Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Tomo keeps stealing MY clothes and wearing them!!!! Including ALL my undergarments!!! Plus he was running around the chat in the nude for awhile this morning! You're fans are disturbed!!! I AM DISTURBED!!!! just thought I'd let you know...*cringes*
Dear Lina,
He isn't a fan!! he's a freak! You may inflict as much pain on him as you wish.
Dear Nuriko and Chichiri,
There were two letters that were HUGE spoilers and as such the Seishi have chosen to answer but not print them.
Fuyu Yuki & Sorceress of the Night
Dear Fuyu Yuki & Sorceress of the Night,
Gomen that we cut your letters. We hope you understand. *Gives her a hug.* I believe Chichiri did. Didn't you? I don't remember, no da. I was in shock, no da.
Nuriko and Chichiri
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hello.Those I did not compelment I want to say you are all very hansum and lovily.*Gives everyone a rose that she didn't in the past letter*
Ambi @-}------
Dear Ambi,
On behalf of the rest of the Seishi, I thank you for your kindess.
Dear Tasuki,
*Falls over* I don't remember what happened, but I've been told many a time. I'm just 'a bratty abusive love sick pup' who seems to be annyoing you anyways! So why are you dwelling on it so much? You're acting as if it's bothering you!
Dear Lina,
It ain't! I jus'like annoyin' ya' back!!! Heh-heh-heh...
Dear Chichiri,
Hi! I want to say you look hansum without the mask! For you!*Gives Chichiri a yellow rose*
Ambi @-}------
Dear Ambi,
Arigato, no da! *blushes*
Dear Tasuki,
HI agian! How are ya? I am fine. Hope you are. You are the coolest,hottest,neatest,intrestingest,most radicalest,and finest Seishi i know! Well, what if you were the oldest in your family? It is a question because I am in the middle of my family.Oh did you have a good New Year? I did. I have a gift for you(a late Y2K gift).*Hands Tasuki a bottle of Sake or what ever it is called because I don't know how to say it*Happy (late) New Year!*Puts hand on his sholder* Well, it is ok if you don't really like me because I am a female but I will keep liking you(as a friend)forever.But I am those girls who like what boys do.And I am not lieing,I do most boys at school think I am the coolest girl around.Any way that is all real have to say right now.Oh ya all most forgot! *Gives Tasuki a card.It reads:Happy (Late) New Year! Hope you like your (late) Y2K gift! Sincerely, Ambi*
Dear Ambi,
Thanks fer th' sake! If I were th'oldest I'd treat my sisters better than they treated me!
Dear Chichiri,
Thank you for coming into the chat! You really made my day a whole lot better!::hugs him::
Dear Kelli,
You're very welcome, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
Lina Inverse just asked me to tell you (being the shy, feminine girl that she is..o.O), that she would dearly love for you to put on this leotard. ::holds it up:: She is so embarrassed to ask, but she would like you to. :)
Dear Kelli,
*Falls on floor laughing at how Kelli described Lina.* Yeah right! Ya' gotta be kiddin'!!!
Dear Tamahome,
Dear SATURN.S.2,
It's a spoiler! have you seen the OVA's yet?
Dear Hotohori,
Hello noble emperor. Do you believe that true beauty is on the inside?? If so you must have a heart of gold *smiles*
Dear Phoenixwolf,
I do. Domo arigato gozaimasu for your kind words.
Dear Nuriko,
Why do you keep drooling after Hotahori? I would be so much the better for you. Please?
Tanja no da!
Dear Tanja,
He IS the emperor after all!
Dear Hotohori,
*smiles a little* Thanks for the advice. ^_^ a form of gratitude... *grabs Hotohori's crown from Tasuki and places it where it should be... on Hotohori's head...DUH.* Umm..gomen I don't know how to make hair grow back.. but don't worry, you still look beautiful with shorter hair. =) Maybe..umm...when it grows out again, you can try a hairstyle like Nakago's? XP Heh. Just a suggestion. Once again, arigatou! Xie4 xie4 ni3! *hugs Hotohori*
Hurt... no more...=)
Dear Hurt... no more...=),
Arigato! I'm glad I was able to help!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
No body piercing? a little there guys! How about tattoos? Anyone have a big fat tattoo that says "I love mom" or something?
Dear Krazii,
Nope! No tattoos either. Th' closest we got to that is our Seishi symbols. An' no scarification! 'Cept fer Chichiri an' Kouji an' they WEREN'T self-inflicted!!
Dear Nuriko,
HI! I need your help!!! You see, red is my lucky color & I've got to meet my boyfriend's parents for the first time next Saturday. UNFORTUNATELY, I'm a really pale blone who looks awful in red!!!! What should I do? Feel lucky, but look like crap or look good & worry about bad luck? I'm so nervous, I'm going to be green. Then I'd look like a Christmas tree! Aaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!! Tell me what to do!!!!
Dear Dianna,
Well, you could wear something red under your clothes. That way you'll look good and feel lucky! Good luck!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hey there!!! Just wanted to let you know that Taiisu no Miko isn't my sister, but it's nice to know that someone else understands where I'm coming from. (I still say you guys would make great Canadians...) Anyway, I hope you're staying warmer than I am in this sub-zero Canadian air!!!
Dear Kari,
Since the humble cyber-abode is in Southern CA., I guess we are staying pretty warm.
Dear Nuriko,
Hi Nuriko!! Do you really think that Tasuki doesn't like women? Because from what I've seen of the show and what I've heard, he seems to be a sucker for them any way. *And if he does I'm going to be really dissapointed :( *
Oh and by the way, do you have any tips on lipstick for a girl with a fair complexion, blue eyes, and blonde hair? :) Thanks
Hino Tenshi (Angel of Fire)
Dear Hino Tenshi,
I doubt it. Maybe you should ask him! Lipstick... hmmm... perhaps something natural like a light pink? You might want to go to your local department store and sample some colors before you decide.
