Letters Archive
Week Ending March 06, 2004

Dear Tamahome,

True True True... However, I usually wear what makes me happy, no matter what other people think of me. As long as I am happy and comfortable. And I am happy as a person I suppose. *Winks*


Dear Lianah,

Well, that is important, too.


Dear Chichiri,

Yes, she is doing much better now, and is actually happy now, I think atleast. She acts happy around me, I mean.


Dear Kasti,

That's good. I hope she is happy and well, no da.


Dear Tasuki,

*I watch with my eyes wide* H-how... did you da that? *I ask with amazement*

*They glance back at one another as the one singed pulls back into the back and the rest take out a knife throwing them blindly at you*


Dear Jennsen,

*Opens the tessen to use as a shield.* C'mon! Let's get outta here! *LEKKA SHIENEN!! *Puts up a flame wall.*


Dear Tasuki,

well, thanks for being honest about my idea. If you weren't, well I'd just hafta kill you! hahaha... Guess what? my friend sassy came over to my house last Sunday and we made peanut butter cookies! *gives one to Tasuki* and guess what we watched after that? X-Files!! With David Duchovney!

*deep sigh* I'm probably gonna get kicked from drama... I have a C- in Geography and if you get below a D+ then you're out... *cries* It's not fair!! MY TEACHER DOESN'T EVEN TEACH US FER GODS SAKE!! oh well... *starts singing "Cigarette" cause it matches up with her sadness right now*

Faye (who belongs in Drama and would go insane with out it)

Dear Faye,

*Tries cookie* Tastes good! Well, ya' jus' need to bring yer grades up now dontcha'?


Dear Mitsukake,

Yeah, you're right. I'll tell my parents. Guess what? I think Chelsea likes to hear my play my violin! She always looks like she's listening when I practice! And she gives me an annoyed look if I go off-key. *sighs* Everybody's a critic...


Dear Selena,

That's a very smart cat! It really is in everyone's best interest to get her fixed. It will also make finding her a new home easier as well.


Dear Chichiri,

Haha! Hello Chichiri! I think I actually found a way to annoy you to no end! (Not that I really want to.) I'm going to do this to Nakago, too! Hahaha! I am magic, listen! *starts singing "Freckles" from Rurouni Kenshin over, and onver, and over...*


Dear Suki,

That's ok; I like that song, no da.


Dear Chichiri,

It's me, Sakura. I am writing in a depressed state. My family is moving us to Houston, Texas, away from my friends, and people I've come to know my whole life. My best friend is in Louisiana, which isn't so far from Texas, but I can't just walk up the street to see her anymore, and the thought of moving away is breakig me apart. I just wanted to talk to someone familiar in all of this madness. You don't have to post this. It's not really a question. *bows* thank you for reading my letter, aniki.


Dear Sakura,

I know it's hard but you can still keep in touch with email, phone calls, and letters, no da. *Gives her a hug.*


Dear Tasuki,

ANIKI!!! *glomp* I just got back from a trip to England with m' folks! It was soo much fun! I couldn't use the internet there because of charges in th' hotel. Anyway, I jus' wanted t' give ya a heads up *twiddles fingers* I know I didn' really tell ya I wuz leavin', sorry, *hug*. Oh! I brought you this from a Japanese supermarket after I got home! *lugs three mondo bottles of sake onto desk* Byeee! One more thing! In Eikoden! You look kick@$$ with long hair! I love the look, man!


Dear banditgirl,

Thanks! An' thanks fer th' sake, too! I hope ya' hadda great time! So, where did ya' go an' what did ya' do?


Dear Tasuki,

*bites him* hahahaha I bit you!

baka busu

Dear baka busu,

ITAI!! Stop that or else I'm gonna bite ya' back!


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

..this is mainly a question for CnA.. :ahem: How much Japanese would a person have to know just to visit Japan?


Dear C-Sama,

Well, the first time I went I was a 2nd year student and was able to get around fairly well. My classes taught me speaking as well as reading and writing. However, I noticed on this trip that there were more signs in English and that even the subway announcements were in English. It also seemed that more people were willing to speak English so you may not have to know more than just the basic phrases and you can get a book that teaches you those.


Dear Hotohori,

Kaiba: Here's another thing Heafuru and Wheeler have in common? Being very idiotic and eating 2 much food...

Heafuru: *hits Kaiba upside the head* URASAI!!

Joey: *laughs insanely* Ha ha! Kaiba got hit by a girl! MUAHAHAHAAA!!

Heafuru: Oh hi Hotohori-sama! Ogenki desu ka??

Kaiba, Heafuru, and Joey

Dear Kaiba, Heafuru, and Joey,

*Sweatdrops at the insanity* Genki desu.


Dear Chichiri,

...It's been a long time hasn't it. Do you remember me? (I don't see how Tasuki could ever forget ^^)

I have so many things to get out, and yet I don't know where to begin, or if I should... if it will make any difference. I think I'll probably still feel the same, even if I tell you everything, because there is no fixing this heart.

You of all the seishi know what a broken person is. That's how I feel; unhinged, broken, obliterated. Crushed into a fine powder. I've seen too much and experienced too much for these nineteen years, I feel so old and tired. I look in the mirror and see pain, everywhere. I can't get help and there is no one to turn to. I was on medication for a while, but then I lost my job and now am without... not that it really seemed to be working, I just slept more. I feel used up and can't sleep without vivid nightmares.

I tried cutting my wrist but my stupid body wouldn't allow me to die; the blood clotted and now all I have is the scar to remind me of the futility that is me. I didn't cut deep enough, I know, because it hurt... everything hurts... I'm sick all of the time, and I don't know why. I fear and love people but am so afraid to get close lest something happen. I can't imagine ever marrying or having even a fun relationship because who could love someone this difficult? Who could deal with what I can't? I fear death and at the same time would welcome it without doubt. I looked out on the ocean the other night and wondered what it would be like to die like that, just fade into the beautiful stillness and go to sleep. I hate feeling this way but I can't seem to get any help.

All I get is pressure from my family and strange looks and being told that I'll 'get over it', but it isn't just about that. There's a terrible pain deep inside of me, and it's slowly tearing me apart, it's keeping me from putting the pieces back together... the pieces of my heart.

I used to be so happy. I used to have friends and laugh genuinely and feel like I was in reality; now I look out through eyes that aren't really focused and can't see through the tears and I feel so isolated. I feel like someone put a glass jar over me and forgot to punch holes in it, forgot that I need human warmth. And I know it's my fault, I know that, but what can I do? I don't know what to do anymore... I tried so hard. I was working full time because I wanted to go back to school, and ended up supporting my family instead. It was hard hours; I would wake up, go to work until midnight, come home, take my medicine, sleep, wake up... etc. I couldn't do it anymore, my ulcer came back and I was pulling out my hair. I was so tired... I feel like the only time anybody's happy is if I'm working and making money to 'help'. Other than that, I suppose I stop existing as a human.


I'm sorry. It doesn't make any sense to me, how people can be so cold and indifferent, especially people who are supposed to love you. But now I even question that. And I've picked up a terrible fear of men. I don't want to feel like that!! I used to think someday I would find the right one and we'd be happy, but now... I'm so afraid, I don't know. Well, I've gone on and on, and for no reason.

I finally saw the OAV 2. Nice art. Tasuki be bad. Naturally, when your episode came up, I was sqealing like the fangirl that I am. Can you blame me? ^^' Men like you just don't exist... maybe that's why it's so hard... I thought Hikou looked a lot prettier in the OAV then in the manga; Tenkou must have given him plastic surgery or something ^^

My three year old niece loves Nuriko the best; when we watched the 'death episode' she was very upset. 'Why are her eyes closed?' 'Why is Miaka screaming' ladeeda and then some. I had to explain it to her and now she walks around saying, "Ashitare has a hairy back and killed Nuriko!' Poor thing. ^^' I thought she might've liked you the best, but no... I think you're her second favourite. She obsessed with the whole 'naked' thing too. While the opening is rolling, it's 'Were they naked?!' (Tama and Miaka, for like a split second, sheesh.) Little kids... She makes me happy, but then again... babysitting her all the time gets hard. Hug Tasuki for me. Hug Mitsukake, too.

