Letters Archive
Week Ending December 31, 2004

Dear Suzaku Seishi,

What does the suzaku scroll look like is it possible for me to see it or just a picture


Dear Ashley,

It is a red scroll that is tied in the middle. I'm sure there are pictures of it in the manga.


Dear Tasuki,

now why would i go all crazied?(messes with yar hair) there now thats not fan like, but friend like (smiles) Happy New Years


Dear Basha,

*Grins* Happy New Year to ya' too!


Dear Chichiri,

cheater!!(sighs)lets try this (pours ice cream down his shirt) it might be cold but i got ya(evil smirk)


Dear Basha,

Ice cream? That's sticky and messy, no da!


Dear Chichiri,

ha! (runs after him again with yet another snowball but trips and falls on him)oh um i-i'm sorry (blushes majorly)


Dear kikio,

*Laughs* That's ok, no da. Are you ok?


Dear Chiriko,

Aww...but I think you fit Fluffy very well.. -takes out your hair and ruffles it- Now you ARE the fluffy.. -grins from ear to ear- Anyway..see ya'...Fluffy.

Grey Snowolf

Dear Grey Snowolf,

*Blushes* Ano... ok if you say.


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

*bows to all the seishi* Okay I come bearing gifts because my computer will be disconnected after today so... yes you all get your own set of x-mas cookies! ^_^;; I made them just for you guys!

Tamahome: *hands him a pouch of silver Ryo* For you and for Miaka-sama *homemade christmas cookies and some for you too* make sure you get some... too okay?

Nuriko: Well I cant exactly give you Hotohori so how would this be? *hands him a Hotohori plushie and some homemade x-mas cookies* take care of that plushie! ^_^

Chichiri: *hands him a box of fishing stuff and Cookies* it has all diffrent kinds of lures and things... I didnt know if you fly fished or not so a rod was out of the question ^_^;;

Tasuki: *hands him a bottle of wine and some sake and cookies* It may be best to save the wine till new years but if you want to drink it beforehand you can!

Hotohori: yes I know I gave you that kimono but that was only the first part of your present! *silk cape made by the greatest of knitters in the kingdom, the cape being a vibrant and beautiful red, harmless and elegant to appearance, but enchanted to make it as tough as the scales of the deadliest of dragons and of course cookies to share with him and Boushin...oh and Houki* make sure you let them know their for them too!

Mitsukake: *reaches in her bag and pulls out cat toys and catnip and a box and cookies* Okay Tama-neko gets the toys *obviously* and in this box contains some herbs I've aquired on my journey they work great for healing and some diseases.

Chiriko: *peers in her bag and takes out a tied up package containing very old books about government officials and cookies* okay now these books I got whilst traveling I dont know what's in them but I'm sure someone with your knowledge can figure it out! ^_^

*counts off making sure she didnt miss anyone* Okay now I think that's everyone...

Sorry Hotohori but I thought WAY too much on yours but I am a drifter you never know what I aquire along the way! ^_^;;

*hugs all the Seishi* I wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year see you guys in 2005! *the year I graduate yay!!*


Dear Aishizu,

*They all hug her back.* Arigato for our wonderful gifts!

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Tasuki,

hey what Eijiroo said, well what do ya think? (picks up snowball) why can't i throw this at ya (grins)


Dear Basha,

I think it's pretty cool long as ya' don't go all crazed on me.


Dear Chichiri,

HEY YAR NOT SUPPOSED TO DO THAT!! (throws another one at him)hah!


Dear Basha,

*Laughs and ducks*


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

okay you guys need to see this... this is what your.. foe's wanted to be if they were Suzaku Seishi...

Nakago: Hotohori, for both his skill with a sword and his political power.

Soi: Nuriko; I always wanted to be stronger...

Amiboshi: Mitsukake, for the healing powers.

Suboshi: Tasuki--I'd love to have that fan!

Miboshi: Subaru, for the time magic.

Ashitare: Chiriko, for his intelligence.

Tomo: Chichiri, for his amazing magic, specifically the teleportation, useful for sneaking around...

Aishizu's Comments: Hotohori I feel bad for you... the man that killed you wants to be you... I found THAT a bit strange... And Tasuki seems to have an admirer of the tessen! ^_^;; I would have though Suboshi would have wanted to be Tamahome after the through butt kicking he gave him time after time but... eh... what do I know! ^_^;;


Dear Aishizu,

Hotohori: I am honored that my enemy so admired me.

Nuriko: And prettier too!

Mitsukake: It is fitting considering his kind nature.

Tasuki: Psycho yo-yo boy ain't gettin' his hands on my tessen!

Tamahome: Ano... Subaru isn't a Suzaku Seishi.

Chiriko: That is probably a good choice.

Chichiri: *Sweatdrops* Sneaking, no da? Kowaii!.

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Tamahome,

Would you like to consider me as the REAL Miaka?

Miaka Yuuki

Dear Miaka Yuuki,

I already have the real Miaka, but thanks for the offer.


Dear Tasuki,

IM BACK!! MEBAH ME!!?? I hope ya do casue im gonna be goin er fer a while ya know!! I MISSED YOU!! ::tackles and snuggles:: puuurrrrr... me-ow!

Nya-Chan ~_^

Dear Nya-Chan,

Yeah we missed ya' too. How ya' been?


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

i need a seperate answer from all of you!! Do you think im sexy!?


Dear Nya-Chan,

We've never seen you so we can't answer. Besides, we don't tend to think of our fans that way.

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Tamahome,

Here is my 2 gold ryou! ::ruffles through pocket but can only find 5 silver ryou:: ahem... here you go! well i have a Q!! WHo do you like more? Nuriko or you?


Dear Nya-Chan,

Thanks. That's an odd question! Me of course.


Dear Nuriko,

Nuriko I don't think there is anything I can do about ya wanting Hotohori for Christmas, but I wish ya the best of luck... um... want a minute! Aren't ya suppose to be straight Nuriko?


Dear Alexandria,

Yes but look at how gorgeous he is!


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

Heeeeello! Merry Christmas!(hands each of them candy canes) I'm poor right now... Just went shopping for family and friends. Half the stuff I wanted to get was sold out! Well, guess that's what I get for shopping late! I did manage to get them the stuff they wanted though. I got Mika this really cool Linkin Park wallet and I got Akira- chan a Miroku plush. It's really cute!


Dear Ayame(NIC),

Arigato for thinking of us!

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Tasuki,

I'm good. M'sisters are all visiting fer the holidays. It's a mad house right now! I'm sure glad I got m' own computer in my room. I didn't think you'd remember me. I sure am happy that y' do. Here's an early Christmas present *hands you sake and homemade gingerbread* Yeah, I bake. Gotta problem with that!? Be sure t' share the cookies. The sake is yours, so do with it as you please. Not like ya needed my permission er anythin' like that. Didja know the seiryuu site I usually chat at is gone? That's so lame! Anyway, I gotta go now before Lisa barges in here. Does yer family visit ya on christmas?


Dear banditgirl,

Thanks fer th' sake an' cookies. I know but they have lives too, ya' know. They do if they can find me! *Grins*


Dear Tasuki,

Lol heck yeah!!! What is your favorite movie?


Dear Rei-chan,

Hero wit' Jet Li. *Grins* Bet ya' thought it'd be "Firestarter"!


Dear Nuriko,

Lol i am. I went to gym for the first time is a couple of weeks again, and the crunches STILL hurt and I only did like 20. I had to do a lot of get the burn before... but we played volleyball. ACtually, it was cool at first but then some girls on my team (girls played one game, boys played another one)started getting way too into it. One girl kept screaming "I GOT IT!! I Got IT!!" and diving like mad. The other girl, also kept screaming and stuff and putting the freshman girls down, and started running all around our side getting the ball. Like to a point where she jumped in front of people, who could have easily gotten the ball, and hit it herself. She jmped behind me and I was gonna get it but she came up from no where and got it. IN fact in the beginning, I saw no one was gonna his the one ball so I dashed and hit it but I accidently ran into the girl. It felt like hitting a brick wall with my other knee! (Which still hurts 2 days later, lol)I even think I suffered more damage than she did.


Dear Rei-chan,

I'm glad you are healing but please try to be more careful!


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

Hello *waves* I suppose this will be my "Holiday Letter" Let me just say first that I hope you all have a happy holiday no matter what day you celebrate it ^_^! Now, onto the presents, yes, I'd like to give presents, hoping they are suiting for each of you... And, I have SMALL questions to go with each present..

