Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Black Jade? *gets a 'look' on her face*
Oh yeah, I really look like a rock to you don't I. More hints then!
I gave Nuriko those bracelets he has,
I live with a bunch of Nyan Nyan's,
and my name is.... No, wait. That's the whole point of this. *giggle*
Guess away!
(Do'h! I signed the letter! *hits her head into a wall*)
Dear Taiitsu-Kun,
We DON'T think so, no da! Taiitsu-kun neither looks nor acts like you, no da!
Dear Hotohori,
Hey....this is Kourin. Um...How would one win you over if they were to have uh... okay I'll just tell you the story and you tell me what you think, ne?
(This is in the universe I'm from so please bear with the freakishness of this story. I know you don't have a daughter in this universe. Just think, if Boushin were a girl.... Okay, I know that's kowaii..... you know what, just improvise, okay?)
I've become engaged to your only daughter without you ever meeting me. When we did finally meet, you caught me asleep next to Hotokimi (your daughter) in her bedroom. Then when you pointed your sword at me and told me to get out of your country I, rather, broke your arm and ran off.
So, any suggestions as to how to win you over after this?
PS: I am a Mt. Leikaku bandit. (Just to give you a clearer picture)
Dear Kourin,
*Looks at her and sweatdrops.* Ano... to begin with the future Empress cannot marry a woman as she could not produce a proper heir. That aside, have you tried apologizing profusly and explaining the situation? Perhaps there is a way around the law and your present dilemma in that universe.
Dear Tasuki,
Why do we name fish? Same reason we name people. To tell the difference. And Milsar is not a dumb name! *bonks Tasuki with his sword*
Poor Lina. No magic. What a horrible thing to happen to her.....
*runs away and doesn't come back for a long time* *comes back just as Tasuki is getting sick of waiting* *Holds up a plate of Milsar*
Give this to Lina, kay? It's her favourite and fish don't contain alcohol so you have no reason to even taste it! Got it? Good!
Bai, Bai!
Dear Gourry,
*Looks at fish and starts to lob it at Gourry's head. Realizes he's hungry so he decides to taste it instead.* Not bad... *Eats about 1/3 of it...* Hmmm... better give th' rest to Lina.
Dear Nuriko,
*stands up straight and wipes off her eyes*
Sorry. Thanks. I better go. I'll see you later. *lets go of Nuriko and waves goodbye*
Dear Orian,
*Grabs her hand* Chotto matte!! Do you want me to go with you for moral support?
Dear Tamahome,
There's this guy that i really really really really really like but i also really really really really really hate him too. Do you have ANY idea what that means???
Dear ******,
That you're really really really really really really really really really really confused???
Dear Chiriko,
AAAH!, Chiriko, HAPPY NEW YEAR! *Hugs Chiriko many, many times*(im a little bit after, i know^_^) Hope that you are feeling good! I know that i am ^_^
Guess what i found? A nice little place in Stockholm that sell manga/anime! And guess who is almost broke now ^_^; (Hehehe, im not complaining, IM SOO HAPPY!) Did you get the picture i send you? Hope you liked it.
How did you and the seishis celebrate the new year? Did you got any nice christmas presents?(I got a SCANNER^o^)
I will write to you later *Hugs Chiriko once again*
Dear Annie,
We got your picture. Domo arigato gozaimasu! It is very nice and we will be putting it up on "The Seishi of the Week" peeji. I'm happy to hear that you had a nice Christmas and that you got the scanner you wanted.
We celebrated Christams and the New Year with Chichiri no Aijin in London. It was very cold but a lot of fun!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
**toddles in with a bear tucked under her arm** Doko kaasan?
Dear Yuukionna,
Kimi no okaasan wa, dare desuka?
Dear Tasuki,
I've come to realize that I kinda like you...
Dear Lina,
NOW I'm scared!!!! What th' h*ll is in that fish????
Dear Tasuki,
*walks up looking a bit pale from blood loss due to the wound in her leg and bruised, but still grinning fiercely*
Hey Tasuki! I just thought you should know that the Mt Kaou bandits are out attacking poor innocent picnickers! Me, Inori and Lina were out, just enjoying ourselves, when this hoard of drooling idiots comes charging over the hill, knocking Lina out and attacking me and Inori!! Sure I got my flail knocked outta my hands, but the morons didn't realize that I ALWAYS keep nice sharp knives hidden in my boots! *grins*
Anyway, we were holding our own (NO ONE messes with us and lives to tell about it!) until some COWARD in the bushes shot Inori in the gut and my in the leg!
