Letters Archive
Week Ending October 26, 2002

Dear Tasuki,

Sorry, I didn't mail you soon Tasuki, I was taking care of a few children. However I will be glad to help you take care of Lita. ^_^

Guni Ryuuzaki

Dear Guni,

Thanks! An' she wants to call ya' her aunt. Is that ok wit' ya'?


Dear Tasuki,

*sniffles* my boyfriend just broke up with me tasuki...what do you think i should do? i don't know how to get over it, and the fact that i didn't see it comeing makes it even worse! one minute we were arguing about wiether a caterpiller was dead or not (yes a caterpiller) and the next he told me that he and i should break up...*crys* i don't understand! Y are guys like this? becides that...all of our mutual friends that are guys are being jerks to me now and taking his side! i don't even know what i did! *sobs*


Dear Kirsy,

They say livin' well's th' best revenge. I know it hurts but, ya' jus' gotta get on wit' thins' an' not pay any attention to those jerks! Once they see that they can't hurt ya' they'll ease up on ya'. *Gives her a hug and a Kleenex.*


Dear Hotohori,

he broke up with me! i'm so upset and i don't even know why! It was so out of the blue i never expected it! what should i do hotohori-sama. *crys*


Dear Kirsy,

I'm sorry to hear that. They say time heals all wounds, so you should pick yourself up and get on with your life. You'll find the right guy for you soon enough. *Gives her a hug.*


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

What would you do to me if I kill Miaka? What if it's just an accident or I was possessed by Nakago or Miboshi? What do you think of Yuna and Rinoa Heartily? Would you ever date one of them?

Tasuki, I resent the idea of Quatre and Trowa being gay!


Dear Elia,

It would depend on th' circumstances, but I'd probably get revenge on ya' fer killin' her. They're ok characters but I wouldn't date 'em. OI! Trowa started it!!


Dear Nuriko,

Do you really mean it? you'll be my big brother? yeah!!!! Hee, hee. I wonder why Chichiri hasn't replied yet. Do you know? Btw, do you know about the new PS2 game "Kingdom Hearts"? I love that game. If not I'll tell you about it if you want.


Dear Dewdrop,

Yes I do mean it. I think Chichiri would also like to be your big brother. He hasn't replied because we got hit with close to 50 letters sand we couldn't answer all of them. Gomen. We know about Kingdom Hearts! It sounds like a great game! I can't wait to play it!


Dear Mitsukake,

Hey Mitsukake! I don't really think you're *that* boring, but howcome you're always so QUIET? I'm sure you wouldn't be so *boring* if you talked more. Then again, I think Tasuki talks enough to compensate for all the quiet seishi...

Nicki L.

Dear Nicki L.,

I don't speak unless I have something to truly contribute to the conversation. *Chuckles at the Tasuki comment…*


Dear Chiriko,

Hiya big brother. I have a question. Do you keep in touch with Amiboshi? I'm curious cause my friend wanted him to adopt her but hasn't replied yet. I was just curious. talk to you later. *big hug*


Dear Dewdrop,

No, we don't keep in touch with any of the Seiryuu Seishi. Gomen.


Dear Tasuki,

I always give her flowers... i ment somethin' special...


Dear Kouji,

Well chocolate filled balloons ain't special! It's jus' weird! How 'bout a nice ring?


Dear Tamahome,

If you and Tasuki were alone on an island you'd need Mitsukake to heal both of you after about an hour... :P


Dear Tana,

*LOL* You're probably right! *Grins*


Dear Tasuki,

*stalks back through, looking in decidedly ill humor, muttering to herself* Oi, of all the stupid things t' make a fuss over 'bout leaving behind, leave it t' Pa'liu-chan and her hairbrush. "I won't leave without it!" she says. Bah. --;;;

*spies Shun'u* Oi, shrimp, where're the kids?


Dear Li'an,

I left 'em wit' Tamahome. He's good wit' kids. An' I'm too busy fer that nonsense!


Dear Chichiri,

~grabs the fishing Poles, bait~ Woo! This is gonna be fun! I try to get my dad to go fishing with me all spring/summer but he never does. He instead decides to go do that with my nephew. ~soft sigh~ Here's a question for ya! What's your fav. kind of fish? (To eat and/or look at) I myself would have to say Walleye to eat aaanndd Angel fish to look at! Or one of those really shiny ones.


Dear Alia,

To eat, I like tuna sushi or sashimi, no da. To look at, well I think ALL fish are fun to watch.


Dear Tasuki,

Your welcome for it, but I thank you for talking with me! I'm happy I didn't annoy you, or at least I THINK I didn't annoy you. Oh well, off that Subject. Lookin' back on your past I'm very sorry to hear that you've had a hard time with women/girls. I can only imagine what heck they must of put you through. I hope that you can find at least a few girls that are standable. Even though I'm a girl I hope that we can be friends...uhm, herm, here lemme find somethin. *searchs* Ah, here we go! *hands you a Glass Rose, same colors as one and everyhing* A gift, A gift in hopes for you to have a better time with girls. I know, It's not that great, but hey this is about the only rose that will be able to possibly last forever! (unless it breaks). For your sake I hope you don't wind up getting anymore Crazed Hentai chiks on your tail! Later Mr.Cool, i've to go draw a few pictures of ya.

Neko Y.

Dear Neko Y.,

Nah, yer not annoyin'. Thanks fer th' rose!


Dear Tasuki,

I won't ask you what it is, but is there any word you really, really, REALLY hate?