Dear Tasuki,
OHOHOHOHOOOOOOO!!! *pops in tape with Tasuki drunkingly laughing*
Jean: C'mon Gen-chan, with Kouji off and on and you busy being a seishi, ya NEED a third-in-command!!
Tasuki: *obviously drunk* Dahahahaaaa!!
Jean: *bishoujo eyes* *.* Taaaaaasuuuuuukiiiiiiiii!!!!
Tasuki: *melts* Hic, ah what the hell! *signs the paper* But that means ya gotta work harder!!
Jean: *shimmer* HAI!!!
*end of video tape* SEEEEEEE?? I AM third in command!! OHOHOHHOHOHOHOOOOOO!!!
Anyway.... I can't call CnA-sama anymore!! Mom won't let meeeee!!! ;_; She has this paranoid idea that EVERYONE on the Net is out to get me!! I WANNA GO ROLLAR SKATING BUT I DOUBT MY MOM WILL LET ME GOOOOOO!!! ;_; ;_; ;_;
Jean, 3rd in command of the Mt. Reikaku bandits
Dear Jean,
OI! I musta' been drunk!!! Sorry 'bout yer mom, but she is jus' tryin' to protect ya'. I hope we didn't make a bad impression on her!
Dear Tasuki,
Do you really hate girls? Because I don't buy it, not one bit. Oh, and one more thing, I love you Tasuki!!!!!!!
Hino Tenshi (Angel of Fire)
Dear Hino Tenshi,
I jus' hate bein' manipulated by 'em!
Dear Nuriko,
Ah, Nuriko....since you are one who has both views, WHY ARE MEN SO D*MN confusing? One moment they are being sweet and kind and the next moment they insult you. I would think that by college-age they would mature...-_-...but then again, look at Tasuki.
Dear Kelli,
Point taken! Tee-hee... I'm not so certain myself. I suppose it depends on the man and his degree of cluelessness.
Dear Chiriko,
u look like a girl.............are u?
ainme freak
Dear freak,
No, I am most definitely NOT a girl!
Dear Chiriko,
YAAAAAAAAY! MY MATH APPLICATIONS EXAM IS OVER!!!!!! *runs in and swings Chiriko around in a hug*
Hurray!! *hugs* And I think I actually did well! And all my homework is easy english this weekend! And I finished my clay box in art class! And I'm dead for my grammar exam on Monday.....
*blinks at that* Aw, crumbs... I wrecked my mood.... *sighs* Oh well. I can still talk to Chiriko! *hugs again*
Dear Rachel-chan,
Well, I'd say it was time to study your grammer! Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Tasuki,
*takes Lina - blinks at her* Oh, okay. Really I think she just likes to tease bandits. *puts Lina down and hands her a plate of Milsar*
Gourry said he gave some of this to Tasuki to give you but he wasn't sure if you got it, so I thought that - knowing how he can make bricks look smart sometimes - he might have screwed up so I brought you some myself. You go back to picking at Tasuki now. *walks off*
Dear Zelgadiss,
Gee thanks. What th' h*ll did I ever do to ya'?
Dear Nuriko,
He hates me again cause he doesn't want Kimi to grow up on him. She's the baby, ya know. He clings to her because he sees so little of her brothers now. They're married off and watching over other countries.
Beside that point however .... I am so scared!
*hugs herself* I really don't like this. Not at all. I'm used to getting up at dawn and staying out late, not being too tired to go to bed later than ten thirty! And Mitsu-san said no SAKE even! I'M GONNA DIE!
*groans and sinks to the ground, hitting her head against the floor*
Dear Kourin,
Well, be careful what you wish for! Have you tried asking Suzaku to cancel the wishes and reserve them for later? *Sighs* Have Chichiri speak to him again. He will make him realize that she made the wish without your knowledge. *Hugs her.*
Dear Chiriko,
Hello. Did you know that you are one of my favorite seishi? It's because you are so noble. And, I think it's cute the way you look up to Tasuki, Chichiri, and Mitsukake. I think I'm going to build a shine to you at my webpage... That is, after I finish punting Miboshi (in his evil-psycho-baby-thingie form) to the moon. I *really* dislike Miboshi... Oh, well... This is just a little bit of fan mail for ya...
You need more fan mail and a bigger cult following...
Dear Karasuki,
Arigato gozaimasu for your kindness and the shrine!
Dear Tasuki,
*drops him to the ground* You're MAD at me?!
*sniffles and begins to cry*
But I only meant the very best for you...we were gonna feed you and clothe you and give you all the booze you could ever want...and here, all you want to do is hit me...
*sobs* AND I'M NOT A CRAZED FAN GIRL!!!! *wipes tears*
I only started this she-bandit thing cuz I was sick and tired of working for my mom at home. Do you know how disturbing it is to empty out box after box of huge lacy leopard print undies all the time?! *shudders* So I said I was going to run off into the mountains and live there...and I'd steal stuff to make a living...but since you and Kouji sorta cornered the market on REAL banditry, I'd steal men instead (much more interesting) and I started to gain a few followers...
*takes out a knife and cuts him loose*
But if you want to blow this WAY out of proportion and be all mad at me...then FINE! LEAVE!!! Me and my girls will go carry off other stuff...
*sniffles and walks away*
Dear Iridal,
8watches her confused* I hate it when they cry!!!!!!!! *Thinks* Huge leopard print undies?!?!?!?!?? *Shudders* Poor kid... OI!! Chotto matte!!! I ain't mad at ya'!!
Dear Tasuki,
*sigh* Well, I didn't get a lead in my school's musical. They had to chose between me and my good friend for the part...and they chose her. Oh least that means the they HAVE to give me a lead next year. I was just kinda dissappointed... *hugs Tasuki* Ok, now I feel better. At least today was a really good day. We had no school because of the snow, and it was my best friend's 16th birthday, so I took her out to lunch. Well, I really have nothing else to talk about, considering exciting ever happens to me... *walks off humming* Ahh! I can't get "American Pie" out of my head! I hate when this happens! Now I'm going to be singing it for the whole weekend!
