Letters Archive
Week Ending January 29, 2003

Dear Tasuki,

I'm angry today!! I went to Tilt, got over 40 tokens, then I had to leave with 22 left!!!!! AND I WANT TO PLAY MORE SKEE BALL!!!!!! IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!!!!!!! *points at Tamahome, then beats him up* Do you have a skee ball machine on hand?? I need to play some more.


Dear Faye,

Nope but yer welcome to smack Obake-chan around some more if it makes you feel better.


Dear Tasuki,

Hi! Guess what? I got you some sake! *hands two bottles of sake* Enjoy!

So Tasuki, How have you been? It's been a while and I been talking to Lita who is so excited to live with her father. She been talking about it so much to me. Lita also beening talking about you too, about the picture she made for you. los She still calls me auntie and still enjoys staying with me and seeing my pet parrot, Kei. Who bite my finger a few days ago. >.<;;; However, I just wanted to tell you, Lita and I are still in touch and thinking about you, Aidou and Kouji. Lita wants me to meet Kouji and your mother. ^^;;;

Guni Ryuuzaki

Dear Guni Ryuuzaki,

Thanks! That's ok. Lita's a good kid.


Dear Mitsukake,

Oh my God! Mitsukake-san, you're even cooler in the manga! You're not boring at all! I mean, not that you were before, but...AUGH! >_<

Little Rachael

Dear Little Rachael,

Arigato for your kind words.


Dear Tasuki,

might be able to out drink others but not you that would be inpossible haha but i can do this *sets tamahome on fire* see i can do that hehe *watches as watermage puts him out* But yeah out drinking you would be inpossible, thats like being able to go around the word in less than a second outrages.


Dear Naruto,

True! *Grins* Nice Tamahome toastin'!


Dear Mitsukake,

Ayame: After a long obsession with Auron, Ash-chan is now back to you. Ph33r h3r.

Ash-chan: *glomps him* ^_^

Ayame: *sweatdrops* See? *shrugs* What the h*ll. *glomps him as well*

Ayame and Ash-chan

Dear Ayame and Ash-chan,

*Sweatdrops* Ano ... Arigato?


Dear Tasuki,

*peeks in* hi! ^^ long time no talk! ^^ *pulls in her wolf* see my new pet! ^^ Kouji say's we can use him as a mascot and all that! ^^ Oh and the Kerion thing is all taken care of! ^^ *pull's Keiron in the room all tied up* Me and like 2 other bandit's did it! ^^ woops gtg Kouji needs me to do something! ^^ *wolf walks beside her as she drags Kerion along too*


Dear Kylie,

Cool pet! What's his name?


Dear Tasuki,

*smiles* Shun'u-kun..^^ Remember what I said last year for my new years resolution...^^ *evil grin* Well....the new year is here...Heheheheh....*takes aim and runs after him* DAHAHAHA! Whats wrong? Your the one that told Kouji to give me the thoughtful gift..^^

Your very non-violent and always loving sister, Aidou

Dear Aidou th' Psycho,

Yer s'pposed to be hittin' Kouji an' th' bandits! Not me!!


Dear Nuriko,

I saw this one picture of you and Miaka and the guys in the backround were smiling...My friend and I were very concerned for Miaka's safty...O.o Its just weird...Do you know why they were smiling?

Hentai Bunny and CO

Dear Hentai Bunny and CO,

If they were the Seishi, of course she was safe! Besides, she was with me. I don't know, maybe they were happy to see her.


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

well... truly... i don't know what happened... but i had a friend on the internet who i didn't know personally, and my parents found out. they gave me a crock full of sh*t about it, and made me change EVERYTHING. including screennames, passwords, and email addresses. I didn't tell her anything about me. She doesn't know WHO THE H*LL I AM. Maybe I AM the dangerous criminal.

Some of the people on the internet are bad, and some are good. It's the same thing with the streets! That guy over there could be a heroin addict, a murderous gang member, or a serial killer! But he might not be. You have to trust in yourself... I guess. To make yourself not tell anything about yourself... but you probably know more about me than she does.


Dear Jashi,

Well, your parents do have a point and I can understand their reaction evern if it was as bit strong. They want to protect you and that is understandable. As long as you NEVER give out your personal information (name, age, address, phone number, etc.) you should be safe on the Internet. Common sense is your best defense.


Dear Nuriko,

I have a small shrine that's dedicated to you. ^_~ It's here: http://gurlpages.com/iris133/Nuri-chan.main.html

Flying heart

Dear Flying heart,

Arigato! It's a very nice shrine.


Dear Mitsukake,

you are not boring so do you have a girlfriend or wife??


Dear star,

Arigato for your kind words. I have a girlfriend and her name is Shoka.


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

to all of you wats your fav show???


Dear star,

Fushigi Yuugi! Followed by: Kenshin, Hellsing, Outlaw Star, Irresponsible Captain Tylor, Weiss Kreuz, and Ceres.

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Nuriko,

will you fill in lov with a gurl or are you going to go with a guy???


Dear star,

I'll fall in love with whoever I fall in love with.


Dear Tasuki,

do you plan to have kids someday????


Dear R.J,



Dear Hotohori,

ohhhhhhh he's only a baby :) do you have a pic I can see???


Dear rose,

Hai! *Pulls out his Imperial wallet and show her the Imperial family portrait.*


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

hey! do you know where i can find some great FY backgrounds? especially ones of tasuki or tamahome. i would really appreciate your help. ^-^


Dear elodii,

have you tried Anime Turnpike? They have a bunch of sites that are just image galleries.


Dear Tamahome,

Oh my gosh! Your japanese voice guy voices Seto Kaiba and Heero Yuy!!!!!! Oh my gosh! They are my favorite characters in their animes!!!!! You are catching up to Flame-chane (Tasuki if ya didn't get it) here. Seto is SOOO awsome!!!!!! I love his Blue Eyes White Dragon!! Oh man! That's just way cool!!!!! Ja ne.

Fire Elf

Dear Fire Elf,

Thanks! Glad I could make your day!


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

Do you like to see Tamahome being set on fire?



Aside from Tasuki, no, no da.


Dear Tasuki,

^.~ ya better protect me, you dont want all those stupid otaku's around me do ya? You get to be a happy little pyro and burn them all! mwahahahahaha

Ashley Chan

Dear Ashley Chan,

'Course I'll protect ya'!


Dear Chiriko,

yesh! you may have all the green tea ice cream you want cause your my cute lil cousin -gives him 5 bowls of green tea ice cream-

Ashley Chan

Dear Ashley Chan,



Dear Tamahome,

Tie him up and put him on small world over... and over... and over... and over again -wicked grin-

Ashley Chan

Dear Ashley Chan,

*Smiles and laughs* Better take the tessen away first!


Dear Tasuki,

well... like i said before, i have a question about a frind who is obsessed with you. (don't you feel special.) anyway... she just won't shut up about you. how do i get her to stop? tell chiriko thatnks for helping me with math. (now i must go find the idiot who asked me that question AND who stole my calculator... ) bye! ^-^


Dear kyre,

I'll tell 'im. Why not direct her to th' DTFC website? I'm sure she can babble all she wants there an' get it out of her system.


Dear Chichiri,

who is ur english voice actor?

fah shen

Dear fah shen,

I don't know, no da. But I'm not very fond of my English dubbed voice anyway.


Dear Tamahome,

What was the date of your wedding with Miaka? I highly doubt it says in the OAV. I hope you didn't forget it, because some guys and some girls do that and it's horrible when one forgets and the other doesn't and then they get mad at each other for forgetting the date of their wedding. Blah blah blah... Ja ne.

Fire Elf

Dear Fire Elf,

It's ... ano ... *Thinks hard* April 14th!


Dear Tasuki,

Ai caramba. Taking care of a dog that's not yours is a lot of work.

(sidebar) My mom thinks the person who put up this site about you and the seishi are trying to stalk kids *cracks up and falls of chair* hehe oops. My mom's over protective and psycho, but you can't be too careful.

Anyhow, I've been taking care of a neighbor's dog for about seven days now and it's a big job. I go over there and do my homework and watch DB and DBZ on their cable satalite TV, but they don't have WB!!! NO YU-GI-OH! Oh well. DBZ is almost as cool, but thanks to one of my friends I've seen most of the episodes that are playing right now. But the poor puppy is all alone in a small kennel all night and all day and only gets out during lunch hour. That is so sad!

