Dear Chichiri,
Well...things don't seem to be going quite so well with me. I don't really want to get into that though. ^_^; *Sips his tea.*
Dear Xelloss,
*Looks at the message board...* I think we already have, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Chichiri no Aijin, *Looks down at her.*
Is that so? Quite a compliment coming from someone such as yourself! Arigato! ^_^
Dear Xelloss,
Someone such as myself?? *Blushes* Arigato, I think... *smiles*
Chichiri no Aijin
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Who's your faverite Dragonball character? And if possible which character would you be?
Dear Curious,
We've never really watched Dragonball. So we know nothing of the characters. Gomen.
Dear Tamahome,
How can Miaka eat so much food? Where does she put it all?
Jennifer (7)
Dear Jennifer (7),
She has a fast metabolism??
Dear Nuriko,
Hey, my friend is going to project a-kon (an anime convention) as Ashitare....k-kowaii!!! Do you have any thoughts about this?!?!
Dear psimitar,
Pre or post wolf transformation?
Dear Chichiri,
Hi!! First off, I wanna say you're the coolest seishi! I love how cute you are when you turn SD. Also, you shouldn't feel guilty over what happen between you and Hikou. It was all a misunderstanding. So don't look so sad. You're much cuter when you're all happy. Anywayz, enough of my blabbing. My questions are: 1) Isn't it a health hazard turning SD every five seconds? And 2) What do you think is making all of your fellow seishis going gaga over Miaka? I mean nothing against her. I can understand Tamahome and Hotohori falling for her, but Nuriko and Tasuki! Geez! I'm suprised you and Mitsukake didn't fall for her! Well just answer those questions and I can finally sleep. (J/K) LOVE YA!!! NO DA!!!
Dear Kyra,
Arigato for your nice compliment, no da! Here are your answers: 1) Not really, no da. 2) Teenage hormones, no da???
Dear Tasuki,
hehe... I seriously doubt the judges have even heard of anime. It's not really a big thing at my school... So, anyway, how was your week? I just had the most horrific week in my whole life. We had standardized testing, and the stupid people totally messed up our schedules! I got two C's, we had an awful band concert, I attacked my aniki, and everything is just *shudders* evil! Although, this morning I took the SSAT with my friend. During the break we ate a whole box of Pocky. *laughs*
Well, off to play basketball! (OMG! I HATE basketball! My team sucks! The only reason I play is because my mum and dad signed me up... it's such a drag...)
Dear Moon,
'Che! I hope thins' get better fer ya'!
Dear Hotohori,
Chibi! *waves* Ne, Mr. Bucket? ^^; If something happens to Konan while Lina is fighting for her life against Xellos, will you forgive her? Please? ^^; I'll even stop callin' ya Mr. Bucket if you do! It really wouldn't be her fault that she had to fight. She's gonna try and make it out of here to Kutou though, but if something does happen to Konan cause she hasta figth Xellos here will you forgive her? It wouldn't be her fault. It'd be Xellos's fault actually? Pretty please? *blinks big, sparkly, bishoujo eyes* Please??
Chibi One-chan
Dear Chibi One-chan,
Dear Tasuki,
*You* like J-pop? That's great! I can finally ask this of someone who won't think I've gone insane or something...Where the heck do you buy your CD's? I get most of my fix from the web but I can't lug my compy around with me all the time! I know Kinokunya sells them but they charge anywhere from $30-75 for the good stuff! *sigh* At least I can get the FY CD's for $12...^_^
Dear Moonsong,
We get them at th' same place ya' do. We also go to Asahiya in Yaohan Plaza in Little Tokyo.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
This is actually in reply to noda's message...
Genrou no Koibito has *all* the Suzaku Seishi's songs encoded as Real Audio on her site. Just go to Fushigi Yuugi: A Never-ending Story and check out her music page. She's also got some of the Seiryuu's stuff too including Nakago's "Blue Eyes Blue." *shudder* Hope this helps! ^_^
Dear Moonsong,
Arigato Moonsong!
Dear Tasuki,
Hellooooo, Gen-chan! Long time no see! ::hands him some sake:: Got yourself a date for Valentine's day? ^_~ Don't worry, I won't ask, 'cause I know you get uncomfortable and stuff,and I'm sure you have hundreds of people askin' you that anyways.
