Dear Chiriko,
Thanks for your help! I was bet twenty dollars I couldn't find out what a water tower was for (as I said, no one's ever seen anything done with it) and thanks to you, I'm now $20 richer. (one can almost see the dollar signs in my eyes when I say that...*tee-hee*) You're such a luv!
Dear Kitsune83,
You're welcome! You're also lucky you didn't ask Tamahome! He would have wanted at least half of your winnings.
Dear Tamahome,
Just wanted to say you're a great and strong person. I admire you for that. ::smooches:: ^_^
Dear Christine,
Arigato for your kind words!
Dear Tasuki,
Yeah, but you grab Lina and smack her on the rear and stuff! You don't see her clutching at your body parts to catch herself! Anyway, it doesn't matter! I have to defend her from you, you sick Suzaku seishi! *glances at Tasuki's tessen and sweatdrops* Um.... I won't use ryuseisui if you don't 'Lekka Shinen' me...? *looks mildly hopeful*
Dear Suboshi,
OI!! That was only 'cos Xelloss pushed me into her! Look at th' hentai yo-yo psycho boy callin' ME sick!!! Heh-heh-heh... yeah right! Lekka Shienen!!!!!!!! *Fries Suboshi and his ryuseisui.*
Dear Tasuki,
when you said that you didn't hate girls anymore, in episode 52... Did you mean to say that you somewhat fell in love with Miaka already? I wouldn't know.. I just finished the tv series, haven't seen the ova's yet.
Dear BB,
Nah, jus' that they ain't all as bad as my sisters!
Dear Tasuki,
The swelling finally did go down, but it still hurts like h*ll. What's even worse is I can't stand the feeling of the stitches in my mouth! I HATE it! I'm just afraid that I'll rip them and they'll have to be put back in.....I don't think I'd be able to go through this a second time. But it's all overwith! I did get to miss a lot of school because of the pain, though. I pretty much stayed in bed and watched all my Fushigi Yuugi tapes and Aliens 3, Monty Python and the Holy Grail(Have you seen that one? You should).
*gives him a big hug* I'm just relieved that it's done. ....I've been having some REALLY freaky dreams because of the pain medication though.....wierd. Ok, well I'll quit bugging you now. Bye!
Reikaku no Miko
Dear Reikaku no Miko,
If yer takin' Vicadin it has codine in it an' can do that to ya'. Won't yer stitches jus' dissolve?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
::grins, revealing lots of long, sharp teeth::
Eggroll. You want? You want?
::grins again and offers eggrolls to all::
Dear Ashitare,
*Looks surprised* Arigato. We're OK for food. Why don't you ask Miaka?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
This is for Chichiri and Tasuki: We would like you to know that you both have wives now. Yes, although you do not know, you have been married. But to very beautiful, loving, sweet,::big breath::industrious, well-mannered, talented, and oh-so-in-love-with-you girls. If you haven't guessed....
Tasuki, you have been married to IRIDAL. She now bears the title Tasuki no Aisai
Chichiri, you are now married to Kelli, who now has the title Chichiri No Aisai.
Love ya!^_~
Iridal and Kelli
Dear Iridal and Kelli,
Tasuki: I ain't *(^%$#@ married to no one!!!!
Chichiri: Gomen nasai, I must agree with Tasuki, no da. I don't recall any such ceremony. But if it is your wish to be known by those names, then there is little we can do to stop you, no da.
Tasuki and Chichiri
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Which one of you would like a girl like me? huh...
Dear Nuriko_chou,
What's a girl like you like?
Dear Hotohori,
i just had a few MINOR questions:
1) Does your wife know/care about your "thing" with miaka? Especially like the time you pushed her down on the bed and told her to sleep in your room.....(x_x)...
2) by the way...did you LEAVE after you told her to stay or......was there another reason miaka was so tired the next morning????
AND YOU SURE GOT OVER MIAKA FAST, TOO...i think houki should be extremely concerned about your attention-span...
3) is it just a coincidence that you chose a wife that looks EXACTLY like a certain loveable crossdresser you were always very attached to?
thats all for now,thanx~ ^.^
Dear Ami-chan,
Since that was before I met and married Houki it does not concern her. Of course I left the room! And it was always Nuriko "attatched" to me NOT vice-versa.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi! Just curious, do you like cupcakes? ^_^ If so, what are your favorite kind of cupcakes? *offers chocolate cupcakes to all the Suzaku Seishi before signing off*
Cupcake Person
Dear Cupcake Person,
Arigato, oishii desu, no da! Chocolate is our favorite cupcake, no da!