Erinu no Rafusen

Dear Erinu no Rafusen,

*Gives her a hug.* Please stop hurting yourself. You have so much to offer your world. You can always talk to us if you need to. However, you should consider going to a counselor about your family's treatment of you and what is going on in your life. I'm sure there are free or low cost counselors in your area. Have you tried doing a search on the internet for one? Even if you choose not to do that, please remember that we are all here for you. *Hugs her again.*


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

Hello! I hope you're all having a great week!

Chiriko-chan, thank you *so* much for the websites on Japan's history! They helped a lot! It's really appreciated!

Mitsukake, how long did you study to become a doctor? I'm planning on becoming a veterinarian like my grandpa, and he had to go to college for seven years! I think it'd be worth it, though. I love animals. At first, I wanted to be a vet for small animals because I love dogs and cats, but since I've gotten my job with horses, I've decided I love them, too! Now I have to decide whether to be a large-animal vet or a small-animal one. Decisions, decisions...

Tasuki, didn't you know that liquor is bad for your liver? You could get cirrhosis! You could die! Please keep that in mind whenever you drink, because your friends (and fans) would be devastated if that happened.

Tama-neko, I hope you get a nice, juicy fish for dinner! And lots of cream!


Dear wyrd,

Chiriko: You're very welcome! I'm glad I could help.

Mitsukake: Not that long as I already had the gift of healing from Suzaku. Arigato for your gifts to Tama-neko.

Tasuki: I'll keep that in mind.

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Chichiri,

Yeah! I found a website that lets ya marry anime characters. And I married Joey!! My marriage certificate banner came 2day!! I so happy!

Heafuru Jonouchi!!

Dear Heafuru Jonouchi,

That's interesting. What is the URL, no da?


Dear Chichiri,

*sighs* Demo... I need an heir in case this air void I'm cursed with ends my life before minna defeats Naraku. It is a very important question to ask. Unless you know a lady that would be... intersted in bearing my child.


Dear Miroku,

Hmmm... Have you tried asking Sango, no da?


Dear Nuriko,

I don't want you to bear my child if your going to be so abusive. Gomen Suzaku No Miko I did not mean to offend you, and I noticed you already have someone. That is fine I can find another lady who is less abusive then your friend and that is not taken. *walks over to Houki* Will you bear my child?


Dear Miroku,

Ano... *Points to Houki* She is the Emperor's wife.


Dear Tasuki,

I hear you have sisters. Would any of them be willing to bear my child?


Dear Miroku,

*Smirks* I dunno, wanna come wit' me an' ya' can ask 'em? *Leads him towards Aidou...*


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

Hi! the pictures from AX Tokyo look great. We noticed people had inquired about the Ask Seiryuu site; we have now reopened.

Also, Ash asked about "Hang in There, Nakago". If anyone's looking for it, it was originally published in Watase Yuu's "Kiss Me with Mint" manga series. It is also in the new special edition reprint of Fushigi Yuugi, in volume seven. Hope that helps!


Dear Tsutsuji,

Glad you liked them! Thanks for the info, too. I'm sorry we weren't able to get together when I was in Tokyo. But I have some friends that might be going in April 2005 and want me to come along as guide and translator, so maybe next year. Welcome back!


Dear Tasuki,

Okay ^^ You have to close your eyes and count to 50 then *giggles* I hide good so you will have to look for a long time! *giggles and runs off to hide*


Dear Lita,

*Starts counting...* 1, 2, 3, 4, ...


Dear Tasuki,

*walks off arm in arm with Joey and whispers to Tasuki* Okay, guy. I'll take it easy on him... seeing he's still a bit of a wimp from ur beatings on him *winks* but anyway thanks guy! By the way... what should I do if he tries anything funny? *looks a little scared*

A Nervous Mai Valentine

Dear Mai,

Well either ya' want 'im to so ya' let 'im. Or ya' don't so ya' tell 'im no an' deck 'im if ya' hafta.


Dear Chichiri,

I retook the math test today, everyone did because.. well, they weren't very good. I missed 2 problems, but other than that I actually finished it. The problem was, she didn't tell us about it until five minutes before she gave it to us and I still didn't understand how to divide radicals, and add them if you can't simplify and the radicals aren't the same. -_- but now we are doing an easy topic, ratios, I did them for years and I have it down. I'll do better on my next test. Tomorrow is the convention! And meanwhile, I'm laughing at myself for the mistake on the sleeves of the costume I made. Okay, look at your sleeves right now, where they connect on your shoulder. I know how to do it that way now. But I did the sleeves by sewing them right on top of each other! I didn't know how to do it then. And I used white thread on blue fabric. hehe.. but it was my very first costume made from scratch, so I didn't do too bad. At least it fits.


Dear rei-chan,

Congratulations on making your first costume, no da! I hope you had fun at the convention.


Dear Nuriko,

Thanks ^_^ SO I want to stay for 2 weeks. I'll be saving up for it starting in junior year.

Anyway, I finally see things Yui's way. You know how in the first series in the beginning yui yells stuff about how she wants to steal tamahome away? Well, I've had that feeling, not that I want to steal anyone away, but that I'm a third wheel. It was a while ago, and now I kinda feel it. When my friend and her friend (who was a guy) weint skiing, I was snowboarding... Lets just stay I was only on the bunny hill and to avoid being left behind I followed them to the big hill and made a large wipe out ^^; and I feel it now. My friend started out by saying one morning "I might actually have a boyfriend!" and she talked about this guy she had some in common with and she found out he likes her. Then I thought about what would happen if they really did date, then we wouldn't hang out as much and that would hurt because we're really close. But he's 16 so she knew that I was gonna lecture her. We just found out today from the guys friend. And tasuki ain't gettin' his tessen back till I falme that guy for hittin' on her when she's 14! *goes on rampage flaming every guy she hates*


Dear rei-chan,

Well she is a bit young for him, but having a boyfriend doesn't mean dumping your friends. She just needs to find a balance. You better flame him soon, Tasuki's been looking for his tessen!


Dear Tasuki,

ANIKIII! *gives his a hug* I've missed you soooooo much... (since yesterday wow I'm dumb) I had a light crew meeting the other day and my not boyfriend was pickin' on me when he was teaching us how to use the light board.

((Big flashback *whoooooosh*))

Not boyfriend- so if I asked you guys to turn on the 53rd electric at 70%, who could do it?

about three ppl- I could!

maybe four ppl- probably.

me- maybe... hopefully...

Not boyfriend- *looks around some* *Faye. Turn on the 53rd electric at 70%.

me- *grumbling* grr... i hate you... *sits down and looks at board* ok. do I push enter first, or the number?

NB- I dunno.

me- *grumles more and pushes some buttons*

NB- And look at that... wow... it turned on.

everyone- ooh... ah...

me- *takes a sigh of relief*

((flashback goes away *doodooloo... doodooloo... doodooloo... *))

And that's what happened. Oh! and I'm sorry I smacked you on the head for making a crack about the nile. I was in a bad mood. Will ya forgive me? *starts crying*


Dear Faye,

'Course I fergive ya'! Sounds like he helped ya' learn somethin'. So what's so bad 'bout that?


Dear Mitsukake,

Hey thanks for the info on lung infections! I'm actally feeling better. I think I got a ton o' the cr*p out of my lungs from coughing. I just have a sore throught now. Arigato gozaimashita

Faye (Who is feeling a lot better)

Dear Faye,

You're very welcome. I'm glad you're feeling better.


Dear Tasuki,

I was thinking about writing a songfic about you with this!

I was never cool in school
I'm sure you don't remember me
And now it's been 10 years
I'm still wondering who to be
But I'd love to mix
In circles, cliques, and social coteries - that's me
Hand me my nose ring (Can we be happy?)
Show me the mosh pit (Can we be happy?)
We can be happy underground

Who's got the looks, who's got the brains
Who's got everything
I got this pain in my heart, that's all
Hey you with the long and lonely face
There's got to be something else
Let me tell ya something else
There was this girl who passed me by
She gave a smile but I was shy
I looked down, so down
Don't look there no no, go go underground
But now there's a place to go
It's the morning, it's the evening
It's everything
I click my heels and I'm there

Underground, underground
Everything's happy underground
You been kicked around
Did life bring you down here
Everything's heavy underground

We'll be decked in all black and
Slamming the pit fantastic
Officer Friendly's little boy's got a mohawk
He knows just where we're coming from
It's industrial, work it underground
Get down, get down, get down

Underground, underground
Everything's happy underground
You been kicked around
Did life bring you down here
Everything's heavy underground

whaddya think??? (not so great I know... haha!)


