Dear Tasuki,
Hi Tasuki... You are so cool. I just love your tessen its the best. I think you are.... are... so CUTE *runs up to Tasuki and hugs him* You are my favourite Character in the whole world of Anime! Tamahome peeks in the door and yells "I thought I was your favourite Amanda!?!?!?!? I smile and say I love Tasuki not you *kisses Tasuki*, Tasuki is my #1 favourite Anime character in all time!!!
Dear Amanda,
Arigato!!! *Sticks tounge out at Tamahome.* BIIIDDAAAA Obake-chan!!!!
Dear Hotohori,
Is there any room in your harem? You make a really cute father in the 2nd OVA. Too bad Nuriko turned out to be a man. If she had gotten you, I would have been okay with it, 'cause Nuri's just awesome. How did you meet Houki? I love you!
Unrequited in NY
Dear Unrequited,
Houki was part of the women that were presented to me as possible partners. I choose her an dno longer have nor need a harem.
Dear Tamahome,
If you gave all of your money to your family, how do you afford such a big wardrobe? Only Nuriko has more clothes. Did Miaka ever give you those expensive thank you gifts she promised in the beginning, or did you get it all back in sweet lovin'? Just kidding. Does the symbol on your forehead still mean ogre now that it changed. Sorry about your family, Chueii was so cute!
Dear Lasca,
Arigato for your condolences. The emperor provided me with the clothes. And you're right! Miaka never did pay up! Thanks for reminding me!
Dear Hotohori,
I was wondering...Do you really love Miaka. IF you really love her why don't you just kill tamahome like you almost did when he was evil?!?
Dear Amanda,
I do love her and to kill Tamahome would be to hurt someone I care very much about (Miaka, not Tamahome).
Dear Nuriko,
I admire your taste in men. As it happens, my luck with Hotohori is as good as yours. How do I look like you? He chose Houki, who is identical to you. Let's hang out and console ourselves over a couple of brews. Bring Tasuki along; i heard he's good for a couple of drinks - we won't have to pay!
Dear Alpha,
Sure! There's an inn not too far from the palace. I'll have them make us up some Nuriko Specials!
Dear Mitsukake,
You always look so sad. We want to start a fan club, with my sister at the head. She harbors unrequited love for you. Sadly though, she looks like Nakago's Girlfriend, Soi. My other sister hates her for stealing her favorite psychopathic studmuffin. But all three of us are in complete agreement about you. We love you Juan! Please come to our house, we'll make you feel better. We can feed you chicken soup and give you socks fresh out of dryer every morning. But leave Tama-chan at home; we have five dogs!
Jenn, Heather, & Liane
Dear Jenn, Heather, & Liane,
Domo arigato gozaimasu for your kindness! However, I am unable to come to your world. But I am able to visit any webpeeji you put up...
Dear Tasuki,
You have five older sisters, did they beat you up when you were younger? My sisters beat me up when I was young and I hate girls too. that would explain why you told Miaka that you hate women, after she rebuffed your amorous advances. No offense, but your english voice makes you sound like a hick. Something is gone when you aren't swearing. Oh yeah, ya know that part when Juan kicked you all out of his house? What were you saying? My sister and I watched it multiple times, and we still don't know what you were saying. It sounded like "all right, all right, get your kids off acid." Anyone, I think your pretty hot.
Dear Lasca,
Yeah, they pretty much tormented an' abused me when I was younger. Why do ya' think I ran away when I was 15? An' what I was sayin' ain't repeatable on this peeji!!!
Dear Chiriko,
Do you realize that your hair looks a little like a broom? No offense; it's cute but it makes you look younger than you are. No offense, really!
omni 82
Dear omni 82,
Sumimasen, but I like it this way.
Dear Chichiri,
Where is your hat? Did you get it back from Kutou? Does Nakago wear your Hat? He would look really hot in it. You would look really hot without the mask. I like facial scars. They add character. Except for the one my sister gave me on my chin with her claws. It's ugly. Will you raise your chi and beat her for me?