I hope Hotohori doesn't mind that we're sorta gonna start a war with them...I would tell him myself, but I hate facing authority type figures (they always make me feel like I'm confessing something to my mom...*sigh*) We need your help! I don't think you seishi would particularly appreciate that Konan's citizens are being attacked right outside the palace gates!!
*puts a hand to her head*
Oh...I feel a bit dizzy...a musta lost more blood form the arrow wound than I thought... *looks a bit faint* I need ta go see Mits...
Dear Iridal,
*Picks her up and runs to Mitsukake.* I'm way ahead of ya' kid!
Dear Nuriko,
*comes in staggering with an arrow in her tummy* Nuriko-sama! It's awful! The Mt. Kaou bandits are attacking on the message board!! *gasps and coughs* They shot us with arrows...and are still attacking...*staggers more* Um...Could you take me to Mitsukake? *bleeding to death*
Dear Inori,
*Picks her up and runs to Mitsukake.*
Dear Tasuki,
GEEEN-CHAAAAAAAAN!!! *runs in waving his tessen* I'm soooo glad you're back!! And your front, you're both here!! OHOHOHOHOOOO!!! Oh, before I forget... *hands him his tessen* I took good care of the rest of the bandits!! *smiles proudly*
*the Mt. Reikaku bandits look at her, look at the leader and silently prays to Suzaku that their leader has come back safetly*
The bandits behaved like such good boys! Put me in charge again when you have to go on another trip, kay? ^____^ I make a great leader!
Dear Jean,
*Sweatdrops* I did THAT???? WHEN???? Last I remember I left Kouji in charge... KOUJI!!!!!!!!! Get yer @$$ over here an' tell me what th' H*LL is goin' on!!!!!!!
Dear Tasuki,
Happy birthday to me! Happy birthday to me! January 5th is my birthday! Happy birthday to me! Oh, and where's the reply to the letter I send right before the page closed down? When oneesan had me open my gift? Hm? ^.~
Dear One-chan,
Otanjoubi omedeto gozaimasu!!!!!! Ja... alla them kinda letters were read. Ano... they jus' weren't potsed 'cos it's past Christmas. Gomen! *Gives her a big birthday hug and a kiss as a consolation.* So, ya' goin' ice skatin' wit' us on Saturday??
Dear Tasuki,
D@mn! I read some past letters 'n no one knows what the f*ck my eye color is! And I actually DO know what it is, fyi for the chic who thought I didn't(what imposter were ya' talkin' to anyway?!)! They're hazel, and because of that they're sometimes greener or browner than usual. GEEZ!
Oh! Thanx for telling us that useless info, Kouji-san! Sure, anythin' fer my fans! Yer the greatest KOUUUUJIIII-SAAAAAN! Ari-ga-TOU!
Dear Kouji,
Thanks bro'! Glad yer back!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hello, again, Suzaku Senshi! It's been quite a while since I wrote to you guys last, but your advice came in alot of help. So, I write to you again, on several issues.
First off: I'm greately concerned for my RL brother. I thought nothing of it when he started smokeing, since I have a few other relatives that smoke, but the other day he was caught with drugs by my parents. I was spying outside of the room at the time (I know, naughty of me, but I was rather worried at the time), and heard my brother deny it. He claimed it was sand from outside. But later on, when my parents weren't there, I saw him smoke something myself. I havn't yet told my parents, and am not sure if I should. I want to have my brother stop, to be the way he used to be. What do I say to my brother?
Second off: I've been pretty sick lately, and don't know why. I'm tired all the time, am rarely hungry, weak, have constant headachs and stomach achs, can rarely fall asleep at night, and can hardly wake up in the morning. I havn't yet gone to a doctor, my parents thinking it's all made-up illnesses, so I hoped one or more of you know something about illnesses. Do any of these symptons hint at anything?
Third off: On a much lighter note, how does Chichiri make his hair stand up like that? ^_^
Bye for now, and thanks!
