Dear Suzaku Seishi,Well I got some of that stuff on it and I probably won't go unless it still REALLY hurts tomarrow night, we really can't afford going to the doctors. And I'm always the one that'll prob get hurt lol thats why dad calls me buble wrap girl. But yeah if it REALLY REALLY gets bad tonight then I'll tell dad to go to the E.R mit me but as of right now I'm just taking it easy and stuff, I'll probably bring another pop down here and stay down here the rest of the night till I go to sleep and hop on my beed and zonk lol. Ttyal ^^ The Nachoknot |
Dear The Nachoknot,Keep an eye on it and be more careful! Suzaku Seishi |
Dear Tasuki,Hey veg head ^^ Taki: ... I hope he smacks you for calling him that... I do it all the time with you ^^ *ruffles his hair* Korin *watching her* Well, lil good news is Taki's hand hasn't been getting worse so YAY ^_^ Let's see, what's new here... Um... Taki: She's leaving for a weekend to go tour a campus for college... A Weekend along.. ^_^ *rolls eyes* Yeah, didn't mom tell you you're coming to? Taki *eye twitch* Why?! Hmmm, I wonder.. Kaori and Takemaru |
Dear Kaori and Takemaru,I can't smack a blind guy! *Turns to Kaori* Yer 'is sister, can ya' smack 'im fer me? *Fanged grin* Tasuki |
Dear Suzaku Seishi,Howdy yalllll lol Just got back from camping and stuff I had a LOT of fun ^^ Other then me head ache is BACk, its goota be a/c or something, I was fine most of the time I was out there. And Yeah they put a new swimming area in so that was really fun lol. But I cut my foot on some glass and boy it musta went in deep that sucker HURTS. *sigh* As long as I don't die I'm good lol. But yeah... I'm gonna get going I'll ttyal ^^ Toodles The Nachoknot |
Dear The Nachoknot,I hope you put some hydrogen peroxide on it and will have a doctor look at it if it continus to hurt. Odaijini! Mitsukake |
Dear Suzaku Seishi,Dang that cut on me foot from swimin' HURTS and my foot is swollen... Its cool lol but yet it sucks seeing I'm in my room in the basement and its hard to get up stairs lol ohsy well lol But yeah I laid down a bit after the first messege I sent you all and I ZONKED it was niiice ^^ But chea... But cheeeaaaaa I think I'll probably stay up tonight lol and stuff lol. Random but thats cool lol. Weellll I think I'm gonna get going and stuff I'll ttyl ^^ Toooooddddllleesss lol The Nachoknot |
Dear The Nachoknot,You need to see a doctor as soon as possible. It may be infected. Mitsukake |
Dear Chichiri,I hope so. I finally started working on my horror story. I've surprised myself in deciding to write it in First Person. I'm not used to this, but it's better than the normal way... And it's more fun. ^^ Kaguya-Hime |
Dear Kaguya-Hime,Ganbatte kudasai, no da! Chichiri |
Dear Tasuki,^^ Heehee, you admit it at last! An' I was just kiddin' 'bout you not bein' the father. *jumps on ya an' hugs tight* Suiren |
Dear Suiren,Yer a sneaky one aintcha'? *Grins* Tasuki |
Dear Chichiri,Murin: Ah, he's okay. No need t' bring in Mitsu-san. Hakurei: 'Sides, aren't I the one with the more serious issue right now? Murin and Hakurei |
Dear Murin and Hakurei,You are, but it is not of a medical nature, no da. Chichiri |
Dear Suzaku Seishi,Read this, you guys... I literally nearly went out of breath when I read this... XD I'm sick today. Fever. T^T and I just finished watching episode 15 and 16. This cheered me up. ^_^ Enjoy, ganbatte kudasai and bye! SuzakuAngel |
Dear SuzakuAngel,That wa ... bizarre. Feel better! Suzaku Seishi |
Dear Chichiri,I don't know. It is homeschool, which technically means it's entirely my choice.... From what they give me anyway. There's a slim chance. Kaguya-Hime |
Dear Kaguya-Hime,You might be right, no da. Chichiri |
Dear Tamahome,Too late, I'm sick. I'm so lonely 'coz Mom and I were supposed to skte today... And funnily enough, I just finished watching episode... uh... episodes 15 and 16. But thanks for your support. I'll buy myself some medicine from... Bangladesh. X3 *sings* One whole day of shopping with taka, lalalalala... SuzakuAngelP.S. Now here's one thing that I put in my fic that I don't think you'll object to: "They walked along for quite a while, Tasuki doing a walk that was sort of a cross between a swagger and a skip." I don't know why I'm doing that, it just randomly popped up into my mind and I just had to use it. On Tasuki, I don't know why, but it's ridiculous. XD |
Dear SuzakuAngel,I'm sorry you're sick. I hope you get well soon. The Tasuki thing is pretty funny! Tamahome |
Dear Suzaku Seishi,X.x I am sooooo tired. I just got done driving all the way from OH to TN. I feel like a zombie. lol I went up there with my best friend to visit her mom... we only stayed for three days, though. I suppose it was a nice visit. I'm sort of glad it was short. Her family is hard to be around sometimes. ^^;; Whew.. I'm gonna go take like, a week long nap... XD Kuro |
Dear Kuro,We're sorry it was not a pleasant visit. Have a nice nap! Suzaku Seishi |
Dear Tasuki,So yer admittin' yer married t' me? Suiren |
Dear Suiren,That is what this story's 'bout ain't it? Tasuki |
Dear Chichiri,Hikou: @.@ Murin: *comes running out* Hikou?! Hikou: Yes daddy, I'd like an ice cream cone... Murin: ...He's out of it. *picks him up and sets him up in bed* Hakurei: Gomen Haha-sama... *pulls a shirt on* Murin: It's alright. He doesn't die very easily. Hikou, Murin, and Hakurei |
Dear Hikou, Murin, and Hakurei,I'd like to have Mitsukake check him out, no da. Chichiri |
Dear Chichiri,Yep. I started watching it a while ago. And of course, as usual, I never seem to start on the first episode. With any luck, I'll be able to get the series on DVD for Christmas. If not, I'll have a job next year anyway, I can save up for it. (Thankfully I don't have to do what most teens do. Mom's giving me her car and I have desire to get a new one. (It's paid off, has good gas mileage, getting rid of it would be dumb.) Ugh... I'm going to be so lonely. Fox is up in Michigan for almost three months. And of course, this school year won't be fun, I have to deal with Highschool stuff.. -_-;; I don't care what anyone says, there is no way I'm taking Spanish! Not so long as I live! -sighs- Spanish and French were the only classes we could take at the stupid school I used to go to... Kaguya-Hime |
Dear Kaguya-Hime,If you have to take a foreign language hopefully they will have more choices. But don't bet on there being any Japanese, no da. Chichiri |
Dear Chichiri,Hikou: Alright then... *cracks his knuckles and places his hands on Hakurei's back* Lend your strength to me thy five holy dieties; God of war, God of virtue, God of longevity, God of love, God of all creation. Place thine power in my hands and let my eyes know this secret! *his hands glow as do his eyes as he reads the seal* Hakurei: S-Sugoi... Hikou: My gods, this is... AHHH! *sent flying backward by a sudden burst of chi* Hakurei: Hikou-san!? Hikou and Hakurei |
Dear Hikou and Hakurei,Are you ok, no da? Chichiri |
Dear Tasuki,...That sounded like it could have been a REALLY bad pun... Weird. lol Oh well ^^ And yeah, Korin really likes Taki. She starts SCREAMIN' if she isn't by him when he's in the room. So he's basically always got her by him ^^ It's so cute, the other day I saw him nappin' on the couch and she was sleeping on his chest ^^ I was going to take a pic, but ma has the camera. But I'm gonna go, I need to get ready for work ^^ Bye reddy! Kaori |
Dear Kaori,Hmmm... mebbe... Have a good day at work! Tasuki |
Dear Suzaku Seishi,Well I've been taking asprin and it works fer a bit then it stops. Oh well I got one now but its not AS bad as b4. So thats good ^^ But ya tonight and tomarrow should be fun ^__^ I don't think its supose to rain tomarrow here and if it does we'll still go camping ^^ Unless its STORMING OUT lol but chea I can't wait ^^ Sooo... I don't think I sent you knight swater of fly number 3.. so I'll do it now ^^ lol there you be^^ well toodles ^^ The Nachoknot |
Dear The Nachoknot,We're glad you're feeling better. That was randomly weird! Suzaku Seishi |
Dear Suzaku Seishi,WEll It's my last day of marching until August ^^ My last time marching in Rochester too!! YAY I hate that parade... But THANKFULLY the parade doesn't start until 6 and we're #92 so we won't be stepping off til after 7 sometime ^^ THEN I'm goin' over to Casey's to spend the night then we're goin' campin' ^^ I can't wait! I just have to see how I feel after marching... I MUST FEEL GOOOOD lol. Oh well, I just wish my arms weren't hurting so much. Oh well I"m not gonna let it get me down ^^ Hey it's raining ^_^ Sweet! WEll I'm gonna go cause I can't think of anything else to say ^^ Ila |
Dear Ila,Keep dry and have a good time at Casey's! Suzaku Seishi |