Angel 82
Dear Angel 82,
My kasa is on my head, no da. And no, Nakago does not wear my kasa. Nor will I beat up your sister for you, no da. Arigato for your compliments, na no da!
Dear Hotohori, there room in your harem for my sister?
Dear Curious,
As I no longer felt the need for a harem, they left when Black Jade did.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I am terribly sorry. My little sister keeps asking you if you are Canadian under different names. HOWEVER, I did ask you that originally & to answer Chiriko's query: There is currently a high population of Asians in the area around Vancouver & the way you all speak and act towards each other is similar to the cultural nuances of the people in that area. ...And Tasuki is the perfect example of a stereo-typical Canadian mountain hick....I mean man. Hope that explains it somewhat to you all. Sorry for my sister again.
Dear Kari,
Don't worry about it. No harm done. By the way, is your little sister Taiistu no Miko?
Dear Nuriko,
I tried to die my hair purple like yours but it came out crappy. Can you give me some tips?
Dear Barney,
I didn't think that big purple dinosaurs had hair to dye purple or any other color. But, on the off-chance that you're human, I'd say get to your hairstylist ASAP and let them fix it for you!
Dear Hotohori,
What are your views on polygamy? My sister is desperate and would probably cut off her own arm to be with you. But you might not like one-armed girls so...
Burlingham 37
Dear Burlingham 37,
Although it was not the norm in ancient China, I prefer monogamy.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Ya know....Kari rasies a good point. You guys probably would be Canadians if you weren't from China!
Tasuki would probably love being Canadain the most - being that we kanucks generally love violent sports (hockey), have the best beer comercials on the face of the planet (go molson!), and have really great animals like gesse and loons which aren't exactly Suzaku-sama but are really great birds if you ask me!
It's very likely that you would enjoy our weather and we love to make fun of our politicans! Well...Hotohori-sama would get the brunt of that I guess but The Royal Canadian Air Farce actually has the REAL politicans guest star on the show sometimes! They make a mockery of the government while the goverment people are standing right there trying not to laugh themselves! And we TOTALLY browbeat Bill Clinton....
And there's lots and lots of books too, which Chiriko would like..... Although the dollar is dropping which Tamahome wouldn't revel in...... But there's beer - alot of beer for Tasuki!
Anyway....Just wanted to agree with Kari!
Taiitsu no Miko (the pointless letter writer)
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
OK. Was there a point to this besides agreeing with Kari? *smiles*
Dear Tasuki,
GEN-CHAAAAAAAAAAAN!!! WANNA GO SKATING AGAIN?? Can we go again soon? Please? Pretty please? *.* *gets on her knees and grabs onto Tasuki's legs* Please? Please? Please? Please? I won't let go until you say YES!!
Dear Jean,
*Looks down at her clinging to his leg and sighs.* Hai, hai but ROLLER skatin' not ice skatin'. An' it's gotta be over on Chichiri no Aijin's side of thins' so One-chan can go, too!
Dear Tasuki,
Who's there?
Oi, The kowai faced man's best friend Koji!
Ahh Koji come right in!
Arigatou! I will *walks in and laughs*
Oi Gen-chan, look what Nykee-chan's up to now.... The Bishonen Bandits Fan Club
It's not fully built but it looks good so far, ne? *twaps his halisen on Gen-chan's head* Ano~ I must go now, kowai faced man, to go finish contructing the sight with Nykee-chan ^_^ Do drop by sometime, ne? ^_- *takes off*
Dear Koji,
I AIN'T KOWAI FACED!!!!!!! AHOU!!! *Smacks him upside the head with his tessen.*
Dear Chichiri,
do I know how to use a sword?
yiu tak
Dear yiu tak,
I don't know. Do you, no da?
