that all of us, meaning our lil' group, hate her. She won't tell us where she got this silly idea from and won't believe us when we say we don't. *hangs her head in shame* I'm scared it's something I did but I don't know what it could be, we are usually great friends... you couldn't pry our lil' group apart with a crowbar! I've apologized for everything I could have done or could do in the future! I'm worried about her. *sad sigh* I shouldn't be bothering you with my pitiful lil' teenage problems. Sorry to have bothered you... I'll be on my way now.
*turns back quickly* Oh, I brought you something to make up for that letter! *Hands you a bright blue rose* Those things are hard to find! Watch out for the thorns. Well, I best be on my way. ^_^ Ja ne
PS Once again I can't express how sorry I am about that last letter.
Dear Suriel,
Gomen, I did not mean to sound annoyed with you, no da. That was not the case. All the Seishi take the resposibility of answering your serious questions quite, well seriously, no da! We do not want to encourage anyone to do something that their parents would not approve of or even look like we are doing such a thing. We certainly don't want people saying, "Well, the Seishi approve of this, so I'm doing it, even if my parents don't want me to." Does that make sense, no da?
As for your friend it is hard to help her if she won't say what is wrong, no da. Gomen, but I really don't know what to tell you. Perhaps she can write in to us, no da. Arigato for the lovely rose, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
OW! *growls* Goddess d*mned freak... *thinks* OF COURSE!
One: Ehhh? *blinks*
*grabs a bottle of sake* I believe One and Keetia were on bottle number 92. 92 BOTTLES OF SAKE TO WASTE! 92 BOTTLES TO WASTE! YA TAKE ONE DOWN, DROP IT ON THE GROUND! *SHATTER!* 91 MORE BOTTLES TO WASTE!
Dear Essence,
NOOOO!!! *Breaks chibi-curse and grabs spare tessen* LEKKA SHIENEN!!!!!!!!! *Toasts Essence* *Happily rescues sake...*
Dear Chichiri,
Well...if you will not keep the sweater...::pulls off one of her two pendants:: Have this. ::hands him a red tear-shaped pendant on satin thread:: It will bring you luck. I have one too. And it is especially good because *I* gave it to you!! ::winks::
Kelli aka Chichiri No Aisai
Dear Kelli,
Arigato, no da! *Puts on the pendant.*
Dear Chiriko,
Hey, Chiriko! Guess what im happy again! YEY! Soon its Valentine and i have done a pretty KAWAII picture of all of you seishis(Well, it was pretty kawaii until i colored it^_^; I really dont like to color my pictures, but my sister loved it anyhow)
Dear Annie,
We got it and we're posting it tonight. Thank you!
Dear Tasuki,
ai hai! I take . . . let's see . . .*takes out a bottle* . . . 11 essential vitamins plus iron with beta carotine. Hmmm . . . I take the ones with iron because mom thinks I'm anemic and/or too pale. I don't eat much, though . . . I have no appetite for lunch. Actually, I rarely eat all of my lunch. I have been stressed out, too, though. I still have to write my essay for my application to that school. (I procrastinate wwwaaayyy too much. ^^)
weelll, off to school!
P.S. My friend Paige read that story, and she thinks you should have been stabbed with an icicle. Who's being morbid now??
Dear Moon,
Hmph! Tell yer friend Paige thanks fer th' 'helpful' suggestion... Why does everyone wanna kill me? Well, if ya ain't eatin' right an' yer stressed out it's no wonder yer brain dead!
Dear Nuriko,
*cuddles Kimi against her chest* We're okay. Here lemme help ya with that... *lifts up a large piece of rubble from Nuriko's left arm and hurls it out of the way* Strong as you Nuri-papa... *throws another sizable chunk of rock and helps to dig them out*
*stands up* Man, I hate those daughters of whatever monsters. If one more of them shows up I'm gonna kill myself. *Hotokimi smacks her up the back of the head* Kimi: That's what you think!
*cringes* Ow! It was an expression Hotiki-chan... *sighs and looks at Nuriko and Chichiri* Thanks for coming. Generally monsters are okay to handle but she was a nutcase.