Dear Cally_Kari_Shokka,
Well you can start out by letting him know that you're concerned and ask him for the truth. Don't be judgemental. Just listen to him. You might want to discuss this with a school counselor or teacher that you're comfortable with before you take this to your parents. Ask them what the signs are for drug abuse. If your parents caught him with something he claims is "sand" and later on you saw him smoke an unknown substance it could be crack or crystal meth. BOTH are VERY bad news. But you do need to get the facts straight before you go to your parents. Keep in mind that telling your parents may cause a rift between you and your brother, but if he is using drugs, they do need to know. Good luck!
There are many things that can cause these symptoms. Your best bet is to go to a doctor. Chichiri says that his hair does that naturally, no da.
Dear Tamahome,
But--look at him! *points to a guy that is 6 ft. tall with a shaved head and size 15 shoes* PPPPPLLLLLLEEEEEEEAAAASSSSSSEEE??? I'll give you 20 ryou! Or how about some Qualcomm stock?
Dear Moon,
Actually Nokia makes a better cel phone...
Dear Nuriko,
*wails and sinks to the ground* Aw...I know. I should have told her sooner. It's so hard though. Ugh...I think I need a hug.....
*grabs Nuriko and put her head on his shoulder*
Dear Orian,
*Gives her a hug and just holds her.*
Dear Tamahome,
When are you going to be in the chatroom now?
I couldn't access the page on that weekend you said you be in it.
PS: Late Happy Holidays, to everyone else BUT Tamahome.
Soi: *hits him*
Itai! Okay, Okay. Merry Christmas to Tama too...
Dear Nakago,
Chichiri no Aijin was kidnapped to Londonand we all just got back. I'll try to be there this weekend.
Dear Tasuki,
*sweatdrops* Milsar Season is the best time of the year to eat a fish called Milsar. It's Lina's favourite dish, you wacko. *sighs and holtsers his sword* *walks away shaking his head* Nevermind. Just tell her it's Milsar Season, willya...
Dear Gourry,
Why would ya' bother to name yer food? Besides, Milsar's a dumb name fer a fish!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*a very pretty girl with long black wavy hair and big violet eyes walks in, looks around, and steps toward the seishi*
Konnichiwa. Um....I need to ask a favour. Can you guess who I am? I'll give you three hints.
You know me.
Chichiri knows me very well.
And I have a thing for scaring the crap out of Tamahome.
*grins* Guess away!
Mystery Guest
Dear Mystery Guest,
Black Jade?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Shuurei: Aaah! *runs around and squeezes all the seishi* Your back, minna! YAAAAAAAY! Did you have fun in London? Did you take lots of pictures? Did you eat fish and chips? DID YOU BRING ME BACK A PRESENT?!!
Virtual-mother: *is whapped by virtual-mother's finger* Its very rude to ask something like that!
*looks ashamed* Sumimasen, Okaa-san...which reminds me, you haven't met my Otouto yet, minna!
Otouto: *with big foam finger* GO JEANIE!! KILL TASUKI!! SMACK HIM DOWN, USE BIG KITCHEN KNIVES!!!!!!!! KILL! KILL! *becomes rabid and begins to strangle Shuurei* KILL! KILL!!! NEECHAN, DIE!!!!!!!!!!!
Shuurei: GYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!! *passes out from lack of oxygen*
Virtual-mother: *waving her finger* Now you see what happens when you let your brother out of his cage?
half-dead Shuurei, homicidal Otouto, and Virtual-mother
Dear Shuurei,
*Sweatdrops* Kowai kazoku... Ano... to answer your questions; we had fun in London, we took LOTS of pictures, we never ahd the chance for fish and chips (does lobster count?) and gomen, we did not get you a present.
Dear Tasuki,
Hey! How's it goin'? I've been gone for a h*ll of a long time, ne? Sorry 'bout that! It ain't my fault! Don't feel like explainin', either!
*starts to hand him some sake, then takes a drink, putting it into his hands half-full*
If you'll put up wit' me again, I can safely say I'm back. I remembered my password fer chat, but e-mail is a WHOLE other story...!
*noogies Genrou REALLY roughly*
I'm just worried 'bout the logs... I think I fear 'em as much as you do! Later!
PS. NO!! I DIDN'T DIE!!! geez...!
Dear Kouji,
Glad to have ya' back bro'!! Heard from Kyori lately?? Aidou will be thrilled to see ya'!!