Dear Tasuki,
HI I'm a big fan of your and ya probable get alot of latters from girls and stuff. But who cares. Who askes you questions about you and Kouji any why. Just a few simple Q's i wanna ask you. Whats your fave color,animal,and for vacation were would ya wanna go? thanks for humaring me.
love ya bye,
Dear Himiko,
OK, her are yer answers... red, wolves an' Las Vegas 'cos they give ya' free drinks!
Dear Tamahome,
Hi,I am writing this for my sister because she adors you....if I find a web page or image of you she gose crazy!!-_- Well,I will tell you more (crazy stuff she dose,just don't tell her you heard what she dose)later!
Ambi & Cindy
Dear Ambi & Cindy,
Okayyyy... *backs away slowly...*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hey there! I was just wondering what all of your thoughts were on body piercing. Do you find it attractive and would any of you consider getting some piercing done? (Or do you have some we just haven't seen?)
Dear Kraziii,
We are all in agreement that except for earlobes... ITAI, NO DA!!! And not very attractive either, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
*Throws the salt on the slugs and runs after him* HENTAI!!!! YOU COULD HAVE AT LEAST TURNED AWAY!!!!!! NOW I'M VIOLATED!!!!! *catches up to him and pushes him into the pond. Jumps into the pond and dunks his head under water for awhile, then lets him back up for some air, then dunks it again. Does this while casually looking around SD* *waves to some passing by seishi with an innocent grin*
Dear Lina,
Knock it off or I'll start in on yer sailor fuku an' yer singin' an' dancin' act! *Grabs her and dunks her under.*
Dear Tasuki,
Hey Tasuki how is it going??::Grins:: Don't worry I am not a rabid fangirl though my Best friend is::Looks around for Inachan::I don't think she's around at the moment so we are both safe from glomping ^.^ I wanted to ask you just what was it like to have 5 older Sisters. I don't know much about that cause I haven't heard much about your past and I am the older of my Parent's two kids. Where they REALLY that mean to you??::Pats his head::Poor guy I don't blame ya if they where as crazy as I heard from my other bestest bud Katie-chan. I also wanted to know if it's true cause of your Sisters that you hate women?? Just woundering since Ina-chan likes you so much and she's claimed to totally dislike men around where we are. Maybe it's a case of the same thing I dunno::Shrugs:: Anywhoo have I nice day and give Tamahome((Cat-boy))a good flaming for me kk?
Dear Dragonhawk,
It's a pain in th' @$$! All they do is abuse me! 'Specially Aidou! An' yer right it's all their fault I don't trust women!
Dear Tamahome,
Oh great you got me! Yes it is I, Sammy. ^_^ Glad to see you still remember so much about me, and no I don't feed my cat ice cream anymore!!!! I feed her cheese. ^_^ I should have named her Mouse instead of Mimi.
P.S. Chip says hi and that he's an idiot and wants everyone to know. (heheh) ^_~
Dear Sammy,
Now that's not a nice thing to say about your oniisan!! But it's nice to know you've stopped feeding your neko ice cream, even though you do feed her cheese. Have you tried just feeding her catfood? Ja, be good and say Hi to Chip for me!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hey all! Um i was wondering if any of you guys have AIM? Cause i have like no one on my buddy list and it's really sad cos i like to talk to people when i'm on. So could ya pleez tell me if ya do or not, cos i just might cry soon. Thanks much
Dear Zipper,
Tasuki does but he's not on much, no da! Minna-san! Anyone want to AIM with Zipper, no da? If you do, let us know, na no da! Arigato!