Kourin and Hotokimi
Dear Kourin and Hotokimi,
You're welcome! Glad we could help! Come on, we need to get you both to Mitsukake for a checkup.
Dear Tasuki,
*has been having late reactions to everything lately.* I didn't beat on Xelloss because he had disappeared, otherwise I'm sure I would of. Got a problem with that? *glare*
Dear Lina,
YEAH! I do!
Dear Tasuki,
Screwed up?! Me?! *shrugs* Well, yeah I did. And I feel like an idiot. My mouths doing fine now, I don't have to take any pain pills and the stitches already dissolved. I can actually eat solid food now! :)
Reikaku no Miko
Dear Reikaku no Miko,
Glad to hear yer feelin' better!
Dear Hotohori,
Arigatou for the red packet! *hugs him*..I'm glad you killed Tenkou's daughter...and saved Hotokimi, Kourin as well as the whole of Konan..^_^..*shudders as she thinks of what may have happened if Tenkou's daughter ruled Konan*...o.0 my regards to Houki and Boushin... and wish me luck! I have a Geography test tomorrow...x.X
Dear Suzuno,
You're welcome and ganbatte kudasai on your test!
Dear Tamahome,
It's only ONE hong bao. --* *shakes him* Come on! Please?! No 'Gong Xi', how to 'Fa Cai'?! ^^;;
Dear Yuri,
And how much is that in ryou???
Dear Chichiri,
I hate to admit it, but I've got a problem... About three days ago, my father (out of the blue, mind you!) calls me up and says he wants to see me. I haven't talked to this man since the sixth grade when I last made an effort to contact him.
He left my mother when he found out she was pregnant with yours truly (they weren't married or anything) and never tried to cantact me, but my grandmother on that side (and all of my cousins) made a conscious effort to accept me, even though they'd never really met me or anything. My grandmother was finally the one who told my father to 'be a man' and talk to me. She had sent me his address and all, but I couldn't quite find it in myself to write him. Cut me some slack, I was twelve!
He never even told his wife that I existed. I had two half sisters (one of whom looks a great deal like me) that I never knew about, but had actually seen several times without knowing it. I didn't know how to feel about that, so I just kind of let it go. Kind of... I've seen him a total of four or five times in sixteen years. He just stopped talking to me for no reason that I could figure out. I never got to see my half sisters again. They probably don't even remember me, which may be just as well. Why weird them out that way, you know?
He recently divorced my stepmother (whom I liked much more than I liked him. She remembered my birthday and valentines day and christams even after my father quit making an effort) and I wonder if that plays into his sudden turnabout in attitude toward me.
Would I be leaving myself open to more hurt if I took the chance of seeing him again? Is it worth it to indulge a man who has made it plain on more than one occasion that he really doesn't want anything to do with me? One of my major problems is that I can't hate anybody for long, even when it would probably be in my best interests to do so...
And I have an image of complete stability to uphold, so my friends aren't allowed to know about my past or the problems that come from it. Period. THEY come to ME with their problems. Not the other way around. Even my best friend hasn't seen my cry in the 10+ years I've known her. I don't think I can change that now.
I have no one but you to talk to. Since there isn't a snowball's chance in hell that I'll ever meet you, I suppose it's alright you know that I'm upset/hurt/pissed/raging.
To racap, do I regain a relationship with my father and risk being crushed again, or do I never answer his phone call and go one with my life the way it was? Is it ethical to ignore him, now that he wants a second chance? I'm terrified. (Would you believe it, I'm trembling!) Can you help me...? I have until the 13th to answer him.
Dear Kitsune83,
Well, I would meet with him to see what he wants, no da. You do not OWE him anything more than that. Ethics really don't enter into it. However, if he were to pass away you might be left with some unresolved issues/feelings. You should do this for you, not him, no da. Good luck *Gives her a hug*
Dear Tasuki,
Komban wa Tasuki-san! It's me Cat! I know I haven't written in about a few...month but, anyway I was just wondering how are you and your friends doing? I'm fine and I have a present for you. Here, it's bottle rack so you can store your extra sake when you are not drinking it. Also since I didn't think you had anything to put in there I filled up the rack for you to start out with. Hope you like it. Ja matta ne!
