Dear Tamahome,*Sigh* Isn't it just fun to torture alcoholic, fanged sissies who are scared of the water? X3 Happy Since I Pushed Tasuki |
Dear Happy,*Laughs* Yes it is! Tamahome |
Dear Suzaku Seishi,Life is doing great for me... and about the fanart, I have a new idea... I'm recreating classical pieces with a touch of--what else?--FY!!! I've finished one of them... here's a lowdown: The Birth of Miaka (The Birth of Venus) Status: Finished The Vitruvian Tamahome (The Vitruvian Man) Status: Pending Mona Hotohori (Mona Lisa) Status: Pending Nuriko With the Pearl Earring (The Girl With the Pearl Earring) Status: Pending Yes, I know, it's kinda weird. However, The Birth of Miaka is SO amazing! I'm totally proud of it and I'm ready to post it soon! As for Mona Hotohori... well, Your Highness, only you had the perfect hair for it! SuzakuAngelP.S. I am sorry to the rest for not having ideas for them yet, those are the only ones I know well enough! ^_^" |
Dear SuzakuAngel,That is ok. But we are looking forward to seeing them all when you are done. Arigato. Hotohori |
Dear Chichiri,Here... Mizu ni Utsuru. Suiren |
Dear Suiren,That's very nice artwork, arigato no da. Chichiri |
Dear Tasuki,Can you tell Suiren I'm sorry? Once I think 'bout it, I am a lot like 'er and things like that happen me... A LOT! Tho' it's nothin to be proud of. My life's just as bad as hers. And ya were sayin "she" and "her" while typin back to 'er. I'M A BOY, NOT A GIRL!!! Don't get me confused with the opposite sex please. Well it wasn't all that gross, In fact I kinda liked it!... in a gross kinda way. I like NejiXTenten better tho'. And why did you star out "C*me"? I don't think the fangirls are gonna get it, do you? And you fergot about that? Take? guy *blind kid* and his sis whats-her-face. ^^ Bye! Kakashi's Dance, dance!P.S. Sorry if I talk to you a lot, considering that I'm a guy. It's just that your the coolest and manlyest out of the bunch... MAN! THAT SOUNDED WRONG! Oh and yer so much cooler than that baka Tamahome. Pass that on to him! And that pic with him in a bikini is halarious! I just went there before I started typing to ya. Wow that's a long P.S.! Anyway, I'm not supposed to be on the computer... I got bad grades... "F" Honor Roll! *sigh* well better get off before my mom finds out and b*tches at me. |
Dear Kakashi's Dance, dance!,Gomen, guess I didn't ya' were a guy when ya' wrote that. *Laughs* I'll tell 'im fer ya'. If yer failin' classes get offa th' computer an' go study! I starred it out 'cos them fangirls is smarter than ya' think! Tasuki |
Dear Suzaku Seishi,'Kay, well, thanks for the birthdays! And Nuri-chan... I'm so sorry... I missed your birthday by two days! T_T Well... I have another question for all of you... but this one really has no reason. It just randomly popped into my head. 'Kay. Well. I say FISHIES and you think of four words to complete the sentence. For example, Chichiri: FISHIES keep people from starving. whereas Tasuki, who has been proven a bad listener, might say something more like this Tasuki: FISHIES live in water. <~~~~~ Know why that's wrong? It's three words, and I said use FOUR words. Got it? Okie dokie then! Shelby (*glomps Tasuki*) |
Dear Shelby,Ok... Tasuki: I ain't a bad listener an' they DO live in water!Chichiri: Fishies are a food animal, no da. Chiriko: Fishies are typically cold-blooded. Nuriko: That's ok! Fishies are also aquatic vertebrates. Bet you didn't know I was smart, too! *Grins* Hotohori: Fishies are good to eat. Tamahome: Fishies, a cheap food source. Mitsukake: Fishies are covered with scales. Suzaku Seishi |
Dear Mitsukake,WEE Hello *HUG ^^* Well so far my day has been going good other then at 2 30 am to 5 30 am the snow plows were out plowing in front of my house over the same spot and its 50 some degrees out the snow is melting WE DON'T NEED THEM!! GR! But other then that my day is alright. In first hr we (Beth H and I) had to give a presentation on the Viking's and OMFG it was SOOOO funny!! I mean first I was reading some info and the DVD we made started playing lol then everyone LOVED our 1 minute movie lol then 2nd hour is just eh 3rd was fun cuz I finished me painting then my 4th hr is okay I guess. But I did find out my dog maggie has a tumor or something and it would cost aboot 400$ to get rid of it but One shes old and two we can NOT afford that right now. I don't like when people think that me family is rich it really isn't! I mean really our family is in monkey kaa kaa. Thats why when I'm sick all the time I don't go to the doctors and even if I'm SICK and already missed 3 days I still go to school because we can't afford going to the doctors. And I found out I put more weight on me left leg then my right and not the normal ammount the normal should be 0-3 pounds I put about 10 pound weight difference and the person said I REALLY need to see a doctor for that but I can't yet because we are switching insurances. *sigh* Oh well But I think I'm getting an Ipod fer easter. I like my cd player better but Ipods are smaller to carry around. And I know I was just saying we're broke but Ipods aren't that much. lol. Hmmm anything else new? Ummm... Uh... Nope. Don't think so lol. So I'll just head off now and try to find a picture to use a bit of it for me newest painting lol ttyl! The Nachoknot |
Dear The Nachoknot,It sounds like all in all you've had a good day. I thought you were supposed to get candy and eggs for Easter. Mitsukake |
Dear Tasuki,Hey its Ryoko starting the note today seeing that Tsukasa is still drowzed up from the pills. But I'm not complaining other then I had to drag him to the doctors to see that the meds he took are burning his stomach.. Though hes on some med for that which makes him quite boring.. I like ^^ Tsukasa *sitting there quietly staring at the wall* *looks over at him* See now this I could handle any day ^^ It's like hes not even here. And for Shuugo, he's still at preschool. Theres something going on there today so the students are there a little longer today.. Thank the gods! *just smilin'* Tsukasa: Ryoko...? Yeah? Tsukasa: I wanna go to bed.. Then go you don't have to tell me.. Tsukasa *plops against Ryoko and claims him as bed* -_- *sigh* Well it'll take me about and hour to get this freak to unclaim me so see ya. Ryoko and Tsukasa |
Dear Ryoko and Tsukasa,Good luck wit' that! Tasuki |
Dear Chiriko,Actually, I still feel that my drawing is bad. Some body parts are too thick. Right now, I'm still trying to draw my crush in school. But, can you show me your artwork? Shierly |
Dear Shierly,Gomen, I don't draw. If you want to see fanart of me, you can take a look in my Gallery. Chiriko |
Dear Nuriko,Dunno... *puts head on desk* Takemaru |
Dear Takemaru,*Looks concerned* Are you ok? Nuriko |
Dear Chichiri,hi, you and your friends and miaka are alright? my questions is that i look like so inlove at you and your friends and then the ending of your story i feel so guilty and then i really like to watch all over the time. do i very, very, very, very and so very in love at you all? and why does tatski rape miaka? cause he is like jealos with it. oh! well! thank you for all the love, action and powers you gave as all? clint arjay b. zamora |
Dear clint,Arigato, we are all fine, no da. Tasuki was under an evil spell when he attacked Miaka. Gomen, I don't have Friendster nor do we do personal emails, no da. Chichiri |
Dear Suzaku Seishi,you are very a good sender. even you are a legendary bird. we do believe in your magic. do tamahome and miyaka had a baby? what's is name? thank you for all. """THanK You""" clint arjay b. zamora |
Dear clint,We're sure that Suzaku would thank you for your kind words. Tamahome and Miaka's baby is named Hikari. It means light. Suzaku Seishi |
Dear Tamahome,hi, this arjay from phillipines. i like to ask you a question? do yui or julie jelos at your romance and love to miyaka. if not thank the lord of yours and let the time of love of you to miyaka will be for ever """tHaNk YoU""" clint arjay b. zamora |
Dear clint,No, Yui is not jealous of us. In fact she is very happy for us. Tamahome |
Dear Chichiri,I know I just have to live my life as best as possible. After all, I don't know yet and I should just act normal. Right? Kaguya-Hime |
Dear Kaguya-Hime,That's right. The future is not set in stone, no da. Chichiri |
Dear Tasuki,Monday, March 12, 2007. 10:35 PM. But she doesn't hafta be so mean about it... an' now Elise is writin' bad things about me... or at least I'm pretty sure it's me. She's the one who started talkin' t' me alla the sudden an' i nicely told 'er t' just leave me alone an' ferget about me an' then she goes an' writes all that stuff... here's an excerpt. "They always think they're the worse off of EVERYONE around them when they should KNOW there are ppl out there that are WAAAAAAY worse off than they are!!! I'm SICK AND TIRED OF IT!! People need to open up their frickin' eyes and see this!! There's always going to be someone out there that is worse off by a LONG shot than you!!! I especially hope a girl at my school learns this! I've tried SOO hard to fix what happened between us but noooooo she has to be arrogant and only think of herself and start the stupidest of things between us!! She just doesn't get it and i'm THROUGH with it!!!! I don't give a cr*p if she reads this or posts anything to it! At the moment, she can go fall down a hole and think of all the pain she's inflicked on ME and my close friends!!! I'm just so sick of people it's not even funny!!!" Me. That's me, isn't it? Ya know what, fine. Where's the hole? She can even push me in an' bury me alive fer all I care. 'R why don't she come over an' slit my wrists FOR me? *tears streaming down cheeks at this point* No one cares... ya see Tasuki-sama? They wish I was dead just as much as I do. Then they wouldn't hafta deal with me. Why should I deal with it any longer? It's only gonna get worse, not better... it hasn't gotten any better at all... I have nothin' 'r no one t' live fer anyway... so i should just do the world a favor an' drop dead... Suiren |