Little Rachael

Dear Little Rachael,

None that I can think of …


Dear Tasuki,

I did it! I said hello! I shook his hand! I introduced myself! And, naturally, he misheard my name and now think's I'm 'Sarah'. Augh! EEEEEEEIIIIIIIYAAAAAAAAAAA! Okei, phew. Sorry 'bout that. But still...I finally broke out of my complsive fear and approached him rather nicely, I thought. Then again, he probably think's I'm nutters. Ah well.It went something like this:

Me: Hello, we've never been properly introduced *nervous*

Him: Oh, hi I'm ~ (we're keeping this annonymous)*nervous*

Me: I'm Erin

Him: Hi nice to meet you Sarah! *smile*

Me: *goes to correct him, thinks twice and then smiles like a moron, then run off* ^^'

Only time will tell.

I'm never drinking plum wine again. I drank a full cup of it last night and never felt so incredibly ill as I did then. What is wrong with me? Why can't I take my liquor anymore? I used to down smashers by the dozens! Then again, vodka is quite different from plum wine. Maybe it was too sweet or something. At any rate, I'm never going to challenge you to a drinking contest.

CnA really lived here in the bog of mosquitos, blistering sun and senior citizens? ^^ I feel like a connection!

Erinu no Rafusen

Dear Erinu no Rafusen,

Congrats!! Now ya' jus' gotta let him know yer real name. I think th' plum wine ain't good fer ya' 'cos of alla th' sugar in it. Yeah, she escaped from there a long time ago! *Grins*


Dear Hotohori,

I knew it! You are a chicken! Secretly all of you Suzaku peoples are chickens! anywho... Guess what? I went to a fencing competition! But I lost 3 of my bouts and only won one, I was depressed. But that's alright! I'll keep working hard to become the best fencer I can be. Loves!

The Pixies

Dear Pixies,

Neither Suzaku nor we are chickens. Ganbatte kudasai on your fencing.


Dear Tasuki,

... But... but... *starts crying all loud and stuff*


Dear Lita,

'Che! Stop that! Yer cryin' ain't gonna change my mind.


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

Bwahahahahahahahaha! I knew it! Suzaku is actually a chicken in disguise! SUZAKU IS A CHICKEN! What's up with this whole eikoden series coming out? Is it the second OVA series of FY or what? I'm confused!

The Pixies

Dear Pixies,

Suzaku is a phoenix. Eikou den is coming out at the end of this month, I think. It is the third OAV.


Dear Mitsukake,

Do you know where I could find pictures of Tama-neko? Thankies!



Try this site: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Temple/1226/archive.html.


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

Hola, minna-san! Hehe, mixing languages here. I came upon this site and decided to review it for my brother...he wants to know what his seishi are doing, ya know? And also, do you know anything about Eikoden, the new FY series that's coming out? OH yeah, and my bro says hi.

Sister of the Almighty Chicken of Doom

Dear ACD no Imouto,

It is a 4-part OAV not a complete series. Welcome to the humble cyber abode! We hope you enjoy your stay here.


Dear Nuriko,

Doc urges her horse to the right a bit. " Haaiii!! Those gardens were beautiful, you kept walking in that stream.." *giggles* "hmm the food was wonderful, they must have pulled out all the best of everything because you're a seishi ne?"


Dear Doc-sama,

*Smiles* I guess so.


Dear Chiriko,

You're probably right... *sobs* But that still doesn't make it fair!

Oh yeah I wanted to ask you something before but I forgot. Are you secretly a pyro? I've asked around and no other 13 year old that I know carries around flares with them...


Dear Becky-chan,

What can I say? Life's not fair. No, I'm not a pyromaniac. I bought the flares.


Dear Tamahome,

Pwease? *looks at you with big kawaii eyes* I'll make it 2,000,000...

The Amazing Glomping Fangirl

Dear AGF,

Ano … no.


Dear Tamahome,

Do you need a personal mascot/pet? Or a boyfriend? *eyeshift* Thank you for your time. Anou ni.. *scoots out*

Small Blue Rabbit-like mascot

PS - Friend of Little Rachael. Little Rachael says hi. ^_^

Dear Chiisai Aoi Usagi,

No, gomen.


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

In the second OAV Tasuki's memory globe held memories of the Tamahome that was hunked up on kodoku. But Tamahome doesn't remember that. How come the globe has the memories that Tamahome doesn't remember if it is Tamahome's memories? Or are they Tasuki's memories of Tamahome, because then that would make sense that it would have the evil Tamahome in it.

Memories Found

Dear Found,

I would tend to think they are both Tasuki's and Tamahome's memories, no da.


Dear Chichiri,

But why can't I fight him? He hurt u really bad, and NO ONE HURTS MY ANIKI!!! *eyes a pic of Hikou and punches it into confetti* See? I can defend myself.

Ayame no Miko

Dear Ayame no Miko,

Because he is my best friend, no da.


Dear Tamahome,

Hehe... Would'ja dump Miaka-san for 1,000,000 ryo? And could you tell Sugar where the Kirameki is? ^-^

The Season Fairy Apprentice of the Snow, Sugar

Dear Sugar,

No I wouldn't. I don't know where the glitter is.


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

Okay,I don't know if this is really a question or not...but I guess I'm in almost the same situation as Aiya L. ^^;; uhm...you guys may think I'm like boy crazy or whatever (do you?),but I've I guess had this crush on one of my friend's for the longest time and this isn't because of what happened to Mark or anything,but anywho,I'm gonna tell you what happened,and than maybe you guys can help me on it?

Okay, one day last week I was going to this building at mt.sac,(yes yes I know there are many buildings there,but one in particular)well,I ran into my friend Lyly whom I met in tai chi...well she asked me if I wanted to go with her to the library so I did,and as I did I ran into my friend Jaime who I haven't seen since we graduated (so that was a surprise). Well,we go into the library and we went to where her sister was going to study,so Lyly and I just stood around for a little while until I saw my friend Dennis (the guy I have a crush on),and I say something like "And there goes Dennis",so he stops,talks for a bit,than we all leave in different directions. Lyly and I went to go get something to eat,and we go back to the library afterwards,well,as we were going in,Dennis was going out and I was like "Man,can I ever get away from ya j/k" XD. He stops smiles laughs a bit,then walks over and starts talking to me. We talk about all kinds of stuff,and he told me what profession he's majoring in I told him what I'm majoring in,and so on...than all of a sudden I asked him to the movies. I have no idea why it came out...but it came out!!

