Dear Chichiri,
Hiya Chichiri! I'm a huge fan of yours as well as of FY. I was just do you get your hair to stay that way? It must take tons of gel... Write back soon! ::Smooches:: ^_^
Dear Christine,
It just does that naturally, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Chichiri no Aijin, *walks up to her with a whiney attitude* Don't let the seishi watch Slayers NEXT!!! There's personal information in there!!! There's bath scenes in there!!!'s too violent for them!!! ( *SWEATDROP* )
BTW, My sister is being sooo lazy, she said she got your email but has she replied to it yet? Everytime I ask her she goes " yeah yeah" -_-; Sometimes I wonder if she's even checked her email lately!!! If she hasn't gotten to you about your tapes I'm very sorry, I'll 'remind' her. ¬.¬; Then again if she has and just doesn't tell me anything when I ask her about it because she's too laaazy, just say so. ^^;
P.S. Whatever you do, just don't tell her I just called her lazy... *fears her sister*
Dear Lina,
Gomen! Osoi! (Sorry, too late!) WE've already watched up to the third tape. It's very interesting. I think I like that Xellos character... Anyway, your sister did email us and I just got back to her. So not her fault! I still have to send her the MO which I'll try to do tomorrow. By the way, beware of Tasuki tossing things your way...
Chichiri no Aijin
Dear Tasuki,
*screams* IIE!!!! GET THEM AWAY!!!!!!! ANYBODY GOT ANY SALT!?! *throws a bucket at Tasuki's head and begins to cry* TASUKI IS MEAN!!!!!!!!!! HE HAS NO SOUL!!!!! HE'S MEAN!!!!! *shakes the slugs off while crying* HOW COULD YOU!?!?!
Dear Lina,
OI!! Yer always dumpin' me in th' water!! An' ya' know I HATE that!!! So it's payback time! By the way, ya' looked real cute in th' bath!!!! *Tosses a jar of salt at her and runs for his life!!!*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
How are all of you?? I was woundering what is it exactly like to know what your destiny is?? I'm asking cause I have great expectations on what my family wants me to be and I have my own ideas some times. It can get really confusing because I want to please my family and at the same time do what I want to as well. Please give me any advice you can.
Thanks alot,
Dear Dragonhawk,
Ah, none of us knew what our destiny was, no da. We did eventually realize we were Suzaku no Seishi, no da. As for your parents expectations and your own hopes and desires, perhaps you should sit down with them and discuss this with them. Both of you should make sure that want they want is realistic, no da. Good luck, no da!
Dear Chichiri,
*giggling* Not even close. Keep on guessing though, I'm quite enjoying myself. *hugging and glomping chichiri. . .repeatedly* If you can guess who I am, i shall set you free *sigh* but until then! *wink*
haven't guessed who yet!
Dear haven't guessed,
My final guess is WMC, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Oh, is that so...... *shoves liquid down Gen's throut* *watches him pass out* *grin* Yep, that sleeping drink did work. Now then.... *takes out magic maker* *scribbles faces, whiskers, "baka" on him* Well, I better go before him wakes up. *poof*
Dear Masao,
*Snoring blissfully...* *Wakes up and looks at self in mirror... SCREAMS!!!!!* WHO TH' H*LL DID THIS?!?!?!?!?! LINA!!!!!!!MASAO!!!!! I'M COMIN' FER YA'!!!!!!!!!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*bows* Domo Arigatou Gozaimasu! For all your support with my web peeji project. And for the link! ^_~ Best wishes to all, you guys and CnA are the best. *skips off to finish coding 6 more chapters of fics* O.o
Dear Moonsong,
We thank YOU for the wonderful tribute peeji! Domo arigato gozaimashita!
The Suzaku Seishi and Chichiri no Aijin
Dear Hotohori,
Hello your beautiful highness * bows before him lowering eyes * I feel honored to be in your presense. I just wanted you to know that I find you very good looking and I hope that you are always happy :) keep tamahome in line * gets up and steals a kiss and hug * Aishteru hotohori sama
Dear Sparkie,
*Looks surprised, then smiles.* Arigato for your kind words and wishes.
Dear Chichiri,
Oops. Sorry for yelling, i was just upset. _I_ would _Never_ do that to a seishi. Especially you, i respect you to much to.....become so formal with you...
Dear Mary,
Daijobou desu, no da. Good luck with your friend, no da!
Dear Tamahome,
Sorry to disappoint you tamahome, but i was not inquiring about Yuki-san or Shiki-san. Although Yuki is kind of cute.....but i was asking cause this friday i asked out this guy. He said yes and we're going ice skating at the Culver Ice rink! All of my friends are coming, well, except you guys since ya'll went last saturday. But that was why i'm asking. And anyways, the age difference between yuki, shiki and I is a whooping 4 years. Yeah, that's right, 4 *acts like big man on campus while standing there holding up four fingers.*
Dear Mary,
Chichiri no Aijin got your email and posted the picture of you and Jack fighting. Good luck with the guy on Friday! And while 4 years isn't much it's a bigger leap from 15 to 19 than it is from 20 to 24.
Dear Tasuki,
Waaaahhhh . . .I wish I were okay . . .I'm not, actually. I got back from winter break and I sware the teachers are out to get me. I had 5 projects this week!! 5!! Not to mention 20 math problems every %*@!ing night! Luckily, I finished most of it, but I have been staying up WAAAYYY too late just to finish. I only have my science project left . . .and that's going to be hard, because I will be gone from Thursday-Monday (in LA!!) and it's due on WEDNESDAY!! *shudders*
And that's only the first part.
My whole family is going to LA for my dad's cousin's wedding. But, since Qualcomm is in California, my dad decided to go a week early to work. So all this week I've been hearing, "I have to bring the birds to the vet, and I have to drive in LA all by myself because YOUR FATHER decides to be a jerk!" &c, &c from my mom. She drives me absolutely nuts! Our personalities really clash. I'm like daddy, and aniki is like my mum. *sigh*
Why do I have to go to school, and why do I have to live with my mom? Some things make no sense...
P.S. I finished my story! It's SUPER GORY! Ano...gomen, Tasuki-sama... I had to kill you off... *sweatdrops*
Dear Moon,
It had better have been a GOOD death! Sorry ya' got so much schoolwork but it'll pay off in th' long run. *Gives her a hug* Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Nuriko,
Have you ever noticed that men seem afraid to approach a someone as beautiful as yourself?
Dear Curious,
Unfortunately it doesn't seem to affect the drunk ones...
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Allo there!!! Didja ever think that if ya weren't in Ancient China, ya'd all be Canadians,eh??? (Especially Tasuki!!!) Just a pondering...until later...Gotta go brush my moose. Lots of love, Molson Ice, Canadian Bacon, & Hockey to y'all!!!
