Letters Archive
Week Ending January 22, 2005

Dear Tasuki,

*glomps* I'm sorry. I'm so happy! I got recomended for all collage prep classes from my teachers. LOL, And yet i am also sad, this weekend Ayame(NIC) is going to Michigan or however you spell it. An i dont get to talk to her for 3 days... thats the longest i havn't talked to her... *sniffle* I hope her trip driving will be safe, we are going to get 7 to 14 inches of Snow here in PA. Oh well hope she has a short ride home so she can get back here faster... She was forced to go by her momma. Oh well See ya later! *hugs*


Dear Mika,

Good fer ya'! I hope she has a safe trip, too. Since she'd in Michigan she should say hi to Doc-sama.


Dear Mitsukake,

Oh my God, Mitsukake-san. My right shoulder hurts sooooo bad! I don't know why either. ;___; I can't take it anymore! Owwwiieee!


Dear FuruChan,

I'm sorry you are in pain. Ibuprofen and maybe rubbing it with Tiger Balm should help. Perhaps you slept on it badly.


Dear Nuriko,

Have you seen "Someday's Dreamers"? I'm saving my money to buy the second DVD. If I'm not tempted to go to the mall.


Dear FuruChan,

I have heard of it but never seen it.


Dear Chichiri,

*screams an jumps on u* ONII-CHAN!! i miss u so much i gotta new cell phone so excited! i wanna go to a hot place rite now b/c here it is sooooo cold but if it snows well i won't hav to go to skool! yay! wish that it wuz snowin well gtg talk to ya l8r


Dear chibimaru,

Good luck getting snow, no da.


Dear Suzaku Seishi,




We'd venture to say a toy store... Here's a search page for them: http://search.msn.com/results.aspx?srch=105&FORM=AS5&q=yu-gi-oh+toys.

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Tasuki,

*wakes up rested* hmm, Thanks for the speedy delievery to the couch *hugs* ^_^! It's good to be back! I miss being on here ^^. Most likely they didn't bring out the novels because their would be a national crisis, or world deafness, from the crazy fan girl screams.. So, taking it as a precaution..No novels -_-... I appriciate the address, I may just have to use all my literary skills and send them some sort of sophisticated note lol. Well, at least not I'm not as confused as i was 24 hours ago, it's a start. I suppose I did need some sleep *Stretches* Couches are fun. *Grumbles* but, annyoing people are not... How about I had to take a bus home and I was sitting in the first seat, that way, I can just get off without contact from other people lol, and some guy looks at me and says "Can you move?" he wanted me to move to another seat and him sit in mine... How rude, I could see if he had a reason, like he had cruches or something.. but NO... No ailment, except maybe on in his head -_- I'm like "Move??" There was about 10 seats available a bit behind the first seat, because people don't like sitting in the front, that's why I sit there... I'd really like to know what was with this guy.. I felt like standing up and saying "Yeah, you have have my seat... With your face smothered in it..." -_- I really was about to just stand up and kick the cr*p outta him... -_- But, I got off the bus and took a ride home, luckily I know someone who hadn't left yet, who had a car ^_^ Or else, I would have been taken off the bus for disorderly conduct ^_^... The nerve of some people because they're lazy...


Dear Ariyah,

*Smirks* Sounds like someone gets a bit testy when she's on a bus...


Dear Chichiri,

how many faces do you have?


Dear etyr,

I have one face and many masks, no da.


Dear Tasuki,

*Waves* It's been awhile since I've been on here! *Looks around* Hmmm, the things that happen when I'm gone... Anywho! How have you been? I do have a question this time! How come the character novels aren't comming out, do you know? I was looking forward to reading your character novel, and I was saving for it, and, now I learn there will be NO character novel... Boy, let me just say, I was really mad about that... They brought out everything else...-_-;;

Is Koji the leader of your Bandits just in your absence, or all the time?? The way the story switches between it got me really confuzzled...

So... What else was I going to say?? *Yawns* I'm really tired, not much sleep in the last couple days. Too much anime insomniac disorder. You know, staying up till like 4 watching as much anime as I can... Cram it all in under 3 hours... t's an art, seriously... *Yawns*

Well, I think I'm going to sl-... *Passes out on Tasuki's shoulder*


Dear Ariyah,

Wow! Welcome back! I dunno 'bout th' novels. Ya' can write to Viz an' ask 'em': VIZ, LLC P.O. BOX 77010 San Francisco, CA 94107. He's th' leader when I'm gone. *Picks her up and places her on a couch...* GUess ya' need to get some sleep.


Dear Hotohori,

Hey onii-chan do you know what kind of headaches are behind you eyes kind of... I've been getting those quite frequently and their starting to make me dizzy... my mom said i'm just imagining it.. but dont you think I would know if I was making this up?? >>;; I need to go get it checked but she wont take me -_-;; so do you think it be best if I just stayed home from school I mean I dont know if I should risk going to school with this then happen to fall on stairs or something you know? Ah well I'm going to go lie down sorry for bugging you onii-chan...


Dear Aishizu,

Perhaps you can tell the school nurse about your headaches and she can talk to your mother for you.


Dear Nuriko,

(sighs) Yes you're right again... You two are my favorite guy characters in Anime. He really needs to lighten up, in the one video game I have he falls in love with your character but it's really hard to get. He was so nice there... But of course no, on the website he calls me a stupid fangirl. At least he was nice in the one letter, for the most part. Well I gotta go! (hugs him) See ya~


Dear Ayame(NIC),

*Grins* Guess you just can't teach an old dog-demon new tricks...


Dear Chiriko,

Why does my math teacher not make any sense when explaining things? Why can't YOU be my Math teacher? @_@


Dear cutepiku,

Gomen, I don't teach. Perhaps you just need a different explanation. Why not ask your teacher, that is what they are there for.


Dear Tasuki,

Hey sweetie. Kind of feeling bored right now, so I figured that I'd write to my favorite person. So whats new with you? I started college this week. Its going pretty well so far. All of my classes are generally fun, but I really don't like my health class because it's more like a gym class, and I haven't taken gym in 4 years (I took dance in high school to replace gym, and now I am not allowed to. How much does that suck?) I'm also taking Japanese. Tonight was my first class, it was rather amusing. I learned that you take public baths in Japan. I found this rather amusing, the thought of you taking a public bath- you'd probably be scared of drowning. Hehehehehe! *sighs* Sorry... I didn't mean for it to come out in a nasty way. It's alright though, I would save you! Anyway, it's getting late. I'm going off to sleep. Oyasumi nasai!


Dear Samantha,

Well, ya' can do that or ya' can jus' use yer own private ofuro.


Dear Hotohori,

*nods* I did it didnt go well but I felt that my journal is personal information about myself you know what I mean >>;; I's going to talk to them after school today I'm just fed up with this constant nosiness I do need me privacy right? *yawns* I'm still tired..^^ *hugges her onii-chan* thanks for helping


Dear Aishizu,

I can't blame you. I hope it goes well. *Hugs her back.*


Dear Nuriko,

*ends of hair stick out with a wide eye look* O____O whoa time out! i'm not interested in that type of thing, i'm staying adolscences until i'm married! *shakes head* the kind of love i want is the one i could count on a guy and feel protected WITHOUT sexual intercourse. *smiles weakily* besides, i'm a bit young for that. hows it going with you?


Dear Stargirl,

I'm fine. You were the one that mentioned "mating season", that's why I was concerned. I'm glad you feel that way.