Aniki, I think you should get an orange tabby cat. A feisty firey one to match your personality. Make it a male, because you may not get along with female cats since you don't like women much. Or would you prefer a golden retreiver? Ultimate question: Dogs or cats?

That's all I have to say for now. Ja ne.

Fire Elf

Dear Fire Elf,

Takin' care of ANY dog is a lotta work! Yer right 'bout bein' careful, but, no we ain't out to stalk no one an' in fact, we've chased off people we felt were tryin' to do that here! Dogs! I don't want no pet that gonaa be smarter than me!


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

Hello you guy *smiles and hugs all the seishi* just gona ask another question,I would like all of you to give an answer, why does Tasuki have fangs? Is it a Bandit thing or somthing?


P.S. I love Wolves ^_^!!! I love you Tasuki!!! I love you Chichiri!!! I love you Hotohori!! I love you Chiriko!!! I love you Nuriko!!!! I love you Tamahome!! I love you Mitsukake!!! (I mean this in a caring way, not in a "you are mine I love you "way )^_^

Dear okami-chan,

He was just born with prominent canines.


Dear Mitsukake,

I was just wondering, scince I wan't to be a healer, what kind of books do you recomend? (I want to heal people using herbs and stuff). please tell me as soon as possible ^_^.


P.S why do you have so little lines, when without you, Tamahome would have died?

Dear okami-chan,

You should look into bookson homeopathy. I guess he had a better agent.


Dear Tasuki,

I'm really really sorry... I just hadn't had any chocolate that day and I went kinda crazy... will you forgive me? I'll be your slave... (for a week or two at least...) *starts to cry* Please?


Dear Faye,

I'll fergive ya' but I don't want no slaves!


Dear Hotohori,

I had finished watching "Eikou Den" for about the fifth time, and I must say it is a very well done OAV. The reincarnated seishi are just the cutest bunch of people, and of course, Tasuki, Chichiri and Taka are every bit their charming selves. But the reason I am writing to you specifically is because of all the wonderful new people I have seen in "Eikou Den," my very favorite is Crown Prince Boushin. (Okay, maybe his name is Reiteizei now, but deep down, he's always Boushin. The latter name is easier to remember anyway!!)

As the crown prince of Konan, Boushin has done a very good job so far. He is very polite, gracious, compassionate, and intelligent. It wouldn't surprise me if he treated his lowest stablehand like a visiting prince. This is a definite contrast to Mayo, who, during her stint as the "Suzaku no Miko," treated Boushin (among other people) like he was only fit to shovel manure. (Really awful scene, but Boushin handled it the best way he knew how.) Houki-sama/Yotaigo-sama has taught him well, and so have you.

Just thought you'd like to know. Too bad Boushin is busy with rebuilding Konan to give any response, but please tell him to keep up the great work. Give my regards to Houki-sama as well. Hope things continue to go well for them both.

Lady Shera

Dear Lady Shera,

Arigato for your kind words. I shall pass them on to Boushin and Houki.


Dear Hotohori,

Why is your hair green? *inspects Hotohori's head*

Kat-chan; sugar stalker

Dear Kat-chan,

It isn't! It's a rich chestnut brown.


Dear Mitsukake,

What dairy food does Tama-neko like best?

Kat-chan; sugar stalker

Dear Kat-chan,



Dear Tasuki,

You're expecting me to know?!?!? I'm asking you!!

Some guy

Dear Some guy,

It's yer book! How th' H*LL am I s'pposed to know anythin' 'bout it??


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

Do you guys like botan rice candy and Pocky?

Kat-chan; sugar stalker

Dear Kat-chan,



Dear Suzaku Seishi,

What kinds of teas are your favorites? I like green tea, Jasmine in particular. do you like to add anything to your tea? Milk, cream? SUGARRRRRRRR!!!!! Also, do you like coffee? Have you ever tried french vanilla flavoring? It's really good!

Kat-chan;sugar stalker

Dear Kat-chan,

We all prefer sencha or matcha green tea. We have had vanilla flavored coffee but find it a bit too sweet.

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Suzaku Seishi,

I thought of another thing! If you could have a dessert, what would it be?

Kat-chan; sugar stalker

Dear Kat-chan,

Here'e your just desserts!

Tamahome: Cheesecake
Tasuki: Rum Cake
Chichiri: Ricew pudding, no da
Hotohori: Chocolate ice cream
Chiriko: Green Tea ice cream
Nuriko: Strawberries and chocolate sauce
Mitsukake: Fresh fruit

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Tasuki,

i am so mad!!!! there's this guy in one of my classes at school and my friend's foot was on top of his paper and she wouldn't move it cuz she can't stand this guy and so this guy's friend says: "make her move. they're just girls, what can they do?" what can they do? well... they're stonger, faster, taller, and sure as h*ll smarter than you are. you sure that's the wisest choice of words?????? grrr... sorry for me talking so long. =)


Dear kyre,

Sorry, but yer friend was jus' as big a jerk as he was fer not movin' her foot.


Dear Tasuki,

Che! If you say so... We all know who she'd really hit with th'logs...


Dear Kouji,

Yeah, she'd hit ya', ya' bum!


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

will you be my friend please????


Dear Sango,


Suzaku Seishi

Dear Hotohori,

hey can you help me???? ok I have a anime club but no one will join I mean I have contests givaways and partys so can you help me please????


Dear tive,

Have you tried posting your club to Yahoo Groups as well as at school? The way to get people to join is to heavily publicize your club. Good luck!


Dear Tasuki,

How do you feel when some little kids call you 'scary'? (Like in Manga. 8) ^_~ Anyway, I don't think that you are scary, in fact I think you're Hot. ^_~ And you're my classmates favorite...^_^

Flying heart

Dear Flying heart,

It p*sses me off! Thanks!


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

If you could each have one pet, what would it be, why, and what would you name it?



Mitsukake: I already have a pet, Tama-neko. Here are the rest of our answers.

Chichiri: A cat - No Da
Chiriko: An owl - Hedwig
Tasuki: A wolf - Ookii warui
Tamahome: A cat - Yen
Hotohori: A cat - Kirei
Nuriko: A parakeet - Utau

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Chichiri,

heyyyyyyyy how are you no da???haha haha ha haha are u dating someone????I mean you are a very nice funny cute guy no da. so wazup???

happy gurl

P.s fun fun fun

Dear happy gurl,

I'm fine. I'm not dating anyone, nor do I want to, no da.


Dear Chichiri,

Oniisan, I asked Hotohori this question, and he didn't know the answer. I was listening to this THTC song called "Metcha Hajikete Gattsu Tobashite," and I was hoping that you, being one of the singers, would know if there is a video of that song with subtitles. I'm asking this b/c I would LOVE to know what you guys were talking about in between verses.

Ayame no Miko

Dear Ayame no Miko,

There is no video that we're aware of, no da. However, if all you want is to know the spoken lines, this site has them translated.


Dear Tasuki,

u all ways drunk WHY?!!!!!


Dear Blade,

I'm not always drunk!


Dear Tamahome,

Did Aiaki ever pay your I.O.U? I just read the archive for January 5, 2002.


Dear Faye,

No I don't think so.


Dear Chiriko,

can you help me with my math homework because it's STUPID! AND ANNOYING!!! (well... tecnically it's not stupid scince it's out of a math book...)


Dear Jen-chan,

I can try.


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

I guess that is a good idea... but what movie?? hmm... A Walk in the Clouds? no... A.I.? no... Princess Mononoke? maybe... Mission Impossible?... I dunno... Well what the heck! you decide!!


Dear Faye,

Do you have any Jackie Chan movies?


Dear Tasuki,

I'm sorry... U.U ... (even though I was speaking hypotheticaly...)

A now depressed and completely out of it Faye

Dear Faye,

It's ok … but don't get any weird ideas!


Dear Tasuki,

*looks over* EEP!! I better get to work! *Grabs as many bottles as possible and starts to down all of them* I hope I can make up for lost time... *Glances over and sees Tasuki down 3 kegs* O_o;


Dear Winter,

*Grins and belches*


Dear Tasuki,

if you could dye your hair n e color besides red/orange ... what would it be?