To this day I still don't know why it just came out. When asking a guy out to the movies it's very hard for me cause I'm shy,but for some odd reason it just blurted out,and he agreed!! o.O;;; Well,I asked him to go see Ghost Ship with me,and than he said something about the Ring so we're gonna go see that. I cannot believe I actually asked him that! Oh yeah and the thing is...the whole time we both were talking...he never moved his eyes,he always had them focused on me! And before I left,I also asked him for his cell number and believe it or not he gave it to me! ^____^;;; So uh...does this actually mean anything to you guys? Cause I do have a crush on him,and like I said it's not because of what happened to Mark,it's because I've always had a crush on him,since I met him in my japanese class,but I kinda want to know what you guys think???? Cna-chan...your insight would be good too =)


Dear Shukumei,

We all think it's great you asked him out and he said yes! You go girl! Take it slow and see what happens. Don't try to rush it. Good luck!

Chichiri no Aijin and the Suzaku Seishi

Dear Tamahome,

i've been thinking lately, do you think i really need to tell my friend i'm falling for him. i don't know wht to say but all i want is that he'll no what i feel. but i'm afraid in what he'll do if he will know the truth. another favor, can you give me a hug. thankS!


Dear lady_marmalade,

Why not stay friends and let him make the first move? *Gives her a hug.*


Dear Hotohori,

Do U noe where to find Tackey and Tsubasa CD lyrics?And do U noe Miaka's horoscope?

Kagayama Saemi

Dear Kagayama Saemi,

Have you tried searching the Internet? Miaka's astrological sign is Taurus.


Dear Nuriko,

hello, thanks for replying to my letter.

my friend i don't think he likes me. why, because there are girls better than me there. i think he like someone else, he ALMOST tell me who, but he didn't. but you know, we review together during our exam and he smiles at me. but i don't think that counts.


Dear lady_marmalade,

You're welcome. It may count, but I think you should stay friends and let him make the first move.


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

Hi, well, i'm a bit confused... in the anime, there was a 'connection' between Yui and Miaka's uniform right? But it's two seperate uniforms, then why can they connect? And whouldn't other of Miaka's classmates feel that connection as well since they wear the same uniforms? And Miaka's hair that connecte her with her brother, they are two seperate strands of hair so how can they connect? if they put it that way shouldn't nose, mouth, eyes...etc be a connection too?


Dear Yushi,

None of her classmates were as close to her as Yui was. No, her brother had a strand of her hair and that is what connected them, no da.


Dear Tamahome,

hi, just wondering, if you live in the modern world now...shouldn't u be called Taka?


Dear Boogie,

I actually spend part of my time in Miaka's world and part of it in the humble cyber abode. So I prefer to be called Tamahome while I'm at this site.


Dear Hotohori,




Not really. I had no feelings for her one-way or the other. As I got to know her I fell in love with her.


Dear Tasuki,

*throws some sake* Here now i got a question for ya whats with you and Tamahoe huh i mean yould think this qurrell you 2 are having would have ended by now. Will it ever end? yes or no-da.


Dear Blade,

I don't think so. He's too much fun to torment!


Dear Chichiri,




I didn't kill them, no da! She drowned herself in the floods and he died accidentally.


Dear Chiriko,




I knew it when my Seishi symbol started to appear. I guess I have a very strong will.


Dear Mitsukake,




Of course I was sad!


Dear Tasuki,

I got a problem... *sigh* since Aidou's yer sister maybe you could help me... she thought the 300 baloons were annoying... it took me all day ta put th' #$^!#^!# chocolate in em... umm... wil ya help me thinka something she'll like better?


Dear Kouji,

How 'bout flowers?


Dear Nuriko,

can you give me some tips on crossdressing? I'm going to do it as a stunt.

a daring dude

Dear daring,

If you're hairy, shave. Pick clothes that are flattering to your body type. Good luck!


Dear Chichiri,

Whats with the mask thing?


Dear Piro,

I use it to hide my scar, no da.


Dear Nuriko,

Thank you for responding. ^-^ Moeru (she sends Hotohori-sama messages on here) showed me this site and of course i came right to you! *huggs* anyway i like ur hair short. ^-^ oh well... TY for ur time! *kisses ur cheek* Ja Ne


Dear Piro,

You're very welcome! I'm glad you like my short hair.


Dear Tasuki,

What is with the fangs? and whats wrong with us girls? We all know u have just a *lil* crush on Miaka. *big grin*


Dear Piro,

I was born wit' 'em! I do not!!! Girls always get me in trouble!


Dear Hotohori,

Hello sir, I just wanted to tell u that Moeru (She muh friend) Talks about u all the time and she is totally crazy about u. (I like nuriko but ur cool too) and when ever u respond she e-mails me going nuts. I just want to say thank you. and now she wont start hitting me with the rubber chicken anymore... hopefully... THANK YOU! *Huggs*


Dear piro,

You're welcome!


Dear Tasuki,

Well, I've determined that tomorrow night I'm going to force myself to say hello. I've got to quit being so shy! It really isn't a healthy habit. You know what's a good combination? Plum wine and Ho-Ho's. *^^* *hands him a ho-ho and the bottle* Here, you'd better take it before I tempt myself too much...Besides, you're much cuter than me when sloshed.

Do you ever get depressed? What do you do when you feel that way to feel better? Besides drinking! Because we can just assume that...^^' I'm so glad the weather is finally cooling down a bit. Florida is absolutely festering from the heat more than half of the year. It's like a big, oozing swamp/concrete jungle. Yeeeeeeeurg.... *hugs* You're so nice and huggable...I hope you don't mind!