Tasuki: *Hands you an entire flask of Sake and a black and gold cup* Drink responsibly... It's all fun and games until someone gets hurt, and then, it's hilarious ^^/Your question is: I want to know something, in different FY mangas, your symbol changes, is there any specific reason for that?

Nuriko: *Hand you a new black and gold silk Kimono with two gold hair pins* I don't know if this is you shade persay, but, I hope you like it! If you're going to be female wear it all, if you want to be male, just cut the Kimono into a fashionable shirt ^^/ Question: Can you get black nail polish out of carpet and hardwood floors?

Hotohori: Hmmm, this was a toughy... *Strains to pull out a large full lenght mirror* It's to add on to your collection.. And *Hands you a silver plated brush* Since you always have to shine and sparkle../ Question: Is there a difference between a mace and a flail? I've heard them referred to as the same thing, and then as totally different things

Tamahome: What else IS there to get you except COLD HARD CASH...*Gives Tamahome 500 gold ryou and 100 dollars from my world* I don't know if American money transfers in Konan, but, it's a pretty piece of memoralbilia/ Question: What do you DO with all the money you save up?

Mitsukake: Well, you're a bit of a tough case, there's so much, and so little to get... *Hands you fresh herbs and a porcelin mortal and pestle to mix the herbs in* I always find SOMETHING/ Question: Is it normal if coffee makes you tired?

Chichiri: *Hands you a red ribbon* Yes, this may seem odd, but, this is no ordinary ribbon NO SIR! Cast one of your spells on this, and it can strenghten your magic if you tie it to your staff... And don't forget *Hands you a new hat* This one can't be as magical as yours, but, it's nice for those vacations where you don't take your staff along ^_^/ Question: Is there a difference between a person's Aura and a person's Chi?

Chiriko: What else is there to give a intellectual? *Hands Chiriko a collection of books* These include stories and historical text... AND *Hands you a quilled pen with ink and starch paper* To document your notes and findings!/ Question: Is there anything you DON'T know about?

~I hope you enjoy your presents! And, I'll give you all a HUG *hugs them all* Have a great holiday any way you celebrate it and I'll see yall around!~


P.S. Thank you for answering all of my questions! *Poofs in some random colored smoke -place preffered color here-*

Dear Ariyah,

Tasuki: Thanks fer th' sake an' cool cup! I dunno, mebbe it changes accordin' to my mood.

Nuriko: Arigato! They're lovely! Not easily and it will probably damage them. You would need some acetone or nail polish remover and some rags. Make sure the space is well ventilated!

Hotohori: Arigato! *Admires himself...* There is a difference. Maces are a pointy ball on a stick and flails are the same pointy balls but attached to the stick by a chain. This may help a bit:http://www.kultofathena.com/maces.htm

Tamahome: Arigato for the okane! I use it to take care of Miaka.

Mitsukake: Arigato for the presents. It is a bit odd. It is a stimulant; perhaps you are already a bit hyperactive?

Chichiri: Arigato, no da! Chi is your life force and your aura is a manifestation of that force.

Chiriko: Thank you! I'm sure there is, but that's what learning is all about.

We hope you had a very Merry Christmas and that you'll have a very Happy New Year!

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Chichiri,

Aww really? Thankies ^^ WEll it is true ya know... so much dirt and it is all for the sake of money. You might wanna read this: http://members.aol.com/mjnfc/pageone.html

I know it probably doesn't interest you much, and you don't have to read it. IN fact, it might not even be true (even though some people were interviewed like some guy named Michael Freeman) I wish I could write a paper on this whole thing for extra history credit X_X I am still at a B-. But what's it got to do with history really. . . I can't choose sides though. I'm not even a Michael Jackson fan. I like 2 songs and that is it! And they are both from the Wiz, so he even really had help. He could very well be guilty, but there are now so many things that occur to me that have yet to be explained. But I can't say not guilty, no matter how much my mind tries to point to that. I'd hate to think that page were a lie, but it could be, couldn't it^^It is awfully fishy though. Anyway, we had a debate today in english. We were arguing whether catcher in the rye should be banned from school. I honestly believe that it shouldn't, but I wanted t see what people that want it to be banned see, so I argued on the side that said it should. We eventually lost that one, lol. It was fun however.


Dear Rei-chan,

I skimmed it but didn't read it, gomen. As to his guilt or innocence, that will be for a jury to decide, no da. Just remember, you can't believe everything you read, no da.


Dear Hotohori,

*both have found all the boxes and have pretty much covered decorating the whole palace*

Boushin: It looks great! *smiles happily*

yeah now for a surprise!

Houki: what kind of surprise?

*takes out gloves and hands each of them a pair yes Hotohori this includes you*

Bousin: what do I do with these things?

put them on and all three of you follow me! *walks outside to reveal snow falling gracefully due to her spell* now I know we almost never see snow in Konan but I wanted to make this special so I casted a spell thats going to let all of you have a white Christmas... hope you all have fun!

Houki: Thank you it's beautiful!

Boushin: *looks at it and picks some of it up* wow this is cool!


Dear Aishizu,

Arigato for your wonderful gift!


Dear Tasuki,

Hi, Byee i am leaving top go to TN, were my mom lives, i will be back Jan 2, i hope you guys have funn and i will be on a plane by the time you abswer it so i will have to read it when i get back! I will miss you all, *hugs Tauski* Bye! *turns around and gets on a big plane for a one way flight*


Dear MIka,

Have a safe an' fun trip! Merry Christmas an' Happy New Year!


Dear Tasuki,

*slaps forehead* you broke it... you've killed it...

Kouji: kill what? I didn't kill anything! *looks away nervously*

no thats not what I'm saying, you've killed the christmas tradition. cause that green thing Tasuki just threw away was a mistletoe.

Kouji: mistletoe?!

*nods* everytime a couple or any other two people stand under the mistletoe, they have to kiss.

Kouji: *spits out sake* what the h*ll did you just say?!

you heard me, *wipes away sake from arm* and watch where you spit next time please *looks up again* oh hey, theres another mistletoe above you guys again.

Kouji: *looks up at it too* oy tasuki my man! got your tessen? if so, BURN THAT D*MN THING!!

Stargirl and Kouji

Dear Stargirl and Kouji,

*Burns mistletoe…*


Dear Hotohori,

Hello! How are you? I presume you are in the High festive spirit that all of us find ourselves in! Well... I sang in my college choir! I got to lead the choir and all of them told me I did good! I feel very happy! I got my Internet priveleges lost and hmmm... On the whole these two weeks have been really REALLY Bad. But that will not stop me from cheering! I LOVE GOD! I mean when you find that there is someone who is up there, who does not even have any responsibility towards us but still does care for us, it's amazing.

So, Heika! I so very wanna spend christmas with you and Houki and Boushin! I used to feel it'd be better if I had a girl for a baby... but now, Boushin's making me change my mind! ^__^.

Okie Heika-Boy! (gosh! I wonder how you'd react if some one called you that over there...) Your song was really nice! Too bad you're not the emperor of my country! *imagines Hori in Indian Royalty attire* but since you'd be from the ancient Indian History... you'd have to wear dhoti and stuff! I think you'd look good in Mughal dresses.

Hmmm... I have another question to ask you, (or was that my first... whatever!)

Suppose the priestess of Seiryu was about to suddenly exercise power and decapitate their useless slum-bag of an emperor and instill herself as their Empress and then approach you for peace-talks, in a friendly way... and she asks you for help to rebuild her nation, would you help her? or would you rather fortefy your own country and prevent any other meeting between the two of you? (mind you, Khutou is really poor underneath. <=( I feel sad for the people of Khutou!)

They get dragged into a confrontation they have no interest in! Their emperor was supposed to be really cruel and it is said that he taxed his poor peasants who were already suffering from a poor harvest with the burdens of levis and taxes, so that (prepare yourself) he could build beautiful summer palaces for his concubines! YUCK!!

Hmm... Mayhap they really need your help.

Yours in favour,

Anarya of Lorien - Song maiden of the Lady of the Golden Woods (Anya to you!):)

Dear Anya,

I'm glad you're in such good spirits and were able to sing in your choir. That would be nice but we can't visit each other's worlds. However, I do wish you a very Merry Christmas too.


Dear Nuriko,

Would you, uh, restrain Tasuki so he doesn't go beating Athrun up? ^_^; Really, it's quite, ah, touching he is so attached to his fangirls but... I'd really hate to see Tasuki get stepped on by a gundam.


Dear One-chan,

*Thinks about Tasuki getting stepped on by a Gundam and grins…* That might be amusing… but for you I'll stop him.