How have you been? Well, I hope. Remember how I told you a long time ago, I was making a memorial to my puppy who passed away? I finally finished it. I was wondering if you'd take a peek at it, and tell me what you think. My friends thought it was nice. Well, thank you, and it was nice to see you again! ^.^
Here's the addy:
Dear Reddie-chan,
*Wipes his eyes... he had something in them...* That was a beautiful memorial. Ya' did a great job! Nice music, too.
Dear Tasuki,
Oi, Tasuki-san! Long time no see! How have you been? Well, I hope. Well, I got some questions to ask you. Yay, advice time. ^_~
I got drunk(stupid idea, since I'm not old enough =P) last weekend. I got real sick and nearly passed out. Everyone laughed at me because it only took me one drink to get sloshed. *sniffle*
Anyways..what I wanted to ask you about was that my friend has this boyfriend, and he says he loves her, which is cool for her! I'm way happy for her. ^_^
But you see..sometimes when we're all joking around and stuff while we're hanging around..he does stuff to me, even in front of his girlfriend! I don't want him to, and I certainly don't want him to hurt my friend. I can tell she gets angry. Like, lastnight he tackled me to the top of the stairway and just sorta held me there, and he grabs me and stuff. Everyone thinks its a joke, and I don't think he does it for real or anything but it bothers me because I don't exactly feel comfortable when he does suff like that. Am I making a big deal outta nothin' or what?Thanks for listening!
Dear K-chan,
No, ya' ain't!! If it bothers ya' then tell him in no uncertain terms to keeps his hands to himself an' knock it th' *^%$ off! It's yer body an' NO ONE should EVER touch it wit'out yer say so!!
Dear Tamahome,
HAHAHHHHHHAAAAAa! You don't get to have a red envelope 'cause you're married!!!! HAAAAA! So you're suppose to be giving them out instead of receiving them!!!! :)
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Only to my OWN kids...
Dear Chichiri,
::hugs him:: Thanks for coming over! ::hugs CnA for letting him:: SO, whats the scoop? DO I sing? ::grins::Oh, and Chichiri, answer to all those letters, you do "daaaaaa...." in your sleep. ::grins REALLY big::
And you can keep the sweater.
Kelli aka Chichiri no Aisai
Dear Kelli,
*Blushes and sweatdrops...*No, you don't sing but you do mumble, no da. Arigato for the sweater, no da!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
are any of you actually living in Japan????
Dear Bella-chan,
No, we all live in Konan, no da. Why, do you, no da?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Another pointless letter!
1) Who is the worst Seiyruu Seishi?
2) Who is the second nicest Seiyruu Seishi? (Not Amboshi)
3) Am I nuts or what?
Taiitsu no Miko (the pointless letter writer)
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
Here's yer pointless answers!
1) Nakago
2) No one!
3) Yes! Heh-heh-heh... *fanged grin*
Dear Tamahome,
Sorry to upset Myrna-chan. I didn't know....
*Looks at his feet* I know I've been bothering you. Thank you for listening anyway... I needed it.
Dear Nakago,
Not a problem. Thank you for apologizing to Myrna-chan.
Dear Tamahome,
NANI?! DON'T YOU KNOW THAT'S RUDE AND-- *ahem* Anyway, it's against tradition. So cough up the hong bao, NOW. ¬.¬
Dear Yuri,
Gomen, but giving away okane goes against MY tradition...
Dear Hotohori,
*blinks*...Are you okay..? This weird person (aka Tenkou's daughter..^^;) impersonated you and injured your daughter Hotokimi...^^ Umm.. thought I'd better write ya and see what has happened to you since you haven't been answering a lot of letters lately.. I'm worried~! *blinks* Heheheh..and Laguna Loire of the "Ask The Cast Of FF8 Page" is saying that he's beautiful too! Hehehe..he's following in Hotohori-sama's footstpes...^_~ Anyway...Happy Chinese New Year! *stares at him* I wanna a red packet too..Yuri-chan is asking Tamahome for why can't I ask YOU for one too..? You're the have loads of okane...*hint hint*..^_^
Dear Suzuno,
*Hands her a red envelope* HAppy New Year! This must be taking place in that alternate universe that Nuriko was talking about... *Gets up and starts to walk out...* Sumimasen. I must leave now...