Dear Suiren,I dunno, mebbe. But if ya' think it's ya' is that because yer feelin' a bit guilty, because she might have a point? I ain't downin' ya' but it is somethin' to think 'bout. Stop cryin'! Ya' know if this is all so upsettin' to alla ya' cut yer losses an' walk away. That's right. I'm tellin' ya' if tryin' to make this work is only hurtin' ya' an' everyone around ya' stop tryin'. Jus' make new friends an' move on wit' yer life. No one wants ya' to die, I don't an' neither do Ila, Casie, or Casey! But I know I jus' want ya' to stop beatin' yerself up over every lil' thin' an' I want ya' to be happy. Friends change an' people move on. It's a fact of life an' growin' up. Mebbe in a couple of years alla ya' can be friends again. Tasuki |
Dear Tasuki,OH forget it! I'm THROUGH trying to get through to her!!! She's done nothing but push me away and shun me!! I'm just sick of it! I"m NOT putting myself through anymore pain and suffering because of her! I'm tried TOO hard in my opinion. And I'm sorry for saying this, but if she wants to be a b*tch about it, then so be it!!! Don't be surprised if I don't show up for a while. She pushed me over the edge last night. Ila |
Dear Ila,I was hopin' ya'll could be friends again but I'm thinkin' mebbe ya'll jus' need to walk away an' an' get some breathin' room. Like I said to Suiren friendships an' people change an' mebbe th' best thin' fer alla ya' is to cut yer losses an' jus' make new friends. Mebbe in a couple of years ya'll can be friends again. Tasuki |
Dear Tasuki,Monday, March 12, 2007. 7:30 PM. I dunno... it must not be that great since there are people out there who don't like it. They don't hafta like anime 'r anythin' but they could at least be appritiative of my work... *tears up more* I just can't go thru with alla this Tasuki-sama... Elise only talked t' me t'day via msn because she's quote "worried". Yeah. She's really expressed that in the past few days. Casie has just been so b*tchy t' me... tellin' me t' get over it an' that it's just annoyin'... I'll probably always hate m'self... no matter how good I feel I always know I'm unattractive. I have so many faults compared to actual talents... *cries* an' again, no one ('cept you) who says they care is doin' anythin' 'r comfortin' me! I can't believe I've held friendship as my number one value! I'm so stupid fer thinkin' that! I only got hurt by havin' friends! I just wanna be left alone now... well... I wanna stay with you... if you don't mind me... Suiren |
Dear Suiren,Not everyone is gonna like yer art. That's a fact of life. Jus' like not everyone likes Picasso or Dali or Renoir. It's a matter of taste an' not somethin' ya' should ever take personally. If that's what Casie is tellin' ya' to get over, then she's right. If it ain't, then I don't know what to tell ya'. Of course ya' can stay, it's ok. *Gives her a hug.* Tasuki |
Dear Nuriko,Yeah... Takemaru |
Dear Takemaru,Yeah... what? Nuriko |
Dear Chichiri,I've told him. I'm still a bit worried but I'm back to my usual pace now... Kaguya-Hime |
Dear Kaguya-Hime,That's good, no da. Chichiri |
Dear Tasuki,Monday, March 12, 2007. 4:50 PM. *sniffles* I know... but it still hurts... an' I feel even worse knowin' that I'm beatin' myself up... I really do... which is why I'm not worth anythin'. I'm trash... just like my artwork. Ya know people are still accusin' me of tracin'? I swore I'd never trace when I entered high school because I wanted t' prove how good I was... but I guess I'm too good... 'r still not good enough to be considered pro... I hate myself. There's not much I do like about myself. 'Cept I... I was able t' do a presentation fer a class t'day all by myself an' I wasn't scared at all. It felt nice... even tho' I don't feel I did too well... but I was a bit braver... so at least I'm not totally a pathetic coward. 'Course that's probably not a big deal, but it's the only positive thing that happened t' me t'day... Suiren |
Dear Suiren,Good fer ya'! Yer not trash an' neither is yer artwork an' don't let no one tell ya' any different! Stop hatin' yerself an' be proud of yer great artwork! Tasuki |
Dear Suzaku Seishi,We learned about FANBOYS in Grammar an' Comp. t'day. (For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, and So.) Thought you guys might get a kick outta that. Suiren |
Dear Suiren,*LOL* Thanks! That's great! At least you won't forget them. Suzaku Seishi |
Dear Suzaku Seishi,Just for future references, when are you guys' birthdays? If I missed any I'm sorry and happy birthday... I'll make it up, I swear! *smiles* Shelby |
Dear Shelby,Arigato and here you go... Hotohori: 4/2Nuriko: 3/10 Chichiri: 5/21 Tasuki: 4/18 Mitsukake: 5/7 Chiriko: 3/19 Tamahome: 6/28 Suzaku Seishi |
Dear Mitsukake,Please... I have a problem with my skin This is the story: At March 10, 2007, I joined the outbound in a hot place. It was really hot, so my skin's got 'burned'. I covered it with plaster, but it doesn't work at all. And one day, I felt my skin was very pain and hurt... What should I do, Doctor? Shierly |
Dear Shierly,It sounds like you got a bad sunburn and then put some bandages on it. I'd take them off and use something with aloe in it to treat your sunburn. And next time, use a good sunscreen. Mitsukake |
Dear Tasuki,Well it was more for a project but what ever lol. I got it done. Tasuki, could ya do a favor for me? Could you just let Suiren know something. Tell 'er that I'm still here for her if she needs me. I just needed some time away from her. Ever hear the saying "Too much of anything can be a bad thing."? Well that's kinda how it was for me with her. I just needed a little time away from her with my other friends. I don't want her to enter a dark hole like she has before. Just let her know that. I'm getting really worried about her again. Sure, she may not consider us friends anymore in the least, but she needs to understand that it was just for time away for a while, AND that I'm still there for her when she needs a shoulder to lean on. If Suiren wishes to think what she wants on this, then so be it. I just want her to know that and I want you to tell her seeing as she ignores me everywhere else. Ila |
Dear Ila,That's good. Oi Suiren! Yer bud's sayin' she's there fer ya'! Mebbe ya' wanna talk to 'er? Tasuki |
Dear Chichiri,I know... I think I've become too emotional for my own good... After the godforsaken giggling fit (I think Fox wanted to shoot me.) I started crying and its been on and off all day... Every time I try to think of something happy, I think about the time we had that accidental chat or something else that makes me giggle. I don't know what I'd do if he died... He was practically my whole world... My life even... I know it seems stupid to say that about someone I only met online but... Every time I talk to him I can't think, my heart starts to race and I feel so happy. I feel like it wouldn't matter if I never went to Japan or ever finished a book and ended up working in a fast food resturant or some other hateful job. As long as he would be with me, I would be happy.. It hurts every time we talk because I want to be with him now. I don't want to wait... But I was always told that good things come in time so I'll be patient. But since that premonition, I've been scared... Kaguya-Hime |
Dear Kaguya-Hime,If you're that worried about him, have you told him about the premonition? Maybe it will make you feel better if you did, no da. Otherwise, I'd say stick to the happy thoughts and don't worry about what might never happen. Chichiri |
Dear Tasuki,TEE HEE!!! <333 Faye |
Dear Faye,*Laughs* Gah! It's a girly giggle! Tasuki |