Dear Blondie,



Dear Suzaku Seishi,

What would you say as a good come back to an older brother? and to Tasuki, why do you hate girls so much, when not all girls are like youre sisters? say to Koji I said Hi and that He is really cute ^_^!


Dear okami-chan,

I'll tell 'im fer ya'. They always get me in trouble! I guess it depends on what he says.


Dear Tasuki,

I have something of interest to you! Here are some pics of Nakago with a weed-whacker hair cut!!! *hands Tasuki pics* tee-hee! Hope ya like them!

Nakago: GET BACK HERE, YOU!!!!!!!

Kat-chan: Oops! gotta go!!!!

Kat-chan; sugar stalker

Dear Kat-chan,

*Looks at picture and laughs.*


Dear Chiriko,

unless I'm still sick i'll have to take a math test tomarrow. this has me very worried. i need to get an A or B on the test or my grade will go down and it's ALMOST GRADING DAY!!!!! AAAAAAA!!!! D'you have any good studying ideas?

Kat-chan; sugar stalker w/a cold

Dear Kat-chan,

Try to study for 20 minutes and then take a 5-minute break. Go back and review what you just studied and then go on to the next lesson. Ganbatte kudasai!


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

Do you guys like video games? If so what is your favorite game?

Kat-chan; sugar stalker

Dear Kat-chan,

We like the Final Fantasy series.

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Chiriko,

Have you ever READ Dave Barry?

Kat-chan; sugar stalker

Dear Kat-chan,

I've read small bits of his work. He's very funny.


Dear Tasuki,

My older brother has always been a bother to me, but I really care for him. I will soon have to be separated from him for a long time, because my parents are getting a divorce, and each parent gets one child each. I've been with my Brother for as long as I can remember after all, he is a year older than me. What the should I do???

Luna gato

P.S. do you still hate girls? cause I am one.he the

Dear Luna gato,

Keep in touch wit' 'im. Ya' know, email, phone calls, letters, etc.


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

Konnichiwa!! (hugs them and gives them sake and belated Christmas presents) Sorry about the belated Christmas presents. Now I need to ask you this question. Which character or characters from either Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings? Talk to you later. Sayonara!

Aisha the Anime Guru

Dear Aisha,

Which character what, no da?


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

Here's another (hopefully) interesting question for you. Other than Watase-sensei's, (which we all know would be your favorite) which manga-ka's style do you like the best?


Dear Silver,

Watuski-sensei and Takahashi-sensei (Kenshin and Ranma ½)


Dear Tasuki,

*rubgs head* ow hehe should hve seen that coming hey can be a bandit here watch *walks right up to tasuki grabs his sake out of his hand and finishs it for him then runs away before he ever noticed what happened, then thought waight he will notice, runs with a new glass and replaces the oldone and runs away* see ha! ya didn't se that one coming hahahah.... and yes i can do better than that but serioulsy can i joing ur band of bandits?


Dear Naruto,

Ya' gotta be able to out drink an' out brawl alla us!


Dear Hotohori,

I was reading some responses and I loved the series of letters from Xel when he got hold of your hat. Can I have it? It seems defective for you, but I love wierd things like that. Pwease? Can I have it?

Kat-chan; sugar stalker

Dear Kat-chan,

It's not a hat, it's a small Imperial Crown. *Sighs* I want it back.


Dear Chiriko,

I'm into reading fantasy and humor books, like Lord of the Rings and Dave Barry. Any suggestions on some other books I can read?

Kat-chan; sugar stalker

Dear Kat-chan,

Have you read the Harry Potter stories or the Chronicles of Thomas Covenant by Stephen R. Donaldson?


Dear Hotohori,

*dashes up and snatches imperial crown* I need this for a sec! *wind,wind Crown starts poofing powder; Nakago runs up*


Kat-chan: See? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!*runs off, jumps and dissapears*

Nakago: Get back here!!!!YAAAAA!

Kat-chan; sugar stalker

Dear Kat-chan,

*Sweatdrops* Bizarre …


Dear Tamahome,

I'm home sick and really bored. I like to be out and about so this is really a drag. Any ideas on what to do to keep myself occupied?

Kat-chan; sugar stalker

Dear Kat-chan,

Count your money. That's what I do!


Dear Chichiri,

Have you ever read the comic strip 'Get Fuzzy'? I think it's hilarious!

Kat-chan; sugar stalker

Dear Kat-chan,

I have and it is, no da.


Dear Chichiri,

*runs over and forms magic barrier*

Kat-chan: There! That should do!


Kat-chan: Oh dear, he seems upset. He is destroying the coutyard! Hey NAKI!!! CUT THAT OUT!!! anyway, here Chichiri, I made you a Katsu-Don! Hands it to him! Gotta go!! *jumps in the air and dissapears*


Kat-chan; sugar stalker

Dear Kat-chan,

Arigato, no da!


Dear Tasuki,

*runs up with a snow blower* Hold this!*gives Tasuki a camera and pours flour into the blower and Nakago runs up* 'Hey Naki!'

Nakago:Get back here you...!!!

Kat-chan: *turns on snowblower* BBBBBWWWWVVVV!!!!

Nakago:grrr... (covered in flour)

Kat-chan: AHAHAHAHA! Take the picture!!!! *snap* Tee-hee!!! you want a copy?

Kat-chan; sugar stalker

Dear Kat-chan,



Dear Nuriko,

Is it bad to use your fingernails as screwdrivers in a pinch for small screws and the like?

Kat-chan; sugar stalker

Dear Kat-chan,

In a word, yes.


Dear Tasuki,

*cough, cough* I'm home sick today watching reruns of 'who's line is it anyway?' on TV. Do you like that show?

Kat-chan; sugar stalker

Dear Kat-chan,

The original British show was pretty good.


Dear Mitsukake,

*sniff..atchoooo!!*How can you get rid of a cold fairly quickly? I really hate being sick...

Kat-chan;sugar stalker

Dear Kat-chan,

Lots of rest and fluids. Odaijini!


Dear Tasuki,

my friend won't stop screaming your name!!! i emailed her about something and i mentioned you and this was her reply. nothing else, just this: "you can't have tasuki!!! he's mine!!! MINE!!! you here me???!!! MINE!!!!!" no offense to her but it's kinda annoying... =)

anyway... i have a math quiz and i can't remember anything... IT'S NOT FAIR!!


Dear .de.la.poules.,

Gomen, I guess ya' gotta study more.


Dear Tamahome,

Uncle Obake...Nakago said that he wanted to see you again this weekend. :raises an eyebrow: do you want me to beat him up for all that horrible slander,or do you?

Ashley Chan

Dear Ashley Chan,

Thanks, but I'll do it myself. *Cracks his knuckles … *


Dear Chiriko,

^_^ Chibi Chiriko cousin chan...I have a favor to ask you. Now...I know you like studies, and your the smartest child in all of Konan, but, wont you celebrate with me, I dont have to take the evils of math until college which isnt until august. So be happy and celebrate with me...I'll buy you an ice cream!

Ashley Chan

Dear Ashley Chan,

Can I have green tea ice cream?


Dear Tasuki,

LoL okay she wasn't but it was Suuuuuu great to see her! =D give CnA a hug and dont drink her out of house and home. Ya! Okane! Yup I did have a birthday recently. I turned 18 on January 11th. ^_~ I'm legal now, your gonna have to be around me protecting me with that Tenssen all the time!

Ashley Chan

Dear Ashley Chan,

Otanjoubi omedetou gozaimasu! Sure, I'll protect ya'!


Dear Chichiri,

I am so sorry:(


Dear R.J,

It's ok, no da.


Dear Tasuki,

Is Koji a girl or a boy???


Dear R.J,

He's a guy.


Dear Hotohori,

You have a son how old is he?? I didnt know cas I am only in book 7. So you have a son thats cool.


Dear rose,

He's one.


Dear Hotohori,

ANIKI!!! *glomp* guess what guess what?!?! Suzaku Hi Den came today! (so did Yukiyasha Den, and Seiran Den!!!) I am so excited! Finally! *huggles you and Nuriko* You two rock the most!!! JAAA!!!!


PS: where can i find translations for them so I can check if the one I do is right?

Dear Moeru,

Here is a site you may find helpful: http://www.angelfire.com/geek/tetrisnomiko/fynovels/fynovels.html


Dear Tasuki,

do you know about the four Gods? can you tell me where they cme from and their power? Pls... Arigato!