Dear Mitsukake,
mitsukake-san, konichi wa *bows with a smile*
thank you for your wonderful advice about nursing (see December..i have been away awhile)
I try very hard to help people. I am just worried still. I have more clinicals now and there is so much to remember. I am looking forward to working with the children and in the nursery though ^_^ do you have a favorite group to work with? I had been wondering. Also, where did you learn all the things you know about healing. I know that is your ability as a Seichi,
demo you know how to do all the things other healer do to. have you always wanted to heal people? ack, gomen for asking so many questions, i am just curious. you are not the easiest person to learn about *smiles* you know what they say thouhgh...still waters run
I will leave you in peace for now, but i hope i can write again later. ja ne and arigato
Dear tears4themoon,
I like to heal the sick in general and work with children and animals in particular. I was taught by my village healer. You're very welcome fo rthe advice. I'm glad I was able to be of service. Ganbatte kudasai on your clinicals!
Dear Nuriko,
*Kaoru looks at you with wide eyes* honto?
*bounces forward and hugs, spinning around* wai!!! you are the best nuriko-san. i will be
as patient as a mountain *pauses* or at least i will try. this is wonderful, ne? *smacks herself in the head* I almost forgot...i have something for you *pulls out a red umbrella/parasol decorated with yellow flowers* i hope you like it. ^_^ demo, i can still come talk to you, ne?
ja ne!
Dear Kaoru,
Ariagto! It's beautiful! Of course you can come to me anytime.
Dear Tasuki,
Wai! I'm glad the mail server is back up. I wrote you a really really sweet letter, then I found out the mail server was down. Ah well. x.x Now I gotta remember what exactly I wrote. I think it was along the line of...that I feel bad for you because of all the hentai comments mad about you and Kouji and that I just don't see the relation. Um...and that I personally think that Miaka should not have been the miko cause she's...well...::insert rather explicate language and putdowns here::. offense to Hotohori and Tamahome...but...I really think they would make an adorable couple. Don't you? ^.^,v.. Well, I really can't think of anything else...nor can I remember WHAT I wrote. ^.- Keep up the good work with protecting Konan =D Ja!
Dear Rei-chan,
*Looks up from letter confused...* Hotohori an' Tamahome as a couple???? UGH!!!!!!! I need a drink!
Dear Chiriko, last letter didnt come to you, right? Well, anyway, how are you? Im fine. It was my birhtday last week ^_^ Here, i saved you a piece of cake *Big smile* And heres some for the rest of the seishis *gives each of the seishis a piece* Its chocolate! Hope you like it ^-^
See you later, Bye
Dear Annie,
Arigato! Omedeto osoi otanjoubi gozaimasu! Happy belated birthday!
Dear Tamahome,
hi do you know what miaka's food would say if it could talk?
Dear Soy,
Her food??? Probably "Please don't eat me!" Her cooking... " You don't want to eat me!!"
Dear Mitsukake,
Hi you guys have a good size name box, My name works!!!
the cross dresser from a galaxy far far away
Dear cross dresser,
Glad you like it.
Dear Nuriko,
hi Nuriko i was asked to ask you if you would like to go on a date with Tasuki?
Dear loveya13,
When pigs grow wings and fly! You can take that as a no!
Dear Tasuki,
what the #@$! is natto! are you pulling my leg because if your being mean i have friends who will kill you if i ask them to!!!
anyway why WOULDN'T you call taiitsu no Miko that??? i know her real life and that's scary i mean what she does here is bad but you should see her when we finly drag her off the net, that is scary!! well see ya
Soy Bean
Dear Soy Bean,
Natto is fermented soy beans. It tastes OK but smells bad enough to make ya' wanna puke!! It's good wit' some mustard, soy sauce, an' a clothespin to hold yer nose shut so ya' don't smell it! I ain't got no reason to be mean to Taiitsu no Miko!
Dear Tasuki,
Who is Reirei?
Dear Curious,
Someone in my past that was very special to me.
Dear Chiriko,
Konnichi wa! I have two questions, Chiriko-sama:
1)If a bird left San Antonio, traveling directly to Des Moins at a speed of 54 mph... without stopping and yet another bird left New York traveling in the direction of Oklahoma City traveling at speeds of 73 mph only stopping every so often to have some Ritz crackers how long would it take Tasuki to crack and admit his love for Lina.. even if solely for the purpose of annoying her?
2)What is 1.2 billion to the fifteenth power divided by six if a train in Minnesota has just left at 45 mph to New York City and it's raining in Seattle?
Just wondering!
Dear Shuurei,
Here are the answers to your questions:
1) When is jigoku scheduled to freeze over? Probably right after that.
2) 2.567836929098e+135.