Dear Faye,

Yer right, not that great.


Dear Mitsukake,

Your a really nice guy and im sure your not boring. ppl say that about me too... anyway,im just wondering how you are now... you've got a kawaii neko *glomps Tama-neko* all the best!

Hiroshi Yukino

Dear Hiroshi Yukino,

Arigato, I am fine. Please don't sqeeze Tama-neko too hard.


Dear Chichiri,

you like very cute in chibi form! and Tasuki keeps complaining on how you turn chibi when your in trouble.. i like to mention you look quite handsome without your mask-even if your a cyclpos. >_< JA! all the best,no da! *hehehehe... *

Yukino and Faye Hiroshi

Dear Yukino and Faye Hiroshi,

A cyclops, no da? *Sighs* Daaa...


Dear Hotohori,

Hello, Hoto-sama, how are you? I am okay, but I have a problem. Lately, I feel as though I have been coming second to my boyfriends friends. When ever I am with him and his friends, its like I'm not even there, and when I'm home and his friends are at his house, he doesn't even think to call me. What should I do to make him realize how he is making me feel and to fix it?


Dear Tomiko,

Sit down with him and tell him how you feel. Don't accuse him of anything, just let him know how his behavior makes you feel. He may not be aware that he is hurting you. Good luck!


Dear Chichiri,

yay this sites open again! ^.^ the seiryuu site answeres so slow that i hate to go there tho


Dear jay,

Tsutsuji and the Seiryuu Seishi are very busy, no da. You must also remember that both CnA and Tsutsuji have jobs, lives and classes in the real world so, they both do the best that they can when it comes to getting the letters answered, no da.


Dear Chiriko,

Chiriko!! be my bf your not to young i mean my first boy friend was in fourth grade please!


Dear euni,

Gomen, I just do not want a girlfriend at this stage of my life. I will be your friend if you want.


Dear Mitsukake,

I know we should get Chelsea fixed, but my brother is allergic, and we don't have anyone to take care of her while she gets better. We're looking for someone to adopt her for real. But Yin and Yang have been bugging off lately. Thank goodness. Yesterday evening, my dad and I went to see a play, "A Midsummer Night's Dream," that Suntiger was in! YAY! That's the first time I've seen Suntiger in a couple of YEARS, and the first time I've ever met another friend of mine, Kara!


Dear Selena,

That's nice. I'm glad you were able to see them. As for Chelsea, the sooner you get her fixed, the better. You don't want her having kittens, do you? She should be able to take care of herself. You would just need to make sure she doesn't pull her stictches out.


Dear Chiriko,

True, but she would not be here or anything, she doesnt really like anything at all to do with other cultures...


Dear Kasti,

It is very sad that she is so young and so closed minded. She really doesn't know what she is missing.


Dear Tamahome,

lol! Very true! I wonder what I would be like if some of my other tastes didnt change


Dear Lianah,

You might not be as happy a person as you are now. Or your taste in fashion might be years out of date.


Dear Chichiri,

True, she seems to be okay now, she never really used to take care of her body and all. But she has a boyfriend and she moved out


Dear Kasti,

So she is happy now and taking better care of herself, no da?


Dear Hotohori,

Hehe! *Smiles back* Hey I did not write this, it is pretty though, but sad.

Breaking Away

You found it a game to watch my pain,
Did you pause and think of the scars on my soul?
My heart was bruised, torn and used,
Yet I followed you blindly into a blackening hole.

Love to me was a feeling new and pure,
Emotions unknown consumed my whole heart
You took my love and made it your whore,
Dissected my spirit and ripped it apart

I could see what you were doing to me,
And I hid my eyes, willed myself to be blind.
It was true that I was afraid to be free,
You pulled my soul too fiercely then left me behind.

I loved you for the attention you gave,
I loved so completely, with all of my power.
But I can't stay confined in this lonely cave,
I will break from your clutch, I will no longer cower.

The darkness still rips silently and cruelly within.
It consumes and it corrodes, crawling through this skin.
I've fabricated my life with lies, creating your love. Something that never existed.
A Blackened, broken dove. Love clawed all truth from my blinded eyes.
Now I can see and now I despise. Hate seethes inside and will never again be contained.
I give myself to the loathing that courses in these veins.


Dear Kasti,

It is very sad. I'm glad you're not the author.


Dear Tasuki,

*They glance at you and one of them pulls out a knife and throws it towards you* *I scream and try to push you out of the way* Watch out!


Dear Jennsen,

LEKKA SHIENEN!! *Fries knife and singes the owner.* What th' H*LL is goin' on wit' ya?


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

This is for all you... If you could be any other character in Fushigi Yuugi... who would it be? *curious*


Dear ryo-chan,

Chiriko: Tasuki

Tamahome: Hotohori

Nuriko: Houki

Chichiri: I prefer to be myself, no da.

Tasuki: Chichiri

Hotohori: Tamahome

Mitsukake: Kesukei

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Tamahome,

*hands you two ryou* What are ya gonna do with the money?... i mean you must be... uhh never mind... so whats up?... you and Miaka doing anything special? *elbows in the ribs* huh? huh? *wink*


Dear ryo-chan,

I save some and some we use to live on.


Dear Nuriko,

Oniichan! I's so sad! I didn't win the Kiara plushie in the anime reffle... But I won this weird pokemon thing, a trigun poster and the first fruits basket dvd... *sniffles* I WANTED THE PLUSHIE!! *sigh* at least i have presents for my friends... ^^()

Stine, sad and Kiaraless

Dear Stine,

But at least you won something. You can always buy the Kirara plushie. It's about $15.00 and should be available through Diamond Distributors, so your local comic book store should be able to order it for you. That's how CnA got hers.


Dear Tasuki,

*hugs and puts a leash on his neckless* BWAAHAHAHA MY BISHIE!!! *drags him off with Tamahome who is trapped in the box*

kuru kuru pa

Dear kuru kuru pa,

OI! Stop that! Lemme go ya' crazy fan girl!


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

did you guys know they're still choosing cho chang for the harry potter movie?? well the number one bets are kroean singer Kwon Boa and Sarah Lee. who do you guys want to see in the movie more? im boa all the way. please answer separately and tell why. thank you


Dear andy,

We don't know who any of those actors are, sorry.

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Nuriko,

Nuriko! my crush is going gay!! WWhhhhaa!! help me stop him!!


Dear shaneneai,

I might be the wrong person to stop him. If that is his choice, you need to respect that.


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

Oh no, I wasn't offended when you corrected me. As far as the Valintine thing, it's ok now because after I got to rant and complain to you, I felt better. I guess I'd kept it all pent up for too long. I still feel a little sad about it, but I'm a lot better. Anyhoo, on a lighter note, I was wondering, what do you look for in womwen? Pesonality wise or appearance either one...just wondering. ^__^ *Huggles.*

Your Imouto,


Dear Lizzie-Chan,

We're glad you're feeling better about that.

Chichiri: She'd have to be like my late fiancée, no da.
Tamahome: Miaka
Hotohori: Houki/Miaka
Mitsukake: Shoka
Tasuki: I ain't lookin'.
Nuriko: Miaka
Chiriko: Miaka

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Tasuki,

I'm just curious. Who drew the picture at the top of th 'You got questions, we got answers" page?


Dear JC,

Chichiri no Aijin's husband did that fer us. He's pretty good, eh?


Dear Hotohori,

How did your hair grow out to be so long? Did you never cut it, or maybe just gave it a trim every now and then to keep the ends straight? Is there some kind of special shampoo? Was it the lack of ownership of scissors? Is it a wig? Is it an illusion? Did you grow it out for the rest of your life with a buddy you bet on, saying "My hair can to be longer than yours!" and since you won and worked so hard at it you kept it? Or perhaps you lost and the loser had to keep their hair long? I'd love to know your secret, or do I hafta go to Nuriko?

Hey.. would you ever give it up for charity? Like, if everyone went bald, would you give out your hair so you'd end up bald, but everyone else would have at least one strand of hair taped or superglued on their heads since no more wigs are sold?