Erinu no Rafusen

Dear Erinu no Rafusen,

Good fer ya'! I talk to Chichiri when I'm feelin' down an' if he ain't around, I fry Tamahome. I know Florida is hot! Chichiri no Aijin used to live there!


Dear Tasuki,

Your welcome, jus' sayin what's the truth though. *grins* Woo! Great to hear that your doin' well! Tama hasn't been bugging you too much has he? Oh yeah! *turns to that person making fun of ya for not being able to swim* He's notta chicken, he can swim when he wants, Cant'cha Tasuki? *grins, eblows him lightly and hugs him* Oh yeah! Wanna do somethin' some time? We could do whatever you like ta :D *Pulls out sake, gives you a lil more, drinks some herself*

Neko Y

Dear Neko Y,

Nah, he hasn't. Swim?? Not really! Thanks fer th' sake!


Dear Mitsukake,

Hmm.. George is an INCREDIBLY pretty man from Clock Tower: 2. His prettiness can rival even Legolas'. George is somewhat tall (going by memory), had long brown hair, is pretty beyond belief, wears a red devil-like mask, carries around an 80-pound scythe, and wears a long white labcoat, which is completely covered in blood. Suffice to say I've had a few dreams about him..

Speaking of Clock Tower, I'm in a frenzy for ANYTHING about it. I'd especially like some fanfiction, but beggars can't be choosers.. I've already scoured Yahoo! and AltaVista.. and Fanfiction.net has nothing. Why must I always come to love obscure things? ;-;

I have really nothing else to say. Well.. *steals pants* e.e

Ash-chan, who is your friend no matter what.

Dear Ash-chan,

Thank you, I'm very flattered. Those weren't MY pants were they??


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

I need your help. A friend of mine has been really depressed lately and I worry about her maybe wanting to end her life. Any hints? I've tried telling her folks, but they don't care.


Dear Moeru,

Have you tried telling your school counselor or a clergyperson about this? If her parents won't listen, you should try that. Be supportive of her and let her know you care about her and that you're trying to get her help. If you want, she can come here and we'll try to talk to her. Good luck.


Dear Hotohori,

Thank you for the hug! My costume of you looks fabulous! Completely perfect! ^.-


Dear Moeru,

You're welcome! I'm glad to hear that!


Dear Tasuki,

But I want her to be your wife... Daddy said you like nice girls that arnt like mommy and shes nice... and she wont throw logs at you! Pwease?... *gets all teary eyed*


Dear Lita,

No, I don't wanna get married! Sorry kiddo.


Dear Chiriko,

Awww! Your real voice is too cute! Don't worry, I don't think you look like a girl. At least I don't think of you as one...Can I have a hug?

Little Rachael

Dear Little Rachael,

Thank you! *Gives her a hug.*


Dear Hotohori,

That part where you borrowed Taka-san's body so you could hold your son....that was so touching! I almost cried. The outtake of that scene sort of spoiled the effect, though. By the way, you look as great in the manga as you do in the anime!

Little Rachael

Dear Little Rachael,

I enjoyed that part as well. Arigato.


Dear Tamahome,

Did Kouji-san really die, or was that just another one of Tomo-san's illusions? I don't want to ask Tasuki-san, because if he did, then I think it would upset him. I found all of the part where you thought you were Nakago-san confusing! Tomo-san, you devil! You spawn of Satan! =P

Little Rachael

Dear Little Rachael,

He didn't die but I don't want to give away any more spoilers.


Dear Tasuki,

Tasuki-san and Chichiri-san are so cute together! I'm glad you guys didn't die. That would have been sad. *snif* Life has been hard on me lately, and that would make things worse. Can I have a hug, pwease?

Little Rachael

Dear Little Rachael,

So were we! *Gives her a hug.*


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

TOGA PARTY!!! *runs through the board, puts togas on all the Seishi and turns up the music, starts dancing on a table and handing out pixi stix to the fangrirls*

Taiitsu no Miko

Dear Taiitsu no Miko,

*They all sweatdrop and look confused … *


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

Hiya!! ::gives everyone sugar cookies for no reason whatsoever:: You like? Anyway, if you had to be on an island with one of the other suzaku seishi, who would it be? Ok!! Here's more cookies! ::hands them over:: Try not to get toooo hyper, ok?


Dear Katisha,

Arigato for the cookies!

Chiriko - Tasuki
Nuriko - Hotohori
Tamahome - Tasuki
Tasuki - Chichiri
Chichiri - Mitsukake
Mitsukake - Chichiri
Hotohori - Chichiri

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Chiriko,

Hiya! How have you been? I'm good. I just wanna tell you that you're the most kawaii character ever!!!!! ::gets hearts in her eyes:: Your song is the cutest!!!! I could just listen to it all day... Anyway.... question.... ::thinks:: Ah! Have you ever had a crush on anyone? Pretty please tell me!! Thank you!!!


Dear Katisha,

Arigato for your kind words! No, I've never had any crushes.


Dear Tasuki,

*hands him some really cheap sake* hehe, I forgot to tell you I need the video *cute smile* sorry!! Uh... here *hands him another regular sake bottle* can you maybe help me find the video?

Bon (Working on Details!)

Dear Bon,

Th' video? I dunno … Have ya' tried searchin' th' Internet fer it?


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

Let's see... Theme songs...

Tamahome - "Money Makes the World Go 'round"
      Hotohori - "I Feel Pretty"
      Nuriko - "Crazy"
      Chichiri - "You Got a Friend in Me"
      Tasuki - "Light the Fire"
      Mitsukake - "[She] Lives in You"
      Chiriko - "I Want to Know"

Do you like 'em? If you know better ones that match you tell me. *smiles.