Dear Tamahome,
Well, thank you tamahome. I know the age jump seems a lot less when your older, and a lot bigger when your younger. I always thought it was kind of funny. Anyway, this friday: Complete bugger up the @$$. The guy i invited couldn't come over cause his parents are out of town, and he didn't know this until a couple of hours before they left for the airport. Not a real biggie considering i had a REALLY bad time at the ice skating rink. I don't think it would have been very attractive of me to be in a mood with him around. But i think we're going to get together this friday, i have no idea. One of the bigger buggers that made friday night suck didily uck was that i didn't like one of my friends girlfriend. We all met her for the first time, and she had one of those aura's. I can't really explain it, it's just there. Well, jean says that i'm crazy and she seems like a really nice person. I don't know. But on the boy subject, i hope every thing goes fine from here on out.
Dear Mary,
I hope all goes well for you, too! I understand what you mean about the aura! You were probably right, too. Good luck!
Dear Mitsukake,
How are you?? Just thought I would say hello in case you haven't had much mail lately. ^.^ I was woundering, how does it feel to be your height where you live? Do you get teased as I do? I'm 6'2 and female so I am a "giant" too. Hee hee so if you where tourmented I know where your coming from. How is tama-neko? I love that kitty, and let's admit he's saved minna's rear on more than on occation ne? Hee hee anyway I also wanted to tell you that I am studying to become a Vet. I can't wait to graduate college and start working cause I love animals so much! Hee hee Say hi to Tama-neko for me okies?
Dear Dragonhawk,
Tama-neko and I are both fine, thank you. I didn't get teased about being tall, as I was a bit imposing to the rest of the children I grew up with. It's nice to know that an animal lover is going to be a veterinarian. Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Nuriko,
Hi hi's! *clears throat* Ummm...I was woundering what I should do about my younger Sister Melly. I'm away at college as I have mentioned and since my parent's only had two children she is alone at the house. I worry for her cause my peers have always teased me and I know she goes through the same experince I did. I have offered all the advice I can and yet they still tourment her. Do you have any suggestions on what I can do since you had a younger Sister too? Gomen ne if I open a old wound but Melly is preciouse to me as Kourin was/is to you and I don't want her to have to put up with any more tourments from her peers. The poor thing had been meanly tricked allready and it killed me I couldn't be there for her cause my college is far away and I live there and not at home anymore.
Thanks for listening all suggestions welcome
Dear Dragonhawk,
Without knowing what they tease her about, the only advice I can give her is to ignore those losers. If it is truly out of hand then it is harassment and you parents need to know this so they can discuss it with the school authorities.
Dear Hotohori,
What do you think about Suboshi? Do you think Yui-chan should notice his love for her, and forget about Tamahome?
Dear Haruka-Yui-Misato-Kyone,
I think he is a psychotic child murderer who got what he deserved. She should stick with Tetsuya.
Dear Tamahome,
*runs up and grabs Tamahome by the front of the shirt* Problem! Extreme, horrible, big huge problem! *shaking Tama violently* *sweatdrops - lets go* Sorry. Listen, I am in such deep trouble...
Soi got invited to a friend's wedding shower in Hokkan so I was at home with Yuri for three days. Soi is coming back by tonight and in the 48 hours she's been gone, Yuri came down with a fever!
*sighs* Soi's gonna kill me if she comes back and Yuri's sick. She'll think I did something stupid like let her play in a cold rainstorm....
*looks at Tama* Okay so I'm exagerating. Worried parent here...
Anyway, the worst of it is that Yuri feels really bad. It's not much more than a flu but she's never had much more than a runny nose before. It's just really knocked her out. I don't know what do with her but keep her resting and try and get her throat cleared.
Any idea how to keep Soi from killing me and, if possible, calm down Yuri's coughing so she'll sleep for a while?
Dear Nakago,
Chotto matte!!! I just want you to know I'm doing this for Yuri's sake and NOT to save your sorry butt!! *Runs off and brings back Mitsukake who heals Yuri.* Next time take better care of your child...