I must know! O_O

Ropponmatsu III

Dear Ropponmatsu III,

My hair is long because I only trim it and never cut it short. I like it that way. I don't know about giving it up for charity, though.


Dear Tamahome,

konnichi wa Tamahome! Ogenki desu ka? Is Miaka-chan well? I hope that she isn't eating you out of house and home.Teehee well ja ne *kisses you on the cheek*

kawaii neko-chan

Dear kawaii neko-chan,

Bokutachi wa genki desu. She hasn't yet.


Dear Hotohori,

Emperor Hotohori-sama!! What have you been doing lately? Not much here, I'm just trying to write on my stories. But I haven't had any ideas in a while. How's the empress and your son? I'm okay I guess. I'm so sorry I hadn't wrote to you in a while, Your Majesty!! I wish someone would give me ideas for my stories! It's not fair!! Everyone thinks I get ideas all the time, but when I have writers Block, I can't write anything on my stories for days!! I hope you and the empress had a lovely Valentines day!! Well I better go, Your Majesty!! I'll write again soon!!

Madame Lanatica Valsain

Dear Madame Lanatica Valsain,

We are all well, thank you.. I have been busy with affairs of state as well as answering letters. I hope you had a nice Valentine's Day as well.


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

Would you like me as a girlfriend?

Page Harrell

Dear Page,

We don't even know you, so that would be a difficult question to answer.

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Chichiri,

Hi! Did ya know I'm married 2 Joey? 'Cause I am!! @___@

Heafuru Miya- - I mean Jonouchi

Dear Heafuru,

Are you, no da? Congratulations!


Dear Tasuki,

I think you are so cute! Do you think I'm cute? I have brown hair and blue eyes.

Page Harrell

Dear Page,

Thanks! I dunno. I dunno what ya' look like.


Dear Chichiri,

I know you might be heart broken about your past but are you interested in finding another girl.

Page Harrell

Dear Page,

Not really. Besides, I already have Chichiri no Aijin, Chichiri no Aisai, and Wandering Mage Chichiri and they are quite the handful, no da!


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

Well, "Hang in there Nakago" I heard was in book 12 and 13 of Fushigi Yuugi. So I thought you might have known about it.


Dear Ash,

Oh, you mean the omake about his seiyuu? We have seen that. But we just went through books 12 and 13 and didn't find any "Hang in there Nakago".

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Tasuki,

Yay! *hugs* Oji-sama wants to play with me. *smiles* who hides first?


Dear Lita,

Hmmm.. How 'bout ya' go first?


Dear Hotohori,

how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? i always wanted to know the answer to that question... so hows your baby?.. *giggles*... sayonara!!


Dear ryo-chan,

A woodchuck would chuck all the wood he could chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood. Boshin is fine, thank you.


Dear Tasuki,

i guess i am practically like you... except for that i hate guys now... cuz they make me cry... i can only have them as friends... *sad*... ITS NOW FAIR!... *eats a cookie*... *smiles*... cookies make you smile!! ... ^_^


Dear ryo-chan,

Yeah, but friends are better n' boyfriends.


Dear Chichiri,

i gotta be honest about you chichiri... *blushes*... i actually think you look cute without our mask on... even if your a cyclops... *sweatdrop*... i mean even if you have one eye... i still think you are cute... *blushes and gives you a kiss on the cheek*... will you sign my chichiri plushie?!? ... *giggles*


Dear ryo-chan,

Arigato for your kind words, no da. Of course I will.


Dear Chichiri,

Hey so why don't you talk about your past that much? its better to let things out then to just hold it in all the time.


Dear sum1,

I just prefer not to discuss the past, no da.


Dear Nuriko,

Itai! *rubs his head* I want to go back to Sango, she hurts me a lot less... *sigh*


Dear Miroku,

How dare you ask us such a question!! She is the Suzaku no Miko and I'm one of her Seishi you hentai bozu! You should be ashamed of yourself!


Dear Tasuki,

Calling my Ryuuen a fruit Shun'u? It's a good thing you're a rice man, cause the fruit liquors are a bit strong. If I'd label him as a fruit I'd call him a blackberry. Complex and very sweet.

*smiles* you're a farm boy and you've never heard of blackberry brandy?


Dear Doc-sama,

I heard of it. Jus' never liked th' taste of it. Guess it's a good thin' ya' do. *Grins*


Dear Tamahome,

Remember the time when you was kissed by Nakago. How was it? Was it better than Miaka's? Please be honest.

A curious little girl

Dear curious little girl,

It was disgusting!


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

Hey you guys!! I wanted to know have you heard of fruit basket? I thought it was such a good anime. I just wanted to know what are your guys favorite characters if you have watch it. Beside that have you seen my darling.. Nakago?

Soi Kaen

Dear Soi Kaen,

We have, it's a good show! No, we haven't seen Nakago.

Tasuki: Kyou
Tamahome: Tohru
Hotohori: Shigure
Mitsukake: Hatori
Nuriko: Ayame
Chichiri: Hana-chan, no da

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Nuriko,

Doc smiles as she cleans up the pots Miaka left behind. "She'll be sleeping for awhile, which happens after eating a lot of a good food."

Doc puts the dishes up, turns around to see her aisaika and musuko snuggled together asleep in some spare bedding on the floor. "oi.." Doc lies down on the couch to take a nap. "They need their father-son moments anyway." Doc yawns, pulls a blanket over herself and takes a nap.


Dear Doc-sama,

*Sora wakes up and goes over to his mom and cuddles with her on the couch.*


Dear Tasuki,

Joey: Ok, Tasuki, man. Lissen up. I keep checkin' back only to find crazy people are talkin' to ya like me! What' gives? I mean, seriously...

Mai: It's only cause your popular to the s. *winks at Joey*

Joey: *goes bright red* Huh? Mai, what insanity are you ravin' 'bout now?

Mai: Well, Joey...(to Tasuki) Ok, I'll give that guy a chance... (back to Joey) Are you going to just stand there with your mouth hanging open or are you going to ask for my company?

Joey: *speechless*...

Mai: Well?

Joey: ... wanna go out fer coffee?

Joey and Mai

Dear Joey and Mai,

*Grins and slaps Joey on the back.* Good luck kid! *Whispers to Mai… be gentle wit' 'im.*


Dear Tamahome,

*another box appears from behind Tamahome and falls on him* BWAHAAHAHAHA! I GOT THE BISHIE!!! *duct tapes the box and runs away with it*

kuru kuru pa

Dear kuru kuru pa,

AGH! Help!


Dear Hotohori,

*walks over to Hotohori* I hear you have a harem...*looks around* Where is this harem..?


Dear Miroku,

It has been disbanded since I am now married and have an heir.


Dear Chichiri,

Thanks ^_^ but my dad said that he'd feel bad for my future boyfriend because I'm so clumsy. Who knows what I'll break next.. I just recently broke one of my mom's favorite glasses.. by dropping a cup on it. -_- she still doesn't know... Anyway, today was.. okay, not close to great because of my math test. Because of my vacation, I didn't learn three sections of math! How to subtract, add, and divide radicals, and I ended up not finishing the test because it was a chapter test and an hour to do it. I felt so.. bad... If I had studying French harder, I would have taken the test on Monday afterschool instead of Tuesday, when we have math extra help, and then I would have been fine. I had to take the french test as soon as possible, but I did study and did pretty well. But I'd rather get a bad grade on french and a good grade on math because I love math and it's more important if I want to be a vet. And I'm just gonna forget french and learn japanese anyway.. hopefully... but I do have some good news.. no wait that's bad news.. I can't do jazzband -_- I'm the only one in the whole school that signed up for it, therefore It won't run. I need to find the music teacher and ask if there is any room for a piano player in a different elective.. so how are you?


PS: THat sango and miroku thing's funny... I love miroku! *carries miroku on a leash to take him to anti-pervert training school*

Dear rei-chan,

I'm fine, no da. I'm sorry your math grade wasn't what you were hoping for. I'm sure you'll do better next time, no da. I agree it was very amusing, no da.


