Dear Chichiri,Thanks for answering that Chichiri. (I meen) I knew you are friends with her, but compared to the other seishi. Well I got to say Bye for now! *evil smile comes onto face* Tasuki said I could use his Tessen to get Tamahome. Sayonora! Sadie |
Dear Sadie,Are you sure? I think he said you could touch the tessen not use it, no da. Chichiri |
Dear Nuriko,I think the manga version of them is really pretty too^_^I know it's late... but about that whole boy problem. I don't think I could be his friend. I'd feel like some kind of... psycho! Think of it this way, say you knew some person in your class or lesson and you didn't know them well but saw them at class. Then you haven't seen them in a while or even think about them, and suddenly they show up saying hi and being friendly to you. Besides, he might even think I'm flirting with him. Only my friends know my dedication to my grades and anime(grades always 1st)and know I don't want a bf. Sometimes when I'm really outgoing I feel like saygint something to him when I see him. Like something casual.. "Hey, your ___________ aren't you? I think you were in my karate class." But everytime I have the nerve to do that, i never see him. And if I do see him, he's always rushing somewhere. Oh why am I worrying about him anyway? Why care.. other things are more important. I had a dream about my brother last night. The one who moved to NY. IN it, I was dressed in his clothes for some reason(years ago I liked to wear his clothes that he didnt want) and I thought he thought I looked like he did when he went to high school. I go to the same HS that he did and I'm practically doing the things he did. Good at math and music, I can even find similar characteristics we both have... Rei-chan^_^ |
Dear Rei-chan,Then don't worry about it and if you are fated to be together, it will just happen. Nuriko |
Dear Tasuki,*HUGE smile comes to face* That'll be fine! ARIGATO TASUKI! *hugs Tasuki* Now where is Tamahome?! *looks around* O! There! *laughter* *starts running after Tamahome with the Tessen* (while Tasuki is being dragged behind) O! Tasuki! (now that I think of it) this could take bit! (so while I'm running after him) here's 4 bottles of sake to thank ya! *starts running again* Sadie |
Dear Sadie,Thanks but ya' know if I let go of this it ain't gonna work. Tasuki |
Dear Tamahome,*laughter* Hi Tamahome! *evil grin* Guess what? Tasuki let me borrow his Tessen! *pulls Tessen out from behind myself and Tasuki drinking some sake* (notice one of his hands is on it) As long as he has a grip on it I can use it *smile* That meens I can go after you! (you better run fast). *starts shooting Tessen off at Tamahome, while chasing after him* Sadie |
Dear Sadie,*Sees Tasuki is still holding the tessen.* Tasuki! Call off your fangirl! Tamahome |
Dear Nuriko,Hey brother! big brother had to leave on a buisness trip... who is the girl that is called "Korin" ? she has almost my same name and I just want to tell you that when she writes to you, she is not me... well, I g2g... I got to feed the chickens. when can I come visit you? Cho Kourin |
Dear Cho Kourin,I'm glad you cleared that up! I was wondering about that. You can come anytime you want. Nuriko |
Dear Tasuki,Ne, Tasuki! How's it been for you? Just wanted to let you know; my friends have things called "Word of the Week" and this week it's "Tessen REKKA SHIN'EN!" And last week was "NA NO DA!" And yes, the words of the week are shouted. ^^; Anyways, one friend made up a duct tape tessen resembling yours, only smaller... and made of duct tape... and doesn't have magical powers... *sweat-drop* Special, ne? Anyways... Not much else going on here. Erm... Yeah. I think that's it. ... ... So how are you? ^_^ Songwind |
Dear Songwind,OK… I'm fine. How're ya' doin'? Tasuki |
Dear Suzaku Seishi,I need help!, do you know any female anime characters who have black hair? I'm gonna cosplay for the 1st time but the problem is I don't have enough money to buy a cosplay outfit so I'm just gonna make one with the help of my friends. Wish me luck! ^^; Koryu |
Dear Koryu,Kagome and Kikyo from Inuyasha do. I think Sailor Mars does as well. Good luck! Chiriko |
Dear Mitsukake,OK, I had a really weird morning. Usually, I roll out of bed with a smile on my face, but today, my mom had to try three times at least to get me out of bed. Then I felt REALLY dizzy, but I managed to stumble to the bathroom to get ready for school. I don't know exactly what happened, but I do remember feeling all floaty, then blacking out. My mom says my eyes rolled up in my head, and I slumped against the wall and started twitching. I came to seconds later, but I still felt weird. Mom says that was the scariest thing that ever happened to her, and she couldn't concentrate all day. At the risk of stating the obvious, I stayed home from school today. I'm going to the docter tomorrow, but what's your take on this? Leaboshi |
Dear Leaboshi,It sounds as if you had an epileptic seizure. However without a proper examination, a good diagnosis is impossible. Take care! Mitsukake |
Dear Nuriko,Hello, Nuri-chan! Hey, just out of curiosity, why do you love Hotohori? As if some other eighteen year-old emperor who was more beautiful than Hoto-sama and was nicer... oh, and he just "happened" to be gay, would you go for him? I know that's an odd question, and I shouldn't ask you things like that. I have nothing against your sexuality... whatever it is. Flaunt those rainbow colors, Nuriko! One more question- you have experience with beauty, right? I would know, I've seen you a lot throughout the series. So anyway, do you believe any of the seishi other than yourself and Hoto-sama have any potential at becoming beautiful? If so, who? Arigatou for your time, Nuri-chan! Much appreciate... ishism... umm... well, you get it! ^o~ Aki |
Dear Aki,Well, not only is he gorgeous, he's a very kind and wonderful person. No one could take his place. Chichiri, because he can shape shift. Nuriko |
Dear Mitsukake,Dude, you rock. All hail. *ehem* Mitsukake, what was your personality before Shouka died? Were you ever outgoing with her? I noticed you were all smiling in those "flashbacks" in Episode Somethingteen. Miss Shouka seems like a nice person and easy to get along with, so it's possible you were quiet even then. I think you'd make a good outgoing person! Oh, and do you lift weights? Aki |
Dear Aki,No, I don't lift weights. That's Nuriko's thing. I suppose I was more outgoing before Shoka passed away. Mitsukake |
Dear Nuriko,Hi, a couple of questions. You wanted to be a woman... well for Hotohori cause you loved him. *Stares at him* Well you did. Well uh, so after um... Ep 33. Not gonna write spoilers. And the new Eikouden, now I know it's like an alternate story. From the regular TV series. But... so. Um. Will you end up with Hotohori this time around you think? Second, erm if you met some people who could actually change between gender. Do you think you would get along well with them? Erm since you've uh experienced a little of both worlds, for some time in your life. I thought you might find them intresting, and that you'd be great friends. ^^ That's it for the questions. Sake-chanP.S. May I say I simply love your character, personality. And all the changes, and trials, you've been through. I'm uh guilty of telling my friends that in the show, I think you love everyone equally, of both sexes. And your such a loving, and lovable guy, it's just soooo attractive. ^_~ Eh heh, I have other special reasons for falling in love with your character. Simply, you are a fascinating character to study. ^_~ |
Dear Sake-chan,I hope so, all things considered. I think we would get along fabulously! Arigato for your kind words! Nuriko |
Dear Tasuki,I was reading some of your answers and you said that you don't love Miaka... ^_^ OF COURSE YOU DO YOU BAKA... Just not in the way the person meant it. ^_^ It's a brotherly sisterly love... Same thing with you and the other seishi and Kouji and the bandits... Family love. Other than Setsukutemo... Zutto... You are not a very romaticizing faniticizing about chicks type of guy, at least that's what I think. *sigh* Too bad too. The chicks all love you. And the other up side is that you aren't grieving for a loss and you're single and hot, and really cool... What more could a girl want? Personality, personality, sometimes status and money, rarely looks, (although I think society has changed that)... that's what all female genes want. Men, heh, men. I've learned that men don't look for personality, but for age, and body so they can get the most babies so their genes will survive. (I actually paid attention in History class! I can't wait to study ancient China... We're on Ancient Egypt right now... It's interesting.) *Hugs you* Too bad you aren't a ladies' man who's interested in ladies... *sigh* *hears the song "Iron Man" and thinks their saying "Iron Fan"* HEY!!! ARE THEY SAYING IRON FAN?!?! THEY'RE SINGING ABOUT YOUR TESSEN! Kyra |