Dear Spooky-chan,
Glad to hear thins' are goin' good fer ya' an' yer friend! At least "American Pie" ain't as bad as havin' Nakago's "Blue Eyes Blue" in yer head!
Dear Nuriko,
Really? I didn't know the Japanese version was available! And I thought the Iron Chef people did a better job dubbing than some companies do ...(hint hint ...Pioneer)
Dear Moon,
Well where Chichiri no Aijin lives she gets a Japanese channel on the weekends. That's when we watch it in Japanese. Otherwise we watch the Food Channel (Miaka's favorite channel) and see it dubbed.
Dear Tasuki,
...... Speed finally replied to my emails.....
"I'm ok, don't worry about me.. Just move on." .. He didn't even say why. That was it. That was all he said. *cries*
Dear One-chan,
*Gives her a hug.* Then mebbe ya' jus' need to move on fer now. I know it hurts but it's what he wants ya' to do. Mebbe he jus' wasn't th' riught one fer ya'. *Dries her tears and hugs her again.*
Dear Hotohori,
Punish Keetia? Such a thing isn't possible. You can do ANYTHING to her and she gets a kick out of it.
Dear One-chan,
So, she likes torture and pain? What about kindness?
Dear Tasuki,
*grabbs tessen and smacks Tasuki over the head with it* ENOUGH with the kawaii stuff! Even though it irritates me ONLY Kouji can say that to me or about something I'm involved in! *smacks him again* I probably SHOULD be hitting him instead of you....but he's a lot sweeter than you so it's hard to be mean to him *smacks him again harder* or is it because he's cuter than you? Or is it cause he's smarter? Hmmm....I'm gonna need to think about this......hehehehe...... :)
Reikaku no Miko
Dear Reikaku no Miko,
Gimme that! *Grabs tessen away from her.* I'm gonna have a talk wit' Kouji 'bout ya'!
Dear Nuriko,
Nuriko-sama! ::smiles:: Just want to give you a hug..::hugs him and kisses his cheek::
Dear Kelli,
Ano, *blushes* arigato! *Hugs her back.*
Dear Tasuki,
But TAAAAAAASSSSSUKIIII-KUUUN...::shivering:: It isso cold up here. You are just mean. ::deliberately drops a whole case of sake on the ground so it shatters.: That would have been yours if you'd just HELP.
Dear Kelli,
*Tosses two blankets and a quilt at her.* Here, try these instead! I ain't settin' yer dorm on fire to keep ya' warm!
Dear Chichiri,
Hi Chichiri. I was wondering how it was that you all knew you were to become sei. I seem to be at a crossroad of many paths unsure of where to go. i know I can only follow my heart but I want to please others as well. I know I should do what makes me hapy but I have this strange thing within me that says make others happy too. maybe its just that i was teased so much in my childhood and when i saw that if i was who others wanted me to be it stopped that makes me do it * shrugs* I don't know. I just feel like I am tied to four different horses by each limb and some enemy of mine is holding a whip for them. I seek your counsel on this. Thank you so much chichiri sama *hugs him*
Dear Torn,
We knew from the legend and the symbols on our bodies, no da. However, not everyone's path in life is as clear-cut. You should do what will make you happy. As much as we want to please others, we shouldn't cast aside our dreams for someone else's pleasure, no da. Good luck, no da!
Dear Nuriko,
i know you love miaka, but... will you marry me? ^_____^
Dear yui-chan,
Gomen, no. Besides, I thiught you were sharing Tasuki with One-chan!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Kon-NI-chiwa!! Watashi wa Juri desu! *gets heart eyes and begins to drool* Wow...they weren't kidding when they said seishi were KAWAII!!
Yuri: Anou, konnichiwa minna. Watashi wa Yuri desu. *glances at Juri* Excuse my sister, kudasai.
Juri: Seishi...kawaii...must. Have. Seishi! *glomps on Tamahome*
Yuri: Juri! That man is taken!! *struggles to pull Juri away*
Yuri: *still trying to get Juri off of Tamahome* Anou, we...did have...a question! *succeeds in pulling Juri off and sits on her* If you could have chosen the miko, would you have selected Miaka or someone else?
Juri: *squirming under Yuri* Let up of me!! BISHOUNEN!!!!!
Yuri: *sweatdrops* Gomen nasai minna. Just remember two things:
1) If you see Yuri coming your way, RUN!
2) When reading Shakespeare: when in doubt, its about sex.
Ja ne! *leaves dragging the drooling Juri*
Juri & Yuri
Dear Juri & Yuri,
I would have selected Miaka. But since the Seishi don't select the Miko the animal god does, it's a bit moot. Thanks for the advice!
Dear Tamahome,
Hi sweetie *hugs him* I was just in the neighborhood and thought i would drop by. * sits down with him * Life's been a bit rough lately...having to adjust to college again and all that. When I first came here I was so afraid that I would not fit in and I was a bit sad to leave everything behind. Well, I know that things have not changed. Our dorm neighbors will get into the bathroom between rooms and say things as if we can't hear them. they will be in there at all hours of the morning and yell like its nothing. My roomate and I have talked to our resident advisor, and even the dean about this. Not much has happened but Should something be said about us it's like my god...we gotta get them. This is not fair *sighs* Well, I didn't mean to come here with my tale of woe but i needed someone to talk to. On a happier note all the classes seem to be ok and things in general seem to be on an up. I hope everything goes well for you and your friends in whatever you may do. Luv Ya All :)
Ina Chan
Dear Ina Chan,
I hate to say it but the best thing you can do is ignore these bakas. They'll eventually get tired of it and go and torment someone else in your dorm. It's sad that they have made it this far and are so incredibly immature...
Dear Chichiri,
Arigato for looking at it and signing the book, no da. YAY! Is weekend now no da....NO CLASSES! It has been snowing so much up here... I want to steal a tray from the cafeteria and go sledding...But it is BITTERLY cold, no da.... ::shoots an angry look at Tasuki and his tessen::. Hope you and CnA enjoyed your cookies, no da!