Dear Tamahome,*sniggers* Yeah... a classmate cracked up when I told him and then I went "I want one taka of this, please,"... Ha... I officially proclaim myself ridiculous. Let's just all go to Bangladesh and shop... that'd be fun... And they had to name money after you, of all people... *coughs* I have been having cough since yesterday, but I still did the class debate, so yay me, right? Right, but my team lost the quiz bee all because I was too careful with my answer to be fast. Better safe than sorry... that's why I'm keeping my money as far away from here as possible. O_O I did well in my Science quiz, thanks to my mother who is a... human Wikipedia in herself, yeah... *Yawn* Bye. I am now off to imagine some of you guys in suits, shades and a really nice silver convertible. Not really, I already did that earlier. SuzakuAngel |
Dear SuzakuAngel,Hope you're not getting sick! Enjoy your day! Tamahome |
Dear Suzaku Seishi,Once again today I got me HEADACHE and its aching through me face! It SUCKS. *sigh* ah well. And its down pouring here and it was fun to run in ^^ But ja I'm gonna go now toodles ^^ The Nachoknot |
Dear The Nachoknot,It sounds like a sinus headache. *Smiles* Take two aspirin and write us in the morning. Miktsukake |
Dear Chichiri,No one would tell their parents because honestly, that man scared us to death! And he hated me too, I could tell. I'm officially grossed out by Peacemaker. I found out about the ending and my favorite character has grossed me out, severely. Kaguya-Hime |
Dear Kaguya-Hime,I'm sorry to hear you were all bullied so badly by this teacher, no da. Do you mean Peacemaker Kurogane? Chichiri |
Dear Tasuki,Why're ya upset? If it's not yours, you don't have any responsibility. 'Sides, I raise the kids anyway so why does it matter who the father is? Suiren |
Dear Suiren,I thought we were married. If that's so ya' ain't s'pposed to be wit' no one else! Tasuki |
Dear Tasuki,ACtually he did end up usin' his hurt hand and he WAPPED me with his cane. I thought it was pretty funny ^^ Then Korin like attacked my hand. That bird hates me lol. Oh well. I like pickin' on my lil bro ^^ It's fun. Besides, he gets his chances to get me back. Kaori |
Dear Kaori,I think she's jus' protectin' 'er boy. Looks like he's got 'is own birdy bodyguard. *Grins* Tasuki |
Dear Chichiri,Hikou: Of course not! I can barely even accomplish a simple seal. Hakurei: Do you know what kind it is? Hikou: I think so... Shihan did teach me a little bit about seals and ancient writings... *examines the seal carefully* When did it first appear? Hakurei: Not sure. I noticed it a couple weeks ago... Hikou: Hmm. *pulls out his cloak and beads* I think I can decipher it. Hakurei: Really? Hikou: *nods* No problem. Hikou and Hakurei |
Dear Hikou and Hakurei,I'm relieved that you two are finally getting along and that you didn't put this seal on him. Just be careful with it, no da. Chichiri |
Dear Suzaku Seishi,Hey, whattaya think of this songfic? So yeah, haven't been here in a while, ne? LOL. It's just that I don't have anything to talk about, really =] But I'll come back as soon as something happens worth talking about. ^_^ Shelby |
Dear Shelby,Welcome back! Then songfic was very sweet, arigato. Suzaku Seishi |
Dear Nuriko,U r right, i am jealous. But i have not talk about our realtionship yet. He knows that I love him because everytime he sits with me, someone says to Jacob that I love him. I am just a little scared on what he might say to me if he says "no i don't want to go out with you." I might not be ready to take the pain anytime yet. He is the only "guy" friend who is sweet to me and cares about me a lot. He knows how I feel, and tries to make me laug when I am sad. A true, sweet, kind-hearted boy with a serious attitude change {acts like a kid}. Well... how do you get a person to know how you feel? {This can go for Miaka too, if she is listening.} Brittany |
Dear Brittany,I wouldn't tell him I loved him, but I would tell him I do like him and enjoy spending time with him. If he knows because others tell him how you feel about him but still spends time with you, odds are good he likes you, too. Good luck! Nuriko |
Dear Tasuki,I am officially in college now. XD Go me. Although registering in the classes was harder than anything. Why does everything have to be done by computer now? Sooner or later, we'll having breathing machines and what not connected to them. Wouldn't that be funny. ~_^ Anyway, not much else is going on besides that. I appiled for a new job..and heard nothing. My birthday is on friday though. I'll be 19. I'm not sure I will feel any different, but whatever. I think as you get older, birthdays just don't seem as important. Kasti |
Dear Kasti,Mebbe, I dunno. But omedetou gozaimasu on th' college thin'! Happy early birthday, too! Tasuki |
Dear Tasuki,Heh yeah believe me it's blistered. Poor kid keeps WACKING it up against things too becuase he can't see... Oh well, he'll learn. My dad's bringing him home a sling though so he can just keep it in there so he doesn't have to worry about hitting it. Taki *layin' on the couch nappin' being bounced on by Korin* *smirks and takes a feather on the floor and starts tickin' his nose ^^* (Sisterly love, isn't it great? ^^) Kaori and Takemaru |
Dear Kaori and Takemaru,Yer gonna make 'im use 'is hurt hand ya' know. Tasuki |
Dear Chichiri,I still blame my sixth grade gym teacher to my aversion to working out. He worked us straight to death for somethign another class did! And one kid threw up, he was sent to the bathroom and when he came back was forced to get right back to doing what we were forced. He's also the same teacher who drank beer and chewed, in school. He was friend with the principal of course, so the old jerk stayed. He made me so angry... I did get my revenge in 7th grade though. I "accidentally" hit him in the head with a dodge ball. Me with my terrible aim.^_^;; But everytime I try to work out again, I hear his stupid voice in my head. I came home every day with a new ache. I couldn't even walk to my car one day it was so bad... Kaguya-Hime |
Dear Kaguya-Hime,It sounds like he should have been fired, no da. I'm surprised all the parents didn't complain. Chichiri |
Dear Tasuki,Shun'u: *sighs* We look the same yet wer' so different... I know how ya are an' all, but itz almost like ya couldn't care... Suiren: Shun'u, it's alright. I'm fine with it. I raised alla' you on my own with little help from daddy-dearest over there an' ya'll turned out ok. Shun'u: I know... Suiren: So stop worrying. It's not even his kid anyway.Shun'u and Suiren |
Dear Shun'u and Suiren,Eh?? Nan? Whaddya' mean by that? *Does not look happy.* Tasuki |
Dear Chichiri,Hikou: *wobbles out of his bedroom and flops down at the kitchen table* Hakurei: .... Are you alright? Hikou: Murin's just being a little demanding of me... I'm exhausted. Hakurei: Would it a'killed ya t' put some pants on before you came out here? Hikou: *groans and lays his head down on the table* Hakurei: I thought you were supposed to look like Ojii-sama, so how come you're so skinny an' boney lookin'? Hikou: The effects of my potions... it's alright, I'm on a vitamin to help restore the weight I've lost... Hakurei: I see... so, what can you tell me about this? *shows him the seal* Hikou: *eyes widen and he bolts upward* That's... Hikou and Hakurei |
Dear Hikou and Hakurei,Did you do this to him, no da? Chichiri |
Dear Suzaku Seishi,Well I still don't feel to great today -_- *sigh* Ah well... But yeah, I'm going to moms again today.. Weee lol I'll probably play Zelda and ja. lol. But I doubt I'll have brice over tonight but ja hmmm... But I REALLY hope I feel better by friday and the weekend cuz Elise is hopefully comin' over and then this weekend we're going camping and everthing ^^ Awww my dog abby looks like she's watching tv lol ^^ cute ^^ well I'm gonna go make some chocolate milk or something so ttyal ^^ The Nachoknot |
Dear The Nachoknot,We hope you feel better soon. Have fun with Elise! Suzaku Seishi |
Dear Nuriko,how to make always pretty? iqa |
Dear iqa,A healthy diet and plenty of exercise is a good start. Nuriko |
Dear Tamahome,i like you when you say i'm so scary. can you say it to me please? are you still love miaka? iqa |
Dear iqa,I don't remember saying it but, "I'm so scary." Of course I still love Miaka! Tamahome |
Dear Suzaku Seishi,*Wipes tears from eyes* Yeah, I know... I just gave the link for kicks, though, but I like this better than the first version, don't you? I'm online today 'cause we have to do a book report. Regarding that, I don't want to do a fairy tale again... but as for being online... *halo appears overhead* ^_^ I was finally pushed to the limit today. Please don't ask. I was so p*ssed at the pervert that I was accusing him of some of what he'd done to the class girls. He was so over-acting, annoying and such a show-off. I cracked earlier, but since I heard a kid singing on the ride home, some chocolate AND some juice, I've felt better. Otherwise, school wasn't so much of a bummer today. *Laughs* And fate steps in once more... do you happen to know the currency of Bangladesh? I'm bored out of my head and I don't know what else to write. So... bye... *sighs* SuzakuAngel |