Dear Tasuki,
hI tAsUkI!!! ^_^ HOW DID YOU LIKE THE PLAYSTATION! WORKING OK? heh heh you and tamahome should play some fighting games or war games against eachother. maybe that would make a good fanfic. heh heh! OK WELL ITS GETTING LATE SO I GTG! oh and happy newyear! but the millenium is actually 2001 right? ok anyway bye
Dear Atsuko,
Th' Playstation is kakkoii! I've been kickin' Tamahome's ketsu at Bushido Blade! Happy New Year to ya', too!
Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki! It has been a long time since I've been online. Last time I was on I wrote on the message board. I was so happy to have gotten so much so support with contacting someone I knew from a few months ago. I haven't gotten around to making the phone call. Something happened to me that kept me from making the call.
I was in a car accident on Wed. night, 12-29-99. I must say my friend and I were very lucky. She was driving me home after work. Making the turn on to the road which I live on, we were hit by a car getting on the highway. We had just gotten off the highway. The impact was on my side. I have one lump on my right arm from the door hitting me as it was smashed in by the other car. She was fine, I felt fine at the time. We both had a hold of ourselves until someone driving by asked if we were okay. It was my sister and her boyfriend. They showed up a few minutes after the accident had happened. I broke down once I made out the figure and could tell it was her. The accident occurred just seconds from my appartment.
I've been in quite a bit of pain. When I think I'm getting better I start to hurt else where and find out my limits. I have missed work since I can't do that much. I got very angry when I found out at work that I can't even pick up the cages to the sick birds, much less help customers get their fish and lift items for them. I avoid telling my friend of these things but she works at the same place. She calls to check on me but I never let her know just how bad I'm feeling. I'm lucky she is unable to see my bruises because all she does is blame herself. I tell her it's okay, but it doesn't seem to help much. I got so angry this morning because I couldn't even carry one textbook for school. Then while carrying my folders a cat ran in the house and in my attemp to get him out of the house I hurt my back just bending down. Life is a bit hard, and the accident has helped me realize just how much of my life I devoted to work when it wasn't devoted to school. I never thought I would be one of those people that would need something so great to realize how off their life is. The only thing is that I now must attmept to break an old habit.
Anyways... thankyou for hearing me out and putting up with me. I can't realy talk to any one about the accident. Also... I'M SO SORRY ABOUT THE SAILOR TASUKI PICTURE! I just had to send it in. ^^ Again thankyou.
Dear Heenker,
Glad yer alive! But ya' need to see a doctor ASAP!!!!!!!!!!! All yer aches, bumps, an' pains need to be professionally checked out. So, if not fer yerself than at least fer me, get yerself checked out so ya' know yer OK. An' I'm lettin' ya' off th' hook fer th' pic... fer now! *Fanged grin*
Dear Hotohori,
Hotohori-sama... School's started, and I hate school!! Anyway..please do help me beat up Nakago... he wanted to chi-blast my baby brother!!!!!!!!!!! (go to Nykee-chan's page n check out da archives to see what this crazy girl is talking about..^.~) ::sobs:: Please? And uhh...wanted to ask ya... did you watch "The Ring"? ^^
Dear Peizhen,
I do not believe I have seen this "The Ring" that you asked about. However, I am certainly willing to defend you and your brother against Nakago.
Dear Chichiri,
*walks up to him with an "I need you to do something" look on her face*'re not going to believe this but the craziest thing just happened! ^^; Iridal invited us all on a picnic and at some point during food fight these 'Mt.Kaou' weirdo's showed up and started attacking minna. So there's this fight going on and this weird woman put these bracelets on my wrists, then Martina locked them on -.-; They say they're unbreakable, and as long as I have them on my wrists I can't use my powers *mumbling* cause they're magic seals I do you think you can get them off?
Dear Lina,
Tasuki and I will try, no da. Please check the message board, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
*sweatdrops* Gourry eh? MISLAR?!? ^^!!! *Tries to take off in an instant levitation spell and sweatdrops cause it doesn't work* .... -.-;
*walks up to a stone wall and starts banging the stupid bracelets on her wrists up against it* BREAK DAMN YOU BREAK! *not amused*
Dear Lina,
*Watches her tantrum...* What th' h*ll happened to ya'??