Dear Kelli,
Hai! Arigato, no da! Have you tried using extra blankets, no da?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hey Suzuku Seishi,
Whats up ka? What have you guys been doing lately? I've been getting all my friends at school to like Fushigi Yuugi... so far only two of them like it *sighs* One likes Tamahome and the other Chiriko. I myself love Tasuki, Hotohori,and Nuriko but I think I like Tasuki the most, he's just so KAWAII, don't ya think?!?!?! Oh ya Before I forget I wanted to ask Hotohori how things where going at the palace, and if tamahome stoped thinking about money. Well I have to go for now. Bye
Love ya guys(especialy Tasuki),
Dear Amanda,
We are all fine, thank you for asking and well, Tamahome NEVER stops thinking of money!
Dear Chiriko,
How are you?? I was woundering how it feels to have intelligence as your ability. I'm in college which is really hard sometimes and I try not to compete with people but I find I am not always at the top of my class. My best friend and I are in classes together and sometimes I feel a bit inferior because I study my butt off and she hardly picks up the books and she scores higher than I do in the class. This has happened more than once this year and sometimes I get frustrated about it. I do study and get help in classes I know I am having trouble in but it can be so frustrating when I do all this work and it doesn't seem to pay off. I know it will in the long run and I am working on the career I want to do but sometimes it seems so pointless. Any tips? They would be much apreciated.
Dear Dragonhawk,
Ganbatte kudasai! The only person you need to compete against is yourself. Stop wasting the mental energy worrying how other's are doing. Put that energy towards your studies and just do your best!
Dear Chiriko,
CHIRIKO!!!!!! *Annie runs to Chiriko and HUUUUUUGSSS HIM TIGHT* Ive missed you!*starts to sob* Those nasty teachers...they given me so much to do that i had no time to write to you....IM SOORRRRRYYYYY!!!*Annie cries hysterically and looks att Chiriko* Oh, sorry....*stops hugging Chiriko*, you can breathe now ^-^;
Dear Annie,
It's OK!! Did you notice we have your picture of me up?
Dear Nuriko,
konichiwa *smiles at Nuriko as she walks in, in much better shape this time wearing her pink kimono with the blue obi and a blue ribbon holding her ponytail up* arigato for your help last time i talked to you last time we met...ummm...i need to ask you for some see.. there is this person staying at my dojo. He is a wonderful person..sweet and helpful and kind *smiles then frowns* but sometimes he is the most annoying and clueless person on the face of the planet!!! *looks around to makes sure no red haired rurouni are going to pop up* anyway the problem is i really really care about him...but...
I don't know what to do...I love him...but i am afraid he can never care the same way i do..that he thinks of me as a sister and could never....*sweatdrops*you me as more. *mutters under her breath* mou this is embarrassing, but i would much rather do this than ask megumi... *looks up at Nuriko*
anyway...i was wondering Nuiroko-san if you could teach me to be a bit more of a Lady...*sweatdrops again* sometimes it seems like he is more of one than me....i get mad easy and throw things and get messy.... *turns earnest eyes on Nuriko* and you always look so lovely...can you teach me to look and act more like a lady? Onegai?
(ps..yes this is Kamiya Kaoru...and if you did not guess the person is Kenshin)
Dear Kaoru,
I would LOVE to!!! Come this way... *Takes her hand and leads her into the palace...*
Dear Tasuki,
There is alcoholic fruit in my world. Whadda ya think of that?
Taiitsu no Miko (the pointless letter writer)
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
Sounds oishii!! What's it called? I wanna try it!!
Dear Tamahome,
*bangs Tamahome over the head* The cold rain was an example you idiot! I'm not THAT irrisponsible! Anyway, domoarigatou Mitsukake-san. *cuddles Yuri* Ja ne!
Dear Nakago,
ITAI!! I'm not so sure about that!
Dear Nuriko,
Hi hi's, thanks for your advice. My parents have gone to the school officals about what my sister has gone through but they aren't doing much about it accept suspend the offenders and they start back up or their friends go after her. My Sister is mostly teased because she is taller than average like myself and she is very smart getting all A's and B's in her classes. The time I mentioned that she was cruly tricked is that this "Friend" offered to give her a ticket to a concert she KNEW my Sister wanted to see then backed out at the last minute and teased her about the next day with her lackies. I live away from home while I attened college and it really hurts me that I can't be there physically for her when this stuff happens. I have given her all the advice I could about ignoring them and they'll leave her alone cause I had to put up with simlair since I started school through high school. And like me they still torment her. I want to be there for her cause I feel so bad when she calls me on the phone all upset cause they played another cruel trick on her. She does have some friends but they can't be with her all the time either and my Mom has told me that when school starts she is usually standing by herself. I know she has been hurt before as have I and I want this vicouse cycle to stop so she doesn't have to put up with the crap I had to go through. Any suggestions are welcome. Also on a lighter note my Sister wanted me to ask you on how do you keep your hair so pretty with it being that long? ^.^
Thanks for listening,
Dear Dragonhawk,
Unfortunately kids can be extremely cruel at times. Has your sister considered using her height to her advantage? If she has athletic talent basketball might be a sport she would excel at. Has she ever considered modeling? Models come in all shapes and heights. Doing such things where being tall is looked on as a good thing might give her the confidence she needs to stand up to those bullies. You might want to let her know that people pick on others because they are insecure themselves. Perhaps that insight might help her, too.
My hair? I just use a good shampoo and conditioner on it and brush it to keep it free from knots and tangles. Arigato!
Dear Tamahome,
what is the voice actor's name who plays you in the dubbed english version of fushigi yuugi?
sailor miaka
Dear sailor miaka,
We don't know. The voice actors are credited but not by character. Of course after hearing the dubs, this comes as no surprise...
Dear Mitsukake,
Could I brorrow your cat for a day, I have a friend who would LOVE to meet him!!!
Dear Soy,
Gomen nasai, like the rest of us Tama-neko is unable to leave the humble cyber-abode and visit your world.