Dear Tasuki,Sunday, March 11, 2007. 9:45 PM. *cries* What does it matter?! It's all my fault anyway! No one believes in me 'r sees things as how I see 'em! I know I'm childish, but gods, can't people see I'm not like other people?! I'm not in any competition to have the most pathetic an' horrible life, but I'm made t' feel like I am. My life hasn't been very good, but a lot of people have had it worse, I know that! But apparently I'm stupid an' no good because that's how I'm bein' treated just cuz I scolded someone fer critisizin' my artwork! All the sudden there's a war breakin' out an' no one but friends whom I've never met are stickin' up fer me. Elise didn't back me up, neither did Casie, an' h3ll, Casey ain't been much help t' me either! But if I didn't defend my artwork, people would start walkin' all over it because no one else defends me nowadays... it's either take a stand 'r lie there an' take the blows yer dealt! I'm stick of bein' told t' ignore people, then t' stand up fer m'self. It's confusin'! Am I supposed t' just let people say such things an' let it eat away at me 'r should I express it an' start fightin' back an' forth without end? It's a lose-lose situation! I'm sick, I'm tired, I'm cranky, and I'm heart broken! I can't keep forcin' myself up t' only be knocked down again. It'd be better if Suiren never existed! No one cares about 'er 'r tries t' understand how she sees things! That's why there's fightin'! Everyone refuses t' see m' side of this. I see how I'm supposed t' take critisism an' use it t' grow an' stuff, but the comments I were given CAN'T be helped. My scanner will always f*ck up the colorin' an' there's nothin' I can do about it! An' secondly, I draw fer me! Fer fun! Not because I'm hired t' do it 'r because I wanna get discovered! But now I've lost that spirit that allows me t' draw... I can't seem t' find it an' thus I ain't been able t' draw much lately. Gomen CnA-san, yer sexy Chichiri pics haven't even been started. I'm so, so sorry. I really wanna work on 'em but... I just... can't seem t' reclaim my fire... an' now... I'm all alone again. I feel so out casted, even tho' I pushed myself aside willingly... I just was tired of gettin' hurt. Again, a lose-lose situation... Oh gods Tasuki-sama... I can't keep this up... Suiren |
Dear Suiren,*Gives her a hug.* If someone tells ya' yer artwork is bad ya' gotta right to stand up fer yerself. But if someone gives constructive criticism, ya' know like "if ya' did this then that would look better", ya' can say thanks an' either do it or ignore it. But don't get so bent outta shape 'bout it! People that are always downin' ya' jus' ain't worth gettin' that upset over. Don't worry 'bout CnA's pics, she understands. Ya' jus' feel better 'bout yerself. Tasuki |
Dear Nuriko,Happy Birthday!!! Stormia, the wind |
Dear Stormia,*Grins* Arigato! Nuriko |
Dear Nuriko,lol I was gonna write this before my uncle and godfather were here, but school was actually pretty good so yeah. ONly thing is we're gonna need to get new meds for me... Tsukasa may be funny, but he sure is weird... Oh well, Ryoko wasn't complaning that he was asleep for the entire night. Kaori: I'd say he was more thrilled... He's still weird.. BUt I love him just the same ^^ Takemaru and Kaori |
Dear Takemaru and Kaori,I'm glad school went well and that you're feeling better. Nuriko |
Dear Tasuki,Yer such a sissy Tasuki ^^ And I actually get to use the new lap top that my mom got ^^ WEOO!! And it's nice but I hate the keyboard... Oh well. I'll use it until I have to go downstairs later but I"m typin' up me paper so ^^ BUt yeah I had SOOOO much fun over at Nachoknots ^^ Though I usually always have a good time with her lol ^^ Well got to go type up me paper ^^ Ila |
Dear Ila,Glad ya' hadda good time! Good luck on yer paper! Tasuki |
Dear Tasuki,*comes in crying at 4:00 AM* AH I CAN'T KEEP DOIN' THIS!! PLEASE HELP ME TASUKI-SAMA!! Yer the only one I can turn t'! Oh gods, please help me! Suiren |
Dear Suiren,What happened? What's wrong? Tasuki |
Dear Chichiri,She has hip problems. And I've been depressed all day because I had a premonition last night about my beloved dying because of me. >.< And I started giggling because I remmebered something he said to me a while ago. -giggles/blushes- I can't stop it! I was watching Blood + and giggling, WHILE PEOPLE WERE DYING! I need help... I can't stop though... Its useless to try.. I don't usually act like this. ^^; Kaguya-Hime |
Dear Kaguya-Hime,As sad as it is, if she's in pain it is the humane thing to do. *Gives her a hug.* I hope that premonition doesn't come true, no da! Chichiri |
Dear Tasuki,Eh-hem!! I saw somthin pretty gross earlier! Let's just say it was Hentai wit NejiXHinata! Man! I just about "****" from shock! Eh-hem! yeah... I think you know what I mean... Sorry if it disturbed you... Fangirls, I don't think your gonna get it... at least I hope not... O.O And also, do you know of any other boys that write to you other than me?... Not that I'm gay or anythin! Jus wonderin. Kakashi's Dance, dance! |
Dear Kakashi's Dance, dance!,They're first cousins That's jus' wrong! Yer a boy? Th' only other one lately has been Yaoi Boy an' he wrote into Nuriko. Tasuki |
Dear Tasuki,My complaints...? My misfortunes...? Oh... I didn't know I was just here fer entertainment... that makes sense I suppose... I'm not wanted for anythin' positive... I've come t' a realization... no one wants me an' no one ever will. I'm like dirt. People just keep steppin' on me like it doesn't matter so... I've decided to... to go away now. Goodbye... Tasuki-sama. I really did... love ya... ya know... but... like I said, no one else feels that way fer me so... I'm gonna... just head into a quiet existance... it's probably better if ya just ferget about me... everyone else has. *cries quietly and leaves* Suiren |
Dear Suiren,Oh cut it out! It's jus' one demented fan girl an' I ain't even sure how she meant it! Mebbe she's goin' through th' same stuff as ya' an' she's learnin' from me talkin' to ya'. Of course yer wanted here an' not fer amusement value! Yer my tomodachi. Tasuki |
Dear Tasuki and Tamahome,*Cries* how can it get old after a while? Well of course it's boring for me now *Only cuzz I watched it like 50,000 times* But still, how could it get boring the first time you guys watched it? Kakashi's Dance, dance! |
Dear Kakashi's Dance, dance!,They were just talking about the same stuff over and over again. So we take it you watched parts 2 and 3 as well? Tasuki and Tamahome |
Dear Chichiri,Saturday, March 10, 2007. 10:00 PM. I'm fine now... I think it was just somethin' like not enough iron in my body at the time. That's what my mom said anyway. I'm just a lil teary right now because The Sixth Sense was on an' I cry everytime I see the endin'! Oh gods... it's so sad... I dunno what else t' talk about... I guess I just better go. I'm really not wanted anywhere so... I'm just gonna go now. Sayounara... Chichiri-sama. Suiren |
Dear Suiren,You're certainly wanted here, no da. *Smiles* Chichiri |
Dear Tasuki,Hmm...Well, I haven't visited in forever. Didja miss me? Anyway, I had a very... *twitch* ...Disturbing dream. I don't remember much about it except that Nakkie poo was in a bright pink mini skirt and a green tanktop, and you were complimenting him and asking where he got the outfit, and Nuriko was on the couch drinking beer and muttering about how gay you are. I think I need therapy. But since talking to you is the closest thing to therapy I get, it'll have to do. HELP! Shelby |
Dear Shelby,I dunno, mebbe sometimes a dream is jus' a dream. Tasuki |
Dear Suzaku Seishi,HI! Guess what!! I found a nickle today in some doggy poo! Then I got grossed out and threw the poo and it hit Ryoko... Hes not happy... Kaori: No kidding Tsukasa!! He didn't exactly greet the two of us nicely! Taki *just smilin', trying not to laugh at them* Ryoko *walks into room drying out hair GLARING at Tsukasa* If only I wouldn't screw up the world with KILLING YOU! ^^ WEEEEE I GOT AN EXCUSE TO LIVE!!! Taki *looks over at uncle* Hey, least it washes out. *coughs a bit* Kaori: Why are you still up anyway, Taki? Taki: 'Cause dad said I could stay up tonight as long as I slept in tomorrow ^^ I've been taking my meds so back off! Meds?! I thought that was candy!! No wonder why I feel so funny!!! *LHAO!!!* Ryoko :Oh... My... God.. Who wants to go AWAY from here with me?! Kaori: YOU TOOK HIS MEDS TSUKASA?!Taki *Stands and finds his way over to Ryoko* Ryoko *looks at him* Wha? WEEEEE!! *runs around but suddenly crashes out and DROOOOOL* Ryoko: Um I'm not cleaning that... Shuugo *comes running in and tackle hugs Taki* NO!!! ^^ Taki *STARTLED and is on the floor* DOn't scare me like that Shuugo!! Though shoulda heard you coming... Kaori *poking Tsukasa with her foot...* Yeah, he'll be out a while... They normally knock Takemaru out for a few hours... How many he take anyway? Taki *takes out his med bottle and tosses it over by her* Kaori *.......* Oh my god... Ryoko: I hope he took the whole thing.. I mean.. Oh no a while with out my idiot?! What ever shall I do?! Taki *Stands up again and shrugs* Donno... Kaori: I'm going for a walk... *gets up and leaves* Shuugo *eating Ryoko AGAIN* Ryoko *EH* Gojyo *walks in and is like ...* Ryoko: Don't ask! Shuugo *is a mountain goat and claims Ryoko's head* Ryoko *wants to beat him with something!! but doesn't and lets him claim his head* Tsukasa *laughs in his sleep ^^* Taki *looks over at the doorway* ...Dad? Gojyo: Umm what the h*ll?!Ryoko: I said don't ask. Shuugo *eating Ryoko's hair* Ryoko *-_-* Taki: Apparently Tsukasa took my meds... *finds the bottle and goes over by him and gives it to him and coughs* Eh... Gojyo *looks at that then him* Go to bed... Taki: You said I could stay up though til Ryoko and Tsukasa left!!! Gojyo *looks at Ryoko* Ryoko *takes his idiot's foot and DRAGS him out* Tsukasa *giggles in his sleep ^^* Shuugo *laughing ^^* Taki *knows they're leaving and glares at dad* I hate you sometimes y'know that? Gojyo: Be thankful I'm not like my dad. Taki *tackles dad for the h*ll of it!* Gojyo *...and MAKES HIM GO TO BED lol* Taki *grumbling all the way up the stairs but nearly trips on Kaori's pants* GOD D*MN IT!! Kaori *left 'em there on purpose and LAUGHS from the other room* Gojyo *just shakes his head and goes fer a smoke ^^* Kaori *comes in and takes over* Well, I didn't think the letter would be this long ^^ Sorry about that, but since Taki's gonna kill me later I'm just gonna leave it at that ^^ Talk to you all soon ^^ And yeah... I don't blame ANY of you if you think my family is weird... Cause we are... ^^ Nighty night ^^ Tsukasa, Shuugo, Ryoko, Taki, Kaori, and Gojyo |