Dear Tasuki,

Aiiieee! I missed you! *glomps* Mel-Mel gave me the plushie she made! *holds up an adorable Chibi Tasuki plush toy* See! It's you! The only problem is his pants fall off... *tugs at them lightly and shows him* See? But it's only felt so, it's not obscene or anything. *puts his pants back on* Some people think it looks like a voodoo doll, but your pants didn't fall off when it happened so, I dunno *shrugs a little* Anyhow, I've gotten hooked on a new RP forum... gaiaonline.com. Check it out!

Happy Bon Bon

Dear Happy Bon Bon,

That's interestin'! *Sweatdrops at being a pantless voodoo doll…*


Dear Tasuki,

well, I'm glad you remember it... weeee... rrr... I'm grounded from IM... now I can't talk to my not boyfriend... rrr... >_<


Dear Faye,

What did ya' do?


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

as always, MERRY CHRISTMAS!! oh... wait... *runs off and returns in a Santa suit* HOHOHO!!! have you all been good this year?? Well, here's your presents!!

Tamahome- money... and food for Miaka

Hotohori- A picture of yourself

Nuriko-A bag of pretty jeweled hair pins

Chichiri- shiney new fishing lures...

Tasuki- Sake... and uh... more sake... and... give this sake to Kouji.

Mitsukake- Candy Cane flavored tea... it exists I promise...

Chiriko- Book on ancient mythology... ya know... from countries other than China...

Hooray!! hope you like the presents, and merry christma-GOD D*MNIT KITTY!! GET YOUR CLAWS OUTTA MY LEG!! OWOWOWWW!!! *tear*


Dear Faye,

Arigato for the wonderful gifts! *Gives Tama-neko some catnip to get him off of her leg.*

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Chiriko,

Nyaa! Hiya, Fluffy! (That is my offical nickname for you..) -hugs- I just got finished wrapping presents for my mom and felt like talkin' to ya'. ^-^ Guess what? I'm makin' an Roleplaying Guild. The whole storyline is based off a dream I had a few days ago. It was strange. Well anyway, it's called Children of the Empire, or CotE. I already have two members! Yatta! I'm still *im*patiently awaiting the arrival of my Genbu Kaiden.. but it should take a while to get here.. -sob-

Grey Snowolf

Dear Grey Snowolf,

"Fluffy"? I'd think that would be better suited for Inuyasha or his brother Sesshoumaru. Good for you! Have fun!


Dear Chiriko,

hahah... tnx for the help. it wasn't hard writing it but since i do not know how to pronounce it, i couldn't write it. ::hugs:: merry xmas!


Dear Xin,

You're very welcome.


Dear Tasuki,

I'm fine, thank you! How about yourself? I hope you've been taking care of your tessen. I've heard a pack of girls are trying to steal it! I know a good place we could hide it. It a place where no one would dare look! ^.~ (No, I'm not meaning it in a hentai way) Well, I gotta get off and go take care of my neices and my nephew. I'm now living in the same house as them. (If you don't get it, ask onii-chan. Love ya like a (Kind)sis!

Priestess of Suzaku

Dear Priestess of Suzaku,

I'm doin' fine, glad to hear ya' are too! Thanks fer th' warnin'!


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

Hello minna! I missed you all! How have you been doing? I've got your Christmas presents right here! I hope you don't mind me giving them to you early. I'm not going to have internet access on Christmas eve. Anyways, here they are:

Tamahome: 1000 gold ryou! ^__^

Hotohori: A gold plated sword with a red hilt and gold pheonixes sewn into it. ^.~

Nuriko: Hmm... you were particularly difficult. I bought you a pair of gold hoops with a purple jewel on it. You can wear one or both of them. It depends on which you feel like at the moment( male/female) ^.~

Tasuki: LOTS of sake. And a dessert from my time called a cheesecake I made myself.

Chichiri: You were hard to. I got you a new staff! It's like the one you had, only it's newer and shiner and has more power! XD

Mitsukake: I got you more herbs and a special healing jewel that'll heal a person no matter what. The only exception is, it can't bring back dead people. Sorry. -.-

And last, but certainly not least, Chiriko: I've bought you some books from my time! They have the knowledge of many places and countries you've never even heard of in them! Have fun! ^^

Also, you all get ton and tons of chocolate from me because I love you guys! Anyways, I hope you like your gifts and Merry Christmas! May the power, love and blessings of Suzaku be with you all.

Priestess of Suzaku

Dear Priestess of Suzaku,

Arigato for all the wonderful presents!*They all give her a hug.* Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Chichiri,

(laughs) hey!! (teleports onto his shoulder and shoves one in his face)n-n (teleports behind snowfort)


Dear kikio,

*Looks surprised...* DA!


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

OMEDETOU KRISUMASU MINNA!! *gives a round of hugs and candy canes to all* *now asks everyone a round of questions.. whilst standing under mistle toe*

Chichiri: I know Hoshi means star... and my friend is named Hoshi.. yet i have seen it in Inu yasha... Sango calls Miroku "Hoshi-sama" and i totaly forget what hoshi means in that context... do you know? of course you know! You're Chichiri... Why wouldn't you know! *gives him a kiss on the cheek*

Chiriko: finals are over! yay! i can finally relax! but.. but T_T... i failed a class.. waaaahh.. i shoulda tried harder... that.. or i shoulda had you do my homework >_>;;;;; heh heh... ^^;;; just kidding... *gives you a kiss on the cheek*

Tamahome: after re-reading FY... i used to think tasuki was the bishi for me.. but..*glomps* it is you... will you be my christmas present? *gives puppy dog eyes* it's just.. that.you are soooo cute.. and the things you say are.. *swoon*... i wish i had a boyfriend like you *gives you a kiss on the cheek*

Hotohori: i bought you a SPECIAL christmas present.. with me being princess and all.. and access to my fathers money... i bought you your OWN house of mirrors! *gives him the scissors to cut the ribbon to his house... then gives him the key* i hope you don't spend TOO much time in there to the point your subjects wonder where you are! ^_^ *gives him a kiss on the cheek*

Tasuki: You are the alcohol expert... tell me... why doesn't alcohol freeze? my mom keeps her vodka in the freezer for her martini's.. next to it was a water bottle.. the water bottle froze.. but NOT the vodka o.O;;; why? *gives him a kiss on the cheek*

Mitsukake: Is chocolate really GOOD for the body like doctors say? i mean.. if you eat it in moderation that is.. i have heard that it does the body good with all it's love chemicals and things... *gives you a kiss on the cheek*

Nuriko: i couldn't forget you my grape haired friend! *hugs* a present for you.. i found this crawling thing in my moms closet *pulls out a brown lookin thing* oh wait.. it's a wig... *gives you her mom's brown wig.. that she SWORE she saw moving in her moms closet once*.. what can i do about static cling? (besides sticking fabric sheets in the dryer and things... because i ALWAYS forget to do that) i think it gets so bad at times.. that the natural loose hairs that fall out of my head.. they stick to my shirt.. and hairs sticking to my shirt like that is one of my pet peves... it drives me nuts... plus with it being winter.. and my skin dry and things... static shock on shirts, wool blankets and door knobs is INSANE! *gives you a kiss on the cheek*

Princess Riako

Dear Princess Riako,

Merry Christmas! Here are your answers:

Chichiri: It is a Buddhist priest, no da.
Chiriko: Good luck with the rest of your studying.
Tamahome: *blushes and grins* Arigato for your kind words. I wish I could go to your world.
Hotohori: *Smiles* Arigato for your wonderful present.
Tasuki: Th' easy answer to yer question is because alcohol's freezing point is -117 degrees an' water's freezing point is 0 degrees. Yer refrigerator doesn't get cold enough to freeze alcohol. At least that's what Chiriko tells me.
Mitsukake: It does have some iron in it and it does make you feel better. But too much of anything is bad for you.
Nuriko: I think there is a spray you can use to get rid of static cling.

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Hotohori,

*smiles and nods* hai your highness! *looks around and sees how many boxes there are* um... do you know where they are perhaps? It's quite spacious in here... they could be anywhere...

Boushin: *looks and sees one* Hey I found one! *pushes it over to Aishizu*

*looks at it* I certaintly hope there isnt just one in here...


Dear Aishizu,

There are many such boxes in here. Feel free to explore and open them.


Dear Tasuki,

Yeah, but I dont know if they'll have it anymore cause I havent been in that store since november. But they did have another one there that was only ten dollars more. I still need to get a good look at the blade, cause I dont know what a blade to a cane sword looks like. Got a website that could show me?