Theme Song Writer

Dear Theme Song Writer,

I think I'd give Nuriko "I Feel Pretty" and give Hotohori "You're So Vain".


Dear Hotohori,

How does it feel to be turned down hard by someone you love or to be specific, Miaka?

Nikki Praxedes

Dear Nikki Praxedes,

It hurt, but eventually I got over it.


Dear Tamahome,

I was just wondering... did Miaka eat the other Mikos? Cause they arnt awnsering any questions... and havent for a few months...

some random crazy person

Dear srcp,

No she didn't eat them. They must be very busy.


Dear Chiriko,

Will you be my big brother? Hee, hee.


Dear Dewdrop,



Dear Tamahome,

What's Okane?


Dear Dewdrop,

It's the Japanese word for money.


Dear Tasuki,

What about you and Quatre?


Dear Trowa,

Huh? Ya' mean ya' an' Quatre dontcha'?


Dear Nuriko,

I guess as a little sister. but if you dont wanna adopt me I guess I can just be your friend. *Smiles* It's up to you.


Dear Dewdrop,

A little sister? OK!


Dear Tamahome,

Would you do stip-tease for 1,000,000 ryo?

The Amazing Glomping Fangirl

Dear AGF,

*Thinks about it until Miaka whaps him upside the head ...* NO!


Dear Chiriko,

Did youu know that you actually got a fight scene in the manga? And they left it out in the series! I seriosly think they shouldn't of cut that out. They allways cut your scenes. *fumes* Stupid animator people... they allways leave the best parts out.

Oh and while I'm here... *glomps onto Chiriko* Wheeeeeee!!!


Dear Becky-chan,

*Smiles* I'm sure they did it for time and it may not have been relevant to the storyline.


Dear Tasuki,

You know...you neice was talking to Nakago on the other site.


Dear baka,

What?!? Why?!?


Dear Nuriko,

Hiya! I'm not sure if you're going to beat me up for this but, I have a big crush on Hotohori-sama! Do you have any tips on getting him to notice me, or will you just tell him about it? *blushes*

Nikki Praxedes

Dear Nikki Praxedes,

I have no tips for you as he loves only Houki.


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

If you were to be reincarnated as mythical animals, what would you be?

Nikki Praxedes

Dear Nikki Praxedes,

Here are your answers:

Tasuki - Fire breathing dragon
Hotohori - Phoenix
Tamahome - Leprechaun
Mitsukake - Centaur
Chiriko - O goncho
Chichiri - Puck, no da
Nuriko - Mermaid

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Tamahome,

*transforms into a unicorn and charges at Tamahome in full speed and knocks him into a tree* Ha! I always knew I'd beat you up someday!

Nikki Praxedes

Dear Nikki Praxedes,

*Looks at her.* As if I'd hit one of our fans? You know I won't fight back!


Dear Tamahome,

Hi Tamahome. Do you remember when Miaka first confessed her feelings for you and you didn't know what to say except something like "sorry but I don't feel the same" type of thing? Well, I'm sort of in the same situation. However, he didn't say what you said (which I'm glad he didn't). But I don't know what to tell him. Should I tell him what Miaka was going to say to you, that it was all a joke? A dare or something? Or should I just leave him alone for a while?

I know he likes me a lot, but that's all I know. I am also his first G/f so he might not know how to respond, like you. He's also your age (series age, 17). Like you, he has other obsessions, but this is way more not useful. Playing Dungeons and Dragons game. I'm just not sure about what to do next. You seem the most experienced in this situation, so I'm asking you, please help? I'll pay you... Hehehe. 4 gold ryou if you want it *holds out the money*

Aiya L.

PS If any of the other seishi have advice please give, like Hotohori or Chichiri.

Dear Aiya L.,

We all agree that you should still be friends with him. Perhaps you can just try to spend more time with him so you get to know each other better. I would just leave the feelings part alone for now and not say anything. Besides if you truly care for him, why would you say otherwise?


Dear Tasuki,

Hi, I'm rich! *gives Tasuki 30 gold ryo* can I have your shirt so I can rub it my friends face and laugh? ^^'


Dear Jenny,

*Thinks about it.* I would but then EVER'ONE would want one. Gomen.


Dear Chichiri,

Oh really?? Thank you Chichiri! Your the best! ~hugs tightly~ How about fishing?? Oh oh! Or maybe a movie of some sort! Those could be really fun things to do! I'm feeling abit better then I was the other day. I've started drawing a picture of you as well! Once it's done I'll send it in! :) I hope that you'll like it!


Dear Alia,

Fishing sounds like fun, no da! I look forward to seeing your artwork. *Gives her a hug back.*


Dear Tasuki,

Why were you bringing up the subject of you and Kouji???


Dear Sephiroth,

When? Now? I didn't! You did!


Dear Chiriko,

Why are you so kute?


Dear Dewdrop,

I guess I'm just drawn that way. *Smiles*


Dear Chichiri,

Have you ever worn a toga?


Dear Rowen,

No, just my clothes and kesa, no da.


Dear Nuriko,

Will you adopt me??? Please???? I asked Chichiri but I wanna be adopted by you too, cause you are sooooo pretty!


Dear Dewdrop,

Adopt you as what? Wouldn't you rather be our friend? Besides, if we both adopted you then we'd be like a mom and dad and there's something just wrong with that.


Dear Tamahome,

Got milk?

Silent Stalker

Dear Silent Stalker,

Got okane?


Dear Tasuki,

What about you and Kouji?


Dear Trowa,

What about ya' an' Quatre?


Dear Tasuki,

Why can't you swim you great, big chicken?


Dear Celeste,

I ain't no chicken! I grew up in th' mountains an' there weren't no places to learn to swim!