Dear Tsukasa, Shuugo, Ryoko, Taki, Kaori, and Gojyo,Well, yes that was all rather weird and somewhat random... Suzaku Seishi |
Dear Tasuki,Friday, March 9, 2007. 4:30 PM. Oi Genrou-sama... whaz up? I'm a lil achy as usual but I feel pretty good. I gave one of my friends who still collects Pokemon cards pretty much all of mine. I had like... over 300 maybe an' some nice rare ones too, but they've just been sittin' in my closest fer the past few years so I figured I might as well give 'em t' someone who'd like 'em. Sure I probably coulda sold 'em an' made a nice lil chunk a change, but Zanetta will just owe me later in life. Creatin' a certain debt with a friend will be a good way t' make sure we keep in touch past high school. Makes sense, ne? But I did keep my favorite ones; Mareep, Dragonair, Skitty, Ralts, an' Vaporeon. That ain't my favorite pokemon per say, just the favorites I had outta all my cards. 'Course now I gotta work on organizin' my digimon tradin' cards. Heh... I wasted so much money on 'em. Pokemon, Digimon, an' Yu-Gi-Oh! trading cards were my weakness for a while, but now I've firmly decided not to buy any more trading cards. The only game I knew how t' play was Yu-Gi-Oh! any how... hehe. I gave alla mine t' my brother an' he still lets me duel against 'im sometimes. But yup. I'm really gonna try an' do some spring cleaning. I'm such a pack rat an' I do have a lot of junk I don't need, but some of it is fer memories an' sentimental value. I kept a pair of underwear fer a few years just because it was the last gift my grandma gave me before she died. 'Cept I think ma finally threw 'em out when I wasn't lookin'. Now I don't have anythin' 'cept some memories... but I suppose holding onto lil girl panties is rather creepy. But do ya have somethin' like that? Somethin' ya never use but ya still keep it close? I keep my torn t' shreds baby blanket in my undergarmet drawer next t' actual bras that I never wear. (Why the h3ll am I talkin' about this? I dunno.) Suiren |
Dear Suiren,Hmmm... *Grins* My sisters? They ain't good fer much. *Runs as Aidou hears him and fires off a log at his head...* I was jus' kiddin'! Tasuki |
Dear Nuriko,Satuday, March 10, 2007. Suiren: HAPPY BIRTHDAY NURIKO-DONO!! Bara: I'm here to perform your birthday present! *puts on a hotohori wig an' mask an' changes his voice a lil.* I'm yours to command my darling. Suiren: Must you do this every March 10th? Bara: I'm doin' a strip tease an' no one can stop me! Suiren: O_< Sheezz... well make sure I get 'em back by the 11th. He's yers fer the day Nuriko. Suiren and Bara |
Dear Suiren and Bara,*Smiles* Arigato for the wonderful present! I'll have him back by the 11th. Nuriko |
Dear Tasuki,I know!! It's exciting... Uh oh... I feel a girlish giggle coming on... Faye |
Dear Faye,Uh oh... is that somethin' bad? Tasuki |
Dear Chichiri,Oh of course!Listenin' to Coordinate now. ^^ I love that CD and whats worse is I can sing every song on it perfectly. ^^ My mom dropped a bombshell on me... We may be putting my dog down. Whats worse is I won't be allowed to get another dog. She said so. She said that before one of the pugs ran away, but my sister went out and got another one anyway (We also found Mr. Runaway.) I think its unfair! She's allowed to get another dog but I'm not! She has no idea how lonely I'd be without my little golden retreiver. Kaguya-Hime |
Dear Kaguya-Hime,*Gives her a hug.* I'm sorry to hear that, no da. Is your dog sick? You should talk to your mother and tell her how you feel, no da. Maybe you can persuade her to change her mind. Chichiri |
Dear Nuriko,Thanks... I do get to see (well y'know what I mean) my uncle this weekend though. Haven't seen him in a while... He ALWAYS gives me cr*p though that I'm a lot like my dad and then he keeps pickin' on me! But what're uncles for then? ^^ Kaori *walks in* Taki?! I thought you said you were taking a shower! I did. I don't take 20 minutes like you do. Kaori: Well seems your feeling better again. *nods a bit* Yeah. I want to be so that we can see our uncle later. Kaori: I see... No wonder you've been doing what you're told to the past few days... *goes over and takes over* HI! ^^ Taki has to go get ready to go, he's gonna try school today since he's feeling better. KAORI!! I WAS ON THERE!! Kaori *ignores him completely* Well, he seems to be feeling better to me ^^ My big sister skills prevails again! Taki, go get dressed and ready to go! We're leaving in a half hour. EH! Taki and KAori |
Dear Taki and KAori,I'm glad you're feeling better! Have a good day at school! Nuriko |
Dear Tasuki,*sticks tongue out* Make me Tasuki! Ever hear the saying it takes a true man to wear pink? Just do it! Or what, is your manly pride gonna go down because you wouldn't wear a lil pink kitty bandaid? Wow... I thought you were braver than that... I"ll make ya a deal!! You put one on and I won't push ya into a river ^_^ Muwha. *shifty eyes* BUt yeah, I don't have to come home tonight after school! I get to go over to my friends house fer the night and WHOO! We're gonna watch Borat so WHOO but I gotta get ready fer school ^^ Ila |
Dear Ila,Yeah, yeah, I don't wear pink or do Kitty-chan bandaids! Have fun wit' yer friends! Tasuki |
Dear Tasuki,Why ain't Suiren talkin to ya anymore, Tasuki? I miss havin her complain to you about her misfourtunes. v_v Suiren, if you read this, don't get mad please! I'm jus used to ya always complainin to Tasuki, nothin more. Tasuki, do you may have known what happened to her? And if she has been writin ta ya, than I'm jus spacin out! ^^... like I always do... Anywho, I'm a lot like Suiren, once I think 'bout it... hmmm. Well buh-bye! Kakashi's Dance, dance! |
Dear Kakashi's Dance, dance!,I dunno. Mebbe she decided she likes talkin' to Chichiri better. Tasuki |
Dear Mitsukake,Ha! I saw you as a mouse cursor at one point in time! I could tell it was you, cuzz of the purple headband thing and the spiky hair! Haha!!! That's so weird!... at least I think it was you... ??? Kakashi's Dance, dance! |
Dear Kakashi's Dance, dance!,Who knows? Perhaps it was. Mitsukake |
Dear Suzaku Seishi,K, I want Tasuki or Tamahome to mostly answer please! ^^ Alright, I told ya you guys would like it! But Tasuki? What made it dumb an' dull? Which parts? I like the part when Hinata asked Tsunude what love really was and had her guess all the ppl with spiky hair to see which one she loved, than she started guessing the ppl with round hair! But my absolute favorite part of my favorite part was when she said "OOOO I know! It's Temari!... No wait, she's a girl..." I burst out laughing at that part! Anywho! Tamahome and Tasuki, what were both of yer favorite parts? Everybody else can answer if they want to also! ^^ Kakashi's Dance, dance! |
Dear Kakashi's Dance, dance!,No one had a favorite part. It was amusing but got old after awhile. Tamahome and Tasuki |
Dear Chichiri,Hyourui: And while that's all well and good, I still was born with this limp and no matter how much I train, it's never be as stronger as my other. Murin: Just give it a rest already Hyourui. You'll be fine. Hyourui: I only made it addictive so that I wouldn't forget to take it! It's still a perfectly good vitamin! Murin: An' I'm sayin' ya don't need it. Yer a drug man, not a doctor. Hyourui: Pharmacist! Not drug man! Pharmacist! Murin: Whatever...Hyourui and Murin |
Dear Hyourui and Murin,She has a point about your limp, no da. Perhaps you should try to get around without the medicine and see how you do. Chichiri |
Dear Chichiri,Thursday, March 8, 2007. 11:20 PM. Well as soon as I finished my letters I shut my computer down an' went t' bed. I got up at one point t' quickly take my night time drugs, but then it was back t' bed an' I slept until 7:30 the next mornin'. So i got over 14 hours. I dunno if it made much difference, but at least I ain't so tired. 'Cept ya remember when I was tellin' ya about how I'd wake up covered in a cold sweat? Now I'm just freezin'! An' we're gettin' above freezin' weather right now! No matter what I do, I can't get warm. Good thing I wear thick shirts in public if ya know what I mean. But even under my coat I'm cold. My body is freezin' on the inside. Times like these is when I wish I had a snuggle buddy. *looks over at Tasuki* I can only dream... Hmm, I better get my icy @$$ t' bed so I can get up in the mornin'. Oyasumi Chichiri-sama. Suiren |
Dear Suiren,Hmmm... well either you're running a low grade fever or you have very low blood pressure, no da. Have you had either of those things checked? Chichiri |
