Dear Tasuki,
*trying to breathe* SOMEONE FIX THE AIR CONDITIONER DAMMIT!!!!!! Oh yeah, Tasuki...
Here I am at 4:30am, it's so hot, I can't even sit still, let alone breath. *trying to unstick her butt from the leather chair* I'm pretty new here, and I realize I've missed out on A LOT.
I was just curious whether you've ever considered leaving Konan and holidaying down under? If you thought Subaru was sexy, you'd love the beach scene here! Anyway, I was wondering, don't know whether anyone's asked you this before. But, you dating anyone at the moment? And what do you think, in your honest opinion, is the ideal woman? I just wanted to ask a hunk since I'm having a hard time trying to knock some sense into my bro. That's all for now. *yawns* Nite! ^_^
Dear Bella-chan,
Thanks fer th' hunk comment! *Fanged grin* I ain't datin' no one. But I'd like a woman who ain't like my sisters. 'Specially Aidou!
Dear Tamahome,
Hey! How's it goin' with Miaka? Anyway I know that this is scary but here goes : A friend of mine is soooooooooooooo obsessed with you that she has every single pose and picture of you. From when you met Miaka right to the last OVA series. She has made her book 'The Book Of The Four Gods Of Sky And Earth - II' She drives us all nuts. But I must admit that I too found you hot once but now since she is soooo crazy 'bout you, I really do like Hotohori!She's a great friend and a real nice person but I don't know how to get her to quit it! Any ideas??????
Miko of all the cute seishi
Dear Miko,
Now THAT'S scary! I'm not really certain how to break her of her obsession. If she has just started acting like this and perhaps has just either started or finished watching our adventures, then eventually she will get over it.
Dear Chichiri,
da! =D how's it goin'? i'm ok ^^ just wanted to drop a line & see how everything was, which is hopefully good! aww, i'm bein' chased offline by my parents ~.~ anyways, bye for now, & i'll write again soon! ::hugs & skitters off::
Orca, no da!
Dear Orca,
We're all fine, no da. Thanks for asking!
Dear Tasuki,
Hey! Wuz up? How's it goin'? OK, I have one question to ask. I know that it may sound wierd but anyway,I know that you don't like women but if you had to what would she be like?
Miko of all the cute seishi
P.S: It's for a fan fic!
Dear Miko,
I guess any woman that AIN'T like my sisters!
Dear Hotohori,
Okay, not only are you beautiful, but you just may be able to answer my question. There's is this guy who is a friend of my boyfriend. Not only is he annoying, but he is really starting to freak me out. He seems like the stalker type.. and he always has his nose in mine and my boyfriend's business.Not only that, but he constantly calls my BF.. even at work! I've never met the guy, my BF lives in another city, and in a week I'm going down to visit and to get to know everone there. I'm afraid I'll be rude or end up strangling the guy (he is about 5 inches shorter than me...) if I end up meeting him. What should we do/ Advoid him all weekend, or bear with him, even if he does give us the creeps?
Thank You
Dear Chi,
Meet him once in a public place. If he still gives you 'the creeps', go with your intuition and avcoid him the rest of the weekend. Good luck, be careful, and thank you for your kind words.
Dear Nuriko,
Thank you for your advice Nuriko. And that stuff about CnA and her husband, that was very helpful, but i don't think that'll be our outcome. Clingy is bad. Yes, i feel like i'm clinging to him right now. I feel like that if i call him once, and then call him again in two days. Is that weird? Do you think that's being clingy?
About my dad, i'm just glad i get to see the guy, i don't care who is in the room or who's in the house. Just as long as i get to see him every once in a while, i'll be fine. I mean besides, i have my friends, and there are those cute faces without personalities at my school...
Have a nice weekend!
Dear Mary,
Glad I was able to help! I don't know if calling him twice in 3 days is clingy or weird. But if you feel it is, don't do it. No skating this weekend. Perhaps at the end of this month. Hope you had a nice weekend, too.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
WAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOO!!! FINALS ARE OVER!!!! WHOO HOOO!!!! *runs in, grabs all of them and prances around the room happily*
I'M FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! EVERYBODY MOMBO!! *begins to mombo with them* Hey, I didn't know Gen-chan was such a good dancer!! Tee hee hee ^_^
Dear Jean,
Of course I'm a good dancer!!! Ain't ya' ever seen me an' Kouji dance??? Are ya' sure I made ya' 3rd in command????