Dear Nuriko,

Okay like I promised here are the links! ^^



Oh when you go on music you click on the CD cover you wish to hear the song from okay? *blinks* Oh look what I got! *holds out a box with her class ring it is silver with a pink stone in the middle with 2005 engraved around the stone plus it also has a wolf on one side and a phoenix on the other* ^^ cool huh? I graduate this year!


Dear Kaya,

Arigato! Nice ring! Congratulations!


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

Maybe you guys can help with this. I got back to school, and everything was okay.

Then I got sick and missed the first day of classes. And the next day I had classes, the professors yelled at me for not contacting them, saying that there was contact info on the website (I've looked everywhere, and I still haven't found it). And when I have bad days, I listen to the same CD repeatedly.

And one of my friend snapped at me, calling me a f*ck*ng b*tch and telling me to listen to something else for once in my life, d*mmit. I explained the situation to her, and it was enough to convince her that I'm not adjusting to college life fast enough (bear in mind that the longest I'd been away from home w/out parents before this was... a week... at camp). So she's determined to turn me into a "healthy, functional, social college student." And h*ll, maybe she can turn me into a good Christian in the process (I'm kinda agnostic right now).

Healthy? I'm okay. Functional? I've got clinical depression that I'm getting meds for. The depression will never go away... the meds just make it bearable (and she doesn't get that). Social? I spend time online for a reason... I've got a disorder that makes me very, very awkward in social situations. So I just avoid them. I've got plenty of friends online.

But evidently that's not good enough. So she's been dragging me around doing things and trying to be my friend by doing such friendly things as borrowing my math textbook and not returning it until the next day (she doesn't have her own, and she cussed me out for not letting me borrow it again) and ditching me at Barnes and Noble for another friend (one who I want nothing to do with, as she cussed me out and informed me that no one likes me).

So finally after the latest math book incident, I've finally decided that I want nothing to do with her. She tried to talk to me on AIM, and I blocked her. I ignore her when I see her.

I know I'm probably not doing the right thing by doing this, because I hardly ever do in situations like this. Additionally, if it keeps going on like this, I might not have a roommate next year, as mine is still really good friends with her.

So what the heck should I do? I'm seriously lost.


Dear Ayame,

Well, for the sake of having a roommate next year, I think you should talk to her and explain that while her reaching out to you is very kind, you just need to deal with the world on your terms and not hers. That includes her trying to change your religlious beliefs to hers as well as ditching you for another friend (which is just plain rude). If nothing else, you should at least let her know why you're angry with her. Good luck! *Gives her a hug.*


Dear Chichiri,

+__+ I don't know! But since when do monks get kewl hair!? AND WHAT HAIR GEL DO YOU USE!?


Dear FuruChan,

I don't use hair gel, no da. I'm not a European monk.


Dear Tamahome,

W-w well... YOU! You were lucky enough to have Miaka tell ya that she loved ya! +__+ You ::bleep::ing lucky ::bleep::!! ::breathes deeply:: Rrrrr! ::bangs head on the wall:: I! Hate! This! Feeling! Soooo!! MUUUUCH! ::has just went insane more than usual cuz of emotions and junk food:: Uwwaaaah!! [5 hours later] Haaah... I'm okay. Hmmm... Teh friend of "An-chan" told me "He wants you to (HENTAI WARNING) tom him" ... wtfh? Waht does that have to do w/anyhting!? He could be lying and I don't do bad things like that! ::spazzes once again::

FuruChan (Who ish a lil' crazy right now but still has her sense of humor)

Dear FuruChan,

Is this the boy you like? That was rude of him!


Dear Tasuki,

Y'know, I'm half yankee an' half southerner. That's a weird combination. And sometimes I go and get an accent. And that's startin' ta scare me. 'Cause accents are annoyin'.


Dear FuruChan,

I don't think so. I like mah accent!


Dear Chiriko,

My friend says that her sister hates your ponytail b/c it sticks up like that. (Why does it do that? O.o) Anyway, I think yer just too frikkin' adorable! ^_^ EVERYBODY WINS! DAAANNNSSSU! I command it! +___+


Dear FuruChan,

I'm sorry she feels that way. I guess it does that because my hair is very thick.


Dear Tasuki,

Hey... um this is a weird question but one day it poped into my head... ok here it is... Do you hate Nakago? if so what did he do to you that makes you hate him?


Dear Mika,

I do! He hurt a lotta people I cared about!


Dear Chichiri,

Lol thanks but.. it's not so easy. I went to my nana's today and she told me my mom talked to her and said she wasn't sure she could pay for my vet school, if I ever made it in. I'm not worried, there's always a way where there is a will and lots of scholarships (spe?) and with all the volenteer work I've done, I'm sure there must be something.. from the nursing home, to the anime shelter (if only it weren't closed down) to the stables... but with all dreams come sacrifices. And It looks like I am going to have to sacrifice one of my biggest dreams. I am going to quit language school. I love japanese language school so much! I love being around people who want to learn it and have the same dream, even if the majority of the school is japanese. But.. it's expensive, and I was being selfish. my mom used her own money to pay for school (which is 265$ per term) and so she has no money for lunch. It was selfish and naive of me to think that it didn't effect her. So I'm going to give up the language school dream. It really hurts. But I have lots of japanese language books, including the ones I got from school. So I can learn the language from afar.. away from a classroom. . but then there is so much more room for mistakes and no one to go to. I won't give up my dream of going to japan, I'm sure I'll go... someday... but this will also help for payment of college.. I hope.. maybe I'll need to get a job to pay for college also. I wouldn't mind it..


Dear Rei-chan,

Getting a job is a good thing, no da. As are scholarships. *Smiles* I assume you meant to say animal shelter and not anime shelter, no da. But that is an amusing idea.


Dear Nuriko,

I promise it won't. I love them like family no matter what ^_^ I got a papercut on my hand right between my thumb and my index finger. owies ^^;; Even though biology is my worst sub ject now, it's my favorite class. Oh, I gotta tell you a dream I had.. (here we go.) In my dream, I basically killed my history teacher (my other worst subject) with a tommy gun 0_0 lemme explain.

Okay, I was at school but it looked different. All of a sudden, i had a pistol in my hand and started shooting at him. but like in the movies, he was dodging me from side to side and hiding behind a wall. Then I looked down and I had a tommy machine gun. I started shooting at him and saw I hit him. He has a red hole on his chest which started bleeding and I knew I ahd to run because people would get me. But he almost covered up for me, asking me to go. It was near the end of the dream I realized how bad the thing I did was. When I woke up, I was soooo relieved it was only a dream! It was so real.. and I remembered in my dream, "I took someone's father away.. I just took away somebody's husband.. what have I done?" Weird, huh? Then I ahd another dream that same night (I woke at like 4am) and I was on the lam.


Dear Rei-chan,

I'm glad to hear it. *Smiles* I guess you REALLY hate history, ne?


Dear Chichiri,

(starts singing) my back ackes my belts too tight my butty shakes from left too right! (side butts him)


Dear kikio,

Careful, no da!


Dear Chichiri,

hi i'm new here and was just wondering if you ever tongue kissed korean? oh yeah by the way your really sexy (winks) oh yeah did you shave your own head and how did you do it?


Dear StarAngel,

No I've not kissed anyone who is Korean, no da. I have kissed Kouran, but she is gone now. I do shave my head. I did it very carefully, no da.