Dear Tasuki,EEEHHH The answer is Taki^^ okay your turn Ryoko ^^ *reads card then looks at him* Who was my first wife? ^^ Ryoko: Himari seeing that you never married the creepy one thank the gods. Amen with that ^_^ And WEE You win. Ryoko: Okay your question... Why the f**k am I playing this game with you? Hey I don't remember making that card! Ryoko : ...*sigh* Okay.. *takes a card and reads it* What is your favorite kind of pop? Uhh.. Ryoko *holds up a shiny dime* SURGE! Ryoko: Yay you.. Okay your turn Tasuki ^^ *reads card* What is your name? Ryoko *rolls eyes* Well gotta go help Shuugo with his homework from preschool ^^ Ryoko: Guess I'll help the both of you with it. WEEEOOOOOO ^^ Tsukasa and Ryoko |
Dear Tsukasa and Ryoko,My name? That's a dumb question! Tasuki! Tasuki |
Dear Mitsukake,WEO Your welcome ^^ OH I use avatar bandaids to like Ila ^_^ WEEEHOOOO lol But ja my test in german was alirght a lil confusing but I think I passed it ^^ Then today in German we went on the computer and had to watch these video clips and answer questions and I turned on the native speaker and my teacher did also and she got one of the questions wrong and I got it right ^_^ lol. Have you ever heard of the german pop band Die Prinzen? I LOVE THEM!! I'm listening to them seeing I had their songs stuck in my head ALL day! lol Anything else? Ummmmmmmmmm hmmmmm uhhhhhh nope ^^ lol well ttyl^^ TheNachoknot |
Dear TheNachoknot,Sorry, I've never heard of that band. Mitsukake |
Dear Tasuki,*Imitates Faye-san and pushes you into a lake... only BIGGER, DEEPER, and with strong WHIRLPOOLS* Happy Since I Pushed You |
Dear Happy Since I Pushed You,*Sputters and flails around and looks p*ssed...* Tasuki |
Dear Suzaku Seishi,Heehee... thank you so much for the sympathies, but now, all is okay! I currently have two pending VTRs for two ad agencies! Ha! And it's all thanks to my beloved Ninang (Meaning: godmother) Moyeen. And about the fanart, I still am busy, thanks to endless doxology rehearsals, the pending exams, and my secretarial duties to keep track of attendances... besides, I don't do boys well... I started drawing Miaka loooong before you guys. Two Random People: *roll eyes* Boys. Yeah, well, I did manage to draw a perfect drawing of Hotohori and Tamahome... so rare... my hand is a bit iffy. =p SuzakuAngelP.S. My room has been completely renovated and is now bathed in a coat of pink!!! Yay! Ha... let's see my brother hide in my closet now... I'll tell you the story sometime else, 'kay? |
Dear SuzakuAngel,You're welcome. Good luck on your drawings and VTRs! Let us know how it all goes. Suzaku Seishi |
Dear Tasuki,I've gotten myself in a bigger problem than i can get out of and i really need help. I have a boyfriend and his name is Ryan and we've been going out for about a year or so but lately all we've done is fight becuase if seems like he doesnt care and when he gets mad he takes it out on me! However, there is a boy at my school that i am pretty good friends with and i think hes really really cute and i just cant stop thinking about him. i want to break up with ryan but when i tried to i just couldnt stand seeing him hurt. the boy that i have a crush on is RJ. i know i cant control my feeling about who i like but the thing is, RJ likes me back. When I thought Ryan broke up with me, I was not sad at all by the way, I told my best friend Bryan and he told our friend named Eric. Eric is Ryan's best friend and apparently is RJ's band manager!! ryan is a very bad influence and i dont think i should be with him but RJ is nice and sweet and never gets in trouble. RJ is like my twin and we even end up wearing the same ACDC shirt on the same day like once a week. Its not hard for me to break up with Ryan but its hard for him. All my friends think I should be with RJ too. I acnt break up with Ryan because I dont want to see him hurt but I cant stay with him because Im not happy with him. I want to be with RJ and I dont know what to do!! Please Help! Kurisuten-Chan |
Dear Kurisuten-Chan,If yer not happy bein' wit' Ryan an' he takes his anger out on ya', ya' need to break up wit' 'im. It ain't gonna be easy but in th' long run it's th' best thin' fer both of ya'. Tasuki |
Dear Chichiri,Ah! I think I am going to get very stuck very quickly a lot... I'm already stuck on my novel again because I have the wrong musical influence. I've been ignoring my TMRevolution CDs... Oh well. I'll get out of my road block soon. And, I'm going to be getting Rossetta Stone. ^^ Kaguya-Hime |
Dear Kaguya-Hime,Good for you, no da. I'm sure once yopu listen to your TMR cds you will be inspired again. Chichiri |
Dear Chichiri,Hyourui: Of course I have, but like myself, my potions are never that simple. Murin: Which is why ya gotta just stop bein' so god danged proper an' respectful. "No good can come from livin' with bandits" my @$$! H3ll, living with bandits makes ya completely carefree an' easy goin' which is perfect fer ya Hyou! Hyourui: But Chichi-ue advised-- Murin: An' a truely wise mans knows he knows nothin'. That's Socrates. Hyourui: You're smart when you wanna be, huh Murin? Murin: Yup.Hyourui and Murin |
Dear Hyourui and Murin,I never advised you to take drugs for your condition, no da. If you recall I did send you to train with Tasuki so you would build up your physical skills. Chichiri |
Dear Suzaku Seishi,What's your least favorite person or thing; your number one pet peeve? Chibichica |
Dear Chibichica,Besides dying? Nakago and the Seiryuu Seishi. Suzaku Seishi |
Dear Suzaku Seishi,Ok, I already asked about pie... what about cake? What kind of cake do you like? RandomSilliness |
Dear RandomSilliness,Cake? Hmmm... Hotohori German ChocolateNuriko Banana! Chichiri Carrot Cake, no da. Tasuki Red Velvet Mitsukake Pound Cake Chiriko Angel Food Tamahome Green Tea Suzaku Seishi |
Dear Chichiri,Wednesday, March 7, 2007. 4:30 PM. I still feel like absolute cr*p tho'. My back hurts AGAIN, I'm getting sinus headaches, my body's freezing both inside an' out, I'm sleep deprieved, I can't consentrate, an' I'm pretty sure I'm gonna get a stomach ache again, because my pain just isn't complete without that. An' mentally... ah gods, mentally I feel like I've been shot... Suiren |
Dear Suiren,*Gives her a hug.* I'm sorry you feel so bad, no da. I hope you feel better soon. Chichiri |
Dear Tasuki,LOL! Go for it CnA!! Get a Hello Kitty bandaid on 'im! That'll shrink 'is ego a bit *winks* lol I'm just kiddin' Tasuki. BUt yeah. I hate the mid week x.X Today took FOREVER and there's still my lesson tonight... Eh.. First hour I didn't have a freakin' clue what I was doing, 2nd hr was ok. I took a lot of notes though on Thor. Got a project due monday on him. Math... omg I thought I was gonna rip my eyeballs out... We had a test today and I totaly BLANKED out on an equation I needed to know... Good thing I did toward the end lol. Then 4th hour was good. WE got to try what's called a "Puffin"... OMFG they're EXCELLENT!!! I"m seeling LOTS of those ^^ I make $4.50 for every one I sell ^^ So me gonna do that ^^ Then um.. played.. bus ride I ZONED out and listened to music, then I got home.. but I gotta pee... lol ^^ And ja, now me ma and pa are home and apparently I"m going to see a marching band play next tuesday with my mom... Should be fun, we NEED bonding time together lol. HOpefully we won't rip each other's heads off ^^ lol Talk to ya later Tasuki... (PUT A BANDAID ON 'IM CnA!!! ^_^) Ila |
Dear Ila,Ya' pipe down 'bout them bandaids! I don't need no stupid pink kitty bandaid on me! ounds like ya' hadda good day. Hope ya' have a good weekend! Tasuki |
Dear Tasuki,Kyouen: My eldest rarely speaks and she has a dark aura around her, Shuura's troublesome, and my newborn refuses t' nurse from me! Shun'u: Which is weird since yer even flatter than Ofukuro. Kyouen: Even having children didn't fill my body out *sigh* Shun'u: Least you can fight. I'm a five star chef who likes to cut to the point. Can't thow a punch t' save m' life tho. Kyouen: I can't fight! I'm more or less just an acrobastist. Aerobics an' gymnastics an' stuff like that... Shun'u: Still, it's better than what I can do. Kyouen: You're a wonderful cook tho Onii-san! Shun'u: Well so was Yuuhi Aogiri, but he could fight too! Everyone can fight but me! Kyouen: At least yer a good parent! All your children are so sweet and well behavied. Shun'u: Not Ryuuan. He picks on his baby sister an' brother all the time an' he's constantly scrappin' with Shunsei. Kyouen: At least when he's with my Houka they seem to settle down... Shun'u: Good point. Shun'u and Kyouen |
Dear Shun'u and Kyouen,Yer both good at some thins' an' not at others. Ya' jus' need to get over it! Tasuki |
Dear Tasuki,Holy crap... I have a date to prom... and what's more is that it's the guy I was planning on marrying in the third grade! Did I mention he's the cutest guy in my grade, and possibly the school? Life is good. Faye |
Dear Faye,That's great! I'm really happy fer ya'! I hope ya' have a great time. Lemme know how it goes. Tasuki |
Dear Nuriko,Same to you. We're all hoping he gets better really soon. He spiked a fever again when he woke up this morning. *sighs* poor kid's always been sick. Though he didn't take his meds a couple days ago and this happens. -_- But he's been sleeping a lot during the day and getting his re-- Taki *puts his chin on her head and stares off into the blue* I thought you were still sleeping... Taki *s* Couldn't sleep... Oh... Okay... You shouldn't be up and about though. Taki *s* I was hungry... Heh, well I'm gonna go get him something to eat then get him back to bed before I head to school. *stands and walks off to kitchen* Taki *sits* Yup... I'm still sick and I'm sick of it... Mom isn't too happy with me though cause I forgot my meds... Isn't my fault I couldn't find them! I best go though. I'm tired... Kaori and Takemaru |