Dear Chiriko,
*runs up and kisses Chiriko hard and quick on the lips - pulls back - blinks - abruptly sits down on the floor* Wow...I needed that... hyper energy release....
I had a friend who just finished her exams over for a sleepover last night and we didn't go to sleep till about five in the morning! It was four forty three last time we looked at the clock... *giddy smile*
We watched a video of Slayers NEXT and we played FY all day. She didn't go home till five this afternoon... *sighs* Wow...and I'm not even tired now.
Dear Rachel-chan,
*Blushes and sweatdrops...* Ano... I'm glad you're so happy!
Dear Chichiri,
*Hands Chichiri some tea and sips his own.*
And how are things around here..? ^_^
Dear Xelloss,
Arigato, no da. *Sips some tea...* Oishii, no da! Things are alright, no da. Tasuki hasn't fried a computer OR Tamahome in awhile so things have been quiet. I think your Lina-chan is keeping him busy and out trouble, no da. How are things with you, no da?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Why are all the Suzaku Seishi boys? Just wondering?
Jennifer (7)
Dear Jennifer (7),
Because we were born that way, no da?
Dear Nuriko,
Thanks for the response, Nuriko. I'll keep you updated on the progress. ^_^ ::smooches::
Dear Christine,
You're welcome! Good luck!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR!! ^________^ *holds out her hand* Red packets, please. ^^
Dear Yuri,
*Looks at her and falls over laughing...* YOU want ME to give you okane????? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Chichiri no Aijin, Ah.....Sore wa himitsu desu! ^_-
Dear Xelloss,
Is it now??? *Smiles and takes his arm...* You know, you're kind of cute when you're being devious...
Chichiri no Aijin
Dear Tasuki,
My my, is that a threat? ^_^
Dear Xelloss,
*Still running from Lina* NO! That's a PROMISE!!!!!
Dear Chichiri,
*pulls the remainders of his disguise away* Well, lovely. That took a while to perfect and now you've ruined it! I suppose I should kill you now. Look out! *hurls an energy blast at the pair and knocks them reeling*
So weak......Suzaku Seishi..... Hotokimi couldn't do anything to me when I fought her, what do you really think you can do?
Daughter of Tenkou ("Hotohori")
Dear Daughter of Tenkou,
*Puts a protective barrier around him and Nuriko.* His daughter, no da?? Why are you doing this, no da??? What have you done to the REAL Hotohori?? Where is he????
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I'm having some trouble in school. I'm failing alot of my subjects and I don't know what to do. I have no talents at all either. All of my freinds are so smart and they all are rather good at singing, dancing, or schoolwork. I don't have anyone to talk to either. Please help me.
Dear S.K.,
If you're having problems with your schoolwork you should talk to your parents or a school counselor and ask them for tutoring help.
Everyone has an innate talent. So don't sell yourself short. Perhaps you have yet to discover yours. Ganbatte kudasai.
Dear Mitsukake,
Cool! Mimi and Tama sitting in a tree
First comes fish
Then comes play
If only it could be like this
Hey corny poem and all but my cat could use a playmate. Oh! Tama-neko is so cute! *Hugs both cats* Don't scratch me!
Dear Sammy,
Don't worry, he won't scratch friends.
Dear Tamahome,
The cause of Yuri's death was S.I.D.S, or Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. It's usually caused because the baby's brain forgot to make it breathe. My sister died of the exact same thing three years fact, her birthday was on the 1st. -.- So, can we stop this discussion, because it is making me VERY uncomfortable?
Dear Myrna-chan,
OK Myrna. Gomen nasai, that was not our intention! Nakago, I did get your last letter, but in deference to Myrna-chan's feelings it won't be printed.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Heeeeeeeeeeeeeh. Remember that Father Beto guy One-chan was talking about awhile back? *smirks* Her Oneesan just heard that he was horseback riding and thrown from his horse. Heheheh.... He's bruised up and have a broken rib... HEEEEEEEEEH. Just thought I'd pass that juicy little tid-bit of info on for my chibi author. ^.^
Dear Keetia,
Karma, no da?