Dear Hotohori,
*sits down on the floor* My life is one whole big mess. After solving the senior problem, I have friendship problems. What's next? Family problems? Yesterday... my friends and I confronted each other about this girl.. who was kind of like sticking to us..and said that this girl was trying to enter our group and break up our friendship. So..some of us had entirely different views... and we quarelled. *rubs her eyes* So now...another girl in our group is very angry at all of us..she thinks that we are very mean..and that we have hurt her feelings. We tried to talk things over today, but she just wouldn't listen! She kept on and on saying that we were to blame, but she was not. Actually all of us were to blame, cause we all said very mean things to one another..but we all apologized and made up.. except her! This girl said very mean things to us too, and also hurt us. How can she say she was not to blame at all? We apologized to her already but she didn't accept it! She doen't care at all about the years of treasured friendship we have built up...she said we were hypocrites..that her own classmates were more trustworthy..and that we didn't apologize to her for hurting her feelings at all! We did okay? We did...*starts to cry softly* I don't want my group of friends to break up... we thought we could be friends until we graduated from secondary school... but now... I don't know actually if I'm angry, hurt or what. I know this sounds made-up...but it's true. Please believe me...I wouldn't lie about such a thing...
Dear Hurt,
*Gives her a hug and holds her.* If this girl refuses to accept her part in all this, then perhaps you and your friends are better off without her. I know it's hard and it hurts but people do change as they get older and old friends can grow apart. That is life. Nothing is forever. Gomen that I can't be of more help to you. *Gives her another hug and dries her tears.*
Dear Tasuki,
Lina likes you. Seriously. she denies it cuz her title is bandit killer. she likes ya so *pushes the two together* WAHAHAHA!!
No one
Dear No one,
I dunno 'bout that! I saw Slayers Next an' I think she's in love wit' Gourry but too stubborn to admit it!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi hi's! Thanks Chichiri for your advice on my ealier question::Smiles:: Made sense and I think I shall do that. Oh BTW Chiriko I wanna tell you that my Little Sister ADORES you and you better treat her right and not break her heart or you'll be dealing with a angery Neechan ^.- Actually I am very gentle but when it comes to my only baby Sister lookie out.
Dragonhawk::Turns to see a shape comming toward her::Oh God...not...::Gets knocked over and glomped::Help! It's the attack of the Tomodachi!!
Inachan::Pounces her Tomodachi to the floor::Hi Dragonhawk! IS scaring me
Inachan::Lets her up::So what are you seeking of the untouchable sieshi wisdom?::Smiles looking around plotting her next move::
Dragonhawk:Well I WAS thanking Chichiri for his wisdom and telling Chiriko to be good to Melly::Sighs and incehs away from her::Help...I have to live with her at college::Big eyes::Save me!
Ina-chan:Oh really?::Sees Tamahome and makes like she's gonna go after him but starts drooling to shy to persue him::God he is soooo cute
Dragonhawk::Nods::Hai I still say Nuriko and Chichiri are cuter::Backs away from Chiriko::I ain't touching on him Melly has claimed him
Inachan::Sees Chichiri in the distance and quickly grabs her Tomodachi's scruff::No!! Down girl!::Whips out a choke chain and collar::Sit...stay...heel...::Looses her grip and goes chasing after her::
Dragonhawk::Hides behind Chichiri::Help Tomodachi is crazy...I love her but she's nuts I tell you
Inachan::Shrugs holding out a chocolate browine trying to lure her out::Anyway...I came here to see if any of the Seishi would be interested in having a little sister::Smiles inoccently::
Dragonhawk::Refuses to come out and goes behind Mits::Hello fellow tall person mind keeping her away?? ((Is 6'2 herslef))
Inachan::Pouts and razzes her friend::There are some atvantages to being short::Sees Tasuki::Hey can I borrow that?::Snatches Tasuki's fan after a viciouse fight::Don't make me use this!::Looks for a button or something and gives it back ruffling his hair::Thanks anyway::Sits down and twirls her hair::
Dragonhawk::Sighs::Anyway on the earlier point of wanting to be a little sister to some of them you are actually older than all of them except Mits and Chichiri Ina-chan::Sticks her toungue out and comes out::
Inachan::Siezes the oppertunity and pins her again victrouise::Ha ha::Shreeches whe Dragonhawk fights back by tickling::No fair!!::Smiles at her Tomodachi::
Dragonhawk::Smiles and stops::You asked for it by grabbing me::Grins and hugs each Sei even little Chiriko whom her Sister has claimed::Been a blast but we gotta run::Drags Inachan with her and hops into a portal waving::Say Bai bai Inachan
Inachan::Waves bye and blows a kiss to Tamahome::I hope to see you again::Follows her Tomodachi home::Wow that was odd
Dragonhawk::Nods and goes back to slaving over college work with her before going to the bunk::Night everbody
Dragonhawk and Inachan
Dear Dragonhawk and Inachan,
*All the Seishi look at the departing girls and sweatdrop!@_@* Ano, we're always up for making new friends but we not adopting new relatives, no da!