Dear Nuriko,

Thanks. I'm not really muh of a poet.. and if I do write poems I don't like to share them because then I look at them and I think they are bad -_- You are so lucky you went to japan!! As soon as I get out of high school I want to go. Problem is, I want to go in April for golden week. Is the cherry blossom festival in golden week? I want to see a real live hot and cold drink vending machine! I wish we had those here... In any case, my choir has to perform at some chinese restaurant. I don't wanna! Ug.. HE will be there. But then again, maybe not. I haven't seen him at all this week. but I still don't want to go, because I still sit alone in music class. Well, sometimes I talk to the girls in front of me who are really nice, but I don't hang out with them or anything. it'll be just like that basketball dinner, which is why I don't do basketball anymore, when I sat alone talking to no one and carved my crushes name out of sauce on my plate. Ug.. and it's the night before the kame-con, an anime convention we are going to which is an hour away so we have to leave early. Did I tell you about the people behind our table in the cafeteria that were throwing french fries at us? And by the way, I KNEW someday Miroku would mistaken you for a girl and ask that question...


Dear rei-chan,

The sakura tend to bloom in April which is after Golden Week. You did in a letter to Tasuki. He says he wants his tessen back. Why do you choose to sit alone at functions?


Dear Chiriko,

Hey, I have a couple more questions.. this might seem kind of nasty, and you don't have to answer it if you prefer not to. Why exactly do we sneeze? Is there like a pressure build up in our nose or something? And How do you make something in japanese plural? Like to say more than one baka yaro and just plain baka?


Dear rei-chan,

Something tickles your nasal passages and you sneeze to expel it. Things are generally made plural by adding counters. So two bakas would be "futatsu baka*.


Dear Chiriko,

lol! Yes, and I like being a sister, although, I have an older one, who did not used to be very nice, she is now! Oh well! I like brothers.. They seem to be more understanding than sisters are.. *blinks* That probably sounded bad on my part


Dear Kasti,

Only to your older sister I guess…


Dear Tamahome,

Hey! Neither do I! I used to like country I suppose, but I stopped liking it, like 6 years back or so and moved on to other things


Dear Lianah,

People's tastes do change.


Dear Chichiri,

Dah! She is always lacking something in her diet, or lacking something or other. I guess depression ties into that.. Hmm.. Do you think that it does?


Dear Kasti,

I'm sure it does no da. She may not eat properly or take good care of herself because she is depressed.


Dear Hotohori,

Awwwww! *Teardrop* Thats so sweet!!


Dear Kasti,



Dear Tasuki,

She is our little kid, and we went her to come back with us. *They said with a harsh glare* *I move back slightly, even away from you, and just stare at them*


Dear Jennsen,

Whaddya' mean? Ya' don't look like parents…


Dear Tasuki,

Today we made riceballs in Japanese class and they were really good!! Mine were all pretty and triangular. The teacher said mine looked so perfect that she took a picture of me with my pretty riceball!! ^^ I ate about three shrimp ones. mmm... shrimpy... Actually I'm still kinda full even though it was 7 and a half hours ago. Here. I saved one for you! ^^


Dear Faye,

Cool! Arigato!


Dear Tasuki,

um... no. that would be THE NILE. denial is when you refuse to believe that something bad happened... *smacks him with a paper towel tube* BAKA!


Dear Faye,

OI! I knew that! Can't take a joke can ya'? *Grins*


Dear Chiriko,

Supposedly there was a letter from me when I never wrote it. I would like to tell everyone who reads this to NEVER impersonate a writer no matter how much you like them and want them to come back. It's very rude and unappriciated. This joke was getting kinda old so I stopped using it. I CAN write in occasionally if they still think it's funny, but just don't impersonate people.

Tasuki's REAL Liver

Dear Tasuki's REAL Liver,

Point taken. However, I don't think we can do anything about Tasuki and his drinking.


Dear Mitsukake,

What might tell you if you have a lung infection? I did think I had pnemonia, but I didn't, and my ma told me that I may have a lung infection of some sort. I've been occasionally coughing up crap stuff and my lungs feel kinda heavy or something.


Dear Faye,

What you describe is a good indicator of infection. However, you should see a doctor and get a proper diagnosis. Odaijini!


Dear Tasuki,

*tries to think of a random excuse to drag Tasuki home* hmmm... *searches on the internet* Ya know Tasuki, You should visit the family for Ash Wednesday. *starts dragging Tasuki to his house*


Dear Faye,

OI! We ain't Catholic! An' I ain't givin' up sake fer Lent!


Dear Mitsukake,

Yeah, Chiriko probably would get 1600... Lucky. And as for my computer, it's all good now. But I couldn't get onto Neopets for three whole days! *sob* I have no life beyond the computer... It's really kind of sad. These two other cats have been attacking Chelsea, the cat that adopted us! We think they're male. One's black with a little white, and the other's white with a little black, so I call them Yin and Yang. We chase them off if they get mean, but they keep coming back. Do you know of a way to keep them away, or to stop them from attacking Chelsea?


Dear Selena,

Is Chelsea fixed? If she isn't that may be why the 2 male cats are after her. If she isn't fixed you need to take her to the vet and get her fixed ASAP.


Dear Chichiri,

*walks around seeing the many fangirls at the site...* I like it here *he then grins and walks up to the fangirls* Are any of you intersted in bearing my child?


Dear Miroku,

Ano … *Sweatdrops* I don't think that's an appropriate question to be asking young ladies, no da.


Dear Nuriko,

Gomenasai! I did NOT mean 2 threaten you! -.-;; Kaiba told me 2 wrote that. Actually Kaiba's the one who wrote about the plushie thingy! Kaiba no baka!! ^__^ Ne? Anyway will ya beat up my classmate? He IS very mean an' annoyin' and 2 of my friends ain't helpin'! They just tell him 2 leave me alone but that ain't workin'!

Heafuru Miyahara

Dear Heafuru Miyahara,

That won't help you. Have you tried talking to your parents about his harassment? They could talk to the school officials for you and get him taken care of.


Dear Chiriko,

What the heck?! Stupid ads... *notices Chiriko* Oh! Gomen! Konnichiwa! Ogenki desu ka? Could you please tell me how to say "Shut-up and leave me the heck alone" in Japanese? I need 2 now 4 I use that sentance alot. ^^ PWWWEAASE!!

Heafuru Miyahara

Dear Heafuru Miyahara,

Genki desu. Urusai wa watashi o hanashitte oki.


Dear Chichiri,

Have ya ever heard of Puffy Ami Yumi? *__* They sing good... *_____* J-pop good!

Heafuru Miyahara

Dear Heafuru Miyahara,

I have. They sing the Teen Titians theme, no da.


Dear Hotohori,

Wanna kno somethin' funny? ^__^ I was reading a Yu Gi Oh fan-fic and in it Joey kept runnin' 'round screamin' "Being stupid is fun!" An' I thought I was da only one who thought that ^^...

Heafuru Miyahara

Dear Heafuru Miyahara,

Well, I suppose you two have something in common then, ne?


Dear Tasuki,

fruit + cake = Nuriko, get it?? ^____^

Heafuru Miyahara

Dear Heafuru Miyahara,

Yeah, but I ain't tellin' 'im that! Besides, he may be a fruit but I think Nakago's th' REAL fruitcake!


Dear Tamahome,

I've been needin' ta tell you this! I'm very sorry your family died. I ended having to watch that episode twice and I cried both times! But at least you still had Miaka and all your friends. And in Eikoden you and Miaka got married and had a baby so you got a new family! Although I'm pretty sure you still carry your Father, brothers and sisters in your heart, am I correct?

Heafuru Miyahara

Dear Heafuru Miyahara,

Arigato. Yes, of course I do.


Dear Nuriko,

One of my stupid male classmates keeps annoyin' me! will you beat him up? If ya don't I'll take yer Hotohori plushie!

Heafuru Miyahara

Dear Heafuru Miyahara,

I don't help people that threaten me. *Clutches his plushie*


Dear Chichiri,

anyung ha se yo.lee gu a la du lu myun ne-ga don man iii jul ke yo! ^.^

eun ji

Dear eun ji,



Dear Tamahome,

do you ever think nakago is gay?

need to know

Dear need to know,

I think he's a lot of things, but gay isn't one of them.


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

*walks over to Nuriko and Miaka* Hello ladies would one of you be intersted in bearing my child? *gropes them both*


Dear Miroku,

*Gets decked into next week by Nuriko...*


Dear Nuriko,

Oniichan! I was being stupid and I didn't know where my id was and I looked and looked and looked then I found it underneath my cd player... am I really that stupid or is it just my head hurt so bad from no caffine and little sleep that I wasn't thinking right?