Dear Catnip,
We're all fine, thanks fer askin'! Thanks fer th' sake, too!
Dear Mitsukake,
Hi! ^.^ I wanted to tell you that I don't think you're boring at all. You're a great person with a warm heart (and I'm not just sucking up). Anyways, don't feel bad, we all love you. ::whispers:: Just between you and me, I think Nuriko is more boring than you are. Shhh! I'm kinda new to this "write to the seishi" thing, but it's fun so don't be surprised to see me around a bit.
Dear Sunshine,
Arigato for your kind words and welcome to our peeji.
Dear Chichiri,
Hi hi! How are you? I had a few questions I wanted to ask you. ^.^ I was wondering... Do you dye your hair or is it naturally that color?
Do you use gel or is it naturally like that?? Do you know, or have you heard of the Three Lights (from Sailor Moon)? I thought it would be really cool if Three Lights and THTC had a joint concert. ^.^
I know it's not good to play favorites, but do you feel closer to any one of the seishi over the others? Hmm . . . I think that's all. Thanks for listening. I think you, and all of the seishi, are great for taking time to listen to your fans. You're all wonderful people. ^.^
At my job today I was working with pieces of glass and now my fingers are all cut up. ::holds up hands:: You kiss make better?
Love you, love you.
Dear Sunshine,
My hair is naturally that color and style, no da. I have heard of the Three Lights but have never seen or heard them perform. I do feel pretty close to Tasuki, no da. Someone has to guide him through life, no da. Glass cuts! Itai, no da! *Gives each hand a kiss* Thnaks you for your sweet compliments, no da.
Dear Hotohori,
Konnichiwa! Hotohori - sama! How is the kingdom coming along? I have a few things to say so here goes:
1)How do you manage to put up that gorgeous,sexy,cool,long hair in that puny little itty-bitty crown?
2)Did't you feel lonely when the other seishi left with Miaka to find the Shinzaho? What did you do anyway?
3)I strongly suggest that you keep your hair up,so that no one else drools over you 'coz I guess I am the only one who really loves you sooooooooooo much!!!
5)I don't mean to be rude, but WHY did you marry Houki anyway? OK, so you needed someone to fill up that empty space inside of you that Miaka (who is mean)didn't fill up? But why a Nuriko look alike? *sniff*
6) I think that you are the most cutest, cuddliest and sexiest seishi that ever lived! YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Miko of all the cute seishi
Dear Miko,
Gomen but question #4 and part of #5 were BIG spoilers and so they were edited. As to the rest of your questions...
1) I manage it quite well. Don't you think so?
2) I was very worried about all of them and a bit lonely, too. However, I did attend to affairs of state as that is my job as Emperor.
4) It was painful. And yes I did!
5) I found her pleasing in looks as well as personality. Arigato!
Dear Tasuki,
*two girls with wings appear out of thin air and hover in front of you* Permit us to introduce ourselves. My name is Suriel, angel 'o' death at your service and the manically blushing redheaded pyromanic over there is Nathaniel (yes, Nath is a girl). *Nath giggles slightly* Get a grip Nath!
Nath: Shut up you gothic freak! You don't watch it I'll tell Chichiri-sama that you like him and... mmph. *Suri clamps a hand over Nath's mouth. I'm not a goth! Anyways... we just wanted to ask you a simple question...
Nath: Why do you have such a problem with slightly dominating girls? Geez Nath, be nice and blunt why don't you! Well... as my "polite friend put it. Why do you have a problem with them. *whispers* Nath wants to know because she likes you. Why, I don't know but the lil' matchstick can make up her own mind about boys.
Nath: Baka! You traitor! You weren't supposed to tell him!!! Why I outta... You outta what Nath? *Suri whips out her handy dandy scythe and hooks Nath's coller and holds her suspended in the air* Cool! And angel pinita!