Dear hikari,

I dunno! They're jus' Gods, ya' know. This site might be helpful to ya'. http://www2.gol.com/users/stever/asuka.htm


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

Hmmm.....Hi. It's my first time to this sight. Oh before I forget Happy New Year(Kinda late for it huh?) Ok,here's a problem. I'm in a new school and many of the people here threats me like dirt. I never wanted to change schools but my parents though otherwise.(I am currently in a private school and I HAAAAAAAATE it!!!!!) So what should I do? And please don't tell me to give it time and be patient because I am quite sick of hearing that from my parents already. It took me one week to find more than twenty new friends in my old school but it takes me two pain staking, mindnumbing weeks to find just five here!( new school) My friend who is a big Suzaku friend told me to ask you. I hope you can help. Arriverdeci.


Dear Triste,

Well th' people at yer new school may suck but ya' still made 5 new friends. I know ya' don't wanna hear "give it time", so I ain;t gonna tell ya that. I am gomnna tell ya' to ignore th' bakas that are nasty to ya' an' concentrate on yer new friends an' havin' fun wit' 'em.


Dear Tasuki,

I'm looking for a book, i think it was blue...

some guy

Dear some guy,

… an' … ?


Dear Nuriko,

I am DEATH, so do you think my color is sunshine yellow, pretty pink, or bubble blue?



I think that black is really your color.


Dear Chichiri,

when does the nightengale appear in 'Char's Counterattack'?


Dear person,

I've never played it, so I don't know, no da.


Dear Tasuki,

Are you a fish?

Kat-chan; sugar stalker

Dear Kat-chan,

No, I'm a bandit!


Dear Tasuki,

I got accepted into Bowling Green ^^ yay! *hugs* Eeeee! I so happy...but this weird military guy called me and was asking me questions. I told him i was going to college and studying photography. So then he said that I could do that in the military and if I changed my mind i could call back... O.O weird huh? I don't think i wanna take THOSE kinda pictures. ^^ Im much more intersted in cute lil animals and pretty trees... teehee ^^


Dear Tana,

Omedetou gozaimasu! Congratulations on yer college acceptance!


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

If you could switch with another of the Suzaku Seishi, which would it be? What would you do??


Dear Jen-chan,

Hotohori - Tamahome - date Miaka
      Tamahome - No one! I like being me and I love being with Miaka.
      Tasuki - Chichiri - Pop in and scare th' h*ll outta Obake-chan!
      Nuriko - Hotohori - Stare at myself in the mirror.
      Chichiri - No one, no da.
      Chiriko - Tasuki - Drink, cuss and brawl!
      Mitsukake - Tama-neko - Lie around in a sunbeam all day and then eat.

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Chiriko,

I was looking through a bunch of the older archives and I noticedd one letter where someone asked all you seishi who you would be if you could be reincarnated as a mythical animal. You picked O Goncho.

Since I had no clue what this was I looked it up and found that it is a white japanese dragon who can can take the form of a golden bird and whose coming brings famine and pestilance. My question is why on Earth him?


Dear Becky,

The only letter asking about us being reincarnated as animals I answered with the choice of owl, not Ogoncho. Do you remember the date of the archive you saw this in?


Dear Tasuki,

Hello and Gomen if this sounds random but I really somewhere to vent and I don't own one of those web journal thingies so this is the next best thing. I just caught my mother talking behind my back saying that I couldn't push around my little polititian boyfriend like I do weasle boy. By weasle boy she ment one of my best friends! And I don't push my friend around either, and he's not a weasle boy. I just can't believe she would say something like that about people who mean alot to me.

Gomen again for your time but I just needed someplace where I could put this all down and get it out of my system.


Dear DG,

No problem. Mebbe ya' should tell yer ma ya' heard what she said an' it really hurt yer feelins'.


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

If you could each start your own band, what would each of you call your band?


Dear Mandy-chan,

Here's your answers:

Chiriko - The Muggles
Chichiri - Regretful Blues, no da
Tasuki - Flame On!
Tamahome - I Got a Yen for You
Mitsukake - Doctor, Doctor
Hotohori - Beautiful Lives
Nuriko - Unrequited Passion

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Chichiri,

how do you had this thing on one of you eyes

Tony Hen

Dear Tony Hen,

Do you mean my scar, no da?


Dear Tasuki,

Hi, aniki. I'm at school right now and we're having a break from classes. A lot of the kids are playing a computer game called Age of Empires 2. It's an awsome game. I like to be the Japanese when I play. Have you ever played that game? You should. You get teams and you can be in China or Japan. It's so cool. Hehehe. Some people make fools of themselves. *cough cough mumbles a guy's name* I don't have any tests, yet. I bet the only tests you've taken are for drinking and brawling. I know you can read and write. Duh. No body is that stupid in FY. But have you ever taken any math? Or history? Or any different language? I know you're not Chiriko, but you got to be smarter or almost as smart as Obake-chan. He's gotten to college as Taka. Could you randomly flame him for me? He looks funny all smokey and mad at you. I'm sure you'd be glad to do it. *grins* Ja ne.

Fire Elf

Dear Fire Elf,

Nope, never took any classes like that! Sure I'll fry 'im fer ya'! *Grins*


Dear Tasuki,

Will you sing me a lullaby?


Dear Pippin,

Aren't ya' kind old fer that?


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

what type of meat do you think you all represent.


Dear Pippin,

What a bizarre question!

Chichiri - fish, no da
Chiriko - lamb
Mitsukake - mutton
Tasuki - steak
Hotohori - filet mignon
Nuriko - lamb
Tamahome - steak

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Suzaku Seishi,

Ummmm....hi there *waves* ^_^ I've got this idea for a reincarnation fic, adn someone told me to make it different from the usual seishi-in-high-school-live-happily-ever-after reincarnation fic...ya'll got some ideas? ^_^ Ja ne~!

Flying heart

Dear Flying heart,

*They all look at each other … * Ano … Not really. Gomen, no da.


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

Hiya! This is my first time here... AAGHH NO!!BADBADDOG!!!!! DON't EAT THAT *whack whack whack* ::whine:: *chugs soda* anyhooo... just wanted to sa "hi"... oh yeah! now I remember! what are yur guys' favorite candies?


Dear Kat-chan,

We all like chocolate!

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Chiriko,

Okay, so I order a trilogy of books off Amazon.com, and finally (a week later) get an email notice that they're shipping my order. I find out today that "my order" is, aparently, a very loose use of the term. They shipped one book. ONE FREAKIN' BOOK! And guess which one it was? The second in the trilogy. You'd think they could at least ship the first one first; I can't even start reading yet, and probably will have to wait another week or so for them to ship the first one. D@mn, I hate the world sometimes. >_<

Sorry, just had to rant. Has that ever happened to you? I mean... you're sorta the reader of the group...


Dear Ayame,

That's ok and it has happened to me as well.


Dear Tasuki,

Are you gonna hurt me now? *gives him chibi-eyes* You wouldn't do that to a poor defenseless thing like me, would you? I'm sure you're nicer than that... Aside from that... I'm sure your clothes needed to be washed, too. ^-^ *disappears*


Dear WaterMage,

Why ya' rotten … !


Dear Tasuki,

What would you do if I did this to you every time I saw you? *hugs him and gives him a kiss* I LOVE YOU SOOO MUCH!!!!


Dear Faye,

*Runs away screaming … * Yer never joinin' MY bandit gang!


Dear Tasuki,

can I be a bandit to?? *gives Tasuki big puppydog eyes* I have loads of experience in stealing stuff!! pleeease????? plus I have good aim with a gun!!! PLEEEEASE!!!


Dear Faye,

Yer already a bandit sort of ain't ya'?


Dear Tasuki,

I have a confession to make... you know that letter saying most people vote for you on the poll... all 5 are me... hehe... >.> <.<


Dear Faye,

Why ain't I suprised ... ?


Dear Chichiri,

do you know inuyasha??


P.S you are very nice


I have seen that anime, but I'm not personally acquainted with him. Arigato, no da! I'm glad that Miroku hasn't made you dislike all monks, no da.


Dear Tamahome,

ok can you help me plan the best party???


Dear rose,

Sure! Sounds like fun!