Dear Tamahome,
Catfood? Catfood! Of course! Why didn't I think of that? Mainly because mom feeds the cat that. I just provide the cheese. ^_^ Hey I live in California! It's the cheese. <Sammy
p.s. well i guess it wasn't nice of me to say that about my brother but he's not a really nice person... he gets mad at me a lot. Although usually he has a reason.... ^_^;;
Dear Sammy,
Oh no!! Not ANOTHER Californian!!!! So are you NoCal or SoCal?
Dear Mitsukake,
Hi there. For the last three days i've become detached and depressed. I start to cry for no reason, and the best part about it is that none of my friends realize any of this. I just don't know what to do. I want to shut myself up in my room listening to sad and depressing music. Help.
Deeply Depressed 99
Dear Deeply Depressed,
Is there a teacher, school counselor, or other adult that you trust that you can talk to about this? Have you had any experiences in the past 3 days that would trigger this?
You need to seek professional medical help as the causes of depression can be organic as well as mental in nature. Perhaps you can discuss this with your family healer and have him or her give you a physical and check the hormone levels in your blood.
Unfortunately, there is little I can do over the Web for you. Please seek help and keep in touch.
Take care,
Dear Chichiri,
How's it going?? I was wondering what it's like to travel around and see the world. I am considering traveling around some when I am out of school cause I have never been of the East coast of where I live my whole life. Any places your recomend or stay the heck away from?? Anything I should know about like costs and good places to stay? Any info is much appreacaited! ::Huggles:: Your the coolest!
Dear Dragonhawk,
Ariagto for your kind words, no da! Traveling is great, no da! You might want to consider London, England for your first European visit if that is in your budget. If not, then perhaps traveling to the West Coast and seeing your own country might be interesting, no da.
Dear Hotohori,
please, just say that one-chan didn't take your shoes or cut your hair, here, have my shoes. *takes off her own duck shoes* besides, you look very good without the traditional hat, and with shorter hair. Saihitei, rememmber the english proverbs that go, stones and sticks may bone your hurts, but....actually, i'll try Chinese.
yao shi ni BU ting ta men de hua, ni BU hui shou shang. you're the emporer, you understand ancient Chinese, right? now to the not nice bits... DID YOU MARRY ME BECAUSE OF NURIKO??????????? DID YOU HAVE A BABY WITH ME BECAUSE OF NURIKO??????????
.........cause if you did,......... that's alright, i visit more nuriko pages on the net anyway... just don't tell your son.
Dear houki^^,
Marrying Houki had nothing to do with Nuriko and if you were the REAL Houki, you would KNOW that!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Ano...Iknow that it is not Fushigi...but could you all perhaps take a look at it, no da? It is on another of my favorite things, the game Final Fantasy 8. I would appreciate it, and the work on my tribute to you guys website-wise is coming along swimmingly...the link is The Dragon's Lair. If you like it, could you maybe sign the book? If not....::sniff:: ^_^ Arigato!
Dear Kelli,
I checked out your site, no da. Omoshiroii (interesting), no da!
Dear Nuriko, MY world? in MY world we don't have computers ^^; AHEM, you aren't the only ones from a different world ya know ^^; But in my friend's world where I am staying it's important ^^;;;; Force of habit? the saying "in your world" thing ? ^^;
Dear Lina,
Maybe... sumimasen... picky, picky... Anyway, I hope Suboshi and his cousin can help Inori out.
Dear Tasuki,
*Shinyi drops in half tripping over her longbow (which she hung on her belt)* Tas-CHAN!!!! ^o^ *hugs (squeezes) all air out of his lungs*
It's good to be here again! Also hello other Suzaku seishi, konnichi wa? *gives Tasuki a kiss and a jar of sake then sprints away*
Dear Shinyi/Kenshin-chan,
*Looks confused but drinks the sake...* What th' h*ll was that????
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
-_-...ano...I am back at college now...It is so noisy here. And COLD. I could REALLY use Tasuki's tessen..::eyes it covetously::....and my roomate thinks that Ryoga of Ranma 1/2 is the most gorgeous man alive...I tried to tell her that between the seven of you, no other anime man stands a chance, but she wouldn't believe me. Ano, I guess I will go now... ::walks out innocently, grabs Tasuki's tessen as she goes by and RUNS:: HAHAHAHAHAHHAAAAAAAA!!
Dear Kelli,
*Stops her and grabs the tessen back.* Gomen but it won't work fer ya' anyway an' I ain't 'bout to burn th' place down to keep ya' warm!
Dear Nuriko,
Hello Nuriko-sama! I was just watching the Daily Show, and do you know what they were making fun of? IRON CHEF! They were making fun of the BEST show on television! *@#*$ *#@@!*@s! -_- . . . . *smiles* Anyway, do you like to watch Iron Chef?
Dear Moon,
Why yes we do! we especially like it in Japanese instead of the Food Channel's dub.
Dear Mitsukake,
*walks in sheepishly, hanging her head* Anou, Mitsukake-san...*holds out her hand* What should I do for burnt finger-tips? I kind of singed a few when my friend dared me to light a halisen I made on fire, to see if it would work like Tasuki's tessen. Oh, and could you tell Tasuki he is a bad role model, and a danger to sleep deprived physics students who've watched too much FY? It hurts...
Dear Katsumi,
Put ice on them and then get some aloe and put that on the burn. It should make it feel better. If all else fails go to your doctor and have your fingers looked at to make sure you didn't do any severe damage to them.
I'm sorry that you hurt yourself, but playing with fire is dangerous! Just ask Tamahome.
Dear Tasuki,
*Kicks him and swims away* HA! YOU LOOKED REAL CUTE AS A GIRL DURING THE OAV BUS TOURS! A FRIEND OF MINE SAYS HE WANTS YOUR NUMBER!!!! *sticks her tongue out at him* Don't get me started because I know some funny things you've done too! -.- *gets out of the pond* See you around. *Rolls her eyes and throws him a towel.*
Dear Lina,
*Catches towel and dries himself off snickering at Lina.* I CAN'T believe that ya' don't remember what ya' an' Gourry did...
