Letters Archive
Week Ending April 2, 2005

Dear Nuriko,

Oniichan is it normal to just loose faith in the human race? People are so mean... I try being nice and whatnot and then something bad always happens anyway... So then I try getting along with not haveing any friends and things still turn out bad... Is this just a sign that I should move far far away or hope somehow I die after I come back from Japan? Sorry that this is such a stupid letter but you always seemed to amke me feel better before when I wrote.


Dear Stine,

Sometimes, but you really should just give people a chance. Not everyone is mean or out to get you. *Gives her a hug.*


Dear Nuriko,

Hey Nuriko! Yuri and I are extremely bored! There's nothing to talk about. We IM each other every day and each day we loose interest. WE've taking breaks to help but nothin'. We used to RP all the time but those die too. Any suggestions?


Dear Suiren,

Maybe you could try getting some new interests or read some interesting books and talk about those.


Dear Nuriko,

HAH GO NURIKO!! Well, he wasn't nice really. I have no idea what Hollywood people are like, and I don't always trust the movies. I dunno, maybe the movies are right but no one is the same, so who am I to say? SO I don't know what is the professional way to act. All i know is that he could have been nicer...*shrugs* Anyway, today was a pretty good day. From start to finish... today I wore something that I really liked that was.. well, pretty. Along with a choker.. so I didn't look like I usually do. Today in biology, he sat next to me. He really didn't have a choice though... see, our classroom is usually set up with rows. SOmetimes we are set up with groups if we do activities. Our tables are long desks, not usual student desks, and 2 tables make a group for four students. My friend and I usually sit alone at a group or a guy we sometimes talk to sits with us. This particular day, all the seats were filled except the two empty seats at our table. He asked if anyone was sitting there (the seat next to me) and I said no, and he actually half shouted "YES!". Twas a tad confusing -_^ Lol. Well, the three of us had to do this activity and draw, and it was our lesson. It was pretty cool, I even asked him what happened to his arm. He said he broke his collarbone skiing. ^^; yeouch... I really don't know what to think of this.. adventure ^^ lol it was good, I'm glad I got to talk to him, and to see him looking at me and not someone behind me. He even lent me his eraser when I messed up:) actually, I sort of vowed not to talk about him. I was trying to throw away any feelings because I just wanted to moove on!! But its confusing; at some parts he seemed a little.. I dunno, standoffish. I'm sure I am just being a little too sensitive or I'm over-reading his actions. But he didn't joke around... I mean, usually I hear him just randomly joking and laughing with a girl (just a classmate, I don't think a close friend) but he was actually pretty quiet and just helped out. He was nice though.. most guys wouldn't have asked if the seat was taken, or would have groaned because they had to sit with us. Lol. But I'm glad he's different anyway.


Dear Rei-chan,

I'm glad you got to talk to him! Did it ever occur to you that he might have been quiet because he likes you and was maybe a bit shy being around you?


Dear Chichiri,

Well, in a book I read, it said that European women mostly wear skirts and dresses and not usually pants. Is that true? Could you ask CnA what the teenagers usually wear? I'm just curious... ^_^ I went to a play last night. After reading Peter Pan, I got to see a play. It was great! lots of children were there; they were so adorable! One little girl was dressed as Captain Hook. The pirates were of different nationalities; it was interesting. There was a chinese pirate dude with mustaches all over his face like whiskers, a spanish guy, and this one guy was wearing a green plaid kilt with salmon covered knee-highs. At first I thought he was wearing an actual school skirt because I dunno, maybe they ran out of clothes. I thought it was hilarious!! It felt hard to take him seriously because he's a pirate, and he was wearing a skirt! But then I realized it was a kilt and it kind of took some laughter away, but they were all pretty good anyway. The Peter pan was cool too - very sparkly. Seriously, she threw sparkles everywhere when she got the chance. Lol and when Captain Hook came out, everyone at first clapped but then everyone started booing him out. He's like "you'll only encourage me!" lol. Some things were different from what I had read, but it was still pretty good. I want stomach muscles like tiger Lily! lol.


Dear Rei-chan,

I asked her and she said they wear pants as well. For the most part they generally dress like American teenagers. Jeans, nice shirts, tee shirts, etc. no da. I'm glad you enjoyed your play.


Dear Nuriko,

Hey Nuriko!! Its been a while y'know! You know what... we just had this REALLY bad thunderstorm here! It was really cool! I love thunderstorms but they freak me out a little bit... I dont know why. I like to watch the lightning! Thats always cool! You know what else I foind out... My birthday is 2 months exactly before Hotohori's. I found that out earlier while workin on my web and I was like ...cool... Anyways how ya been lately? Its been a long while and I missed talkin to ya y'know! Talk to ya later Nuriko!


Dear yuri,

That's pretty cool. I'm well. Be careful during the storms! I'd hate to have you struck by lightening.


Dear Hotohori,

hmmm... well I dont get to see anyone about it but, *holds up left arm and rests elbow on the desk* I'm all braced up, and on a "get better plan" for the next... six... weeks... no guitar, no recorder (kinda like a flute).. no nothing really, sept typin (a little) and playing my French Horn. Ohh well I'm just glad I can still type *smiles and does happy sigh* ANyways, enough 'bout my arm. Y'know what, I got a lot done on my webpage! I am getting close to gettng all my current characters up in the character profiles, but I havent really typed much of the story *scratches head* I'll do some of that today. Its not like I have school to go to! Y'know, I just realized that my sisters birthday is a week from today... My birthday was exactly 8 weeks ago. weird... Ohh well, i will talk to you later Hotohori, I am going to go work on my web page! *smiles*


Dear Yuri,

I hope your arm gets better soon. So, what are you getting your sister for her birthday?


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

*Pup eyes*chiriko-kun,pweez do my homework... i need the time to work on my new site (nothin fushingi yugi yet tho..) heres the site: www.terminaandtetratoken.50megs.com

more gifts!

Tamahome:a shiny thing!
hotohori:a mirror that talks to you... and pokes you
chiriko:more cookies and my hugtackleglomp ability... and a hat
chichiri:a new fishing rod and all of seto kaiba`s money (cuz i LIKE chiri and hate seto!"
tasuki:gets his tessen stolen by me, but gets mount everest size chocolate bunny
mistukae:a hug and Tyson`s dragoon beyblade
*tyson:*in backround: Give that back!*
nuriko:a pink kimono, [plus a eteraly blooming cherry blossom tree that will shove cherry blossoms up tasuki`s nose every few seconds or so] and a gift card for limited too
suzaku:the abilty to catch seto kaiba on fire
tama-the-cat:another catinp mouse
CNA:a liftime supply of fushingi yugi dvds.

kouga and inu: *look at list* i think we need to stop her now, huh?

Lana-yasha (aka termina), inu, and kouga

(ps:wanna see reactions again!)

Dear Lana-yasha, inu, and kouga,

Tamahome: Ano... arigato? What is it?

Hotohori: Arigato! What does it say?

Chiriko: Thank you, but you still have to do your own homework.

Chichiri: Arigato, no da!

Tasuki: *Grabs tessen back and melts Easter Bunny...* Thanks but I can't fight bad guys wit' a chocolate rabbit.

Mitsukake: *Smiles* Arigato.

Nuriko: Thank you! *Grins at the cherry tree and starts looking for Tasuki...*

Suzaku: Who is this child and why would I want to harm him?

Tama-neko: *Meows and plays with his mouse.*

CnA: Arigato!

Suzaku Seishi and friends

Dear Tamahome,

Which is better, whips or chains? >3


Dear FuruChan,

I don't know, you might want to ask Nakago. It's more his style.


Dear Tasuki,

Hey! Guess what? A big thunderstorm hit my house las' night at 12:34 a.m. and it was still going on at 9:10 a.m. Isn't that somethin'??


Dear Wolflover,

Bet it was loud! An' kinda cool.