Dear Kari,
Noooo... why do you think that?
Dear Mitsukake,
I do not think you are boring in any way, shape or form. How is it that your magnificence is over shadowed by the others?
Dear Jenn,
Arigato. I suppose it's because I'm so quiet.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hyyyeeeeee all!! ^______^ It is I, Fuyu Yuki, back and ready to bug the Seishi once again... heheheeeee :) AAAIII~!!! ARGH!!! *Gets frustrated with Final Fantasy VI* THERE IS NO WAY TO ATMA WEAPON ON THIS STUPID ISLAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ehehehe... sorry... I've been trying to find this thing for three weeks.. and...NOTHING...
Aren't you all happy to see me again?? ^-^ Grrrrr... I'm sick again.. ;.; I hate this stupid flu epidemic!!! I got better from that thing I had for a month a week ago, then two days later I get what I have now!! *cough, cough* Makes me so angry..!! I have a feeling that the the flu has taken a liking to me >.<;;
Fuyu Yuki
Dear Fuyu,
Gomen, but your link goes nowhere, so I didn't put the reference up. When you send the correct one, I'll put it up then. I'm sorry to hear you're ill. Please get well soon.
Dear Tasuki,
Hello! *HUGS* I really miss you, Tasuki. I haven't talk to you in the longest time. Gomenasai. I am not doing too well in school. So, I'm like kinda banned from the internet for a while. I'm actually sneaking on now. *shrugs and sighs* My dad is going to come back from the parent conference real soon. And I am so anxious to see what my dad's gonna do when he hears from my teachers... GRRRRR.... I'll study more now. See ya. *gives Tasuki a kiss on the lips and leaves*
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
OK. Now go study an' brin' yer grades up or else!
Dear Hotohori,
Hi! shhhhh.... not too loud, I'm sneaking on-line. Well, it's 'cause I got bad grades.... so I'm kinda banned..... Anyways, just wanna say you are not underappreciated! You are like the second coolest seishi. heh.... *hugs* ^_^ see ya...
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Arigato, but you MUST study and bring your grades up! Go on now, go back to your schoolwork.
Dear Tamahome,
Thanks for the sympathy...I'll probably need more when I go back to college and my department head finds out I couldn't memorize it because I could not sing...*_*
Did Miaka go with you to London? I was wondering how she enjoyed the food...British food is sometimes not the most flavourful, as I am sure you found out. Although I am sure Tasuki found the wealth of pubs very nice. Wonder if he got drunk enough to pick up a girl...heehee....^_^...just kidding...
Dear Kelli,
You're welcome! And you guessed right that Miaka and Tasuki ate and drank their way through London. We all had a great time!
Dear Tasuki,
*snickers* No, I WON'T let you least, not until I take ya to the hideout... *chuckles* Are we gonna have fun with you...
Do you have ANY clue who this is, all? Or are you still lost? *he he he*
Guess Who #2
Dear Guess Who #2,
No I don't an' I don't wanna guess anymore!!! Now who is this???
Dear Tamahome,
You know what? It's been two or three weeks since this whole issue with Yuri came up and I can't get into your chat now so let's forget this whole stupid thing, okay? Yuri seems fine now and sitting around for a few weeks dulls my viciousness. How about a truce?
Dear Nakago,
Sure... The chat room let's in everyone else. What is your handle?
Dear Chiriko,
*smiles* It's not too bad a book. I'm glad I don't hate it and have to plow through it like hard dirt or something, but the main character seems to relate all the events of the story to his age and sadness and pain. I gets redunant. I have to read seventeen pages a night, which for me is peantus but...yeah.
*blushes* Being youngest isn't that bad. Honestly, I think I'm more mature than most of them. Some of the boys are just the biggest jerks. That's why I like you, you're nice and smart and not obnxious or anything!
*smiles* Say....what's your favourite school subject?
Dear Rachel-chan,
Arigato for you sweet compliments! I like ALL subjects in school!
Dear Tasuki,
You that other letter you didn't sound like you were to happy to here from me....Should I take this as a sign that you don't like me?
Reikaku no Miko
Dear Reikaku no Miko,
It wasn't nothin' like that. I think yer sugar high jus' fazed me. Gomen.
Dear Tasuki,
I just wanted to say that, though the writting styles are very good, those people who write yaoi fics about you and Chichiri....are knocked off their rockers.
Nuriko and you I don't mind because you two are very funny together and I think you would make a hilarious couple so I pair you for kicks,(and I never take it to hentai levels, I swear) but the monk and the bandit is too much contrast.
The bandit and the former crossdresser (both being slightly freakish) is, frankly, a helluva a lot more believable ... with much more funny maritial disputes. *grins*
Now, I know you and Nuriko bit my head off for pairing you that first time and I respect that. I just wanted to say that you guys are more believeable together than you and Chichiri.
Taiitsu no Miko (the pointless letter writer)
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
Thanks, I think... whaddya' mean I'M a freak???? Ya' looked at Tomo lately????
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*cracks up laughing* Oh! I just live for that look on your faces, guys! You kill me! Thanks so much for being so gullible to surprises! *chuckles a while longer, then trails off*
Ah! That's funny. do you think I look? Kaiitsu-chan says I'm beautiful but, hey, he's my boyfriend so he's biased.
What do you guys think? *poses*
Young Taiitsu-kun
Dear Young Taiitsu-kun,
Ano... you certainly don't look like the Taiitsu-kun I remember, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
AHAHAHAH! THE RETURN OF THE SELF-PROCLAIMED DEMON OF.... LOOOOOOVE! >=) They say nobody can sink in the Great Salt Lake... Why don't we find out? Hmm? *picks Tasuki up over her head in SD* LET'S FIND OUT, SHALL WE, FANGIE-CHAN!? *zips off fo Utah to the Great Salt Lake, speeding by One* HI ONE! BYE ONE!
One-chan: O.o; Keetia????
*Keetia stops at the edge of the Great Salt Lake* ^-^ *flies out to the center of the lake, tasking Tasuki with her* Ready, Fangie?
One-chan: .... *sits in a raft and watches* --*
Dear Keetia,
IIE!!!!! YAMATTE!!!!! One-chan do somethin'!!!!!!!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
hello again. i met a very special person when I went to college and she and I have become very good tomodachi over the past semester. she goes beyond anything that I ever expected her to be and she has shown me that not all pwole will use and abuse you and leave you to be alone when you have nothing but your friendship to offer them. I was wondering what I should do to show her my appreciation. I have told her many times and I have gotten gifts to show her how much she means to me. I just feel like I'm not doing enough. i really want her to know that she is the best tomodachi I have ever known. Like I said..I've told her and such but I was just asking if you guys could think of something really special I could do for her. Thanks and Aishteru yo you all. * hugs all seishi *
Ina Chan
Dear Ina Chan,
There is best friend jewelry that you canget her. You would wear one half and she would wear the other. But you do say that you have told her how you feel, given her gifts, and thanked her for her friendship, I just want to make sure that you aren't going overboard with all of this. You don't want to scare her you know.