Dear Hotohori,
NANI!?!?!? I didn't cut your hair! *cries* I didn't take the shoes either! Keetia took the bucket, but I didn't do anything!
Keetia: Heheheh *laughs at everybody being chibi-fied by the wand.* ^.^ *vanishes*
*gets taken away by guards* Don't I get a fair trial by jury of my peers? I have right, ya know...
Dear One-chan,
She is YOUR character! Tell us how to capture and punish her and I will let you go.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*runs around stealing DNA samples from everyone* Wahahaha!!! I will clone all of you and create the perfect male harem!
Or maybe open a theme resteraunt..
Dr. Ima Nuta Bar
Dear Dr. Bar,
I sincerely doubt that. Since we are anime characters and we don't have DNA, you cannot get a sample from us.
Dear Chichiri,
*glares at tattle-tale Inori* Bad Inori! Bad ! Bad! For that you will suffer!!*points at Nuriko and casts a shield spell that will prevent Inori form going near him*
anyway, where was I? Oh yeah!*glomps on chichiri* I guess since you could not guess who I am...YOU'RE MINE!! ALL MINE!! NOW AND FOREVER!!!*maniacal laughter*BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...*cough*.. um, got carried away there.
Speaking of carried away, why don't i just take you to the stronghold now and lets keep each company ne?*BIG grin* Hehehehe. .*snaps her fingers and instantly transports herself and chichiri into the men-stealing bandits' stronghold* *glomps instantly* *starts singing* now and forever.. lalalalalalala-lalala..
sorry, you never guessed who
Dear sorry,
*Places kasa on his head and starts to disappear into it...* Gomen, but I don't think this will work out, no da! *POOF! Gone!*
Dear Tasuki,
Can you heal my heart?
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
I think that healin' stuff is Mitsukake's job! *Gives her a hug.* Did that help?
Dear Nuriko,
Do you know any 'wonder diets' ;))) I'm serious
Dear Cherry,
Just eating well balanced nutritional meals and getting daily exercise. That's it.
Dear Tasuki,
It's my very first time I write to you. I don't want to ask you anything (not yet;)) just to say 'hi'.
Dear Ai-chan,
Hi yerself! What's up?
Dear Tasuki,
Keetia: Heheheheheh! ^.^ *One-chan pops up from under water* feh!
Keetia: *pulls out the chibi wand and hits all the seishi, turning them into Chibi Seishi! She stole this wand from One.* Chibi! Ahahahah! *points and laughs!*
*glare... twitch* "Gomen. heh-heh-heh" MY @$$!!!! *punts the now chibi Tasuki into low earth orbit.* ..... *gets on her raft and goes back to the shore* baka.
One-chan and Keetia
Dear One-chan and Keetia,
Heh-heh-heh... I still got yer crown Hotohori!!!
Dear Hotohori,
Creature? Hmph. How rude! *tosses her hair over her shoulder.* No respect! Stupid stuck up humans! Hmph! *tosses the imperial bucket/crown into the Salt Lake and it clonks Tasuki on the head* ^-^ Whoops.
Dear Keetia,
*Drops Lina and grabs crown to keep it safe for Hotohori.*
Dear Mitsukake,
Hello fellow animal lover :) Tama neko is so cute! I am studying with dragonhawk to become employed in the animal field. I have loved animals since my childhood and I even had the chance to save a poor flea infested kiten from death. its mother was rejecting it so i bathed, deflead, and fed the poor little one and eventually it came back to life. it's mom took it back which made me very happy and all the other volunteers at the animal shelter were shocked because they thought sure that the kitten was gonna die. I am not one to let death get its way...especially when it comes to animals. Maybe we share the healing ability...who knows?. well, I wish you and tama neko well. Stay happy *hugs him and pets tamaneko * Here is a fish for your kitty ^>.<^ x>>^>>O
Ina Chan
Dear Ina Chan,
Arigato for the sakana for Tama-neko! Keep up the good work! I'm sure you'll be a great vet or animal care-taker.
Dear Tasuki,
looks away whistling and tries to assume an innocent expression while hiding her rope behind her back* *halo (slightly tarnished and bent) appears* Eh heh heh heh.... *sighs* Oh hell, who am I kidding?
*halo poofs* *hog-ties him with the rope and drags him out of the room towards the She-Bandits' secret hideout* OI!!! Sister She-Bandit of Mine!! You done with Chichiri yet!?!? It's time to GO!!! *slings the bound red-head over her shoulder and high-tails it to the hideout* He he he!!!
Iridal the Infamous - Leader of the She-Bandits :)
Dear Iridal,
Yer NOT funny!!!! Lemme go ya crazy fan girl!!!! Yer lucky I don't hit women!!!!!!
Dear Chichiri,
I was wondering, I think I know what your past was about. But I have had two answers. So I am confused. Could you please tell me how you got the scar and how you became the wandering Mage. Arigatou!!!!
Dear Nosha,
That's a bit of a spoiler, no da! But if you insist, you can find out by going here, no da!
Dear Tamahome,
This isn't really a question, so I am not paying you anything (like I ever do), but have you seen THIS? Looks like the webmistress really likes you! ^_^ Have a nice day!
Dear Kelli,
*Blushes* So it would seem...
Dear Chichiri,
Hmmm...I suppose it has just been awhile since I have written to you, and I wanted to know how you weredoing, no da. I seem to have gotten my friend hooked on the "no da" speech pattern...he will run from any room in the dorm hall just to come hear you if you are onscreen, no da. AND he now says it more than a little scary. ::brightens:: On a lighter note, I FINALLY found a store in Chinatown that has ALL of the volumes, subbed. ::sigh:: The ending is so sad....I haven't cried in a year or so, but, that was a big tearjerker. ^^ Oh well. Have to go move back into the dorm...-_-. Can't you tell I am so excited, no da. Anyway, have a good day! Until I write again! ::runs out::
Dear Kelli,
I am well, no da. And it sounds like you're doing OK, too no da! Take care!