Dear Mitsukake,
HI!!!!!! *waves genkily* I've never written to you before, but tonight I feel like sharing! Today I guy in my class saved a life! *nodnod* Yeah! See, our school also houses the community pool, and this one guy I've, uh, been keeping an eye on works there as a lifeguard (not when he's in class, of course). He's also our school mascot. Anyway, this morning there were a number of important semi-final type games that he went to (in the guise of our mascot) and cheered at and froze his butt off at (hockey is like that...). Anyway, he'd JUST gotten back when he saw the head lifeguard run into the office, so he ran down from the other end of the school 9because when she runs, it's important!) and asked her if she needed help. She did. A girl slipped on the ice and hurt herself really bad, hitting her head. He and the lifeguards on duty had to wrap blankets around her and keep her calm and kep her from moving until the ambulance came. They're going to x-ray her neck and spine and skull. O.o
I hope the girl's okay, and I think that the boy should gat an award of some kind!!! And so should his fellow lifeguards! They're heroes!!
ChibiMiko (who needs sleeeep...)
Dear ChibiMiko,
How wonderful! Kudos to all involved! Have you considered writing a letter to your local newspaper and suggesting it to them?
Dear Chichiri,
*thinks about that for minute* Hotohori would be tied up in the dungeon and I would be trying to take over the world!
*grins and totally ignores Kourin and Hotokimi running across the room and down to the dungeon to get Hotohori out* So? What are you doing her anyway? Pathetically trying to stop me I suppose. I don't have to threaten now do I?
*holds up a hand glowing with energy and points it at the stairwell Kimi and Kourin have run down* I could just collapse the hall on them, mediocre as that is for my power level...
Daughter of Tenkou
Dear Daughter of Tenkou,
*Starts to gather his ki as...* AKMUMA!!!!! HOW DARE YOU!!!!!!!! *Hotohori appears behind her and runs her through with his sword.* Hotohori-sama, how... no da? *Chichiri transports Nuriko to where Hotokimi and Kourin are. He senses Tenkou's daughter's movement...* I don't think so, no da! *Hits her with a freeze spell.*
Chichiri and Hotohori
Dear Chiriko,
AAAAAAIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!! *ChibiMiko freaks out, waving a bloodred piece of paper and running all over the place* I GOT A 59 IN MATH!!!!!!
*smacks the paper down* This is my report card! I've just finished Advanced Math and my final mark was fifty-nine!!!! *bursts into tears* That will look TERRIBLE on my college applications! I intend to learn Japanese and how to teach English as a secondary language, but math is essential. *wails* I'LL NEVER GET INTO ST. MARY'S NOOOOOOOW!!!!!!!!
*winds down* Chiriko-san, do you have any advice on how to keep this from happening again this term? *on chibi knees, hands clasped entreatingly* I don't have any more math, but now I'm taking 2 advanced English courses, Law, and French Immersion Language Arts 120. *desperately* My study methods just don't seem to work!! Do you have any advice, or know of any sites with tips that can help me?!?!?!
Onegai? I really need good marks so I can get a scholarship 'cause I have no money to go to university!
Dear ChibiMiko,
Are you taking good notes during class? Do you use them to study as well as your textbooks? Perhaps you can get in to a study group. That might prove helpful. In general, make certain that you are in a quiet well lit environment that is free from distractions. Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Tasuki,
WAIIII!!!!!! 'Nii-chan!!!!! *glomp* Er, nevermind. *sniff* I have no brother...
Anyway, I was thinking that since YOU'RE the *ahem* sake expert, and people seem to ask you for advice about hangovers and such because of this, it couldn't hurt to share what little I know on the subject for the edification of y'all.
Now, I can't say how well these work, since I don't drink. However, it seems that the closer I get to the age where I'm allowed to drink, the more advice people give me on the subject. (^^; I've told them all that I don't like alcohol, but do they listen? Nooo.... In fact certain members of my family are already plotting to take me to the bars as soon as I turn legal. We're talking birthday party. "B-but I don't want to drink!" I protest. "So I'll get drunk and you can drive me home!" she says. Argh!)