Dear Nuriko,
Well, all right. That makes sense! Thanks for informing me. I much appreciate it. You're such a kind person..I wonder if I could burden you with one of my problems? ..It's something I'd think you would agree on. What does gender matter in a relationship as long as it's someone you care for deeply and they care for you in return, ne? It's just be something that haunts my mind every once in a while. I'm not sure why. Well, anyways. Thanks for listening.
Suou Miki
Dear Suou Miki,
You're right! Gender shouldn't matter as long as both people care about and respect each other in the relationship.
Dear Chichiri,
Aw, shoot. Oh well, it was worth a shot. I'll try popping the question again some other time >) Well, I'm glad to hear that you're okay. So... o.o What's your favorite food? Anything specific? I'm just curious...also I'm low on questions. Well, take care of yourself! Ja ne!
Dear Emi-chan,
Fish, no da!
Dear Tamahome,
It has to be something against YOU. I don't want to do those other things! *sighs* Oh, well... just forget it...
Dear Moon,
Well I suppose we could have a contest earning and saving okane...
Dear Tamahome,
I would offer you all the o ka ne in the world if i are the cutest character on FY...although I'm sure you have been told that many times. Anyway, my question to you is how does one know when they find their soul mate. you seem to be a very romantic type and knew that miaka was the one for you. what I am really asking is how did you know miaka was your soul mate...would you have chosen anyone else? well I would offer you some gold ryou but unfortunately I am broke. put it on my tab ok? I love you sweetie!!! You're the best!!
Ina - Chan
Dear Ina - Chan,
It's hard to explain, but I just did. When it happens you will definitely know!
Dear Chichiri,
Nothing yaoi or hentai between you and Tasuki, huh? *brings in a stuffed Tomo and sits him between Tasuki and Chichiri*
There! Now there's something yaoi AND hentai between you! BWA-HA-HA-HA... *notices no one laughing* Darn it...
Dear Suboshi,
*Smiles and goes SD trying not to laugh out loud...* That was not only amusing but astute as well, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
::hugs him:: hai hai ... genki desu, arigatou! ^-^; ... how bout u?
Dear Reirei,
Genki desu yo! I'm glad to see ya'!
Dear Tasuki,
What is you take on Miaka?! Do you just kinda like her, or do you actually love her and just shut-up and not say anything because of all the other morons who trip over their own feet to have her?! Or are you reallty gay...
Nyan-Nyan No Miko
Dear Nyan-Nyan No Miko,
I ain't gay!!!!!! I do care about Miaka but only as a little sister kinda thin'.
Dear Chiriko,
*shuffles her feet a little more, crosses her fingers and looks up* you ever read Cry, The Beloved Country? I have to read it for my Grade Nine English! *pauses* Oh...that sounds silly... I'm really thirteen too but I have a late birthday so I'm younger than everyone else in my classes. December 21st! *shrugs and smiles at Chiriko, still blushing*
Dear Rachel-chan,
Happy belated birthday! I know how it feels to be the youngest... I do not believe I have read the book you mentioned. Is it any good?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Nope. I am however.... Soi, Nakago,
Chibi-Yuri, Ashurin, Kourin, Orian, Young Taiitsu-Kun, and All the Next Gen Suzaku's.
Quite a list, ne?
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
Yes it is, no da! You have a lot of people living up there, no da.
Dear Mitsukake,
*bows to Mitsukake* Oh THANK YOU!! Oh THANK YOU!!!!! *brings gifts of fish and stuff* You are much much much much too kind!!! I shall bring you neat things on holidays and your birthdays!! You have no idea how much this means to me!! Lina will live!! *teary eyed* You saved my friend's life!! I'm so happy!! I'm gonna cry!!! *wipes a tear* So KIND!!!! *gives Mitsukake a medal* LET IT BE KNOWN THAT THIS MAN IS A REALLY KIND MAN AND MUST BE LOOKED UPON AS A REALLY COOL PERSON!!! *bows to Mitsukake once more* I now pronounce you, Mitsukake-sama!!! *runs off after petting Tama-Neko* Jaa!!
Dear Inori,
*Blushes* You're very welcome. Domo arigato gozaimashita!
Dear Hotohori,
Hoto-chan, can I borrow a bucket hat and some ducky shoes? Oh yeah, is it alright if I call you Hoto-chan, Hoto-chan? *grins evily* You know, I didn't buy your answer on the Houki/Nuriko/homosexual tendencies question I asked before. Also, I was cruising throught the archives and I read a question about how you fit all your hair in the bucket hat...the hat is bigger on the inside than on the outside?! That's impossible, baka! *winks* But I suppose Emperors don't have to be smart, just pretty boys, ne? *stands smiling sweetly, waiting for an answer*
Dear Shuurei,
That was rather insulting! I think not! And do not call me Hoto-chan kudasai.
Dear Tasuki,
Shuurei: Konnichi wa, Gen-chan! *grins evily* Remember me?! I have brought my evil apprentice...
Asumi: Hey! I'm not evil!
Shuurei: *face-faults**whines* But I want to be evil soooo bad!!
Asumi: While my tomodachi is whining, nice to meet you Tasuki-san! Watashi no namae Asumi desu.
Shuurei: *whining* I am NOT whining!
Asumi: Anyway, we have a favor to ask of you. *looks behind her* Okay, bring it in!
SD-Shuurei: *drives in a U-haul full of sake* beep...beep...beep...
Asumi: You can have aaaaaaaaaall this, IF you fry Tamahome for us!
SD-Shuurei: *cheering* Go for the kill! Go for the kill! BOO-YAH!
Asumi: *sweatdrops* A-hem! You see, Tamahome insulted Shuurei's family, and I'M mad because Shuurei is my tomodachi. You insult my tomodachi, you insult ME!!! Arigato. Matane! *leaves room dragging SD-Shuurei*
Asumi & Homicidal Shuurei
P.S. Gomen nasai Tasuki-san, I REALLY don't know what got into Shuurei! She's usually not like this. *smiles & winks*
Dear Asumi & Shuurei,
Hmmmm... looks at truckload of sake... looks at Tamahome...* Lekka Shienen!!!!!!!!! Sumimasen Obake-chan... I meant to do that!!! *Starts drinking sake...*
Dear Tamahome,
Konnichi wa, Tamahome-san. Watashi no namae Asumi desu. *bows to him* Thank you for agreeing to be my bodyguard (because of the ghost), but I am afraid I can no longer take you up on the offer. You see, Shuurei is my good tomodachi and you insulted her by calling her family kowai (and you didn't get her a present from London)! *holds out her hand* My okane, onegai! You can have it back when, NOT if, you apologize.