Dear SuzakuAngel,The currency of Bangladesh is called the "Taka". *Grins* They named it after me! Tamahome |
Dear Suzaku Seishi,Wednesday, June 20, 2007. 12:00 AM. I haven't felt like myself lately... which is probably why I'm only sending in letters as my characters... I just feel a lil off fer some reason. I haven't done anything that great yet nor has anything interesting happened to me. I've had the urge to spend more of my time outside because my laptop... well... everytime I go on the internet it starts slowing down, freezes, becomes totally unresponsive, an' thus I gotta shut it down. I'm back on the ol' PC an' I really don't mind it all that much. What has happened to me? Well besides getting sunlight, I'm beginning to think that I'm not as nature friendly as I thought. Two times yesterday I was almost taken out by falling tree branches. The winds have been pretty strong even in the river valley... it did scare the cr@p outta me t' have a twiggy branch smash right infron'a my feet. Currently my effort (or lack of) to get a job as resulted in nothin'. I just dunno if I'm ready... I'm a lil scared, ok? Just a lil... it's not that I'm a baby 'r anythin'. I'll try fer a job an' my license soon, I will, but I think I need t' really be put back int' a tighter schedule. Eh, I'll end up procrastinatin' no matter what tho... Speakin' o babies, Tama's due end of July/early August so in about a month I'll be an auntie! Well... Amber's not really my sister but I wanna be a fun member of that baby's life. An' I love Tama very much. I know she's havin' a baby shower sometime soon but I haven't gotten an' invite 'r anythin' yet... I hope she didn't fergit me. It's rude to invite yerself 'r just show up after all. I'm hopin' my being outside this summer will help clear up my skin an' lighten my hair. Ya know it's been a while since I was on one of my acne rants, but I think that's because it doesn't really bother me anymore. Sure my face itches an' it's bumpy an' kinda gross t' look at, but after six years with the red dots I've accepted the fact that I probably won't gain an attractive form until I've stopped growin'. An' drawin'? WELL, I've done a lil here an' there but not anythin' t' brag about. Once I get my laptop fixed, I'm sure I'll feel better. An' my period was late this month fer no apparent reason so I'm sufferin' it currently when I shoulda been done by now. Stupid pills... "regulate" MY ******!! An' because it was late an' thus I'm a bit off, there's pain. An' plenty of it. Day three is beginnin' so the worst of it is almost over... ehhh, I should really go get my shower before it gets too late. Just thought I'd let ya know how the real Suiren is doin'. Here's Bara for the latest romantic adventure. Bara: I'M GETTING MARRIED THIS WEEKEND!! Suiren |
Dear Suiren,There's only so much summer left so you better get to work on getting a job! Have you spoken to Amber lately? Make sure you keep in touch and that she knows you want to go to her shower. Sorry to hear that your cramps are back and so bad. *Gives her a hug.* As for your laptop, Chiriko says that if it is still giving you problems it may be time to reload Windows on it or if you have XP you can go to Start/All Programs/Accessories/System Tools/System Restore and try to restore it back to a date before you were having problems with it. Good luck! Nuriko |
Dear Tasuki,Shun'u: Ohhh no no no! *pulls Suiren away from you* The thing ya shoulda done in the first place should NOT be done after ya've been reminded t' do it. It's like ya care only because ya were scolded. Tsk, that's shameful Oyaji. Suiren: Shun'u, it can't be helped... Shun'u: *ignores her* Congradulations to "us"? Well now that don't seem fair t' feel like you deserve a party because all you did was plant a seed in the garden of life! Suiren: Shun'u. Shun'u: *still ignoring* Ofukuro deserves better than an empy "gomen" an' a weak hug! Fer gods sake, how about sayin' somethin' t' yer child?! *kneels down and hugs Suiren's stomach to his cheek* Hey, I'm yer big bro an' when you bust outta there, I'm gonna make ya the best baby food ever! Suiren: ...You're like this with Yuuen, aren't you? Shun'u: Yep. Shun'u and Suiren |
Dear Shun'u and Suiren,Ya' been alive an' wit' me how long an' yer still surprised by how I am? I am who I am. We hadda passel of kids an' now we're havin' another. That's nice. Ya' should know by now I ain't one to jump around. I'm gonna go fight some monsters now. Tasuki |
Dear Chichiri,I know.. But I shouldn't be separated from my stories that much now. I haven't been writing much, so anything that takes me away from them isn't too good right now. Kaguya-Hime |
Dear Kaguya-Hime,I understand, but exercise is still important, no da. Chichiri |
Dear Suzaku Seishi,Hi, this is Ryoko again. Just wanted to say that Shuugo might have to go back to the hospital, he seemed to be doing better, but right now he's catching we believe the flu, and thats not helping him at all... So tomorrow morning we're bringing him in for a check up, unless it gets worse tonight, which we are all praying doesn't happen. Poor Tsukasa, he's going nuts... I'd be with him but we have his oldest son with him right now. Well I'm going to get going. Got to get some sleep in before its my turn to watch Shuugo. Bye Ryoko |
Dear Ryoko,We hope he gets better soon. We'll keep him in our thoughts. Suzaku Seishi |
Dear Suzaku Seishi,Yeah it sucked lol and what else sucks is today I went swimming in the river and swallowed the water by accident and I do NOT feel too good.. bleh. I have a SCREAMIN' headache once in a while and meehhh hopefully I'll feel better b4 we go camping! I'm sure I will.. ^^ But yeahhhhh. I hope its not HOT tomarrow. Mom doesn't got her a/c in and its a brick building so it gets HOTTTTTTT *sigh* Ah well. But chea... Hmm.. OH I got 2 vids fer you to watch ^^ part one and part 2 ^^ Yeah we were bored lol theres a prt 3 but I still gotta edit it, I was gonna tonight but I no feel good... *sighs a bit* Ohsy well ^^ Gotta stay in a good mood ^^ That always helps lol. ttyl ^^ The Nachoknot |
Dear The Nachoknot,That was random! We hope you feel better! Suzaku Seishi |
Dear Chichiri,Ojii-sama, you don't think Hikou-san placed this seal on me, do you? Hakurei |
Dear Hakurei,*Looks concerned* I don't know, but I intend to find out, no da. Chichiri |
Dear Tasuki,Yeah ^^ Taki got burned pretty bad though. His whole hand is wrapped up. Taki: Stupid fire... Dad was yelling at ya to stay away from the fire... Taki *shrugs* Well you paid the price for it. Any advice for the burn? Kaori and Takemaru |
Dear Kaori and Takemaru,Put ice an' aloe on it. If it blisters, let it an' don't pop th' blisters. Tasuki |
Dear Suzaku Seishi,You've never seen the Steamboat day's fireworks have ya? They are LAME.. Its one at a time VERY slowly.. Ah well lol ^^ The Nachoknot |
Dear The Nachoknot,No, we haven't. But it doesn't sound like fun. Suzaku Seishi |
Dear Tasuki,Better if you just ask my uncle or Tsukasa about it. I don't feel as if it's my place to say, BUT we did get to go visit him at home ^^ He's looking a lot better than he was in the hospital. Taki: I wouldn't know, but since he was mumbling, it was nice hearin' that... *strokin' Korin's feathers* Korin *sleepin'* Oh well, sorry we haven't said anything fer a while ^^ Dad took us on a surprise trip! It was fun ^^ We all went camping! Taki didn't enjoy it so much, but he still had a good time. Ryoko even watched Korin for us. Didn't go too well lol. Taki: Yeah, apparently I'm like the only one who Korin likes... Oh well, I'm not complaining. I was gonna ask Chichiri something... I forgot though lol ^_^ Kaori and Takemaru |
Dear Kaori and Takemaru,Welcome back! I'm glad ya' hadda good time fer th' most part. Tasuki |
Dear Suzaku Seishi,Do you like being suzaku warriors? and is it easy protecting miaka? Corinne |
Dear Corinne,We do and sometimes it was easy and sometimes it wasn't. Suzaku Seishi |
Dear Chichiri,Did some one teach you to be a Monk chichiri? Corinne |
Dear Corinne,Taiitsu-kun did, no da. Chichiri |
Dear Hotohori,Do you like pie? Cuz i do :) Tiny and Beana |
Dear Tiny and Beana,I do. Which pies do you like? Hotohori |
Dear Chichiri,There's nothing anywhere near us. -sighs- It's sad really... I suppose I can do without that. It would only take away from my writing anyway, right? Kaguya-Hime |
Dear Kaguya-Hime,It would but exercise is good for you, no da. Chichiri |
Dear Chichiri,Taiitsukun: *groans* What's the problem now? Hakurei: Tentei-sama, there appears to be a mark on my back that Ojii-sama thinks is pretty serious... *shows her* Taiitsukun: Hmm... it's quite the intriquet design. *traces a finger over the pattern* Hakurei: *winces* Taiitsukun: Interesting. A great deal of power was put into this seal. I believe it's either holding something inside you... or trying to keep something out. The trick is decifering the pattern itself. Hakurei: An' removing it? Taiitsukun: Right now we can't take that chance. Just don't do anything stupid. Taiitsukun and Hakurei |