Dear Hotohori,
*bows before the emperor* Hello! *back to normal self* How does it feel to be the emperor of Konan? :)
I have a friend who has never seen Fushigi Yugi, but when I showed her your pic on the cards she fell in love. In fact since she doesn't have the internet she asked me to write you this letter. Her name is Kosetsuno Tenshi(angel of snowfall). Yup, she is a Tenshi just like me!!
Well, I can't think of anything eles to ask at the moment but I'm pretty sure she'll send me with more questions, see ya!
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
It feels quite natural to me as I was raised to be Emperor. Please give your friend my best.
Dear Tasuki,
Okay Tasuki-chan...I need a BIG favour, could you flame someone for me...and not Tamahome, although I love it when you do...but I want you to flame Tomo and kill those d*mn hentai feathers of his....oh more thing...*gets the crazed fangirl look in her eyes....* get him in a head lock....this is something I want to the h*ll does your hair defy gravity...I mean only Chichirisama's can do that!
Dear Ai-chan,
Jus' like me, my hair is jus' *&^%$#@ cool!!! Heh-heh-heh... OI! Tomo! Lekka shienen!!!!!! *Fries Tomo and his feathers* Heh-heh-heh... Gomen Tomo... I MEANT to do that!!!!
Dear Chiriko,
Their hair is brown but in certain light tends to look green. Either that or they have spent WAY too much time in the Seiryuu Seishi swimming pool! As for your other question, did you watch ALL of the first OVA? One word: Tenkou.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
It's SNOWING! ::pelts everyone with snowballs, except Mitsukake because he is bigger than her and she is scared of him^^;:: How do you like THAT, all you Californians??? ::throws an extra snowball at Tasuki:: There! You were supposed to get two in the first place, I accidently threw one at Chichiri...^^;
Dear Kelli,
Heh-heh-heh... Lekka shienen!!!!! *Melts snowballs in mid-air.* This is kinda fun! Keep 'em comin'!!
Dear Nuriko,
*nuzzles Nuriko's ankle* Yeah...I didn't get a very good deal out of it... *licks Nuri's hand again* Thank you for not hurting me.
Really I'm glad that at least my human form got put down with some dignity. I mean if you're gonna die, get your head crushed in by someone almost equally matched to you. It's got more honour in it than being whipped to death by someone ten times more powerful than yourself.
*smiles at Nuriko* You like to play checkers? I could go for a game, myself.
Dear Ashitare,
Checkers? You're a wolf. Wouldn't Fetch be more up your alley? Although I do like Chinese Checkers...
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hey, who do you guys think are the three nicest Seiyruu Seishi?
Taiitsu no Miko (the pointless letter writer)
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
'Che! I think ya' topped yerself fer pointless wit' this one! Amiboshi, Amiboshi, and Amiboshi. Th' rest of 'em can all rot!
Dear Nuriko,
Hotokimi: *runs in, arm bleeding through her robes, gasping* THAT FREAK IS NOT MY FATHER! *her knees buckle and she falls down*
Kourin: *runs over to her* Kimi, what happened!?!
Hotokimi: Whoever the h*ll is sitting on the throne in Konan he is not my father! I talked to him this morning and he attacked me! *winces* My father would never hurt me.... there is something really wrong.......
Kourin: *hugs her - looks at Nuriko* I told you there was something screwy going on. NOW can I fry him?!
Hotokimi and Kourin
Dear Hotokimi and Kourin,
NO!! She needs to be taken to Mitsukake immediately!!! My Chichiri and I are going to see him! If there is an imposter on the throne we will deal with him. *Grabs Chichiri and heads off for the throne room.*
Dear Tamahome,
*starts to sob* She was asleep .... for about an hour. I was downstairs with Soi. I went to check on her and it s-sounded way to I picked her up... She was ice cold.... blue lips, everything... Her eyes were shut...
I-I yelled for Soi to come up.... I tried to listen to her breathing....
S-she didn't..... *buries his face in his arms* Neither of us know what the hell happened...... she's just gone...
(a very upset) Nakago
Dear Nakago,
*Pats him on the back.* I'm very sorry for your and Soi's loss. She was a good kid. How's Soi taking it?
Dear Mitsukake,
What can you do if you get mustard on your pants right before a hot date and there is no Club Soda to take it out with?
Stressesd in Konan Country
Dear Stressesd,
If you're home, change your pants. If not, perhaps a bit of soap and water will help. What can I say? I'm a doctor not a dry cleaner.