Dear Chiriko,
Okay Chiriko, this just got deleted and now i have to rewrite the WHOLE !@#$%^& thing over again. So i'm NOT a happy camper today! *growls at her annoying sister who won't shut the @#$% up!*
Alright, your advice was to go out with jean, and have fun. Well, she must have read that (that's why i love this A.T.S.S.!). Anyways.....on friday night she invited me to go ice skating with her. I felt important when she asked, and then she said....'i just don't want to be in the house with my brother and all of his friends.' so then i felt just peachy. But that was, of course, AFTER! I asked her to spend the night over! *kicks box o stuff into oblivion* Then she thought of inviting Anne and Mandy. Which is no bad thing. They're my best friends too and i love them. And i'm very glad they came. I'm sure i'd have felt the same way even if the night hadn't gone as it had. Well, when we first got to the rink, it wasn't so bad. We were all having fun and talking. Then jean disappeared. I found her talking with this guy Charlie. Charlie seemed nice, and i can understand jean wanting to talk to him after how many days she hadn't seen him in. Plus he was an old crush, and i can totally understand that, i'm look whose talking. But for some odd reason (and someone's interference) i can never just be friends with a guy that i've had crushes on. I'm not blaming Now, back to my bitching......we got onto the ice again, and we were all having fun, and then jean disappeared again. We found her..
actually she found us (looking for her). Jean was with a 7 year old girl. There was NOTHING wrong with her AT ALL! She was nice and sweet and kind. But jean spent the ENTIRE night thereon with her. For the next 30 minutes, anne mandy and i skate around, with an occasion trevor (i'm sure jean won't hesitate to tell you about that story)All 3 of us go into the warm cafe, warming up our bodys. I got dizzy from the heat and i said i'd go skate a few rounds. Mandy and Anne said fine, they bet how long i could stay out there. Well, i got out on the ice, and immediatly saw jean with the girl. I skated right towards them and yelled 'JEAN' and they skated away, i screamed her name again (they were 10 feet in front of me) and she didn't even turn her head to look. So, feeling really sad and lonely, i slowly left the ice and sat down on a bench. Until 10:20, anne and i were skating around just moping about. Finally we got off, took off our skates and started to get ready to go home. Mandy came in in the middle of this, and we went to turn in our skates together. Which is fine. Mandy and i talked. It was around 10:30 and i was pissed off at jean. She invited all three of us to go ice skating with her, and she barely spoke to us that entire night. The only way we got Jean off the ice was that i had asked Luis, one of my old crushes that i can't be friends with because someone overly did it, but remember no names, even though he is jean's hapkido teacher......well i asked him to go get her. He was nice to, after anne and mandy asked him too.
When we got back to my house, i proof read the christmas letter my mom handed to me, leaving jean to sit on the couch and look at our naked tree. (it really is) Then after i was done, she and my mom talked for ever about everything my mom wants me to be, and that jean aspires for. I have a feeling that my mom wants me to be like jean, and that makes me resent my mom even more.
Well, the morning was even worse, which i spent cooking little mini quiches and stuff. We, i should say I watched Tenchi Muyio. I totally forgot about taking my kitten to the vet that morning, so i asked jean if she wanted to come. She didnt', her mom called right as we were leaving saying she was going to pick jean up. Well.....that was just those two days.
I forget which day it was, Jean called me up to see if i wanted to go iceskating again. I forget which date. But she bribed me with being able to see CnA, Motohisa and Eiji. I told her no. I won't go to someplace where i know i won't have fun. I know that if i did go, she'd spend all of her time with them, leaving me in the dirt, like she always does. So, i'm not going. And if i did, i'd waste about $10 that i could have saved to buy a Christmas gift for anyone i haven't gotten a present for. Which is about everyone on this earth. I haven't gone shopping at all. And then jean brags that she goes shopping, she doesn't invite me, noooooo but when ever there is a remote possibility that i can go shopping, i hear 'You're taking me too, right?' I really don't know what to do. At all, and maybe she'll read this and finally figure out that this is why i'm being so moody lately. But she'll probably think something else and ARGH!!!!!
Please help me! Or maybe telling you this was good, oh i don't know.
Dear Mary,
Well, this is not really my forte, so I turned it over to Chichiri no Aijin. I hope you aren't angry at me for doing so. She spoke to Jean and since she is in a similar situation tried to explain what she felt was happpening to the two of you. Jean certainly seemed to understand what she was saying. She really doesn't mean to ignore you when all of you are together. The little girl was a figure skater, so she had similar interests to Jean's and all they were doing was discussing figure skating. Jean did not mean to be insensitive to you. By the way, Chichiri no Aijin would like for you to join us for ice skating on the 8th (2:30-5:00 session). She said we would all spend time together. Although since this will be her second time on ice skates she may monopolize Eiji for awhile... hee-hee. Please try to go.