Dear Hotohori,

s think its a bit of both but, see I dont think their TOO concerned about my well being only because they pry into VERY personal affairs to which doesnt involve them plus they even read my journal without asking (when their at my house) so I;m leaning more towards we've just grown apart >>


Dear Aishizu,

It does sound that way. Reading your journal was a rather rude thing to do. Have you ever tried talking to them about it?


Dear Hotohori,

Why did you go and got yourself killed?


Dear Ida,

It was not my plan...


Dear Nuriko,

hi Nuri-san! *smiles* I got freetime in math so I decided to write you a letter! ^^ I really dont get this Geometry stuff yet weird enough I pass it so I guess I should just keep doing... *blinks* whatever it is I'm doing I guess >> Oh I found this really cool site that has music videos for all of your chracter vocals so I entertained myself by watching them! ^^ When I get the site linky I'll send it to you and Doc-sama so you guys can take a look okay? *hugs* bye bell rang gtg home >>;;


Dear Kaya,

I look forward to seeing it!


Dear Mitsukake,

Hey, Mitsukake. *Grin* I just read volume 13. I'm not giving any spoilers away for those who haven't read it/haven't seen the series/ etc., but... wow. That was intense. Seriously! *Gives him a hug* I am sorry for all of the losses you all experience, but at least you don't have to worry about certain... er.. things anymore. ^^; It's sad to think that you're all almost done, though, at least in the main series. I've been keeping an eye out for your manga for so long... Oh well! That's why I've got the OVAs, of course!

First snow day ever! Though our principal was a j- er, jerk, and didn't let us out early. Maybe next time. *Shrugs, then smiles* There's something infinitely comforting to me about sitting inside, reading and drinking hot cocoa while there's snow outside... but that's just me. So how are you?


Dear Songwind,

I'm fine, thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed our adventures. They should be publishing the rest of the manga as well. Enjoy your snow days!


Dear Chichiri,

You should be bald and wear a brown-ish robe w/ a hood thing! +___+


Dear FuruChan,

Wouldn't that be more of a friar, no da?


Dear Tamahome,

I couldn't for several reasons. One, I'm shy about stuff like that. Two, What if he doesn't like me like that. Three, God only knows what would happen if I drank coffee. ::sniffles:: I'm just gonna forget all about it. Emotions suck. I just gonnna finish my story thingy now. ;__; Sorry for bothering you w/my stupidity, Tama. Ja ne.


Dear FuruChan,

I'm sorry. But you know what they say, "Nothing ventured, nothing gained."


Dear Chichiri,

Lol yeah, that Simon is pretty tough and harsh, but at least he is honest. Some people I really feel bad for, like people that are really bad singers but people have told them that they were good and they honestly believe that they were good and don't know when to leave the stage. I'm so glad that I don't want to be a singer ^_^ Lol people say I can sing but I hate the sound of my own voice (which is funny 'cause I talk A LOT!). And besides, I already have my dream, which is so much harder than being a singer. My life will be buried in books and medecin and the smell of rubbing alcohol. I'm about to become what I have always hated... it's kind of funny. I have always ALWAYS hated doctors as far back as I can remember, and even now I hate hospitals. Everything about them makes me shiver; the pasty white walls, the parked stretchers outside the rooms, the smell of hospital food, the sound of beeps and rolls of those thingies that you have to roll around that are stuck in your arm, but I think the smells are worse. I hate all these things yet I want to become a vet, yays ^_^ But I'm not doing so good in biology now.. ;_; I'm so scared I am going to get a C!!


Dear Rei-chan,

Study hard and you will achieve your dream, no da. And just think of all the animals you'll be helping! Ganbatte kudasai!


Dear Nuriko,

LOl Well there have been times when the ship has been rocked. At one point in middle school, momo and I wanted to change middle schools and go somewhere else, but we eventually stayed and did not go. I'm really glad I didn't ^_^ I think, to me only, the ship is unbalanced. I'm really pumped after this retreat, totally ready to make confirmation. But the magic of the retreat failed to help my friends. In fact, I think it made momo and fencer much worse in doubt. Fencer is sure that she doesn't want to be confirmed, and although I know she had fun on the retreat (well most of it when she wasn't bringing down the party and yelling at us or saying :this is stupid!") but now when I talk about it she's like "it wasn't that funny.." "I thought that was stupid"... I mean, I'm sorry to talk about religious stuff. I know you believe in the 4 gods and stuff, but it's getting to be more than that. My mom said that this retreat would change her like it changed my older brother but it didn't. Now Momo is starting to wonder and doubt also. We talked today and I told her she should do whatever makes her happy and that if she doubted, she should not be confirmed and could wait until next year. At this rate, Fu-chan and I will be the only ones getting confirmed. I don't wanna be alone again though... after all of these classes, I'll be alone at mass by myself with my parents again. I hated that. I loved it when Momo and fencer came, even if they hated it, because I wasn't alone and I had someone. My parents.. I lvoe them and all, but my mom's the nun "behave! Behave!" and my dad's playing games with me, but they mostly talk to ecah other right over my face, lol.


Dear Rei-chan,

One's beliefs are very personal and going to a religious retreat may not necessarily change them. I do hope this will not change your friendship with Momo and Fencer.


Dear Nuriko,

yes... You're right it is... lol my friend was laughing her butt off when I told her I sent the 'Echo' thing in. She's the one who started it in our little group... I went to the ask the Inugumi site and played 'echo' with Sesshomaru and Miroku. Miroku enjoyed it a little too much and Sesshomaru called me a 'Stupid Fangirl'... It's not like I could actually hit his butt anyway with all that armor...


Dear Ayame,

*Smirks* Well Miroku enjoying that game is no surprise. Don't worry about Sesshomaru, he has no sense of humor.


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

Do you think an FY/Escaflowne crossover would work? I'm writing one. I'm just following the plots, and mixing the two together. The characters are different too. It's kind of like FY, but it has the elements of Escaflowne is it. Here check out the first chapter: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2178845/1/.

I hope it works. And I hope you like it.

Oh, and gomen to Tamahome, but you are not the main guy in this one... You are just not the Van I was picturing, AND Van has wings in Escaflowne. Who has the character for wings? :winks at Tasuki: (Although it's not you specifically) The characters are all based off all of you with a few traits from the Escaflowne characters.


Fire Elf

PS: Tell me if any of my Japanese is wrong. I don't know kansai-ben (I don't know much Japanese), so I will probably need a little help when Tasuki's character talks more in Japanese.

Dear Fire Elf,

I didn't read a lotta it but it seems pretty good so far. I'll do what I can to help ya' out.


Dear Hotohori,

*feels a bit bter now that shes told some one and yawns for she is very tired stretches and leans on his shoulder falling asleep peacefully* night onii-chan...


Dear Aishizu,

*Holds her and then carries her to a couch.* I'm glad to be of help.


Dear Hotohori,

hey onii-chan I found this link no it isnt mine but it seemed really cool so I wanted to send it to you... http://www.abyssalflames.com


Dear Aishizu,

That was a very interesting site. Thank you.


Dear Hotohori,

*sets her cup aside and nods* hai there is something... I have this freind okay... and I've known them for quite some time but the thing is... their so... I dont quite know how to put it... so irritating and nosy I guess that their actually starting to stress me out... and I thought we were friends a long time ago but its obvious that I was mistaken... now how do I tell this person without there being bad air between the 2 of us... thanks Onii-chan *hugs*


Dear Aishizu,

Do you feel the two of you have grown apart? Or is their behavior the problem? Perhaps they arfen't being nosy so much as concerned for your well being. You might want to consider that and maybe have a heart-to-heart talk with the. Good luck.