Dear Tamahome,
*blushes* Oh.... In that case I'm in SoCal, in some city called Los Angelos. ^_^
Dear Sammy,
Honto ne??? Us, too!
Dear Nuriko,
Hey, i wanted to say thanks for the advice, we ended up going to a dance club and we had a great time, but i think we're just gonna stay friends cos that's just the way it turned out, so thanks much!
Dear PNut,
You're welcome! I'm glad I was able to help. Friends are good things, too.
Dear Nuriko,
*Walks over to him SD dragging Tasuki behind her* NURIIIKO!!! TASUKI IS HENTAI! I THOUGHT ABOUT JUST BEATING HIM! BUT THEN DECIDED THAT A LECTURE WOULD BE MUCH WORSE!!! *drops Tasuki infront of him* hmph.
Dear Lina,
And you want me to do WHAT to him???? *smiles*
Dear Tasuki,
*Turns red* XELLOSS!!! TASUKI!!!! HENTAI!!!!!!! *Beats Tasuki over the head with her fist SD then drags him off*
Dear Lina,
OI!!! Why ain't ya' beatin' on Xelloss?!!??!?!?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Can I ask Kitsune83 something? Are there thriteen watertowers where she lives? That's unlucky, no da. Especially if they're in a circular pattern. That makes them a signal for UFO's. She should be careful.
Dear omni82,
You can, but it's a very odd question, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Aww.... gee.... Tasuki-kun, we all KNOW ya love Miaka. Stop denying it. heh... ^_^; so, how's everything? OH YEAH!!!! Guess what? I got a 91 on my World Cultures test! ^_^ Woo hoo!
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Omedeto gozaimashita on yer test! An' I DON'T love Miaka!
Dear Chichiri,
::sigh:: I don't know what to do. I keep trying to get out of the room I am in, due to the smoking, drinking, and drug usage in my hall ::makes a face::...and just when I seem to have found a place to go and I pack up, the other girl says, "Oh wait! There was this other girl who asked me after you, and I kind of told her yes.."
So I have no idea what to do. It is so frustrating to me here. I really have no one on campus I can truly talk to,as my best friend lives off-campus. So I write you. ::smiles:: Like you need to hear any MORE problems.
Ano, I guess I will leave you be for right now! ::hugs him::
Kelli - aka Chichiri No Aisai ^_~
Dear Kelli,
Chichiri no Aijin told me you finally found a new place. I'm very happy for you, no da! Good luck with your new roommate, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
I just want you to know that I think Xelloss is being mean and that I believe that you AREN'T harrasing Lina-san.
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
Thanks! At least someone believes me!
Dear Tasuki,
*RAZZ!* Wave (the friend) will make copies of her tapes for Firefury. She has more of the series.
Chibi One-chan: ... Essence is so meeeeeeean! *cries* I want Oneesaaaaaaaaan! ;-;
.. You deal with her. ^.^ CIAO! *vanishes*
Chibi One-chan: *sniffle*
Keetia and Chibi One-chan
Dear Keetia and Chibi One-chan,
*Gives One-chan a hug* Quit whinnin'!!! Ya' were changed back on th' message board! So, how many episodes does she have?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
where can i find fushigi real audio music
Dear noda,
Good question! But we don't know either, no da. Minna-san, can you help us with this one, no da?
Dear Tasuki,
AHHHHHHHHH!!!!! YOU ARE MEAN!!!! ::throws another one at him::
Dear Kelli,
*Melts it... fanged grin* Heh-heh-heh...
Dear Tasuki,
You know me too well . . . that's exactly what I told my friends. They were like, "Oh my god, Moon! You are such a sick little girl!" well, I was just having a bad day! *laughs evilly* Now what I CAN'T figure out is why the judges liked it! They must be pretty weird...
Dear Moon,
Or mebbe they jus' wanna see mee dead...
Dear Chiriko,
Hi! Thanks so much! *hugs* Dani-chan thanks you too, but we are both wondering what site you are talking about? My true website is not FY related, and the only one we have both worked on was a Christmas carol parody...though we will be working on a Chiriko shrine with Inori very soon! Heehee...Woah, Chiriko's so smart he can see into the future...