Dear Tasuki,

I don't know if you watch it or not but... uh... *looks down* Have any idea where I can download the full Monty Python's Dead Parrot Sketch? *innocent grin* *hands him some sake* I'll give ya more if you can help!


Dear Bon,

How 'bout here? http://www.btinternet.com/~basedata/sinkordie/parrot2.htm Now where's my sake?


Dear Tamahome,

For some unknown reason (and don't tell Tasuki this) I've been drawing you a lot. In fact, you were my first drawing I used zip-a-tone on! I'll send you it so you can look it over.

I guess I'm envious of the love you and Miaka share. It's hard when you feel like you can never be loved.

Erinu no Rafusen

Dear Erinu no Rafusen,

Why do you feel that way? Everyone can be loved.


Dear Tasuki,

Hiya. I'm being inconsistent, aren't I?

Hmmmnnmm...The thing is, he knows I exist, because we're always glancing furtively at each other. I think we may both be too timid to say anything! It reminds me of the movie, 'The Road Home'. Have you ever seen it? It's a foreign film, it has the princess/ninja girl from Crouching Tiger. It's very good.

At any rate, I don't know what will happen. It's hard to know anything anymore.


takes a swig of Fu-Ki Plum wine* 0o' Ummm... You want some???

Erinu no Rafusen

Dear Erinu no Rafusen,

Nope, never saw it. Thanks! Oishii plum wine! Go talk to him already! At least say hi!


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

is it insain to love an anime character? *looks lovingly at the sky* *walks up to mitsukake holds out her arm and says* BANDAGE! NOW!

Coomia Cree

Dear Coomia Cree,

Hai! *Bandages her arm*


Dear Chichiri,

I've just got a quick question since this is really confusing my sister and I. You were born on May 21 and are a Gemini. But, every where I've checked, it says that someone born on the 21st of May would be a Taurus. Could you explain this?


Dear JunJun,

We got our information from Yahoo Astrology, no da.


Dear Hotohori,

Chicken? o.o... nah.... more like... an emu! -^^- AHAHAHA!... don't mind me... er... can I braid your hair, Mistah Hotohori-sama? o.o


Dear Gekijou,

I do NOT look like an emu! >.<


Dear Tasuki,

How ya doin'?? I myself am pretty fine, A lil sleepy, but fine. Yer deffinetly the coolest out of the Seishi! *grins* Not to mention my favorite, but that's obvious after that last sentence. Haha, Oh here's a big thing of Sake! *hands it to ya* Hope ya enjoy it. My fav part about you would have to be that grin of yours! It just makes you look so hot and stuff. I especially like the fangs! I have them too actually *pokes one of them* Well, Tell Kouji I said hi! Talk to ya lata!

Neko Y.

Dear Neko Y.,

I'm doin' good. Thanks fer th' sake an' alla th' nice thins' ya' said 'bout me! *Fanged grin*


Dear Hotohori,

Awwwwww, Hori-chan... it doesn't matter what your costume is supposed to be, the point is it's kawaii! ^^ But if you'd like a different Halloween persona, I could draw you as a goth... and if you don't like that idea TOO BAD, I already drew it! XD You look nice in lipstick. ^^ *Wields black lipstick while cackling*

Umihebiza no Miko

Dear Umihebiza no Miko,

*Backs away ... * I'd like to see the picture.


Dear Tasuki,

Guni-sama is really nice, can she be my Aunt?


Dear Lita,

I guess ya' can call 'er that if she let's ya'!


Dear Tasuki,

I wanted to tell you that if you want to I can take care of Lita whenever you want? I don't really have children I take care of others... and not to mention an also single. ^^()strange for my age...am around my 20's also. However Lita been telling me about her family and you. It's nothing bad she told me to embarrassed you. She told me how you both get along, you teling her bandit storys and playing with her wolf called Genrou. I think it's nice of you. She also gave me a plushie of you *holds it in her arms and smiles* It seems that I won't mind having her over my home again,she very good. And also I made most of your steak.... Lita told me how you like it...if you want I can make you another one? *smiles*

Guni Ryuuzaki

Dear Guni Ryuuzaki,

Sure ya' can some other time though. If ya' really wanna, ya' can help take care of Lita, too.


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

Have you ever felt like everyone in your family thinks that your stupid? I did tonight.

Kim and Jason came over to fix the truck. I was sitting in the back of the truck. They put the truck on the jack and never told me to get off. Then my dad gets underneath the truck and never told me to get off. Then Jason got underneath the truck.

Since I had gotton off for a minute to get a drink I got back on. Then my dad told me "Please don't get on the truck when he is underneath it." I said "ok". Now I thought that that ment that I either need to get on before he starts working or after he is done. I didn't think that that ment to get off right then. So I didn't move. Then my dad said to Kim "Now, did you understand what I just said?" She turned around to me and said "He wants you to get of the truck" She had this "your retarded" look on her face. So I got off.

Now I'm sorry but I honestly thought that my dad ment that if the truck moves to much (my getting on the truck would make it move) it might fall off the jack. Apparently, what he said really ment that if "I" put to much weight on the jack it might collapse. Now you have to put into perspective that I only weigh about 90 lbs and this jack is already holding up a huge truck that uses diesle fuel.

Do you think that I'm stupid? My life sucks. I hate it. I have insensitive friends and sometimes I feel like my whole family hates me. Do you hate me? Poeple stink!


Dear Nicole,

We don't hate you! And people only stink if they don't bathe regularly. However, an extra 90 pounds could cause a jack to collapse. What your family didn't realize and needed to be told was that you were there to begin with and they neglected to check the truck for occupants BEFORE they jacked it up. But for future reference, once you got off the truck you should have stayed off.


Dear Tasuki,

Does Aidou take care of her kid?


Dear someone,

'Course she does!


Dear Tasuki,

-kicks her father in the head- and just why werent you all at Ani-Magic?!