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

Hi guys. I just saw a preview for an anime and I don't remember what it was called. All I remember is that it takes place in England, the main character is a girl and the preview shows the Crystal Palace in England. Do you know anything about it? I'm going to search the net too, but your input would make things go a lot quicker. Thanks

Fire Elf

Dear Fire Elf,

We thought at first of Steam City but the main character is a boy. So we have no idea. Minna, can you help her out?

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Suzaku Seishi,

'Lo! The visit with my boyfriend went over as planned (though I was really freakin' scared to take the plane ride on my own)... and THEN I HAD TO COME BACK HOME. D*mmit. Anyways, I'm back at the dorm... and it seemed even messier than when I'd left it. x_x


Anyways, we found a mildew growth in my roommate's fridge (we named it Fluffy), and then started classes... which aren't fun. I remember yet again why I despise math.

Anyhoo, how're you guys doing? Have a nice holiday season? Haul in any good loot? Has Tasuki ever broken a sake bottle over his own head (or had one broken over his head)? O_o;


Dear Ayame,

Welcome back! We're glad you had a fun and safe trip. We had a nice holiday. We received very nice gifts from our fans. He has probably had one broken over his head and we're sure he's clobbered someone with one at some point in his life.

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Tamahome,

Yes, she still has them. Which is really makin' me mad. But, I'll get it back someday... I hope. I sure as heck better! I ain't buyin' it again. I just remembered somethin'. Someone once asked us if we were goin' out. I said "no" and he said "not yet". What could this mean, Tama-chan!?


Dear FuruChan,

It probably means he wants to go out with you. Why not ask him out for some coffee or a soda sometime? Or if he is in one of your classes ask him to help you study.


Dear Chichiri,

I say you shave your head and wear a robe!


Dear FuruChan,

*Looks at her oddly...* Your point, no da?


Dear Nuriko,

Aww.. now that it so true! Did you know that fencer, Fu-chan, chewii, momo, and I have been friends since KINDERGARDEN at the same school and are now in 10th grade and still really good friends? LOl it's kind of weird and so fun. I've known Momo since before kindergarden though, at a day care center lol. Of course, there is always room for new friends ^^


Dear Rei-chan,

See, my point exactly! *Grins*


Dear Chichiri,

I did I did ^^ Most of my sophmore comp class was at the retreat, so today we were talking about it a lot, lol. I wish I had biology today because most of that class was there too, especially that guy, He's really funny in biology. Once, our teacher (who is also hilarious) was stressing that it was up to us, and then he did this rapper pointing thing and she's like "are you all right? SHould I call the nurse up here? are you having a seizure?" lol everyone was laughing. I have it tomorrow though, and I am going to wear the shirt we all got from the retreat. See, we were each in different groups at the retreat and we got really cool shirts that were a different color for each group. Ours was pink (bleh, I hate pink but I'll wear it for the team's sake) he his groups was pink. He and his brother had a trade off or something and so he has a pink t-shirt now even though he's not part of the group!! LOl we also got bracelets, which a lot of us are wearing. I'm still wearing that too. I'm watching american idol right now. I don't know why, but it's really... mean ^^ People's dreams being crushed. yeouwsers...


Dear Rei-chan,

Good luck with him, no da! Mean American Idol? Must be Simon, no da.


Dear Nuriko,

*smiles* hey nuriko *hugs* hows it going? sorry that i didn't write to you. Anyway i'm okay now, i've stopped cutting and lets see, i'm moving out of my house soon and friends are still awesome these days. seems that this year will be mating season. *cracks knuckles and sits down crossed legs* to tell you the truth, i've NEVER went out with a guy before and never been on a date before. i'm not saying that i'm butt ugly or drop dead gorgeous either, its just that guys these days are looking for outgoing people and good looking. XP ack, i even envy my friends! *looks at nuriko* have you ever had this feeling that you want to be with someone you want to be cherished? feel that you're loved that your family and friends can't give you?


Dear Stargirl,

I'm really glad to hear that you've given up cutting! I'm glad that you are getting your life together. Good for you! Of course I have, I think everybody does. But please don't equate sex with being cherished! You don't want to rush into things. But if you do please use protection!


Dear Chichiri,

*cries* y do i always get blamed onii-cahn i need u more than ever rite now i wanna DIE! so badly rite now!

well ppl say that when they c me they think that imma problem child 1 person even said i wuz then i can't talk to my bf about this cuz he says that he can't stand the thought of me diein an i hav kept my feelings from my family cuz no 1 understands me i've been realy sad an p*ssed now dunno why it makes me realy happy when i talk to u or pete or Mana-chan gomen for being so expressive an thinkin bout killin myself i jus realy wanna get away from this place rite now ummm thanx for listening to me *hugs him* WO-AI-NI!


Dear chibimaru,

*Gives her a hug.* Killing yourself is never the answer. If you feel you can't open up to your family, then please talk to a school counselor or teacher that you like and trust, no da. It will make you feel better,


Dear Tasuki,

hey, wuz up? nothing here. well planning any trips to any place else yet. i want to go to tokyo so bad and become and anime artest, or novelest. what do ya think? well i got to go. bye.


Dear Basha,

Not yet. I think ya' need to go to a good art school first.


Dear Hotohori,

*smiles and nods looking down at her cup seeming more quiet as if something were bothering her really bad but doesnt say anything*


Dear Aishizu,

Are you alright? Is there something you want to tell me?


Dear Tamahome,

I was kinda talkin' about what should I do about my feelings before I barf but okay. I keep telling him that she still has them. >>;


Dear FuruChan,

Oh, ok. Gomen. Does she still have them?


Dear Nuriko,

Naah, I'm not into sweet food that much. Weird, ain't it?


Dear FuruChan,

Not really, everybody has different tastes.


Dear Tasuki,

You've never seen me mad at my mom, Gen-chan. Maybe I should run away and become a bandit too? Heh...


Dear FuruChan,

Nah, jus' make up wit' yer mom.


Dear Tasuki,

Hey *glomps again* I got a hair cut... It looks like a shorter verison of Toboe's from wolfs rain... I love it... but im letting it grow out again. I should smack myself for forgetting... but when is your birthday? there is a holiday were you get to cuss alot and drink ... ske or beer or if your to younge you drink coke or... oh yeah Sparkiling white or red grape juice... so i need to get the shirt i found that says...'Got Sake?'. well bye *hugs*


Dear Mika,

My birthday is April 18th. That shirt sounds cool!


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

Hello everybody! (Coughs) Okay... Well when Mika and I mentioned our 'Echo' letter... We were talking about a stupid game made up by some perv in our school... We thought we'd sent it but, guess not! And I'm not gonna do the letter on my own so heres what Echo is...

Rule 1: Slap someone's butt
Rule 2: Run from the person
Rule 3: When you're slapped... Slap back

In a way, it's a perverts way of playing tag. So Mika and I were kinnda glad the letter didn't get through because we were hyper. So yeah... lol It was funny though. (glances at Nuriko) I'd be afraid to play this game with you... Anyway... On a different note... My family has given up on that stupid song they were writing. Well, that's all I've got to say for now. See ya!


Dear Ayame(NIC),

That is kind of odd...