Dear Tasuki,
Well, as for myself, college is for learning. But as for others...well...let's just say you woud have a lot of fun, I am sure. My college is really a "party school". -_- It is VERY hard to sleep on the weekends. ::hands him some good Scotch:: There. Try that instead of Sake...heehee....
Dear Rouge,
*Slams it down* Not bad... I suppose I could drink this if I had to.
Dear Nuriko,
*looks up sniffling* Oh, man. This would have to be the most embarassing thing that's happened yet....
Okay, there is this law in Konan that the emperor and empress must have an heir. This would have been a problem for Kimi and I were it not that we have all powerful wishes and if we wanted a child we would only have to wish it.
Now, the problem sprung from kimi and I both trying to jump the gun. I didn't want Kimi to waste her wish if she didn't want to so I used mine in advance. And of course Hotokimi did exactly the same thing. And of course we took it as a given that these wishes would not be in immidiate effect. I learned something from this - Never Take Givens! So the both of us are pregnant, Hotohori-sama hates me again and I feel horrible! *buries her face in her arms*
Dear Kourin,
*Hugs her and dries her tears.* I don't undersatnd why Hotohori would hate you! You will have two heirs and besides that she has I believe 6 brothers ahead of her for the throne. Have Chichiri talk to him again.
Dear Tasuki,
I would be a Zelgadiss, a chimera. Note the stone body. Uh, no, I meant physically ill. If I may say so Lina is...peculiar but not sick in the mind.
Dear Zelgadiss,
*pulls Lina out of the water.* Are ya' sure 'bout her mental state? She keeps followin' me aroun' like an abusive, bratty love sick pup! Here. ya' can have her! *Gives Lina to Zelgadiss.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
No there was not a point to that.
It said, right at the bottom, 'pointless letter writer'! And no I'm not related to Kari. I just thought it was a good point is all. You guys would make really fun Canadians! You ever been to Canada? If you ever visit you can stay at my house!
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
Nope, none of us have ever been to Canada. Thanks fer th' invite!
Dear Tasuki,
I'm not so sure that's least I heard something different from Nykee about who he's in love with. I don't know if it's true and I'm NOT talking about it here! And I'm ALSO NOT gonna ask Kouji about it either! God...he's more frustrating than YOU! ....but I still like him...But if he calls me kawaii ONE MORE TIME!!
(oh MIGHT want to keep him away from my friend Himiko....I was a little upset because of him a day or two ago and she got just a LITTLE bit mad at him for tell him to watch his back unless she's calmed down)
(Did you check out the BBFC page yet? Nykee made me sound like a total idiot! She did all the writing on the front page.....I would be Katie-chan, as she likes to call me for some reason.)
Reikaku no Miko
Dear Reikaku no Miko,
I'll tell Kouji 'bout th' kawaii thin'. But it sure beats bein' called kowai! As far as I know on THIS peeji he's in love wit' Aidou an' if he ain't she's gonna hurt him! I have been to yer peeji a couple of times. It's kawaii... heh-heh-heh...
Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki, me gots fanfic about you and a certain someone, wanna read???? ^_^ *makes starry eyes*
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
I did! It was a very sweet story. Th' guys are STILL teasin' me 'bout it!
Dear Tamahome,
Oh! I forgot that I sent you that letter! Hmmmmm . . . moooonnnnneeeyyyyyy . . . I think that would be a great idea! (I mean, with my $15 allowance and everything) ^________________^
Dear Moon,
Hmmmm... so how much is that in ryou??
Dear Tasuki,
First, I would like to say hello. I've got a few troubles today.
The first one deals with my older brother. Since you have older sibblings who are...less then kind to you, I thought that you might be able to help. You see, my older brother is a jerk who always must get his way. If he doesn't, it always comes down to fighting. Though he his bigger and stronger then I, I have speed and skill from my martial arts training. Here's where the problem comes in. My brother attacks first, while I block. Then I am able to get him into a vunerable position where it would be easy to attack him and win. And, before I launch the final assult, I let him go and do my best to block his counter-attack. No matter how much I hate my brother, or the fact that he would hurt me without thinking, I am mentally unable to inflict pain on him. I know that he might leave me (and my younger sibblings) alone if I were to defeat him instead of throwing the fight, but I can't bring myself to hurt him. Even when after blocking a punch I counter punch, I always draw back at the last minute so not to touch him. My brother is unfair in his treatment towards me and my younger sibblings, and he needs to be stopped. But I don't know how. My parents are no help, they don't really care.
On to my next problem (...if you're still awake...). I am becoming more and more like Nakago every day. For one thing, I have always looked like Nakago (except for the fact that I'm female, of course). And I have always had a personality similliar to his (introverted, secretive, logical, and stragical). But I have mood swings quite often (for no apparent reason...) and I am becoming more bitter and reclusive. I don't know how to reverse this process. And if I don't lighten up soon, there will be another Nakago hanging around. Any suggestions?
Last question: What type of shampoo does Hotohori use? His hair is always so nice and shiny that I had to ask.
Sorry for my long letter...
Undeserving of a Name
Dear Undeserving,
I showed yer letter to Chihciri an' he suggested that ya' talk to a school counselor about yer brother. I say ya' should knock him stupid but Chichiri doesn't wanna condone violence. But we both agreee that until ya' stand up to him he's gonna keep pickin' on ya' and yer siblins' an' you'll continue to feel bitter. So talk to th' counselor an' find a non-violent way of standin' up to yer brother. It'll make ya' feel better. Hotohori won't say what shampoo he uses, only that it's a conditioning one!
Dear Tasuki,
Lookie!! *shows him a contract that says 'I agree that Jean should be 3rd in command of the Mt. Reikaku bandits' with his signiture on the bottom*
I AM the 3rd in command!! You even agreed!! ^_____^ You were just slightly tipsy that day though gen-chan!
Jean, 3rd in Command of the Mt. Reikaku bandits
Dear Jean,
*Looks at paper* Oh yeah? Jus' how d'ya KNOW that's MY signature?!?!?!? It don't look like it to me!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
So which of you needs a hug?