Oh, and she said to tell you, you are...what was that? Oh yeah, "You're a big, fat, greedy, @^%&ing meanie and a pig's boyfriend!!!!!"
Okay. Arigato. Matane! You better apologize!!! *walks out of the room, humming*
Dear Asumi,
Well, you're certainly NOT getting any okane or an apology THAT way!
Dear Tasuki,
Thanks for helping me and Hoshi with our little issue with 'person who will remain unnamed.' We have tried some of those before but some were new to us! Ok, I don't have much else to say besides A-RI-GA-TO-U! Ok, thanks and I love ya! ^_^ Oh, and can you tell Chichiri I love him to? (I'm such a bad two-timer, no wonder you
Dear Anon,
I'll tell Chichiri an' yer welcome!
Dear Chichiri,
*laughing* Hahahaha. . . no, sorry to disappoint you darling, but I'm not Mary. Try again. But anyway, while you're at it. . . *squeezes Chichiri and kisses him on the lips* Well, you're tied up so you won't mind too much. *wink*
still haven't guessed who
Dear guess who,
Kouran, no da?
Dear Tasuki,
*comes in and shakes Tasuki a lot* THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!! MAKE EM GO AWAY!!! *shakes him more* The bandits are hassling poor Lina cause they want YOU! *shakes him violently* I'VE BEEN HURT IN THIS LITTLE ORDEAL!!! GET OUT THERE AND KICK THEIR HEINIES!! *lets go of Tasuki and runs to drink some tea*
P.S: *leaves some aspirin on the floor for Tasuki* ^_^;;
Dear Inori,
*Groans and takes aspirin* OK, ok, I'm goin'!
Dear Mitsukake and Tasuki,
ARIGATO!!! thankyouthankyouthankyou!!! *could care less about the wound is just happy she doesn't have look like Tasuki* excuse me... *walks off in the Mt. kaou bandits general direction "DRAGU SLAVE!!!!!!" comes back dusting off her hands* Thanks again!
*walks over to Tasuki with a magic marker and writes "I'm with stupid" with the arrow pointing up on his shirt.* hee *runs for her life*
Dear Lina,
*Smiles* You're very welcome! *Smiles at Tasuki's shirt*
*Looks at what she wrote* OI!!!!! Get back here ya brat!
Mitsukake and Tasuki
Dear Tamahome,
Ok, I just read one of the other letters to you and I'm more than a little upset. NOBODY PLAYS ME!!! I write my OWN letters! And that Taiitsu no Miko or whatever it is is NOT me!! I don't even know who that is!
Reikaku no Miko
Dear Reikaku no Miko,
OK OK! Calm down. There's no need to get upset! Gomen!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Ohayo! I don't know why these keep dropping into my lap but,
here. Enjoy. Another FY character hangout. Appropriate location for someone so casually wealthy, ne? (Sorry, Tama, not you.) ^_~
Incidentally, Moonsong's Realm has been completed. Take a peek if you have the time. The FY Archive (of fanfics) is growing steadily. I have two fics (of my own) up there, one Sailor Moon and one SM/FY crossover in which Tasuki plays a rather major part. Nothing too bad, don't worry. ^_~ Let me know what you think.
Hope all of you had a wonderful New Year's and a great time ice-skating last weekend!
Ja ne,
Dear Moonsong,
Ice skatin' was fun! Nice web peeji! So, Tetsuya has his own restaurant... kakkoii!
Dear Tasuki,
*poof* Gen-chan! Good, I found ya!
*noggies gen's head* You see, I had to do this experiment for my class and I need a sacri- uhh...vict- nope.....Volunteer. *grins* *takes out test tube* Just drink this liquid and tell me what you feel afterwards. Oh, and if you don't wanna........... *goes evil*
Well, I'm sure you won't, na. >:D
Dear Masao,
Whaddaya' think I am?!?!?!? Stupid??? I ain't drinkin' nothin' I don't know what it is!
Dear Tasuki,
Helloooo Tas-chan!! Hehe I discovered this cool message-board like thing and now I'm going to bug the hell out of all of you!
Anywayz, Tasuki I had a question for you. Okay it's a lame question I know, but what color are your eyes?! It could be that my TV needs to be repaired or something but sometimes your eyes seem to be blue and when you're pissed they're orange(?!). Either way, they're beautiful! *grin*
*Aylin drops in and picks up the last thing Shinyi said*
Aylin: Yeah flatter flatter blabla!
Shinyi: Shut up!
Aylin: Stop drooling girl
Shinyi: I'm not! *grabs Aylin by her collar and drags her away*
Regards to you all (and especially to Mitsukake because he never gets letters) ^_~
Dear Shinyi,
They're amber. If yer seein' 'em change from lavender to amber when I'm pissed, then yer watchin' Kenshin!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
::pacing furiously:: Y'know what makes me ^&*%#@$ mad? I *FINALLY* get to come home from college after five months, and I am looking forward to some time with friends, family, and sometime to work on my music, no da? And guess what happens. ::stops:: I get the $%#^&@* flu. And of course, being a little out of it from climate change, it hits me hard. So I spent half my vacation sick and not even able to talk or sing (and for me, not talking is a challenge...not singing is painful...). So I am going back to school and have two more arias still to learn. AND I lost my vacation. Oh well. ::smiles sweetly::Isn't London pretty at the holidays? I was there for Christmas a few years back, and I spent New Years in EDinburgh. You should go THERE sometime. Get Chichiri No Aijin to take you. I'm sure she wouldn't mind! ^_~
Dear Kelli,
I'm sorry to hear you were so ill over your vaccation. I hope you're better now. London was beautiful but VERY cold and damp. Edinburgh, eh? Maybe...
Dear Hotohori,
Why are you so underappreciated?
Dear Wondering,
I am???? *Looks surprised*
Dear Tamahome,
Flattered? Well...what if you liked the (younger) girl but she beat you to the asking you out part of the whole thing?
Dear Mary,
Well, I already have a girlfriend and it would depend on I saw her. If she is younger than me, I may see her as more of a little sister instead of a possible girlfriend. Does this have anything to do with Shiki-san or Yuki-san????
Dear Chichiri,
The REAL mary
Dear REAL mary,
OK, OK, don't yell, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
Hallo, Tasuki-sama. Just seeing how you are. *sighs* I have a lot to talk to you about, but I'm too tired and busy right now- plus my mom is going to freak. So, I guess I'll see you later...