Dear Tamahome,

*throws empty can of coke away and puts on a chibi smile* ish goodie right tami homie?

Urd: *pulls Stargirl off of tamahome* sorry about that, dear. She's out of control right now and needs a time off *glares*

whassh did i do?

Urd: you've been a very hyper girl! you need to calm down! *waves her hand around Stargirl's face and chants a sleeping spell*

*drops her eyes heavily and lightly snores*

Urd: *smirks and turns to Tamahome* right, she's sleeping now, how do you feel?

*Tamahome opens his mouth and lets out a bleching burp*

Urd: *blink* would that be a yes?

Urd and Stargirl

Dear Urd and Stargirl,

Sumimasen! I think that was the soda talking for me!


Dear Tasuki,

so that explains it! *laughs* *winks at Chichiri* nice underwear you got there hon.

Skuld: *eyes squeezed shut and holds up two pairs of keiichi's jeans* you can borrow these, i'm sure Keiichi won't mind.

*laughs even more* keiichi's pants?! THIS IS CLASSIC!! *takes out a camera* i have to take a shot! i could sell these pictures on e-bay!

Skuld: -___-' urd...

Urd and Skuld

Dear Urd and Skuld,

*Frowns* I hope yer enjoyin' yerself.


Dear Chichiri,

Yeah. And also the part where this guy walked right past me when looking for a girl, and there was this other game that literally and mentally popped my bubble. We had balloons tied around our ankles and we had to pop everyone else's balloons. I was doing really well because I am good with my foot movements like that so I lasted considerably long. Momo ket trying to pop mine and I just kept stepping my foot back. Lol but then this one girl was my pursuer and I kept spinning around when I accidently bonked her in the face! I really didn't mean to, so she was laughing really hard while I was like "Oh my God! I am really really sorry, are you okay?!?" and she was laughing holding her nose when she was walking up to her guy friend, who is in my french class. He gave me this look, (he was already out of the game, his balloon was popped) and then stomped on my balloon and popped it! That was against the rules, but I was really mad because I was doing really well and I got out by someone who was already out, which didn't count. But before I could blow another one, the game was over. I still don't like him, he had always been a jerk.

Most of it was pretty fun, especially the singing. It was so funny, the staff members doing this hoedown thing during some songs, and this one guy named Jai (I'm calling him that for now) kept making up hand motions to fit the songs. It was so funny. And During some songs we held up our thumbs and made believe it was a flame for a lighter, lol and during this one part of a song the guy I have a feeling about (I'll call him harry because he reminds me of a friend I had a while back named harry) kept jumping like in a rally, singing and waving his arms. Lol soon his friends followed. Me and Fu-chan were breaking moves while fencer just stood there, yelling at us for bumping into her. I don't think this retreat has changed her feelings at all about her beliefs. But it's okay.


Dear Rei-chan,

It sounds like despite some "bumps" you still had a good time, no da. I'm very happy for you.


Dear Nuriko,

Well, you're right. I am still young and I shouldn't worry. Wishful thinking I guess.. I do really want to be his friend no matter what after this retreat, and now I firmly intend to be friendlier towards him. But the only time I can do that is during biology, the only class I see him (other than biology seminar which is 2 times a week) I do believe that friendships with a boy can be better than relationships a lot of times. That is what I keep telling momo anyway. She keeps liking guys that she is good friends with and I keep telling her that sometimes it is much better to be and stay friends. *hugs back*


Dear Rei-chan,

It can be better. Boyfriends will come and go in your life but real friends will be there forever.


Dear Hotohori,

*smiles* it is kocha so... *takes out the milk and honey and fixes it up really nice and hands it to him* here you go onii-chan! *looks over a a very pretty picture of Houki* wow is that the one Gentokuin made if so at least he did ONE thing right! ^^ *sips her tea smiling*


Dear Aishizu,

*Smiles* Arigato. *Sips his tea.* This is perfect thank you.


Dear Tasuki,

are u single? just kidding (lol) Did u ever fall in love with miaka?


Dear Kakisha,



Dear Hotohori,

*nudges her big brother playfully* can I ask you these questions its for an RP -_-;; and my friend needs to know them...

Xeno: I need an Over-view image of Konan along with the land surrounding, How big is the center of it? Konan's size in radius?

*sweatdrops for she doesnt know HALF of this*

Aishizu and Xeno

Dear Aishizu and Xeno,

Before I answer you I'd like to know what the information will be used for.


Dear Nuriko,

As much as I love that idea, I have no room for it either :( ONly the ceiling above me bed but it's difficult to hang stuff there. But if I did have room, I would be in big trouble if I sent you my address and I would still feel uncomfortable. I hope you understand ^_^ I'm sure you'll find it a good home.

But instead of what might get me into trouble, I'd rather tell you something about how I am in deep trouble. Buckle your seatbelt, lol. I'm sorry, but it is a long one; Oh this retreat introduced new feelings alright. I saw a side of someone I never knew. A lot of people, actually. And one of them.. I have this feeling. I know that I've always wanted the feeling of finding a soul mate at the age my mom did, and even though it's early... well, let's just say that now I have the feeling, and I wish so much that I hadn't. I wish it would go away. There's this guy... well see, for my soul mate, I made up a list of things that I expected from him. That if he was all this and I had a feeling, I would know that I wanted to be his friend and be with him. He has to be funny, has his own style (goes with his own clothes and not the huge ugly baggy pants leaving half their butt hanging out), friendly and cheerful, enthusiastic, and I would especially like him to be of the same faith. THat part gets me the most, because it seems like he is leading me even though we are on the same boat. Oh my God, he is all these things... he is so.. right,so perfect, that it makes me sick. The more I think about him, the worse I feel and the mroe I want to cry.

Why do I want to cry? because I go both ways. I don't know him that well but I have seen him, dancing and singing with happiness, letting loose, having his own style, and was friendly towards me when a lot of guys weren't. I mean, not especially to me, but the way he hugged, let me explain; we had these things called hug circles. One person starts, then after they hug someone, that person goes and hugs and it is a long chain. All the girls that hugged the guys, unless they were good friends, did it with one arm. I did it with one arm. I just basically wrapped one arm, held in close, and let go with all the guys. But not him. No no noooo lol, he hugged everyone with both arms like he had known them for a while when every guy there (who wasn't staff) hugged with one arm like they didn't care. He even added a comment about bringing the love. Lol. Now that tells me a lot about him. (even now I feel sickly happy from thinking of it) But I still don't know him, and I have always been against liking people I don't know well. but I like him. I know I want to be his friend very much.

THe only class he is in is biology. And he is so funny in that class. Anyway, as much as I really like him because it seems like he is everything I have ever wanted, the other half is telling me to stop it. I partly hope is isn't my soul mate because then I can move on with my life. But I feel like I want to cry if he isn't my coul mate also. My other half says to abandon these feelings, make them go away, and stop feeling what I feel because he is so... wonderful he probably has a girlfriend already or is eyeing one, and so I am leading myself down the road of insecurity again. THat's what having a crush does to me, it destroys me. It makes me so insecure a lot of the time. And I don't feel strong anymore, I feel weak and crying on the inside because I feel like I am not good enough for him. just today at the dinner when we got back, I knocked over my plate of food 0_0 Last night Momo crashed into me and I did a backsomersault over fu's stuff and hit my butt on the metal frame of the bed. .>_< Does he really deserve someone who constantly drops and breaks stuff? A girl who was comparing her muscles to her other girl friend's muscles at lunch? (fencer and I were comparing muscles and the table he sat at was sort of staring.) A tomboy?