Dear Hoshi,
You're welcome! That was the site I visited.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Helloooooooooo It's me, Sakura! I'm one of Lady Kei's best friends and student! Please don't kill me Tasuki! I'm here to talk just like anyone else! Lady Kei just left and I was following her. Taiitsu Kun told me to find her for her, I WASN'T SPYING REALY!!!!!! I just wondered....... you all seem to be realy realy good friends, so I realy realy wanted to ask you all this! Who is your best friend and why?
I mean Lady Kei says she's my friend because we can make each other smile and share secrets and stuff (Please don't get any ideas if you have a sick mind! We're not like that at all!) Which one of the other seishi do you like the most?
And here's one for Chichiri. You see Lady Kei has been rather sulky lataly about not being able to finish her story ( lack of inspiriation or something like that) and her best friends are all to busy with exams to help! I was wondwring if you'd do something nice for her to cheer her up, or give her any ideas for scenes. Please answer me realy realy fast. I've got to be going. I just saw Lady Kei so I'd better run realy realy hard to catch up to her! Bye-bye!
Sakura (Nyan Nyan friend to everyone!)
Dear Sakura,
I would say that Tasuki's best friend is Kouji as they have been through a lot together, no da. My best friend was Hikou, but he's gone now. I suppose I am closest to Tasuki as he needs the most guidance, no da. Although he and Tamahome despite all the fighting are actually quite close, no da.
As for you friend's story, without having read it there is little I can suggest, no da. There is a site o nthe web that you can submit unfinished stories to and they will finish them for you, no da. Perhaps she should try it.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hiya no da! Guess who. I was on here a few times with Taiitsu no Miko, so I hope you would remember me. I'm Shrinemaiden Keisei! Loyal fan and generel obsessee (sp?) of all the seishi. (Especially Chichiri-sama ^_~) Not that I don't like all of you. I'm a big fan of everyone, I mean, if all of you hadn't been there I don't think Chichiri or Miaka would have survived all those fights with the Seiryuu!
I just wanted to ask you a few things, any of you can answer these, so don't any perticular one of you doesn't feel pressured to respond.
1) What kind of music do you all like. Ya know, favorite groups, songs etc.
2) What do you guys look for in a girl, as a friend or otherwise?
3) Is there any way you'd be able to come visite me in my world? Like a spell or something?
4)If you could come to my world, what sort of things would you want to see and do?
5) If you could write yousel;f into any fan fic, what would you do in the story?
I hope you'll answer my questions. Oh, one more thing. I train Nyan Nyans, so they tend to follow me around and spy on my personal life, so I'm giving each of you a bottle of 'Nyan Nyan Repelent' to keep them away from you.
If you do find any left behind, just send them back to the mountain, or back to my house.
TASUKI DO NOT FRY THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TAITSUKUN WOULD KILL ME!!!!! I'm sorry about that, just after spending so much time around the little sweeties, I tend to get possesive.^_~;
Oh well, I must be getting back to studying for my monthly math test (groan) so I'll have to see ya all later. But first...... (grabs Chichiri and gives him a kiss) ha ha ha, see ya later!
Shrinemaiden Keisei
Dear Keisei,
Here's your answers in order of asking:
1) Tasuki: I like J-Pop an' anythin' by MY seiyuu! As fer groups, TM Revolution, SMAP, Da Pump ('specially th' songs Feelin' Good - It's Paradise an' Stay Together), Puffy, Glay, an' Shazna (they remind me of Nuriko...).
2) I guess a nice person with a kind heart would be something we would all look for, no da.
3) Tamahome: Gomen, there is no way for us to get to your world.
4) Tamahome: I guess we would want to explore your world. Tasuki is interested in this place called Las Vegas. Actually since there is lots of money there, so am I!
5) There is no real need for us to do that as our fans do a great job of that already, no da!
Tasuki, Tamahome, and Chichiri
Dear Nuriko,
Hello Nuriko-san! This is my third time writing this. First time the server died (grr....) and the second time my key board decided to go bonkers. The first time i wrote this letter is was long, the second time it was medium, so let's see how the third one goes....
I like this guy and he's 17 and he likes me, i'm 15. We're taking a logical route, one my mother approves of (and she's REALLY overprotective). The logical route is seeing each other as friends with our friends. We're taking this route because 1st he's a senior in high school, one that isn't exactly next door to my high school, and 2nd, he's going away to Penn State University next year. Me, i'll still be in california. And we all know how long distance relationships go, they usually don't. Now here's where i would like to hear your advice.