Dear Moon,
I hope yer OK. Take care an' keep in touch...
Dear Tasuki,
I think you're soooooo cute. And I like it when you use your tessen, it's so cool. Well everyone knows that...I was just wondering why you don't fry Tamahome to get your love...Miaka???...
Nuriko_Chou (Amanda)
Dear Nuriko_Chou,
Because I don't love her like that an' it would make Miaka sad.
Dear Tasuki,
*sneaks into his darkened room* Hello Tasuki-san. Yet another member of those female men-stealing bandits here... And guess what?
*sticks a bag over his head, ties him in, and hauls him out of the shadowy room* You're all mine... Wait till the girls see this...hee hee hee...
Yet another guess who...;)
Dear guess who,
Arrrggghhh!!!! Let me outta this thin'!!!!
Dear Tasuki,
Oh yeah! I actually did have quite a few things to tell you about! I forgot all about them... Well, me, Nykee, and Himiko started a new fanclub for you and Kouji! I'm Vice-Prez and the Keeper of Kouji on the page! Nykee got you. She's the Prez. And Himiko's the Secretary. It's still REALLY new and we have almost nothing up yet. But Nykee did the front page thingy or whatever you call it and made me sound like an idiot! Oh well, I plan on getting back at her later....
And my friend Himiko's a priestess and all, and she used some of her magic beads that let me turn into a kitty any time I want!
*poof* *turns into a little brown kitty* Yeah, I know. Weird that I can do this huh? But Kouji and Himiko said I make a cute kitty! Now don't go thinking I'm weird or crazy or something. I'm not. I just do this for fun.You can ask Kouji about this. I really can turn into a kitty! (It's was Himiko's idea. Her nickname for me is Kitty)
*jumps on his shoulder* Besides, when I'm in this form, I can jump on people's shoulder's and stuff. If you think I'm weird, you should talk to Himiko sometime. She accidentely turned herself into a frog one time... hehehe....that was funny. (I was on a major sugar high when I wrote this by the way)
Reikaku no Miko
Dear Reikaku no Miko,
Sugar... ah that explains a lot...
Dear Tasuki,
*jumps up, hugs him, and gives him a long kiss on the mouth* Tasuki! I havn't written to you in a long time cause I've been really busy. Plus, I've been talking to Kouji a lot more than I have you....You're still my favorite though! I don't really have anything really important to talk about or ask you right now, I just wanted to bug ya. :) *gives him another kiss*
Reikaku no Miko
Dear Reikaku no Miko,
*Sweatdrops* Ano... nice to see ya' too...
Dear Tasuki,
Seizure, eh!?!? -_- *waving fist* I'LL SHOW YOU SEIZURE!!! *Goes SD and throws him face first into a brick wall*
Dear Lina,
*Peels himself off the wall.* Oh yeah? Well here's a little gift fer ya'! *Tosses several slimey slugs at her.*
Dear Hotohori,
Well... it's me again... with yet another problem...;_; I'm sorry to keep on bothering you..but I have no one to talk to about this. Anyway, today I went to school, and I met two seniors who are very influential in the Chinese Drama Club I joined. I said hi, but those two seniors ignored me..and then told me, quite coolly, that I was a disgrace to the Chinese Drama Club, and I had better not tell anyone that I was a member. Of course I felt very hurt..and started crying... My friends asked me what was the matter, and I told them, and they wanted to go call the seniors and clarify. I don't want them to, coz I'm afraid this will only make things worse. And also, some very nasty rumours about me have spread throughout the whole Drama Club..everyone hates me...I feel like quitting..honest..but as this is an activity that I have always wanted to join, I don't know what to do...
Dear Hurt,
I think you should talk to your faculty club advisor about this. Those seniors were wrong to say what they did to you.
Dear Chiriko,
Dear Jean,
Hai, hai you're linked. emo you need to change our link on your peeji. It is showing our old address. And alot of your FY fanart is all linked to the Yui/Suboshi picture. Nice artwork, though!
Dear Chichiri,
KONBAWA!! Skating was soooooo fun!! ^_^ Me thinks Hilary is holding a torch fo Shiiki-san!! Tee hee hee!! Anywhoo... I wanna set Motohisa-san up with my first-cousin-once-removed Suzy. She's actually 35 years old but I think she'll like him!! She's a lot like me... only thinner and prettier! Hee hee hee, we have a similar taste in guys ^_^ Motohisa-san is soooooo charming! What a gentleman!! What do you think of the idea na no da?
Dear Jean,
I'm glad you had fun, no da! Maybe you should remind Hilary about the the age difference between her and Shiki-san, no da! He is 19, no da. Chichiri no Aijin asked Motohisa-san about your cousin and he seemed interested. Perhaps next time, no da.
Dear Tamahome,
What kind of challenge will you accept? I WILL defend the honor of Qualcomm!!
Dear Moon,
Hmmmm... well you can arm wrestle Nuriko, out drink Tasuki, or out eat Miaka...
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Where's Miaka?
Dear Wakaba,
With Tamahome. She has her own webpeeji. It is in our links section.
Dear Chichiri,
Are you ever depressed, and IS there anything hentai yaoi going on with you and Tasuki?
Dear T.Chan,
I do sometimes get depressed over the past, no da. But there has NEVER been ANYTHING yaoi, hentai, or otherwise between me and Tasuki, no da!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I do to act like this! When I'm young anyway....... *sighs* I suppose I should explain. You know Taiitsu no Miko and that crazy host of characters she made up, right? Well, this is her version of me! I AM The Young Taiitsu-Kun! *grins*
By the end of the Seishi Generation Fanfic I was placed with the love of my life (Kaiitsu-chan) and restored to youth!(thank you, authour-sama!) And knowing how Taiitsu no Miko is you all believe me now, ne?
The Young Taiitsu-Kun
Dear Young Taiitsu-Kun,
Mazaka, no da!! (I can't believe this!)
Dear Hotohori,
Well....the law isn't a problem really.
We all got all powerful wishes for our duties as seishi you see, and if Hotokimi wanted an heir she would only have to ask.
Also, she has six older brothers in line to the throne ahead of her, so her marrying me would not be a problem unless some freak accident killed all of her brothers, all at once!
My real problem is you, hating me to the pit of your soul. Kimi-chan, is the one child you never expected to leave home. You really want to kill me for this. You won't even entertain the thought of having me in your court unless it's to be beheaded. I know this sounds unlike you but you haven't liked me since you met me and now that I'm stealing your daughter you're really ticked off.
Any ideas? Can you think of anybody I could go through to talk to you?