Dear Kyra,Well, ok, I do love 'er like a lil' sister. She's like mold, she kinda grows on ya'! Tasuki |
Dear Chiriko,whats the answer to life, the universe, and everything? whats the question to life, the universe, and everything? 42 |
Dear 42,The answer is 42 and the question is "Why?". Chiriko |
Dear Mitsukake,I'm sorry I've been away so long! I look now and realize how little you're getting letters now that I temporarily stopped. To tell you, I haven't been online a lot. We got the internet on this computer a few weeks ago (as we got a new computer), and I haven't used it that much since. I got Final Fantasy Tactics Advance the Saturday before last, and was religiously playing it up until Sunday, when Nicole played it and I accidently erased my data. So then, I started to replay the original. And that's why I've been gone. Homework too, I suppose. There's this real idiot at school. He thinks he's big stuff, acting all arrogant and like he's better than everyone else (forget that I said I ever LIKED arrogance as a character trait, please) - especially me. He's been warned before to stay away from me after an incident in which he forgot that, y'know, you DON'T strangle other people in the halls. So what does he do? Continues to bother me. So I guess my patience snapped today and I yelled at him to leave me the h*ll alone or I'd report him, and I can most certainly do so for harrassment as I had a friend walking with me all the times he's ever done anything. And he chooses to talk to ME all the time even though I've told him to go away and he knows I'm serious. Ah, today he got me so mad I shook with rage. Then I ranted, all afternoon. In cheerful words, I am still RPing Snape. This is fun, and the Remus I RP with is very nice, we are friends now. That's all I have to say, I will send a letter again soon. Ash-chan, sorry for her negligence. |
Dear Ash-chan,I'm sorry he's such an obnoxious jerk. Hopefully, he'll soon tire of tormenting you. If not, make sure you report him. Mitsukake |
Dear Tasuki,What exactly is "Sanbou Den" about? I don't think there are any translations, and I'm having a hard time finding a translation for Tamahome's Gaiden... I already have yours, Chichiri's and Nuriko's, but the site I found them at didn't have the others, except the Eikodens, but I have those on DVD, so I really don't NEED the manga too... Can you help me? Kyra |
Dear Kyra,I dunno. I never heard of it. Tasuki |
Dear Tasuki,Are you and Aidou getting along better now? 'Cause when I read some of the responces from 98 you two seemed to hate each other. Stine |
Dear Stine,We always got along! She's jus' kinda high strung. Tasuki |
Dear Nuriko,Oniisan not having a job is making me crazy. :( I need something to do in between classes and stuff... I'm all lonely and need friends *sigh* know anyone who has aol instant mesanger? atashiwagenki is my screen name :) Make people talk to me I'm nice I sware. ^^ Stine |
Dear Stine,Well minna, want to make a new friend? Nuriko |
Dear Tasuki,He... will? KOUJI!! YAY!! koujilovr |
Dear koujilovr,Be yer friend? Sure! Tasuki |
Dear Suzaku Seishi,SOMEONE HAALP! My volleyball team is on a losing streak and, even when we try we still lose and then the blame goes onto the leaders of the team... me and another girl for not taking control of the ball. Grrrrrr... I'm not much of a leader... more of a follower... Geez our moral is low. I even asked Tasuki and Chichiri and Nuriko for strength and stuff... so far, they've only come through for the Varsity (WHICH I SHOULD BE ON.). Oh well, I don't blame you guys... Maybe it's just us, and that we're a bad team... I guess practice doesn't help much. *sigh* I am so exausted. I went from the nothern end of my state to the southern end all in two days... I got back home at 11 pm from the volleyball game up north and then went to a college fair at the capital. Sheesh... then after the college fair, I had to go to volleyball practice. ARRRGGG... Well, at least I haven't sprained my ankle yet like I do once per season. Oi, my birthday's coming up soon. I'll let you guys know a few days before... it's in October and it's on a Saturday. *sigh* I have a volleyball tournament that day too. I hope we do well. See you all! ^_^ Fire Elf |
Dear Fire Elf,I really don't know how to help your team except to say do your best, no da. Chichiri |
Dear Suzaku Seishi,Hiya! I just remembered something. Yuu watase is releasing a new kind of fushigi yuugi manga. Genbuu Gaiden. Have you heard of it? I don't know much about it, whether it is out in Japan(probably is though)or not. BUt It's sure not in North America yet. The best I could find was pictures and translations for the first 3 chapters. Very interesting... here's the site of my sources: you might wanna take a look. I think I kinda look like Genbu no miko. Rei-chan^_^ |
Dear Rei-chan,That's really interesting! Thank you for sharing! Suzaku Seishi |
Dear Chiriko,hellooo there! how have you been? what have you read lately Aya-Chan |
Dear Aya-Chan,I'm fine. I've been reading a lot of manga lately. Chiriko |
Dear Nuriko,I looove you!!! You rock!! Sorry... So how was your break? I had soooo much fun... didn't really do anything though... Aya-Chan |
Dear Aya-Chan,It was a nice break. How have you been? Nuriko |
Dear Tasuki,Hey you hottie! *starts laughing* ... sorry *laughs* i don't know why *laughs* i'm laughing!! *laughs* *falls on the ground* I ... can't... *laughs out* stop!! Kidding i'm okay... So how are you? i've missed you sooo much *gets up from the floor* sorry i just had to do that! i really wasn't laughing like that i just... i don't know why... have you ever had the erge to do something and you don't know why? Well that's how i just felt.. i just had to laugh *giggles* *gives him a hug *I'm sorry I just had a lot of sugar... Aya-Chan |
Dear Aya-Chan,Yeah, but I usually brawl. Tasuki |
Dear Suzaku Seishi,WWWW... WWWW... WHAT'S THAT??!! Aya-Chan |
Dear Aya-Chan,What's what? Suzaku Seishi |
Dear Suzaku Seishi,Hi! Okay, these are questions to the readers, all right? Were you affected by Hurricane Isabel? If so, how? And which area do you live in? I lost electricity for three days, and I live in central Virginia. But it was sort of cool, beacause we ate at restaurants for every meal! Plus, in the evenings, we'd all sit in the living room surrounded by lit candles, and my mom would sometimes read aloud from a book. It was really cool. Leaboshi |
Dear Leaboshi,Well minna, how did you fare during the hurricane? We're also going to post this on the message board, so feel free to leave your response there. Suzaku Seishi |
Dear Chichiri,*nudges him from his last reply* Yeah, I'll bet you think it's special since you own a kasa! ^_^ Yeah, I feel really sorry for some of my friends, though. They still don't have electricity, some don't even have water! Poor guys... And my computer was evil. It died on me. So now I have to find all my backup stuff... *sweat-drops at the idea of going into her closet* Oooh boy... How would a village deal with a natural disaster like a hurricane, as they probably didn't have as much warning as we did? Would they flee, or hide in nearby caves (if they're near mountains), or what? Songwind |
Dear Songwind,They would most likely try to flee, but a lot of people would still perish, no da. Chichiri |
Dear Chichiri,Onii-saaaaan! *hug-tackles him* I MISSED YOUUU!! Gomen for not writing more often! I gots hung up with school work n' such...*brightens* I took a test today and I got it right! And it was really hard too! It took hours off my private time to do stuff that I wanted to prepare for it! By the way... *reaches into pocket and brings out chocolate* I thought you'd like this; they're really yummy! ^^ Oh, right, the point of my letter; go to and look at some fanfics that one of my dear friends wrote, onegai? Her pen-name is Rika Hitoshi and she wrote two ficcies with you in it!^^ There's "The Never Aging Darkness" and a sequel that I don't remember how to spell...^^; but it's like KK something in japanese. Check it out, onegai? *puppy eyes* She'd love to get a review from you!^.~ Amaya-san, (used to be Meg-chan) |
Dear Amaya-san,I missed you, too no da. *Hugs her back* Congratulations on doing well on your test! I'll try to find the time to read them, no da. Chichiri |