Dear Stine,

I don't think it's anything that some sleep won't cure.


Dear Nuriko,

Otome Ranman. Very good song. :gives Nuriko a thumbs up: Now we need to get Tasuki to sing a song like that...


Dear C-Sama,

*Smiles* Glad you liked it!


Dear Chichiri,

Hey Oniichan! I just got back from Florida...and the Sunshine State wasn't actually as sunny as it should have been. But I had a good time anyway. (Hanging out with family I haven't seen in a long time is always a good way to spend a vacation, ne?) I think the most eventful thing we did was that we went over to Epcot and spent the day walking around the Worlds exhibit. Fortunately, they just opened a Japan portion, so I spent a lot of my time there looking at the gardens and the koi pond, eating sushi, buying things, etc...

Which reminds me...

:pulls a large Japanese umbrella from bag:

I found this while shopping in a traditional store, and it made me think of you! I guess you're wondering why... well, you fish a lot and since you sit on a REALLY sunny rock by the pond, this is just to shield you from the sun!! It's big enough to sit on it's own, and big enough for someone to sit under it. (Not to mention it's from "Japan")

:hands umbrella to Chichiri:

Well anyways, I had a great time! How has your week been?


Dear C-Sama,

Arigato for the lovely present, no da! My week has been busy but it does make the time pass.


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

Have you guys ever heard of "Hang in there Nakago"?


Dear Ash,


Suzaku Seishi

Dear Tasuki,

..Heh! Heya Genrou! You know where I can find that Hotohori?? :starry eyes:

ROMEO (the bandit from Mt. Reikaku who was in love with Hotohori)


No an' he ain't interested in ya' anyways. He's got Houki.


Dear Chichiri,

You like Miroku eh? *has Miroku tied up and drags him over to Chichiri* Teach him how to not be hentai then *walks off*


Dear Sango,

*Looks at Miroku and sweatdrops…* Daaaa… I'll see what I can do, no da.


Dear Nuriko,

Arigato Gozaimasu Nuriko-san. Your answer helped me figure out some things, that and I also asked my friend Pam-Pam and reread Vol. 8 of Chobits. Have you read Chobits? Its by Clamp and is such a kawaii series ^^ I own all eight manga and the first DVD.


Dear Rika-chan,

I have and really liked it! You're very welcome! I'm glad I was able to help. *Smiles*


Dear Chichiri,

THat's true, I've really only met a couple of guys that were.. well, nice. But I still don't know the real them. And both are in kendo, and I've been there much longer than them so maybe they'd be afraid to be mean ^_^' oh well, thank you for you kind words anyway. Sometimes I'm pretty confident, but sometimes I can be pretty unconfident. Sometimes I just don't like the way I am, the way I look. Other times I wonder why guys don't like me because of my good hair and I am pretty good looking lol ^^ yes, I can assume hotohori's confidence (NO Offense hotohori-sama) but I can accept myself, my mind anyway. Daijobu, I'm planning on practicing kendo more, and boxing. Not boxing in a class, but to the video ^^ I want stomach muscels.. no idea how to spell that. If you've seen or read the manga love hina, then I can say I'm half Su, half motoko. I can be hyper and cheerful at times, and want to tease people but I also have my responsibilities and I know what I want and have no fear. I'm pretty much a tomboy, dressing masculine you can say. Wearing my hat backwards, large pants and t-shirts. Well, i'm glad not to be like them because I won't waste my days looking for a guy when Im only a teenager! HAHAH! IF HE WANTS ME, HE'LL HAVE TO FIND ME FOR HIMSELF CAUSE I'll be studying to be Smart! *goes insane* *runs off to read the encyclopedia*

Rei-chan *reading*

Dear Rei-chan,

It sounds like you have a good sense of yourself, no da. That will be one lucky young man when he finds you, no da!


Dear Mitsukake,

Listen to this: The other day the computer sent out our password to millions of peolpe because of a stupid virus! Can you believe it??? But now we have better virus protection, thank goodness. My grandparents said it happened to them, too. Has it ever happened to you guys? And I took the SAT's back a few weeks ago. I don't remember if I told you that, but now I have my scores back! 610 in verbal, 500 in math, for a grand total score of 1110! That's only 160 points less than my mom's was ih 10th grade! And I'm only in 7th! Hmmm. I wonder what Chiriko would get, if he were to take the SAT's...


Dear Selena,

He would probably get 1600. But your score was excellent for a 7th grader! Congratulations! I'm sorry to hear about the virus. Now you just need to make sure you keep your antivirus software up to date.


Dear Nuriko,

Well, that's true. I've been dreaming of upcoming events recently. Before my vacation, I had dreams about it, and before I go back to school on Monday, I have dreams that I'll be unprepared for it. And that hasn't happened once the school year, so I won't let it happen!! Last night I wrote this poem. I'm not really good at poetry. My friends think so but I don't usually let others read my poetry though I enjoy reading others' poetry.

I turn to see the face I least want to see
But I'm locked on those eyes, staring back at me.
I turn away, that face imprinted in my mind
Only to see it again another day.
It drives me insane.
I wish it I could erase all the images
in my head of them.
WHat do they want?
I want to make them go away.
But when I see them again,
I don't doubt or fear
Only because I will return the same stare I have seen
And leave that other pair of eyes
wondering like I once was.

Ug. that was a bad one...^^


Dear Rei-chan,

Actually, I liked your poem. Sounds like your dreams are your way of preparing for what's ahead.


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

Hiya again! *Waves* I dunno if you guys remember, since you get a lot of letters, but I asked to be your sister, and you corrected my Japanese. I didn't know Imouto and Nee-chan were different...

*Shrugs* Anyhoo, that's not the point. Valintines Day was last week, and everybody gave out their gifts the friday before. I got all my friends at school candy, and got my three best friends flowers. Well, I don't want to sound selfish, but no one got me anything besides my mom and day. My 3 best friends were broke, and don't have jobs, so I wasn't expecting anything big, you know? I would've been happy with just a little note, or a simple 'thanks, I owe you.'. *Starts crying.* It just didn't feel fair. Valentines Day is supposed to be a day for love, and I spent most of it wondering if anyone even really liked me. *Cries more.*

*Sniffles, trying to stop crying.* I bet I sound really spoiled...I just wanted to tell someone how I feel...it's been bottled up inside for a week already. I like Valintines Day, but I feel kinda upset when I see the happy couples walking around. I can't help but think. 'They're so lucky...' then wonder why I'm not. I'm 17 years old, never even had a date, and all the guys that ever even talk to me are gay, taken, or just way too young. It kinda puts a girl's hopes down, ya know?

Anyway, you guys are so great for listening to me cry and complain like this...that's how brothers should be, right? *Hugs each one.* I love you guys. ^__^ Say...you don't know anyone you could set me up with, do you? *Hopes, as her new brothers, they're not defensive brothers.* *Hugs each one again.*

Your Imouto,


Dear Lizzie-chan,

We're sorry your friends weren't very considerate of you on Valentines Day. As for having a boyfriend, don't be in a rush. When the right one comes along he'll be worth the wait. *They all give her a hug.* We're also sorry if we offended you when we corrected you. Suzaku Seishi

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Tasuki,

KYAAA! TASUKI-KUN!!! (leapes tackles and huges till he cant breath)AAAAHHH I CANT BELIEVE IM DOING THIS!! SO HAPPY! (keeps squeezing until his eyes buldge)

crazed fan

Dear crazed fan,

GAAAHHH!!! Can't breathe…


Dear Chichiri,

Konnichi wa, na no da! *Waves.* Say hello, Kumagoro, na no da! *Holds up a small pink bunny that waves also.* I've from another show, na no da. I was wonder if you've heard of it, na no da...Gravitation, na no da? I'm a hit rock star, lead singer of Nittle Graspers, na no da. You've got a Nuriko, na no da? We've got a Noriko, na no da! We aslo have a Tohma, Yuki, Shuichi, Hiro, Fujisaki, Ayaka, K, Sakano, and a whole lot of fangirls, na no da! I've got a creepy little fanboy named Tatsuha, na no da...I think he's a stalker or something, na no da. He scares me, na no da, and I had to hire more security, na no da...