Dear Nuriko,
*blushes bright red and just stands there for a couple of minutes* Um...Um...Um...Um...I...I...I...I...Um...Uh... Oh! I'm fine!! I'm quite alright Nuriko-sama! ^_^! Well, I'm off to work then! *walks into a wall and falls unconcious on the floor with little Nuriko-sama's flying around her head*
Dear Inori,
*Looks at her very worried.* Daijobou desuka? *Holds her hand and rests her head in his lap.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Masao: *Bonks sakura* Geez, what the h*ll made you so hyper? Have you been eating cocoa every single day?
Sakura: Hee hee. Yup! ^_^
Masao: *mutters* Baka. Anyway, Me and that baka monster decided to wish you guys a Merry Christmas.
Masao: *bonks her again* Baka. The NEW millenium starts in 2001. Have the cocoa fianally reached to your brain system?
Sakura: Well, sorry. I forgot, okay. And Stop Calling Me A Monster! *tries to bop aniki*
Masao: *holds monster's head so won't get any closer to him* We hope you guys get what you guys wanted, same goes for Chichiri no Aijin, Motohisa, and Eiji.
Sakura: Santa Tasuki-san said that he'd send Sakura Nuriko-san as a Christmas present and Sakura still never got it~! WAAAAAH!!!
Sakura: Oh yeah! *brings out a big santa bag* Here you go! Presents for everyone! *passes presents to senshi and friends*
Masao: Where the h*ll did you get the money to get them presents?
Sakura: Hee hee. From selling those tapes of you and Tasuki-san. ^_^
Masao: NANI!
Sakura: *sings* Masao and Tasuki-san~, sitting in a tree~, K-I-S-S-I-N-ACK! *dodge*
Masao: *throws fireball in sakura's face* KISAMA! NOW YOU DIE!
Sakura: EEK! KOWAII! *hides behind Nuriko-san* Ne, Nuriko-san, protect me from that horrible man!
Masao: *grin* Yea, Nuriko. Instead of a Nuriko present, what Sakura really wants is a kiss on the lips from you. >:) How bout it, Nuriko? *nudge*
Sakura: ORO?! O.O; *blush* W-what are you t-talking about, aniki? S-sakura was only joking about that! I mean, that is, ummmmmm *blushes furiosly*
Masao: *plots revenge* Now, my dear sis, you know you want it, and I'm sure Nuriko wouldn't mind a bit *makes mistletoe appear over sak & nuri's head* C'mon, let's bring it on!
Masao and Sakura
Dear Masao and Sakura,
Arigato for the presents! *Gives Sakura a kiss.* Tee-hee...
Dear Nuriko,
Ack! Nuriko-san! *hugs him* I'm acting too sad! Kourin thinks there's something wrong with me! She's gonna find out!
*groans* I tried to be happy for her but I feel like I'm never gonna see her again. This whole damn wedding thing is killing me! What should I tell her, she knows there's something wrong. She reads me way to well...... *stupidly slams her head against a wall in frustration* Augh! I'm dead if I keep going like this!
Dear Orian,
*Holds her hand.* You may not like this, but, it may be time to tell her the truth...
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
HIYA!!!! GUEESSSS WHOOOOOOO??? IT'S ME!! SOI'S CUZ! *laughs* I live in, don't ask me where that is, cause....I forgot..heheh...
ANYWAY!!! I heard about this little place and thought to myself, "Why not annoy the seishi! They have alot of spare time!!" So, HERE I AM!!! Nice to finally have the pleasure to annoy you all...Joyuex Noel et Bonne Anee!!
Soi's Cousin in Peru...recently Bordeux
Dear Soi's Cousin,
Peru? Omoshiroii desu ne! Welcome to the peeji!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
soshite, Akemashite omedetou gozaimasu!^_^ I brought sushi and sake for everyone.
=) Lets all celebrate the coming millenium. =^o^=
Everyone from the Fushigi Yuugi cast is dear to me and will hold a special place in my heart. I wish all of the Suzaku shichiseishi the best and have a healthy happy holidays. Thank you all!!