And another thing, I had chapped lips and I had no chapstick so fu let me use lip gloss which was this pink color that suited me (I hate pink though). I felt that this whole weekend my lips were huge. My friends said they didn't, but my bottom lip looked huge to me.. I need a therapist or something 0_0 I felt like a loser every time I smiled. I honestly don't think I look that bad, but without a mirror.. I don't want to like him because I want him to have the best, yet I am sad that there is always someone better than me. And I don't want anything to change when I see him in biology- I don't want the squeaky feeling of silence. But who knows, maybe he will be more friendly now. *shrugs* I know that if I am going to be his friend, which I intend on trying to do, I need to accept myself first. I'm starting to calm down a little better. I need to get my mind off this, lol.


Dear Rei-chan,

That's perfectly fine. We understand and there's no offense taken.

Well, why not at least be his friend? It may lead to better things and if not you'll still have a good friend. Besides, you're still young and you shouldn't be worrying about finding your soulmate. Be friends and enjoy the friendship. When the time is right your soulmate and you will find each other. *Gives her a hug.*


Dear Chichiri,

It was pretty interesting. At the retreat, we had things called "affirmations" that you write something nice about someone and put it in their little bag. Momo-chan stuffed in 6 notes. all of them were pictures of me in a clumsy moment (1 cartoon of me spitting out soda, which happened many times, me spitting up an orange, which also happened) and the rest were quotes from Napoelon Dynamite. She drew a picture of a guy throwing steak at another guy on the bike. Lol. It's a good movie, you should see it. Very funny ^_^ The retreat was very nice. Most of it was nice, but a lot of times I felt like I was worthless for some reason. It's funny, we had talks about self image and I skipped it to get medicine for my headache when it is my worst area. The thing is, I hung around with a lot of girls and 0 guys. In fact, I am sort of in trouble at the moment. DEEP TROUBLE. If you want to know more details, read Nuriko's letter, lol. But anyway, there was this game where guys vs girls; we are all in a circle starting with 3 guys in the middle and 3 girls. THey all have to get someone of the opposite sex to get up and they have to take their seat. So each guy finds a girl and takes ehr seat, then that girl finds a guy and takes his seat, and so on... I kind of felt selfishly... left out. Even my friends who know no guys were picked up but no guy picked me. The only guy taht did was a staff member who is really funny. Otherwise, I was basically not part of it although it was soooo funny to watch. Maybe I am being too sensitive.


Dear Rei-chan,

I'm sorry you weren't picked, but it sounds like you had a good time anyway, no da.


Dear Tasuki,

0kay you are the best Character in the world and I'm not just saying that cause I like ya. Why don't you like girls? I'm a girl and I don't cause any trouble to any boy. Oh maybee it's because of your sisters... I understand how ya feel. I'm always picked on by my bros and I have 3...

Maybe we can go out sometime and drink sake... my mom says the stuff tastes awful but I actually love it. no wonder why you drink it all the time *smiles* Hey since I have no guy friends do you wanna be my friend? It's worth a try and i wont get ya into trouble... I only tried sake once at a party with my friend Khiara.. oh and she says hello. She wants to beat up tamahome really bad... but he keeps on running from her... that scardy cat. tease him fer us okay?


P.S: Say hi to Chichiri too for me please... *beggs* Hey an I love yer hair... it's so kawaii! ^-^

Dear Kyoko-chan,

Thanks! Sure I'll be yer friend! I'll tell Chichiri ya' said hi.


Dear Tamahome,

His sister moved away somewhere. And she still has one of my Love Hina books. I want it back, dang it. +__+ Well, what do I do now, Tama-chan? ::poutpout::


Dear FuruChan,

Why not talk to him and find out how to get in touch with her so you can get your book back?


Dear Tasuki,

Oh, sure! It's here: http://www.angelfire.com/anime6/miyaharafuru I am so bored right now that I'm gonna die. I'm also hungry. I was gonna refuse to eat today but mom is making one of my favorite food stuffs. Cr*p...


Dear FuruChan,

Nice site! Ain't it kinda lame to not eat if yer hungry?


Dear Nuriko,

I like keeping my hair short cuz when it was long, it always got in my face and always got tangles n stuff. I just want it cut. Meh... I probably won't Cuz mom's mad at me... again. You got any food?


Dear FuruChan,

I have some chocolate. Want some?


Dear Tasuki,

I want to know If you ever had any real feelings that day you where with Miaka at the bandits lair when you tried to kiss her. My friends and I have been debating so we just want to know. Okay thanks Tasuki!


Dear Kyoko,

No. I was jus' tryin' to scare 'er.


Dear Hotohori,

*sits down infront of him and pours him some* do you want anything in it? sugar, milk, honey? oh and I made cookies...*puts them out on a nice little plate and pours herself some tea*


Dear Aishizu,

If it is ocha (green tea) plain is fine. If it is kocha (black tea) some milk and honey would be wonderful. Arigao, the cookies are delicious.


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

Hi, I'm wondering if u could tell me how to download comic series from the online? I heard of downloading the comic series from internet but i don't know how it was done. So can u please let me know? I am interested in Samurai Deeper Kyo, Vandread, Hunter x hunter, Death Note, MAR, and also Naruto. Thanks.


Dear Wildrose,

If you mean anime there are various methods but I do not use any of them. I believe that the most popular method is called bit torrent. Try doing a search on Google.com for it.


Dear Tasuki,

hey Tasuki. here's some advice... never eat mac and cheese with a side of apples... it gives you a stomach ache... buh...


Dear Faye,

Don't worry, I won't! Feel better!


Dear Tasuki,

Tasuki-kun *glomps* i havnt talked to ya in a while... i didnt froget 'bout ya i prommise! uhh i so sleepy *grabs a can of coke a cola* Yum this stuff makes me hyper lol just kidden. wel- *falls over sleeping* in her hand you notice a small bottle of sake that has a ribbon tied around it saying To: Tasuki From: Mika <3


Dear Mika,

*Grins* Arigato! How ya' been?


Dear Nuriko,

Why oh why did you ever cut your beautiful hair!?! I almost cried!!


Dear Emi,

Gomen, but I wanted to look more masculine.


Dear Chichiri,

Hey! Heeeeeyyy~! Oni-saaaaan! -glomps- Look! Look! I got prayer beads! -shows- They're made of wood, but they're still awesome. x.x -puts on my kasa- The kasa was only around $5.15, but these prayer beads were $30.00! Lucky for me there was a half-off sale! o.o

Grey Snowolf

Dear Grey Snowolf,

That's a good price, no da!


Dear Chiriko,

Nyaa... -hugs real quick- Is there an age limit to being a published author? o.o;; ... x.x

Grey Snowolf

Dear Grey Snowolf,

None that I am aware of.


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

Well...I'm not a published author. "Not yet," as my friends tell me. It's just my friends are so into my story they tell their friends, and then they tell their friends, and so on. That's why I'm so embarresed about it.. My book isn't that great, and I've only had it for maybe two years, and I have fans that I don't even know. o.o; It's kinda' odd. I hope it never gets too big. x.x

Grey Snowolf

Dear Grey Snowolf,

If you have fans it can't be THAT bad! Msybe you can find and editor or publisher to take a look at it and critique it for you.