Dear Chiriko,
what are the 5 phases of mitosis? I just wanted to nkow how smart you are!
the cross dresser from a galaxy far far away
Dear cross dresser,
Smart enough NOT to do your homework for you! But, I did find a fascinating site on that and related subjects. You might want to check it out. The Biology Project Cell Biology
Dear Mitsukake,
I just wanted to say hello since you looked kinda lonely over here. you are the coolest because where would the sei be without your abilities. and your cute kitty saved their butts more than once :). anyway, i hope all is going well for you. * pets tama neko and hugs you * see you later
Ina Chan
Dear Ina Chan,
Arigato for your kind words. We are both fine, thank you.
Dear Tasuki,
*POUNCE!* Good point. I heard from Speed and we're friends still ;p If NeonTiger gets pissy again, the IRC operators (Those spiffy people who run the IRC server!) will probably akill/k-line her. Translation- KILLED FROM THE SERVER. No longer be about to connect to it! ^.~ \/ *cheers* Enough people are finally sick of her!
Dear One-chan,
Glad to hear yer doin' better? Is Firefury done wit' th' Kenshin tape? No rush, jus' someone else wants to borrow it. If ya' got a CD Rom burner she can always burn a copy of th' CD Chichiri no Aijin loaned to her.
Dear Hotohori,
* runs from the chat room and hides behind you * Can I borrow your sword? Things are getting odd in the chatroom and it seems you can't go there unarmed these days :) Anyway, the serious question is if true beauty is on the inside then why are people so concerned with how they look? I feel that its nothing but stress trying to keep up with the modern trend and being someone you are not is just unnatural. I don't know...maybe it's just that I have been a tomboy all my life (the very thought of wearing a dress makes me shudder), but I think being who you are and accepting that makes you the most beautiful creation in the universe.
Ina Chan
Dear Ina Chan,
And you would not only be correct, but wise, too.
Dear Chiriko,
What are water towers for? I've lived next to one for ten years and never seen anyone do anything with it... Are they like lawn ornaments or something?
Dear Kitsune83,
The function of watertowers is to keep the watersytem under pressure. I had to research this and the site I got the answer from is here. It is a rather interesting site if you wish to learn about the owner's hobby (watertowers).
Dear Tasuki,
Ohiyo almighty bandit leader. It must be fun being a bandit...not boring like college where everything is nose to the book monotany. well, i guess its not too bad. I do have alot of fun. *eyes the tessen * it would be alot easier if all the books were to mysteriously insinerate though. well, i can dream can't I? * is sneaking around behind you * I am a leader too...of a group known as the aurutan. we are trouble makers ya know... * produces a pail of water and gives it to you * but only if provoked. well...see ya later :)
Dear Blaze,
*Drops bucket and grabs tessen back.* Very funny. It won't work fer ya' anyway. An' I ain't burnin' no books fer ya' either! So, guess yer stuck wit' studyin'!
Dear Tamahome,
Hello tamahome... long time no see ( or write..whatever). * hugs you * Thank you so much for your advice on dealing with the neighbors. I was in a mood the day I read it and your kind words made me laugh when no one else could. You made my day :) Arigato tama chan
Ina chan
Dear Ina chan,
You're very welcome! I'm glad I was able to help!
Dear Chichiri,
I think that if you and chiriko got together on some of these questions the answers would be pretty interesting. I am not so fluent in japenese so I was wondering what Ganbatte kudasai means. Also, I was wondering if you had a good cure for procrastination. I seem to have a very bad case o it and find myself doing things at the last minute. My tomodachi is usually the one to keep me in line but I feel that I need to do something myself and I need help deciding what. Your help is greatly appreciated. Arigato !
Ina Chan
Dear Ina Chan,
Ganbatte kudasai means "do your best", no da. It's bascically the same as telling someone "good luck", no da. Procrastination, no da? Hmmmm, I'll have to get back to you on that. Jodan dayo, no da! (joking) You might consider setting reasonable goals and creating a schedule for yourself and sticking to it, no da. Ganbatte kudasai!!
Dear Tasuki,
*reads the label of the bottle of 'Fire'*
Hmm...let's see...dragonfruit, pear, raspberry, strawberry, lime, and grape, as well as ginsing and ginko biloba for energy (like you NEED any more...) Sound good? I gave some to Kouji when I was visiting the "Ask the FY Cast" site and HE liked it...enough that he stole from me a case of it and tried to run off with it...*sigh*
Anyway, if you don't want it...I'll drink it! :)
Dear Iridal,
Sounds healthy, but I'll try it.
Dear Tasuki,
Stop grabbing and harrassing Lina! Or else.... or else..... Or else! I'll have to hurt you!
Dear Suboshi,
*Looks at Suboshi and falls over laughing...* Yeah right!! You an' what army???? 'Sides she does th' same cr*p to me!