Nath: *Blushing madly rips her coller and runs away* Hehehe... come back Nath! I thought you had another question? Oh well... sorry for that little seen, I'll bring her back once I straighten her out. *starts to chase after Nath* Here Nathy, Nathy, Nathy...
Suriel and a very blushy Nathaniel
Dear Suriel and a very blushy Nathaniel,
Ya' "angels" certainly fight a lot! Ya' know that? I don't like women that remind me of my sisters.
Dear Chichiri,
Hello chichiri. *bows* It's been a long time since i wrote. *cough cough* Pls. excuse me. I have been a little sick lately. but don't worry, i ave been taking medicine and eating oranges. *cough cough* Anyway, i have a few questions to put to you.
1. why do you want to be a physics teacher if you could? I'd have figured you out as a philosophy teacher.
2. when was your wedding ceremony to Kelli and why didn't i have any idea about this? *cough cough*
3. Are you two doing something i shouldn't even ask about?!(what's with the sweater stuff and the thing about you daaaing in your sleep?) Hmmm???*crosses arms and taps foot* *cough cough cough*
Darn! this coughing really hurts. It especially acts up at night when i try to go to sleep. *rubs aching chest from dry hacking coughs* Oh wait one more, when can i catch you on the chat room this weekend?
Ja ne!
Lady Arashi
Dear Arashi,
I didn't think that Philosophy was taught in High School, no da. Besides, do you know the physics involved in traveling by kasa, no da? As for the ceremony I wasn't there either, no da! And no, we aren't doing anything ummm... inappropriate. We will be away this weekend. Gomen. Odaijini, no da! (Get better)
Dear Mitsukake,
How did Tama get his name?
Jennifer (7)
Dear Jennifer (7),
Miaka gave it to him over Tamahome's objections. He thought the cat should be named after Chichiri.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hope you all had a wonderful Chinese New Year!
Hey Tasuki, don't think I'm gonna leave you alone on Valentine's Day! *evil grin* BWA-HAHAHAHAHA!!!
Dear Shinyi,
Thanks, we did! I think you have Tasuki worried...
Dear Chiriko,
If you're so smart. What does E=MC(squared) mean??? What ndoes the E, the M , and the C(squared) all stand for???
An enquiring fan
Dear Tasuki,
Do you have a secret relationship with Miaka? Because you seem to like her. hehee...
Dear Mitsuko,
'Che! How many times do I got to tell people NO?!?!?
Dear Chichiri,
I NEED A HUG!!!!!! :-( How do I get over a guy?
Dear Christine,
*Gives her a hug* Time, no da...
Dear Tasuki,
The last part of the last letter I sent you was supposed to go to someone else. It was all the stuff after 'I don't think you could be hentai if you tried.' That was supposed to go in an e-mail and I didn't realize it until AFTER I had sent it. That was NOT supposed to go to you.
Anyway, I FINALLY found and Internet buddy who likes L.J.Smith books! I've been looking forever! And her fave is the Forbidden Game trilogy too! Julian is such a hotty....if not truly evil. If you can ever find those books you should read them! They're pretty good.
Reikaku no Miko
Dear Reikaku no Miko,
Heh-heh-heh... well guess ya' screwed up! Glad ya' found a bud wit' th'same interest in books as yerself. How's yer mouth doin'?
Dear Tasuki,
Do you think it's possible for someone to get dumber instead of smarter? I mean, lately I've been such a ditz! Esp. in class... and I really forgot to sign my name on that letter I sent you?? My brain is really going downhill. ^^;;;;
On a lighter note, I bought myself the January issue of Newtype... it's really interesting! They had an article about the Blair Witch Project! I was really surprised! Oh yeah, have you (or anyone else) heard of an anime called Shounenou? I saw an article in the Magazine... freeeeaaaaaaakkkkky! The art kind of looks like Utena, but it's really strange.
Dear Moon,
Mebbe yer jus' over tired or stressed out. Do ya' take vitamins? If not mebbe ya' should. I don't think I've ever heard of Shounenou. But Utena is cool!