Dear Hotohori,

I guess your right... well thanks onii-san..your a good big brother... *looks at volume 13* you know your death is very sad but your all better now! ^^ *huggles him* want some of my tea? I made some extra...


Dear Aishizu,

*Hugs her back.* You're very welcome. Please, tea sound nice right now. *Smiles*


Dear Tasuki,

Yes, I shall do my best. I finally moved my Jounouchi site thing. Freewebs.com is pure ebil. I need to put up da gallery now so bye! ... This was a pointless message... o.o .... SHESELLSSEASHELLSBYTHESEASHORE!!! MUA HA HA HA HA!!


Dear FuruChan,

Good fer ya'! Let us know yer new site address.


Dear Nuriko,

I might get my hair cut this weekend! Yay-ness! ::dancedancedance:: I'm okies. My hair is just gettin kinda long and is bothering me. I dunno why, it just is. Ya think I should get it cut again?


Dear FuruChan,

At least get it trimmed and shaped. I guess it depends on how long you want it to grow.


Dear Tamahome,

I would have laughed at that pants thing but I was non-happy at that moment. His sister asked me out for him... I think. I dunno wtfh happened. O_o It was in Dec. before winter break started so I think that day may have been forgotten by all. I don't know. I am slow, naive indavidual. But now it ish Saturday which kinda sucks. I actually WANT to go to school! Am I weird?


Dear FuruChan,

That's ok. Well why not ask her if the offer still stands to go out with him.


Dear Nuriko,

hi hi nuriko haven't talked to u in a while eaither huh well i need help w/wut i hav to wear today to the mall should i wear these balck pants or blue jeans?? im so confused well gotta hurry an go so thanx bi


Dear chibimaru,

Jeans sound good.


Dear Chiriko,

guess eut Chiriko i got my laptop bac an its fixed no more crack in it im so happy i haven't talked to u in the longest time' i guess i jus dun hav many questions 4 u but thats not a good reason 4 not talkin to u can i hav a hug?? MaNa-ChAn is comming bac today! yay then she haz to go bac to D.C. well i hav to go now imma go to the mall w/ my big sister bi bi


Dear chibimaru,

I'm glad to hear your laptop was fixed. Sure! *Gives her a hug.* Have fun with your sister.


Dear Hotohori,

*smiles and hugs her onii-san* guess what I get to go to Suncoast today! *yay* I dont know what I should buy though! ^_^;; I guess your right I do only get to go to it once... maybe I will go.. money really wasnt an issue but that would dip into my trip to Arizona next year but I guess I can always replentish it ne? Anyway... I have a slight issue I need some brotherly advice on...


Okay there was this guy I was talking to for a long time about a year or so... and he betrayed my trust and started a BIG war between me and another friend that I knew for about 5 years now he asked for my forgiveness now do I forgive him or do I just walk away? Well I got to go to my art class we learn how to draw wolves today! see ya onii-san! *takes art supplies and poofs*


Dear Aishizu,

You can certainly forgive him but that doesn't mean you need to let him back into your life or trust him again.


Dear Tamahome,

TAMA!! *jumps on u* yay i missed u! sorry i haven't written to u in a long time! i lubb u! ha ha ha u kno wut i told my b/f ha ha ha i said that i love tamahome so much he wuz lik who is that an how come u always talk about him when i call u then i told him about u an he said oh he is kinda slow

so how r u? an how is miaka? can i hav a hug?? oh today im going to the mall imma hav so much fun ~^.^~ >.< thursday i got yelled at by a teacher cuz i wuz laughin it wuz no fun MANA-CHAN is in charlotte!! i wanna c her today!! i jus wanna live! i love this song well talk to ya l8r bi bi


Dear chibimaru,

*Gives her a hug.* Are you sure it's wise to taunt your boyfriend with me?


Dear Tamahome,

Do you really love Miaka?


Dear aRo,

Yes I do.


Dear Chiriko,

How'd you get so smart? I wish I were as smart as you when I was your age. Then maye I coulda passed! Jodan! I notice you read a lot, what kind of books are your favorite? My name is Tori, and I write to Chichir more often than not. I'm getting married in 2 weeks! I'm so happy!


Dear Tori,

Kekkon omedetou gozaimasu! Congratulaions on your wedding! I like reference books as well as science fiction and fantasy. I know Sakura usually writes to Chichiri. I don't recall seeing many letters from you. Perhaps you used a different nom de plume. Anyway, congratulations again. I wish the two of you much happiness now and always.


Dear Chichiri,

Hello Chichiri! I'm sorry for wating so long to write again. *bow* gomenasai. Kyou wa totemo ureshii desu! Today is the rehearsal for Torikun's wedding! I am so happy because I have never been to a wedding before, have you? I hope it is beautiful like on movies! It will be so sad if giri oneesan does not enjoy marrying my brother!

Well, I have to get ready. Tori says he doesn't want to have rehearsal without his twin sister there. I am so touched he wants me to support him! And his fiancee is very beautiful and nice to me! Tori asked me to draw a picture of him and his bride tonight so I will send you a copy if that is okay! Please tell me how if you want me to! Arigatou gozaimashita! I hope my letter does not take you away from your busy schedule!


Dear Sakura,

Not at all, no da. Please give Tori-san and his beautiful bride our best. I'm sure it will be a wonderful wedding, no da.


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

Hey everyone! x.x I brought by characters from my book, Blood Raven, Selina, Vance, Ambrose and Aven. They have some questions to ask ya'. ~.^

Selina: *bows to everyone, then dashes over to Nuriko* Is it true that you really aren't female? When I first saw Fushigi Yuugi, I was so shocked! o.o;

Ambrose: Heh... baka. I could tell the moment I looked at the guy..

Aven: *quickly bops Ambrose then pops over to Chichiri, because he can do that.. o.o;* Guess what..? When I was in high school you were my all-time favorite anime character! We have similar pasts! And Grey-san created my past before she knew about your's. It's creeeeeepy.

Vance: *watched his three friends* Oh my... *goes over to Tamahome* I am also the main male character in my story... I've always wished I could have been less important... knowing I have so many fan girls tends to embarress me...

Aie... Vance... you don't have that many...

Ambrose: *slaps Grey on the back uber-hard* Oh, don't be so modest, Grey-san! You are popular in both the main highschools in this town!

N-No I don't!! *blushes* I can't be that popular! It's only a book...

Selina: *blinks* Well, anyway. Grey-san's book is actually popular among alot of freshman in two highschools.. I'm very proud of her!

*blushes even more* Ehhh... ehh.. ehh..?

Vance: I think we should just end this before Grey-san goes into embarresment spasams. x.x *drags them all away*

Grey Snowolf (and Aven, Vance, Ambrose, and Selina)

Dear Grey Snowolf (and Aven, Vance, Ambrose, and Selina),

Wow! So you're a published author! How cool! Your characters are very interesting. It's very nice to meet them all.

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Tasuki,

Hey aniki! Today was rough, but I'm still standin' so it wasn' as bad as it coulda been! You're sure lucky you can escape yer family. M'sisters vacated the house a week ago, and I'll never complain about silence again! That was the scariest christmas ever! *hug* ... so frightening... and happy... too happy... *FEAR*


Dear banditgirl,

Glad to hear ya' made it through th' day ok.