Dear Tasuki,*chuckles at comment* Yeah, I would like to see you get a girlfriend. Might be immpossible though... Inuyasha |
Dear Inuyasha,Yeah, an' I'd like to see ya' hold onto yer's… *Points to Kouga talking to Kagome and holding her hand.* Tasuki |
Dear Chichiri,I was going to cosplay as you for our next fundraising car wash. My costume doesn't look the best.. and how am I gonna do the hair? but I don't wanna take the chance of the costume getting ruined. NOt to mention I'd be walking around outside with slippers... they always end up falling off when I walk a lot with them. SO maybe I'll dress as a cat or bunny. That will gain attention ^_^ Er anyway, there's a fall musical for our school. My friend is begging me to try out. I don't want to, I'm not much of a singer. But I will try out for the dancing. I can dance, and I'm flexible but Im not a good singer. I'm one of those people iun the background that are slightly noticed, but not the stars. They aren't big parts but are needed. Rei-chan^_^ |
Dear Rei-chan,A cat girl would be cute, no da. Good luck with your audition! Chichiri |
Dear Nuriko,I wouldn't have to worry about my costume getting wet^_^ the parking lot is where all the water action takes place and those who want to advertise stand on one of those little islands in the middle that part the separate car lanes. SO I wouldn't get wet. The only cosplay costume I can use is my chichiri costume... that was my first costume I have ever made, and the first character I have ever cosplayed as. So you can imagine it doesn't look the best thing in the world, but good enough that people knew who I was at the anime con. If I can't cosplay, I'll dress up as a huge weird looking bunny or cat. That ought to gain attention. I will think of something... afterall, there was that time I walked around the town with a safari hat and an umbrella though it was sunny and clear. Well, it was hot. My friend brought a santa hat for no reason and decided to wear it so I decided to wear a funny hat too. Needless to say, we were very much noticed... okay, so I drew a scetch of your wrist guards. BUt what color to do them in.. in manga images they are different colors than the anime images... Rei-chan^_^ |
Dear Rei-chan,I prefer the anime style. I think they're prettier. Nuriko |
Dear Tasuki,*big smile* you think she's a baka! (I think she's more then that) but I can settle it there! *smiles* Tasuki *points finger at Tamamhome* he said (when I sent him a letter) That you once made an excuse for not getting scared becuase you where to stupid too. *raises eyebrow* is that true? (I personally dont think you are that stupid) But I think Tamahome is making a joke of me bein' like you *smug look comes on face* HEY TASUKI! *pats him on back* *grin* could I PLEASE use your Tessen! (just for 2 mins) PLEASE!? I want to get Tamahome! (it will not be harmed) (but Tamahome will) *starts begging* please? Sadie |
Dear Sadie,I said, "We're too stupid to be scared!" when we were fighting Nakago. I don't generally let anyone hold th' tessen 'cos they always run off wit' it. But I'll let ya' do this... *Puts her hand on the tessen and his hand over her's.* Ya' can hold it like that if that's ok wit' ya'. Tasuki |
Dear Tamahome,.......... *pocks fingers together* ...a... what if you have made excuses for not doing something becuase even if you where capable of doing it ya didn't wont to so you said you where to dumb... would that be considered a... clueless? I know I may act (underline act) dumb/stupid/idiot sometimes but I really ain't that shallow... *pocks fingers together* (atleast I dont think I am) and on all those stupid quizes to see who you are most like from Fushigi Yugi I get Tasuki... *gets headacke* I'm so confused! Sadie |
Dear Sadie,No, it would be telling a fib, not being clueless. Tamahome |
Dear Chichiri,*bows* Arigato Onii-san! *hugs Chichiri* You're a great Onii-san! *smiles* I have a question this time as well! How do you explain your and Miaka's friendship? (What I meen is) are you REAL good friends or just friends... Sadie |
Dear Sadie,*Smiles and hugs her back.* We are just friends, no da. Chichiri |
Dear Chiriko,Not that it really matters, and this may sound a bit weird, but in your day in age have you ever learned about the birds and the bees? There's a difference, you know. Let me teach you. The birds have wings that lets them travel from one place to another. Their tweets depend on which bird they are. If they are a crow, it sounds nasally and disturbing, kind of like Tamahome. Then there's the chickadee: the bird that tweets so loud it pierces your ears. Kind of like Miaka's shriek. They eat worms! Eee, yay! If you want to learn more about bees, go to your local library if you have one. The bees are more stingy. They have an annoying buzz that you can hear when it swarms around your ears like none other. However, what they do to the flowers, called pollenation, is just the most beautiful things anyone can ask for. "But," you ask, "is pollenation a word?" I don't know. Oh, and when they sting you, they try to pull away from your skin, and it won't come out. Their stingers are connected to their guts so when they finally let go, the stingers stay, the guts rip out, and they die. I'm glad we had this talk. Ja-ne, Chi-chan. Aki |
Dear Aki,That's certainly an interesting way to look at things! Chiriko |
Dear Nuriko,*sweatdrops at Ryuuen wanting to be a woman again* Ne itoshii.. do we need to do therapy again? *Doc taps her foot* Doc-sama |
Dear Doc-sama,*Grins and sweatdrops* Nuriko |
Dear Tamahome,Let's begin with a friendly saying here... I like your hair. Okay, down to business. Are you aware that many people have been wondering, "Just what is Tamahome's relationship to Tasuki?" Some people believe that you two are both simpering idiots, one who wants to be loved and one who believes he's getting too much love. Some people believe that despite your constant arguing, you're friends nonetheless. And some people say you two are secretly meeting each other without Miaka or Kouji's consent. So I'd like to see it from your view if I may. Answer in full honesty of what you really think of Tasuki. And if he feels like it, Tasuki may answer as well... unless he's too busy trying to win that arm wrestling fight with Nuriko or whatever you guys do in your free time, I wouldn't count on it. Good day. Aki |
Dear Aki,Thank you. I'd say we're best friends who just like to give each other a hard time. Tamahome |
Dear Mitsukake,Hai *smiles and sits by him* Lita |
Dear Lita,Well, there's the time he fought a drugged Tamahome… Mitsukake |
Dear Tasuki,Is it possible to get a fan like your Tessen? I would really like one to flame the people I dislike at school. Koneko |
Dear Koneko,Nope, gomen. It's a one of a kind thin'! Tasuki |
Dear Tasuki,Ya misunderstood me, Red-head. Take some girl that ya think's cute, and turn her into a bandit and see what happens, huh? No need for mushy stuff at all on your part. But watch out: she might have some good stuff that'll make you a bit mushier. That's the stuff I wanna see happen. Maybe I can enlist Aidou to go looking for a girl for ya... heh heh heh. Silver |
Dear Silver,Oh! I did that a long time ago wit' Jeannie! She was a decent bandit. But she grew up an' got a boyfriend in th' real world an' left. Tasuki |
Dear Tasuki,I'm on the internet!! I'm on the internet!! I'm so happy! I got Genrou Den!! WEEE!! Do you have any idea about what happens after Reirei dies? or did you block it out of your memory?? hmm... oh well! I'VE MISSED YOU!! *gives him a big ol hug!!* Faye who has been so dedicated to her school work that she hasn't dropped by to say hi to her favorite bishounen |
Dear Faye,I'm pretty sure it's all in th' book. I missed ya' too kiddo. Tasuki |
Dear Suzaku Seishi,you havn't been answering my last questions and i sent them in a week ago! wwwhhhhyyyyy?? *sobs* okay... i'm okay now... i think *sobs a little more* no really i'm alright now... Aya-Chan |
Dear Aya-Chan,Gomen, but we can't always answer every letter sent to us. Mitsukake |
Dear Chichiri,YOUR SCAR IS COOL!!! COOL COOL COOL!!! YOU DON'T NEED THE MASK!!! Sorry. Temporary sugar-high. Um, the real reason I wrote was to ask if I've offended you or Hotohori. I'm sorry if I did! You know what I realized? One of my dreams had Tomo in it, and he acted really really nice, like you, and you were showing contempt towards the world, like him! Twisted subconscious... But Tarake's is way more freaked! Kung-fu Rugrats and the Guardians of the Clow from "Cardcaptor Sakura" fighting over me... That last paragraph made absolutely no sense to you, did it? But another friend's subconscious paired me and Nakago! *disgusted look on face* AAAAAHHHHH!!!! BAD MENTAL IMAGES!!! Ugh, I'd better sign off now, before I freak you out even more. Bye! Leaboshi |