Dear Tasuki,

Oh! One more thing! *tackles with a hug* I love you Genrou!

Suiren ^-^

Dear Suiren,

Thanks kiddo! *Smiles*


Dear Tasuki,

*slowly comes back into the room and sits down on the cough. Long sigh* Alright I'm back. *pulls out lab top and types fan fiction* (Our old computer crashed! I lost my entire fan fiction story! I'm so annoyed that i have to retype the whole thing. Only this time it'll be better.) *puts lab top away* Alrighty then. If you want to yell at me for being a complete idiot I'm ready. ^ ^

Suiren says bring it on!

Dear Suiren,

I ain't gonna yell at ya'. Sorry to hear ya' lost yer story.


Dear Tasuki,

I know you where tryin' to help her. Don't worry about it too much y'know. *crosses arms* And I could care less about my arm actualy, I'm gettin' sick of it so I am just gonna ignore the pain and go on in life. (not like its gonna get better any time soon) Ohh well... anyways, How ya been lately?


Dear Yuri,

I'm ok. I hope yer arm feels better soon.


Dear Tasuki,

You know what, I am having SOO much trouble beating one of my games... I am stuck on the second to LAST level in this game and it is driving me crazy! I was super close to beating it... and I mean SUPER close... then... then... I died... stupid Lord of the Rings game. I have beaten every other lotr game too. The Hobbit, Fellowship and Return of the King... but I cant beat the Two Towers... And I have been trying for over a year now... Well I guese I'll be busy tryin to beat it! *grabs controller and goes to work but dies again* Che... ferget it *sets controller down and thinks of name fer a place in my story* Hey you think you could help me come up with a name for a place in my story? I am having so much trouble thinking of something Tasuki. If not thats okay. Well I am going to go and continue typin my story up on my webpage! You should check it out sometime. I'm gettin really far. I'll give ya the URL for it later. Talk to you later Tasuki! *goes hard to work*


Dear Yuri,

So, what's this place of yer's like? Can't name a place I don't know nothin' 'bout.


Dear Tasuki,

I know one person Casey who had come on the posted in past cuz I know this stories was all about btw me and him. I would be very pleased to ask you if it is alright to post for me as hope I could contact with Casey who could see my post... Cuz I still love him and really need him so badly... Im crying and emotionally are still come since September 2004... I am pretty in state of confusion with my life is on death desire. but I do not want to keep this part of my destiny... I want to hear from him to talk me very soon...

Thank you very much for the many appreicate to honor me to post for my hope to hear from him...

Whoever it is for Rei-Chan, Aishizu, Chineru, and Sam or whoever know my name. Im from Seattle, Washington.

My lovely Casey H*dgl*n.
Who is Casey?
My beloved Chichiri
Who is Chichiri?
He.s wear the mask

My lovely Casey H*dgl*n.
Who is Casey?
My beloved lost soul
Who is Chichiri?
He.s wears the mask.

My lovely Casey H*dgl*n.
Who is Casey?
My lover
Who is Chichiri?
He.s wears the mask.

My lovely Casey H*dgl*n.
Who is Casey?
He is my lover.
Who is Chichiri?
He.s wears the mask.

My lovely Casey H*dgl*n.
Who is Casey?
He is Chichiri
Who wears the mask!

My lovely Casey H*dgl*n
Who is Casey?
He is Chichiri
Who had scarred his face!

My lovely Casey H*dgl*n.
Why do I love Casey?
Because of I love him so much.
He is only and only one
Person I love Casey very much.

if you know me please contact me this site. My lovely Chichiri-Casey

~Steve D.~

Dear Steve D.,

I had to edit yer letter fer yer protection an' Casey's, too. We'll hold yer addresses fer when Casey contacts us. We don't want to make 'em public 'cos that jus' ain't a real good thin' to do. Same wit' Casey's last name. He sees yer post I'm sure he'll recognize his own name. Good luck to ya'.


Dear Chichiri,

*stares with wide eyes as he bit of the rabbit's ear* Dang! I almost chipped my tooth doin that! ^^ your probably just really strong


Dear kikio,

I guess so, no da.


Dear Mitsukake,

yes... well Suiren did e-mail my mom... she didnt really do anything though. They only got me a brace (better one than I was using) Thanks fer the hug. hugs make me feel better *smiles* But I am on a get better plan here for the next 6 weeks... *stares into space* Ohh well... Well I'm going to bed. I'm tired. Hope you've been well Mitsukake *gives you a good night hug* Night


Dear Yuri,

I hope the brace works for you. *Gives her a hug.* Take care.


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

Rufus aka fuzzy wilson is very happy. *wags tail* but poor Trip aka poochini is so old (8) and tired now... *Trip's sleepy eyes* Personally i think they're just bored. Golden Retrievers need a lot of excersize but the weather here in Winona sucks right now and will for quite a while more. Not only does the weather suck but everything else does to... NEVER COME HERE!! You'll be bored to death

*Plays with Rufus and Trip* Give me the ball back! You retrieve get it? Atashi no inu baka (did I say that right? My dogs are idiots?)


Dear Suiren,

You were close. It is actually "Watashi no inu wa baka desu."

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Chichiri,

*snaps finger* darn, I've been lookin too. Its a really cool pattern *thinks* Ohh well I'll keep lookin! Yuri-chan doesnt give up! *smiles and giggles* I dont get to see anyone 'bout my arm. But I did get a really nice brace/splint fer it the other day and its kinda helpin... I guess... ohh well...

Fishin was fun today. I only caught one though... ohh well least I had fun *smiles* It was REALLY rough out on the river though... my sister actually almost fell in, from the big waves rockin the boat. It was kinda funny... *snickers to self* But she didnt.. and I'm glad she didnt... the water is still cold here and she would have froze.. (not literaly but y'know what I mean) Well, I'll talk to ya later.


Dear Yuri,

Good luck, no da! I'm glad your arm is getting better. I'm glad you had a good time fishing, no da.


Dear Tasuki,

*peeks head through doorway. Holds up sign that says "drama-queen" then shys away* Who the f*@k am I kidding? *Drops sign and runs for life* I know better! I shouldn't p*@s you off! *Hides under bed* (Baka! I gave myself away! Cr*p!) Don't hurt the ugly weak girl! http://www.freewebs.com/water_lily_maiden/mypics.htm I gave you a hug!

Suiren *cowering*

Dear Suiren,

'Che! Why th' h*ll would ya' think I'm gonna hurt ya'? Nice pictures.


Dear Chichiri,

http://www.freewebs.com/water_lily_maiden/mypics.htm should be the correct page, I added more pics today so I guess now you can see a lot more ^^ I hope you like. Sui-chan works very hard making sure they look right.

Suiren ^^

Dear Suiren,

I can see them and they are very good, no da! Arigato!


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

hello! ^__^ how are you guys? i have a question : how do you make your own website? ^__^;; i'm sorry to bother you! thank you for your time and concern.


Dear matareia,

We're all fine. You need to start by learning html and you can use a program like HomeSite to help you create it. Good luck!


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

Okay so this really isn't something to brag about since I'm not sure if you knew of my domain or not, but I finally got it up and running. If you care to take a gander at it here's the url http://www.grievous-angel.net. Okay now for the question; I read in an email that there will be an upcoming anime day, is this true or is it false?


Dear Shukumei,

There will be but probably not till May. Nice site. We didn't know you were a Meatloaf fan.

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Hotohori,

Inu-Yasha: *looks at Hotohori then at Aishizu* Uhm.. your highness... this is going to sound like a really stupid question, but do you think you could posibly be Aishizu's surrogate father? I mean I'm not around here to care for her and it would be helpful if you and your wife could help me out?

Houki: It's fine with me! ^^ I always wondered what it would be like to have a girl... but it's up to Sai whether he wants her or not *smiles and pats Aishizu's head*

Aishizu: *looks at Inu-Yasha then at the ground*


Dear Inu-Yasha,

*Smiles* We'd be honored.