Dear Kourin,
Perhaps Chichiri can intercede on your behalf. Go to him and explain what happened and ask him for his help. Good luck.
Dear Tasuki,
*_* Tasuki, you don't have to be so mean! Sheesh, I just wanna say hi. And Keiron was just a joke, you don't have to take it so seriously.
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Gomen! What did I say???
Dear Nuriko,
*looks back at Nuriko and squeezes his hand*
Thanks, but I think I need to talk to Kourin by myself. She'd probably wonder why you came and then really freak out. *blushes* Domoarigatou, though. *gives Nuriko a hug* *goes off to talk to Kourin*
Dear Orian,
*Hugs her back.* Ganbatte kudasai!!
Dear Tasuki,
Does takeshi like me????
Dear lee,
I dunno. Who's Takeshi???
Dear Chichiri,
Konnichi wa! I'm new to this writing club...or something.. o.o Um..ANYways..I have no idea what I want to ask..umm...How are you?? I'm just peachy. Um.. Would you marry me? o.o I'm your age and..we have alot in common. I have a scar..! It's just from being stabbed by a pencil, but still! And..I think we'd get along just fine, ne? Well, I should go..! Sayonara, mata ne! ::ate too much sugar x.x::
Dear Emi-chan,
I'm fine thank you, no da. However, I don't see myself getting married anytime soon, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
Kooonban wa! O-genki desu ka? Good, I hope. ^.~ I have a question.. You know in the t.v. series, right before you died..they showed all these flash back looking scenes of you and Miaka in her world. Shopping, and driving, and you wearing that sexy little suspender was that?? How did you have memories of Miaka's world?..How could you even fantasize about it if you've never been there? Just something I've been wondering. Domo Arigatou Gozaimasu! Daisuki dai yoo!
Suou Miki
Dear Suou Miki,
She told me a lot about her world. What you saw was in my imagination.
Dear Nuriko,
Hi, Nuriko-sama! ^_^! I was just talking with Rokou-san and Kourin-chan! ^_^! They were very kind and let me interview them! ^_^! Kourin-chan was VERY talkative and Rokou-san just blushed and melted into puddle...^_^! Soooooo, may I interview you now again? Pleeeease? *begs* I've been a good maid, ne? Come on! For me? For a piece of cherry pie? For a new outfit? For an all day shopping spree? *continues to try to bribe Nuriko into saying yes* Come on, Nuriko-sama! You know you love being in the spotlight! ^_~!
Dear Inori,
Sure, what do you want to ask me?
Dear Tasuki,
I have a cousen named Areiella and well...she is always thinking about how she look and it get very annoying. She is always saying that she is so pretty and all that kind of stuff. I don't know how to make her shut up. What do you think I should do?
I have a problem in school. There are a group of boys that are always bothering me. My sis had the same kind of problem with a group of boys in her class and now she's in port richmond (a very bad school)! I don't know what to do. I told my teachers but they say that there is nothing they can do. I would go to the princible but from experience I know that he'll take the boys side and just get me in trouble. I've tried to ignore them but They keep on annoying me. They call out my name in class and keep on saying that I'm smacking them when I didn't even touch them (besides the time that I by mistake slammed a desc into one of them. It was an accident. honest!) I don't know what to do. Please help me.
Sharon K. Kunz
Dear Sharon,
I decided to answer both of yer letters. Yer cousin could be sayin' that stuff because it makes her feel better, even if it annoys ya'. She jus' may be insecure 'bout her looks an' sayin' how great she looks is her way of hidin' it. I don't know how to tell her she's annoyin' ya' wit' out hurtin' her feelin's. Gomen...
Have ya' an' yer sister told yer parents 'bout this? If not, tell 'em NOW!!!!! They need to talk to th' principals of both schools so this harrassment is stopped. Good luck!
Dear Tasuki,
::tackles him:: GENROU!!!!
Dear Reirei,
Ano... Ogenki desuka? Ain't this a surprise?
Dear Tasuki,
Hi I like you so much that I have a Screen Name and it is Tasuki784! I don't blame you for hating girls....(a girl at school teases me)!
Dear Ambi,
Cool screen name! Girls can be a pain, can't they?
Dear Hotohori,
Hi Hotohori,I like you too very much(but all most as much as I like Tasuki).Any way I have a question....If there was a Priestess of Suzaku more beautiful then Miaka would you love her? And if you found out she was not the Priestess of Suzaku and was just a star fighter (if that's what it is called) like you would you love her?
Dear Ambi,
Not necessarily. I loved Miaka for who she was as a person and not because she was the Miko of Suzaku. I married Houki because I loved her. Not because she was a Miko or a Seishi.
Dear Nuriko,
do you really love Miaka?
whyr jnye5aYT
Dear whyr jnye5aYT,
In my own way, yes.
Dear Chiriko,
Hi! This is werid....but I will tell ya...Any way one day I was reading a biography on Cleopatra and when she was 18 she married her 10 year old brother! If your read this you would know why she did....but I don't what to spoil it for you but if you read the book then you know why!
Oh by the way ask Chichri what day and month is Birthday. Can you do that for me..?
Dear Ambi,
In the Ptolmaic Dynasty it was done to legitimize her claim to the throne. It was also in her father's will for her to marry her first brother and rule jointly. She married her second brother after her first one died. They were trying to make themselves seem more Egyptian by doing this.
Chichiri's birthday is May 21st.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Konichiwa, no da! I'm back after a long while, no da. Gomen nasai for not coming in sooner, no da, but I had some trouble with my comp, no da. No it wasn't Y2K, if you know what that is, no da. *sigh* I've missed so many things, no da. And I never got to meet the new peeps, no da. I just dropped in to say hi, no da. Hope you're all well and I hope Chiriko isn't having problems with Y2K, no da. Nothing happened, like I thought, no da. *sigh again* I feel so out of place here now since I don't drop in often any more, no da. I just wanted you to know I still come to the site,but I can't come often 'cause of school, no da. ::give them all a hug:: Ja ne, no da.
Dear Chiri,
*Hugs her back* Welcome back, no da! Sorry to hear you had computer problems, but I'm glad you're past them, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
Nuriko-sama!!! I need your help badly!!! Do you know how to cut hair? Of of any good hairstylists? Or any hair growth tonic?? You see, the evil bandits cut Lina's hair and we need someone to fix it!! Can you help us?? Pleaaaase!!!! *begs and sobs* It's an emergency!!
Dear Inori,
OHMYGOSH!!!!!! She looks like Tasuki!!! I wonder if Mitsukake can heal a bad haircut?