Dear Taiitsukun and Hakurei,Understood, no da. You need to listen to and obey Taiitsu-kun on this. I'll take you back to your parents for now. *Takes him back and the goes looking for Hikou.* Chichiri |
Dear Tasuki,Shun'u: An' what about Ofukuro? The gift of life isn't the best or even worth a simple "congradulations"? Doukun: It's not everyday Okaa-san gets pregnant! Though it seems like it... Suiren: Heaven ferbid I keep my promise to my ancestors an' save the Ka-zoku... Shun'u: Doukun has a point though... Suiren: It's only my sixth pregnancy... First Murin, then Shun'u, the triplets, Doukun, the... the still born... and now this one... *places a hand over her stomach* Tho given my body's age... I'll probably lose this one too... Doukun: It wasn't all your fault you lost our little brother! Kyuuen's death was just... well it was horrible, but you promised us you'd try to be happy again an' live your life t' yer fullest! Kyuuen: Yeah, an' don't worry about the still born. He's never far from my eyes. I made sure Taiitsukun let me keep 'im. Suiren: But I think the man's patience is spent... *looks over at Tasuki* Shun'u, Doukun, Kyuuen, and Suiren |
Dear Shun'u, Doukun, Kyuuen, and Suiren,Gomen. *Gives Suiren a hug.* Congratulations to us. Tasuki |
Dear Suzaku Seishi,Whoops... yeah. Sure, you've seen "Charlie the Unicorn"... but I'm sure you haven't seen THE CHIPMUNK VERSION! MUAHAHAHAHA! E-en... e-enjo-en... enjoy! SuzakuAngel |
Dear SuzakuAngel,Well, that was awful! Suzaku Seishi |
Dear Suzaku Seishi,Okay, I might be asking the wrong type of people, but, anyway, I was on trip with my band. My "boy" friend sat with me to and from our trip. And I was suppose to be in his group but I wasn't and I was so mad. I was sitting next to him, well he was, on the way back to school, and He talked about "kissing a girl like 4 times" in this play. I felt REALLY jealous, and he doesn't even know this girl, and she was beautiful. (In his eyes, he thinks everything is beautiful.) I was also helping him put something up on the bus and our hands touch. I blushed but he didn't see. As we got off the bus, he needed a ride home, so my mom's friend took him home and I was in the back seat with him. I WANTED to kiss him and see him in the 9th grade, but I felted scared and my mom was watching us. So, Should I wait to kiss him in summer, or wait till later this year? I need some guideance to get him, so what do u each have to say? Am I jealous or what? Brittany |
Dear Brittany,I am speaking for all of us in this when I say, yes you are jealous. He doesn't sound like your boyfriend but a male friend you have a crush on. I would wait to kiss him when he kisses you. Have you both discussed what your realationship is? If not, maybe you should. Good luck! Nuriko |
Dear Suzaku Seishi,Heh well it's been two days now and I still feel like cr*p from marching. But i'll be heading to bed early tonight and I've been r=drinking sooo much water that I'm so sick of drinking it >.< But I didn't have to go to practice today. Oh well, I'm just gonna take it easy and be lazy, my chest is tight yet and I'm sunburned and yeah. Stupid hot and humidity! I'll ttyl ^^ Ila |
Dear Ila,Take care and keep cool! We hope you feel better soon! Suzaku Seishi |
Dear Chichiri,Yes, yes it is. Though mom hates it because it has an unlimited listing of Japanese artists and stuff like that. And naturally, my curiosity gets the better of me and she has to put up with YouTube for seven hours straight. She's free of me taking Kendo though, there are none anywhere near us. The closest one is about a two hour drive. I don't wish to bother her with such a long drive for me. Kaguya-Hime |
Dear Kaguya-Hime,Kendo is also very expensive. Have you considered karate, no da? Chichiri |
Dear Suzaku Seishi,*Knots head into a pretzel* I'm so sorry, guys... Happy Father's Day to you all... I didn't have enough time yesterday to write an entire post office to you, which is exactly what I wanted to do... Me is so sorry, belated Happy Father's Day... *In a high-pitched voice* On a lighter note (literally, ha), my dad really liked HIS present: A blue barong (Meaning: national male top of the Philippines) and a Japanese card. I didn't put in the translations until Mom asked me to. And then that was Uncle Raul's birthday, too, so I was going "Happy Father's Birthday!" at him. And today, school was rather... okay. O_O Am ick, am sick... And speaking of sick, I have been having frequent stomachaches since last Friday... or, I don't know, last week... I think it's the one-month absence of Reliv from me. Katie didn't take so long to break in. One session, two hours, my feet didn't become a rock garden. XD Nothing much happened, and I'll be back on Friday. Bye! SuzakuAngel |
Dear SuzakuAngel,Arigato! We hope you feel better soon. Suzaku Seishi |
Dear Suzaku Seishi,Hey its Ryoko again. We got Shuugo home but has to stay in bed and has a doctor stay here, I'm SOO glad Tsukasa new a doctor that we can be home at last. The rest of the good news is that when Shuugo was first sick he really couldn't speak, now he's mumblin' more. When Tsukasa heard him "speak" boy did he smile. I have to say, that idiot gets on my nerves, but not seeing Tsukasa smile much and seeing the one earlier did cheer me up. Well I'm going to start my shift of watching Shuugo and what not. Bye Ryoko |
Dear Ryoko,We're glad he's recovering. We hope he gets better soon! Please give him our best. Suzaku Seishi |
Dear Suzaku Seishi,lol I'll try to be careful around the Fire, but I'm a Kukowski, I'm probably gonna get hurt lol. But yeah we went to the fire works and BORING lol they ALWAYS are lol ohsy well. but chea... Hmmmmm.. Well not much new here so toodles lol ^^ TheNachoknot |
Dear TheNachoknot,How can fireworks be boring? Suzaku Seishi |
Dear Tasuki,Shun'u: You'd better be thankful! High class meals take a while to prepare ya know! Kyuuen: Do you KNOW how much extra work Taiitsukun is gonna have me doin' fer skippin' out on one day of my shinigami duties?! Not too mention the time an' effort I spent capturing these monsters! Kyouen: I did my best to make everything look clean... Doukun: And here I thought I had read the stars for happiness and good fortune for us all... *flips through a text on recent star alignments* Ryuuen: *sigh* This is troublesome alright. I'll be in my room with some hard liquor with my man servant. *leaves* Murin: I gave up a whole day of endless adult pleasures fer this reaction? Jeez, sorry we were born. Murin, Shun'u, Ryuuen, Kyuuen, Kyouen, and Doukun |
Dear Murin, Shun'u, Ryuuen, Kyuuen, Kyouen, and Doukun,No, no, no! It's all great! Thanks fer th' great gifts! *Grins* Soon as I eat, I'm gonna go kick some monster @$$! Tasuki |
Dear Chichiri,Hakurei: Well... maybe a lil later... we should probably get back to the fields Toki. Soutoku: Hai Onii-san! Hakurei: Anou... you run on ahead, I have one more thing to ask Ojii-sama about. Soutoku: 'Kay. *runs off* Hakurei: Alright, I didn't wanna have Toki hear this but... well, it's hard to explain so I guess I'll have to show you. *takes his shirt off and unwraps the cloth bandages around his torso, exposing some sort of seal from his neck to the curve in his spine.* I have no idea how 'r when I got this... Hakurei and Soutoku |
Dear Hakurei and Soutoku,That is quite serious looking. We must see Taiitsu-kun right away, no da! *Transports them both to Taiitsu-kun's...* Chichiri |
Dear Chichiri,Gakubun: Happy Father's Day Otou-san na no da! Kouran: Even though we're only your kids in Suiren-san's world, we still feel you deserve a little recognition as our Tou-chan no da! I painted this special for you! *gives you a beautifully hand painted portrait of all three kids.* I call it "Three Seeds from the Plum Tree" na no da! Gakubun: Your artist talent never ceases to amaze me Ane-san. What is it you have Hikou-ani no da? Hikou: I've developed a new scent that you might like... it's a cross between jasmine and liliac... *hands you a sample bottle* Gakubun: And I... well I lack so in artist talent no da. I'm too mathmatical... so I just went out and bought you something. *gives you a new outfit, embroidered with images of Suzaku* You can wear it when you visit Reizeitei-sama and Youtaikou-sama... Kouran: *takes a good look at the robing* Hmm, you made this Gaku-chan na no da. Gakubun: *blushes* I-Iie no da! Don't be ridiculous! Like any self respecting man would sew! Especially with such care and detail! Kouran: *grins* Hikou: Gakubun... this is surprising... Gakubun: *really embarassed right now so he teleports elsewhere* Gakubun, Kouran, and Hikou |
Dear Gakubun, Kouran, and Hikou,*Smiles* Arigato all of you, no da. They are all wonderful gifts. Chichiri |