Oh well, na no da, I just wanted to say hi, na no da, from one no da-er to another, na no da. Say ja, Kumagoro, na no da! *Bunny waves* Ja, Chichiri-sama, na no da!

Sakuma Ryuchi

Dear Sakuma Ryuchi,

Nice to meet you Sakuma-san! Chichiri no Aijin is reading Gravitation and really likes it, no da!


Dear Nuriko,

Tasuki shouldn't have made comments about Mai and Joey! *starts crying* It hurt my feelings...

Heafuru Miyahara

Dear Heafuru Miyahara,

All he did was tell Mai how Joey felt. That shouldn't have hurt your feelings.


Dear Tamahome,

Tasuki must be punished 4 the Mai and Joey comments!!

Heafuru Miyahara

Dear Heafuru Miyahara,

Why? I don't think he did anything wrong.


Dear Chiriko,

*sweatdrops* Why does Heafuru keep runnin' off cryin'??

Joey Wheeler

Dear Joey Wheeler,

I think she may be in love with you.


Dear Tasuki,

Ya know wat?! I bet yer actually the one who likes Mai!!

Heafuru Miyahara

Dear Heafuru Miyahara,

*Laughs* nah, I jus' like bustin' Joey's chops!


Dear Mitsukake,

I'm heartbroken... do you have a cure 4 that? Or must I suffer.

Heafuru Miyahara

Dear Heafuru Miyahara,

Gomen, only time will heal that.


Dear Chiriko,

Hiya Chiriko-chan! I've been wondering, and I hope you don't mind answering my question(s), but what's the difference between the Bakumatsu, the Sennan Wars, and Satsuma? And when do they all take place? I've been watching/reading Rurouni Kenshin and I've been trying to figure it all out and I'm having a horrible time of it.

How do you get your hair to stick up like that? Do you use hair gel like (I think) Trowa Barton from Gundam Wing uses? Everybody (the Suzaku Seishi) is nice to you, right? I mean, you're too cute to be bullied or picked on. I'm sorry that you and Mitsukake get ignored all the time; I'll write to him as soon as I can think of something to say!

Thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule to read my letter! Have a nice day!


Dear wyrd,

The Bakumatsu is the war that leads to the Meiji era (you might find this site helpful http://www.koyagi.com/bakumatsu.html). I believe that the Sennan Wars are referring to Civil Wars in Japan. They took place throughout Japan before the Edo era (1467-1603). Sastuma contributed to the fall of the Tokugowa Shogunate in 1867. Here is another site that may be helpful: http://www2.kanawa.com/japan/history.html It just does because it's so thick, I do not use gel. They are all very nice to me!


Dear Tasuki,

*comes in crying* ANIKIIII!!! I'VE HAD SUCH A BAD DAY!!! first, I woke up super early and found out I had a leak in my room, the I had to walk my little brother to school in the rain, then when we got there he accidentally splashed a ton of water into my shoe (half way home there was a stabbing pain in my heel and the other half I coudn't feel anything there) then I got to school and almost fell asleep in Japanese so the teacher was picking on me to keep me awake, *good thing wee!* then I found out I got my first A or B in a math test for the past two years..., but then when I got home I wanted to play the Sims but my mom said no, so I asked to go on the internet and she said eat something first even though I wasn't hungry, so I ate a little and then almost threw up, and then I came here... I'm dyin' here!! XP(That chili didn't go down too well...)

Course Valentines Day went somewhat well (aside from bein' depressed) I got a bunch of new clothes, and went out to dinner. My grandparents came up from CA, and my Aunt and Uncle and Cousin(he's 2) came down from WA and they met my brothers girlfriend/my best bud and we all went out to dinner. but then I had this really really realistic nightmare where my cousin colored in my Genrou Den novel thingy. (I woke up and I had to check. it was very strange...)

and hey!! this is all pretty random huh? I guess I had to let it all out somewhere!

OOH!!OOH!! I'm providing food for my brother's best friends 18 birthday!! wee!! He's kinda like another brother to me. (like the one that's nice and stands up for you when your other brothers are being evil) I've known him since I was in the third grade so.... umm.... wee! o.o

Well, I'm done rambling. (for now) see ya later Aniki

Faye (depressed, hyper, AND in denial)

Dear Faye,

Sorry ya' got sick an' all but besides that it sounds like yer doin' pretty good. OI! Ain't denial a river in Egypt?


Dear Tasuki,

YAY! I am supper happy today! That ugly jerk is now suspended and banned from getting within 50 feet of me. :) Teach him to mess with me! I just pulled a little butt kickin action! Yep yep! (Actaually burst into tears and made everyone feel bad for... But it got the job done!) Anyways love. You are Cute! And all mine to! YAY! I am sooo lucky! I get to sleep on your face everynight, and hug you all day, and carry you in my pocket 2! YAY! Note to self... Need more tasuki stuff...


Dear Ami,

I'm glad to hear he got what he deserved. Ya' what?!? Ya' know, yer STILL scary!


Dear Tamahome,

*makes a trail of money that leads from Tamahome's feet to a cardboard box* *sits behind the box and waits* here bishie... bishie bishie... into your home...

Kuru kuru pa

Dear Crazy,

OOOH! O… ka… ne… *Follows money trail, but stops short of the box…*


Dear Tasuki,

hmmm...?... i think that you don't like girls cuz of your 5 sister's... i mean i would die if i listened to them nag all the time.. they would want to play with my stuff and annoy the sh*t out of me... hehehe.. sorrie for my bad language... but yeah i think that's the reason... but dont light me on fire if I'm wrong you know... *big sweatdrop*...


Dear ryo-chan,

That's pretty much th' reason.


Dear Nuriko,

Wow, this site is still open? It's been years since I've been here. Anyway, Nuriko-pyon, what do you think of Watase Yuu's new art style? Looking back at my old Fushigi Yuugi and Ayashi no Ceres artbooks, I can tell it has changed a lot compared to newer ones like Alice 19th, Zettai Kareshi, and even Imadoki. It almost looks like cel painted anime artwork rather than the soft and dreamy(for lack of a better word >.>) art she used to do. Also, if you could choose to be drawn by any other mangaka, who would it be?


Dear Skadi,

I like it! I'd have to say Clamp, Wataru Yoshizumi (Marmalade Boy), Maki Murakami (Gravitation), and Sakurako Gokurakuin (Juvenile Orion) for a start. I like their style of artwork.


Dear Nuriko,

Doc stirs the contents of the pot she's cooking dinner in. "Sora, Papa's seishi meeting should be over. Go tell him that dinner is done, and that he needs to get here quick."

"Hai Mama!!" Sora dashes out the door and makes his way to the Seishi meeting room. Sora slips into the room, finds his Papa, and tugs Papa's pant leg. "Mama made Chicken and Dumplings for dinner! We need to get back before Miaka-sama smells it."

Doc sets out the salad, the cornbread, a dish of gravy, and the bowl of Chicken and Dumplings. "That's all done, Now I'll just leave these large to go containers for Miaka to snitch by the door." Doc carries the pots over to the doorway and leaves them for the hungry Miko. "She should like Southern US cooking.."

Doc-sama and Sora

Dear Doc-sama and Sora,

*Comes in and sees it all.* Oishiso desu ne! And it smells delicious as well! So let's eat! *Sees containers...* I see you made sure the Miko got her due. *Grins*


Dear Hotohori,

I am a great fan of yours. I really like you and I was wondering if you would come over for my birthday tomorrow.


Dear You-Know-Who,

If I could make it to your world, I would. Happy Birthday! I hope you have a wonderful day!


Dear Tamahome,

Are you a warrior for truth and justice?


Dear amelia,

I suppose you could say that.


Dear Chiriko,

Are you drinkin any sake lately?

the return of tasukis liver

Dear tasukis liver,

Me? NO!


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

Here are some questi0ons about you all please answere sepparately tamahome-if miaka cant cook how come her hobby is making cookies? hotohori-boushin is ssoooo cute! nuriko-did you and your sister ever fight? chichiri-why does tasuki call taitskun shunke baba?what is it? tasuki-how does tamahome live all those rekka shiens? mitsukake-do you like garfield chiriko-if miiya came back to you would you go out with her?i mean you are not to young lots of people your age and younger date! thank u!::glomps everybody::


Dear neetra,

Here are all your answers:

Tamahome - Well, everyone needs a hobby…
Hotohori - Arigato!
Nuriko - No.
Chichiri - It's an insult, no da. He's basically calling her an old bag.
Tasuki - He's tough.
Mitsukake - The cat? I like him.
Chiriko - I think we would be very good friends.