Dear Tasuki,
Salut, Tasuki-san! Comment allez-vous? Moi, assez bien.
In getting to my question: Why do you drink as much as you do? Do you not realize that excessive drinking is very damaging? Ask Mitsukake. I'm sure he would tell you. Also, do you enjoy roller coasters [or even know what roller coaster is]? Living near Cedar Point certainly has its advantages: 13 of the world's best.
Au revior!
Dear Katsumi,
Well everyone's gotta have a hobby!! Besides, I'm an anime character. It ain't gonna hurt me like it would someone in yer world! Nope, never seen a roller coaster before.
Dear Tasuki,
Well, I tried the salt water thing and it did help a little..but it's gonna take me a while to get over this completely. But if there's a good side to this it's that I get all the ice cream I want! ..I can't eat anything else really....not that I'm complaining. The Bad side is that my cheeks are all swollen and everyone in my family keeps calling me a chipmunk.
Reikaku no Miko
Dear Reikaku no Miko,
Mitsukake tol' me that th' swellin' will go down. Glad to hear th' salt water helped!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hello all. Okay now that i've gotten greetings out of the way, some one help me! My friend is setting me up with some dude on a date and there's 2 problems! 1. I've NEVER been on a date in my life (and i'm 16...isn't that just sad?) and 2. I'm deathly scared he'll think i'm strange and a lunatic! Please someone..ANYONE with some advice tell me! Thank you all ever so much!
Dear Pnut,
Well, let's start at the beginning shall we? First off, just be yourself. If he's right for you he'll like you for yourself. If not, it's his loss. Dress nicely, but not flashy or trashy. Same goes for your makeup if you wear any. Make sure you have at least $20.00 and either a cel phone or some quarters on you just in case you need them.
If you aren't comfortable with the idea of you and this young man going alone on a date, ask your friend if she can come with a date and make it a double date so you'll feel better. Good luck and have fun!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*runs in shrieking, very un-Moonsong-like*
MINNAAAAA!!!! Sorry I'm writing again so soon but this couldn't wait!
If you have a Real Player and can open zipped files, check these out!!!! Mint-chan *hugz* made a music video featuring FY scenes. It is AWESOME and I have permission to spread the word. Pending Mint-chan's authorization, I may even be able to post these at the Realm! The video's slightly Tamahome and Miaka centered *whoo-hoo!* but everyone's in there. *WARNING* There ARE spoilers up to episode 22!
-bigger file(better quality):
-smaller file(poorer quality):
Download the first version if you can. It took me about 20 minutes but it's
definately worth the wait! The song is not from FY, in fact, if anyone knows who it is, I would be very grateful, but it fits. The video is wonderfully edited and the cuts are perfectly timed (And I'm pretty picky considering I used to edit film...). Anyway, enjoy! ^_^
And if any of you would like to tell Mint-Chan how wonderful the video is, write to . Tell them I sent you. There may be more coming *yay* so feedback would definately be appreciated!
Ja ne,
Dear Moonsong,
Arigato. We watched the first clip. Most impressive. Minna-san you may wish to check this out for yourselves.
Dear Chiriko,
Hehe, hi there! It is time that I bother you with my music. Go here, listen, and tell me what you think! I know...I'm pretty pathetic aren't I?...desperate for constructive criticism. ^_^ *shrugs* Ah well...enjoy anyways.
Dear Hoshi,
Sugoi!! I not only liked all your music files, but your peeji and your tomdachi Dani-chan's peeji are most impressive! Arigato!
Dear Mitsukake,
Hi Mitsukake! *Brings in a black and white cat* This is my cat Mimi. I thought that she could play with Tama-necko. ^_^ *Mimi meows*
Dear Sammy,
*Pets Mimi-neko* She's very pretty and Tama-neko seems to like her.
Dear Tasuki,
HEH HEH HEH ¬.¬; BTW, I read the "a bit of silliness". Have you been taking lessons from Amelia AGAIN? ^^;
Dear Lina,
Eh-heh... thought I'd be dramatic... OI!! At least I had fire spring from my hand (ITAI! Next time I'll remember th' tessen!)!!!!!! Not some soused water-fowl (gomen Ally-chan!)!!!!!
Dear Tamahome,
Hi Tamahome... What have you been doing lately? I been drawning pictures of you and the rest of the Fushigi yuugi characters. Hows stuff going at the palace with Hotohori? Oh ya...why do you like Miaka? Why don't you like one of your*runs up to tamahome and hugs him* I love you Tamahome *starts to cry* Why don't you You are just so kawaii and loveable, whenever I see a picture of you I feel so safe.