Dear Chichiri,
Konnichi wa. *Bows* Permit me to introduce myself. I'm Suriel, angel of death at your disposel... Not that many people take me up on that offer. *Grins baring a pair of tiny fangs* Kawaii, ne? Anyways... I'll stop my babbling.
Nathaniel: No she won't.
Arg! Get out of here you pyromaniac! I mean it! If you don't leave I'll poke you... *pull out a rather large scythe* with this.
Nathaniel: Alright, alright. I'm goin'
Pardon her inturption, she can be a bit well... annoying at times. I'm rather new at this and seems to have missed quite a bit but no time like the present to join in. was skimming the achives and noticed that you seemed rather apposed to body peircing other than ears... may I ask what is wrong with getting your nose peirced? It isn't as painful as you think and when you only wear a small diamond or gold stud it doesn't look all that bad. Although I don't want to force my veiws on you but to coin a phrase, "Don't knock it til' you've tried it." I spose the only problem with noserings is... well... sneezing. My dear friend at one point managed to sneeze hers out during a recital.
Nathaniel: Didn't I tell you to never bring that up!?
Uhh... yea... well anyways. We best be going. I look foreward to your responce.
Suriel and Nathaniel
PS: Nathaniel: Suri-chan thinks you look better without the mask.
Ahhh!!! Shut-up Nath! *blush*
Dear Suriel and Nathaniel,
What one does with their body is between them and their parents, no da. WE do not wish to appear to sanction something that your parents might not approve of, no da. Personally, both body piercing and tatooing do nothing for me and I do not find either particularly attractive, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
*walks in crying* I'm so upset!!!! Will you do me a big favor Tasuki? *sniff* Would you flame TK_Guardian for me? He was so mean.
First he..he tried to kill me,*sniff* then he got in a fight with another person. I tried to help beat him up and he hit me with some kinda beam(which by the way hurt quite abit). And *sniff* then when I fell he inprisoned me in a bubble, a BUBBLE!*tears run down her cheek* I had to get Kelli to let me out.
Please flame him for me!!!!!! *cries* I need a hug. Why does everyone pick on me? ;_;
Hino Tenshi *still crying uncontrolablely*
Dear Hino Tenshi,
*Gives her a hug.* I went to th' chatroom an' he an' th' rest of 'em were so annoyin' I hadda leave. Gomen.
Dear Hotohori,
Hello there, how are you? I just poped in to say hi and how are you and all and yeah! (i really reamble on alot don't I?) and and my friend Sugrr sez HI too......i dunno if ya remember her or not....but whatever...that's all for me!
Dear P-Nut,
I am fine, thank you. And please give my regards to your friend.
Dear Tasuki,
Geez! Don't get all grumpy on me now! I promise I'll behave myself when we play cards! It's just the two of us eating more junk food than I should and you getting drunk... *grins*
Dear Iridal,
OK. I'll bring th' sake...
Dear Mitsukake,
Hey Mitsukake! What's up? You are about the only seishi I haven't talked to yet, so I thought I would drop by and say hello!! ::Waves::...Lina and I have come to the conclusion that you and GI Joe seem to be related. ::grins:: Ah well. See ya later...oh, and if you ever find a way to stay awake for hours without being tired, or a cure for BEING tired, lemme know, k?
Dear Kelli,
I will. Have you considered drinking chamomile tea and cutting back on the caffiene? And why do you say I am related to GI Joe?
Dear Tasuki,
"Kowareru hodo suki sa donna kotoba mo tarinai
Kanawanai koi naraba shiawase o negau dake sa Yuuhi ga mata shizumu jounetsu o daita mama
Hitoshirezu nemuri tsuku setsunakutemo...zutto."
Moushihiraku, kudasai.
Dear Kayo,
I see ya' like my song from th' OAV! Thanks!