Since he's going away to college out of state next year, my mom is warning me not to put my heart out there, cause it will get hurt. (I told my mom that i really like this guy, and for some odd reason she respects that and is still letting me see him). I told my mom i know that no matter what happens, i'll still get hurt. If we stop seeing each other as friends, continue seeing each other as friends or see each other as more than friends...I'll still get hurt. I've made the decision to see him as a friend and he's agreed with me. I would like to know your opinion on this matter.
And just because i can, i'm writing more. *maniacle laughter* Well, he might be coming over this friday so we can just hang out around the house. We were going to see fantasia, but finals week are taxing out my energy. And he understands that, just getting over the syndrome himself. So we're going to be here in my living room with some of my friends watching Angela's Ashes and other misc. Movies. My dad will be somewhere in the house, listening in on the noises made (or not). What do you think of that environment for friends?
Dear Mary,
Staying friends for now is the best course you can take. Date other people when he's away and of course make time to see him when he's in town. Keep in touch but don't be clingy. Men hate clingy! Don't be hurt or surprised if he ends up with a girlfriend. Chichiri no Aijin and her husband had this kind of relationship for 10 years before thay reunited and ended up getting married. That was 9 years ago. So you see, you never know what the future may bring.
As for your dad. He's just being a good parent and protecting his little girl. Cope! And be happy that your parents love you enough to care about who you see and what you do.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
so which of you is the best?
Dear me,
At what, no da?
Dear Tasuki,
Heh.... heard you're being super hentai lately while I was away! SHAME SHAME ON YOU! Poor Lina.
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
I WAS NOT!!!!!! Xelloss pushed me!!!!!
Dear Chiriko,
Okay, Chiriko, after looking over some of the letters that people have sent to you and the other seishi, I have just one question that I want you to answer once and for all: Are there really such things as stupid questions?????
Dear Tonberry,
Jaaa... if there are they don't usually make it this far...
Dear Nuriko,
Fetch gets very redunant after a while, it bores me. I rather enjoy strategy games. I can kill all the seiyruu seishi at Monopoly! That's why I like Checkers and Chess and things like that. Yui taught me how to play chess. *beam*
Dear Ashitare,
I can understand that. Checkers it is I guess...
Dear Tasuki,
*gives Tasuki some sake* Thank you for not agreeing call me a freak, although if you HAD called me a freak like Soy Bean asked I would have just said 'Arigatou' and then whacked her the naxt time I saw her. *hugs Tasuki*
You're so nice!
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
Thanks fer th' sake! But keep th' "yer so nice" stuff quiet! I don't want my rep ruined!
Dear Nuriko,
*turns as Nuriko and Chichiri enter the throne room - smiles pleasantly* I was expecting you. Hotokimi said something about going to get help..... *hurls a ki-blast at them*
Dear "Hotohori",
*Chichiri protects them from ther blast and counters with a spell/ki blast of his own... The disguise falls away...*
Ano... YOU, no da?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Dear Tamahome,
*sighs shakily and rubs his eyes* It's been horrible for Soi. She won't sleep. She keeps talking about Kaen and Yuri and how alike they were to have left her..... *buries his face in his arms again*
I don't know what to do anymore, she can barely function without breaking down crying. Really, I think she's taken it worse than me...
It's so hard to beileve she's gone. I keep waking up in the middle of the night because that was when she would cry and she's not there. I lie in bed wide awake with Soi crying next to me feeling like I should do something and I don't know what...
Dear Nakago,
It takes time, but eventually the pain will lessen... I should know... Has an inquiry been made into the cause of her death? At least if you know the reason it might be easier.
Dear Tasuki,
::is very upset that he burned her snowballs, so she sneaks up behind im and dumpsa large quantity of snow andicedoen the back of his shirt:: HA! ::runs::
Dear Kelli,
ARRGGGHHHH!!!!!!!! *Grabs a snowball and throws it at her.* That'll teach ya'! Heh-heh-heh... *Fanged grin*
Dear Tasuki,
Okay, okay, okay . . . here's the link: My story BEFORE you read this story, Tasuki-sama, there are a few things I need to tell you.