Goodbye for now Tamahome.
Dear Amanda-chan,
We're all fine, thank you for asking. Why do I love Miaka? Her strong will and the way she places the needs of others before her own are 2 of the MANY reasons I love her. I hope you and I can be friends.
Dear Tamahome,
Oh suuuurrrreeee!!!! Rub it in that you're cyber-abode is in nice & warm sunny California! You know you want to trade places with me for a week. I could go to Disney Land & feel all toasty. And you could freeze your little ancient Chinese butt off!!! C'mon! You know you want to do it!
Puh-leeze????? Once you got here you'd be posative that you are Canadian!!!I'm just trying to show you your roots! Yeah...that's it- I want to help you realize your Canadian heritage while I hold down the fort in California for you!!!
Dear Kari,
*Smiles* Thanks for the offer to trade places, but I don't think so. Besides yesterday it was raining and in the 50's!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Lina Inverse is truly an evil person at the core, even though she may come off as different. I was just wondering if you already knew this and are ignoring it? Or if you just never realized the fact? Either way I just thought I'd remind you.
Dear Shayla,
I don't think I'd call her evil. Selfish, greedy, gluttonous, and a bit underdeveloped, yes! Evil, nah!
Dear Tasuki,
The 'bricks look smart' comment was about Gourry, not you! It was bad wording! You haven't done anything to me....that I know of anyway.
Dear Zelgadiss,
Ah. *Looks at Gourry* I see what ya' mean. Sumimasen.
Dear Tamahome,
*Grins sheepishly* If what you just said was a joke, I don't get it. What do ya mean am I SoCal or NoCal? All I did was give the cat cheese!
Dear Sammy,
You said you lived in California and that it was the cheese. I asked if you were in NoCal (Northern California) or SoCal (Southern California). Are you SURE you live in California???
Dear Chichiri,
hihihihiihihi. how are you? It has been a while.I have been busy with my schoolwork @_@. justin a student here just shaved his hair and went hard core vegan(?) this year. he is teaching me yoga I have been busy doing that too.ahhh so much work...anways see yu!
Dear navi,
Good luck with your schoolwork and yoga, no da! It sounds as if you are doing well. I'm glad, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I don't really remember what I was talking to you guys about ... oh well ... Anyway, have a nice Superbowl Sunday! Who do you think is going to win?
Dear Moon,
Ano, the winning team, no da? We don't watch football, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Hi!! (loveya!& would just like to say that you are vary HOT!!!!!!!!!) oh and could you tell my dear friend Taiitsu no Miko that she's a freak! If you talk to her, don't go out of your way just for me. and also would you like to go drinking with me?? no i do not like you that's my friend, i can't say who(nuriko)but you two should go out some time!!! well i beter go before nuriko comes and hits me. see ya!!
Soy Bean
Dear Soy Bean,
Now why th' h*ll would I say THAT to Taiitsu no Miko?!?!?!?!? By th' way, ever try natto?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Ohayo minna! I'm back! (like anyone missed me ~.~) Question for Mitsukake & Chichiri...if you could teach a subject in high school what would it be? Any ideas on what Nakago might be interested in? Fan fic research. Hope you don't mind...^_^ If anyone's interested, I'll post the link when it's done. Still staying hentai/yaoi/yuri/lemon/lime/any other citrus-y fruit free! ^_^
Dear Moonsong,
We'd love to see it when you're done, no da! Mitsukake said he would like to teach Health and Physical Education while I think I would like to teach Physics, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
*looooooooooongggg siiiiiiiiiiiighhhh*
I have nooooo idea what she thought of ya'all.... she can be the sweetest person one second and "an ogre when it comes to studying" (Keisuke said that!! Remember? Remember?) I remember that quote because it describes mom soooooo well.... I love my mommy but she scares me sometimes ^^;;.... And she's worse now since finals are soooooon... OF COURSE I STUDY BUT I HATE DOING IT!! *waaaaaaiiiiiiil*
And yes Gen-chan, you were drunk but it's true!! Ya need me around! *winks* Anyway..... WHERE IS MY PICCY OF KENJI-SAMA?? JEANIEWANNA SEE A REAL LIFE TASUKI!!
Jean, THE 3RD IN COMMAND!! *admit it gen-chan!*
Dear Jean,
Already sent! Mebbe if ya' study hard, stop complainin' an' pass yer finals she'll lighten up on ya'!