Dear FireGoddess90,

Not really, have ya' tried lookin' fer it on Google? Here's th' page I got fer ya': http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=cane+swords.


Dear Tasuki,

Aniki!! It's been a while, ne?


Dear banditgirl,

Hai! How ya' been?


Dear Chichiri,

Hello Chichiri *bow*, It has been far too long since we talked. I'm sorry for not writing sooner *bow*. Tori and I have graduated high school! I now work at the mall near our home, and Tori works at the 7-11! We still live in our parents house, but are looking to move out soon. Tori and his fiancee Alisha are going to move into an apartment. They became engaged last month! Ureshii!! I'm going to have a sister-in-law! I know they are young, but also in love. I am only working part time at the mall, and taking advanced art classes, and I am alos learning to write in runes! There is no class to learn runes, but a friend in my art class taught himselg how, and he is teaching me! I am so grateful to him! I wat to visit Japan after te holidays, and my parents say it is alright if I do! I love to travel, do you? Well, I must go now. Oh yes! I am completely healed form the accident, as is Tori! Ja ne!


Dear Sakura,

Welcome back! I'm so glad to hear that you are both healed and well, no da. Please tell Tori I said congratulations on his engagement. I do like to travel, no da. I'm very glad for both of you!


Dear Tasuki,

Perhaps. Sometimes I am just so jolted up Or dazed that I don't think Lol. Well, it's been more than 1 week since I bought the wiz, and I seriously haven't gone 1 day without watching it at all. I've watched it at least once every day since I bought it. I'm ordering the soundtrack too, since I have dough left over from Christmas shopping ^^ THen I can bring the music with me, which is what I am mostly attached to, lol


Dear Rei-chan,

Guess ya' REALLY like this movie, ne?


Dear Nuriko,

I know! I'mn always out of breath lol. Partly because I am so out of darn shape, since I've been out of gym and kickboxing for like 2 weeks or more cause of my knee. But I'm going back tomorrow!! yays!! and I hopefully will get to play volleyball... It's been so darn torturing watching our class and the other one play volley ball because I see easy hits that people just stand there. Sometimes it is sophmores vs the freshman, and the sophmores look so pitaful! Lol ONce I thought about jumping and joining even though my knee hurt and I had boots on, but I held back lol. So I just sat there. Maybe we can play volleyball when we get back from vacation ^^ At japanese school, it turns out there is some type of recital in february. We are doing a picture showing or something since no one wanted to act or anything. I'm like "c'mon you party poopers!~!!" But I haven't been there for 2 weeks so of course, I didn't have much of a say lol.


Dear Rei-chan,

I'm glad you're getting better! I'm sure you'll get back into shape soon.


Dear Chichiri,

Oh yeah, I read about that, he saying that he loves being around children cause he didn't have much of a childhood. Well come on, the kid was like a singer from such a young age, then joining his brothers and stuff. I don't think I would want to be famous... so many reasons. First of all, my life is my life, and I don't think every person should know about every aspect in my life. Second, so many people print up such lies and libel, it would be hard for the public to know what is real and what is not. Third, I don't want huge obsessing fans crying if they met me just cause I'm famous. Lots of people, especially teens, cry and scream their guts out when they meet or see famous people like orlando bloom or johnny depp. They are just people too, just with tons of talent that has been noticed. That reminds me!! You know the Willy Wonka and the Chocolate factory movie coming out next year with Johnny Depp? The Trailer came out!!! You ahve to see it, OH MY GOD!



Dear Rei-chan,

I saw the trailer, it was great, no da. What you said was very wise, no da.


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

HI EVERYONE!! How's it been? I just started my Christmas break. What do you guys like the most about chirstmas and what would you like? (ask miaka for me tamahome)


P.S tasuki is there anything you would like besides sake?

Dear Alexandria,

We're all fine. We like the Christmas spirit, the spirit of giving and brotherhood.

Tamahome: Okane (Miaka wants food)
Chichiri: A new fishing pole, no da.
Tasuki: Sake an' some peace an' quiet
Mitsukake: Medicinal herbs and catnip for Tama-neko
Nuriko: Hotohori
Hotohori: *Sweatdrops* Peace and prosperity for my people
Chiriko: Books

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Tasuki,

Dear tasuki my friend realy likes you. She has a picter everywhere of you. I thank you have heard of her her name is Basha.


Dear Eijiroo,

I know who she is. So, she's a fan, eh?


Dear Nuriko,

Oopsie, I messed up the HTML thingy in the last letter I sent... :feels stupid:: Anyway, Furu keeps getting asked out... u.u ... Kinda annoying... ppl needs to leave me alone...


Dear FuruChan,

Thanks for telling us. Chiriko fixed it for you. On dates? Why is that annoying?


Dear Tasuki,

yeah I'm not hurt but snow came her *picks up snowball and looks at ya with a mean face* want to play? *Thorws it and runs into hidding* its funny until someone gets hurt than its homorious. *smiles*


Dear Basha,

Not really it ain't! I hope yer not makin' an' throwin' ice balls at people.


Dear Chichiri,

*pops inbetween ya* Ya and Kikio look like yar having fun. *picks up two snowballs* catch!! *throws at Kikio and ya*


Dear Basha,

*Ducks* You missed, no da!


Dear Tasuki,

Urd: THATS IT!! I'M FED UP WITH YOU!! *poof!*

Do I really look that small to you? *frowns* I may be a goddess in training but i'm NOT that little!

Urd: *transform into mini goddess floating up in the ceiling unnotice* i'll teach those morons a lesson that they will NEVER forget! *snaps fingers and mistletoe appears*

Kouji: yeah yaare! Look at cha! You're !@#$ing short like a little elf! *turns to Tasuki* ehh... whats an elf?!

*gasp* I'm not that little!! Tasuki! Help me out here!

Urd: *ties up mistletoe on top of TASUKI and KOUJI and drops nutcrackers on top of their heads and disappears quickly*

Kouji: >.<;; OY!! WHAT THE !@#$ WAS THAT?! *looks up* What's that green thing above us?!

O_O;;; oh dear...

Stargirl and (Sneaky little Urd)

Dear Stargirl and (Sneaky little Urd),

I dunno... *Pulls it off of them and throws it away.*


Dear Hotohori,

*walks up to him and bows respectfully* Hotohori-sama I got you a Christmas gift... actually I made it... *presents him with and elegant red kimono with a gold phoenix stiched on it* I made this for you I hope you like it! *hands it to him and turns to Boushin* as for you little highness... *hands him a jar of candy and a gold box which contains a gold sword with a silver sheathe* take care of that... it was my fathers but I am entrusting it to your care...

Boushin: *sets it down gently* Wow Arigato Gosimasu! *hugs and looks at it* Isn't it cool father?

*has one for Houki so needs to find her too*


Dear Aishizu,

Arigato for the wonderful presents.


Dear Tasuki,

How do you keep your hair so perfectly styled, even in the midst of battle?

Vidal Sassoon

Dear Vidal Sassoon,

I dunno, jus' lucky I guess.


Dear Tasuki,

*sneaks up behind you and... HUGGLES!! * Hiyya, Onii-chan! ^___^ Remember me?


Dear Amaya,

Amaya? Hmmm... did ya' go by a different name? I remember an Anya an' an Ayame...


Dear Chichiri,

can I see you in my life?

No Name

Dear Nameless,

If you watch the anime or read the manga, yes no da.


Dear Nuriko,

*comes back after her long journey*

My classes are done for the semester, I'm sorry for being gone so long itoshii. I've got all Bs if that's any help.

*cuddles a sleeping Sora*

I see things have changed since I had to go..

*curls up next to her baby to sleep*

So tired..


Dear Docsama,

Welcome back itooshi! *Gives her a hug and covers her up.* Congratulations on the great grades! I missed you!


Dear Tasuki,

If you couldn't find the lyrics, here's the song. It's for everyone else to see too.

"Maybe he's right... Maybe there IS something the matter with me. But I just don't see how a world with such a wonderful country, could be bad!"