Hug girl # 666
Dear Hug girl,
*Everyone grins and points at Tasuki...*
Suzaku Seishi (except Tasuki)
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Oh,I like you all! I can't tell you how much I like you!!!!
Dear Ambi,
Oh, I think you just did, no da!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hiya..I'm back again..I got bored. *grins* But a lot of things have happened over the next few days..I need to talk someone's ear off. X_x
I'm under a lot of stress Dad got arrested on Christmas Eve for pouring hot coffee on my mother..and I haven't seen him since then. I've called him once but I felt too awkward. Part of me still loves him because he's my Dad and part of me can't believe he did that to my Mum. (In case you're wondering, he has done that before..Mum just didn't call the police.)
And now I'm back at school I have more things to be upset about..I get my response from my high school application around the end of February. @_@ My teacher's pretty sure I'll make it into the high school of my choice, but I'm so worried I'll get shipped off to some other school really far away from where I live.
Another problem is that my teacher has this point system where the best behaved group gets a point and once they've recieved 25 points we alternate desks at random and make new groups. This time she picked the names from Yahoo's horroscopes and how compatible the people are. I'll just say that I always knew Yahoo was full of [beep!] On Friday during French we have a limited number of textbooks so most of us have to share. Our group got 2 textbooks. One went to the boy sitting at the end, one girl had a book hidden in her desk, and the other book went to the girl sitting beside the girl with the hidden textbook. I thought it was ridiculous because I sat across from the two girls and couldn't see the textbook. I said that she could easily share it with the girl beside her and give the textbook to me. The little bitch said that she didn't want to share so I took the textbook from her. Then they start saying how rude I am and the boy at the end buts in and starts shouting across the room to his friends how rude I was. I kept quiet but when I came home for lunch I was so angry Tasuki would have been frightened. ^_^
One more school problem, my teacher seems to have a fondness for books about death. X_x She's reading one book called 'Searching For David's Heart' about a girl whose brother is injured in a car accident chasing after her and dies due to a euthanasia-type thing and the parents donate David's heart to charity and now the girl is looking for the donatee. I find the book really disturbing because I lost my sister to SIDS only 2 years ago and I'm still not fully healed. To add to the problem, we have a novel study of 'The Pigman' which is about two sophomores who kill a lonely, kindly old man. Wahh!
Okay..sorry. ^^;; I'm done now.
Dear Myrna-chan,
Well, if your father has done this before then he deserved to be arrested. Abuse of another is never a thing to be condoned or tolerated! Your teacher and her seating arrangements sound bizarre, but she may be trying to foster teamwork and negotiation skills by doingthis. Perhaps you can disuss this and how her choice of reading material makes you feel with your school counselor. Everybody mourns and heals from a loss in their own way and time. By the way, "The Pigman" is not exactly what you think it is about...
Dear Tasuki,
I made your death extra-good!! The story was really messed up, though. I asked my aunt for help, and she made it into a sort of Alfred Hitchcock kinda thing. The main character turned out to be insane. That's why she killed you...
Anyway, I had a lot of fun in California. First we arrived at LAX and got stuck in rush hour traffic. My mom drove us to La Jolla/San Diego. (Mom is a really bad driver o_o) Next day, we went with my daddy to the San Diego zoo, and he took us to Ace Anime!! It was my first time in an actual anime store, so I spent about $30 on keychains and posters. After that we drove back to LA and Pasadena, and again, got stuck in Friday rush-hour traffic. (But it was okay. I watched Clockwork Orange on Daddy's DVD player!) And then the next day, we went to Old Town Pasadena to shop, and in the afternoon we went to Tom and Monica's wedding. It was only fifteen minutes long! ^^ The rest of the day we went to the reception at the hotel. It was pretty fun, but everyone was getting drunk. ^_^ Then Daddy had to leave the reception to fly to Miami for a radio interview. -_- So yesterday mom had to drive us to Camarillo to visit her friend. 3 hours of flashbacks . . . .*shudders* Then we drove back to LA, and had to get up at 4 this morning to return the rental car. That was pleasant . . .
And then it turns out that I have 3 math assignments!! T-H-R-E-E!!!!! I didn't even know I had them! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!
Dear Moon,
Sorry 'bout th' assignments, but it sounds like ya' had a good time! Ya' watched "Clockwork Orange"???? Jus' how old ARE ya'?? That ain't no kids movie!
Dear Nuriko,
*walks over to him teary eyed* Nuriiikoo...*sniffle* Inori can't come online anymore *sniffle* Her computer died and her parents don't want to get her a new one. She called me! She's so sad! It's depressing! I'm just letting you know what happened to her. She told me to tell you not to forget her. SO YOU BETTER NOT, OK!?!?!?! *is upset so don't make her mad*
Dear Lina,
*Gives Lina a hug.* I'm very sorry to hear that. Not only because I will miss her, but because it is so important in your world to have computer skills that to not have a computer can be a disservice to a child. Perhaps they just can't afford a computer right now. Please tell her I said Hi!
Dear Tasuki,
Jay Kenni
Dear Jay,
Hi yerself.
Dear Chiriko,
The Ripper? The Ripper? *Jack starts laughing his head off then stops abruptly* Nevermind. Okay so hypotheically speaking the temperature is sort of hot and humid, so will the body start to smell within 15 minutes? And I don't think there's any flies at the moment.
Dear Jack,
It might take a bit longer. Perhaps an hour or so...
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
have you ever wondered what would happen if you are really human beings instead of anime characters-? haha...a lot of people would be stalking you...hahaha....i'm almost done watching the fy series and i'm addicted to it-!! i have one more video left and i can't wait to finally see it tomorrow..-!!! mann....i love you all-!! *eyes shimmering* if only you guys are real people...hehe...and were part of my would make life more interesting-!! anyways...this is my 1st time at this web site and i juss wanna see who would respond..hehe...anywayz take karez-!!
Dear Kim,
Arigato for your kind words! Welcome to the site!
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