Dear Ashley-Chan,

ITAI!! Since one of th' costumes weren't ready CnA an' Cory decided at th' last minute no to go. We'll keep buggin' JOhn 'bout sendin' ya' th' tape!


Dear Chichiri,

Unconsious? *glares* A certain person named "Hikou" wouldn't have anything to do with this, would he? If he did, I'll knock him unconsious into the next galaxy!!! *puts on little punching gloves and does some boxing moves*

Ayame no Miko

Dear Ayame no Miko,

He may have, but I'd rather you didn't fight him, no da.


Dear Tamahome,

Hahaha! Too late! I FORGOT WHERE I PUT IT! And I'm still going to beat you up if you upset Hotohri-sama!

Nikki Praxedes

Dear Nikki Praxedes,

Are you? *Looks amused...*


Dear Tasuki,

*Quirks a brow as she grins.* Maybe...(To the drowning that is.) As for how I've been, I'd say pretty good. Traveling and all that, ya know how it is. I suppose it was only a matter of time till I found myself back here. ^^;


Dear Lina,

I'm glad to hear yer doin' good. Welcome back! *Thinks to himself, "As long as there ain't no ponds involved... * So, what's up?


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

Arigatou gozai mass

Kagayama Yuki

Dear Kagayama Yuki,


Suzaku Seishi

Dear Nuriko,

*Gestures to the Halloween picture* Where're your arms? I wanna know if I guessed right. o.o

Umihebiza no Miko

Dear Umihebiza no Miko,

They're behind my back.


Dear Chichiri,

I just need someone to talk to for the moment. I've been kinda lonely lately. Day after day I find myself growing a little more sad. There's no one really for me to talk to ya know? I try to speak with my mother and my father but they're always yelling at me for some reason or another. Like when I actually find something that makes me happy ya know? In example When I play soccer outside, they say I'm making too much noise and could destroy something. (Believe me there's nothing to destroy!) I can't talk to my brother and Nephew about it I'm sure they could care less! Well, my brother might care but then he might brainstorm up so weird plan of his. I don't have but one friend in Rl, I can't talk to her about it though, she's not the type for that sort of thing. I've tried to make friends but that too has failed miserabley, the parents think I have too much "Spirit". (I'm a little hyper, abit happy and like to joke *nicely* alot..! What's wrong with that?) Ah well, at least you guys are always here right?

Say, Chichiri! You Wanna go do somethin Saturday with me?? *gives pouty look* please? :)

Thanks for talkin' with me, Means alot!


Dear Alia,

I'm sorry you're feeling so down, no da. Of course I'll talk to you and spend time with you! *Smiles* What would you like to do, no da?


Dear Chichiri,

'De-stress'? Is that even a word? O.O

Great news! Me and my friend made up! ...although, in case of further arguments, I'm going to keep her about 10 feet away from me, if you will...

Gah...too much homework...42 questions, and graphs, and 2-column notes, and a colonial flyer...brain hurts...urge to destroy the world...rising...

Guess what? I'm dressing up as Utena for Halloween (minus the pink hair and blue eyes) and I got the *perfect* jacket! Yosh! Now I just need to get red hot pants...

I'm going to need lots and lots of mosquito repellent, aren't I?

I've been playing Breath of Fire for Gameboy Advance, and I've *finally* gotten to the HornToad battle! Yatta!

Talk to ya later!


Dear Amy-sama,

*Smiles* It is to me, no da. You can try red bike shorts for the Utena costume. Perhaps, I guess it depends on where you live, no da. I'm glad to hear you and your friend made up, no da!


Dear Mitsukake,

My dear Mitsukake, how have you been? I give you chocolates! *hands over chocolates*

Question: Do you ever feel like bursting into song and dressing in elaborate David Bowie-esque constumes?


Dear Dragonbane,

Arigato for the oishii chocolates. Who? No!


Dear Nuriko,

Your hair is so shiny and lovely! ^.^;;;

No, really, back on topic, i'm just wondering if you would ever consider settling down with a nice man or woman? Or would you like to travel forever....if you weren't dead, of course. ^^;;;


Dear Dragonbane,

Arigato for your kind words! I think settling down would be nice.


Dear Tasuki,

One of the schools im looking at has japanese! YAY!!!!! ^_^ they actually have this interstin Asin Culture thinngya nd you can take like 5 classes like....japanese chinese pholosophy (i dun think i spelt that right..) and art and stuff it souns so kool! and i can take it with photograph as my major ^_^ sounds good huh? ^_^


Dear Tana,

Sounds great!


Dear Nuriko,

um i think i have a crush on a girl at school bur i cant bring up the curage to tell her. what should i do?? Nuriko please tell me. *starts to blush*


Dear Blade,

You could start by being friends with her and asking her out for some coffee or ice cream. Good luck!


Dear Suzaku Seishi,


rocky aka... Blade

Dear Blade,

Why not?

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Hotohori,

Hiya again dude! If I were to have special powers like you all do, I could transform myself into a unicorn with powers of fire ,water, electricity, psychokinesis (includes teleportation), ice, and super speed. If I do, I could help protect your palace and serve you as your bodyguard. Is that okay? I could help protect Miaka too!

Nikki Praxedes

Dear Nikki Praxedes,

If you wish, but I have none of the special powers that you mentioned.


Dear Tasuki,

Hiya! I just signed up to be a jailer in my school carnival. (we could arrest anyone and they give you tickets to bail out) Do you have any tips for me to be able to arrest Tamahome?

Nikki Praxedes

Dear Nikki Praxedes,

Yeah, look fer him hittin' people up fer okane.


Dear Hotohori,

I'm on your side, Hotohori-sama! You're dressed as Suzaku!!

Nikki Praxedes

Dear Nikki Praxedes,

*Looks at minna…* See! She agrees!