Part Of FY

Look at these books
Aren't they neat
wouldn't ya think my collections complete
wouldn't ya think I'm the girl... who has everything
Look at this shelf
stories untold
how many ledgends can one bookshelf hold
lookin' around here ya think "sure... she's got everything" I've got pictures and posters aplenty I've got plushies and fanfics galore...
Ya want figurines? I've got twenty! But who cares? no big deal I want more...
I wanna be... where the bandits are... I wanna see... wanna see 'em stealin' walkin' around takin'... whaddya call it? oh... loot...
Flippin' the pages ya don't get too far I wanna go to Mt. Reikaku Strollin' around drinkin'... what's that word again? beer...
Up where they drink up where they brawl up where test grades don't matter at all!! wanderin' free wish I could be part of FY
What would I give if I could live out of this h*llhole
What would I pay to spend a day at the stronghold Maybe in Konan they understand that they don't force them to go to school
my love burnin'
sick of learnin'
Time to take a stand
AND ready to know what the bandits know
ask 'em my questions and get some answers
what's a tessen and why does it what's the word burn...
When's it my turn
wouldn't I love
love to explore that country above
Give me... the key...
wish I... could be...
part of... FY..


Dear Faye,

That's right! I remember this song! It's a good filk!


Dear Tamahome,

Hey This is my first time here. Whats your real name and how old are you? Well, I just heard your singing voice and I got to say i loved it. I am a really good singer to if I do say so myself. You think you'll ever grow that rat tail back? how many kids do you and Miaka want. I bet I can beat you at fighting *Looks at you rolling sleeve up ready to fight* ready go. Wait! Just kidding.


Dear Eijiroo,

My real name is Sou Kishuku and I'm 17 in the series. Arigato for your kind compliment! I'm sure I will. We haven't really talked about it but for now, one is plenty!


Dear Tasuki,

Hello my favorite bishi! I missed writing to you. I've been writing to onii-chan (Nuriko-chan). I relly miss talking to you and hope to talk to you soon and more often.

Priestess of Suzaku

Dear Priestess of Suzaku,

Hi yerself! How ya' been doin'?


Dear Chichiri,

It's snowing over here!!! (throws a snowball at him)


Dear kikio,

*Stops it in midair and redirects it at her.* Why so it is, no da! *Smiles*


Dear Chiriko,

Skuld: hey chiriko! *sits down besides him* isn't it cold here or what? From where Stargirl lives, its pretty chilly and windy! What about your weather?

Urd: *up in the ceiling in mini goddess form* Guess little miss cupid here has to spice things up! *holds up a mistetoe and grins*

Skuld: Anyway I just wanted to talk to you and thats all *blushes* Well, I was thinking, what do you want for christmas? I can probably get you something... *fiddling with hammer*

Urd: *ties up a mistletoe above them* now then, all I gotta do is make them look up and bam! A kiss on the way! *holds up two nutcrackers and drops them on both chiriko's and Skuld's head*

Skuld: >_<;; what was that?! *rubs head and looks up* *sweatdrops* chiriko... thats... a... mistletoe...

Urd: *snickers and disappears in a puff of smoke*

Skuld and (Sneaky Little Urd)

Dear Skuld and (Sneaky Little Urd),

*Blushes and sweatdrops*


Dear Tasuki,

Hey Tasuki-Sama!I'm finnaly able to get a sword! As soon as I get my christmas money. ^^ I found it for fifty percent off of twenty. Good Deal or what? (No, I'm not using it on anyone...) It's a cane sword with a pitch black holder, and the handle has a golden winged dragon wrapping around it.^^ Yippi! Oh, almost forgot *rummages through purse and pulls out a christmas card with fifty bucks*


Dear FireGoddess90,

Thanks! *Grins* Cool deal on th' sword!


Dear Chiriko,

hi...! lemme ask u sumthin', if ur name is albert, how will the japanese pronounce it? it is quite hard to write in katakana. x9


Dear Xin,

It would probably be pronounced "arubaato". It wouldn't be that hard to write it in katakana.


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

Merry Christmas to you all! *Hug's everyone, including Tamahome* I'm going away, I get to spend a week at the college of my choice and see what it's like there, it's gonna be a blast. Tell you how it was! See you guys later! Have fun on your christmas holiday!

Merry Christmas!


Dear Lucy,

Have fun! *They all hug her back.* Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you, too!

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Tasuki,

yes, especially since i make tons of mistakes. HOOOOO today for a bio test, i didnt read all the directions and there were these 4 choices. I thought it said choose one to answer but it said choose 3. and this test was easy too.. there goes the good grade


Dear Rei-chan,

Gomen... guess ya' jus' need to slow down an' read thins' better.


Dear Nuriko,

Lol I try.. I try. Ive been trying out new dance moves from the movie. I mean, watching it and dancing. Its going pretty good except at around 2 parts where the dance is really complex and I have no way of slowing it down. Ill get it though ^^


Dear Rei-chan,

Good for you! It's also good exercise as well as fun.


Dear Chichiri,

Perhaps! U seriously while I am still young tho... I dont wanna be like 30s because then I won't wanna dance and I won't be as energetic as I am now. I would probably be married and not care. In my 20s, id be too busy with college and stuff (that is, if I get into it like I hope I will) like vet school. Of course, dorothy is 24 in the movie so.. I can't help but wonder 'bout Michael jackson. What the h*ll happened? LOl Before when he was young and black with a nose, he wasn't bad. He wasn't bad looking, and not bad singing or anything. And he could dance, even if some of his movements aren't... erm, quite to my liking. NOw he's like 40, It feels as though if he tried to dance he might break his back or something. I wonder why he wanted to turn black in the first place? When the heck did he become so.. child-obsessed? I think that if he had just stayed the way he was, maybe nothing bad would happen, unless he was always some child obsessor. I mean, loving children is great, but theres a line that shouldn't be crossed. I wish there was some kind of article or something on the history of him, like "what went wrong?" article. His trial is january 31st. Im not really choosing sides. I don't know him well, so who am I to say "yeah, he did it" even though the evidence and his thinking process (and room full of dolls) kind of screamed the obvious out? But I always thought he was weird and he creeped me out, so I feel morally wrong in saying that he didn't. But I wish I could know more. I kind of feel bad for him, ya know? Why couldn't he just accept the way he was? Did he wanna make history or somethin'? Ug, his face now makes me sick. Lol IN history, our teach has this powerpoint presentation, and it had to do with the bill of rights. I forget what it was, but it showed this pic of michael jackson's accusation verification or something like that, and it was right after lunch. Ugn >_< Lol everyone was like "ewww!!" Still, i do kind of feel bad.


Dear Rei-chan,

I don't know either, no da. Perhaps he never had much of a childhood or the one he had was not a very good one, no da.


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

Nyaa! Hello everyone! It's been a while! I've been able to get online but I haven't been sure what to ask any of you or tell any of you! Anyway, I've got excellent news. Five days ago I ordered issues 1-3 of the Genbu Kaiden! I hope it comes in soon. I've developed a huge interest in the two gods that weren't included in Fushigi Yuugi as much. Especially Genbu. I guess it's because Takiko Okuda reminds me of myself, looks and otherwise! I'm actually researching the Shijintenchisho outside of information from FY, and it's really intresting. I'm just worried my little obssesion will take up all my free time! Well.. I guess that doesn't matter much since I have scads of free time. ^-^; Is that a good thing?

Anyway, I haven't requested much for Christmas this year... maybe I'll be able to get some uber-expensive FY stuff. Actually, the Genbu Kaiden was only $30, shipping included. I'd call that I pretty fitting deal for three volumes, wouldn't you? Nya. ^-^ Heehee. I'll be sure to come back and give you all Christmas presents, okay? I already gave the Priestess of Suzaku (Yes, the girl who writes to Nuriko alot..) her presents at school today. I gave her a white candle engraved with the Suzaku symbol (hand made..), two chibi-Tasuki pins, and a white tiger stuffy with a red ribbon around it's neck. I looked for stuff with a pheonix, but I couldn't find anything remotely Suzaku-ish. Too bad. I tried. ^-^;

With (Nya!) Love,

Grey Snowolf

Dear Grey Snowolf,

Phoenixes are hard to find aren't they? Research is a good skill to have, I'm glad you're exercising it. Let me know what you find out.


Dear Hotohori,

*stands up and smiles Boushin joining her* Yeah! I would like to decorate! *looks to Boushin* How about it lil Heika want to assist me? *hugs Hotohori back and likes getting hugs from his highness* When you give me a hug Hotohori it makes my day A LOT better!

Boushin: sure... but there is a problem... what do we use to decorate? *hugs Aishizu* ^_^;;

*thinks to herself* Uh... good question... *looks to Hotohori* got any suggestions oh wise one? *hugs back* YAY MORE HUGS!

Boushin: *looks around the palace* we do need some decorating...