Dear Suzaku Seishi,Well today was the parade for steamboat days. It was pretty good! There were KICK A** jets flying and stuff ^^ LOADS of fun and I gotta see me baby Nephew Aidon er however ya spell it lol he's SOOO CUTE ^^ but my neice.. not so cute lol But the only problem today was I got OVER HEATED I almost had to go to the E.R AND some idiot was smokin' a cigar, that TRIGGERS off me asthma I was just ehhh lol ah well I'm better now fer the most prt and at 10 we're gonna go see the fireworks. The winona ones suck but its tradition to go but the goodview ones are always like O.o ooooo aaaaa lol ah well something to do something to do lol. But ja I can't wait till this wekend when we go campin' ^^ It'll be so much fun ^^ I'm the Goddess of the fire lol MY FIRE DON'T TOUCH! lol But ja I'm gonna go do something useless like stare at me dog abby til she leaves lol ttyl ^^ The Nachoknot |
Dear The Nachoknot,We're glad you had a good time despite falling ill. Be careful around the fire, ok? Suzaku Seishi |
Dear Tasuki,Murin: OKAY. We're breaking from the main letters fer a bit because today is a holiday... Father's Day. Shun'u: So we six got together and tried to think of one good gift we could get you. Ryuuen: But what can one get a man who can simply steal what ever he desires? Kyuuen: And sake is totally unoriginal. Doukun: But then Shun'u had a pretty good idea. Shun'u: A big father's day buffet with all your favorites! Made by yours truly. Kyouen: We wanted to make this more extravegant so Kyuuen got permission to bring some un exorcized demons fer ya to fight. Kyuuen: Don't worry, I have 'em under control so they don't run away. Murin: So good food and a fight... but there needs to be more. I've set up a fireworks display so complicated, I'm not even sure we'll live through the explosion. Ryuuen: Anou... despite the spice of danger, we are still yer children and we thought we should give you something sentimental... but the problem is... All: We lack delicacy!! Doukun: So Okaa-chan has something ready fer ya instead! Suiren: ...I'm pregnant. Yer brats an' ol' lady |
Dear brats an' ol' lady,YER WHAT?!?!? 'Che woman! *Shakes his head.* Thanks... I think... Tasuki |
Dear Tamahome,Ano... ain't sure why I'm doin' this exactly, but Hikaru is yer son so that does make you a father. So Happy Father's day. (FYI, I believe yer first born was a boy. There was never any set information that the Light would be a girl but Watase did draw a lil boy at the end of vol 18, so I'm stickin' with it that Hikari is male; makin' the name Hikaru, right? Plus in the Yuuai den summary that Tetris no miko did, there's a brief scene talking about Hikari as a BOY, so I think the evidence is clear now. Hey! Your daughter can be "Hinata!" It means a sunny place right? That sounds like a Miaka/Taka child anyway. Oh well, byebye!) Suiren |
Dear Suiren,*Smiles* Arigato! Tamahome |
Dear Hotohori,Happy Father's Day Hotohori-sama! Boushin and Houki er-- Reizeitei and Youtaikou are truly blessed to have you. Suiren |
Dear Suiren,*Smles and sparkles* Arigato. Hotohori |
Dear Suzaku Seishi,Marching.. sucked soooo much... I mean, we as a group did REALLY REALLY good, but I got REALLY badly over heated during the 2nd parade and I had to be taken out early. (thankfully it was right near the end) and then yeah. So I got to ride home in an air conditioned truck, sept I had to go to the bathroom REALLY REALLY bad and I thought I was gonna go right there lol. Started hurtin' BUT all in all, I had a pretty good day sept I"m starting to get hungry. Other than that though, we were tained on during our first performance and we were SOAKED, then in Red Wing we were soaked in sweat! Then yeah... Well I'm gonna head out, I"m tired ^^ and I have another parade tomorrow. Dunno if I"m gonna march it though, oih well. Night SEishi Ila |
Dear Ila,Get some rest, drink plenty of water, and we hope you feel better. Suzaku Seishi |
Dear Chiriko,Hi Chiriko, Aya here. I already started studying some days ago, and now I'm doing alright. ^^ My exams start on Tuesday, finish on Friday. Wish me luck! Aya |
Dear Aya,I'm glad to hear it. Ganbatte kudasai! Chiriko |
Dear Tamahome,B-but... it--it's--it's still so cute... You DO have style... T^T SuzakuAngel |
Dear SuzakuAngel,I do, but still... Tamahome |
Dear Chichiri,Yeah, I know. Oh! I found a site called "" It's so cool. ^^ I'm learning more Japanese there than on Rossetta stone. ^^ Kaguya-Hime |
Dear Kaguya-Hime,Interesting site, no da. Chichiri |
Dear Chichiri,Hakurei: Oh... I see. Soutoku: Why don't you ever ask 'er out? Hakurei: She's like our cousin... I couldn't do that. Soutoku: But she's adopted... Hakurei: True... Hakurei and Soutoku |
Dear Hakurei and Soutoku,It can't hurt, no da. Chichiri |
Dear Suzaku Seishi,Genki deshi! Alexander O. Howell |
Dear Alexander O. Howell,Yokatta! Suzaku Seishi |
Dear Tasuki,*grabs your arm* I told ya no! Ya never listen t' me Genrou-san! Kyouen |
Dear Kyouen,*Grins* That's no surprise. He never listens to anyone! Tamahome |
Dear Tasuki,i read three volumes of Fushigi Yugi and Ceres Celestial Legend... Ceres was kinda gross considering the nudity... oh well, it was only girls and i'm a girl so i don't care. you. nuriko, hotohori, and Toya are hott... well see ya! animegirl17 |
Dear animegirl17,Thanks. So did ya' like Fushigi Yuugi? Tasuki |
Dear Suzaku Seishi,Aa minna-san, hisashiburi deshi! O genki desu ka deshi? Alexander O. Howell |
Dear Alexander O. Howell,Ohisashiburi desu! Genki desu. Ogenki desuka? Suzaku Seishi |
Dear Chichiri,They're really cool! ^^ I'm obsessed with them at the moment. The anime is a little ahrd to keep up with though since I ahven't seen episode one. I go insane at the mention of "Sekigahara". At first, i wondered which abttle it meant. Now I know it meant the fourth one. ^^;; Kaguya-Hime |
Dear Kaguya-Hime,We shouldn't have that problem since we have all the manga for both. Or at least all the manga that there is out here now, no da. Chichiri |
Dear Suzaku Seishi,Hi ^^ Today was fun we went to the carnival and rode some rides ^^ Got REALLY over heated though, its never been that bad fer me though, I mean I couldn't drink anything really. Then I cooled down and made some video's with brice and ja. Then went to the beach it was fun ^^ But ja I was reading Ila's letter and just wanted to say ppl in Dakota and Winona there are some crazy ppl! Some one tried getting into our house I think... Luckily they didn't ^^ But jaaaa lets see... *thinks* Oh I got to see Fritz. brices dog aka my son lol and hes getting bigger and is cute ^^ But I mean I like him but I'm not a big dog person. I like smaller dogs just cuz they seem easier to take care of lol. But yeah. Tomarrrow me and donut (brice) are gonna get on our bikes and go down to the lakes and go fishin' ^^ then I get to help him and his partner on his karate form thing ^^ I can't wait lol that reminds me ^^ I've been working more on me Kung Fu and I'm getting better ^^ I don't really like showing it off though cuz I never think its good enough lol and then I just like foolin' around lol. I think after twinny goes to bed I'm getting a snack and some soda and watch a movie or something.. Like... clerks 2 or something ^^ I wuv clerks and clerks 2 ^^ I LOVE Randal! He reminds me soo much of me lol a layed back pervert ^^ But chya lolHmmmmm... Well I'm gonna go toodles ^^ The Nachoknot |
Dear The Nachoknot,Sounds like good times. Have fun! Suzaku Seishi |
Dear Chichiri,Hakurei: Ojii-sama... it's okay though, right? What Haha-sama and Hikou do? *flusters* I mean... just acts of love in general... Soutoku: Nii-san likes Kagetsu-san! Nii-chan likes Kagetsu-san! Hakurei: I do not! I was just ASKIN' is all! Soutoku: ...But it must be Kagetsu-san... you don't like all those girls who come watch you in the fields. Hakurei: It's cuz I'm so muscular. Soutoku: Nii-san never wears a shirt too. Just arm bands and a necklace. Hakurei: I don't like how cloth feels against my skin. I wouldn't wear pants if I could... they're so confining. Soutoku: A naturalist just like Suiren Obaa-san. ^^ Hakurei and Soutoku |
Dear Hakurei and Soutoku,It is fine as long as they are both willing partners, no da. Chichiri |
Dear Tasuki,IYA! *steps right back in front of you* Yer causin' trouble fer Onee-chan... I-I won't let you interfere with 'er anymore! An'... An' if you touch me again, I... I'll hit you! *forms shaking fists but still stands her ground* Kyouen |
Dear Kyouen,*Grins and moves her out of the way again.* They're so cute when they're feisty. Tasuki |
Dear Chichiri,Yup! June 14th! I won't make ya guess my age cuz Suiren-san can change how old we appear... *looks in the mirror* Um... I think I'm about 26 or 27... Keirin's 6 so... Kouran |
Dear Kouran,That's true. At one time Suiren had you as a child, no da. Chichiri |
Dear Suzaku Seishi,*yays* I just got high speed internet! After years and years of unbelievably sloooow dial up, I FINALLY have cable! WHEEEEEEEEE! *dances* ... *ahem* Sorry. It's just so nice. ^.^ I got to hook up my wireless internet, too... which is like, so totally cool and high tech to me. x.x I can check my email on my laptop now. Duuuuuude... XD Today is a good day for me. I FINALLY made an appointment to take that placement test for college, too. What a relief. lol I wonder if college is ready for me... heh heh heh. >:) Well. I'm off to surf my speedy new internet now. Ja! *hugs all the seishi* Kuro |