Dear Leaboshi,Arigato for your kind words. You haven't offended either of us. Ano … odd dreams, no da! Chichiri |
Dear Tasuki,Taaasukiiii!! Schools bugging me already!! Help!! I can barely even get on the internet!! (this is from my typing class!) Faye |
Dear Faye,Sorry to hear that! But ya' better get used to it. Tasuki |
Dear Chiriko,Me and my friend are going to start taking Akido this week and this is our first time. I did a little research on Kendo and came up with some hits I was wondering what kind of sites you will get if you looked up the subject. I need really good Kendo and Akido sites that give easy glossaries and terminology that we can practice along with in the class. Could you do this for me? Thank You! miko06 aka pangu no miko |
Dear pangu no miko,Here are two searches: and Good luck in your classes! Chiriko |
Dear Suzaku Seishi,Yo, minna! Hey, besides Ayashi No Ceres and Fushigi Yuugi, what other books have been translated into English of Yuu Watase's? Alec-sama |
Dear Alec-sama,They are starting to translate Alice 19th. Nuriko |
Dear Chiriko,HI ya Chiriko! ^^ Shadi: hello! ^^ *bows* a pleasure to make you aquaintance! Sam: ain't he sweet? *glomps Shadi* Shadi: *blushes and hugs her* Sam: So what are you up to Chiriko? Shadi: *looks around* nice place you got here! ^^ Shadi and Sam |
Dear Shadi and Sam,I was reading. Nice to meet you Shadi! Arigato! I'm glad you like it. Chiriko |
Dear Hotohori,I seriously don't remember if i sent you this letter. Hi! Anya here! I went for career councelling and well most of the stalls were empty. I am having my exams from today so I am kinda busy! I have enrolled for the Olympiads but the questions are VERY VERY tough! Please pray for me! By the way, I am really out of the dale with that girl. There was this other girl who asked me why I didn't talk to her and I say "you guys don't want me around! That's why!" She was really sorry and we were back to being good friends but this other girl who is the main evil character in this keeps glaring at me and she is really aloof! I think it is because the other gilr and I are back to being friends. Oh yeah! Right! Ask her to sell peanuts to circus elephants! Humph! I am so happy that the rest of the girls in my class consider me a very good friend. My close friend cried when I told her that I loved her a lot and would miss her when I would go for college next year. I sorta like her a lot. I am going into my II Term. Must work hard! Wish me luck! Maybe I can get into the khonan academy. hope you guys wont mind a girl there! What say? The girl I told you about is still being very irritating and I just stick up for my own work not minding her or anybody in my class. I have to work harder. No more distractions! I was having wheezing for the past two days and she didnt even call me up. Oh some people!! *hugs Hori and kisses him deeply* my physics master thinks I have the brains for good colleges! YAY!! Ooops *sees a dazed Hori* *sweatdrops* Sorry!! Anyways! Love ya'
Dear Anya,I'm glad that things are working out for you. Good luck on your exams! If we had such a place you would certainly be welcome. *Gives her a hug.* Hotohori |
Dear Chichiri,Hi! Chichiri... do YOU think its bad to have other people (friends, ect) think you are like Tasuki? (I know Tamahome thinks its a riote) but what about you? Bye Onii-san! Sadie |
Dear Sadie,I don't think so. He's a very brave Seishi, no da. Chichiri |
Dear Tamahome,... I am either brave or clueless huh? (well I bet this will be great for you then!) I talked to her today! She ment it as an insult! (ok, ok) I shouldn't be gettin mad at you *sigh* BUT WHY AM I EITHER BRAVE OR CLUELESS!? ...what if I'm both *thinks*... O yeah! (hehe) I thought this was funny. She was said you where like my 19 year old brother. You are not like him at all in my opinion, but she is set on that you are *shrugs* I dont care, my brother is more like Chichiri in my opinion. He can be really goofy and nice or really secrative and stuff. Well bye for now! Sadie |
Dear Sadie,Well, Tasuki rushes headfirst into dangerous situations. To me, that either means he's very brave or very clueless/stupid. Actually, in one battle, he said he was too stupid to be scared. So, you decide… Tamahome |
Dear Tasuki,Well... I found out what she ment by saying I was like you! (she ment it was an insult) -.- (...) I think your cool Tasuki! (she doens't know anything) But she ment it as an insult/joke toward me... (r...) Anyway! I have a question. (dont I always?) whats the deal with Kouji and one of your sisters? Sadie(PS) You EVER wont to hurt Tamahome... go right ahead! ^.^ (he insulted me in a letter I wrote him) ARIGATO! |
Dear Sadie,She's a baka! Kouji an' Aidou? On this site we they're kinda an item. Tasuki |
Dear Mitsukake,YEESS!! THANK ALL THAT IS GOOD IN THE UNIVERSE!! I HAVE ELECTRICITY AND INTERNET ONCE MORE! Hurricane Isabel knocked out my power, so I couldn't e-mail you for such a long time! My cold's all better now, I think. I took you advice and laid off the Mountain Dew for awhile. Thanks!! Now I know how you guys feel, living without electicity, except I'm used to living WITH it. It was tough. I NEVER WANT TO DO THAT AGAIN!! Leaboshi |
Dear Leaboshi,I'm glad that you are ok and that you made it through the hurricane. Mitsukake |
Dear Suzaku Seishi,*grins* I know that you guys are often asked questions like "i need help in french or spanish or japanese" or "where can I find this" I am the princess of the internet so if you ever need help answering a question askin where to find something, you can always ask me. I am great with the internet ^_^ not to mention I know spanish and french now so I am always free to ask ^_^ luv,
Dear Rei-chan,Arigato for your generous offer! We deleted you email address as we don't reveal any personal information from anyone who writes to us. If you do wish to help others, you can reply to their letters with your help and we will post your reply. Hotohori |
Dear Mitsukake,*gives him a hug* Will you tell me a story about you and my oji-sama? Lita |
Dear Lita,Hai! Would you like to hear about my healing him? Mitsukake |
Dear Tasuki,*after drinking lots of sake...* Yo Bro ya seen Aidou... *hiccup* Heheheheh *mummbles about a whip and someother stuff...* *grins and drink some more sake..* Kouji |
Dear Kouji,*Smacks him in the head* I don't wanna hear none of that stuff 'bout my sister! Tasuki |
Dear Tasuki,Hey, you. Ya snickerin' at Inuyasha and Kagome, huh? Here's my test for ya. Go find yerself a girl, boyo. See if ya can get her to adjust to yer lifestyle ithout arguments and fights. If you toast her with the tessen, there'll be a buncha people who'll give ya a good brawl all at once. Let me know about his progress, hmm, Seishi? Silver |
Dear Silver,Yeah, like THAT's ever gonna happen! That mushy stuff jus' ain't fer me! Tasuki |
Dear Tamahome,was it one of your after lives that met Miaka in our world? confused and stupid |
Dear confused,It was me but I was reincarnated. Tamahome |
Dear Suzaku Seishi,if you could be all powerfull for one day how would you use your powers? G |
Dear G,Here are your answers: Tamahome: Okane! Tasuki: Sake! Chichiri: I'd bring my fiancée and best friend back from the dead, no da. Nuriko: I'd become a woman and marry Hotohori. Hotohori: *Sweatdrops at Nuriko's reply* I'd bring peace to all the kingdoms. Mitsukake: I'd bring Shoka back. Chiriko: I'd improve schooling for all the children of the world. Suzaku Seishi |
Dear Nuriko,i really want a japanese symbol tatooed on my lower back but im not sure what to get. do you know of any websites that will inspire me? i want something that is meaningfull and applies to me, (maybe the good relationship that i have with my brother) so nothing like luck or love. maybe something that wraps up the union of mind body and soul... can you think of anything? thanks your the best! tatoomonkey |
Dear tatoomonkey,Hmmm … how about the kanji for family? Kazoku Nuriko |
Dear Chiriko,my dearest chiriko! i have a riddle for you: a farmer is standing at the edge of his circular field and decides to walk around it clockwise, this takes him 1hr 20mins. the next day he decides to walk around it anti-clockwise and this only takes him 80mins... why? riddle-monster |
Dear riddle-monster,Because 80 minutes and 1 hour 20 minutes are the same amount of time. Chiriko |