Dear Mitsukake,
*comes running in with Lina slumped over her shoulder* MITSUKAKE!!!! MITSUKAKE!!!! Lina's been wounded!!! Please heal her!!!! I'll pay ANYTHING you want!! Just please save her!! Please!!!! *begs* I'll do anything you ask!! I'll feed the cat!! I'll clean the floors!! Just please save Linaaaa!! *sobs and begs more*
Dear Inori,
*Heals Lina's wounds and her horrible haircut.* Let her rest. She's been through a lot. Don't worry about payment. After all I'm not Tamahome. *Smiles*
Dear Hotohori,
wai wai~ you're the coolest seishi around! the hottest too. oh, by the way, happy new year! anooo.. I just wanted to tell you that you rule. ^^
Dear smurfie,
Arigato gozaimashita for your kind words!
Dear Chichiri,
I've been stressing out completly. My best friend seems angry with me, and I don't know how to make it up to her because I havn't got a clue what I did. I've tried to ask her what it is but.. it seems that she's ignoring me... I think that she may be jealous. Resently I had a guy ask me out, I like him too, so of course I said 'yes'. I've noticed that she hates it when others suceed in things and she doesn't, and she gets depressed. I'm afraid I'm not only making her mad at me, but depressed as well. I've always believed that friends are more important than boyfriends so I've been thinking about breaking up with my boyfriend in order to make her and I friends again, but I really like this guy, and breaking up with him may cause ME to get depressed.
I don't know what to do... In the past she's tried to kill herself... ... I'm not implying, however, that she's going to try to kill herself because I got a boyfriend though. I just think that when a person has a sad thought in their mind they begin to think of other bad thoughts which lead to depression. what should I do? Break up with my boyfriend to concentrate on my friends needs or say with him and risk having my friend depressed and unwilling to talk to me... this whole situation is out of hand... What do I do?
Confused, and best friend-less
Dear Confused,
Your friend needs to realize that you're growing up and boys will be a big part of that, no da! You, however need to make time for your friend so she doesn't feel left out. Take some time to do things together, just you and your friend, no da. That should make her feel better, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*Dani-chan runs up to the seishi, grabs Chiriko by the coller, "WHAT BOOK ARE YOU READING!?!"*
Hoshi: There's no time for inside jokes now. *makes Dani-chan put Chiriko down* We DO have a question, REALLY!
Dani-chan: We do?
Hoshi: YES....
Dani-chan: WHA- Ohhhhhhh........ THAT...
Hoshi: *nods* Anyways...there is this aquaintance of ours...she thinks that she is our best friend, just because she has known us for 10 years-
Hoshi: ....that was uncalled for. *smirks* She means well, but she tries too hard to be a good friend. She's always a few inches away from you, and thinks that you want to spend every waking moment talking to her-
Hoshi: Exactly! Also, if you have an interest, she has that same interest within a matter of hours or minutes of knowing about it. Even if she knows nothing about it whatsoever...
Dani-chan: I KNOW! I was talking to Person X (our Japanese friend) about an untranslated manga and anime called Hunter x Hunter. And our aquaintance comes up and she says, "I like, LOVE, like, that show!" (Yes, she really does talk like this) She couldn't possibly know what it was! GRRRRR!
Hoshi: We can't really talk to anyone about it...her parents only seem to be encouraging her behavior!
Hoshi: *looks down at Dani-chan* Are you okay?...
One of our points is, we are her only friends! Her people skills aren't exactly up to par, and we are all she's got. In fact, if she saw this letter, she'd be heartbroken and would go into a state of manic depression.
Dani-chan: But it's a good thing she doesn't have Internet!
Hoshi: Oh, but she MIGHT soon! We don't hate her, but she can be so incredibly......hmm......ANNOYING! Pesty is another word. She doesn't understand this either. If we talk to her about it, she doesn't take it seriously. It all goes riiiiiiiight over her head.
Dani-chan: *more ranting* And she LOVES to talk to me like I'm some sort of mentally deficiant moron because I'm not ummmm.......THE GREATEST *sweatdrop* student... GUESS WHAT! I'M SMARTER THAN HER! *bangs her head into a nearby wall* IT'S SO ANNOYING! AHHHH! ::Thud:: ::Thud::
Hoshi: Calm DOWN please!!! We both actually feel guilty about venting like this-
Dani-chan: *sobbing* -but we HAVE to! Or our heads will EXPLODE!
Hoshi: Her behavior was okay for us in grade school, it was almost acceptable in middle school, but it isn't anymore! We have no one to go to!
Dani-chan: She was almost OK in high school too! BUT I HAD TO SHOW HER ANIME! AND BECAUSE I LIKE IT, SHE HAS TO! ::thud:: ::thud::
Hoshi: *already wearing earplugs* What can we do? Please help us...and we are not the only ones that are waiting for advice about this problem. *motions to other friends of hers and Dani-chan's*
Dani-chan: A-RI-GA-TO-U! And Chichiri and Tasuki! A-I-SHI-TE-RU!
Hoshi: What does that have to do with our problem?
Dani-chan: Nothing! But I love them no matter WHAT K-our aquaintance does to me! *shimmer*
Hoshi: You're weird...*sparkle (TM-Hotohori-sama)*
Both: Thanks, and bye!!!
Hoshi: *thwaps Dani-chan* STOP THAT! *holds up the unconsious Dani-chan's arm and waves it* *waves as well* BYE!
Dani-chan: ............. da.............
Hoshi and that crazy girl, Dani-chan
Dear Hoshi and Dani-chan,
'Che! This is a tough one! Ya' don't wanna hurt her feelin's but ya' need yer space. Ya' guys could jus' plan to do thin's wit'out her knowin' 'bout it. Or ya' could explain to her that ya' feel like yer takin' up all her free time an' ya' wanna give her some space so yer not imposin' yerselves on her so much. Yeah, I know it's REALLY th' other way 'round but this way her feelin's may no get hurt. Good luck!
Dear Chiriko,
::a girl about Chiriko's age, maybe younger, with short brown hair and big brown eyes walks up to him nervously:: Uh...hi! I'm Rachel-chan. ::blushes:: Uh, you're Chiriko, ne? I-I just wanted to tell you that I....I....I think you're really nice!
::kisses him quickly on the mouth - steps back blushing like crazy - gulps hard and shuffles her feet shyly::
Dear Rachel-chan,
*Blushes* Ano... nice to meet you...
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hey! I've got a question for you guys.
I write letters to you under several identies on this site. Can you guess which ones I play? I'll give you a hint. There are five major ones and then four or five guest star types. *grins* Yeah, I'm nuts.
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
Are you Sammy or Reikaku no Miko?