Dear Nuriko,

how can you be so beautful I mean you are a guy??? And how can I have your hair???


Dear R.J,

Just lucky I guess! You would need to never cut it except for an occasional trim and style.


Dear Chichiri,

why do you have such... unique... hair?


Dear kyre,

I just do, no da.


Dear Hotohori,

hello!!!! why does tamahome not like tasuki? (besides the obvious reason(s)) do YOU not like any of them? do yo agree that tamahome is a goody goody?


Dear kyre,

I do like all of my fellow Seishi. Tamahome actually does like Tasuki. I think fighting is just their way of expressing their friendship.


Dear Tasuki,

Tasuki Wasuki Masuki Fasuki!! *HUGS HIM TIGHTLY* I'm so sorry I havn't written to you in awhile! I missed you sooooo much my lil Tasuki Wasuki but I still love you very very much! So how have you been? I've been ok, staying out of trouble? *Hugs him* Now that I'm back we can continue were we left of! *Takes his tessen and puts a bow on it* There! All pretty!

Your eternal psycho fan Lucy ^_^

Dear Lucy,

*Grimaces at the bow.* I ain't no one's "lil Tasuki Wasuki"! So, besides tryin' to drive me crazy, whatcha' been up to?


Dear Tamahome,

*Hugs him* Hello Tamahome, I am sorry I havn't written in awhile but I could really use a Big Brother right now and you said I could always come to you. *Sighs* It's like this. My Grandfather is in the hospital, he had colin cancer and they were able to get it in time but they couldn't save his colin and now he has to use a bag and last saturday my cosins house burnt down. Luckily they were staying with us but everything was destroyed. Except the God d*nm Bible! It didn't even burn! That p*ssed me off and I know your not suppose to hate God but I do! Why does he keep hurting the people I love? It's not fair! *Begins crying* Then my Grandma almost died... Why is he doing this? Tell me! Why is he punishing my family? First he took my Dad and now... What do I do Tamahome? I don't know what to do...

Lone Wolf

Dear Lone Wolf,

*Gives her a hug.* I'm so sorry that all these terrible things are happening to you and the people you love. I can't tell you why they are happening or why life isn't fair, it just isn't. Perhaps the powers that be are testing you. Just remember these things: You're not alone; What doesn't kill us makes us stronger; and We're here for you if you need us. *Gives her another hug and holds her.*


Dear Chiriko,

How do you say "little sister" in japanese? Thanks and your a cute little boy too. ^_^


Dear Tohru,

The word is imouto. You're welcome! Arigato for your kind words.


Dear Tasuki,

Ok my friends and me all think that you are so cool and cute.And I am thinking that you have like a thing that makes girls nuts is love with you.So can you please help me and my friends to stop yelling your name all the time. So can you help???


Dear tive,

I dunno, mebbe joinin' th' DTFC will help ya'.


Dear Tasuki,

Do you like to dance?



Not really, jus' th' bandit dance I guess.


Dear Tasuki,

Yo Bro! Do ya still hate yer sister? ^^ 'Cause shes gonna live in th' stronghold now.all th' other guys seem to be happy about it... *grumbles* an' if they try anythin'... *growls* an' ya better protect her too.


Dear Kouji,

She'll be fine! Jus' give her a supply of logs an' she'll take care of herself!


Dear Hotohori,

why don't you ever cut your hair??

-.-' arian

Dear arian,

Because I like it this way.


Dear Tasuki,

:sneaks up on Tasuki papa....takes a deeep breathe, jumps on his back and screams in his ear: I SAW CNA AT DISNEYLAND! =P SHE WAS STALKING ME! Hi ^_^ -hugs papa- Papa pi I need money, and uncle obake chan wont give me any cause he's stingy, ^_^ can I borrow some money so I can go buy stuff ^_^ I loove you papa

Ashley Chan

Dear Ashley Chan,

She was not! Sure, I'll give ya' some okane. By th' way, didn't ya' jus' have a birthday recently?


Dear Tasuki,

i'm baacckk!!!! *grins* didja miss me? course ya didn't. i have a question about a friend who is obsessed with you. she keeps drawing all these pictures where she's hugging you. and making clones of you. lots and lotsa tasukis!!!! tell tamahome my friends say hi!


Dear kyre,

I will. Yer friend sounds scary ... So, what's yer question?


Dear Chiriko,

what is the square root of 2+3-4+567+3454-45676?


Dear kyre,

Since the answer to the problem is -41654, which is a negative number, it therefore cannot have a square root.


Dear Tasuki,

aaa who is Koji??? I think I mmm good night


Dear R.J,

He's my best friend.


Dear Chichiri,

hey... a... mmmmm do you have a... girlfriend???? I mean aaaa ... you are funny and funny... I am so very sorry I think I am am am am aaaaa.mmm wat did I said?????


Dear R.J,

I had a fiancιe. She passed away, no da.


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

Alright... maybe I just gotta read further into the manga (I finish the manga of a series before watching the anime) but... if you have to be a virgin to summon Suzaku, it would be the same to summon Seiryuu too, correct? But... if Yui was raped, she wouldn't be a virgin tecnically... so... her summoning Seiryuu before Miaka summoning Suzaku wouldn't be much of a problem... hai? BTW... I'm on Vol. 7, so... if the answer lies in one of the books I've read... correct me ^^;


Dear Bon,

You need to keep reading.


Dear Tasuki,

I wish i had spiky hair i could care less wat people think havin spiky hari (Ex. yugi) would rock, but the hair that i would love to have is sephiroth's hair from ff7 or vincents, clouds is cool too but sephiroth's is awsome, if u could choose someones hair from some video game wat would ya choose tasuki seya


p.s. and yes your hair is cool, but it is no sephiroth's hair

Dear Naruto,

I dunno, mebbe Tidus' hair?


Dear Tasuki,

Heloooo!! Do you know how to get a fuzzy headed guy to stop chasing me JUST BECAUSE I have a gambling problem?!

Spike: GET BACK HERE!!!!

Faye: ipe!

Spike: *pulls out gun* *bambam!!

Faye: HELP ME TASUKI!!! *blocks shots with Ed* What?! She's PRACTICALLY MADE of rubber!!

Faye and Spike sorta

Dear Faye and Spike,

Yer hidin' behind a kid?? Gimme a break!


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

My replies to your ideas.

Chiriko- maybe
Chichiri- GET BACK HERE!!!
Tasuki- maybe... it is fun to set stuff on fire after all...
Tamahome- No drowning people!!
Mitsukake- maybe
Hotohori- that's not really classified as a party type thing...
Nuriko- I know what you want to do.

So here's our choices: Scrabble, set Obake-chamn on fire, watch a movie, watch FY, or play spin the bottle. Nuriko, Tasuki, Chiriko, and Mitsukake. You don't get to vote. Tamahome, Chichiri, Hotohori, Miaka and Yui. It's in YOUR hands!!


Dear Faye,

I think Mitsukake's idea is the safest … ano … best, no da!


Dear Hotohori,

who is your wife???


Dear rose,

Houki is my wife and our son's name is Boushin.


Dear Tasuki,

I'm a girl.And you are very hot.


Dear R.J,

Thanks. I feel better now.


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

God! *whacks herself with Gandalf's staff* Why? Why do I happen to be so stupid? Why do I have such an overdeveloped sense of trust?!?! Why don't I realize that friendships over the internet aren't real? Why? *whackwhack*


Dear Jashi,

What happened, no da?


Dear Tasuki,

Yeah that sailor suit thing was weird almost as bad as when ya dressed up like a girl. Why did you go tere in the firstplace i mean i can understand some things *snikers* but i dun think i could put on a dress... well.. maybe.. ah.. never mind *starts do laugh*

hey fire elf your never on anymore whats up? have not talked to ya for bout 2 weeks now and if ya did not catch it i changed my name for this butit is still me Jeremy, well back to what i am good at VIDEO GAMES HEHE *laughs louder* seya


p.s. hehe tasuki as a sailor scout hehe what would ya be of, would ya say SAKE POWER TRANSFORMATION!! LMAO i could just see that *doges a fire ball from tasuki* ehheheh j/k

Dear Naruto,

Yeah, well it wasn't my idea! Funny transformation sequence … *Whaps him upside the head… * Don't be a smart@$$!