Dear Chichiri,I can never get flicking wrist actions *tries flicking the pole* *sighs* oh well, nevermind *grins* My friend and I watched Eikoden yesterday and I kinda realized somehting.. How come your mask breaks off twice and it never shows you putting it back on? NOt to mention when it breaks, it sounds like pottery breaking... lol I thought it was kinda funny ^_^ School... okay so there's hope for finding someone who likes animes and mangas. My friend said a guy in her one class liked mangas and anime... either that or was making fun of them.. lets just hope he liked them. We had a pep rally the other day. I hated it.. I couldnt find my friends so I sat in fornt of these girls who screamed in my ear and one kept touching a sensitive part of my back. NOt on purose though. HUrricane Isabel passed, but I wonder how my brother is doing... Mom said we got a call from him last week. Rei-chan |
Dear Rei-chan,I was trying out a different magical mask. I'm sure your brother is fine. I'm glad you weathered Isabel ok, no da. Chichiri |
Dear Chichiri,*pouts again* We got hit by a hurricane over the weekend, aniki. Thankfully we only got the edge, but I was still without power for a day. Oh well... could have been worse! Ack! It's sad how I've never caught a fish in my life... and how I caught it in a kasa. How special is that? *blinks and pokes the hat carefully* Songwind |
Dear Songwind,I'm glad to hear that you are ok, no da. I think it's pretty special! *Smiles* Chichiri |
Dear Nuriko,I guess that'd be cool. Wow I just had a great idea... I am in show choir at my high school and we have car washes for fundraisers like many. We need to get attention sice we've got competition. I thought of cosplaying as someone with a big noticable costume. Like inuyasha for example. I still have my chichiri costume.. and it would get attention from people who know who I am, and from people who just think I'm dressed as something weird... but my sewing skills are down the drain.. *scans over sewing patterns* *sigh* Oh well, nobody's perfect. Hey ! I learned salsa yesterday!! At this festival that we have every year at a park the whole down raises money for charities. THere was a dance studio that was doing demonstrations and they asked for volenteers to learn salsa. No one would volenteer, people were too embarrassed. My friend wouldn't do it with me, so I decided I'd do it. ^_^ im a *brave soul* heh and one other girl volenteered after me. THe guy next to me was helping me do the steps and it was fun. I think I have gotten more outgoing in the last year... I also gave this weird dog thingy a hug. You know how there's a dog in a little red car that give safety tips on fire and stuff? It drives around and talks to the kids and there's a guy hiding with the remote control and talking through the dog with a microphone thingy. I gave it a hug to show the little kids not to be scared ^_^ Now I want another hug! *hugs* Rei-chan^_^ |
Dear Rei-chan,*Gives her a hug.* Being more outgoing is a good thing! As for cosplaying at a carwash, I'd be worried about getting the costume wet and having it ruined. You might want to consider that. Nuriko |
Dear Suzaku Seishi,*suddenly emerges from a small hole in the ground a.k.a. ... dun dun DUUUN... the real world...* Hiya buddies... it sure has been awhile, ne? I just thought I'd stop by and let you all know I haven't forgotten about you... ^.^ You guys were the first anime people I ever liked. *nodnodnod* And even though I've become a brainless highschooler(I'm a junior now^^) and my life has supposedly "moved on", I still love you... *hugs all the seishi and gives Tasuki a hardy smack on the back* ^.^ *whispers* You're still my favorite, Tasuki! *cough* Anywho... I hope you remember me. ^^; It's been like, two years... I think... maybe not... yeah... two... *sweatdrop* Whatever. I hope you're all well... love yas! *crawls back into the hole of... reality...* Kuro |
Dear Kuro,We're fine. We're glad to hear that you're doing well, too. Of course we didn't forget you. Take care! Suzaku Seishi |
Dear Suzaku Seishi,Wooo! You guys live! Go you. Heh, today I just got back from Yuuki's sleepover. Everytime Yuuki has a sleepover, she always ends up being hypnotized. And it's pretty funny, too. Last night, she was Inu Yasha, a drunk Sesshomaru, a drunk Miroku, Zell, George Bush (^^;), a puprle happy ghost, Skye (that's an original character from her story), and Wolf (her friend's original character). When Yuuki was Inu Yasha, and Asayo, the girl who was the hypnotist, was Kagome, We all thought it was really cute ^^. It was like a little Inu Yasha teen soap opera thing, with the romance, angst, humor, etc. It was fr*cking AWESOME >.< When she was a drunk Sesshomaru, it was HILLARIOUS. It was easier to picture her as Sesshomaru, since we were doing this at night, and the only light we had was from outside street lamps. When she was a drunk Miroku, we-Sophie, Kaseyu, Asayo, and Taka- were cracking up. Kaseyu made up this parody song to the Goldfish snacks theme song. And when Yuuki was Miroku and Asayo was Sango, Asayo asked Yuuki to sing the goldfish theme song. This is what happened: Asayo: Sing the Goldfish song! Yuuki: This is a warning for goldfish. Watchout for goooldfish. They are very dangerous. Until you bite their heads off. Hey when did that ceiling get here? Asayo: It was always here." Yuuki: Well anyways, where was I? OH right. They're very very dangerous. like GRRR. Roar! Like that. And all the girls with the big b**bs come and go AHHHH! And then I come and bite all the heads off like *chomp* and then I get l**d. Lol. She was also Suzaku and Miaka. Also, Asayo accidentally had an accident. Now, everytime Sophie says "goldfish", Yuuki always says, "And all the girls with the big b**bs come and go 'AHHHH!' and then I come and and say, 'I'll save you!' and then I come and bite all the heads off like *chomp* and then I get l**d." ^^; Okay, I think I've ranted enough. Ja! Go Drunken Miroku. Yuuki never fails to amuse me. Chineru |
Dear Chineru,*Sweatdrops...* We're glad you had fun... Suzaku Seishi |
Dear Suzaku Seishi,This is to everyone but Chichiri.. Gomen.. anyways: What was your first reaction to Chichiri's scar? (this question came up when I was wondering about the expressions on Tamahome's, Miaka's expression in manga #3 and Tasuki's expression in manga #5 when they saw his scar.) Now, here's for Chichiri, I just read your book from before Fushigi Yuugi. It's very moving. It's interesting that Taiitsukun saw that you would have to fight Hikou again just as you left to find Suzaku no Miko. I liked it a lot. Thank you for sharing your past. Fire Elf |
Dear Fire Elf,Tamahome: Speaking for Tasuki, Miaka and myself, we were surprised, but we weren't repulsed if that isd what you were asking. Chichiri: You're very welcome, no da. Suzaku Seishi |
Dear Suzaku Seishi,What grudge do you hold against the Seriyuu Seishi? Sona |
Dear Sona,Ano... have you watched the series, no da? Chichiri |
Dear Tasuki,Do you love Miaka or do you love Nuriko? Sona |
Dear Sona,I don't love either of 'em! Tasuki |
Dear Nuriko,ANIIKIII!! I need some help! You know that lipstick, the really preety wet-shine stuff??!! WHERE CAN I FIND IT?!! Oh yeah, and do you know if the LipArt stuff still exists? THANK YOU!! *hugs Nuriko, and Doc-sama^^* Irhus-sama |
Dear Irhus-sama,Have you tried your local drugstore? They are both made by Covergirl. Failing that, you might be able to order them over the 'Net. Nuriko |
Dear Tamahome,Yay your back!!! I missed you! So how have you been doing? Well tell Miaka I say hi!! Tamachick |
Dear Tamachick,I'm fine, thanks. I'll give her your regards. Tamahome |
Dear Nuriko,Is it wrong for a girl to wish she was a guy and started to wear boy clothes? Also, do you really like Hotohori? I don't really care. girl_guy |
Dear girl_guy,I certainly don't think so! However, if this truly troubles you, you should consider talking to a counselor to help you get your feelings sorted out. Hotohori? Yes I do! Nuriko |
Dear Chichiri,I asked if you and Tasuki were a pair and you answered 'a pair of what' I meant if you two were a couple. You know like 'love-love'. korin |
Dear korin,No, no da! Chichiri |
Dear Suzaku Seishi,Sorry to make fun of your image song, aniki, but I just HAD to send this in for the fans, because they'll ALL CRACK UP!! ^_^ It's SOOOOO funny!! Picture Tasuki... with chipmunk teeth (no fangs)... LOL!!! ^_^ *sweat drop* Ano...I have too much time on my hands. ^_^ Fire Elf |
Dear Fire Elf,*LOL* That was great! Tamahome |
Dear Chichiri,Dude, you look cool and all, but you look a lot better with your mask not on. Who the heck does it disturb? That's why your wear it right? Ah, well you look so good with it off... Mary |
Dear Mary,Arigato for your kind words, no da. *Smiles* Chichiri |