Dear Chichiri,
...thanks for the TLC (Tender Loving Chichiri). I really needed it. ::sighs:: You ever have one of those days when everything seems to just pile up till you can't even move? That was how this ENTIRE weekend went. Except for when I got to talk to CnA and you. That made me feel better. :smiles:: I made you something...and I promise it isn't bad like you think...::handshim a bag of home-made chocolate chip cookies:: I made them in the dorm kitchen....couldn't burn them because the fire alarm would go off. Hope I got them right for once!!!!! Oh,and to go with it...::gives him a glass of milk::. If they are really bad, feed then to Tamahome. ::winks and kisses him on the cheek::
Love ya!
Kelli, Chichiri No Aisai
Dear Kelli,
Arigato, no da! The cookies are oishii, no da! Since it is warm here... *hands her the sweater back* You should keep this. To keep you warm, no da.
Dear Tamahome,
Whaddya mean "What trade"???? You come here, I go there. It'll be fun! Okay, so I thought just maybe- it'd work like in the cartoons where you say "No" & I say "Yes" over & over again, then suddenly I say "No" and you say "Yes". Guess this isn't the correct format for tricking you into trading places with me for a week. You think one of the others would fall for it? It was actually a blistering 37 degrees today! I felt like running around outside in shorts, but thought the better of it. (Especially since the snow comes past my knee.)Well, hope you're doing well & change your mind about trading places. I'll be right here if you do...
Dear Kari,
I douby I'll be changing my mind anytime soon but here... *hands her one of Chichiri's extra kesas* Maybe this will help keep you warm...
Dear Nuriko and Chichiri,
DAMN YOU! *keels over with Hotohori's sword through her back* It's one last ditch then...... *hurls a ki-blast at the hallway and collapes about six tons of brick and cement onto Hotokimi and Kourin* I never was go down...without a fight.... *dies*
(the now dead) Daughter of Tenkou
Dear Daughter of Tenkou,
*Nuriko shields the girls with his body as he struggles to hold up the debris...* Hotokimi, Kourin, daijoubu desuka?
Nuriko and Chichiri
Dear Tasuki,
>-< OW! YOU LITTLE BRAT! *pulls out a gold club (o.O;) and punts Tasuki like a golf ball*
DAMNIT! This isn't fair...
Dear Essence,
ITAI!!! Why ya' rotten *^%$$##@!!!!!! *Bites her ankle.*
Dear Chiriko,
It was a long time i wrote you *sights and hugs Chiriko* Long school days, horrible teachers.....*cries out loud* Now im here and trying to be happy.. But soon i must leave again and go back to those nasty homeworks.*Annie bangs herself in the head with a table* Uh, Itaiii...*_* Well, i have to go....(Promise i will try to be a little more happy next time i write to you *_~)
Dear Annie,
Sorry about the schoolwork. I'm sure you'll do just fine!
Dear Nuriko,
Hiya...more bad stinks! My boyfriend of 8 months just dumped me. I understood why, we didn't get to see each other often, both of us were always busy...:-( I'm not upset about it, at least I don't think so. I'm not sure the shock has hit me yet. Should I start going about getting a date for Prom for myself, or mope awhile? You've got the best advice I've ever heard, so I thought I'd ask you. Arigatou. ^_^
Christine (the ex-matchmaker)
Dear Christine,
If you feel that you will not be fit company, then stay home and mope. If you feel ready to be social, then go get that prom date! Good luck!
Dear Chichiri,
*pushes Kelli-chan forward* Here! Comfort her! She's been so run-down and stressed out lately! School work and college in general have all been getting to her and she needs a little TLC! What'dya say?
Iridal and Kelli
Dear Iridal and Kelli,
Ano... *sweatdrops and blushes* Daaaaa... *Gives Kelli a hug*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi! I got ten question to ask ya.
1. How does Chichiri's hair stand up like that?
2. How many yaoi fics are there that hab somethin to do wit Tasuki?
3. Is Suzaku a chicken or a peacock?
4. What is Miboshi suppose to be?
5. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
6. Why did Nakago kiss Tamahome?
7. Do u know where i could find pics of Seiryuu and Suzaku as a human?
8. Why does tomo wheres make up?
9. Why is Ashitare is such a @$$hole?
10. Do u think im annoying?
Banana Peel
Dear Banana Peel,
Heh-heh-heh... I got 10 answers fer ya'!