Dear Tasuki,

Ariyah sighs "Fine" running to the empire she ran to Hotohori's throne room. Kneeling down at his presence she says "Sire... Enemies are attacking the villagers, harming them and stealing from their pockets! What shall we do? Tasuki's already taking on some of them... But, I fear more will come.."

Another troupe of enemies ran down the hill, screaming in vigorous battle cries with the weapons swinging, swishing in the stagnat air.


Dear Ariyah,

*Turns to his guard...* Assemble the rest of the guards and follow Ariyah to Tasuki!


Dear Nuriko,

Weeell, I have been hurt by him too long. I'm finally over him. But I annoyed and b*tched at him today. Cuz I was tired of being nice to him and being treated badly. Now he doesn't talk to me which is just fine! ^^


Dear FuruChan,

Good for you. It sounds like you stood up for yourself.


Dear Tasuki,

Hey Tasuki. ^^ How are you? Being pestered by lots of rabid fangirls? Mwahaha... Anyways, have you seen Bleach at all. If not, you should it's really kinda cool. (Or at least I think so) It's replacing all that InuYasha I could be downloading if it didn't end near where the manga was about 6 months ago. So sad... I think you'd like Bleach, it's got lots of fighting and a guy kinda like you. Eheheheh... Then again I tell my friends you and Miroku have things in common, ^^() that's just me though. Anyways Ja!


Dear Stine,

I've already seen th' first 15 episodes an' yeah I guess we got a few thins' in common. *Smirks*


Dear Chiriko,

Hiya ^^ I'm reading a kids story in Japanese class. It's called HanaSakajiji Poor little Shiro dog... Made me kinda sad. Anyways have you ever read/heard of it before? My Sensei said it's pretty popular and what not but she also thinks terrorist drop their keys and money on purpose. (So she's kinda crazy) But yeah.. It's a cute story you should look into it if you haven't already. As for me I have to be able to retell parts of the story by sometime next week. ^^() *hugs him* Ja


Dear Stine,

I don't believe I have. Ganbatte kudasai!


Dear Chichiri,

Hey CHichiri, you know what I get to do today? I get to go FISHING!! I am sooo excited! I havent been out fishin in the boat since last summer! I'll make sure to catch one for ya Chichiri! I need to go finish making lunch before we head off! Talk to you later!


Dear Yuri,

Have fun, no da!


Dear Nuriko,

*just saw the bus trip* nice singing there aniki! ^^ *hands him a mic* go for it! ^^ but before you do.. it's his highness's birthday soon, wanna do something for him with me? we could give him a nice party or make him something nice, how bout it?


Dear Aishizu,

Arigato! Sure! I like the idea of a surprise party. What do you think?


Dear Hotohori,

*nods* I have talked to them about it and the only thing they can say is "just deal with it" *sighs* that's really helpful, my parents arent bad, but sometimes I just wonder you know? plus my cousin living here has caused tons of friction in my house *shakes her head* this is just so confusing... *pulls her knees up to her chin and sighs sadly*


Dear Aishizu,

*Gives her a hug.* Perhaps they are just terribly stressed out and they think that what they are doing is what is best for you.


Dear Mitsukake,

I'm sorry for crying... Theres no reason for me to cry *stands up* besides... I've at least got an actual brace for my wrist now *smiles* I may not get to see a doctor but hey least they did something. ANyways how have you been? Hope you've been good... I am going to go lie down. I am tired. Night Mitsukake!


Dear Yuri,

I am glad for that. I hope it helps and you get better soon.


Dear Tasuki,

yeah about Suiren hittin ya... all I can say is that, you did touch her. But I will tell her to stop hittin ya. *brushes hair and puts it up* Otherwise I regret to say, yer on your own *pats ya on the shoulder and sits down* Anyways I got good news bad news. The Bad news is, I dont get to go see a doctor... But the GOOD news is that I have an actual brace/splint fer my wrist now! My mom got me one before we went out to lunch today! I is a happy girl y'know. And the best part is that the splint can be taken out so it is just a brace. But yeah... thats my good news bad news. I am sorry about Suiren hitting you though. And one more thing... be prepared, for the worst is yet to come my friend. Hope ya dont get hit anymore Tasuki! Have a great day. *gets up places hand on shoulder again, smiles, nods and walks off* Good luck to ya!


Dear Yuri,

I was tryin' to help her! Anyway, I'm glad yer gettin' yer arm taken care of.


Dear Mitsukake,

Hi Mitsukake! I sent an e-mail to Yuri's mother about her arm, per Yuri's request. I don't think it's going to do much good, but at least other people are telling her it's a concern. I hope this whole thing ends quickly, I'm sick and tired of it.

How are you doing by the way? I'm fine I guess, though I think I have to stop writing to Tasuki. Yep, he hates me I know it. (girl's curse) Oh well, other than that my health is good. I think I'm getting a head ache right now though. Bye!


Dear Suiren,


Dear Nuriko,

I juss love you soo much.. My question is how to get a guy to notice meeh??


Dear Marmar,

Arigato. It kind of depends on the guy. Have you tried just getting to know him as a friend?


Dear Tasuki,

Y-you hate m-me? *starts to tear up, but them wipes them away* YA THINK I LIKE BEING A GIRL?! IT'S NO FUN WHAT'S SO EVER! <-- Yep Suiren is a completely flat chested, zit faced, glasses wearing, no brained, no boy friend loser, who s*cks at practically every sport, been sent away twice fer suicide, bully magnet... *slap slap* I must get a hold of myself.

On the positive side I'm... Well I can... People say I'm... *tumbleweeds rolls by*

*sits up on the couch* Gomen for slapping you Tasuki-sama. Suiren'll just go away now and leave you alone. *walks out and vanishes*


Dear Suiren,

Kuso! See! I get decked fer helpin' someone an' now I'M th' bad guy? How th' h*ll did THAT happen? I never said I hated ya'! Quit overreactin' an' get back here!


Dear Chichiri,

you can see this really cute pic I drew today. It's me and you!


Dear Suiren,

I tried the URL you sent but iut came up "page not found". Could you send a corrected one, no da? Arigato!


Dear Hotohori,

*glomps him* Hoto-Sama! Our Birthday is coming up!!! What would you like?


Dear Ayame(NIC),

I'd like to say peace on earth, but I think I'll have to settle for chocolate cake and ice cream.


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

I got Azumanga Daioh. It was too funny X.x


Dear FuruChan,

It has it's moments.


Dear Chichiri,

Alright but I must warn it's quite hard to bite into cause the one I got we had to beat it with a knife until it's head broke off XD


Dear kikio,

It is, no da? *Snaps off an ear and starts munching...* Oishii! Arigato!


Dear Nuriko,

Nuriko! I'm so sorry! I missed your B-Day!! *cries in corner* Here it's late but... *hands him strawberry Pocky and homemade chocolate peanut butter eggs for Easter* My birthday is on the same day as Hotohori's so I can't forget his... *hugs him* I'm sorry I forgot you're one of my fav. characters in anime.


Dear Ayame,

Don't cry! You remembered and that's what counts! Arigato!


Dear Tasuki,

I got a nice pic for you! http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/16517373/ ^_^ It is png though. But I think it should be saveable and such so you could post it on the website... It's mine. All mine. You have permission... If you still have trouble, I can send you the pic(s) in other formats too. Which would be best if you can't use the png? Enjoy!

Fire Elf (aka AoiDragon)

Dear Fire Elf,

Nice picture! Thanks! If Chiriko can't get it to work a .jpg would be great!


Dear Chichiri,

Happy (belated) Easter Chichiri! *hug* I was planning to send this earlier, but I was too busy. I had my family over so things got a bit hectic. Although the desserts were good. Hope you got alot of chocolate! I did, but I haven't eaten it yet (shocker) I'm saving it. But it should all be gone by next week! Hope you and the others had a great easter! Talk to you soon.