Dear Nuriko,i have no clue how on earth to make my hair less frizzy, everything ive tried doesnt work, also id like to know how to wear make up i cant do that right either. lost girl |
Dear lost,Have you tried a product called "Frizz Ease"? It should do the trick. Go to your local department store and ask at the counter of the company whose makeup you like for a make over. They are generally free. Tell them you want a natural look and then try not to buy everything they want to see to you. Only buy the products you will absolutely need. Nuriko |
Dear Tasuki,Ohisashiburi desu ne Shun'u? I thought I'd come visit you so you wouldn't have to deal with your mother. otosan |
Dear otosan,Thanks 'tousan! How ya' been? *Gives him some sake.* Tasuki |
Dear Hotohori,How does one give one's age in Japanese? Like... oh, 16 years old for example. Lady Palindrake |
Dear Lady Palindrake,16 would be ju roku sai. Hotohori |
Dear Tamahome,An anonymous whistleblower informed us that you, Tamahome, have been smuggling funds from the well as cheating stockholders out of billions of dollars. We ask that you appear before several of our members for review, and a full investigation will be required in the near future. Don't leave town. We know where you live. Concerned High Council Members |
Dear Concerned High Council Members,I did no such thing! I'm greedy! I'm not dishonest! Tamahome |
Dear Hotohori,I'M BACKKK!! *bursts in thru palace doors, dressed in a hawaian tee-shirt,shorts, and sandels with a bunch of luggage* Hi Hotohori! I missed you! *Huggles to Hotohori and familly* Little sister is back and I'm in 8th grade(finally...) so... tell me, did you miss me and what did you do over the Summer? Okami-chan |
Dear Okami-chan,Welcome back. Of course we missed you. We had a lot of visitors it was a bit tiring. Hotohori |
Dear Chichiri,Konnichi Wa! Hello Chichiri! Thanks for the sites! I didn't find exactly what I didn't find what I was looking for... but a lot of other great stuff. So Arigato! *hugs Chichiri* How have you been lately? I have 2 tests tomorrow (-.-) ... Well Bye! Sadie |
Dear Sadie,You're very welcome! I'm fine. Good luck, no da! Chichiri |
Dear Tamahome,...I'm sorry Tamahome. *sighs* You shouldn't have to be burnt for someones entertainment. I have a question for you. What do you think of someone who has the same personality as Tasuki? (and this is determind not by the person who is like them) (here is the short version not all explained) My brothers girl friend says I am just like Tasuki! (aside from me bein' a girl) There is a LONG story behind this -.- Anyway... What do you think of someone who is like Tasuki? (it seems a lot of my friends think this of me as well) Sadie |
Dear Sadie,I guess it means you're either very brave or very clueless. *Grins and runs as Tasuki chases him * Tamahome |
Dear Tasuki,*laughs along with Tasuki* (whats wrong with that? its funny!) He REALLY is an obake-chan isn't he! *laughs* Ok... Ok... I'm done! Well... I hope you have had a good one! (I have got to tell you this) My brothers girlfriend was over the other day and I was on the computer. I downloaded this Video of you, just clips from everywhere in the series (basically a lot of stuff) anyway she asked me what I was watching (the Video clips of you)(I had barely started it when she came). Anyway she starts watching it (very soon after it starts) she starts looking at me carefully then at the screen (you). Well... by the end of the video she swore I was just like you, (attitude, ect). She asked me if I had fangs (at that I really do) I opened my mouth and showed her. (this is sad...) she said that settles it! (I was a bit lost) she said that guy with the orange hair in that clip thing you just showed me! (I asked what about him?) she said you are just like him! I am still lost... is that a compliment or insult? (she didn't tell me what it was ment as...) *tosses Tasuki a bottle of Sake* Have this (I think after reading this you'll need it) I know I wont some -.- Also tell me wether you think that was an insult or compliment and why. Sayonora! Sadie |
Dear Sadie,I'd say it's a compliment because I'm so cool! Thanks fer th' sake! Tasuki |
Dear Chiriko,Aniki! ::hugs:: it's been a while ^_^ Do u know any good websites that teach about spanish cause i need BIG help i'm not doin to good -_-. Well I don't have to much to say for now talk to you later, Bai ^_^ Koryu |
Dear Koryu,I ran a search and here are the results: Ganbatte kudasai! Chiriko |
Dear Chiriko,How have I been? *ponders* Well I'm the top duelist in my city! ^^ Only because of my God Card and I beat Seto Kaiba! Seto: only cause of a fluke... Sam: no way I beat you fair and square!! Yugi: Yep she did! Sam: *dances* go me...go mee! :p Bakura: *laughs* That's right! Sam: *glomps Bakura* thanks! ^^ Bakura: *glomps right back* your welcome! ^^ Sam: see Chiriko I've aquired new friends! ^^ *points to Yugi and Bakura* Kaiba however is just following us! ^^ Seto: but your still not a good duelist! Sam: *pouts* Bakura: *hugs* Sam,Bakura,Yugi and the jerk Seto |
Dear Sam,Bakura,Yugi and the jerk Seto,I'm glad that you've made new friends. I really enjoy watching Yu Gi Oh. Chiriko |
Dear Tasuki,Koji... is... taken... NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!(starts to sob) Why? Why must I find this out when I'm sick... now I feel worse. koujilovr |
Dear koujilovr,Sorry … but I'm sure he'll be friends wit' ya'. Tasuki |
Dear Tasuki,hiya!! I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to endanger your reputation... I was just making an observation. *smiles* School is really great. Ther's this one guy who like anime and he's gonna try to tape Fushigi Yuugi for me!!! *beams* Well, ttyl... luv ya! Chibi Genrou |
Dear Chibi Genrou,See I told ya'! I'm glad to hear that thins' are workin' out fer ya'. Tasuki |
Dear Tasuki,Keh! Be that way then *takes as much of Genrou's sake as possible.. and leaves* Oi... an' If ya hurt th' coat yer sister'll kick yer sorry @$$ heh. KoujiP.S. To alla my fangirls out there if ya give me Sake I'll give ya a kiss hehehee... *hopes Aidou never reads this comment..* |
Dear Kouji,Never mind th' coat, if Aidou reads what ya' wrote she's gonna KILL ya'! Tasuki |
Dear Tasuki,Hey! That's not funny! The only thing Kagome is good for is being a jewel detector! Kagome: Oh, so is that all I am to you? SIT! Inuyasha: *slams into ground* Stop doing that! Besides I didn't think you had feelings for me anyway? Kagome: I DON'T YOU IDIOT!Besides, I thought you only had a thing for dead girls! Inuyasha: UGN Leave me alone!! Inuyasha |
Dear Inuyasha,*Smirks as they argue…* Ah, ain't true love kawaii? *Snickers* Tasuki |
Dear Nuriko,Nevermind about the picture. I have number 8 and was dumb enough to forget you were the main feature at the end, and they showed some pics of your wrist guards. Assumingly,(spelling?) they are symetrical then I can make them. WOuld you like to hear about my day? ^_^ THis morning my book bag broke and I had around 6 textbooks in there. But my friend's mom sewed it in time for school. We jogged 1 mile in gym. Ouch... IN our music class, we are each gonna sing by ourselves so the teacher can figure out how our voices go. IM not much of a singer ^_^' I'm more of the background person who plays the pinano and you don't know they are there. Or the person that's a terrible singer but blends in so it isnt noticed. Ah well we can't have everything we want, can we? If we could, the world would be chaos. @_@But I found images of my 2 older brothers and me on vacation years ago. I miss my brother that Moved to New York... but I hope he's doing well. The first day he was gone I had the urge to cry about 7 times that day. But I gradually got used to it. rei chan^^ |
Dear rei chan,I'm glad you found the pictures. If you both have email, why not keep in touch with him that way? Nuriko |
Dear Chichiri,*grins and hugs* Arigatou!! *sits on a rock* How so ya cast without getting the hook caught on someone's shirt? By the way, this would be good for my kendo lesson because when you hit Sho men"(the helmet) it is suppose to be like you are casting a line. Rei-chan^_^(in high spirits) |
Dear Rei-chan,Very carefully no da. It's kind of a flick of the wrist motion. Chichiri |
Dear Nuriko,hiya, just thought i'd say hi... 'HI' hehe! #1 Nuriko fan |
Dear #1 Nuriko fan,Hi! *Smiles* Nuriko |
Dear Chiriko,hope you are ok. my brother and i are eager to find out why in some japanses songs they speak some english... like in Yui's song it is in japanese but then says 'i wish for your love' in english. do japanese listeners know what it means? we are quite confusled by this. anyway hope your studies and general being clever is good. cya! Rorenu |