Dear Hotohori,

Your Highness, I have a big question, if you don't mind me asking. I was listening to the song that you, Tamahome, Tasuki, and Chichiri did together... what was it... oh yea..."Metcha Hajikete Gattsu Tobashite." I was wondering if you or any other member of the little singing group knew where to find a music video of that song, so to speak. So, do you? Pwease?

Ayame no Miko

Dear Ayame no Miko,

I've never seen one. Minna-san, have you ever seen a music video of THTC doing Meccha?


Dear Tasuki,

ok I had a poll on the cute and cool fushigi guy and you have lots of votes. I think that because they are all gurl you know. I mean you are very cute.


Dear rose,

Cool! *Grins*


Dear Chichiri,

heya! I am writtin to ya because i hava situation at hand... well u see my frien' tai has a problem. she has a person she fancies an he is at work everyday... *gets a little angery* an he never calls, is never home and never really sees her that often. he worries her half to death and makes her cry, i dislike (i guess) him. he makes her cry i mean... i can't stand men lik tha... i will personally assist tai if she needs me to *cracks knuckles* take care of unfinished business... She also suspects, well i don know if that's tha right word, but she thinks he could be with another girl, tha jerk. anyways, *looks down at tha floor and sighs* man i wish u wer here to help... Tai was in love with u before she met him, ya know i think u are tha only one to truly make her happy... but anyways, i jus need yer help. Tai needs u. ya don havta fight er anythin i know u wouldn' *smiles* butta nice thump on tha head with yer staff would be nice.lol. please give me a reponse about it and please let it be more than a one to three sentence response. thanx.


P.S. SHE NEEEDS U! GO TO HER! COME TO THIS WORLD AN HELP HER! SHO THA DORK A WHOT FER! take his place! be with her instead! i like u better than him... u would be better fer her than him *is a lil worried* sorri ther... *ahem* ummmm... wel yah.

Dear AWorriedFriend,

She likes him, but you never said if he likes her or has even dated her, no da. I'm sorry but I am unable to come to your world. If she is pining for someone who doesn't like her you should try to distract her from him by spending time with her doing fun things, no da.


Dear Tamahome,

tamahome well... I was well... could you well... help me please???


Dear rose,

I can certainly try. What's the matter?


Dear Hotohori,

how can you fit all of your hair in that tiny hat thingy?


Dear shampoo,

A lot of practice! *Smiles*


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

what's your favorite american singer or band?


Dear shampoo,

Here are your answers!

Tasuki: The Rollin' Stones
Tamahome: The Beatles
Nuriko: Britney Spears
Hotohori: Blue Oyster Cult
Mitsukake: Beck
Chichiri: Grateful Dead, no da
Chiriko: Backstreet Boys

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Suzaku Seishi,

No really, i know Nuriko is a fruit, but i wanna know what type of fruit/veggie/produce you think you most resemble and why? for example Trowa, from Gundam Wing, would resemble a pineapple cuz pineapples are spiky and his hair is spiky.


Dear shampoo,

Ok, fruit and vegetables it is!

Nuriko: Passionfruit. The name says it all!
Hotohori: Cherries. They have such beautiful blossoms.
Tamahome: Banana *Grins*
Tasuki: Orange It's th' same color as my hair! Nuriko: It's really because he's got a tough skin but he's sweet inside.
Chichiri: Bluberries because of my blue hair, no da!
Mitsukake: Yellow squash I like the color.

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Tamahome,

Bwaaa!!! *glomps you and runs off, chittering*

Kwee, the screwy squirrel

Dear Kwee,

OI! Anyone for squirrel stew?


Dear Chichiri,

Where did you learn to fish? Were your family fishermen?


Dear Sakie-chan,

I used to live by a river, no da. No, not really.


Dear Tamahome,

Do you and Miaka want more children? *Here's your gold ryu*


Dear Sakie-chan,

Ariagto for the okane! I suppose. We'll just have to see what the future brings us.


Dear Hotohori,

Have you ever wanted to switch places with one of the other seishi? I mean, instead of being Emperor, would you have wanted to be born as a commoner instead?


Dear Sakie-chan,

There are times that I have felt that way.


Dear Chiriko,

Is there a toy you used to like to play, when you were younger?


Dear Sakie-chan,

I liked books more than toys.


Dear Mitsukake,

I was wondering if you've ever had to um... help to deliver a baby? I mean you were a doctor right?


Dear Sakie-chan,

Yes, I have.


Dear Nuriko,

I was wondering, what were Kourin and Rokou like when they were children?


Dear Sakie-chan,

Kourin was a lot like me. Rokou was always timid and afraid of everything.


Dear Tasuki,

I was wondering, what is the significance of those necklaces you wear? And where did you get them from?


Dear Sakie-chan,

There ain't none. I stole 'em!


Dear Hotohori,

Translation questions. >> Oh, yay. I thought I'd never do this. ^^; I'm interested in knowing how one would say these in Japanese:

"Playtime is over"
"I missed you"
"I won't lose to the likes of you"
"Because I can"
"Let go of me"

I've heard all of these, but I've never seen the romanji, so I'm afraid I'll get the words all wrong. ^^; Any help would be very appreciated.

Umihebiza no Miko

Dear Umihebiza no Miko,

Asobu no jikan wa owarimashita.
      Watashi wa anata ga sabishikatta
      Watashi wa anata no dourui e ushiwanai.
      Watashi wa dekiru no de.
      Hanashite or Wariaterareru watashi no ikinasai.


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

Chibi Tasuki: YAY!! I'm Back! Winter wouldn't let me on here cause I bunt her hair up, an I was grounded...V.V (WHAAAAA!!!) Oh well, *takes out a bottle of sake* I wanted t' ask y'all sumthin, If you found a magic lamp, and it had a genie in it, what would you wish for, you get 3 wishes.

I'd wish for Chibi Tamahome to be eternally fried (YAY Tasuki Fried Tamahome!), Winter to quit gettin me gounded, and Lots and Lots of SAKE!!! YEAH!!! Sake the best! Well "pretty"(He wishes) Chibi Nuriko-sama wants to get on the computer so I gots t' go!

Chibi Nuriko: Oh Isn't that cute, Chibi Tasuki called me cute... *blushes*

Chibi Tasuki: Don't even tempt me to take out my tessen an use it, cause when I'm done, y' aint gonna be so pretty.

Winter: Well thanks fer answerin the question! *looks at Chibi Nuriko and Chibi Tasuki fighting* ;_; Help me please...

Winter, Chibi Tasuki, and Chibi Nuriko

Dear Winter, Chibi Tasuki, and Chibi Nuriko,

Here are your answers:

Tasuki: Sake, Sake, an' sake! Tamahome: My family alive and well, okane and more okane! Chichiri: Kouran alive and well, Hikuo alive and well, and a quiet well stocked fishing hole, no da. Chiriko: Me alive and well, To be with my family, and my own private library Mitsukake: Shoka alive and well, peace for Konan, and some fish for Tama-neko Nuriko: Hotohori, Hotohori, and some chocolate sauce... Hotohori: To be alive and with my family, peace in Konan, and prosperity for my people

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Suzaku Seishi,

well scince no one else voted on what to do... I guess it's spin the bottle unless other people want to say their opinion... Now then... where's Miaka and Yui....they should be here any time now.... *ding dong Oh! there they are!! ^^ *opens door* hieee!! come on in! what do you guys want to do? play spin the bottle or watch FY?

Yui: It doesn't matter to me!

Miaka: I don't mind.

there you have it. the decision is in YOUR hands! *points at seishi*


Dear Faye,

*They all shout out different things.*

Chiriko: Let's play Scrabble!
Chichiri: Ano ... I think I hear Tama-neko calling no da! *Disappears*
Tasuki: Let's play set Obake-chamn on fire!
Tamahome: Let's play drown the stupid bandit! *They start brawling.*
Mitsukake: Why don't we all watch a movie?
Hotohori: *Looking in a mirror.* Why don't we all admire my beauty.

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Hotohori,

hotohori will you be my Prince.


Dear rose,

Arigato for your kind offer but I am already an Emperor and married. I will, however, be your friend.