*looks around then spots some paper left behind from Miaka* Wonder if we can use this? *looks at Hotohori then to Boushin* Maybe your father can help too... *looks at Hotohori's paperwork and sweatdrops* Okay this stuff needs to go... *takes it and puts it in a box setting it off to the side* you dont need to worry about that now... take a break! ><

Aishizu and Boushin

Dear Aishizu and Boushin,

I'm sure we can find something suitable. Let's take a look in the storage area...


Dear Hotohori,

*follows his highness to the storage room to see it's pretty big* wow your highness what do you all keep in here? *sees a very imperial looking robe* wow how come I've never seen you wear this one?

Boushin: *looks at all the stuff* wow I never wondered this far to see what was in here...

*blinks* Wow shows you guys never really get to leave the throne room too often...>>

Boushin: *looks at his father* I never got to >>

*glad she isnt an empress or anything of the sort*

Boushin: who knows you may marry a royal family member someday!

*blinks* doubt that... I'm the biggest drifter you'll ever meet... plus I'm basically a farmer type girl

Boushin: *smirks* yeah but so was my mom! And father picked her!

*sweatdrops* I'm not going to win this am I?

Boushin: *smirks and laughs* nope! *goes back to looking around*

*blinks* He's FAR too smart for his age! ^______^;;

Aishizu and Boushin

Dear Aishizu and Boushin,

*Smiles and laughs* He is, that's why we don;t let him too far out of our sight. But come, we have decorations to find and put up!


Dear Nuriko,

*pokes Nuri-san* Hi Nuriko! Things are all setteled with me now and I'm okay and so is the guy I liked... ANYWAY! I made you a christmas present... yes I know it's early but I dont know If I'll get to see you before you guys close up for Christmas... *pulls out a tin can and opens it* Okay its Homemade Chocolate Dipped: Oreo's, Pretzels, and Graham Crackers.. I hope you like them... they took a bit of time! ^_^ *hugs* Have a nice Christmas if I dont see you before hand!


Dear Kaya,

Arigato! *Eats some then gives her a hug.* They're yummy! You have a nice Christmas, too!


Dear Nuriko,

I saw the doctor today. Partally, it made me mad that I was gonna miss french because we were going to play this fun game (for once, we haven't played a french game the whole year. I wanna play a game!! not jsut take notes, french is my most boring class to tell the truth because we always play games in my other classes. Even history we mostly take notes and stuff, its fun because our teacher is really funny and he makes it interesting. And history is my worst subject!) but anyway, the doctor said I probably sprained my knee but it was healing so it would be fine. He also said I had knockknees (and that 1 out of every 10 women have them) or something. Don't I feel special ^^ anyway, he said I could go to gym but wrote a note saying I couldn't go for just one week so that it had more time to heal. It does feel better now though. Of course, when I got out of the office, I saw that I still had time to go to french. So I raced through the halls but this mediation counselor wanted to talk to me. (Because of this one time I saw her in the hall on my way to history from the nurses office because my knee hurt and I wanted to go home. BUt I couldn't because the receptionist for the nurse kept calling my mom wrong and claimed that she wasn't answering the phone and I was so upset, because I hada history test and I didn't study for it well enough. But I kept walking and she kept askin if I was alright but I just said I was fine and walked in and shut the door [but it slammed by accident] I quickly informed her I was perfectly fine. I am, in truth ^_^ I got a 77 on that test, which isn't all that great but it is passing and i'm getting a b- again. (DIGRESSION!!) anyway, I went back to french class only to find out that we were not playing a game because the class did not do their homework. -_- which stinks because I always do mine, and I've been waiting forever. Oh well... serves me right for bein in a c1 class. Im in all honors except this class.


Dear Rei-chan,

I'm glad you went to see the doctor and that your knee is getting better. Please be careful and take good care!


Dear Chichiri,

Lol that's funny, I was just thinking of what the fushigi yuugi characters would be and I saw you as the Tinman. I wanna read that book... anyway, i would obviously see miaka as dorothy, tama as Toto, um... Nuriko as the good witch of the south (or is it north? the one that arrives in a *purdy* pink bubble) Tamahome as the scarecrow, Erm... who would play the lion? Hmm... Well anyway, I think this whole "wiz" thing has had a large impact on me, lol. I keep having the songs stuck in my head, especially Ease ON down the Road (C'mon!! its very catchy and I even remember to dance to it!! *crosses legs dancing* *waves arms*) I can't believe Jackson is around 19 in that picture!! He was born 1958, and it was made 1978... oh wait he's 20 (darnitt! I think 19 and 20 is a big difference because 19 is near teen age but its a bit over so he's still in what I call "the zone".) When he sings he sounds so d*mn young!! Momo says he sounds like a girl. Well, I can say that he dances pretty well for something that is supposed to be made of garbage ^^ Aww but he's so cute (puppy-wise) though! The way he walks is so adorable lol. And I noticed that he has the closest relationship with Dorothy throughout the movie. Like in that song, "Brand-new day" He dances in circles with her a lot of times. I think it's really cute ^^ I asked my friends to dance but they never wanna. I want to dance with someone :( I wish I had a friend like the scarecrow. Someone with dreams that would dance with me ^^ Lol the kind of cheerful person that helps you go into the right direction. The kind of wacky-sorta person, lol. Don't think that'll happen though.


Dear Rei-chan,

You never know, no da... You may end up making that kind of friend later on in life.


Dear Tasuki,

OUr club went interestingly well. 41 people came. Wow, and I dressed as INuyasha. Everyone kept telling me to sit! I didn't make the necklace though. There was one person, however, I listened to. Yuki-chan ^^ Cause she's evil and was dressed as Yuki Sohma. I wore Tohru ribbons to school but a white cute lil wig to the meeting. It was so hot!! Man... Im really glad though ^^ We made survey sheets to find out what people wanted to do at this club. One kid wanted to burn stuff -_- I know that kid though. French class. *sigh* I gotta nag him, he borrowed the only pencil I ahd with an eraser and didn't return it. Waa


Dear Rei-chan,

Sounds like yer havin' fun! Ain't a pencil wit' an eraser a better pencil than one wit'out?


Dear Chichiri,

Yes, and a lint roller and a salt shaker...


Dear FuruChan,

Interesting... Any reason why, no da?


Dear Nuriko,

Yeah, I hope momma got me those Fushigi Yuugi DVDs. 'Cuz, I only seen the TV series DUB, I already gots the OVA. I wanna hear everyone in the TV series! I LIKE TV SERIES BESTEST! +__+


Dear FuruChan,

Good luck! I hope you get them, too!


Dear Tasuki,

font face="CAC Valiant" color="#000000" size="1">I'm mad cuz I'm subscribed to Shonen Jump and I haven't gotten this month's issue! My friend has it but he said they didn't have Yugiou in it either! >__< Guess it wouldn't matter if I got it or not then, YGO is the main reason I really buy it. =__= I would get it faster by going to the store, but I'm dirt poor. My mom won't gimmie allowance until X-mas is all over! Rrrrrrr!!

font face="CAC Valiant" color="#000000" size="1">FuruChan

Dear FuruChan,

I'm sure yer gonna get it soon, jus' be patient! I think they bring back Yu-Gi-Oh in next month's issue.


Dear Chiriko,

Oh! I wish I remembered the life in my country, but I guess I just don't want to remember that because there is a war now. But thanks for asking

With love of Suzaku!


Dear Luniana,

I'm very sorry to hear that. I apologize if my asking made you feel sad.


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

Hay! I just wanted to tell you something! My teacher for English asked our class to write a paper on " Who is your perfect man". My first thought was that no body is perfect, but than because I had to describe my 'prince Charming' I wrote an incredible paper and almost fell on the floor in tears reading it. My perfect man turned out to be beautiful like Hotohori, protective like Tamahome, brave like Nuriko, kind like Mitsukake, funny like Tasuki, smart like Chiriko, and caring like Chichiri. It was wonderful I think I wrote a profile of Suzaku-God. What do you think about that?

With love of Suzaku!!


Dear Luniana,

It sounds like it! Arigato for your kind words about us.

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Tasuki,

Hey wuz up. Well the other day I went to church with Kikio and that was just not my day. Before I got in trouble for someone taking my hat, but the rest of the bad things were funny like we were talking about somethin' and the next thing ya know I fall, my legs went flying in the air. Anythin' like that ever happen to ya? And soon after we were getting dinner I couldn't hold the cup it fell than i fell, again. Don't laugh. Well, got to go. Bye.


P.S. by the way ya have a great singing vioce. I don't.

Dear Basha,

Thanks! That only happens when I'm drunk. Ya' sure yer ok?