Dear Rorenu,I am fine thank you. I guess the knowledge would depend on the listener. Why do they do it? I suppose it's because it sounds interesting. Chiriko |
Dear Tasuki,how do you stand that #$@! excuse for a priestess? Tora |
Dear Tora,OI! We like our Miko! Don't bad mouth 'er! Tasuki |
Dear Tasuki,I was bored and looking up some stuff and found a site it has me alittle confused...Is Aidou your youngest or oldest older sister.. cunfussed |
Dear cunfussed,She is my older sister, but she's th' youngest of alla my sisters. Tasuki |
Dear Mitsukake,Hai! I drawed it for you. *smiles* Will you be my friend? Lita |
Dear Lita,Of course I will little one. *Smiles* Mitsukake |
Dear Chiriko,Here you can read my Intro. to international studys books. The Lexus and The Olive tree is the worst one...*sighs* But out teacher decided to give us more time to read it cause he's reading it too and he cant get the assignments done either. Teehee... Stine |
Dear Stine,I can but it wouldn't do you any good if I read them. Ganbatte kudasai! Chiriko |
Dear Nuriko,Hiya Oniisan! Ogenki desu ka? ^^ I went to the moon festival at my school on friday night. ^^ *gives him a piece of moon cake* Chinese club is very fun.I got an A on my listening test in Japanese and I'm improving in my hiragana... not by much but... i am improving! How was your weekend? Stine |
Dear Stine,Genki desu! It was a fun weekend. Oishii cake! Arigato! Keep up the good work! Nuriko |
Dear Suzaku Seishi,Yatta! Your back *hugs everyone* ^^ Stine |
Dear Stine,*Smiles* Guess we were missed! Tamahome |
Dear Nuriko,*sniff* I'm trying to sell books and stuff I don't want on ebay so I can get money for cosplay and kendo. *ACHOO!* *sniff* BUt they were covered in dust and dust makes me sneeze and my eyes itch... and the medicine hasn't worked yet. Oh well. ^_^ I wanna try to make the outfit you where when you fight ashitare and I'd call it a draw... you both ended up dying, even though Ashitare was only a wolf thing afterwards. Nakago's cruel... and not to mention sick. Licking another guy when you're a guy isn't exactly my idea of.. pleasent... anyway, I still can't remember oh! Those things are your wrists, were they called wrist guards? I wanted to make them in the costume... cuz I think they look cool. But another problem is I can't see a full view of them. I can only find pictures of the side of it so I don't know what the top looks like... maybe I'll go ask chiriko if he can find any... *sniff* *hugs* *then sneezes on you* Ooops... Rei-chan^_^ |
Dear Rei-chan,You might want to go to Anime Turnpike and look for picture galleries. Bless you! Nuriko |
Dear Chichiri,WHO?!?!? SOmeone called you a pervert? WHO WOULD CALL YA A PERVERT?!?! *runs over and hugs* your too kind to be a pervert.. but even if you were... nah I already have a perverted bishie *cough* Miroku... your kindness is what I like about ya. Sometimes I wish you were real, so i could ask advice or just a hug would do. I'd also want Nuriko to be real.. oh that'd be funny. er anyway.. school isn't so bad. I still haven't found anyone who likes anime, or mangas, or even knows what they are but I guess it just needs time, ne? I had a french test today.. i had to study extra hard. I can memorize the words and spellings, I just can't say them. Oh well, i am pretty good with languages so I'll learn... Will you teach me how to fish? I have only fished once and I didn't do well.. and I only mean one try with someone else's pole... my friend ended up catchin a fish and she freaked out... Rei-chan^_^ |
Dear Rei-chan,I'd be glad to teach you how to fish, no da. You can still ask us for advice if you want. *Gives her a hug.* Chichiri |
Dear Chiriko,CHiriko^_^just the person I must ask.. ya know those wrist protectors that nuriko wears? Red and white and somewhat sparkly.. I can't find any full pictures of it, pictures that show the top of it so I know what the entire thing looks like. I can only find pictures of the sides.. do you know where I can find a picture of the entire thing? Arigatou! Rei-chan^_^ |
Dear Rei-chan,Not really, gomen. Have you tried looking at what Anime Turnpike has in the way of galleries? Chiriko |
Dear Suzaku Seishi,(Here is a song I wrote in my mind as I was terribly confused at school and had nothing else to do) (it's to the beet of Heart ni KIRAboshi Sakashitare!!) Its also only Tasuki and Chichiri. Tasuki: Endless annoyences! Chichiri: (he hai) Tasuki: Saving that miko! Chichiri: (he hai) Tasuki: REKKA SHINEN Chichiri: (he hai) Tasuki: Cant drink again becuase of all these interuptions! Chichiri: (he hai) Tasuki: Endless annoyences Chichiri: (he hai) Tasuki: Scatter these flames! Chichiri: (he hai) Tasuki: REKKA SHINEN Chichiri: (he hai) Tasuki: Look! I got Tamamhome again! *laughs* Tasuki: No matter what comes my way! Chichiri: Our hopes and our dreams are light (no da) Tasuki: You see with truth and without regret... Chichiri: As long as bickering thrives among my friends (no da) Tasuki: Now this microphone is really ticken me off! *throws it at wall* Tasuki: Endless annoyences! Chichiri: (he hai) Tasuki: Saving that miko! Chichiri: (he hai) Tasuki: REKKA SHINEN Chichiri: (he hai) Tasuki: Cant drink again becuase of all these interuptions! Chichiri: (he hai) Tasuki: Endless annoyences Chichiri: (he hai) Tasuki: Scatter these flames! Chichiri: (he hai) Tasuki: REKKA SHINEN Chichiri: (he hai) Tasuki: Look! I got Tamamhome again! *laughs* TRY AGAIN! *sweatdrop* well... I hope you enjoyed it! Bakuretsu |
Dear Bakuretsu,Interesting song. But why do you have Chichiri saying "he hai"? Suzaku Seishi |
Dear Chiriko,Konnichi Wa Chiriko. Are you doing good? (I know I'v never really sent you a message). How is it for your age you are so wise? (wisdome beyond your years) litteraly! I wish I was better at school *sweatdrop appears behind head* Math! Its a killer... What subject did you have the most trouble with? Sadie |
Dear Sadie,I'm fine, thank you. I really had no problems in school. Chiriko |
Dear Chichiri,*sweatdrop appears behind head* Gomenosai! I shouldn't of asked you to try to get Tamahome to do something against his wishes... *bows head* gomen... Anyway! Do you know a site where I can download "Mecha HAJIkete GATTSU Tobashite"? I'd like to heer it! Also I listened to Mizu-Kagami. *looks sad* That was a very sad song onii-san... *sniffs* It had such a sad melody... The one thing I thought was good about it (I loved the song) but the one good thing about the song itself is how good you sang. Sadie |
Dear Sadie,Try this search page: I'm glad you liked my song, no da. Chichiri |
Dear Mitsukake,Considering the rate of his alcohol consumption and the endless gifts of sake from fangirls, not to mention the red hot temper and endless brawls with Tamahome, I simply must ask. How is Tasuki not dead? Lady Palindrake |
Dear Lady Palindrake,*Smiles* Well he is a Seishi for one. He's also very lucky and if he is seriously injured I will heal him. Mitsukake |
Dear Suzaku Seishi,"I guess how he treats you and how he acts around you would be considered good indicators." well, what does "how he treats you" mean? whats he treat yer like? what if you don't know him and he doesn't know you, but it's just like fer a day or a moment and ya'll together? how do you tell if he likes ya? Gretchen |
Dear Gretchen,You really can't judge someone's feelings based on a moment. If you like this boy, get to know him before you fall in love with him. You may find you feel differently about him. Nuriko |
Dear Tasuki,*inuyasha growls at comment* Teach me a lesson? feh! I'll teach you a lesson you... *miroku smacks inuyasha with his staff* Inuyasha: What the H*ll that that for?! Miroku: For being ignorant. You can't just challenge some guy guy off the street... Inuyasha: But he insulted me! Miroku: You are too hot headed for your own good.. I insult you all the time. Not when you are watching of course... Inuyasha: oh, so you do... thanks a lot.. *glare* And tell that friend of yours, tamahome was it? tell him to stay away from kagome... don't think i don't read the comments cuz I do... Inuyasha |
Dear Inuyasha,*Grins and laughs* Ya' don't gotta worry 'bout Tamahome, he nuts fer Miaka. Besides, I bet when Kagome first saw ya' she got a bad case of ... puppy-love! *Busts up laughing at his own joke.* Tasuki |
Dear Tamahome,Ok Ok... Maybe asking you to let Tasuki *cough cough* Burn you was a bit shallow! (Gomenosai) But a... *thinks* Hey! How about I pay you to let him! *thinks again* that still probably wouldn't work... How much do you wont? (I'm gonna add this as a side note) I dont hate you or anything Tamahome! You're pretty nice. (But) when you are getting burned by the Tessen *starts laughing* its a RIOTE!! *stops laughing* I'm sorry! Can you at least think 'bout it? Sadie |