Anyway. Apparently if you eat cheese or other dairy products (but I'm told cheese works best) you won't get drunk as fast. Hopefully this means you won't be as hungover in the morning, but maybe not. Mostly it means you're less likely to do something stupid OR you have longer to drink before you're drunk enough to start acting really dumb...
Someone told me that ground sassafras root works well on hangovers. Can't find it? Maybe root beer will help... maybe not...
My personal strategy is not drinking in the first place, but that's just me. ^_^
Dear Ashley,
Yer way is th' best strategy! But if ya' eat when yer drinking it takes longer fer the alcohol to get into yer blood but ya' still get drunk. An' the dairy thin' is mostly to keep from gettin' yer stomach all pukey in th' mornin'.
Dear Chichiri,
Hey Chichiri! Here's my question. What's really in that little cape of yours? Do you have like...naughty stuff in there? Porn magazines and such? >D Come on. You can tell me! We can keep it our little secret! Is there more in there than just a gateway to Mt. Taikyoko? Huh?! Is there?!?! Let me know! ^.^ Ja ne!
Dear Rei-chan,
Nothing, no da! Not even a portal. It is just a kesa, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Okay, you guys are familiar with love polygons, so maybe you can help me figure this out. (Suzaku knows *I* can't) My best friend Jean recently started going out with another friend of mine, Murray. This is all fine and good since they make a cute couple, both adore anime, etc. HOWEVER, a mutual acqauintance of all of us asked Murray out. Her name's Beth. Murray related this to Katie, another friend, since it caused him to wonder: if this Beth person whom he only really knows through Jean and I thinks that Murray is free to date, does that mean that she knows something he doesn't, i.e. does Jean not take their relationship seriously?
Yeah, okay, they've only been dating a month. The thing is, the day after Murray told Katie that Beth asked him out, Beth told Katie and I and another friend at lunch that she 'think's Jean's boyfriend is coming on to her'. Now, I already know what Katie thinks: that Beth is a compulsive liar. I have to admit that I'd believe Murray before I would Beth, but I haven't had the chance to talk to him about it, so everything I've heard about his side of the story comes through Katie, who can be very confusing (though usually more insightful than my oblivious self).
To make matters worse, when Jean found out she was already in a really bad mood and probably would have pounded Beth's face in anyway if she saw her just because she doesn't like Beth (which is why I called her an 'acquaintance' and not a friend).
I'm so confused! And the worst part (from my own selfish p.o.v., I must admit) is that it's all MY fault!! I'm the one who introduced Jean and Murray, and I doubt my friends would tolerate Beth if I didn't. See, it took me a very, very long time to clue in that she was lying to me about stuff; I just knew I didn't like talking with her because she depressed me. In fact, my friends had to actually point it out. *sigh* But by then it was too late! I can't just stop talking to a person, even though I know Beth does that to people sometimes (Heck, she did it to her date at the Christmas formal), and my friends don't wanna just come out and tell her to bug off, so she ends up hanging out with us sometimes and if she hadn't been she wouldn't have known about Murray.
What can I do? I know it's up to Murray and Jean to work things out between them, and I wish them well, but Beth is the real problem. I am I leading her on, making her think I want to be her friend when, really, I don't? What should I do?!
Argh.... it all makes my head hurt...
Dear Kachou ,
It's making MY head hurt, no da! Jean and Murray need to work out their own problems. I really don't know what to say about Beth, no da. If you're truthful you will hurt her, no da. Perhaps you can wean her off of you by spending less time with her and being "busy". I know it is deceitful but you do need to weigh that against just saying to her, "Beth you have hurt my friends Jean and Murray and I no longer wish to associate with you." Either way she will be hurt, no da. This is something that only you can decide what is right for you and her, no da. Gomen that I can't be of more help.
Dear Tasuki,
*turns on music on her stereo, grabs him and tries to teach him how to dance* Gen-chan!! Come on!! Shake that kawaii booty!! ~.^
*playfully gives him a loud slap on the rear* HAHAHAAA!! You're as red as your hair!!
*winks again and tries to get him to dance again*
Hey!! Betcha can't do this!! *demonstrates inside-jump-inside-kick, ax kick combo ending with the splits. Gets back up and tries to get him to dance again* C'mon Gen-chan!! Jeanie wants to dance with a REAL bishnonen for once!! ~.^ *shakes his arm*
Dear Jean,
'Che! Wasn't ice saktin' wit' one enough??