Dear Kuro,Congratulations! Good luck on your placement test! Suzaku Seishi |
Dear Suzaku Seishi,Hi Seishi!! ^_^ WEll I've gotten through my first week of marching and I only had to miss one day of rehersal! I had a slight case of food poisoning on wednesday lol. Our first parade's tomorrow ^^ I'm a lil scared about it because there's a few ppl who just don't give a d*mn about marching, but we should do good ^^ AND the nice thing, BOTH parades we're marching tomorrow isn't in the middle of the day like Steamboat days will be on Sunday -_- and it's suppose to be REALLY hot! BUT don't worry, I've been keeping myself hydrated! I've got gatorade for tomorrow and sunday and I"ve been drinking so much water I've had to go to the bathroom every 20 minutes >.< too much wasser lol ^^ I just got done brushing Hunter and now he's SOFT ^_^ And it's that time of night where the weather is actually tollerable! I would have gone down to the camper for dinner, but I decided not to. Then recently, apparently, there have been ppl breaking into houses in Dakota... *sigh* I don't want my ma and pa to have to worry about me like that, BUT I am prepared if anything does happen so yeah... Don't wanna have to do that, but if I have to, I have to... Let's see what else is new... WEll my sister is in Drivers Training lol and I"m still on the look out for a job! OTher than that though... Not much else is new lol, I'm gonna go hop in the shower though so I'm nice and clean for tomorrow ^_^ Talk to ya's later SEishi butt! ^^ Ila |
Dear Ila,Good luck on the marching and have a great summer! Suzaku Seishi |
Dear Chichiri,Hmm, really? What day was it? Kouran |
Dear Kouran,Yesterday, no da? Chichiri |
Dear Chichiri,Hikou: *embraces Murin tightly and kisses her passionately* Hakurei: *covers Soutoku's eyes* Oi! If yer gonna do that, do it where I can't see it. Soutoku: Huh?? Murin: Hikou, cut it out... *blushing* Hikou: *smiles and wraps them both up in his cloak, becoming invisible* (Hikou can't teleport ^^;) Murin: Oh Hikou... I dunno... *giggles* Hakurei: Ewww! We can still hear you ya know!! Murin, Hikou, Hakurei, and Soutoku |
Dear Murin, Hikou, Hakurei, and Soutoku,*Blushing* I'll take the boys and you two, get a room, no da! Chichiri |
Dear Tasuki,I-I'm not to steady a-at writing... I got confused... *blocks you* I w-won't let you cause any more t-trouble... Kyouen |
Dear Kyouen,*Picks her up and moves her out of the way.* I ain't causin' no trouble. Tasuki |
Dear Hotohori,Aya Yuuki, Hotohori-sama. I need to clear up this issue, 'lest mis-information is spread. Ougi is Hotohori's elder HALF brother and he's still alive. Tendou is Hotohori's full brother who unfortunately did die. Among his other half siblings are Bogyoku (elder) and Kotsuki (younger). These two brothers were killed ia Moutaikou, Hotohori's mother. It's also written in his manga profile that Hotohori also has two younger sisters but they are not named in the gaiden novels. Suiren |
Dear Suiren,Yes, you are correct. I apologize I never really knew my siblings. Hotohori |
Dear Chichiri,I'm in a much better mood... And I'm hooked on three new anime that I've wanted to see for a while. Samurai Deeper Kyo, Saiyuki Reload, and Peacemaker of course. I've become obsessed with Peacemaker as of late. Not enough to prevent me from trying to watch The Grudge 2 during its airing. (I still wanted to cry, until I figured out it didn't come on on that day.) We only get the channel for three months, naturally I don't wanna miss an episode. If it's out on DVD, I'm so asking mom for it for Christmas. Kaguya-Hime |
Dear Kaguya-Hime,I'm glad you're in a better mood, no da. We've been following Samurai Deeper Kyo and Saiyuki Reload as manga. How are they as anime? Chichiri |
Dear Tamahome,"Tamahome leapt up into the air and kicked all the imperial guards below him, knocking them all out. He landed on his feet right beside the stone table on which Miaka lay unconscious. 'I've still got style,' he grinned." *yawn* Fangirl nothings... I just felt like posting this excerpt from my fanfic, "Fushigi Yuugi: Love Eternity".... It's just so cool! SuzakuAngelP.S. It's "I've still got style" because the fic takes place 22 years after the original story, without following the path of the OVAs.... O_O^_^ |
Dear SuzakuAngel,*Sweatdrops* I wouldn't say anything like that! Tamahome |
Dear Chichiri,Ne Tou-chan, I hope you did't forget that my birthday is today. Kouran |
Dear Kouran,Of course not! Happy birthday, no da! Chichiri |
Dear Suzaku Seishi,YAAAAAAY MY CD FINALLY CAME ^_^ I'm SOO happy^^ The Nachoknot |
Dear The Nachoknot,Yay you! Enjoy! Nuriko |
Dear Suzaku Seishi,Well steam boat days has started here in good ol' Winona. So last night we went down to the levi to go fishing and listen the the band "The White Side walls" they sing oldies. And they were GOOD!!! lol but yeah we had fun a few bites and brice caught a baby small mouth bass and a cat fish. When he pulled that thing outta the water a screamed, it was flying to me lol and I HATE catfish, they're nummy but I've been stung by one and it HURT! Thats when we were camping and brice caught a catfish lol and I picked it up and it got me one in the hand and it looked like my hand was shot it was bleeding so much lol oh well. And yesterday I caught a moon eye. They aren't the best to eat but it was soooooo pretty ^^ I love dem fish and dad? What did he catch? NOTHING ^_^ MUAHAHAHAHAHAH lol but yeeaaaahh lol then we went down to the fair and THEY GOT BUMPER CARS THIS YEAR *HUGE SMILE* Bumper cars + me = DOOOOM lol and they got the tilta whirl and the UFO ride ^_^ I can't wait til friday to go! And JA lol then not this weekend but next we're going camping ^^ WEEOOOOOOO lol I can't wait! IT'll be SO much fun! This one time we went camping, it was me, dad, and his GF J9 (Janine I just put a 9 at the end lol) And dad left to go home to check on the dogs and J9 asked if she could have the bug spray. So I got it and I handed it to her thinking she had it but she didn't and it fell into the fire and I was like O.o "J9 we need to MOVE" "Why?" "That sh*t is flamable!" so we moved and it was a mini nuke it was SOO kool lol. Speaking of fires brice's house started on fire on sunday!! I mean it didn't burn down but they have to replace some siding! I guess it started cuz it was so hot here on sun and the trash can had papers and stuff in it and ja.. Well At least everything and one is okay! *YAWN* I woke up a few minutes ago and my dogs had most of the bed and I had a lil bit, like I was hanging off the edge of it lol. Oh well I love them enough lol^^ Hmmmmmmm... Oh lets see... Uhhhh Hmm nope I donno lol well I'm gonna get going ^^ Tooooooodles ^^ The Nachoknot |
Dear The Nachoknot,Sounds like an exciting start to your summer! How is your hand? We hope Brice and his family are ok from the fire. And you need to be more careful around fires! You're not Tasuki you know! Suzaku Seishi |
Dear Tamahome,Sorry for being a-- hollow, empty words, I know you never really considered me your-- oops... sorry... I just recently watched epsode 11 (yet again... *replays the firstkissthingy part*)... Ahem, anyway, sorry for being a hollow, empty nutcase and not being able to patch up everything I wanted to write about, but I just saw the letter where you said you like Whoppers with cheese. You know, it's really funny, becaue YOU are the star of my Burger King "commercial"! *LOL* Ha! *wipes tears from eyes* Oh, it's fate... *Goes off to laugh some more, probably so much that I'll forget to study... ha... just kidding...* SuzakuAngelP.S. Oh yeah, have you heard The Mud Song? It goes like this:"Make some mud, make some mud, Mix water and soil and make some mud! *Short Interlude* Mix water and soil and make some mud..." I made it this morning. ^_^ Randome... |
Dear SuzakuAngel,That's ok. That's a very bizarre song... Tamahome |
Dear Tasuki,Go. Out. With. Atria-chan. SuzakuAngel |
Dear SuzakuAngel,No. Tasuki |
Dear Tamahome,*Waves hand around* Thank you, thank you. It's still in August, though. Mom will bring Katie home today! ^_^ SuzakuAngel |
Dear SuzakuAngel,You're welcome! Tamahome |
Dear Suzaku Seishi,In the Northern summer, it does, yes. So I had this crazy notion just a few days before school, "Why don't I go to the North because it's still summer there?". XD No time, money, nor time. *Yawn* Sorry, but me has to go. I've got... *counts books in bag* 5 stuff to review for tomorrow, Friday is quiz day. And this Friday is also when I teach my baby Katie how to, uh... GLIDE. She's a pair of skates. And next Monday, I will finally publish chapter 2 of my FY: BtRoF fic. So, 'neways... ja. SuzakuAngelP.S. Ms. Carla, the P.E. teacher, is part Japanese! Cool! But I have no more teacher FY allies at school. They all have left. T^T |