Dear Hotohori,

*sighs tears in her eyes and latches onto his highness* Hotohori... something bad happened today... *starts crying* Did you ever have a fight with someone you REALLY cared about? I love to tell you more but the person it's about comes on here so if I post it on the board do you think you or somebody else can help me? I REALLY need it...


Dear Aishizu,

*gives her a hug.* We will do our best to help. I have been to the board and you already have a response from one of our older friends. She has been on this site for many years and her response is a good one. Arigato One-chan!


Dear Hotohori,

um was handelt es sich i dem reich der vier götter


Dear ingo,

What about the Four Gods?


Dear Hotohori,

I dont have a question Heika-chan... I just had a terrible day and needed a hug from my favorite person... *hugs Hotohori*


Dear Kaya,

*Smiles* That's ok. *Gives her a hug.*


Dear Chichiri,

Hello! I was just wondering if you could help me out with my problem.. Anyway, there's this guy in school that is not exactly good looking in my opinion but believe it or not, he's a hearthrob! anyway, i never expected i'd even talk to him because i'm the common girl out there and he's kind of a celebrity. so few months ago, i got so hooked on chat! and one time, i was able to chat with him 'accidentally'. and there begins the story... we had chat sessions for almost everyday. then, we began to talk personally. we got a bit close and all. then, i began to like him as a brother. our friendship got even better when there was a dancing activity in school and again, 'accidentally', he became my partner. we spent almost three weeks together and we really became good friends. his friends started to tease him and there has been rumors that he likes me. i felt extremely awkward. then, after the activity, everything seems to be normal until such a time when his friends thought i like him! i got peeved for a day and snobbed them, he thought i was angry and he also snobbed me in return! i tried to talk to him via chat but whenever he sees that my status is online, he gets offline! i think he became mad.. then, we were trying to avoid each other in school but it seems like wherever i go, he's there (even in the washroom!). i asked him, twice, personally if he's angry at me, and he said no. but i really got the feeling that he's lying. i really don't want anybody angry at me especially that christmas is approaching. i want our friendship back somehow.. thanks for listening..


Dear me_,

Have you tried just telling him what you told me, no da? Let him know that you're sorry about the misunderstanding and that you miss haviong him as your friend and would like to be friends again. Good luck!


Dear Tasuki,

Um... Tasuki Wasuki dearest... um. To fly, don't planes have to be HIGH in the air... and isn't the key word in heights high? *looks at him* to fly a plane must be thousands of feet into the air... so... my lovable bandit... to fly they have to be high right? *pats his head* what you said made no sense at all... but thank you for trying... *hug*

Love, your fangirl Lucy

Dear Lucy,

Yeahit's high in th' air but it ain't like yer out in th' open or yer on top of a tall buildin'!


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

Gator tails? As from a real gator? Did they look like a gators tail if they were from one? And what were your favorite rides? Me, I think I might like to try the Aladdin Carpet rides, than again... the height fear kinda get's in the way... And Hotohori, is the castle at disney world bigger than your palace or just taller? Did you guys meet mickey and the gang? I'm envious that you guys got to go. But hey, Ocean City is fun too! You guys should go there one time, sure it's not as big as Disney World, but there are alot shops, clubs and some pretty good rides, though I usually hang out at the arcade. But, it's just a suggestion. Arigato for listening to it, and putting up with me! *hugs all of them, and than clings to Tasui.* Mine...

Your friend Lucy

Dear Lucy,

Yes, from a real gator. They look more like popcorn chicken than a gator's tail. We really liked the Safari Ride at the Animal Kingdom. There weren't many rides that were interesting at Epcot or the World Showcase. The Dinosaur ride at the Animal Kingdow was also a lot of fun! The Disney Palace is taller, but the Emperor's Palace is a lot bigger. We saw Mickey, Donald, Goofy, etc. but didn't go to meet them.

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Tasuki,

Hey *hugs* Well you wanted to know about... Greg... hunh? well he is one of the most perverted guys at my school... He all ways ask me questions that i dont wanna answer... BAD questions. He calls me..(he got my number with out even asking me for it) He is a drum player and pokes me with his drumsticks in the butt... He asked Ayame(NIC) out even though he didnt know her... He has a friend with Benifits... ewwww. and all he talks about is getting Banged. Thats why Ayame(NIC)and I are afarid of him... But i am nice to him even though he asks me the BAD questions. Well i missed ya! and see you later! *hands him a small cup of sake* Here! *hugs and leaves*


Dear MIka,

Thanks fer th' sake! Too bad I can't come to yer world. I'd teach 'im a thin' or two!


Dear Chichiri,

(smiles and looks up at him) arigato (snuggles closer)


Dear kikio,

You're welcome, no da.


Dear Nuriko,

Nope! My brother-in-law and sister are working very hard, so it's the least I could do. I kinda benefit from it because, I'm saving up for college and the baby one keeps me up at night so that I can study. I don't know what I want to become, but I still want to live a good life. Don't worry about me, there are probably people much worse off than I am.^__^! Well, I gotta go do Homework and my "children" are coming over soon, so I'll see ya later, 'kay? Love you onii-chan! May Suzaku protect you.

Priestess of Suzaku

Dear Priestess of Suzaku,

Good luck and study hard! *Gives her a hug.*


Dear Chichiri,

Lol TUrns out that they never did go to that wedding. *whispers* actually, they found it but the place was so scary and freaked them out so they couldn't stand it and had to leave, lol) But they did have fun. Im glad for them ^^ I was just watching the wiz. I should do my homework but I went christmas shopping and couldn't help myself and bought it for 10$. I haven't seen it in years!! I mean, since like 5th grade. Except I saw parts of it on tv recently and had to see it. *sighs* Mebbe if Micheal Jackson just stayed the way he was back then, he wouldn't be loaded with issues now. WHo knows. Personally, if I were to be any wizard of oz character, I would defitely be the scarecrow because even though I have a brain, I don't always use it and I am just as clumsy as him (and even more now because of my beautiful knee *sparkle*)so if I were do be in that play, I would love to be tripping and falling over on purpose dong my own stunts, it would suit me ^^ Lol and it seems like I am always falling apart as well. WHo would you be?


Dear Rei-chan,

I don't know, perhaps I'd be the Tin Woodsman, no da.


Dear Nuriko,

Lol NO, he's gt enough money problems and our doctor is very hard to get a hold of. Mom and dad came back tonight and said they would make an appointment with a bones doctor (or something because it's not something our regular doctor looks at). *shrugs* At least its help. I need a doctors note to get out of gym or some note but.. Friday I had nothing and I just didn't know what to do so I went to gym. Since my parents left 5 that morning, I couldnt ask them. SO in gym we sprinted, I hurt my muscle that I pulled earlier in my left thigh which means I can't put all my weight on that leg. (if Only I had the brain to stretch first, even though our teacher didnt have us stretch first. I should have just odne it by myself. Lesson learned now lol) I should really just tell my gym teacher that my leg hurt from Last friday from the jump. Now why didn't I ... I dunno. Anyway, we sprinted and ran and jogged (even backwards) and then I couldn't take it anymore. We were combined with another class and it was basketball, just shooting around and I couldn't even jump to shoot. At the nurse, ug it really huuurt!! I was holding the ice on my leg and then it hurt to keep it straight. But I finally went back to class (when gym was actually over so I had to hightail it to french) and it hurt. It doesn't really hurt now but sometimes it just does. But im glad my parents are making an appointment now ^^


Dear Rei-chan,

Just please be careful until you see your doctor.


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

if you could turn into your favorite animal what would it be and why?

Luna, sesshoumaru-sama's wife

Dear Luna,

We'd all pick cats because they generally have a good life. Tasuki would pick a wolf because he's it's like him "fast an' cool!"

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Tasuki,

no! it's the one that goes to the tune of "part of That World" from the little mermaid silly! Ya got it in your archives somewhere...


Dear Faye,

Ok, I'll try to find it.


Dear Hotohori,

i'am chester i want to know, where could i find the konan in china


Dear chester,

I don't know if there is a Konan in your China. I do know that in Shinagawa, Japan there is a Konan exit on the subway.


Dear Chiriko,

it's chester i want to ask about the star of the seven seishi in the first fushigi yuugi they show a seven red star i want to know if look at the sky there's any possible to see the seven red star


Dear chester,

Yes it is you can go to this link to see the constellations we represent. http://www2.gol.com/users/stever/kitora.htm.