Dear Tamahome,
Well, the heat's fixed here. I've made a bed up for you. Don't worry about me- I'll bring a sleeping bag & sleep on the floor. There's plenty of food in the fridge & some spending money. Try not to crash my car. It's a rust bucket, but it's my rust bucket. Enjoy your time here & thanks for the trade!!!! I'm sure it'll be an enlightening experience for you, living life as a Canadian...I think I'll enjoy my little stint as a Californian!
Dear Kari,
Ano.. chotto matte kudasai!!! What trade???
Dear Tasuki,
::goes SD and pouts :: Why are you so mean???? And hey, why didn't you ever get into that leotard for Lina? She and I are doing an FY "Cats" and we wanted you to be Rumtumtugger....hmph.....I'm telling on you to CnA! ::grins and fwaps him on the head, then runs::
Dear Kelli,
I ain't mean!! An' I ain't puttin' on no sissy leotard! Get Nuriko to do it! An' ya' can tell CnA whatever ya' want! I ain't worried!
Dear Tasuki,
HAH! I turned her BACK. Revenge will be mine, you Fang Faced *censored* FUNGI FREAK!
Keetia: Random eps. Wave has random eps and that's all I know ^.^
Firefury: ... *decides it would be good to hide and does so* oro ^^;
*casts her chibizing curse on Keetia too*
Chibi Keetia: *blinks* ..... *cheers* I'M SUCH A KAWAII LIL KID! ^o^
Heheheheh... YOUR TURN, you Fang Faced *censored* Fungi Freak! *casts the curse on Tasuki too! Then steals his tessan and tosses into into the ocean.* HAH! Once I'm done with the E.V.I.L. Authors... It'll be YOUR TURN! HAHAHAH! I should help Suboshi round up that army so he can attack you... Heheheheh................................
Firefury: *from hiding (and has been watching too much Kenshin* Oooro... o.o;
Dear Essence,
*Chibi-Tasuki kicks Essence and then fashions a halisen and screams...* LEKKA SHIENEN!!!!!!!! *at the top of his tiny lungs...* Heh-heh-heh... it worked! *Fanged grin*
Dear Nuriko,
Well, Nuriko, things didn't go as well as planned for Emily. We asked Darren if he liked her, but he said, "Not in that way." So Emily isn't feeling real well about it. Should I still try to hook her up with Darren, hoping there was a miscommunication in the lines? Or just give it up and hope a really great invisible guy will show up for Prom? Or just get my nose out of it? Help! I just want her to be happy, but I'm not sure how. I don't want her to get hurt any more than already done. I feel like it's all my fault that she's unhappy. It probably is, too. :-(
Dear Christine,
I think leave well enough alone is best. Gomen that it didn't work out but at least now she knows and can go on with her life.
Dear Tasuki,
Are you supposed to save EVERYONE? I've only seen 1/2 the series, but it looks like you're the one responsible for saving the day, in every scene.
Jennifer (7)
Dear Jennifer (7),
Heh-heh-heh... don't let that poser Tamahome fool ya'!! I'M th' real hero of th' show!
Dear Jean,
Ineresting site, no da. Minna-san please visit it if you have the time, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
Could you do me a real big favor and give my friend Emily a hug? She definitely needs one, and I figured the best one would be from the hottest (pardon the pun) Suzaka seishi. If you could, you'd make her real happy! ^_^ Onegai shimasu? I think I spelled it right?
Dear Christine,
Sure. Nuriko told me what happened. *Gives Emily a big hug.* Sorry kid these thins' don't always work out th' way we want an' plan on 'em to.
Dear Tamahome,
I'm not too familiar with the language, what's the "okane" that you're refusing poor little Yuri?
Jennifer (7)
Dear Jennifer (7),
Okane is Japanese for money.
Dear Tasuki,
Hey! Yuri and I found this awesome page ...we checked out quite a few of the seishi's names, and some of them really fit. Like your name, for example: under Tasuki, it says you're tempermental and stubborn, and under Genrou, you're aggressive and independent. And Kouji's name fit him perfectly! (Like anyone else could fit the description of "Life of the Party" any better?) I checked out mine as well....odd, it fits me so well...