Dear Chichiri,

I might sound harsh, but I believe that was a waste of prayer 0_0 you are really right.. there are so many more important things to worry about rather than a sale at walmart, geeze. Well, I leave tomorrow morning. Today I saw Napoleon Dynamite as Momo's house. When her mom was driving me home, she told me that at the retreat we should make new friends. When we go to class and stuff for church, momo, fencer (who doesn't want to recieve in communion because she feels she doesn't believe what the bible tells us) the three of us (and sometimes fencer's twin fu-chan ^_^ who sometimes comes and is coming on the retreat) sit by ourselves in the front at one table, while other tables are over crowded with teenagers. I don't want to talk to them really because I can feel that I am the type of person that they would not want to be friends with. A lot of people from my bio class are there. I can feel their type.. a ton of girls there are the girly girls. I don't hate girly pinkish girls though I am a tomboy, everyone has their own style and that is what I like. But I didn't go to school with them before high school, so I am unable to talk to them. WEll, there is one guy. He is in my biology class and he is really funny. He's not the obnoxious-type funny either, my teacher even jokes around with him. But can you keep a secret? What am I kidding, of course you can! Well, his mom I have known for a long long time though I have not known him. She is a real christian, always going to mass and lectures about the Bible and all that. I knew her from when I went to CCD at the parish hall where my mom was a teacher. I remember. Once, at a park, I remember my mom was talking to her or something. Either way, I remember she was there, and I went on the playground. I think it was a baseball field or someting, but I was really young. I remember exactly that I was 9 years old. I met a boy on the playground and talked to him. He told me how old he was, and he was 10; then he asked "how old are you?" I wanted to be older so I told him I was 10. THen proceeded to pitafully emphasize it by saying "I like being 10!" as I swung on a swing. I think he was the boy I met back then, in fact I am certain because he looks like the boy I met with dark hair, and he was born in 88. And there were no other kids around except an even younger kid, maybe he was like 7. So I guess we're somewhat close but oh so far apart. I've met him before, but we will probably never meet again. (I mean, yes, I know him and he helped explain something to my lab partner and me today, but I'll probably never talk to him in the way I talk to my friends or anything) Maybe this retreat will change it.


Dear Rei-chan,

How was the movie? I'm kinf of curious to see it. I hope you have fun at your retreat, no da. Good luck with that boy!


Dear Nuriko,

Lol mE! ME~ and fencer and momo probably, along with my other friend who's a Johnny Depp fan. As Much as I would like to have one to hang over my bed, this will do for now ^_^ http://www.timburtoncollective.com/images/charlieposter.jpg

I'm making a little book called "Inspiration" or :Inspirational being: and it will be fulled with Johnny Depp quotes and pictures; whenever I need a boost in life, some advice, guidance, I will just search and find a quote. And also when I want a laugh ^_^


Dear Rei-chan,

Well, the reason I asked is CnA was given a full sized movie poster by a friend of hers and hasd no where to hang it. Other people have asked her for it but she figures that they want it to sell on eBay and won't give it a good home. She's willing to send it to you if you want it and promise to give it a good home. Let me know! Your book sounds like a great idea!


Dear Tasuki,

I miss ya! +__+ Ahem! I had a Science test today. Personally, I don't think it's that fair though. I was out two days and I didn't get any of the notes or study sheets. She gave us a chance to work on it after school but I can't do that. ::sighs:: Guess I'll just study and try not to miss school next week, huh?


Dear FuruChan,

Sounds like a plan to me! Ganbatte kudasai!


Dear Tamahome,

Yeeaah... I didn't ignore him. Cuz I can't stay mad too long and I had a chance to do somethin' funny that I couldn't resist! ^^; Annnd... in class I said I felt very light-headed and he asked me if I was okay. So yey, I guess. O.o I forgot to mention that yesterday he gave me a note that said "I have a party in my pants". O__o; That was just weird. Bai Bai!


Dear FuruChan,

*Sweatdrops* I think he likes, but just be careful.


Dear Hotohori,

really? thank you! *hugs her onii-san* that made my day! ^_^;; I got off today and I'll be off from school until about next Tuesday so I'm catching up on some much needed sleep! =.= I know your married onii-san I was teasing you! ^_^ But it added some comic relief to the series though... >> that and the way you stared all so seriously into the mirror for about 5 minutes and said "I'm so beautiful it scares me" I found that to be the most humorous thing... but then again I guess it was true! ^_^; Thanks for the congrats! I'm still debating on whether or not to go to the prom... see it seems that I want to go but it seems so expensive! -_-;; Oh well I'm going to catch up on some much needed sleep see ya in a bit onii-san! *hugs and yawns*


Dear Aishizu,

You're welcome. *Smiles* I'm glad I was able to amuse you. If you can afford it you should go. You only get one High School Prom and Graduation in your life.


Dear Nuriko,

H*LL YEAH!!! lmao I love the trailer. I'm even willing to tempy fate and go see it as soon as it comes out. 0_0 must see...

Yes, I am quite the fan. What can I say? he is one of the most inspiring, brilliant, and genuine individuals I have ever watched. It's funny that underneath all the fame, he is just a normal person too with children. He's a great dad you know, want to know a cute quote?

"I'm floating... I've never, ever in my life - I haven't lived before that day. I was not alive. I existed. I imagine that I drew breath and exhaled and all that stuff, but I don't have any particularly fond memories of it. I mean, I don't think I took a real breath until my daughter was born."

AWWWW ^_^ Now that is a father, ne? I'm sure that is what all parents (or at least most that were wanting to have a child in the first place) probably felt with their first child. But I also really like this one also: "I do have an affinity for damaged people, in life, in roles. I don.t know why. We.re all damaged in our own way. Nobody.s perfect. I think we are all somewhat screwy, every single one of us."

now how true is that?!? Totally. Completely. In a ton of his roles, he is a guy that has issues.. (ichabod (memories of mum), jack sparrow (mutiny), the detective (from hell: his wife), edward (the inventor and memories), Crybaby walker (parents) The duke (from the libertine: ain't he that alocohol obsessed dude that dies? I dunno).. and more. But it is true, we all have something. I am clumsy with wackiness, my friend is a tough tomboy, my other friend (momo) is a boy-crazy girly dreamer, my older brother is like a silent sarcasm creepy guy, my oldest brother is technology obsessed, you are a wacky beautiful guy (as is Hotohori-sama, except the 'wacky' part) Chichiri is a cheerful monk with a mask with a serious scar underneath, Mits is a strong sort of silent health guy (lol bad description), Miaka is food obsessed, tamahome is okane obsessed, Tasuki is a brawling bandit just drooling for excitement, chiriko is a 13yr old genius, Hotohori-sama is a romance dreamer (lol) and is also a rather pretty man. Face it. There is no normal, lol.


Dear Rei-chan,

He is interesting to watch, isn't he? By the way, know anyone that would like a poster of him from "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory"?


Dear Tasuki,

hey, thats great... i could help if ya want..


Dear Basha,

Sure if ya' wanna.


Dear Chichiri,

Thanks!! I swear I am going to need any luck I can get. I wish I could make homemade chocolate for valentine's day to give to my friends. Or at least get the bittersweet stuff that you make, cut, cook, mold.. you know. Like in Emeril live ^_^ I'm going on a religious retreat this weekend. I'm Christian and this year I am supposed to be getting confirmation. Fencer told me that her parents went when they were young or something and people at that place prayed for a good sale at walmart for a fridge 0_0 I'm scared...


Dear Rei-chan,

Have fun on your retreat. Perhaps praying for world peace would be a better choice than a fidge sale at Wal-Mart, no ds.


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