Dear Chiriko,
You celebrated the new year in London? Thats great! I was home....with fever -_-; sounds great doesnt it... On wednesday im going to school again and i dont like it. Its so boring! You are going to have my picture as "seishi of the week." Thats very nice of you! Im thinking about to do a "Fushigi Yuugi fan art page" But i dont have enough time to make one ;_;. Well, maybe some day*sigh* Have to go now...See you later ^_^ *Gives Chiriko a hug(like always)and runs of*
Dear Annie,
You had a fever? Gomen nasai! I hope you are better now.
Dear Tasuki,
WHAT TH' H*LL!!???! That was NOT me!!!!!! I did NOT write that!!!!!! STOP USING MY NAME PEOPLE!!!!! *throws a violent fit*
Dear Lina,
8Watches her have a fit... grins...* Ya' know that looks more like a seizure to me... heh-heh-heh...
Dear Tasuki,
*steps out of character* *POUNCE!* Oh yeah, I almost forgot! I think that letter from Lina about "I've come to realize that I kinda like you... " was sent by an imposter! The enemy! (The one(s?) causing all the trouble of the msg board!) Anyways! Ciao- oh! You might want to tell Nuriko Inori-okaasan was held hostage for a bit. Okay, I'm going now, for real. *steps back into character and stakes out the msg board*
Dear One-chan,
Well now THAT'S a relief!!!!!!!!
Dear Chichiri,
Hellooo Chichiri!! It's been awhile hasn't it? So I heard you went to London. .. did you get to visit the queen? *giggles*
*suddenly has blue ribbons in her hand* Oh by the way. . .*hurriedly ties him up in ribbons and a big bow on top* Kawaii!!*cuddles and hugs tied up monk* FYI, some girls and me decided to be men-stealing bandits and guess what! You're mine!!!*glomping tied-up chichiri* Bwahahahahaa...*rubbing her cheek against chichiri's chest with BIG grin* Waiii. . .mine, all mine, tee-hee.
bet you can't guess who!
Dear bet you can't guess who!,
Is this Mary, no da? Jean warned us about you, no da!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Heyo, Suzaku Seishi! This is really a pointless question, but was wondering. ;) Which do you think is better: Pokemon, Digimon or Monster Rancher? And which one is your fav 'monster' from that particular series?
I know it's a completely stupid question, but I asked anyway! ;9
Sharoni K
Dear Sharoni K,
Pokemon and Pikachu (Meowith is a close second), no da!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Would any of you feel intimidated if a (younger) girl (by two years) asked you out? If not, what?
Dear Mary,
Intimidated, no . Flattered, maybe...
Dear Hotohori,
have you ever seriously wondered about the fact that 'beautiful' is not something an emporer says? a word of friendly advice...try something new
Dear houki,
Why my dear? Are you tired of me calling you beautiful?
Dear Tamahome,
Hi, I don't know if you remember me but I'm.... okay I won't tell you, but just guess who I am okay? I used to bother you a long long time ago.... not that I called you names... I have a brother who has issues...
at least in my opinion, (I finally stole that ghost in the shell book, I couldn't understand a word they were talking about. I didn't get to read much though, my sibling stole it back.) I also happen to be really sleepy while I'm writing this so don't be surprised if I sound really muddled...
Take a Guess
Dear Sammy,
I do remember both you and your brother Chip. So, how are the both of you doing these days? You haven't been feeding the cat mint ice cream lately have you???
Dear Chiriko,
Okay I'm no good at biology or botany or antonmy so just help me with this. Suppose hypothtically speaking, I killed a guy. We're just pretending! And suppose that I can't dump the body right away so I have to keep him on the kitchen table...
He was just killed, so how long before he starts to stink up the place, how long before he starts to look yucky, and how long before the flies? Oh and if this helps, suppose I killed him by dragging him down the stairs, very hard stairs. Once again, we're speaking hypothetically!
Dear Jack,
Goodness from that question I do hope your last name isn't "The Ripper"!! Anyway, it depends on the weather conditions and the surrounding temperature in the kitchen. Basically, the body will start to decompose within 24 hours and get fairly nasty in 2-3 days. If flies are present, they will lay eggs immediately.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I recently met someone in a chat room named Makkato. I'm not sure if that's even a Japanese name or if it's spelled correctly. Problem is even though we weren't friends or anything, simple curiousity made me wonder whether the name is a girl type or boy type name...
Dear Someone,
As far as I know there is no Makkato. Are you sure it isn't African or another language? The closest name we have to that is Makoto and it is generally considered a male name. Although females have been known to use it, too.
Dear Tasuki,
What are your opinions on the issue of abortion?
Dear 48923,
Well, seein' as how I can't get pregnant an' so I ain't ever gettin' one, I don't have an opinion. If ya' care, Chichiri no Aijin believes everyone should have a choice.
Dear Chichiri,
Do you believe in ghosts?
Dear Anon,
Hai,no da! Do you, no da?
Dear Tamahome,
Wanna bet?? I would challenge you to a fight, but I'm sick. -_- Maybe I'll ask Tasuki to beat you up. *laughs evilly*
Dear Moon,
Tasuki's too busy to fight right now and I wouldn't fight you anyway as I don't fight girls.
Dear Tasuki,
I'm at school now. Just wanna say hi. So.... what's up? ^_^ I heard Keiron was visiting you bandits. You and him just get along so fine. He really likes you. Well, see ya.
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Hi yerself! Sorry that Lance was such an aho! But, it's his loss...
Dear Tasuki,
Tis Heenker once again. I did see a doctor the morning after the accident. My doctor said there was nothing serious and that I would feel more pain as the days went by and that eventually the pain would lessen. (Oh how I await the day that it will lessen...) She said it was due to my muscles getting tessen during the impact. She had me go and get some x-rays of my chest just to be sure that there was nothing borken. I got the results back the other day and everything check out fine. All I need to do now is settle it out with her insurance company. I took two very hot showers (along with the usual pain killers) today and feel a bit better. I attempted to go to school yesterday and ended up worse today. I'm trying to think what I might I be able to do to prevent it from harming me so much. I'm planning to attempt to got these next two days, but it will put me at a greater risk of missing work this weekend. I guess it could work out for the better. It will give me time to spend with my friends who have put up with my busy school and work scheduel. Only thing is the bird shipment came in today and my manager called me to let me know. So, I might go in just to check up on them. Anyways... thanks for hearing me out once again. Oh yeah... if you let me off the hook this time for the pic... does it mean I could get off the hook again later? Heheh... don't worry I don't plan to do it again... to you at least. Oh Tamahome... Sailor Tama... hehehehe....
Dear Heenker,
Glad to hear ya' saw a doctor! Tell ya' what, if ya' do a Sailor Tamahome... ALL WILL BE FORGIVEN!!! Heh-heh-heh...
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