1. In the story, you are usually called Genrou. Your best friend, however, calls you Tasuki as sort of a baby-name.
2. I had to use the name Kenshin for your little brother. *falls over laughing*
3. and the story is NOT meant to be understood, studied, or otherwise. Just read and gawked at. Okay???
Well, happy reading!
P.S. TO ANYONE ELSE WHO MIGHT WANT TO READ THIS STORY: Be careful! And don't kill me because Tasuki dies in it . . . It is a pretty evil story
Dear Moon,
Interestin'... so were ya' havin' a bad day or somethin'? I'm at least glad that my death was revenged.
Dear Mitsukake,
You've been up sence 1998 that's a long time!! what is the most funny letter you've gotten?
the female Nuriko
Dear female Nuriko,
Gomen, I really don't know. But you are certainly welcome to peruse our archives and decide for yourself. *Thinks then smiles* I would have to say the funniest answer concerned Chichiri, Tama-neko, catnip, balls, and beads!
Dear Chichiri,
Hi could i see your hat for a day or so. I have this friend who is head over heels for you and she would love to see it. she would be so happy. I'd rather Tasuki but we all have our fav.
the female Nuriko
Dear female Nuriko,
Gomen, but at this time it just isn't possible, no da.
Dear Chiriko,
It's wasn't my homework! I'm in exams and i had sci just before i asked you! i don't need help in sci. I LOVE IT!!!
the cross dresser from a galaxy far far away are smart at how you get around the ques. i'll look at that sit.
P.S.S. thanks a lot!!
Dear cross dresser,
You're welcome. I could have just given you the answer, but this site was VERY informative and I'd rather someone learn from a site or their own research than just be told an answer.
Dear Tasuki,
Yeah they'll just dissolve, but I've never had stitches before and I just don't like the way they feel. I'm always scared of ripping them, even though they say that it can't happen....they don't know me that well then, ANYTHING can happen around me.
Reikaku no Miko
Dear Reikaku no Miko,
Jus' be careful an' you'll be OK!
Dear Tasuki,
*coughs up smoke* OKAY! NOW YOU'RE REALLY IN TROUBLE! ... As soon as I scrounge up that army, you're gonna be REALLY sorry! *runs off*
Dear Suboshi,
*Looks at him all charred and smoking and falls over laughing.*
Dear Chiriko,
Just a question, but do you ever feel inferior to the rest of the Suzaku because of your age and size, or superior because of your intelligence? ::smooches:: ^_^
Dear Christine,
Neither actually as we all have our strengths and weaknesses. We are a team after all. Tasuki, Hotohori-sama, and Mitsukake all send their best!
Dear Nuriko,
As you seem to be the most understanding/mature of the lot, as well as having an inside track on the female heart, I figured I'd pose this question to you. By the way, I'm really not speaking about myself in the third person here, it really is my friend.
My friend Emily has a huge crush on this guy named Darren. They've known each other for 3 years now, and are pretty good friends. However, Emily is a senior, and as such, will be graduating in a few months, while Darren is a Junior, and still has a year left of school. Everyone BUT Darren knows about Emily's crush, but haven't said anything to Darren, so they wouldn't embarrassed Emily. She's very shy, and I think he likes her (in a romantic sense), but she's too chicken to speak up, and I don't think it'd be right if I did it for her. I want them to get together before the school year ends, and hopefully for Prom, in about a month and a half. What do you suggest I do? She needs some happiness in her life, and I believe Darren can provide that for her. Help me out here, onegai? Thanks! ^_^ ::smooches:: to you and the rest!
P.S. If any of the other Suzaku have anything to offer as well, they're welcome to contribute. Tasuki is Emily's favorite.
Dear Christine,
Someone (you're someone!) should put the idea of Darren asking Emily to the prom into Darren's head before he misses his chance! Then once he decides to do it, make sure she accepts! Good luck!
Dear Tasuki,
konichiwa, tasuki-chan. Genki desu ka? My question is: what's the best cure for hangovers?
P.S. Are you in love with Miaka? *nudge, nudge, wink, wink* Why did you let Tama-chan beat you up when Miaka told you not to hurt him, huh? Anyway, thank you for reading this. --- I'll wait for an answer
Dear Donna,
Aspirin an' milk th' night before. An' aspirin an' orange juice in th' mornin'.