Dear Chiriko,
hello fellow short person *hugs him * I hate getting teased about my height so sorry if that offended you. Anyway, i was wondering about this strange wisdom I have. I know dragonhawk has touched upon this with you but it seems that i can go and take notes and what not only to not really study and get good grades while my poor tomodachi studies her rear off and is shot down by what she gets. I feel so bad because I don't want her to think she has to compete with me and i don't understand how I do it myself. I seek your advice on what to do to to encourage and soothe her while at the same time figuring out this talent. mainly though, i just want her to know that she can only do her best. I have told her but she still seems discontent. i dunno maybe its just me. well, will appreciate anything you can tell me my friend. Thank you so much :)
Ina Chan
Dear Ina Chan,
Some people are just born wioth this innate ability. Everyone has a different gift. Sort of like the Seishi. Your friend should not feel bad as she has her own special gift that you don't have. As to how to help her, if she asks for your halp with her studies by all means give it to her. But don't offer unless she asks. You don't want her to feel worse than she already does. She must learn to comperte with herself. Perhaps you can help her set some study related goals. Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Nuriko,
*slinks up to Nuriko with a sad look, nuzzles into his leg* Nuriko-san? *noses his fingers and licks his hand a little bit, just the knuckles* Nuriko-san...I'm really really sorry.... *sniffs his hand and lies down, cuddling up to Nuri* I know that's not alot to you but if it means anything, I died too, and I didn't get to go somewhere nice.... *whimpers* I'm very very sorry.....I just wanted you to know...
Dear Ashitare,
*Looks at the wolf* Seems you had a pretty raw deal too, eh?
Dear Tasuki,
*Steps in between Tasuki-san and Lina-san.*
And I just like bugging both of you! ^_-
*Trips Tasuki-san so he falls over on Lina-san.*
Bye bye now!
Dear Xelloss,
*Looks at Lina and where his hands have landed. Sweatdrops...*
GOMEN NASAI!!!!!!!!!
*Runs for his life*
Xelloss yer a dead man!!! Er, dead demon, thin'... WHATEVER!!!!! YER DEAD!!!
Dear Nuriko,
I already tried reversing it!
Khuriki, Mitsu-san and Chichiri-san tried all the healing and reversal magic they knew on both of us and when we tried to get Suzaku to recall the wishes he said 'you wished what you wished for, live with it'.
And now Hotohori-sama is being a REALLY big b*st*rd about the whole damn thing. He won't talk to me and when Hotokimi tried to talk to him yesterday..... Augh! You won't believe it Nuri-chan! I don't what the hell he said to her but she ran out crying! I wanna kill him! *thinks about that for a minute - grips her tassen*
Come to think of it... *gets up an bolts out the door*
(a very angry) Kourin
Dear Kourin,
*Runs after her and tackles her to the ground.* Oh no you don't!!!! Frying your father-in-law is VERY BAD!!!!!! Chichiri and I will speak to him.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*Pops out of nowehere infront of Chichiri no Aijin.* Ah! Hello there! I've heard quite a bit about you! *Dusts his arms off.* Did you know that? ^_^
Dear Xelloss,
Honto ne???? *Points at the Seishi.* Have they been gossiping again? I've seen quite a bit about you. Most impressive...
Chichiri no Aijin
Dear Tasuki,
Yeah...I had my wisdom teeth out, along with two baby molars that refused to come out. My mouth is really hurting now....But at least I got it over with and I'll never have to go through that again....I don't think I'd be able to survive it. It's hard for me to eat anything and it hurts even worse when I talk, so I have to write down what I want. And I'm still dizzy from the pain medication my dad gives me for the pain.
Oh yeah, sorry for hitting you. I was just really nervous about the operation(seeing as I'd never had one before). I'm REALLY sorry about that. Can you forgive me?
Reikaku no Miko
Dear Reikaku no Miko,
Sure, no problem! Mitsukake said ya' might wanna try soakin' some gauze pads in warm salt water and then bitin' down gently but firmly (no need to slam yer jaws hard!) on 'em where ya' had th' teeth removed. The salt will kill germs an' toughen up gums. Feel better!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hey guys! I finally got my "Ask the Cast of Final Fabtasy 8" site up and running (Yes, Tasuki, I asked for permission ^^). Could you all maybe link it on your page? If not, it's ok! Here is the link. Arigato!
Dear Kelli,
Consider it a done deal! Yo're on our Links Peeji.
Dear Tasuki,
*blinks and turns around* You mean you're NOT mad at me? *smiles* Oh that's wonderful!! *hands him a bottle full of red liquid that says 'Snapple Fire'* Here ya go! Consider this a peace offering! It's really good...I LOVE this stuff!! Anyway, enjoy!
Ja ne!!
Dear Iridal,
*looks at bottle* What's in this stuff???