Dear Kaori and Takemaru,*Gives him a hug.* I'm sorry you're still not well. Don't forget to take your medicine! I hope you get well soon. Nuriko |
Dear Suzaku Seishi,Hahaha!!! I just watched something called Naruto Chatroom #19 Valentine's Day! on Youtube! It was funny! Let's see it was sayin that Sakura raped Naruto, Sasuke's gayier than ever but Sasuke ended up being Gaara and Sasuke paid him 5 bucks to be him fer a couple of days, than Itachi came and Naruto hides, Itachi tells a story about why Naruto is hideing and he said that he raped him, than yeah... It's funny! They were even saying that they should stop talking about rape, before all the little kids that are watchin start askin what it is. It may have been inappropriate, but it was funny. Than Tsunade went on a rampadge when Orochimaru came and broke the camera than we had to watch Kakashi's Dance, dance while they were fixin the camera! Gods, I'm still laughing! It even had the My Chicky song! That's like one of my favorite songs! And I'm gonna watch it one more time before I go to bed! ^^ Kakashi's Dance, dance!PS and if any of ya have seen this, do not hesitate in telling me! Thank you fer listening! Oh! And I sent this to Tasuki about a couple of days ago and it seemed to me that he thought I was psycho!... ... Sorry... I am a little psycho... BYE!!! |
Dear Kakashi's Dance, dance!,Gomen, we had to cut your ASCII figures as the formatting to get them to work was troublesome. We saw the chatroom and it was amusing. Suzaku Seishi |
Dear Tasuki,Have you seen it yet? It's funny! And what was wit' the "Ok..." thing? I totally thought ya were gonna say somthin different! Anywho ^^ Will ya watch it? Kakashi's Dance, dance! |
Dear Kakashi's Dance, dance!,I saw it. It was funny but th' others parts were kinda dull an' dumb. Tasuki |
Dear Mitsukake,HI! How're you? You always seem so lonely :( *hug ^^* So ja I've been doing pretty good. I have to do a painting for a contest in art class. Sounds fun ^^ kinda lol and lets see ummmmmm OH in first hr we had to make these crests for ourselves and I put a swan because I like them AND its on one of my familiy's crests.. I put a knife anf a cross with german on it and my teacher said he LOVED it ^_^ I felt so proud lol but ja.. In german tomarrow we are FINALLY having the chapter test and I REALLY hope I at least pass it!!! I mean I know what I'm doing but I'll probably make stupid mistakes like I normally do!! But as long as I pass my german class for this term I'm good lol. I'm sure I will because the "heft" is worth 20 pts and if I get that I should be in the safe spot lol but ja... Then lets see.. Hmm... OMG on the bus ride home today my busdriver and most of the boys on my bus were calling me cute! AHH lol I mean I have nothing wrong with boys. I like boys but it just freaked me out and I was RED in the face when I got home lol. spooooky lol. But boy am I sleepy I had off and on sleeping woke up at 4 415 ish and was awake since! So ja the coffee is wearing off and ehhhhhh lol ah well.. Well I'm gonna eat soon and then gonna study and what not ^^ Toodles ^^ *hug* TheNackoknot |
Dear TheNackoknot,I'm fine. I'm not lonely but arigato for the hug. *Smiles* Good luck on your test! Get some rest. Mitsukake |
Dear Tasuki,Ryoko: Um no I've tried.. But You can do this.. *looks at Tsukasa* For a shiney penny... Whats your favorite color? GREEN!! Ryoko: Yup *tosses him the coin* ^_____^ Ryoko: I don't know why I didn't do that in the first place... Its just entertaining watching him try to think. Think who what? Ryoko:... Isn't it Tasuki's turn? Sure ^^ *pulls out a card* OOOooo This one is a good one ^^ What is Ryoko's nephews name? Bye ^^ Tsukasa and Ryoko |
Dear Tsukasa and Ryoko,Ain't it Tsukasa? Tasuki |
Dear Tasuki,Well the tests I won't know about until I get to 1st hr this morning, and then yay me ^^ lol. I couldn't sleep worth a cr*p last night!! I went to bed at 9, woke up at 1 and tossed and turned the rest of the night... It was a long night too -_-. Oh well. As long as I don't ZONE out at school today I'll be fine. Gotta make up a test apparently today BUT I have my playing exame today too!!! I'd rather go to my playing exame!! So I'll talk to me teacher to do that 4th hr seeing as I have a study hall 1st half of 4th hr anyway. I want spring break here XD and I got a sexy bandaid on ^_^ wrist REALLY started to itch yesterday in 2nd hr and it was bleeding after I was done scratching -______- ehhhh lol. but it's one of Aang. Yes I do use Avatar bandaids. I'm not afraid too ^^ They kick *ss ^^ lol, BUT I need to get ready fer skool... How I loathe those words... OH well. What you been up to lately? Ila |
Dear Ila,I ain't been up to much. Avatar bandaids, eh? CnA has pink Hello Kitty ones. She keeps wantin' to use 'em on me whenever I come back from brawlin' Baka onna... *Sweatdrops* Tasuki |
Dear Chichiri,Hyourui: I take it only because my body's become addicted to it. It' only a small dosage but I get crazy without it. I always have a rough time with withdrawls... *holding his pants up with his hands at the moment* Murin: Eh, big deal. That's what ya get fer doin' drugs. Hyourui: They're medicines! Murin: Drugs is drugs is drugs Hyou. Hyourui and Murin |
Dear Hyourui and Murin,There is a difference, no da. Have you tried to wean yourself off this medicine? Chichiri |
Dear Tasuki,Easy fer you t' say Oyaji. Yer a total kick@$$! Shun'u |
Dear Shun'u,Yep, but I ain't got yer talents. Tasuki |
Dear Chichiri,Monday, March 5, 2007. 10:30 PM. *buries head in yer chest* I wish things could be so simple as that... but nothing in this life is easy for me anymore. My mom's worried because I've been so quiet today an' apparently I've been quiet fer a while now accordin' to her. Maybe I am less talkative but that's only because everytime I open my mouth, I end up hurting someone or saying something I shouldn't. I'm not as noble an' selfless as I believe I am. Perhaps I'm merely fooling myself and I act like I'm a good person. An' maybe that's why I never feel like I'm pretty, physically... even though my skin... ah Chichiri-sama it's almost a miracle ya know? Just touch my cheeks! They're soft an' smooth fer the most part except fer the lil bits of acne scars. An' it's not red anymore... at least fer now. I keep gettin' outbreaks right when I think I'm lookin' normal again. But oh gods you don't know how good it feels after five years to have your face back to normal! Oh... I... I didn't mean t'... ya know with yer scar 'r anythin'... just that... See there I go! Sayin' stuff that'll upset others! I don't deserve my skin back! I'm an ugly lil toad of an undeveloped child! I'm only foolin' myself... I am, aren't I? Suiren |
Dear Suiren,No you're not, no da. You're a regular person and regular people sometimes say things they wish they hadn't. Don't worry, you didn't hurt my feelings, no da. *Gives her a hug.* Chichiri |
Dear Tasuki,Hai... I have three daughters. Houka, Shuura, an' Takiga. *sigh* And of course I babysit Kouran-chan's Keirin-chan fer 'er a lot since Kei is good friends with Shuura. Then I take on everyone else's kids because I'm a medicine woman. They think I'm some sort of miracle worker. Shuura: Gomen fer pokin' ya Ojii-chan! Keirin-chan dared me to! Shuura dear, please don't pester him anymore. He's a very busy man and doesn't have time for little kids. Shuura: B-But... I'm named after him! You said! Shuu means feather an' he's Yokushuku! Yoku is wing. I'm the feather from his wings! His granddaughter! You said Okaa-chan! You said! Please Shuura, Okaa-chan doesn't have the strength for this behavior. Go play with your Ane-ue or Keirin or yer father. Shuura: BUT OKAA-CHAN!! Shuura, please, I'm asking nicely. Please stop misbehaving. Shuura: I hate you! *stomps off* *sweatdrop* Oh... I'm not a very good mother at all. Rouen has the way with the children... as always, I'm utterly pathetic. Kyouen + Shuura |
Dear Kyouen + Shuura,Yeah, she's my grandkid alright! Don't worry 'bout it, yer doin' jus' fine as a mom. Tasuki |
Dear Chichiri,Ah... Its so hard though.. Anyway! I was doing a drawing for a friend and I've almost finished it! ^.^ Just need to finish colorin' 'er up and she'll be ready. I've also taken a temporary hiatus from my fanfictions so I can finish my novel. Not smart, I know. But I won't give up till I finish! Kaguya-Hime |
Dear Kaguya-Hime,Ganbatte kudasai, no da! Chichiri |
Dear Nuriko,I have the same kinda problem as Yaoi boy, but I'm a girl. I already read the info you sent to him, but it's not helping, and I don't wanna tell anybody. I shall keep it a secret for as long as it takes! Yuri/Yaoi GirlP.S. Even tho I'm a lesbian, I LOVE YAOI!! it's really weird tho, I don't like guys, but I like guy/guy pairings. Is that normal for a lesbian? GOD I hate that word! Lesbian. *Shudders* Lesbian, lesbian, lesbian Aurgh! I hate that word! Girl on girl action's awesome too! |
Dear Yuri/Yaoi Girl,Coming out is everyone's personal choice. Have you considered the Teen Site? It might be helpful to you even if you aren't going to tell anyone right now. Nuriko |