Dear Chiriko,
All subjects? Even Math!?! *sighs* I've got a math exam coming up next Tuesday and I'm so scared. *blushes* I got a 45 at midterm. I've pulled it up to a 64 but I want to pass at 70. I have to pass at 70, or I can't get into Academic Math next year. Really, it was my fault. I slacked off in the beginning of the year and did badly on our slope unit which is a BIG unit to say the least. *shrugs* Ah well. I'm kicking ketsu in art class anyway. *grins* Do you have a favourite artist? I like A.Y. Jackson (from the Group Of Seven) and Alex Colvile.
Dear Rachel-chan,
Ganbatte kudasai on your math test! I like the Surrealists such as Dali and Magritte for artists.
Dear Nuriko,
*runs in and grabs Nuriko's arm*
I got Chichiri to talk to him and Hotokimi gave him her cute look so Hotohori-sama didn't kill me and he's going to let my marry Kimi-chan but now both me and Kimi have another big horrible problem and everyone's upset again and I'm so scared!
*clutches her head*
I've had the most horrible headache all morning and I'm feeling sick anyway, which didn't help and everyone has been harping at each other all day! It's so noisy and frightening and I just can't put up with this anymore! Augh!
*clutches Nuriko and starts sobbing into his shoulder*
(A Very Upset) Kourin-chan
Dear Kourin,
*Hugs her* There, there, what's happened now? *Already has his suspicions...*
Dear Tasuki,
Is there a bad-tempered red-headed sorceress by the name of Lina Inverse hanging around here? Gourry said that she didn't come to eat milsar so I was a little worried. Is she sick or something?
Dear Zelgadiss,
She's here somewhere. Sick??? Ya' mean like in th' head? You BET she is! So who or what are ya'?
Dear Tasuki,
Psst! Tasuki! Over here! *approaches Tasuki* I know who the mystery people who have been writing you and Chichiri are! I'll give you a clue! They're BIG fans of you and Chichiri. Your fan's name starts with the letter I...But it's not me! Just in case! ^_^;; BTW, tell the other seishi to be careful! These she-bandits plan on stealing lots of guys! Of course, Nuriko-sama should be safe cause he's MINE! O.o! I mean, he's MY BOSS! ^_^;; And I'll protect him! Yeah! That's it! Eh heh heh!! ^_^;; Oh my, look at the time! Gotta go! *runs off really fast*
Dear Inori,
Inori!! Iridal!! Whadda' th' two of ya' up to???
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Can I use all of you in my experiments?
The Greatest Scientific Mind in the Universe
Dear Brain,
No. Why don't you try using Pinky instead.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I am in great need of help! See my kingdom is great and powerful, and I have been ruleing it on my own since my father became gravely ill. He wishes to leave this place after seeing me happy. So he wants me married off soon. I know it's rather sudden, but will one of you marry me? All this just because he's moving to Hollywood and try his new life as a comedian..*sigh*
Princess Arieana Vanya
Dear Princess Arieana Vanya,
Gomen nasai your highness, but I'm afraid that you will have to look elsewhere for a husband, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
..ok....if you say so...anyway, I've got somethin different to talk about.