Dear Gold,

We did and I hope you had a great Easter, too no da.


Dear Tasuki,

I actually was able to try authentic japanese temporo(spelled right?) yesterday, and oh man, was that good! My favorite is the shrimp, I also had some kind of soupy dish, dont know what it was exactly. It had chicken, and rice noodles and a bunch of cabbage or soemthing in it, I wish I could recall what it was called. The price afterwards was kind of spendy though, but well worth it.^^ Oh, they also had a few swords hanging on the wall as you walked in, I think they had real gold in them, now I want them for my collection >.> Fun night, allthough I think my dad was a bit drunk from his beer, light drinker, only had one too.


Dear FireGoddess90,

Sounds oishii! I like tempura but I don't know what th' soup ya' had is called. Mebbe it was ramen.


Dear Tasuki,

Oh and Tasuki by the way, I did send a letter to Yuri's mother! That took guts... I'm winded... *falls backward* But I'm glad I did it! I'm with ya Yuri all the way! Suiren never lets a friend down!

Suiren the good friend

Dear Suiren,

Good fer ya'! I'm glad ya' did it!


Dear Chichiri,

CHICHIRI!! *tackle hugs* How ya been y'know?! Hope you have been well! Guese what, I may FINALLY get to go see a doctor thanks to Suiren!! AH HAH!!! I am so happy!! After 7 LONG and painful weeks, I may finally get to go see someone! You have NO idea how happy I am!

Hey do you know where I could find material just like your Kesa? I've been lookin around but havent really had any luck finding anything like it. DO you know if they even make a material like that? *ponders* hmm... Well I will talk to you later! I need to finish handing out these peaches! *hands you a couple* Enjoy!


Dear Yuri,

That's great, no da! I haven't seen any cloth with that kind of pattern in your world. Gomen.


Dear Hotohori,

Thats awsome your highness, glad to hear yer doing good!! My day has been GREAT!! I may finally get to go see a doctor thanks to my BESTEST best friend Suiren!! If I cant get through to my parents to see someone, I'm sure my bud Suiren can!! I am soooo happy!! And to top it all of, I HAVE CHOCOLATE!! (I happy child tonight ^_^)*giggles* Talk to you later Hotohori!


Dear Yuri,

I'm very glad to hear that!


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

My dogs Rufus and Trip would like to say hi! When ever i watch Fushigi Yuugi they come downstairs and sit down by me. I think they like you guys. Or Ashitare, I'm not sure.

Suiren, alone with Rufus and Trip

Dear Suiren, Rufus, and Trip,

*They smile.* Please give them a pet from us.

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Mitsukake,

*walks gloomily up to you* Why... why are my parents making me suffer so much pain. They refuse to take me in. I am banned from everything except typing. And what makes me the most ticked off... is that my friend cares so much for me... and my mom wont even listen to her. She tired... I am most thankful she tried talking to my parents. But, they arnt gonna do nothin about it. THey are just going to talk to me about it over lunch today! Well I have been trying to talk for the past 7 weeks... I just dont know what to do anymore. I've tried to talk to them. I just feel now like talkin is to late. *falls to knees and starts to cry* I dont know what to do anymore Mitsukake. I am limited to typing and thats fine, the typin is helping... but I am banned from everything else... (probably for my own good yes but still) and all they are going to do is give me the famous "lechure talk" which I am NOT looking forward to *wipes face off* I dont want to talk anymore. I dont! I am just going to go to my room and just sit there and think.

Yuri the stressed out person!!

Dear Yuri,

*Gives her a hug.* Perhaps her mother or the school nurse can talk to your parents. If you are injured or in pain they have a responsibility to take you to a doctor.


Dear Tamahome,

no problem, always like to know how the Seishi is doing y'know! Makes me happy to know you are all doing well! And the best thing is, I know I have the bestest best friend there for me! So that gives my day a BIG plus! And we are getting along so well now. I just hope it stays that way for a while! *smiles* HERE have a peach! *hands you a peach* Peaches are good! Enjoy! *runs off giving everyone else peaches!*


Dear Yuri,

Thanks! We're all having a good day and we're glad you are, too.


Dear Mitsukake,

How come people are mean to each other?


Dear FuruChan,

I don't know. Perhaps it is just human nature.


Dear Hotohori,

*holds onto his waist crying* I really dont know what to do your highness... I mean I love my parents but they keep shipping me off like I'm some sort of package... *cries*


Dear Aishizu,

*Gives her a hug.* Have you talked to your parents about this? You should let them know how this makes you feel.


Dear Tasuki,

HENTAI!! *slap* I'll hurt you then! Don't touch me unless I say ya can! *blushes* Really we don't know each other that well yet any ways. I don't want to stay on the couch either. *lays down with arms crossed* Like I'd hurt myself any ways... you're not the boss of me. *turns back to him and curls up into a ball*

Suiren *still blushing*

Dear Suiren,

*Holds his cheek...* What th' h*ll was that fer? Che'! An' ya' wonder why I hate women... *Walks off...*


Dear Tasuki,

*tears up* yup, Suiren, my best friend is e-mailing my mom a letter now! I love her so much, she is my best friend in the world. I am forever in her dept! And if my mom is mad, who cares!! I wont ever break my friendship with her, NEVER!! Not ever in a million years!! *wipes tears off face* Knowing I have one h*ll of a friend who looks after me like that... it just makes me cry!! Kinda silly I know but what can ya say? Now hopefully the letter will get through to my parents and take me in to see a doctor!! *eats a peach* PEACHES ALL AROUND!! Wiggle Wiggles are so good!! Ohh I am going to go be happy some more!! Talk to you later Tasuki!! *in excitement hugs you without thinking and runs off*


Dear Yuri,

I'm glad she's helpin' ya'. Now could ya' tell 'er to stop deckin' me fer no good reason!


Dear Mitsukake,

Arigato Mitsukake-chan *gives him a big hug* I feel loved ^^

Suiren ^^

Dear Suiren,

*Smiles and hugs her back.* You're very welcome.


Dear Chiriko,

Arigato! This looks promising!


Dear Suiren,

You're welcome! Good luck!


Dear Hotohori,

Have you ever had sexual thoughts about Nakago?


Dear Lee,

*Facefaults* I'm not sure if I should find that disturbing or just plain disgusting. But either way the answer is no.


Dear Chichiri,

Really?!?! I'll look into that! Well, i made bread pudding and dad really liked it ^_^ I've never had it before but it was good and good for Dad was well ^^ Happy Easter! (to you and all, sorry I forgot to say it sooner!) Say, do you know anything about London Fashion?


Dear Rei-chan,

Happy Easter to you, too! That sounds like more of a Nuriko question, no da. But CnA has been to London several times, what did you need to know?


Dear Tasuki,

I did have fun with my game, even though I got my butt kicked twice...^.^


Dear Wolflover,

Hey, long as ya' hadda good time!


Dear Nuriko,

MUHWHAHAHA!! *runs around room looking at ceiling part above bed, at a new poster* Guess what I got for easter?!?! Muwahha the "Easter Bunny" happened to know of my liking of JOhnny Depp, and picked up one of my new favorite movies, FINDING NEVERLAND as well as a POTC Poster ^^ I was hoping for the soundtrack as well, but I dun't wanna be too greedy.. so I'll buy it myself ^^ The music is lovely... but the movie is really great. I wuv it ^_^ I can't believe we're actually going to London, and it was filmed there. However, you know what kind of stinks BIG TIME? If we had gone to the Bahamas this year at the usual date, like in February, i MIGHT have had a run-in with the POTC 2 and 3 production because they are filming in both Dominican republic and the Bahamas. I even heard they, at one point, filmed at Nassau, which is where we always go ^_^ Oh well, I guess things happen for a reason. Maybe someday I'll meet him.. *stares off dreamily* Lol, I just happened to come across this website:http://www.themovieblog.com/archives/2004/05/pirates_of_the_caribbean_2_auditions_and_casting_calls.html I honestly don't know who this is, but jeeze, what a way to crush a hope bubble for female dreamer teenagers around the world, lol. The particulr quote, "Inform you that you won't be in a movie with Johnny Depp. I know it sucks when it is spelled out clearly for you, but that "sinking" feeling? - That's called reality - drink it well."