Dear Sadie,*Looks disturbed...* I'm glad one of us can be ammused by that. I'm not a candle, so gomen, no. Tamahome |
Dear Tasuki,You'll consider it? (Really!) Thats great! *grabs Tasuki's hand and shakes it real fast* Arigato Tasuki! *thinks of Tamahome being burnt* *starts laughing evily* You know what? Out of the Suzaku Seishi you are one of the nicest *grin* (dont worry) I wont try to ruin your reputation! (I know you like to be known as the hard head) Thats ok! People know me as an idiot! Actually! (to be honest) I dont mind it. I am a bit of a clutz (but nothing compared to Miaka) I can fend for myself! I actually ain't that stupid. But I like to make people laugh and stuff so... I guess to do that I have to be a bit of a fool *shrugs* thats ok though! People also think I can be ignorant, and rather greedy... But hey! Money is money! (I have good reasons I ain't tellin) *wacks him on the back* Sayonora 'till next time! Sadie |
Dear Sadie,I ain't th' nice one! Chichiri is! Ya' know, I should say no to fryin' Obake-chan... but it IS a lotta fun! *Fanged grin* Tasuki |
Dear Tamahome,stupid question.. i know... but.. could you tell me the japanese numbers from 7-10 plz. i only know from up to 6.. ok well thats all... till next time, cya! sikora |
Dear sikora,In order, they are: 7 - nana/shichi8 - hachi 9 - ku 10 - ju Tamahome |
Dear Chichiri,*is soaked from kasa pouring water all over her* *blinks at the fish* Ne, how'd that get in there? I thought you were the only one with a magic kasa! *takes kasa off and starts poking at the inside, then pouts when nothing happens* Ne, aniki, how'd you do that? Anyway... Yeah, depressing day ne? And it's mostly just depressing because people WANT it to be depressing you know? Don't get me wrong. I feel bad about the entire 9-11 thing. But seriously, all my schoolmates would talk about was what happened two years ago. -_- VERY depressing. No, I didn't lose anyone directly, but... it's still kind of sad. You know, I may have gotten to meet those people in a few years, or I may have met someone new the day after. But now I never will. Which sucks, cause I might have made a new best friend with whoever was lost that day. Ah well... sorry to upset the fishing trip, 'Chiri! *Smiles, then blinks at the shoe he's pulled out* Ne, there's something in that shoe, aniki. *picks it up and peers in* Look at that! Ya got a frog in there! I wonder why we didn't notice it earlier? ^^; And thankfully yes, my days are still going fairly easily. Except for my language class, which will only be hard because I don't like the teacher. No offense but he has this tendency to act like we're all really stupid. Now while that may be true concerning the language, it's still kinda mean to have that condescending look on his face whenever he looks at you... Ah well. I'll live. Wanna cast again? *casts fishing pole again* Songwind |
Dear Songwind,*Smiles* It's magic, no da! I'm sorry your teacher isn't very nice, but try your best and maybe he'll lighten up, no da. Hai! Chichiri |
Dear Suzaku Seishi,Hey anybody remember me or miss me while I was gone? *winks at Chiriko and skips off to play duel monsters* Sam |
Dear Sam,I did! How have you been? Chiriko |
Dear Tasuki,While your giving out kisses can I have one..onegai? I promice i wont be all rabid and attack you later... Stine |
Dear Stine,OK, long as ya' promise... *Kisses her on the cheek.* Tasuki |
Dear Suzaku Seishi,If Jimmy cracked corn and no one cared, then why is there a song about it? Some loser |
Dear Some loser,I don't know but this site may help you: Tamahome |
Dear Suzaku Seishi,What makes something art? And are the standards for good art universal, or relative to a person's opinion? Lady Palindrake |
Dear Lady Palindrake,That is an excellent question! I would think that color, compostion, and the like are somewhat universal. It does sometimes seem as if critics and such tell us what is good art, but I still like to think that the opinion of the common person still counts. Chiriko |
Dear Tasuki,Shun'u-kun the best thing happened. ^^ Ma said I can marry Kouji so next Saturday is the wedding date ^^. If you see ur sisters before I do will you tell them? Aidou |
Dear Aidou,Sure! It's 'bout *_+^%$# time! Tasuki |
Dear Chichiri,See Chichiri! This is why I asked you to be my Big Brother ^.^ My two older brothers are so mean... Which Means: Yes, Wrestling19 is unfortuantly my oldest brother. He says yer one of his favorites but he just likes making fun of you o.O *Kicks Wrestling19 in the shin* SO MEAN! Poor Chichiri! *Hugs him* If you ever need a hug to feel better, I'm always here ^.^ OH! Now, My brother is saying He's sorry to you! ROTFLMAO!! Poor Guy. He said he means it o.O He was just in a bad mood. Hey Chichiri, Where can you get a Kaza? I already have one but it doesnt exactly look like yers -.- Well, Gotta go! BYE BIG BROTHER!! Luv Ya TasukiCutie09 |
Dear TasukiCutie09,Please tell him apology accepted. Any Chinatown should carry kasas, no da. Chichiri |
Dear Tamahome,Why don't you like the blond hair guy that is one the same side as miaka's friend? Did he do something bad to you? Saria |
Dear Saria,You mean Suboshi? Yes, he did. Tamahome |
Dear Hotohori,Hey!!! How have ya been? I've missed ch'ya! Aya-Chan |
Dear Aya-Chan,I'm fine, thank you for asking. Hotohori |
Dear Mitsukake,When did you find out you were a seishi? Aya-Chan |
Dear Aya-Chan,I was a teenager. Mitsukake |
Dear Nuriko,YO whasup?! There's a guy at school that i totally love. And I think he likes me too. but there's a problem cuz i can't get up the courage to come up to him. And I'm afraid that i might bore him to death. Now here's the other problem. I might meet a guy this Sunday and I'm afraid that i might like him, which might lower my feelings for the other guy. So what do I do? My sister is trying assure me that this new guy will be a total b*st*rd (SISTER: with a gay, yellow sportscar, THE B*ST*RD!!) I need help here!! trinity |
Dear trinity,Get to know them both as friends. Don't jump into a relationship just to have one. Nuriko |
Dear Tamahome,Okay tama! this time you can't choose anyone that reminds you of Miaka, okay? And don't say no one. Luv ya!!
Dear Touya no miko,There's really no one including Kagome that I'd be interested in, except for Miaka. Tamahome |
Dear Nuriko,*hugs* I'm probably a bit of a pain, ne? Sorry about that ^_^' now i need romance help. Now that im in high school, i realize my grades are most important to become a vetrinarian(spelling?) I don't even look at boys. If i did, it would be because I would want a guy to be my friend. But there aren't even any nice guys so far at my school. I'm serious... they only cuss and most just hang out with the pretty girls with tight clothes. But i forget one thing.. a boy I had a crush on last year for a while goes to my high school. It was during a martial arts class that i liked him and he doesn't seem to recongnize me. He most likely will if i remove my glasses... but i quite the class because I just couldn't take the pressure of trying to get him to like me. I had a feeling he liked me though. . But i eventually gave him up and locked all my romance thoughts in a box so I could get through with my life. But i saw him today and it really bothered me.. i feel like my feelings are returning to me, and that stupid box broke open.. but I don't want that to happen!! I don't want to crush on a guy! GAA now im remembering why i liked him in the first place! Now i just wanna hide when i see him because i don't want him to know its me you know? And I don't even know why.. I just don't wanna see him but some of me does. When i saw him i couldn't help but smile... Oh i dont want this to happen.. *runs to her room and tries to brainwash herself by watching lots of anime* rei_chan -_-' |
Dear rei_chan,Why not just be his friend? You can see where things go from there. Good luck! *Gives her a hug.* Nuriko |
Dear Suzaku Seishi,Was flipping through the cable channels and came across some FY being replayed on International Channel. Thoughtof you guys pretty well, and explained a bit of the premise to my roomie. Heh, actually, I've got my wall-scrolls hanging up for you guys now, so things are going according to plan. I'd also like to volunteer my services as a referee for the upcoming battle between Fluffy-boy and Fanged Alcoholic, if that's possible. Oh, yeah, and does anyone have any idea when Vol. 9 of the manga is supposed to appear? Silver |
Dear Silver,We have no idea on the manga, but you're welcome to referee any brawl between them. Hotohori |