Sumiko Ryuzawa
Dear Sumiko,
Me-ri Kurisumasu~ soshite yo yo toshi! Arigato gozaimashita for your good wishes and kind words! We all send you our best, too!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Okay, guys, I'm seriously needing advice here. I've been with my first serious boyfriend for over 6 months, and w've never kissed. The problem is, I'm ineperienced and shy, and he knows less than Suboshi when it comes to girls! Neither of us knows what to do, and all I know is I wanna kiss him and hold him and everything, and I don't know how to go about doin' it! I kissed him on the cheek a couple times and vice versa, and we've hugged like, twice. This isn't going anywhere... Can you guys help? I mean, you guys know about relationships, right? Tamahome? Any suggestions? (I'll take anyone's advice but Taski's... He seems to know very little of the gender he hates...) Thanks!
Shy Girl
Dear Shy Girl,
Before I start I must ask you... How old are the two of you??? Relationships that last are based on ALOT more than physical intimacy. I'd say at this stage you might be better off sticking to holding hands, hugging, and kissing for now. If neither of you are certain about what to do beyond that then you don't sound ready to go past the stage you're in right now. Take it slow, get to really know each other better, and when the time is right the rest will fall into place. Don't be in such a rush and you'll BOTH be better off in the long run. Good luck!
Dear Tasuki,
*looks at Inori and Nuriko* *sees mistletoe* *whistles innocently* *runs up to Tasuki and gives him a big kiss* ~_^ MERRY CHRISTMAS! ^_^ *gives all the seishi candy canes and walks away*
Dear Yui,
*Blushes and sweatdrops...* Eh-heh... Merry Christmas to ya' too Yui!
Dear Tasuki,
*Eyebrow twitches in protest of feeling sorry*...*sighs* You're right! You're not a wuss, gomen! but if you WERE a wuss of ANY kind at least you'd be a cute one. *laughs* Demo, Lucky for you that you aren't a wuss,ne? *grin*
Dear Lina,
Thanks, I think... Oh yeah, some lug named Gourry is lookin' fer ya'. Somethin' 'bout a Milsar Season...
Dear Tasuki,
(knocks on door) May I come in?
Who are you?
Kowai-faced man's best friend, Koji!
Ah, ano who's Kowai-faced man?
Gen-chan of course!
Bwahaha! Oh I get it!
Bwahaha *walks in*
I come bearing this card, dear kowai-faced man! I'm not a @#$^* ahou by th'way....
This is for the whole lot of the Suzaku Seishi plus CnA but I thought I'd drop a personal note in to you in time for the holidays. Whatever you do, do not imitate Santa at any place, anywhere, anytime - you'll scar them (Nykee pops up and adds "psychologically!") for life! ^_^
Anyways, here's the card! That one's fer everyone 'cuz yer all living in a warm climate (I do believe) and since ya can't make a real live snowman with the snow like in TO ya hafta improvise electronically. ^_^
Oh yeah, Gen-chan I saw this and just hadda sendya this one! Have fun going cross-eyed with the wolves! Bwahaha!
P.S. I was readin' th'letters recently and saw Toronto, who's where wha? Y'know the Ask The FY Cast and members are in TO ^_^ and yes, we've been to the CN Tower *sticks out his tongue and raspberries the kowai-faced man) Nya! *runs off laughing*
P.S.S. Nykee-chan: 'Tis okay to link the cards and let everyone see 'em, I don't mind if my e-mail is shown - that's why I let Koji enter it! ^.^;;
Dear Koji an' Nykee-chan,
I AIN'T kowai faced! 'Che! Gimme a break bro'! Thanks fer th' cool cards! But ya' gave Chichiri no Aijin a headache wit' th' wolves. She had her husband look at it instead.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hey Hi! It was my birthday yesterday! I'm fourteen! I used the money I got from my grandparents and my Great Aunt to buy my very first self-owned Fushigi Yuugi video! Volume Four in English Language Dialouge, The Priestess of Seiyruu!
My friends have an FY video that they bought in Toronto but I've found a place that sells them in my city for about thirty-five bucks. It's alot of money but it's worth it to see you guys in action. I got a Nuriko collector card with it!
I can't wait to watch it when my friends come over today!
I also got alot of cool stuff and my mom framed this picture that I did in art class that I'm really proud of. It took me a long time to do and I'm very very happy with it. I'm hanging it in my room!