Dear Chiriko,
*hugs Chiriko*
My english grammar exam was easy and I did my English and Art finals today. I feel like I went to school, wrote for an hour and then got to screw around with the art supplies for the day. It feels like it should be earlier than it is....
*hugs Chiriko around the waist* I have to babysit tonight but I'm kinda tired... *yawns* My Math final is Monday... Geogrpahy final Tuesday ....*head nods* I'm not very worried anymore.... *eyes flutter shut*
So sleepy though.... *falls asleep with her head on Chiriko's shoulder, still hugging him*
(a very tired) Rachel-chan
Dear Rachel-chan,
*Blushes and sweatdrops. Covers her with a blanket and whispers to her.* Good for you. Ganbatte kudasai...
Dear Nuriko,
*Kaoru smiles and bows in greeting* kon ichi wa Nuriko-san how are you?
*Smiles as turns around so Nuriko can see her new is a silvery color with a delicate pattern of pink flowers, the Obi a deeper pink with blue and white flowers...her hair down for a change* what do you think?
Is this any better? I just got it....I do really appreciate all your help by the way..
*takes a deep breath* I decided I cannot just wait forever...i have to show Ke...ahh...the Rurouni I mentioned how much I care *looks determined then crumples slightly*
any suggestions as to what? onegai? oh dear....any advice you can give me about men?
*shakes her head in frustration* I cannot figure them out.. *erps slightly and plays with a lock of hair* do you think is a good idea? *looks up at Nuriko with beseeching blue eyes*
Dear Kaoru,
You look fabulous! I have seen your Ruroni. He knows. He has always known. But he needs time to forgive himself for his past. Patience will give you your greatest reward. Go to him. He needs you...
Dear Tamahome,
*staggers in looking deeply disturbed and sad and sits down* I guess I'm bothering you, but we have to talk. Rather I have to talk, and tell you something horrible. *shudders and closes his eyes a minute* You...You can't babysit Yuri anymore. *pauses* She's dead.
Dear Nakago,
*Looks shocked. Grabs Nakago by the throat and lifts him up. The oni symbol on his forehead glows a BRIGHT red...* What did you do to her?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Dear Tasuki,
hi hi....uuumm....i really do not know what to say...Lina.Inverse said that since i have never talked to any of the seishi in the chat room...that i would write to one. you're my i decided to talk to you...though i do have an actual question...*hears gasps all around*
i'm not too knowing of the FY please excuse my ignorance! How long have you and Koji actually known each other?? you two being buddy bandits and all...and i'm not asking anything don't have a cow!!!!
Dear Kyujuukyugou,
Since I was 15. 'Bout 4 years.
Dear Chichiri,
*Appears from nowehere infront of chichiri and just floats there infront of him while looking him over.*
Hm....Well! I suppose I can see what people are takling about! ^_^
*Rests his feet on the ground and pulls out a cup of tea taking a sip from it.*
Ah! Pardon my rudeness! Would you like some tea? ^_^
Dear Xelloss,
*Looks Xelloss over...*
You must be the one that Chichiri no Aijin has been talking about, no da! Ocha? Hai! Arigato, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
*POUNCES Tasuki* Hello! ^-^ Do you think if I paid Tamahome enough he'd kill somebody for me? Speed was gonna try and be on last night. I
finally called and spoke to him but he had to go. So he said he'd try and be on. But he never showed up. But that's only problem #2 right now. My friends are at it again and today is round three over all this (just because I enforced my chat's no fighting rule and gave them their one warning. Petty, ne? Emerald and Ryco understood and to Neon it was like a personal attack on her. She felt she was right and crap. But the rules say nothing about who is right or wrong. A fight is a fight.) I'm actually getting so twisted pleasure out of Neon getting what she deserves. I must have been a mazoku in another life. Considering I'm still mad, I'm awfully cheerful. Scary. Anyways! Do you think if I paid Tamahome enough he'd kill somebody for me? ^-^ Or should I just forget that idea and ask Suboshi to kill somebody for me? I bet he'd do it for free...
Dear One-chan,
Well fer starters Tamahome ain't th' killer fer hire kindda guy ya' think he is. An' even if he was, d'ya REALLY think they're WORTH what HE'D charge???
Dear Tasuki,
Well, the operation went fine, though my mouth hurts like h*ll....I'm still grogy from the stuff in the IV they gave me. I don't know why I was so scared about that! It didn't even hurt! Well, it does NOW but it didn't then.
Reikaku no Miko
Dear Reikaku no Miko,
Well our mail server has been down since Sunday so I don't know what ya' had done to ya'! I'm guessin' Wisdom teeth ripped out. If not let me know. Yer's is th' first letter we've gotten all week. Feel better!
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