Dear Tasuki,

Hi again!!!! I'm really bored today... -.- Oh yeah!! I GOT NUMBERS SIX AND SEVEN OF FISHIGI YUGI TODAY!!! WEEEEEE!!!!! ah... I'm done being happy... mmmm... sake... *chugs sake* Oh yeah!! tell Mitsukake that a good cure for hiccups is drinking a glass of water upsidown. It work really well!! (except for when occasionally a couple drops of water come from your nose... but other than that. it's okay.)

Spike: Faye give me my share of the bounty.

Faye: uuh... about that...


Faye: eh he he.... sorry Tasuki! gotta go!!


*they run away. Spike looks really angry*

Faye and sorta spike

Dear Faye and Spike,

*Looks at Spike ...* Women! Can't live wit' 'em! Can't sell 'em fer sake!


Dear Tasuki,

hey Tasuki, you are very hot you know:)


Dear R.J,

If yer a girl, thanks! If yer a guy, get outta here!


Dear Chichiri,

hi!!!! *smiles, holding two people behind her* I brought Inuyasha and Kagome to say hi. They want to talk to you. not that they had a choice, the 4 voices in my head wouldnt let them say no


Kagome-*smiles at chichiri* Hello!

Inuyasha-*grumbling in backround*

Ebil-HI! im one of the voices in katani's head~!

Pixi Stik-me too!

Evil genius kitty-i am too, sadly,

Insaneo-*dons a cape, and jumps on chichiri, standing on his head* CAPTAIN INSANEO OF KATANI"S VOICE< SHALL SAVE THE DAY!!!


Dear Katani-Sama,

*Sweatdrops...* You worry me, no da.


Dear Tamahome,

*smiles* i know you were allready done in a bikini, im saying that im going to draw one with you and tasuki! lol. but i dont have a scanner, so i wouldnt be ablt to send it. *sad sigh* oh well. I have a question. Why did you want to be scrooge the duck? Thas all 4 nowz,,


Dear Katani-sama,

He has all the money!


Dear Tamahome,

Uh, Tamahome, don't worry about the bakini. Tasuki's in a Sailor Moon outfit and that's probably a little worse considering WHOSE outfit it is. Some people just have real hentai minds. Oh, and by the way, Miaka will love you no matter what stupid hentai girls draw you in. You ain't no player (I think).


Fire Elf

Dear Fire Elf,

No, I'm not. *Laughs* I guess Tasuki does look worse in Sailor fuku!


Dear Tasuki,

Ah. Tests are over and a new semester is starting. I get some new classes and get to be with my favorite teacher and senei. If you could come to my world we'd have a blast. I could drive you around, since you don't have cars where you come from, therefore can't drive. Or can you RUN faster than a car with your seishi speed? Everything would be so easy for Chichiri. He'd never need a car. All he'd have to do is pop in and out of his kasa or hat thingy saying "no da." *grins* Of course people would stare at him funny because of A: His hair and B: his mask and C: Because he just said "no da." *snickers*

There's not really much reason for people to stare at you aniki. Since your hair isn't as spiky as Chichiri's and anyone could dye their hair orange (even though yours is natural) not many would stare at you unless you carried your tessen around 24/7 and randomly set things on fire (other than Tamahome). Or if you tried to explain where you got it from. Hehe. That would make SOME story (which would be true by your perspective).

Most of you seishi would be able to fit in in this world. Too bad you can't get here. No offense to anyone with insainly spiky hair, but here, that's just plain and almost completely impossible. One could use a whole bottle of hair gel to get it to spike, but that's a total waist of hair gel. As far as I'm conserned anime characters with non-spiky (Ex: Seto Kaiba ) to semi-spiky hair (Ex: You, Tamahome, Toya, Yuhi...etc) could live amongst the Americans quite nicely. And since you're all considered the hot bunch of anime characters, you'd always have a crowd of anime loving girls (and or guys) around you.

I find the spiky hair interesting and even though it's natural I'd like to have hair that kind of looks like Aya Mikage's (before she cuts it) from Ceres. Toya looks like an older version of Tamahome, but with rust colored hair and green eyes. If you've seen Gundam Wing, Toya is a lot like Heero Yuy, but with out the suicidal crap. All of you should watch Ceres. It's so GOOD. A lot of the guys can easily be compared to characters in FY. Probably because it's done by Yu Watase. Go figure. This is getting long and I bet I'm getting annoying, so Ja ne.

Fire Elf

Dear Fire Elf,

I never raced a car so I dunno. We've all seen Ceres. It's a good anime, even if Yuhi looks like one of th' 'Boshi twins.


Dear Hotohori,

Anya here! Scientist?! Well, that is my goal in life actually. (Don't laugh!) I wanna be a Particle Theorist. ANd on Saturday, I went to the public lecture of the Nobel Laurate, "Gerard 't Hooft" The topic was "UNIVERSE INSIDE THE ATOM" It was so good! He talked about the various Matters and anti-matters in the Universe!

But he did not talk about the Quantum theory so, half the people could not understand what was being said, (My mom slept halfway through) ^U^;;;

Anyways, Would you tell me along with the rest of the seishi what your favortie Indian (south) food is? ^U^ Bye!!! (arigatou for everything!)


P.S. my friend had depression and I sorted things out and she is better but she sorta like likes Tasuki, so, Could he be nice to her if she comes here? Please 'cause like i am worried if she might do anything stupid! No! talking to her parents did not help. They just ignore her and there aren't any good councillors her either! ^___^;;;;

Dear Anya,

I'm sorry to hear that your friend's parents and counselors are not taking her feelings seriously. I'm sure that as long as she is nice to him, Tasuki will be nice to her.

Your lecture sounded interesting. I'm glad you had a good time.

I really don't know Northern cuisine from Southern cuisine but I do like chicken tikka, naan, saag panner, saag chicken and saag lamb. I also like rice pudding and pistachio kulfi.


Dear Tasuki,

Anya here! My friend sorta had a very bad depression and could not ask help from parents because she said they did not care! Well, she called me up and started crying.@O@ Scared me! I ran to her place and cooled her down a little. Well, Then, she says, (don't fry me!!!) *Goes behind Hori-sama.*

She says that she finds all that she wanted in a person in you! Well, she might drop in here pretty soon, so please be nice to her! Or else!!! *takes light sabre out and places it in front of the suzaku idol* Nothing!!!!! But please!!!

*gives all the seishi some good home cooked Indian food* So, Tasuki-chan, which is your favorite Indian dish? Is it south Indian? Gotta go!! bye!


Dear Anya,

Thanks fer th' oishii food! Yeah, yeah, I'll be nice to her... I like tandori chicken an' coconut chicken curry.


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

*hands Tasuki's tessen to Tamahome* You can give this back to him if you wish.... after I'm done. *soaks Tasuki, washes him with soap, then soaks him again* Done! All clean now! *sees Tasuki's angry face* Uh-oh... *disappears*


Dear WaterMage,

*Takes off with Tasuki's tessen... *


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

So, what's your favourite band? I like Green Day...

The Great Screw Up

Dear Great Screw Up,

Here are some of the bands we like:

Chiriko: SMAP
Chichiri: L'Arc en Ciel, no da.
Mitsukake: I prefer classical music.
Hotohori: I too prefer classical music.
Tamahome: Gackt
Tasuki: B'z
Nuriko: Shazna

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Tasuki,

Fire elf i think ur rght bout the spirit bomb but ohh well, and tasuki meet ya there. I am sure i am not gonna win but to challange someone like tasuki will be great and after word we cn start tamahome on ire lol *snikers* so ya better watch out, cause now ya go 2 people to watch out for haha *elbows tasuki*. Hey maybe after wods we can go othat secret spa thingy, i can't remebe what it was called but it was when all of u guys were on thebus and you were talkin to the other bus by scratching tings on thouse guys backs and stuff. Thenya all dressed up like women,hha that was some good times.


p.s. well maybe not

Dear Naruto,

I ain't goin' back there! But, I'll take ya' on fer a drinkin' contest!


Dear Chiriko,

Chirioko please answer as fast as possible I need the legend/story, ritual and dance invovled of the African I think God Gomintogo, and I need help on how to make a mask of gomintogo!


Dear Ryo-ohki4,

I don't think he is an African God. This seems to be like ancestor or spirit worship. I was able to finout that it is a West African ritual and that the dancers are called Dogon dancers. Here is the Google search I did. It includes a picture of the mask.