I ain't in love wit' Miaka!!! She begged me not to kill Tamahome so I did as she asked.
Dear Tamahome,
You sure you don't wanna trade places? 50 and rainy sounds fine to me. Better than sub-zero and three feet of snow!!! I think it's an experience you need to have. You could build snowmen (Or women if you prefer).
*WHAAAAA!!!!* I want spring to come!!! It's too cold here! My furnace is broken. We told the repair man (Who's related to me, but sometimes I wonder...) what needed too be fixed & he shows up (An hour late), looks at the valve & says "Oh that's what needs to be fixed? I don't have that part with me." AAAAHHHHHH!!!!! We told him what was wrong!!! How hard could it be to bring the right part???? So, here I am wearing layers in my house!
Now are you sure you don't want to trade places? I think California would be good for me right now. Hope it isn't too gloomy out for you anymore.
Dear Kari,
Hmmmmm, trade a warm although damp climate for a freezing cold one with a broken heater... let me think... NOPE! Gomen!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Recently, I got into an argument with my best friend. She was snotty to me and I got mead. Since then, she hasn't talked to me and yhas been talking about me behind my back. I tried to apologize but she ignored me. I ha been having a really bad week when she got mean to me and that's why I yelled. What can I do to make her stop talking about me and talking to me?
Dear Depressed,
Have you tried writing her a letter or an email and tell her how you feel, that you were in a bad mood that day, and how sorry you are for the fight? If not, try it. It might work, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Okay, so there's no tattoos and no significant body piercing...So, do any of you partake in hair dye to achieve those amazing hues? (I will find something wild & crazy about you bad boys!)
Dear Kraziii,
Well Chichir has said inthe past that he uses pomegranate juice to make his bangs stand up...
Dear Tasuki,
*POUNCE!* No, we don't have a CD burner ^^; But Oneesan will be sending a check to her friend in New York to buy blank tapes and make copies of for her ;p
Essence: ... heh heh heh heh heh...
Essence: *smacks One with a chibi wand and leaves*
.... ;-;
a now Chibi One-chan and Essence
Dear Chibi One-chan,
Chibi, eh? That's gotta sting!! So, copies of th' CD or th' tape?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*Keetia writes on behalf of Chibi One-chan* ^^; One-chan said to tell you the Shayla person has been bothering Lina IM too, calling her evil. (I'M evil, not Lina. Lina's just chaotic ^.^) Hrm... Why are all people always harassing Lina-? I thought that was Fangie-chan's job. ^.~
Chibi One-chan: Essence is evil! I want my oneesan!! *cries*
*thinks* ... Or is sexual harassment Fangie-chan's job? Heheheh!
Chibi One-chan: O.o;
*Keetia covers Chibi One-chan's ears since Tasuki is bound to start swearing at her.*
Dear Keetia,
I ain't harrassin' Lina ya' (*^%$#@ akuma!!! We jus' annoy each other that's all!!!
Dear Tasuki,
Don't you guys ever get tired of answering the same questions over and over again? I really admire you guys for keeping this page up for soooo long. ^_^
Gen-chan no miko
P.S. Hey, did ya miss me?
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Yeah, where were ya'? If there are a lot of letters then some jus' don't make it up. Thanks! It's kinda hard work but we like it!
Dear Nuriko,
I guess I should've figured out to wear something red under my clothes on my own, but thank you for being smart enough to point it out to me. It worked (I think)-Even if my boyfriend didn't bother to tell me that his mother hates apples until AFTER I baked a pie!! His father seemed to enjoy it though, so anytime you want a pie, let me know. I owe you! (You can pick your flavor!) Thanks a bunch!!!
Dear Dianna,
You're very welcome! I'm glad I was able to help. I hope things go well for the two of you!
Dear Tasuki,
Guess what?? That story where you die went to the district contest thingy!! It didn't get state, but district is cool!! *hugs him* WAAAIIII!!! I guess they really liked your death! *giggles*
Dear Moon,
Omedeto gozaimasu! Congratulations! So when do I get to see it?
Dear Chichiri,
Just wanted to tell you that you're really kawaii! (I hope I spelled that right!) ::smooches:: ^_^
Dear Christine,
*Blushes* Arigato for your sweet compliment, no da!
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