Iridal, Tasuki no Aisai (regardless of what you claim...cuz your opinion doesn't count!;)
Dear Iridal,
Yeah, I seen th' peeji. It's pretty interestin'. An' ya' can call yerself whatever ya' want but ya' still ain't MY wife.
Dear Tasuki,
I'm just curious, what's all this talk about you being hentai lately for?
The stitches finally dissolved, so it doesn't hurt that much anymore, but it's still hurts to much to eat anything solid. I've been living on stuff like jello and soup for the past week or so! I'm sick of it! ...well, I lost 5 more that was good. But as soon as I can I'm getting a whole pizza and eating the whole thing reguardless of what people say! Umm..have you spoken to Kouji lately?
Reikaku no Miko
Dear Reikaku no Miko,
I ain't bein' hentai! Xelloss jus' pushed me into Lina. That's all!!! An' I ain't heard from Kouji in awhile...
Dear Tasuki,
Ah, I see... Well then! *Places his staff in front of Tasuki, tripping him.* Good luck with Lina-san! ^_- *Disappears.*
Dear Xelloss,
Kuso!! He did it again!!!!!
Dear Mitsukake,
Hmmm...I'm a little embarrassed to ask, but what is the best way to get rid of a planter's wart? Half of my friends say to cut it out & the other half say to burn it off. I'm not too thrilled about the idea of taking a switchblade or a cigarette lighter to my foot because of some old wive's tale. I mean is it even dangerous to just leave alone? I'm not going to wake up with a mushroom growing on the top of my foot, am I? It doesn't hurt- it's just annoying because I know it's there. I feel like the wicked witch of the west in the foot department!!! So, I guess the lesson for everyone is not to run around college dorms without shoes!!! I'd really appreciate any advice you'd have, doc!!!
Dear Larissa,
You visit a podiatrist (foot doctor) and let him diagnose and treat it. Left untreated Plantar's Warts can become very painful and possibly crippling.
Dear Tasuki,
Hey! I heard you chard Suboshi!Now you will get it!*plays his flute so kill Tasuki*I wanted to that any way!Hee hee!
Dear Amiboshi,
LEKKA SHIENEN!!!!!!!!!!! *Fries Amiboshi and his flute. Pulls earplugs out of his ears...* Heh-heh-heh... I always wanted to do that! Ya' play almost as bad as Nakago sings!
Dear Chichiri,
::starry eyes:: Ano...Have I ever told you how great you are?? ::remembers she has, several times::....ahem....::smiles at him winningly::...Even if I can't cook, I'm cute, right?
Kelli aka Chichiri No Aisai
Dear Kelli,
Hai, no da. *smiles back at her* The Eeyore jammies were cute too, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Anou...could somebody tell me what sashimi is? I have to make some for my world cultures cooking class, and it would help if I had any sort of clue as to what sort of food it is. Does it involve cheese?
Katsumi, the clueless cook
Dear Katsumi,
Sashimi is raw fish and involves no cheese in the making of it, no da! You may wish to check out this site, no da. It will tell you about sashimi and other Japanese foods. Ganbatte kudasai, no da!
Dear Chiriko,
Woo... *dizzy* Ninja mind control exercises are fun ^_^;; errmmm... anyway... Here. This is the Tasuki-sama piture I drew a while ago...hee...^^;; I hope it's not too ugly... And, If you have time Here It's my whole fanart section ^_^;; I hope you enjoy it! Even though most of the drawings are kinda oogly ;.;
Fuyu Yuki
Dear Fuyu Yuki,
Your dfrawings were not 'oogly' as you put it. Especially the one of Tasuki. That one was quite good!
Dear Mitsukake,
A friend of mine sometimes has halucinations of the suzaku seishi and they seem wierd to this other friend of mine, so she went and told all her friends of the halucinations that the other girl is having and she feels mad but doesn't want to tell the girl that 'coz she is her best friend! Do you have any ideas on what she should do?
miko of all the cute seishi
P.S: confusing situation!
Dear miko,
If yor friend is truly hallucinating her parents need to seek medical assistance IMMEDIATELY! Well, your friend should express her anger in a calm manner and let that other girl know she didn't appreciate her situation being told to others. However, the other girl MAY have done this out of concern for her. That is something your friend should consider before confronting this girl.
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