Well, I was talking to Nykee last night and she keeps insisting that I'm in love with Kouji! I keep telling her I'm not, but she keeps saying it! I mentioned that he didn't like me so it wouldn't matter if I WAS in love with him (And I'm not!). Well, she then preceded to get Kouji in the room and ask him if he liked me and he said yes and I fainted and she had him give me CPR and now I'm REALLY embarrassed!! Make her stop!!
Reikaku no Miko
Dear Reikaku no Miko,
Nykee, stop pickin' on poor Reikaku no Miko!! 'Sides Kouji's in love wit' Aidou!
Dear Tasuki,
Where did you get that paper fan with the blazing holy flame?? I want one to take care of a few people.... * smirks evilly * :: Anyway, I think you are very nice contrary to what many others may think. you have your opinions of things while others have theirs. you may seem tough but i know you have a good heart. Sorry about the sappyness there >.< * whacks herself across the face * It's just in my nature. * makes her own paper fan * LEKKA SHEIN!!! Hmm...didn't work ogh well...I suppose I will leave that to the master. * gives a quick hug * Bye
Dear Blaze,
Gomen, but I got it from th' late bandit leader. An' I dunno where he got it from.
Dear Nuriko,
Hey thanks for the suggestion. I have not scared her because I asked if if I had and she said no and I believe her word. Anyway, I see that we have given each other so much that nothing more seems necessary. she assured me that she knows how much i value her as a tomodachi. You are a good friend as well nuriko. you are a sweetie * gives him a big hug and kiss * sorry I could not resist. thank you so much for the advice and kind words. :)
Ina Chan
Dear Ina Chan,
Arigato I'm glad I was able to help! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Hotohori,
ENTER THE SELF-PROCLAIMED DEMON OF... LOOOOVE! *ahems* I have the solution to your Mr. Bucket problems! ^-^ *steals the imperial crown/bucket* Without this, she can't call you that anymore! =)
Dear Keetia,
Gurads!!!!! Get that creature!!!!!
Dear Tasuki,
Keetia: Wuss. They say nobody can sink in this lake!
^^; What am I supposed to do to stop her? With my luck I'll get killed again. I've died 4 times this week. Or was it 5? I don't remember...
Keetia: I know what she can do, but it wouldn't help! She could pounce you and make me drop you into the water! ^o^
Yeah, I could do that. But don't worry! I have a raft right here! I can pull you out after she drops you! ^^
Keetia: 3! 2! 1! SPLASH DOWN! *drops Tasuki into the salt lake.* Swim! ^o^
*watches from her raft* --*
One-chan and Keetia
Dear One-chan and Keetia,
*Floats over to One-chan's raft, climbs on and her off by accident in the process...* OOOPS!!!! Gomen!! Heh-heh-heh...
Dear Nuriko,
Any advice on keeping eyeliner from smudging? I am very fairly complected, and it just looks....bad.
Dear Rouge,
Use a very fine line under your eyes and make sure that area isn't oily.
Dear Tasuki,
It is my humble opinion...You really like to drink a LOT, don't you? I think you should go to college. *I* never drink, but there is plenty to go around!
Dear Rouge,
Honto ne?? I always thought ya' went to college to learn an' to pubs an' inns to drink!
Dear Tamahome,
if you were given 2000 gold ryou, would you cross dress? Nuriko does it for free...
Dear Anonymous,
I've had to do it once before, so for 2000 gold ryou, sure!
Dear Hotohori,
* hori blinks* * hori finds himself minus one pair of royal duck shoes and minus one bucket hat.* somewhere, out there, someone cheers at the top of his/her lungs, WAI!WAI!WAI!WAI!WAI! * hori blinks again* * hori finds that his hair has been cut, and he looks like a GUY*
hah! i'm not that stupid!