Dear SuzakuAngel,Good luck with your studies and skating! Suzaku Seishi |
Dear Suzaku Seishi,=( I got teary eyes and I don't know why. I just finished singin on da karaoke thing-o we've got, now, Im off to study, I wonder if I got teary eyes coz.. I don't want to study...? Haha.. studyin intimidates me dat MUCH? I used to be so good at school and studyin. >.< On exams... I'd only get one or two mistakes, three and more is just too much (my teacher reckons) den she'd start scoldin me n tellin me to stop thinkin about boys.. if she's hir right now n finds out wat's been happenin wit my grades, she'd gimme a good kick on da bum and smack on da head. I'm depressed and I have no idea why.. this is why I took psychology in da first place, to find out wat cud be possibly wrong wit me, i just get depressed all of a sudden and get teary eyes.. maybe I need to eat dark chocolates to boost up my energy, or maybe I just really need to cry my bum off... den I'd be ok. I'm too old for cartoons and anime, everyone sez dat, I wish I was back in my country... I'm even talkin to da seishis about my problem instead of talkin to ppol hir in my own world. Anyway, I'm glad I found this site.. hir I can just talk to you n not worry, ur my fav anime ppol ever. ^^ Thanks to Yu Watase n everyone hu made FY possible. Aya Yuuki |
Dear Aya Yuuki,There are many reasons why one might suffer from depression and it could take years to unravel why. Taking Psychology courses won't really help you with that, but talking to a counselor at your college will. We suggest you talk to one as soon as possible. If you are no longer in your country, you could also just be homesick. But we still think you should consult a counselor. We're glad you're enjoying our site. Suzaku Seishi |
Dear Tasuki,N-No... you leave Onee-san alone. *trembles as she blocks her path* Kyouen |
Dear Kyouen,Who're ya' tryin' to block? Tasuki |
Dear Hotohori,Hey, what was the name of your big brother again? I just finished watchin all da OVA... I'm so sad that dats da last time Im gona be seein u without re-watchin all da series and OVA again. Haaaaaizzz... anime's always been there for me whenever I want to run away from reality. By the way... I think I dreamt about Nakago.. of all seishis... I wonder y I saw Nakago? -_-;; Hmm... so, after da all da OVA, wen all of u was reborn den u transformed into ur real bodies den summoned suzaku wit Mayo's help, did u turn into ur kiddie forms again? U think u'l ever see Miaka and Taka again? or maybe be reincarnated into deyr world? I'm just blabbing now -_-'' Alright, say hi to lil Boushin for me. He really looks handsome, just like u. ^^ And yea.. ur big bro is really handsome, too bad he died >< Aya Yuuki |
Dear Aya Yuuki,His name was Ougi. We went back to the lives were reincarnated into. I shall give him your best. Hotohori |
Dear Chichiri,Hikou: Fear? Yeah I'm good with that. Hakurei: For once I agree with you. Tarumei: *pats Hikou's head* Good. You make sure to come back for further training once you've worked things out with this woman. *lifts Murin's head up by her chin* She reminds me of a younger me... the fire and the desire to show the world your power... heh, you take care of him for me, okay? Murin: Yeah, no problem. Tarumei: *smiles* Give your good-bye kisses Hebi-chan. Hikou: *recieves a snake kiss and blushes* Shihan, Hebi-chan used tongue again. Tarumei: Live with it! Let's go Hebi-chan. *has the snake form a circle around her feet and casts a spell, vanishing in a silver light* Hakurei: S-Sugoi... Hikou: *clears throat* So then... um... we'll be taking her advice? Tarumei, Hikou, Hakurei, and Murin |
Dear Tarumei, Hikou, Hakurei, and Murin,Well, that would be up to the four of you, no da. I think you should try to rebuild your relationsips with each other. Chichiri |
Dear Chiriko,Hi Chiriko, thanks for that ^^ Two more things... 1. I'm doing Psychology as my course along with PolSci and Journalism as my electives... but, i feel like I just wasted a year coz I no longer find them interestin like how I did at first. I want to change course but I don't have anything in my mind and I'm scared that if I do what I like doing the most, my mum might not agree to it coz she wants me to be a professional, like a doctor or lawyer., plus I'm not sure what job I can get with drawing >< and.. I also like studying different asian languages.. but not sure wat to do wit those interests... I also like doing hair and make up.. but mum and everyone in da family thinks its a low job. 2. After high school, I got into one of the best universities in the country... I applied for it without my mum knowing, and my mum was really happy I got in, but., I don't want to stay there anymore. I'm usually a friendly kid, but that university robs me of my confidence coz da ppol der r high class, rich and smart and speak english very well, while I don't. I feel like I don't fit in. It's a huge place, wit thousands of ppol and yet I always feel sad and alone wenever Im there. I wish I hadn't applied for that uni and just went to where my friends are at... but when I told mum I want to transfer.. she got angry and reli disappointed, even tho I explained to her dat da reason I'll be failing is dat coz I don't enjoy studying there at all and have no motivation. What to do? Aya Yuuki |
Dear Aya Yuuki,I think you need to talk to a counselor at your college to sort everything out. Most large universities have psychological counselors on-site that you can talk to for free. It may be better (and less expensive) for you to go to a local community college for two years to go through all your lower division electives and general education courses. That way you have two years to figure out what you do want to major in. Talk to your mother about that as a possibility. Once you have completed two years at the community college, you can then apply to whichever university you want to go to. However, before you apply to ANY univeristy, you should visit the campus and see if you like it. Good luck! Chiriko |
Dear Mitsukake,hi mitsukake ^^ how can I stop myself forgetting to take my medication every morning? Sometimes, even tho i remember, I'm always too lazy to take it anyway.. and I always take the wrong dosage too coz I have to take 100 microgram den 150 microgram alternately, but i don't have a 50mcg pill, so i have to cut the 100mcg in half, but I'm usually too lazy to do that in the morning >< If i don't do this right, i'll get even sicker, but im just so lazy aya yuuki |
Dear aya yuuki,*Frowns* Stop being lazy, take responsibility for your health, and start a morning routine so you take your pills properly. You can buy a pill splitter at any pharmacy, they are not expensive. Make it a habit to take your pills when you brush your teeth in the morning. Split your pill, take the half you need, and then you save the other half for next time. It isn't that difficult. Mitsukake |
Dear Tasuki,Eh... Kaori: Awww, c'mon Taki ^^ I know ya love me ^^ .. *glances at her* You sure about that? Kaori: Yup ^_^ *HUG* Please kill me now -_- BUt yeah, we got to go visit Shuugo earlier. It was nice seeing him. (shut up, you know what I mean) Kaori: Yeah, poor lil guy... Takemaru and Kaori |
Dear Takemaru and Kaori,What exactly is wrong wit' Shuugo? Is he gettin' better? Tasuki |
Dear Chichiri,Blessed? Chichiri, are you all right in the head? Blessed, no. Cursed, yes. Ooo! Peacemaker's about to come on, I can't miss it. ^^ See ya! -in a better mood- Kaguya-Hime |
Dear Kaguya-Hime,I'm trying to be positive, no da. I'm glad you're in a better mood. Chichiri |
Dear Tamahome,I got my skates... I am their new mommy... I named them "Katie Jackson", because "Katie" is for "skates" and "Jackson" because that's the brand... yalayalayalayalaya!!! And on the topic of skating, I think I wanna do Miaka for a Character Spotlight sometime... the Suzaku Summoning, 'cause that's only 57.48 seconds. My mom's making me a beautiful Alpha program for Skate Asia to Barry Manilow's "Daybreak". She's gonna make me win. Yay! *big huggy* SuzakuAngel |
Dear SuzakuAngel,Congratulations on the new skates and good luck with the skating program! Tamahome |