1) He says it naturally does that.
2) Too *^%$#@! MANY as far as I'M concerned!!!
3) Neither he's a god! But he does take th' form of a phoenix.
4) A disembodied evil spirit.
5) A woodchuck would chuck all th' wood he could chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood.
6) 'Cos he's a sick freak??
7) Try some of th' links on our Links Peeji.
8) To cover his face so he don't scare th' kiddies?
9) He ain't. He's jus' been mistreated by Nakago who really is an @$$hole!!
10) Not yet, but yer gettin' close! *Fanged grin*
Dear Tasuki,
ELLO! I am gettin' really annoyed by how much u show up in fanfics. (especially yaoi/hentai versions) Basically, i'm askin why? well i understand about kouji and u, but TOMO?
Fuyu Yuki> :: Fuyu Yuki bashing her head against a wall::
Then also in that same fic, they made u do a threesome wit u/kouji/nakago
Fuyu Yuki> ::screams::
::shudders:: ew... then.....hmm......erk then theres the fic wit u/nuriko and another, wit u paired up wit hotohori (very confused by that act)
Fuyu Yuki> ::cries and wails::
then there's the fanfic with u and chichiri. (i almost got a heart attack) i asked the author why she did that and she did give a real good reason. Then last and the most scariest u and chiriko.......
written by the same author. (she told me that someone request it)now i'm very scareed on wut might come next ::thinkin u and Ashitare:: .........
Fuyu Yuki> ::chokes::
or maybe miboshi--and maybe Taiits-kun
Fuyu Yuki> ::dies cryin::
hmmm....there's more but since my cuz is dead i guess i should stop...
SOTN and Fuyu Yuki
PS Can u PLEASE try and stop this madness!?
Dear SOTN and Fuyu Yuki,
I'd LOVE TO!!!!!!! It ain't MY fault!!! It's all them crazed hentai fan girls!!!!!! YOU think it's ANNOYIN'???? How th' H*LL d'ya think I feel?!?!?!?!?!?!
Dear Chiriko,
*giggles shyly* Gomen.....I just keep kissing you like that don't I? *blushes*
French, my other bad subject, starts tomorrow and I have the theme song to Knights of Ramune stuck in my head... (da-da da-da-da-da da-da-da-da baby... *repeat a billion times*) French shouldn't be too bad though. It's language, after all, and I'm sure I just about slayed my class in English! *grin*
Dear Rachel-chan,
I'm sure you will do fine in all your studies! Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Mitsukake,
WEll if Tama doesn't scratch friends... that means Mimi will be fine. ^_^ Heheh. Cats don't usually get along well with each other, ne? This looks like an exception. Hey do you think Tama-neko would like to try some cream cheese? I think it's healthier then ice cream, I don't know. Maybe?
Dear Sammy,
Just a taste. I don't want him to get sick!
Dear Tamahome,
... so you live in LA? THe city of angels? I thought all the Suzaku seishi were either in ancient China or Tokyo. *BIG SMILE* Does this mean I can visit you sometime???!!!
Dear Sammy,
Well, we live in Konan. The humble cyber abode is in L.A. Perhaps... Will you and Chip be going to Anime Expo 2000 this year?
Dear Tasuki,
*hands him his tessen sockies* I decided to be merciful and give you your socks back... (can't have ya catching cold now, can I?)
So, are you still up for another game of cards? We'll try something more your speed, like Rummy or Gin...or Go Fish. What'dya say? This weekend maybe? I have nothing better to do on Valentine's Day... *sigh* So you bring the drinks and I'll stock up on snack food! Is it a deal? :)
Iridal, the Gambling Queen
Dear Iridal,
*Takes his socks back grumbling...* I guess so...