Well, that really isn't true. I believe if someone does their hardest in acting, takes classes or something, and gives it their best shot, then I'm sure they have a chance to someday do it. But otherwise, most of the site is true, although I actually pictured auditions weirdly. Maybe someday I can be an extra @_@ Hey, it could happen. My brother's pretty big in the music department, it could go places, lol. *wishful thinking*


Dear Rei-chan,

Well, whoever wrote that blog was extremely rude and totally full of himself! I doubt he is really associated in any way with the production of either movie as people in Hollywood are generally more professional than that. At least in public. Perhaps I'll dig around and see if I can turn the production people onto what he's posted as it really makes them look fairly unprofessional as well and I'm sure they aren't. *Sly smile*


Dear Nuriko,

Thank you for the advice. The reason I couldn't invite him was because it's a soend-the-night and thus an all-girls' party. /^.^ I didn't get to talk to him all break because I've been to busy, but I think I'll try again some other time. =3 I'm not gonna give up easliy! =P


Dear Momoe-chan,

You're welcome and good for you!


Dear Tasuki,

0f c0|_|r53 1|\/| |\|07 45 l33t 45 j00 1 15 3v3|\| |\/|0r3 l33t!!

l33t FuruChan

Dear FuruChan,

|\| y4 4in'7!


Dear Nuriko,

What's the best way to make someone be filled with guilt? I feel a lot better now. That means I can get my revenge. ::smirks::


Dear FuruChan,

*Raises an eyebrow...* And this evilness would be for... why?


Dear Hotohori,

Inu-Yasha: uh yeah about those bandits... it's neither one of their fault, they were helping Cheza escape and I got Cheza in that trap in the first place... so she tried to help my guess is that Boushin followed her out.. I apologize. *brings Hotohori his horse* Wolves have been known to follow the flower maiden, but she told me she'd never leave here...

*comes back carrying a bag and a sword sheathe*


I only went to go get a few things and take stuff to Cheza and the others so they had something to travel with sheesh... *looks at his highness then at the ground* I'm sorry your highness but I couldnt leave my brother but I was playing with prince boushin and I guess he followed me out to the battlefield... *tears fall down her face* I'm sorry...

Inu-Yahsa: *sighs*

Aishizu and Inu-Yasha

Dear Aishizu and Inu-Yasha,

I accept your apology. *Takes Boushin by the hand...* Come with me, it seems we have some safety and common sense issues to discuss...


Dear Chichiri,

Do ya think the world will end when the date is 06-06-06?


Dear FuruChan,

I doubt it, no da.


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

Actually, I think I might ask for the second volume of Azumanga Daioh or Someday's Dreamers. Depends on what's in the store.


Dear FuruChan,

OK... enjoy!

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Hotohori,

*sees the letter her friend wrote her then just sits down in a chair crying* I know she cares but everything hurts too much...


Dear Aishizu,

*Gives her a hug.* Your friends love you, let them help. They can take some of the pain away.


Dear Mitsukake,

*back from counciling* You won't believe this... I don't need councling at all! They said I just care to much fer everyone else and that I don't protect me and no one else does! Huh! Can you believe that? I'm sad cuz no one protects me like how I protect them. (true story not making this up, this is what happened in my 1st councling session!) What's the world coming too? I really am messed up! I look after everyone and no one watches out fer me! I'm still in shock. Does that make me a coward if I stands up for others but not myself? I don't want to be a coward.

Suiren doesn't need counciling!

Dear Suiren,

*Gives her a hug.* No it doesn't make you a coward. You just need to learn to love and about yourself as much as you love and care about others. We are here for you if you need us.


Dear Tasuki,

Ariyah runs through the court yard "Tasuki!" She finds him standing by the entrance "Some of the bandits from enemy territory have come down and are harrasing the villagers! Should we stop them?"

Ariyah pulls out a masasume sword and waits for his answer

One of the bandits ran past them, stopping to steal money from a frightened villager

Ariyah, growing more edgy, wanting to fight "Well?! Should we advance? There's about 5 or 6 of em, if we take them together, we should be able to take em' down!"

((I was bored, so, I figured I'd strike up a rp ^^))


Dear Ariyah,

*Sizes them up.* I got 'em! Ya' nedd to run to th' palace an' let Hotohori know what's happenin'!


Dear Hotohori,

You know what I want to take up? I really want to go into archery!! I've always had an interest for it.. Seems kinda silly for me to be thinking about something like that when I can barely move my arm *giggles* *rocks back and forth happily* I dont know why, but I've had a really good day! I guese its because I got to get out of the house today! Its not a whole lot of fun being cooped up in the house... I wish I could go outside but theres still snow and its all muddy... but mud is fun. What I would like to do more than anything right now is go run in the woods! But alas its dark and cold out hahaha *smiles* So hows your day been Hotohori? I hope its been good! Bad days are never fun. OHH here! *hands you a big basket of peaches and other fruits* Enjoy them, Share the peaches with Tasuki too, I know he likes 'em! *big smile* Well I must bid you a good night Hotohori. *hug* Night! *skips off singing happily*


Dear Yuri,

I will. Arigato! My day was good thank you.


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

Happy Easter! I just love all the cute chickies and bunnies don't you? And all the pretty white liles decorating both with their sweet scent and elegant appearance. Join me for an easter egg hunt!


Dear Suiren,

Sure! We'll have Boushin join us if you don't mind.

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Chichiri,

Alas Chiriko it's too good to be true. They're not what I'm looking for, well they play how i wanna with great sound quality but they're not the full version. I have everysong from every CD but they sound horrible because they're all for real player! AH! *bangs head against wall* I'd buy all the CD's if i could find them, but I only have the soundtrack for Eikouden... *faints from bump on head*

Suiren X_X

Dear Suiren,

Here is a place that sells ALL the soundtracks: http://www.animeplus.com/scat.asp?cat=cdimp&strsearch=[e-g].


Dear Tasuki,

Uh... *slowly comes too* Ow... I gotta stop doing that. Tries to stand up to quickly and fall* Oh I'm okay... *falls flat on face* (and you thought Miaka was clumsy, I walk as if I've never been sober!)

Suiren eating dirt

Dear Suiren,

*Picks her up and places her on a soft couch.* Now stay there an' don't hurt yerself.


Dear Tasuki,

I have tried talking to them about it for 7 weeks now. I've talked to the school nurse, and what do they do... nothing... See for me I normaly complain about things when there is something wrong because I just dont like commin out with things. But EVERYTIME they touch it, I say it REALLY hurts (beacsue it does) And they think nothing really of it. I wish my friend and her mom would e-mail my parents and tell them about it. I just want to go see a docter, because what if there IS something really wrong with it? It would just get worse the longer they wait, y'know? They only think it is going to get better as time goes by... pfht... yeah, you tell them that after 7 weeks. *sigh* Ohh well. Glad ya like the peach! *smiles* Ever want anymore just tell me! You been having a good day?! Well I will talk to you later Tasuki. Have a great day fang-boy! *smiles*


Dear Yuri,

Talk to yer friend an' 'er mom an' let 'em know that! If she is th' same friend of yer's that writes in to here she wants to help ya' but thinks it will hurt yer friendship.


Dear Tamahome,

Well I am workin really hard to get along with her! But when me, her and my mom went to the store yesterday for cloths/birthday shoppin/just shoppin we were getting along pretty well. So I'm not complainin'. So how you been lately?


Dear Yuri,

I'm glad you're getting along. I'm well, thanks for asking.