Dear Suzaku Seishi,Hello! This is me, after the first week of school. So, on the first day, I got up early (up 'til now. Yay?) and I was all jumping around and smiling and imitating this local noodle soup commercial where the kid kept going "Good... MORNING!" and I had my request for the first day -- CORNED BEEF! Yay! And... POTATOES! Only it seemed like potatoes with corned beef, there were so many of the yellow tasty cubes... Anyway, Mom and Dad brought me to school, where I was the first 6th-grader to arrive in my hot clothes (which, oh yeah, I weren't able to change into something more colorful... parental guidance...), closely followed by Faiga-chan, who also was dressed hotly (and it is almost literal: she had a blouse of hot pink, XD). The day went pretty well, partly because the perv wasn't there, and partly because we did NOTHING for the whole day but be crazy in the classroom, with our new teacher and adviser, Ms. Aireen A. Ballescas. Speaking of which, we only have one teacher from last year as a teacher this year, so woe is me. T^T Friday was the school orientation, where there were a number of "ice breakers" (speeches) and "main platforms" (performances), one of which was mine. I sang Coco Lee's "Before I Fall in Love", and I did pretty well. The audience seemed to think so, too, because after the bridge, there was this big applause that just boosted my confidence and happiness by a lot. ^_^ Another performance was Evanesence's "My Immortal" by Ate Kamille, and the other song number was *scoffs* Joanna's, from the 2nd year! She's just about as old as I am, so I don't call her "Ate". Besides, she's been a snobby, rude *beep* the whole year last year, so it's pretty hard to be kind to her. She especially hates me. She bashes me at almost every performance... Seriously, what did I do to offend her? Pfft, she's almost as mean as what she's pale as, which is a ghost. So, funnily enough, Independence Day (yay! June 12th! Oh, how I LOVE 12!), which was a day I kept running around and waving the Philippine flag, was when He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named came to school, so I didn't feel the bliss of independence that day... So, in Science, we're currently studying the circulatory system, with which my mom was a lot of help to me. She's an expert. *wink* I just felt like mentioning this because it reminded me of Episode 7 and my letter to you guys regarding that. So, in honor of them, I asked for my teacher to let me do a report on blood groups for the class, because, it'll be cool. I'll "casually" slip in an example of how type O can donate to all blood groups, too. Just like in everything else. There's FY in almost all that I do -- my display image, my school drawings... even my locker! I spent a looooooooong time drawing out the FY logo last night for my locker, and I'm proud of how well I did it. It's not perfect, though. XD May school have pity on me this year... O_O SuzakuAngel |
Dear SuzakuAngel,It sounds like you had a busy week! So, your school year starts in the summer? Suzaku Seishi, |
Dear Tamahome,Konichiwa Takamahome! ^^ I want to save money for da future, but i just can't control myself fromm spendin tooo much, help? ayayuuki |
Dear ayayuuki,If you work try putting a set amount away in a savings account. If you don't see it you won't miss it. If you still need help, try creating a budget for yourself and reward yourself every other month with a percenatge of the money you did save. Tamahome |
Dear Chiriko,hi Chiriko ^^ I'm in uni, and my finals are next week, I know I have to start studying, but starting has always been my problem but once I've started, I'm all good to go. Can u give me a tip on how to make myself motivated and start studying? I've been telling myself to study for two weeks now >< Ayayuuki |
Dear Ayayuuki,You need to start studying and perhaps if you do a subject a day you should be ok. Motivate yourself by telling yourself that the sooner you get your studying done and are prepared for finals the sooner you can do things you like to do. Good luck! Chiriko |
Dear Tasuki,Hey red head freak! Taki: ... You do realize I'm a red head too? Yeah, but yer my brother, you should know it already Taki: -_- HI TASUKI!! ^_^ Korin *claimed Taki's head* Taki: You wanna take my sister for like a week? *laughs* Kaori and Takemaru |
Dear Kaori and Takemaru,No thanks! I got enough problems wit' 5 of my own! Tasuki |
Dear Nuriko,I know I'm over protective lol ^_^ The Nachoknot |
Dear The Nachoknot,That's ok. I understand. ^_^ Nuriko |
Dear Chichiri,Nihonjin tomodachi? And they have. It's been months since we last talked. First time we talked and she realized I an anime nut, she called me a Gaijin. (I spent the following weeks trying to figure out what a Gaijin was.) Yeah. For once, however, I'm awake during day light! I found out, I lost more weight though. -_- Gaining weight is harder than losing it. Kaguya-Hime |
Dear Kaguya-Hime,Nihonjin tomodachi means "Japanese friends" in Japanese. Gaijin just means foreigner. Sounds like you have been blessed with a speedy metabolism, no da. Chichiri |
Dear Chichiri,Che! You morons have no idea how to do this. *lets go of Hikou and drags in Hakurei, Murin, an' Soutoku* Alright, this is how it's gonna work: Murin, Hikou; renew your wedding vows and take a well deserved vacation. Hikou, you ever get the nerve to cheat on her, I'll turn every woman's face into mine. Murin, you never did anything wrong so stop blaming yourself. Hikou's not pathetic or weak, he's just a boy trapped in a man's body. And Hakurei; do us a favor and grow up! Revenge earns you nothing in life. Sure Hikou did some horrible things but he's never killed, mangled, paralyzed, etc anyone. You're over exaggerating your attack anyhow. He took your ki because you were getting sick and because he removed it so quickly, you fell asleep for a while. The bruises are a result of the medicine he gave you. How do I know? Because I asked Taiitsukun to show me that moment in time. Soutoku; this man is your father. He loves you and your mother and brother. Show him how much of a responsible boy you already are and help your brother see Hikou for the good man he really is. Now you four are going to do as I say and you're gonna get past this; or else Hebi-chan is going to squeeze you until you do. *Hebi hisses and slithers around Tarumei's waist* Tarumei |
Dear Tarumei,Ano... While I agree in principle with you, I just don't think you can command/frighten people into loving and accepting each other, no da. I do want them all to reconcile, but they all have to be willing to do so. Chichiri |
Dear Tasuki,Kouji: Aa, I'm doin' alright. Aidou's been alright I guess, tho I dun't know what yer askin' me fer. She's yer Onee-chan. I know all our fans think that we shoulda been a couple but it don't work out that way. I really liked Reirei but... well that never happened. Miiren: So he chased after me instead. *hugs him from behind* Kouji: Mii-chan! Yer back! Miiren: I heard lil Shun-chan causing trouble with the girls so I just had to come scold him. Oh yeah, this is from Ai-chan. *bonks Tasuki on the head with her bou* Kouji: *snickers* Kouji and Miiren |
Dear Kouji and Miiren,Itai! Yeah, yeah, tell 'er I said hi, too. I gotta go after my kid an' make sure she don't do nothin' stupid. See ya'! Tasuki |
Dear Nuriko,BACK OFF JAY CHOU IS MINE!!! *goes to China gets him and duct tapes him to my bed* MUHAHAHAHA lol ^_^ Still love ya though Nuriko lol ^^ The Nachoknot |
Dear The Nachoknot,*Grins* I just said you have good taste, not that I was going to take him from you. Nuriko |
Dear Tamahome,what type of questions can we ask here? ayayuuki |
Dear ayayuuki,Pretty much anything. If we think it is inappropriate or obscene then we just won't post/amswer it. Tamahome |
Dear Chichiri,I dunno. I've gotten a little more and more depressed lately. I can't think of why. Ugh... There is never anyone on at four in the morning, you know that? I haven't talked to my friends in Japan in months, so yeah... I think they forgot about me. I'm sure they already thoguht I was weird. One was so surprised about how curious I was about every little thing. She would teach me something everyday. I miss her the most... I'm honestly surprised they talk to me. I come off at first as one of those anime nuts, but under that, apparently, I'm insane and can't wait for the day I do get to go to Japan. (Yes, that is my life's goal.) Ah, well I've rambled too much so I'm off to find a new roleplay partner, or three or six... Insomnia is good for this kinda stuff, ya know that? Kaguya-Hime |
Dear Kaguya-Hime,I'm sure it is but sleep is better for you, no da. I'm also sure that your nihonjin tomodachi didn't desert you. Four in the morning for you is probably a time when they are busy in Japan. Chichiri |
Dear Chichiri,hi!!! minna sutsaku senna!!! im wondering why i am a little bit curious about sections in school if im gonna be in section B... there are the bad guyz... but then if im in section A i could met my crush there but ive got a little shy on him... what section do i i've got to get???... pls. give me an opinion... sarah and japoy |
Dear sarah and japoy,It looks like you need to try to get into Section A, no da. Chichiri |
Dear Tasuki,I'll do my best! ^^ Faye |
Dear Faye,Good fer ya'! *Grins* Tasuki |
Dear Chiriko,I know... Kaori: C'mon Takemaru! Get your lazy butt up! We're going to the park!! I will get up in a minute when I feel like actually getting up.. I did enough walking today anyway. Kaori: But-- Korin *hopin' on the computer desk* Taki! *sigh* Well I guess we're going to the park for a while so I'll talk to you later Takemaru, Kaori, and Korin |
Dear Takemaru, Kaori, and Korin,Have a nice time! Chiriko |