Dear hah,
Mitsukake!!!! Guards!!! Hunt down One-chan and bring her to us!!!! Now!
Dear Hotohori,
I think I'll just call you Mr. Bucket. =)Or I could call you Mr. Vain...... ^o^
Dear One-chan,
Why don't you just give me back my crown and shoes instead?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Konnichiwa minna. Watashi no namae wa Katsumi desu. Hajimemashite. *bows* I am new here, and simply wished to introduce myself. And, as a friendly gesture, I have a come bearing gifts.
Tamahome, I was sure you would appreciate okane, and some youshoku for Miaka.
Hotohori, a mirror--I hope you don't have too many of those all ready. I painted the frame myself.
Nuriko, a gift certificate to a classy male clothing boutique.
Chichiri, a fishing rod and a question. Why do you wear that mask when without it you look so much more real, not to mention handsome?
Tasuki, a halisen embellished with drawings of wolves. I would have given you sake, but I am not one to encourage alcoholism.
Mitsukake, a medicine book--you had my stumped--and a yarn for Tama-neko.
And last but certainly not least, Chiriko. The complete works of Shakespeare, for a kawaii little genius such as yourself!
I hope you all enjoy. Matane.
Dear Katsumi,
Irasshaimasu, no da! Domo arigato gozaimashita for your kindness and gifts, no da! I wear the mask so people won't be offended by my scar, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
Okay, Nuriko-sama! Interview time!! *wears a purple woman's suit and purple glasses and hair in a bun* *sits down cross-legged* Ahem!
1. What embarrassing childhood/adolescence moments do you remember?
2. Were you popular with the girls?
3. What was it like to babysit Tamahome's siblings for a little while?
4. Was Tamahome your first kiss?
5. Were you a good student at school?
6. Didn't you think it was kinda silly of Hotohori and Tamahome to just dump their blood on Miaka like that?
7. Is it okay to tell a small lie to save yourself (like when you broke the wall and blamed it on that one bad guy)?
8. What kind of music do you like?
9. What kind of books do you like to read?
10. What did you want to be when you grew up (as a child)?
11. What do you recommend for when one has the flu?
12. What do you think of Shakespeare?
13. Do you agree teenagers need more sleep?
14. Do you agree school should start later?
15. Are bananas better than peaches?
16. What would you like for your birthday?
17. Have you tried clam chowder? If so, did you like it?
18. Is it really true that only you can prevent forest fires?
19. Is it more fun to be a man or a woman?
And last question!
20. Can you sit in this chair? I wanna try a new hairstyle that would be nifty on you! *leads Nuriko to the chair and starts combing his hair* Don't worry, I'm not gonna spike it and dye it green or anything! ^_^!
Dear Inori,
Are you sure this wasn't an interrogation instead of an interview?? Here are all your answers in order of asking:
1. I think you should read my Novel for all those secrets...
2. I dressed like a girl! What do YOU think??
3. They were sweet, brave kids.
4. Nope! Tee-hee...
5. I suppose I was OK. I was far more interested in fashion than studying.
6. No, not really.
7. Wellll... *Looks away and starts whistling innocently...*
8. Pretty much everything except rap and country.
9. Romances.
10. My sister!
11. Lots of bedrest, drink plenty of water, and try to get Mitsukake to heal you!
12. Who?
13. Yes.
14. No, they need to get to bed earlier.
15. Depends on what you like.
16. Hotohori-sama...
17. Manhattan or New England?
18. Yes! We do our best to keep Tasuki out of the forests.
19. Is what more fun? Tee-hee...
20. Ano, chotto matte kudasai!
Dear Hotohori,
Don't like being called Hoto-chan? Well, I could tell everybody to start calling you Mr. Bucket...
Dear One-chan,
Why don't we try heika or Hotohori-sama instead?
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