Dear Chichiri,

Happy easter no da!! ^^ *hands him a giant chocolate bunny* Have fun trying to eat this sucker ^^


Dear kikio,

Arigato, I hope you don't mind that I'm sharing this with the rest of the Seishi, no da.


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

HIYA!long time no see!it us( ie lana-yasha, kouga,and inu)!

kouga: yes! we did survive... um... whatever we died from.

inu: we didn`t die! her comp did because it cought the sasser bug.

HEY! give me a chance to pass out gifts!

Tamahome:a pink bra XD

tasuki:a yaoi fic tween tama the cat snd hotohori

tama the cat: catnip mouse

hotohori: a haircut

Chichiri: 40 million yen(cuz i like him)

Mitsukae: every healing herb there is (plus a hug!)

Nuriko:A magical lipstick(that turns you into a girl)

chiriko:A huge moutain of lan`s homework, 40 millon cookies, and the ability to know everything

Suzaku:a thong

kouga: she sure likes gag gifts.

inu: yeah. maybe we should stop her here.

Inuyasha, lana-yasha, and kouga

(ps, i wanna see eveyone reactions to their gifts nn)

Dear Inuyasha, lana-yasha, and kouga,

*All the Seishi, except Nuriko, sweatdrop...* Ano... arigato?

Nuriko: Thank you! I can't wait to try it! *Grins*

Tamahome: I think I will give my gift to Miaka. Thank you.

Chiriko: *Hands her back her homework.* Arigato but you need yo do your own work if you ever want to learn anything. *Smiles*

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Hotohori,

yeah I read/own them but I dont know I was kinda hoping you could give me some other things than what I've read thus far like your likes, favorite foods, personality etc etc! well uhm see ya!


Dear Aishizu,

Hmmm... here are some of my favorites:

Anime: Rurouni Kenhin
Band: Blue Oyster Cult
Sport: Fencing
Food: Chocolate Ice Cream
Animal: Cat
Color: Suzaku Red
Candy: Yoko Moko brand chocolate


Dear Hotohori,

*bows respectfully* uhm your highness... I am a good friend of Lady Aishizu's and well I need your help... It's about her so here goes, I need to know how to talk to her.

You see we had are up's and downs as friends and something terrible's going on with her, she's nothing like she used to be. She used to be so happy and well now she is so distant from the people that ACTUALLY care about her and we dont know what to do. You see her family is having real issues with her cousin who is staying with them because she doesnt have a home of her own, her cousin isnt a very good person and she is tearing Aishizu's family apart. They even sent Aishizu to go live with her other grandparents... which isnt that far from them but still why not kick her cousin out you know? And Aishizu cries to herself all the time and nobody helps her except me and her friend Julie others just pile their problems ontop of her, oh and miss patty/doom helps too! none of us know what to do for her we jsut dont want her doing something stupid, maybe you can talk to her too? after all she talks about how much you helped her in the past maybe you can help talk too? We can try our best here and maybe if you have spare time you can talk to her when she writes you. Basically I'm just asking for his highness's wise counsel, uhm I guess that it! Have a wonderful day sire! it was nice to meet you!


Dear Kierce,

Perhaps you can all get together with her and let her know you all are worried about her and care about her. Give her a hug and do what you can to make her feel better. Of course I will talk to her, I'd be glad to help.


Dear Hotohori,

*feels bad* young prince you head inside... *nudges him to go with his follow his father*

*heads to her room and packs up her things and heads out quietly*

Inu-Yasha: *comes by an hour later* Aishi..*looks around to see her stuff is missing* what the? *heads off to the palace throne room* Highness have you seen my sister? She's gone... well... missing... *sniffs the air* I smell blood... *looks around the palace to find tracks leading off*


Dear Inu-Yasha,

The last time I saw her she was escaping bandits with my son. I scolded her for putting herself and my son in danger but I never asked her to leave. Let's find her...


Dear Tasuki,

1 vv1ll vv1|\|! j00 c4|\|7 b347 |\/|3 1 |<0vv 4|| y0|_|r 57r471g135 f0r 1 vv47c|-| 7V!!

l33t FuruChan (i lazy)

Dear FuruChan,

Yer n07 a5 l33t as m3!


Dear Tasuki,

Yes! I finally beat my game, and boy was it hard! ^.^


Dear Wolflover,

Good fer ya'! Hope ya' had fun!


Dear Chiriko,

No... I never got the chance to scan it. It's lost in my room somewhere... I gave up looking for it and redrew it. It didn't take that long. ^^;


Dear FuruChan,

That's good.


Dear Chichiri,

Hey guess what... I WAS KIKIO THE WHOLE TIME NO DA!! ^^


Dear littlebit,

On this site? Really, no da? *Smiles*


Dear Chichiri,

*takes another bite out of a peach* Oh well it's a cool song ^^ oh yeah! you wanna know something that might seem familiar to you... well I was sneeking up from behind and put my hands over her mouth and she bit me - -; which was very painful I might add... I wonder why Miaka bit you 0.0


Dear kikio,

Probably for the same reason your friend bit you, no da. They were surprised and a bit scared.


Dear Nuriko,

Lol thanks, but I found a shirt for the skirt afterall ^^ Have you ever seen The Muppets? Lol I love them! Whose your favorite character? I dunno about mine, that Chef is pretty funny. And I love Kermie and RIzzo, lol. I'm watching Muppets Treasure Island at the moment, I haven't seen it in years but I'm very interested in the times of Pirates in the Caribbean and what life was like then. Speaking of which, Johnny Depp is making a POTC 2 AND 3. Hehe Can't wait to see them. Unfortunely, when the 3rd comes out, I'll be able to drive to see it lol. Wait.. unfortunely? NAH!! It's great! I just said that cause I would be older lol.


Dear Rei-chan,

I'm glad you found a shirt for your skirt. I know of them. I like Kermit.


Dear Chichiri,

Lol that would be nice except my guinea pigs don't like it; I don't wanna poison them or anything, lol. I just made pumpkin pie last night! Actually, I tried to make it as low sugared and caloried as I could for dad. I even made the pie crust, but something went wrong. I used whole wheat flour instead of white, splenda, and I followed the recipie otherwise but... I had a HARD HARD time trying to roll it into a circle to put into the pan. I mean, I put flour everywhere, all over the rolling pin, the counter, lol but the dough kept breaking when I tried to pick it up. Not to mention it was really hard. I added a little water to it, but it didn't help much. THe pie filling was pretty good, except when it was done, it seemed a little too loose and I put it in the oven a couple minutes longer than the instructions said to. *shrugs* It's pretty good anywya, except I was a bit concerned when the crust was gurgling and butter was oozing out (it said to mix the FROZEN butter chunks with the flour...) oh well.


Dear Rei-chan,

I'm sure it was delicious and that your father liked it, no da. If you want to try them Pillsbury has a sugar-free chocolate chip cookie dough out that is made with Splenda and tastes pretty good, no da.


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

how's miaka doing? can u beat the people that are saying bad things about miaka. i really hate them.


Dear salvia,

She is well. We could but everyone is entitled to an opinion.

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Mitsukake,

Thanks fer the hug. I live in a dream world though to escape the harsh realities of life *sigh* I'm in councling fer a reason.


Dear Suiren,

You're welcome. I'm sorry that your life is not very happy, but I am glad that you are getting help.


Dear Hotohori,

No need to do that! We talked it over!! And everything is all better!! It was more of a misunderstanding if you would put it in those terms y'know. but I am all better... sept for the part with my sister *glares at sister* Ohh well, cant say it was all entirely her fault.. But she should have known about my arm! Ohh well i wont let it get to me to bad!! Well i think I am going to get to bed. Night Hotohori... and thanks... you helping me makes me think of you like an older brother I never had. Thank you so much. Have a good night *hug*


Dear Yuri,

*Hugs her back.* You're welcome. I'm glad I could help.