I also go fun Anime type things from my pals. Mindy got me the sweetest picture of Soi and Nakago together and Rachel got me a Slayers manga! Lina and Gourry are so cute! I also got a Pokemon Manga with lotsa Team Rocket which is good cause I only watch the show to see Team Rocket screw up their missions.
Anyways I'm a very hyper-happy fourteen year old! Whadda ya think of my presents?
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
It sounds like you got a lot of nice presents, no da! Otanjoubi omedeto gozaimasu, no da! We hope you enjoy them all, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Though I'm still not my usual hyper self, I am feeling better. It could've been the fact that I havn't been getting much sleep lately, but I made up for it. I slept for a WHOLE day! I mean a straight 24 hours! I've NEVER done that! Oh well, it made me feel better.
And Kouji is NOT a ahou! He's cute! (Well, to me he is.) He's probably just like that to you 'cause he's your friend or something. He's seems nice enough to me. But WHY is he calling you that? Is there a particular reason? Other than the other one you gave.
Reikaku no Miko
Dear Reikaku no Miko,
Because he lives to annoy me! Glad yer feelin' better!
Dear Tamahome,
If you'll beat Tasuki up for free, will you beat up my brother for 5 ryou? *hands him 7 ryou* PLLLLLLEEEEEAAASSSSSEEEEE?
Dear Moon,
No. *Hands her back 3 ryou* It wouldn't be a fair fight.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Okay, Okay, you can go back, but I have to give Mind-chan something. You're her favourite seishi! *thinks - grabs one of Nuriko's bracelets and Tasuki's magic cards* Compromise ne? *runs for her life and dissapears in the distance*
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
*Turns to Nuriko laughing.* Ain't she gonna be surprised when a big ol' cake falls on her friend! Them's th' cards that Miaka drew food all over!
Dear Tasuki,
Merry Christmas, Tasuki-san! *hands him a gift-wrapped sake* Have you been good this year? ^_^
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Arigato fer th' sake!! Heh-heh-heh... define "good".
Dear Tasuki,
*grabs Tasuki by the back of the shirt before he gets away* LINA AND I ARE NOT IN A RELATIONSHIP!!!!!!!! *sighs*
Just tell her it's Milsar Season for me okay, or to I have to chop you up? *pulls out his sword*
Dear Gourry,
Yeah right. Whatever ya' say pal... heh-heh-heh... OI LINA!!!!!!! Yer "tomodachi" Gourry is here fer yer Milsar Season!!! So is that when she loses her powers? An' if that's so, how did YOU get a Milsar Season?? Somethin' ya' ain't tellin' yer fans???
Dear Tasuki,
Howdy! *hands him a keg of Sake* Well, i need some help. I need to get a present for my brother. I was thinking a big box with a little lump of coal inside. What do you think? It'll most definatly be better than last years present.....a box with a weight in it with a paper saying "IOU" Now gimme my weights back now!' hee hee. Well, what do you think of the gift idea?
Dear Mary,
Mebbe licorice coal instead of a real rock? Guess either beats a log to th' head...
Dear Tasuki,
*whips a log at his head* How rude! You didn't even stop by to say a Season's Greetings to yer sister on the other board! *kicks Shun'u* I don't care if yer tied up and under someone's tree, that's no excuse! *whips another log at his head* Did you or any of your friends even take the time to check out everyone's work in giving y'all a electronic greetings card posted on the site? *twaps his really hard upon the head with his own tessen* Go now before I whip another log atcha! *aims another log at his head*
Dear Aidou,
ITAI!!!! We wasn't even in th' *^%$#@* country!!! Gimme a )*^%$#@ BREAK!!!
Dear Hotohori,
Hi, Hotohori-sama! Remember how I told you about Lance, that I spoke to him like 2 times and stuff and that I like him.... Well, today was the last day of school before Winter break. So I got him a Christmas present. It's a pair of cute Tazmanian socks. Well, today, after school, I saw him, and out of nowhere, I threw the present at him. He barely caught it and asked me, "what is it?" But I just ran off..... heheh, what do you think? I'm not going to see him until Jan. 3, I bet he's going to ponder what the hell all this means... *_*; Well, see ya and Merry Christmas! *gives Hotohori-sama a kiss on the cheek*
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
I'm sure he will be confused. Good luck and let me know how it all turns out. *Gives her a hug.*
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