Dear Suzaku Seishi,Do any of you like toilets? *Tries to stop giggling* RandomGirl1732P.S. Ok that was a stupid question. Oh well! WEEEEEEEE!! |
Dear RandomGirl1732,Well, yes it was. Suzaku Seishi |
Dear Tasuki,Ok... I'm at lunch... Amaroq chased me about an hour ago... D*MN! I hate that wolf... for now. Well Amaroq was a newbie about a week 'n' 1/2 ago, so what did ya expect? Anyway I think he calmed down now... *Peers outside slowly only to see Amaroq's jaws wide open in face* AAHHH!!! *holds hand up to heart* G-guess he didn't calm down. Other worker 1: what did she do to that wolf? Other worker 2: I don't know. Other worker 3: Perhaps maybe she hurt it. Other worker 1: Maybe... Hey! Go ask! Other worker 3: What!? No! You go ask! Other worker 1: Fine. HEY! Kira! What did you do to Amaroq? SHUT UP!!! NONE OF YER BUSINESS!!! Other worker 1: Fine! You don't have to bite my head off... *Giggles* Haha very funny. Anyway Buh-bye Tasuki! Wolf Lover |
Dear Wolf Lover,I think ya' better take it easy wit' 'im. I don't wanna see ya' gettin' hurt. Tasuki |
Dear Tasuki,OOOWWWW!! One of the wolves bit me!! Is, is that blood?... AAHHH!!! it is blood! Bad Amaroq! *hits Amaroq on nose* Amaroq: Grrrrrrrrrr! *Snarls* Grrrrrrrrrr! ..Uh... oh... M-maybe t-that wasn't the b-b-best idea... *runs* Amaroq: *Chases Wolf lover* AAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!! BYE TASUKI! THIS IS THE LAST TIME I'LL WRITE TO YA DURING WORK!! GOTTA RUN!!! Amaroq: *growl/bark, snarls than growls again* Wolf LoverP.S. I'll type to ya about what happens at lunch, K? |
Dear Wolf Lover,'Che! What didja' do to th' wolf? Anyway, ya' better stay away from 'im till he's calmed down. Tasuki |
Dear Nuriko,Hi! I don't believe we've met yet ^^ I'm Kaori and this is my lil brother Takemaru ^^ Taki *half asleep sitting on her lap* Sorry about him, he's still sick. He wanted to say hi though ^^ He's been cooped up in his room since friday and only really came out for what he needed to. Taki: Hi... Um Taki... You think you could get off my lap? Yer putting my legs to sleep... Taki: No. *snuggles up and rests* Heh... Poor kid. *puts an arm around him and holds him* Well figure I'll update ya on things seeing as he's asleep and... starting to drool -_- ... Anywho, Dad's been staying home with him the past few days watching him and his fever finally went away so he's getting better ^^ Will be a few days yet before he can really do anything. Dad's been homeschooling him the past couple days though I have no idea why... Isn't exactly the smart kind *chuckles* Taki *hits her arm a bit* Dad teaches me just fine... Alright, alright. Go back to sleep woulda ya? *chuckles* Well anyway, it was nice meeting you Nuriko ^^ Talk to you again soon. Kaori and Takemaru |
Dear Kaori and Takemaru,Hi! It's nice to meet you both! I hope Taki feels better soon. Nuriko |
Dear Suzaku Seishi,lol thanks and it's a long story behind the one of Ozai. I drew it on the MSN Messenger thing while Rping (DUH lol) and I drew that for be bud and I use it as a bookmark now ^^ The whole version of it is hilarious lol. OMG I should put the other one I drew up on Me and Nachoknot!! MUWHAHAHA... Potato ^^ ANYWHO, thanks again. I"m glad you like 'em ^^ I'll make sure to send ya the url of me new one as soon as I get it finisehd lol. Still debating whether I'm gonna just shade it in or actually color it in lol. WE'll see as soon as I get the chain links all drawn in XD TOO MANY OF THEM!! ^^ So ya.... Toodlez ^^ Ila |
Dear Ila,You're welcome. We look forward to seeing it. Suzaku Seishi |
Dear Tasuki,^^ I actually only have about 10 notes of it figured out just listening to it by ear lol. BUt yeah, I've been in such a good mood since this weekend. Saturday, my family and I helped out at the EAgles club and we raised over $1000 to help out with cancer patients ^^ I feel so helpful lol. But today wasn't that bad of a day considering it was monday. Did good on both my German tests I think. ^_^ And band is gonna be a BREEZE the next couple weeks ^^ We're not playing the first hald and what not so WHOO lol ^^ Well I'm gonna go do me math and read over Nachoknots paper so I can workshop it fer her ^^ So YEAH! lol. But b4 I go, I'm just gonna blabble a lil more til I go do me dishes lol. But ja... Ich bin ein bissun Muede... -_- Shoulda gone to bed at 10 last night but the rp was too good to just stop yet!! lol Which reminds me, I should write in the Ozai shelter.. lol ^^ BUt yeah, Well I guess I"m gonna go do dishes, shower, do homework watch 24, then go ta bed ^^ Talk to ya later!! Ila |
Dear Ila,Congratulations on yer tests an' fundraisin'! Good fer ya'! Well, get some rest. Tasuki |
Dear Chichiri,Murin: An' I know just how t' fix that. *grabs his belt an' snatches that away from him* Hyourui: H-Hey!! Murin *takes the bottles off the belt and smashes them* These drugs make ya get that way so yer not gonna take 'em. Hyourui: B-But I need those! My precious potions... Murin: Yer fine without 'em an' if I catch ya takin' 'em again, I'm gonna sew yer mouth shut. Hyourui: But one of those was my medicine... Murin: Uh-oh. Is that bad? Hyourui: It won't hurt me... I developed it to try and cure my leg, but it didn't help. Hyourui and Murin |
Dear Hyourui and Murin,Well, if it didn't help then you don't need it, no da. At least your pants stayed up when she took your belt off... Chichiri |
Dear Chichiri,Monday, March 5, 2007. 5:20 PM. Oi Chichiri-sama, how ya been? We haven't really talked fer a while. Whaz up in yer world? Mine's crumblin' right now actually, but I've just given up with tryin' t' stop those walls from fallin' an' I think it's time t' remodel. Ya see I've got a million things on my mind it seems... I got this stupid history project t' do an' I really have no clue where I'm goin' with it. I got a bio test tomorrow an' a math mini-test in a couple days, plus tomorrow is also my appointment day with my shrink an' physcologist... *sigh* An' I'm actually in a bit of a drawin' rut as well. I haven't turned out much this year so far. Guess I've just hit another rut... I'm feelin' kinda... tired today. Or maybe I'm just very calm. I'm not sure which it is but I know I'm mad/sad about this one thing an' just bored with everythin' else. There's never much excitement in m' life tho' so ya'd think I'd be used t' it. Then there's my birthday comin' up. (It's the 16th so don't ferget!) An' I'm excited 'bout that, but I'm still wonderin' 'bout a party. When is one dilema I'm facin' an' who t' come is another. I know my mom doesn'tlike a majority of my friends an' the ones she can stand, I don't want comin'. I'm thinkin' maybe Casie, Amy, Heather, Zanetta, Joanna, an' Angela. That's six people... but I can't have it on my actual birthday because m' ma has classes that weekend an' i'm sure mosta my buddies got plans fer spring break. Ah, so much t' do an' all in the next two weeks. Suiren |
Dear Suiren,*Smiles and gives her a hug.* Maybe you need to take a deep breath and just take a step back and relax, no da. Everything will happen in its own good time. Chichiri |
Dear Tasuki,Shun'u: But I still hate the fact that I'm no good at martial arts... my pride as a man is tarnished when Yuuen takes on my rivals fer me. Yuuen: That's what a good wife does! I'll defend my husband with my life fer the sake of our family an' inn!! Shun'u: An' that bugs me! It's my duty to protect you Yuu-chan. *gives her the lovey eyes* All I've wanted in my life was t' protect ya an' keep ya with me fer always. Yuuen: You are so sweet!! *huggles him* Then maybe karate just ain't yer talent! H3ll, Shunsei practices Tai Chi! Shun'u : Look, the only thing even close to a fighting style fer me, is a good ol' knife fight. That's the only kinda fight I can win. Shun'u and Yuuen |
Dear Shun'u and Yuuen,Then mebbe ya' should stick to what ya' know ya' can do an' not worry 'bout what ya' can't do. Tasuki |
Dear Tasuki,Gomen Otou-sama... I'll try an' keep my daughter an' Keirin-chan out of yer letters. Shuura is just so mischievous... It's hard fer Rouen an' I t' keep 'er behaved. Kyouen |
Dear Kyouen,Ah, their yers. S'okay. Don't worry 'bout it. Tasuki |
Dear Chichiri,Heh... I didn't even start it this weekend. I was too wrapped up in play Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess. Gods above that game is hard... But at least I'm used to fighting as a wolf. ^.^ But its still hard. And I tend to get stuck a lot. Though, I've already found a walkthrough (Not a very helpful one mind you.) I can just ask Fox. She's beat the game already. ^^ I've barely been online since I got that game. But I'm taking a nice long break. (I'm stuck and Fox is at school. >_<) Kaguya-Hime |
Dear Kaguya-Hime,That's ok. I'm glad you're enjoying it, no da. Chichiri |
Dear Suzaku Seishi,What's your favorite type of pie? RandomSilliness |
Dear RandomSilliness,That's a random question! Tamahome: Apple pieTasuki: Cherry pie Chichiri: Blueberry, no da Hotohori:Chocolate Cream Nuriko: Banana Cream Chiriko: Apple pie Mitsukake: Key Lime Suzaku Seishi |
Dear Suzaku Seishi,Whoa guys! Its been a long time! I missed ya a lot! Well, Ive got some good news... SUMMER IS ALMOST HERE! (ours is half of march to june... I've really done well with my schoolstuffs and im really glad! THANKS FOR BEING THERE FOR ME GUYS! You really did a lot! Well Im gonna graduate to High school guys! Our practices are gonna start... LUV YA GUYS! U ROCK! Jamie May |