Dear Chiriko,

Yes i have tried, and i do have a great number I'v found, just not any by you or Mitsukake. I think it's cause your the least popular. No offense! I can't find ones for Hotohori-sama either.


Dear Suiren,

*Shrugs* None taken. Here is a Fushigi Yuugi MP3 site: http://anime.plan9.de/anime/music/Fushigi%20Yuugi/.


Dear Tasuki,

*Continuous beating of head to table for no reason.* <-- In counciling for a reason. *Hits head one last time and passes out onto the floor*

Suiren out cold

Dear Suiren,

Ok, so what did I do this time?


Dear Tasuki,

i will!! Maybe the 7th week of it hurting is the week!! Like peoples say, 7 seems to be a lucky number... But you think they would notice after 7 weeks they would do something about it y'know... hmmm *eats a peach* Ohh well... Hopefully they will take me in... But they keep touching it and it hurts!!! And its like they forget about it or something... *ponders over this* And as for my sister... It wasnt all her fault... It was kinda mine... But she didnt have to hit my left hand.. after she did that.. wow... did it feel like my arm was burning up... *shivers* Ohh well... I've had a good day otherwise. What 'bout you? OHH here *hands you a peach* I know you like them! I love peaches, they're my favorite fruit (besides apples)!! Enjoy it Tasuki! I have to get off to bed! Night!


Dear Yuri,

Thanks! Have ya' tried talkin' to yer parents 'bou yer arm? They ain't gonna know it still hurts 'less ya' tell 'em.


Dear Chichiri,

Thats really cool!! I am actually doing a website on Inuyasha. You should check it out sometime later when I actually work on it *turns red and giggles* But thats really cool! Glad to hear your days been going well!! Wish I could say the same but I ain't gonna let it bother me!! Have a great Night Chichiri!!


Dear Yuri,

I look forward to seeing it, no da.


Dear Tamahome,

And thus, a great moment in time.. ruined...*sigh* BUT its not entirely her fault we are mad at each other! I do blame myself... in fact its almost kinda my fault that my arm hurts again... She wapped me with a meatal stick thing and where did it hit... my left hand... Ohh well!! Least we arnt yellin... She just walked away and that was the end of it.. Ohh well least we had a good time before that. I cant remember the last time we laughed so hard together!! Well Night Tama!


Dear Yuri,

There are always good and bad times. Just try to have more good ones than bad with her.


Dear Tasuki,

Drats... :snaps fingers: I guess i'll have to buy something else, since I ignore my gamecube. I'm planning on buying another sword. The weird thing... my mom will let me buy swords, but no daggers, what up with that? They're both weapons, but I guess a dagger would be more dangerouse and less obviouse neh? Guess she's got me there.


Dear FireGoddess90,

Yep, she sure does!


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

Since easter is on sunday, I think i'll give everyone a box of peeps!:hands them out: Happy easter!


Dear FireGoddess90,

Arigato! Happy Easter!

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Tamahome,

why do you love miaka? if given a chance who do you want to fall in love with? is miaka a good kisser?


Dear scarlet,

She is a kind and selfless person. I would fall in love with her again and yes she is a good kisser. *Grins*


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

Awww.... you didn't think it was funny? Anyway... Happy Easter! You think I should tell my mom to get me a Full Metal Panic DVD or a Saiyuki DVD for Easter? Which should I ask for?


Dear FuruChan,

We geuss it depends on whether you want something funny or something with lots of bishounen.

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Suzaku Seishi,

Being Silly Here : If a tree fell on a forest floor, and there was noone around to hear it, would it still make a sound?

Manchurian Candidate Shukumei's counterpart

Dear MCSC,

Yes it would. Soundwaves don't depend on being heard to be made.


Dear Chichiri,

Hey, haven't talk to ya' in a while, how ya' doing?


Dear Wolflover,

I'm fine, thank you no da.


Dear Hotohori,

*howls then jumps down into the palace court yard snarling at a few bandits who followed her and Boushin back to the palace*

Boushin: *engages in a sword battle with one of them*

*takes out three of the bandits then looks at Boushin another bandit running up behind him trying to get Boushin from behind, she then runs up behind him throwind the one down to the ground and kicks the one Boushin was fighting to the ground and yanks Boushin away*

Boushin: that was scary... *starts crying*

*smiles* but you fought well young prince... you just need a bit more training! ^_^;; *huggles him*

*a few of the guards take the bandits away-*

Your fathers going to have my head when he finds out what happened ><


Dear Aishizu,

*They run into Tasuki and Hotohori.* Perhaps not your head, but I am disappointed in you. I believe I made nyself clear that you two were not to leave the palace grounds.

Tasuki: An' jus' what th' H*LL were ya' doin' in THEIR territory? *Points at the captured bandits.* They ain't my guys! They don't know ya'! Yer lucky to be alive! From now on ya' jus' leave the bad guys to us ok?

*They walk away shaking their heads...* Che' kids today... they jus' don't lissen do they yer Highness... *Hotohori just sighs and shakes his head...*

Hotohori and Tasuki

Dear Hotohori,

mmmmmm thats a good start... but how about uhm... his intrests and uhm... *thinks* how about yours and his realtonship, and... *@_@* hmmm, how well does he listen? And anything else you can tell me about his personality and what things he likes to do! ^^ And give me some background info on yourself, so that I can finish the fanfic on you!@ ^^


Dear Aishizu,

He is a well-mannered, intelligent child. He listens well but is ceretainly capable of making up his own mind. I think he will be a great leader one day. As you know I didn't survive our adventures so he and I don't really have much of a relationship. But I do love him dearly. Have you tried reading Suzaku Hi Den or are there no translations of my gaiden novel?


Dear Chichiri,

Oh thats cool ^^ I just got back from Nazuna's house and we DDRed are butts off it was so fun! We did this one song called kick the can... ever done that one before? Hey do you like a song called "tipsy" by J-Kwon?


Dear kikio,

I've never done that one, no da. I haven't heard of that song.


Dear Chichiri,

Sure ^^ *places a peach in his mouth and giggles* just curious Chichiri but have you ever gotten drunk before? ^^


Dear littlebit,

*Bites the peach...* Not really, no da.


Dear Chichiri,

Hey Chichiri, what's up. I've just gotten into Fushigi Yuugi and you're my favorite character! *hug* I think your the best one of all and you can do magic! Is it hard? So I was just wondering how you were doing! I'm fine, except I'm kinda sick at the moment. (I've missed a few days of school) But I'm getting better! Hope you never get sick like this. I just hope I'm not sick on my birthday! Which is in 9 days. I can't wait. Well, that's all I have to say now so I'll let you get back to whatever it is monks do in their spare time (What do you do in your spare time?) And I hope you don't mind if I draw you and stuff! I love drawing and your fun to draw. (I'm getting good) Well, bye bye for now. it was nice writing to you.


Dear Gold,

I look forward to seeing your drawings, no da. Welcome to the site! I hope you enjoy your stay here. Arigato for your kind words, no da. I hope your feel better soon and have a great birthday!


Dear Chiriko,

I'm looking for one of my drawings I drew last night! I can't find it!! O.O And it was a drawing request from one of my bestest friends! Help meee ;~;


Dear FuruChan,

Did you do a search on your pc by name of file as well as file type?


Dear Tasuki,

y35|-| 1 5|-|4ll vv17|-| 73|-| p0vv3r 0f l33t!!


Dear f|_|r|_|c|-|4|\|,

Y3r |\|07 45 l33t a5 m3! Ph34r my m4d sk1lz! *Grins*


Dear Chichiri,

Candy's nasty... >.<


Dear FuruChan,

It isn't the best thing for you to eat, no da.


Dear Tasuki,

I finally found somethin' to do at my house, play them video games, I'm aleady starting to beat one of my games. ^.^


Dear Wolflover,

Good fer ya'! Have fun!