Dear Nuriko,
I had a WONDERFUL weekend Nuriko-sama, Thank you for asking. I went to Hogmany (The Celtic New Year Celebration). I got to see all of my friends from the Ren Faire! I took my dad along so he could meet and great and hopefully let me work more this time around! And it worked! I'll get to work 3 weekends as a MOH (Maid of Honor) Men will give me gifts and ask proposals of marriage!!! HAHA!!! Finally, someone realized how they should treat me...with LOTs of respect, pearls and velvet! (Not really, but its fun) And then i'll get to work 3 weekends as a irish kitchen maid like i did last year!! I'm so happy, but my knees hurt from all the dancing i did.
Well, the guy ended up not coming, but that was okay cause i spent over 3 hours on the phone with a friend of mine. It was good. We usually never talk for more than 10-15 minutes because of all our school work. Jeez, i hope i feel this good when the phone bill comes....
Skating would be good sometime later in the month. I would really enjoy going.
Ja ne!!!
The Happy Mary
Dear Mary,
Glad to hear you had such a great weekend! We'll let you know about the skating. Chichiri no Aijin also attends RenFaire! This year she plans to bring some of her bishounen tomodachi to it, too!
Dear Tasuki,
Gutentag, Tasuki-san. I have a few questions for you...
1) How old is Kouji?
2) Is Kouji single?
3) Kouji's a good guy, isn't he?
4) Does Kouji like red-headed German girls?
Dear Asuka,
Here's yer answers:
1) 21. He's 2 years older than me.
2) AS far as I know.
3) Good at what? Heh-heh-heh... yeah, he's one of th' good guys.
4) I dunno! But I think he likes my sister Aidou...
Dear Hotohori,
Thank you for your advice. That might be good considering he hasn't met me and I guess doesn't trust me on how I feel for my BF.. but if he continues to bug us..(even after we ignore his exsistance) do you think you could get Tasuki can toast him for us?? Thanks again beautiful emperor.
Dear Chi,
At that point it should be up to your boyfriend to 'toast' him. You're welcome. Good luck!
Dear Tasuki,
Of course I've seen you dance with Kouji-chan!! It just looks like you two are do-si-doing... square dancing... whatever! Some funky country thing! *do-si-dos with him*
Too bad you don't live in my world, you could be my date for Winter Formal! I need to go with a guy who I can dance with! The guys at my school just shift their feet back and forth... and back and forth... and back and forth again. ^^;; Or they don't dance at all... so it's no fun for me!!! ;_;
OF COURSE YOU MADE ME THIRD IN COMMAND!! You saw the tape!! I KNEW you would be like this so that's why I made the tape in the first place!! Maybe I should make a short manga of it... hmm... I already did an illustration drawing!! ^.^
AND MY PAGE HAS BEEN UPDATED!! Check out the new art okay? AND SIGN THE BLOODY GUESTBOOK POR FAVOR!! Oh... one more thing.... *turns on the macarina* HEY MACARINA!! Can you do this Gen-chan? ~.^
Dear Jean,
NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! No Macarina!!!!! *Runs out of the room...*
Dear Hotohori,
Hey...Hotohori? I'm from the FF8 site...and...well...this girl put my hair up in this bucket-hat-thing like yours....and...HOW DO YOU GET IT OUT?????
Laguna Loire
Dear Laguna Loire,
It's called an Imperial Crown. All you need to do is pull the pin out that your hair is wound around and then lift the crown off.
Dear Tasuki,
Hey! Cool it! really are a hot-head.....Did I ever say you were being hentai? No, I didn't. I was simply curious because I didn't understand about all the letters about that. Personally I don't think you could be hentai if you tried....Oops..did I say that out loud? Uh oh...sorry...ehehe...
Reikaku no Miko
Dear Reikaku no Miko,
Hmph! Thanks, I think...
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hiya! Does anyone know where I can find background information related to the astronomy behind your names and constellations? ^_^ I know I could listen to Hotohori's speech from the first video, but I'm looking for more than that. Thanks!
Dear Hoshi,
Check The Chicken of Doom site in our Links section.
Dear Tasuki,
Did you get the picture that i send to you for som days ago???*smile*
Dear Jennie,
*Sweatdrops* Yeah, but it was a bit hentai to put on th' site. Gomen...
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