Dear Tasuki,

Winter: *Stomps in w/ more liqour to finish the competition so I can be a bandit* Sorry it took so long, the stores were almost out, and I had to go al over town to find some more! *sits down* Well let's finish up this competition!! *opens up a bottle of sake and chugs it all*


Dear Winter,

Yer a bit behind! *Has several empty kegs behind him*


Dear Tasuki,

Lookie Uncle Shun'u I drawed you a picture ^^ *gives it to him and smiles*


Dear Lita,

Thanks! Nice picture!


Dear Mitsukake,

Are you as scary in person as you are in the comics?


Dear Pippin,

I'm scary???


Dear Chiriko,

What would YOU do for a "Klondoke Bar"?


Dear Pippin,

What's a "Klondike Bar"?


Dear Tasuki,

Boxers or briefs?


Dear Pippin,



Dear Tasuki,

You shouldn't drink that much ya might catch someone on fire * noticies that Tamahome is running arond screaming* ohh hehe never mind *chugs some more sake* ohh well drink on

Naruto, aka Jeremy

Dear Naruto,

Heh, heh, heh ... too late!


Dear Tasuki,

Do you have any sake that i can... borrow... ?? I need it for an... experiment... Anyways... so how're you? I won jet's new pair of clothes with the dice game ^^ Then I sold them!! *heehee! *pokes Tasuki* I can give you swimming lessons if you want them. Free of charge! (i'm already getting enough off of jet...)So... what've you guys been doing lately? has Tamahome been annoying? I can relate...


P.S. I LIKE YOU TASUKI!!! *gives him a hug*

Dear Faye,

No, ya' can't "borrow" my sake.


Dear Chiriko,

When do you usually get on to reply to stuff??? I 'm just curious so i don't waste my hour on the computer before you even get on so... yeah... say hi to Tasuki for me!!!


Dear Faye,

When I have time, I reply. We all try to do the replies once a day.


Dear Tasuki,

hi!!! i stole the keyboard from my friend!!! she's kinda strange. do YOU have strange friends? of course you do... i drew a weird little picture where evil tamahome was trying to drown you in a swimming pool. my friend doesn't like tamahome. she thinks he's a goody goody. do YOU think he's a goody goody? *hands tasuki a highly explosive rabbit* this is poules. he's a french chicken-bunny. he's all feathery. do you want another highly explosive rabbit? did you know that when chickens are alive they're feminine but when they're dead they're masculine? anyway... blah blah blah... bye!!!!


Dear kyre,

That makes no sense! I jus' think he's a baka.


Dear Chichiri,

Have you ever thought of going into the entertainment business as a magician?


Dear Mandy-chan,

No, no da.


Dear Tamahome,

Hey!!! Guess what. I am gonna write a fanfic based on you and Nakago. You guys are gonna have a big fight and I hope you wish me luck on my story or I'll make you lose... Just kidding!!!


Dear Sweetcheeks,

Good luck with your fic.


Dear Chiriko,

GAH! I'm sorry! *gives him about three pounds of cookies, flowers and lots of books* Please forgive me!

Katisha, who is really sorry ^-^'

Dear Katisha,

Arigato for the gifts. Don't be sorry, I'm not.


Dear Tasuki,

*gives Tasuki wierd look* *walks around him examining him* ... hmmmmmm... you don't seem of vampiric nature... O_O; you... have fangs? are you some kind of vampire?! *examins him again* are you a vampire tell me *points "kiken" in his face* ... ???okay..*sighs* and you have a fan also you strange, little man... ,_,;


Dear Katanuel,

"Strange, little man?" I ain't strange an' I ain't little either! I also ain't no vampire!


Dear Tasuki,

ELLO, I am so f**kin bored... an i haven written to anyone sooo... u wer on my mind... whats oop!? i am hypped up on alcohol an is stuck in a wierd household! please help meee! well i have a whole s**tload of questions fer ya... here goes...

1. well fer starters i have been thinkin about gettin some new videos and start a whole new collection... but i can't decide... Xena er Kenshin? which one which one?

2. secondly... ok a big project is comin op fer me an i need ta know wer i can find someone who'll be mi consultant ... see i am makin this comic... an i ain't no professional but i am a good artist *winks* nodda boast er anythin' howevr... i need help... can ya tell me who i should get ta consult my comic....an artist from a college? i don really wan an artist tha teaches it... i swear they r against anime! all of them!sheesh!!!

3. I wanna no WHY DOES YER FAMILY : LOOK AN ACT LIKE MY FAMILY!? my mom's a loud n' noisey round about woman an my dad.....wel sometimes we ferget he is ther...he is verrrry quiet... i also hav an annoying an pushy red-headed older sis who likes makin my life a livin h*ll... she gets p*ssed when i say she is tha only sibling at tha age of 30! who hasn left home yet!

4. *sake is getting to me... * ok am i tha only one who is thinkin this is weird? but... my boifrien has yer name and looks nuthin like u! why do u both hav tha same names? can ya believe tha? strange....wel anyways thanx fer tha help... see ya!


P.S. oh yah an i am old enough ta drink this *points to sake bottle in her hand with a faint red lin across her face insinuating that she is indeed a bit drunk*


Get Kenshin! It's a GREAT series! I'd get one of th' art students from yer local college to help. I dunno, guess ya' were jus' as lucky as me… I think yer hallucinatin'.


Dear Nuriko,

Guess what Nuriko, I visited this neat place that makes gift baskets. You know the kinds that they fill with snacks, and deliver tham to your friends. While I was there, I saw these HUGE boxes of Pocky. They were gigantic. About as long as your braid, and as thick as a stick.

*Yes they are real* These are the mothers of all Pocky. O.O

It comes in a box of 24 pieces. I could only get them in chocolate or stawberry though no fancy flavors. So I got one box of each flavor.

*Here you go* Um and of course you'll share them with the other seishi to right? I would have bought boxes for each of them, but I wouldn't have been able to carry them all.

I'd need your help. ^_~ Anyway hope you (and the other seishi) enjoy this cool treat.


Dear Sakie-chan,

Arigato for the yummy Pocky! The giant ones are the best!


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

Hi there, Two questions.

1) If you each could have a special power (not the ones you already have) what would it be?

2)If you could be a creature of the supernatural world, what would you be?

And since I'm feeling generous, here's a gold ryu for each of you. Tamahome gets two of course, he's got a wife to support after all.


Dear Sakie-chan,

Ariagto for the okane! here are your answers:

Tasuki - To be invisible/Fire breathing dragon
Tamahome - To make money/A goblin
Hotohori - To always be beautiful/King of the fair folk
Nuriko - To be able to become female/One of the fair folk
Chichiri - To change my past/A hippogriff
Mitsukake - To prevent my loved ones from dying/A leprechaun
Chiriko - To be invulnerable/An elf

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Tamahome,

*gives you so much gold it would throw the whole earths money market in total chaos* here...have fun!

Material girl, The rich one

Dear Material girl,



Dear Chichiri,

he he...Do you want there to be more fushigi Yugi?

miss marilyn

Dear miss marilyn,

I certainly wouldn't mind it, no da.


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

Hiiiiiii whats up im just chillin ya know um it is really hard to test when uve got a moron shottin spitwads in the back of the head um would u tar and feather him or just turn him over to the councolers (laughs stupidly at the spelling) well gtg see ya.


Dear Blade,

Turning him over to the counselors would be the better choice, no da.


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

*takes Tasuki's tessen away* Is Tasuki really that stinky? I can give him a bath...


Dear WaterMage,


Tasuki: OI!!! Don't ya' dare!!!

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Nuriko,

*finds a school PC* Hey Itoshii, it's my 34th birthday and my home PC is being reformated.. again. I've been told to get Win 98 for dummies ^^;;; Love, I know you wanted to leave for your mission. But you'll have to watch Sora til I can get back on Sunday afternoon. Gomennasai u.u

*hugs Ryu tight* I'll miss you and Sora-chan. Wear green jade and think of me :) aishiteru zutto


P.S I get my own birthday dinner tonight, don't have to share with Mom. Her birthday is a week after mine. I'm so excited, more japanese food! *.*

Dear Doc-sama,

Otanjoubi omedetou gozaimasu! Not a problem. I'll just bring him along with me. Happy birthday! *Gives her a hug and a kiss.*


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