Dear Chiriko,

my friend and i are going to start a fundrasier to go to hte otakon 2005 what fundraiser should we do?

ranma saotome

Dear ranma saotome,

You could try doing a bake sale or washing cars. If it is just for the two of you, you could do odd jobs around your neighborhood to earn money.


Dear Nuriko,

if u could start a fundraiser 2 raise money 4 ur friend and i 2 go 2 see a celeberty what would u do


Dear rama,

I'd do the same things as Chiriko suggested.


Dear Tasuki,

I have no choice but to rest it... considering I cant move it. i am not gonna forgive my sister very easly on this matter... what does she do... she waps my left hand with something hard, and then theres a burning pain sent up my arm... and now i am just resting it. i cant practice my instrament like i am supposed to do... i cant do anything with it... ohh well its fer my own good... ohh well anyways hows your day been?


Dear Yuri,

Seems it was better n' yers. Ya' know, yer parents need to get ya' to a doctor asap! Yer arm don't seem to be gettin' any better. Please talk to 'em an' get 'em to take ya'.


Dear Hotohori,

right now that is easier said than done. Now we arnt talking to each other (probably a GOOD thing) She re-injured my arm last night by like jabbing something into my arm! And then hitting my hand sending pain ALL the way up my arm!! I was crying it hurt to much! And she wouldnt stop!! So I am just going to avoid her for the rest of the day!! Probably be the best thing for both of us too. And to top all this off my friend is mad at me!! I was really mad last night and I said something to her and now I take it back!! I never meant to hurt her feelings, I was just so mad last night.. Why is it... that when you hurt your best friends feelings, when you really didnt mean to, you just feel like your hearts been torn out? *wipes tear off face* so far my spring break sucks. I have to rest my arm for god who knows how long and then my best friend in the world... is mad at me... i dont know what to do anymore Hotohori... I dont. *plays song on guitar* I dont know why but music seems to help calm my spirit... *sigh* I will talk to you later *runs away crying*


Dear Yuri,

I'm sorry she did that. As for your friend, I'm sure you can call her and apologize and let her know why you said what you did. *Gives her a hug.*


Dear Nuriko,

thanks if i do the car wash about how much should i charge? and could you help me with the bake sale if i do that? im starting a comic book called mermaid girls.


Dear ryuuki-chan,

Hmmm... $5.00 - $10.00 for a car and maybe $10.00 - $15.00 for vans, suvs, trucks, etc. How does that sound to you? I'll do what I can to help you with your bake sale.


Dear Hotohori,

I just got a good idea for the artist portion of this website... what if you could put comments on the pictures like on a deviantart account? I dunno, it's a thought. What can I say, i'm hooked on that website ^_~;


Dear FireGoddess90,

It is an interesting thought. We will consider it.


Dear Tasuki,

I'm old enough to play mature games, I just choose not to. Only reason, because there too hard, dont like war games for that reason, allthought they look fun. The one game I want so badly right now is Phantasy Star Online, I may buy it this weekend. BTW, do you know if they make it for PS2? I've seen it for x-box and gamecube, but I dont have an x-box,and I never use my gamecube anymore.


Dear FireGoddess90,

I don't think they do. I couldn't find it in a search.


Dear Mitsukake,

Well isn't it always the case where the loud mouth cursin' guy always gets clobbered? And I do! That's why the seishi I'd be is Tasuki! The point is, why can't bad things happen to to people like me and not good people like m' bud? It's not fair... *starts to tear up again* WHAAA!! (it's been one of those days)


Dear Suiren,

But you are not a bad person! Neither is your friend. These things just happen. Life is not an anime. *Gives her a hug.*


Dear Chiriko,

Chiriko, I've been searching EVERYWHERE to find your songs for my i-tunes music player. All the ones i find are for real player! AH! "Akai Denshou" is one of my favorites too and i think "P.S. Aitte Eien Desu Ka" is pretty cool as well. If there isn't a site, do you know someone who has files that i could send an e-mail request too? Arigato!


Dear Suiren,

Have you tried doing a search for Fushigi Yuugi MP3's? They should work on your I-Tunes player.


Dear Tasuki,

*Picks head up from table and gives a cold stare.* *Hits head continuously on table*

Suiren - _ -

Dear Suiren,



Dear Hotohori,

Hotohori-sama I am looking for downloads for your songs "dengon" and "sadame no hoshi" only all of them i find are for real player. I prefer i-tunes cause it's a lot easier to burn a CD and the sound quality is A LOT better. Can you asist me your highness?


Dear Suiren,

I believe that I-Tunes are run only by Apple Corp. and since you must pay for the songs you download they generally are recent popular songs and not anything from any animes.


Dear Tamahome,

Hey Tama!! Long time no talk!! how ya been? YOu know what, I am getting along REALLY good with my sister tonight. She is playing this really stupid stuff on the keyboard and I am laughing so hard I am crying!!! And now I cant breath!! I am having too good of a day y'know!! I am just glad we're getting along. We even cleaned up some of the house together (gasp) hahah well Hope that you had a good day! Cause I sure did! *poke* *smiles then gives you a hug* Have a good night Tamahome!


Dear Yuri,

Well, I'm glad to hear you're getting along with her. *Smiles*


Dear Chichiri,

Hey Chichiri, I heard you like Inuyasha! Whos your 3 favorite characters off there? Mine are Inuyasha, Miroku and Sesshoumaru! You wanna know something really funny. I have a golden Retriever that is 7 years old and he still barks like a puppy! Its soo cute! *giggles* *poke* TAG your it! (as you can tell I'm a happy child)*smiles* Your day been good? Well I am going to go work on my web page!! Talk to ya later Chichiri!


Dear Yuri,

My three favorite characters are Miroku, InuYasha, and Kikiyo, no da. My day has been very good thank you.


Dear Tasuki,

I... am going to F@#$@^&%$ KILL MY SISTER!!! She, I swear, BRUSED my right upper arm and my left pinky!! AND NOW MY ARM HURTS LIKE H*#*!! I'm sorry but I am REALLY p-oed right now!!! SHE even made my cry!! *sits down in a chair and puts head in hands* I just dont get it... we were getting along fine earlier... and now this happens. Heck before this happened we we're both laughin our heads off... *faint smile that quickly fades* hmmm.. what should I do Tasuki? This Always happens, we get along fine then something happens and one of us snaps at each other and then its like god I cant even describe it! Hmmm... well i think I am just gonna calm myself down and listen to some music... Night Tasuki


Dear Yuri,

*Sighs* Well, so much fer gettin' along... Why'd she hurt ya'?


Dear Chichiri,

*Watches life pass* I've been writing a musical, while I wait fer my story to come up online (I still need it!). I got some really good lyrics. Can I have yer opinion? It's a sad kinda melody, it's a rain song. This one's my favorite so far.

A mist is rising on a cool morning,
When the sky is a shade of gentle gray
As the clouds begin to cry we can see
the beauty of an early morning rain.

The rain drops are falling ...like tear drops. (this is kinda a seperate part) The rain keeps on falling ..flowing down your cheeks. (like an echo in the background)

Dance in the droplets with out a care!
Let the rain tumble down your hair!
As the rain keeps falling to the ground!
As the rain drops keep falling,
..falling down...

Please listen,
..to the soft song
It's a melody,
..nature's music

If you lie in bed from,
your heart's pain...
please calm yourself,
and listen to the rain

Dance in the droplets with out a care!
Let the rain tumble down your hair!
As the rain keeps falling to the ground!
As the rain drops keep falling,
..falling down...

Like tear drops
..flowing down your cheeks
The rain keeps on falling...
..falling to the ground

Written by the one and only Suiren

Dear Suiren,

I like it, no da! You've written some very nice lyrics!


Dear Tasuki,

I'm doing great, I'm just alittle bored, there's nothin' t' do around my dang house... x_x


Dear Wolflover,

Glad yer doin' ok but sorry yer bored.


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