Dear Jamie May,You're welcome! Congratulations on making it to high school! We're proud of you! Enjoy your summer vacation! Suzaku Seishi |
Dear Tasuki,Hahaha!!! I just watched something called Naruto Chatroom #19 Valentine's Day! on Youtube! It was funny! Let's see it was sayin that Sakura raped Naruto, Sasuke's gayier than ever but Sasuke ended up being Gaara and Sasuke paid him 5 bucks to be him fer a couple of days, than Itachi came and Naruto hides, Itachi tells a story about why Naruto is hideing and he said that he raped him, than yeah... It's funny! They were even saying that they should stop talking about rape, before all the little kids that are watchin start askin what it is. It may have been inappropriate, but it was funny. Than Tsunade went on a rampadge when Orochimaru came and broke the camera than we had to watch Kakashi's Dance, dance while they were fixin the camera! Gods, I'm still laughing! It even had the My Chicky song! That's like one of my favorite songs! And I'm gonna watch it one more time before I go to bed! ^^ Kakashi's Dance, dance! |
Dear Kakashi's Dance, dance!,Ok... Tasuki |
Dear Tasuki,*Crys* THE ENDING OF AYASHI NO CERES WAS SO SAD! I can't stop cring! *Crys* Aki dies, Chidori dies, It's sad! *Stops cring for the moment* Heh heh that stupid Mikage dude got what he deserved... He died!!!! Yay! *starts cring again* NOOOOOO!!!! It's too sad! *Starts to cry for real*... Aki... no Aki... NOOOO!!! I never thought I would cry so much for Aki, when I love Touya best. Well... at least Aya will have her baby. !!! NOOOOOOOO!!!! TOUYA'S NOT GONNA LIVE FOR VERY LONG!! I DON'T WANT HIM TO DIE AT ALL!!!! I just simply cried far too much considering that it's a cartoon... and now my foot's asleep... Great, at a time like this. You should have seen me when I was watching it. I literally cried an ocean. *Cries some more* Tasuki!!! Hold me! Don't let me go!!! *Cries* NOOO TOUYA!!! |
Dear NOOO TOUYA!!!,'Che! Calm down already! *Gives her a hug.* Tasuki |
Dear Suzaku Seishi,A few new art pieces... Here's yer valentine Chichiri-sama! Sorry it took me so long!Chichiri: shirt untucked The Ri Family + Taiitsukun Kinhou and Kouran Sketches Hikou with cane You're Cute Reizei likey Murin Suiren |
Dear Suiren,Arigato for the wonderful art! Chichiri really likes his present! Suzaku Seishi |
Dear Chiriko,Yup the snow day was fun and today we went bumming and I got this REALLY cool knife!! I love it! It was only 20$ and JA its really cool well its more of a knife/dagger but ja lol but ypu I'm gonna go chill I'll probably write somethng in later ^^ Toodles! TheNachoknot |
Dear TheNachoknot,I'm glad you enjoyed your day! Chiriko |
Dear Tasuki,*still thinking of favorite color* Ryoko: Yeah hes a bit slow. *rolls his eyes a lil* Tsukasa? *droool* Ryoko: This is going to be a long game -_- *pulls out book and reads* Tsukasa and Ryoko |
Dear Tsukasa and Ryoko,So... If ya' smack 'im upside th' head, does that kick start 'is brain? Tasuki |
Dear Suzaku Seishi,Murin: Yeah alight! I finally got my own image song!! Hyourui: I have one too... Murin and Hyourui |
Dear Murin and Hyourui,Nice artwork! Arigato! Suzaku Seishi |
Dear Suzaku Seishi,*gives everyone cookies* I stole them from the cafeteria. They're actually really good. Surprising. Things other than good cookies... My ex has decided to be a jerk. He actually took the time to send me hate mail. When I asked him to stop contacting me, he called 15 times in a half hour later that night. I think he's in the process of deleting me from his life now, which I guess is a good thing... it's sad, though; I don't see any trace of the person I loved in who he is now. And Jackson died. Jackson was the dog that my family got when I was 7 years old. It wasn't really unexpected (he was really, really old) but it's still sad. Hope life is going better for everyone else. Ayame |
Dear Ayame,*They each give her a hug.* Our condolences on your loss of Jackson. We're also sorry that your ex is being such a jerk. Hopefully, he'll give up soon and just go away. We suppose you could always add his email address to your spam filter so you don't have to see his hateful mail. Life here is ok. Arigato for the cookies! Suzaku Seishi |
Dear Nuriko,I'm a 15-year-old boy. Over the past couple of years, my crushes haven't been on girls, but on other boys. I've tried to ignore it, and gone out with a few girls. They were nice, but... I dunno. I know I can't keep this whole mess a secret from my family much longer; they're gonna find out somehow. I don't know how to tell them! My dad's *not* gonna be happy about this, and I'm not sure what my mom will say. And what will my friends think?!?! Please help. Yaoi Boy |
Dear Yaoi Boy,I'm sorry I took so long to get back to you. I wanted to make sure I gave you the best advice I could. So here we go... First and foremost, be forthright with your emotions and truly tell your parents how you feel about being with boys. They are your parents; they should understand and stand by your wishes to live your life how you want to. Hopefully today's parents are more open and able to accept your lifestyle. If your father isn't too happy about this, tell him that you're still his son that will never change. Its something you've been feeling for some time and you think this is the right choice for you. Don't just surprise them and tell them over dinner, but tell them at home where you can all sit down and tell them everything... from your experiences of liking boys to attempts at dating girls and feeling uncomfortable with them. If you have to, bring up positive images of gay life; I'm sure there's people your family knows who are gay and who they get along with in life and are part of the community. Don't say anything about Brokeback Mountain or anything that puts gay life in a negative connotation, maked it so that your decision is positive and you'll be a stronger person for it. And remember, they are your parents and will still love you no matter how surprised or upset they are at first. Secondly, how strong are you emotions towards other boys? Is there anyone in school you can talk to about this? A friend or a teacher or even a gay family member perhaps? Create some dialogue with people that have come out and get their feedback. Before a friend of mine came out, he spoke with his uncle who's openly gay and talked with him about his feelings about men. His uncle told him what was said in the first paragraph about his parents and how they should understand. If there is a family member that is somewhat close to your family that is gay, I'm sure your parents will understand your decision. Third, in regards towards your friends. I know coming out at such an early age is tough, and friends can sometimes get on your case and tease you, but if they are truly your friends, they should be supportive of your decision. If they don't understand why, then like with your parents, talk to them. Tell them this is how you feel. If they get more uncomfortable, then perhaps they really aren't your friends. True friends will stand by you no matter what. Today's kids are open and are generally accepting of alternative lifestyles. Also, I'm adding some websites that you may also find helpful: Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (for your parents) and Gay and Lesibian Teens Support Community (for you). I hope I've helped. Good luck! *Gives him a hug.* Nuriko |
Dear Suzaku Seishi,HI EVERYONE!!! Lookie at me art work I have up ^_^ Alucard 1My sexy Alucard ^^ lol The Prince of the Netherworld SEXY OZAI!! (Don't ask lol) My Newest one of Alucard ^^ Lol well there they are ^^ Lemme know what you all think about them! ^_^ Ila |
Dear Ila,The Alucards are awesome! The Ozai was a bit odd. Thank you for sending them to us. Suzaku Seishi |
Dear Nuriko,hey Ryuu!! I will be a bride in 56 days!! I just got my tiara and my veil yesterday. also a pair of flat sandals,since i'll be standing alot. I hope everyone can come :) *hugs* Docsama |
Dear Docsama,I saw the invitation! Omedetou! *Hugs her.* I don't know if CnA will be able to afford to go out there but I do know she wants to know where you are registered. Nuriko |
Dear Nuriko,Just out of curiosity... 1) How did you manage to keep your gender a secret from everyone at the palace (except Houki) for over a year? 2) What were you planning to do in case Hotohori found out? Chibichica |
Dear Chibichica,I bathed privately and didn't let anyone help me dress. Hope he didn't have me killed as was the law and I suppose I would just have disappeared if I needed to. Nuriko |
Dear Tasuki,*gasps* So you do care about me!? *Glittery Eyes* A-anyway, I didn't mean to yell at you a little while ago... Ok, so maybe I did, but it was just for the moment. I'm sorry Tasuki. Can/or will you forgive me? *sobs* I'm off for today. I get Fridays off. *sobs harder* T-tasuki, I'M SO SORRY!!! *Walks off to cry in corner.* Wolf Lover |
Dear Wolf Lover,I care 'bout alla my fans! 'Course I fergive ya'. *Grins* Tasuki |
Dear Tasuki,Keirin: Go on Shuura, do it! Do it no da! Shuura: Okay, okay. *pokes Tasuki and runs away giggling* Keirin and Shuura |
Dear Keirin and Shuura,What th' h*ll was that alla 'bout? Tasuki |