Dear Hotohori,

*sighs a bit more content now* Hotohori their okay... they just gave me one heck of a scare... *hugs him back* but you know how frightening it is when someone is like that...*sits on the floor* you know what... your a good friend... I dont have many friends that sit and listen like you do... *looks around the palace* this place could use a little Cristmas cheer it looks kind of blah in here *laughs*


Dear Aishizu,

*Gives her a hug.* Arigato for your kind words. Would you like to decorate?


Dear Nuriko,

*laughs* you know what you brought up a good point! I dont really know but then again upon reading his Live Journal I think he likes somebody else so... I'll just wait but he even said in the Journal that he wasnt ready for a girlfriend JUST yet so *head spins* okay I'm confusing myself! ^_^ *hugs* thank you for helping me though!


Dear Kaya,

You're welcome, but I still think the two of you should clear the air.


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

question here... :( Is it a bad thing if u start sleeping through alarms? and lose days without realizing it?

Well, what if ur not sleeping thru the alarm, but rather u had a power outage that knocked out ur alarm? And wound up sleeping till the next morning, thereby missing work? (and no 1 called u)

if u were the boss, would u be forgiving/understanding?



Dear ken-chan,

It is especially because it may be a sign of clinical depression. The second scenario is bad but can be remedied by having an alarm clock with a battery backup. I would as long as this wasn't a common occurrence for you.


Dear Hotohori,

If Ayame is college-bound, she may want to look into choral groups there that aren't restricted to music majors, so that she can continue her love of singing without needing the cutthroat-ness of competitions.

Where I am, there are a capella groups as well as glee clubs that all sing, the glee clubs in a more formal choir style, and they have their own auditions. Perhaps she can find a group there that will let her sing.

If not, there are probably community groups that sing in her area - perhaps she can join them.

It would be sad to see someone stop being musical because they didn't want the pressure and thought that was the only way to go.

Obviously, as part of THTC, you've done some singing of your own. Did Miaka ever introduce you to Karaoke?


Dear Silver,

Thank you for your advice and words of encouragement for Ayame. I'm sure she appreciates them as much as we do. She didn't, but Chichiri no Aijin did.


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

I was just wondering... I have a friend who responds to "osuwari", just like InuYasha, when I say it. I have another friend who also wants to order him around. She wants to know what the order for "beg" is. ^_^ Thanks you guys. ::huggles::

Fire Elf

Dear Fire Elf,

There are 3 ways to say beg: negau - to desire, to wish, to request, to beg, to hope, to implore; ogamu - to worship, to beg, to make a supplication; tanomu - to request, to beg, to ask. So negau would become onegai, ogamu would become ogami, and tanamu would become otanami.


Dear Tasuki,

Tasuki! You should be ashamed of yourself! Brawling is bad! You could seriously hurt someone, or even worse: damage your extremely sexy and beautiful face! *turns beet red* umm... anyway... *tries to get out of embaressing situation* why did the chicken cross the road?


Dear Samantha,

No it ain't! It's fun! I dunno, to escape Col. Sanders?


Dear Tasuki,

*POUNCE!* Of course it isn't Wesley! He's 3-d after all, and every fangirl knows real men are 2-d! =P

It's Athrun Zala from Gundam SEED! =D And he's in an EXTREMELY close second at this point! ... Ah, I am such an unloyal fangirl, can you ever forgive me?

When I have time I will rewatch Fushigi Yuugi to atone for my sins. T-T

*cough* In the mean time I'll be looking at those Athrun artbooks Firefury got me... Er... oops. You didn't hear that last part! o_o;


Dear One-chan,

*Grins* I knew that! I was jus' jokin' wit' ya'! Of course I fergive ya'! *Goes looking to beat up Athrun...*


Dear Nuriko,

Haaaaah! *Was running by looking for him, but skids to a stop right in front of him* Nuriko-san! I got it! It's a LIFEBOND! *nod nod* ... ... ... ... You don't know what I'm talking about, do you? If you ever read Mercedes Lackey, she's written this series about a place called Valdemar. They've got this one bond between people who are MEANT to be together, though sometimes they can't and end up in great sorrow, which is sad. ;_; It's called a lifebond. Usually if one person dies, the other gives up on living, too. It's that deep. Anyway, so that's what you and Hotohori-sama have! Lifebond! ^_^ *grin grin grin* So I'ma gonna write a crossover ficcy for you guys! In Valdemar! Weee! *Runs off*


Dear Songwind,

That's such a lovely concept! *Smiles* I like it! Arigato!


Dear Tasuki,

Hey, well I'm being stupid when I ask this but I have to be sure... Is yar fisrt name Kou or Shun'u? Thanks for the luck on my book. I'm also soon goin' to start one 'bout my demon sisters. Me and Kikio were at church one time and she was going to ride home with someone else. well when we saw a van with a T on it Kikio started chassing it. She was screaming 'WAIT, STOP THE CAR WAIT FOR ME' She kept saying that over and over again until the car got to the road. Then she said 'fine be that way'. When the car came back it was some one we knew, durning the whole thing I almost pied my pants. Bye


Dear Basha,

My first name is Shun'u. My family name is Kou. Heeeyyy… that's great...


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

MINNA!! *hugs everyone* Yup Yup My sis is in Hong Kong!! she's coming back December 15th the day after my birthday! yay!! you'll probably answer this on my birthday which technically is tomorrow but you might not answer it before then!! I'll be 14! now i'm older than you Chiriko-chan!!! so have you guys been?

i bought IMADOKI!! finally!! ahhh Koki is sooo cute... just like every bishies... Watase-sempai draws!! i think i can relate to Tanpopo than Miaka, Yui, Aya, or Alice... but me not soooo sure!!

well... i hope minna that you had a great time in FL... 'cuz i know i did when i lived there!!Anything special you did there?

i'm feeling sorta wierd... i have different emotions going on... most of them i dunno how to explain... it's kinda sad... i guess

well i stoked because of my birthday!! i got chuck taylors... high tops... black and red lining... i wanted since 6th grade!! yay!!! i love you minna! thanks for being there for me *tears and hugs again*


Dear Mana-chan,

We're sure she'll bring you some nice presents from Hong Kong. We're fine. Happy early birthday! We went to DisneyWorld. *They all give her a hug.* You're welcome!

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Hotohori,

*taps Hotohori's shoulder* hey it's me again sorry but Ariyah and I have thought of questions only you can answer... *plops on the floor* okay our first question is that... what was Boushin's hair color in Eikouden because we swaer it kept changing on us we dont know if it's from the shadowing effect or what but since he IS your son we thought you may be able to assist us on that...

second question...

Okay if an Emperor and his Empress have a girl... does the girl assume the throne or do they try again for a boy? Sorry if these were dumb questions but were writing a future type RP involving some of the seishi and these were questions that we needed to know. Oh and since the RP revolved around you and Tasuki-sama I need to know if you werent a singer what would you second occupation be? *Eternal Scat+Andy= HOTOHORI REINCARNATE THAT ROCKS!!*ahems* sorry that had to be said! ^_^;; Well thanks for your time your highness! *sees all the paperwork stacking on his desk* yipe! might want to start on that eh? *giggles*


P.S. If you would like to read the fanfic/RP with you guys in it let me know okay? I'll patch you a link! I think you'll like it though! *huggies Hotohori*

Dear Aishizu,

He has chestnut hair the same as me. In ancient Japan and China they did but in modern times, no. I suppose I'd go into politics. Arigato for your kind offer. If I have free time I will let you know.


Dear Mitsukake,

I think my insomnia is slowly going away ^__^


Dear FuruChan,

That's good to hear! Take care.


Dear Chiriko,

Chiriko-kun, I wants ta know if there is a site to get a pen-pal in Japan (thru e-mail)... me founds one before but ya had to pay for some reason? O__o I was all "WTF? Screw this!" >.> I'm so bored... I basically wanna know cuz I dun get any e-mail and when I do, it's nothing interesting... just hope I dun end up sending mail back n forth w/ an old man XDD; Ooh, Jill's on... bye bye! PS: My Shizuka shrine thingy is up now! Sign the frikkin' guestbook, only 2 frinds have signed ¬¬ and that's cuz I forced 'em to


Dear FuruChan,

I'm sure there are such sites but you need to be careful as sometimes there are predators on them that prey on young people. Maybe someone from here will be your pen-pal. Minna?


Dear Nuriko,

Have you noticed that, sometimes, DUB Tasuki sounds like Cosmo from Fairly Oddparents? Especially in Eikoden O__O


Dear FuruChan,

*Laughs* And that's why we don't like the dubs.


Dear Chichiri,

it's freezin here (cuddles up to him for warmth)


Dear kikio,

*Puts his kesa around her to keep her warm…*


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