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Chiriko,

*Smiles and hands you a piece of chocolate* Thanks! It seems you have also been getting alot of offers to be a brother... Hehe


Dear Kasti,

Arigato! It does, but that's ok. I like being a brother.


Dear Chiriko,

i heard tasuki smacked cha! whyd he do that? thats mean!

chiriko fan

Dear chiriko fan,

I think it was to make my symbol appear. Or was it because I was going to throw up on him...?


Dear Tamahome,

Hey, me too! Hehe, I do not like rap that much though..But..I had to listen to it everyday in art last semester in art though.


Dear Lianah,

I tend to not care much for rap or country music.


Dear Chichiri,

lol! Yeah! I mean...I know people can be weird sometimes (Myself included) but still... Her whole additude said it all.. But she never ended up pregnant.


Dear Kasti,

That's good, no da! Maybe she was just lacking something in her diet.


Dear Hotohori,

lol! Anything at all, Your Highness?


Dear Kasti,

I'd like to live long enough to see Boushin become emperor.


Dear Tasuki,

*One of them sweatdrops* We didnt say anything about slaves...Now just give her back and we can all go away happily...

*I move back slightly but still stay directly behind you* I dont want to go with you though!


Dear Jennsen,

She don't wanna go wit' ya' so I don't see no reason to give 'er to ya'.


Dear Tasuki,

Oji-sama will you play hide and seek with me? onegai?


Dear Lita,

Sure. How ya' been?


Dear Chiriko,

how does one go about making a site like this?


Dear bob,

First you need to learn HTML coding… then you will need to pay for space on a server that will host your site. Then you create the site and go from there.


Dear Mitsukake,

My mother wanted to send me to a therapist because I didn't think of my father as highly as she thought I would, but I pretty much gave up and laid low and she decided not to. Just because I love him doesn't mean I have to like him, you know? If anything this whole ordeal had made me more assertive and more firm in the knowledge that if any guy tried this on me he'd be out the door, no exceptions.

I left my homework 'til the last minute so as soon as I finish writing this I'm printing and sleeping. ^^; How are you doing? How was your holidays? Mine were cool, I laughed at bad luck on the 13th and VD was spent under a blanket talking to a friend. ^^; I was sick and cold. Speaking of which, I'm contagious but my doctor said I have allergies. Does that not make sense to you either?


Dear Ash-chan,

That makes no sense to me. You can be one or the other. It's true you don't have to like him, I was just concerned for your mental well being.


Dear Tasuki,

that guy at school... MADE ME CRY!! *cries*..wahahaha... its not fair... BUUUUUTTTT!!... guess what?... o well I'll tell you... i have a date this friday... he is the sweetest guy..he said i was pretty... and stuff... *is happy then cries again*... but i still like the guy that made me cry... its really really really sad... i dont wanna like him anymore... there is no way in h*ll that I will like him!!.. *fires up*.. HE WILL PAY!!! ... *sits down*... hehe.. ^_^;; .. sorrie!!... luv yaz!

ryo-chan! *peace sign*

Dear ryo-chan,

Have fun on yer date an' jus' ferget 'bout th' other guy! He's a jerk!


Dear Hotohori,

I am called Lady_starsong, or just song to my friends... also sometimes called the Hoshi no Miko (depends who you ask)

I am writting to you because I thought that you of all of the Seish might best understand the hurt that is in my heart.

There is a person that I love very much. I truely belived that he loved me as well. Now my hurt is hurting and I cannot hide from the doubts.

We were going out for 5 months and then on the day after Christmas he broke up with me. He says that he did this to protect me because in all his past relationships he has ended up cheating and he seems convinced that he would do it again. He said that he loves me still and does not want to hurt me and he knows that I would leave him if he cheated and that it would hurt me badly. he has said taht he caught himself looking around to see if there is anything better out there and that he was not seeing anything. He also said that he has never done the just dating thing and that he thinks it would be good for him not to be in a relationship for a while (he is only one year out of a divorce.. and she left him for the most part) He told me that he does not want me to dissapear and that he at least wants to be friends, if not casually date (if I am willing)

I wish I knew what to do. I know that I love him very much and that I cannot seem to forget about him or stop caring about him. What is making me crazy are little things. I have seen him a few times since this, mostly at a club we both go to. He is going out with one girl and claims to be dating a couple of others as well. She seems nice enough, but to me and others she is a pretty shell that parrots what she is told and cares about him so much that she will even drive him to the liquor store or buy him ciggarets. I never critized, but just sometimes asked why he did these things. That I just wanted to understand. *sigh* I do not want him to destroy himself.. and I am afraid that is where he is going sometimes.

This past Saturday I gave him a gift I had for his son (who is so sweet and that I Love to pieces) and he tells me that his son misses me and asked for me and that he misses me as well and told me again that he loves him. He also hugged me and acted rather like he did not want to let go.

His words and actions do not always match. I do not know waht to do. friends tell me that I can do better and should just cut all ties, but how can I turn my back on someone I love. But sometimes I feel like my heart is bleeding inside.. and I cannot even bring myself to say things to him that would hurt him... even if they are true.

Please Hotohori-sama. I know you know the pain of a broken heart. help me if you can


Dear Starsong,

I think your friends are correct. He already is dating several other people and has moved on as you should now do. He is a playboy and has told you this in no uncertain terms. You need to accept this and move on. I know it's hard but we'll be here for you if you need us. Good luck. *Gives her a hug.*


Dear Nuriko,

YAAA!! I'm back from my vacation! And I'm the only person in my family that didn't get a sunburn. Only a tan ^_^ It was really great. I got closer to my brothers and they both teased me like they used to, and I kept punching my oldest brother because he was making fun of the word "otaku". But I kept having dreams about "the karate guy "-_-' and my old flame. I had a crush on this guy for a while, I mean from grades 1-4 is was all about how I loved bugs bunny and married him. It's a long story. And then I had a crush on this guy in my class who was really great. He wasn't extremely cute, but he had a great personality and was pretty smart. Except for the fact he always made fun of me. But he always said he didn't like me when I asked him. But a while ago I remember years and years ago in 4th grade he asked me if I loved him. I' being a kid, just said no because I had a crush on him. It makes me think of kodocha, he reminds me of akito. He goes to a different school now and even if I gave up my crush I still wanted to be his friend and I had dreams about him and the karate guy together. Last night I had a dream that in high school, i went to thewrong class 1st period and on my way to second period I was freaking out because I was lost and I turned to see the karate guy and I turned away but he started taking to me and then I told him about how I was in his karate class... I need to get more hobbies *brainwashes self with Fushigi yuugi and Inuyasha*


Dear Rei-chan,

Well at least you have an active dream life!


Dear Chichiri,

That's alright. I hope you guys had a happy valentine's day! i think I've grown some kind of fear of guys.. I'm just so not-used to one coming up to me that I freak out. Or maybe it was normal to freak out.. anyway, on vacation the day before I left, there were no many people! At the beginning of the week it was bare and nice, just how my family and I liked it. THen all these teenagers and other ranges of ages come up. Girls my age wearing bikinis, and girls that look younger than me wearing bikinis. And way to many guys that look around my age. So I didn't want to go swimming in the pool because I feel so out of place. I'm not really pretty, ya know? So I went near the lagoon and sat on a rock thinking when a guy whom I've never seen before walked up and sat next to me. He looked like a black guy in his 30s or so but I was freaked out. My parents were close by though. He started talking to me saying that I looked lonely and asking me about school and stuff and I just stared in the opposite direction coldy replying. I was glad when he finally left and walked the other way. At that moment I was thinking of you and Nuriko and what you guys would have thought or done in my position. I also thought of the crabs that I had just seen the size of my hand, running very fast in the water, and thinking they are comin to get me..


Dear Rei-chan,

Not every guy is out to hurt you. But being in that situation, I can understand how you felt, no da. I'm sure you are a very pretty girl and shouldn't avoid swimming or other things that you enjoy just because you think that the crowd is prettier. Have some confidence in yourself, no da.


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