Dear Chiriko,

Hi! In my class, I was known as the only person who gets "A"s and does really good in the spelling tests. My teacher told me that I have a straight A+ in my seven spelling tests so far. Since I was the new kid last year, I was known as one of the people who got straight "A"s in all four quarters. I'm trying real hard to keep up my straight A record not until this first grading period of the sixth grade. I got a B+ on my Math. That's the only subject that brings me down. I was so upset when I heard about it. How can I improve my B+ to at least an A- in the secong grading period? Do you have any tips?

Nikki Praxedes

Dear Nikki Praxedes,

Study hard and see if you can get of the A students in your class to help tutor you. Ganbatte kudasai!


Dear Mitsukake,

Hi! I've been going to my bowling sessions every Saturday, using a 9 pound bowling ball. After a few weeks, my right arm (my bowling arm)gets a bit overworked and hurts a bit. Is it advisable to wear my red bandana as a wristband this Saturday or is there something else you could do? Thanks! Ja ne!

Nikki Praxedes

Dear Nikki Praxedes,

I would look into a proper wrist supporter and maybe a lighter ball. Aspirin and ibuprofen will also help.


Dear Hotohori,

Oh yeah, don't worry about what EVERYBODY else says I still think that you look hot even in your costume!


Dear Matura,

Thank you! *Smiles*


Dear Nuriko,

Kirsy is mean!!! Oh in her fanfic i am the reincarnation of you in her fanfic, what a honor!


Dear Matura,

That doesn't sound mean to ne.


Dear Hotohori,

Foams at mouth "Borrows" hotohori sword Prepare for battle Kirsy!! I'm telling you... right in the middle in econ...


Dear Matura,

Excuse me but, that is not a safe thing to be doing in your Econ. Class.


Dear Nuriko,

hello, this is my 2nd letter to you. you did not answer my first letter.

i want you to ask what shall i do, i think i'm falling for my friend, don't know if i should tell him after he received a letter from another girl who at the same time likes him too.

then there is another guy who became close to me this past few days, one guy is telling that guy that he is courting me but the truth is not. what shall i do?


Dear lady_marmalade,

Tell them the truth. This other boy isn't courting you. As for your friend, has he given any indication that he likes you that way? If not, stay friends. If so, go for it! Good luck!


Dear Nuriko,

Doc urges her horse to speed up a bit. "I think sora-chan now appreciates his Papa and Mama now. Even though we've only been gone a few days.." She smirks at Ryu. " You are a wild man you know that? looks like the only way I can get you to loosen up is to drag you off somewhere." Doc giggles at his blushing. " What? you didn't say no.."


Dear Doc-sama,

I know … *Blushes* I hope you enjoyed our vacation.


Dear Chiriko,

Uh in the OAV 3 your a cute little baby but...will you get to be bigger later on? I mean if you have to fight or something...you might need a bigger body? I only saw up to the second episode.


Dear Sakie-chan,

That's a spoiler and we try not to give spoilers away!


Dear Hotohori,

I didn't get to see you yet in the OAV 3 I'll see the rest the next time my friend and I do something together, but my friend says she likes the new you.

Although I really like how Houki and Boushin are playing such a big role in this. Boushin, is going to be just like his dad when he matures into an adult I know he will. ^_~

You must be proud of how your wife and son are handling the new situation.


Dear Sakie-chan,

I am very proud of both of them.


Dear Hotohori,

About your Halloween costume... You're Suzaku, right? You still look beautiful! I like it!


PS - my halloween costume is... YOU!!! :-D

Dear Moeru,

Arigato! Have a fun and safe Halloween!


Dear Tasuki,

*Hands Tasuki a bottle full of sake* Tasuki, you and Chichiri are so awesome in OAV 3.


Dear Sakie-chan,

Thanks! *Grins*


Dear Mitsukake,

I think I should start by saying that this is a small spoiler for OAV 3. I just got to see a little of the third OAV. It's nice to see you and Shouka are together again.


Dear Sakie-chan,

*Smiles* I know what you mean. I thought so, too.


Dear Nuriko,

I was wondering, what are your thoughts on the third OAV? I just got to see it with a friend, but only just up to the second episode, cause I was kind of busy the other day, I am waiting until the third OAV is released on DVD's locally...they are supposed to be ready next month or something. But where I live things tend to come to us late, shipments and such. It will be a long wait but I will get my own copies. It's always good to have your own stuff. It's hard to keep borrowing things from people.

By the way I noticed that the new you, doesn't have a beauty mark under her eye....that's a good sign actually, since people who are born with a beauty mark in the path of their tears are destined to face unrequitted love. Guess that won't happen to you in this life time will it?


P.S. "She" was so cute. Although I love the TV series more than any of the OAVs. Since well...I liked all of you when you were younger and they were the original personalities I got used to.

Also tell Tamahome, it's nice to see that Miaka matured in to such a pretty woman, I think she makes him a great wife. Although Miaka doesn't play much of a role this time, she does give of a sense of maturity, it's nice to see how both Miaka and Yui matured when they both finally grew up.

Dear Sakie-chan,

I really liked it the best of all the OAV's.


Dear Tasuki,

Does Aidou ever have her kid?


Dear someone,

Sure! She leaves her wit' me all th' time!


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

What would happen if I got every one of you hyped up on caffine?!?! I like caffine! Do you like caffine! I just had five cups of coffee!!! I am so hyper right now! Do you wanna be hyper with me?!?!

Rouge the idiot

Dear Rouge,

Not really! We'd probably all get sick, no da.


Dear Hotohori,

Uh, Hotohori-sama, no offense but...I don't think that the Suzaku statue had a red comb and red and orange striped stockings...


Dear Amy-sama,



Dear Hotohori,

Would you please not frown anymore... ? :( You frighten me when you frown. Smile... ? :)


Dear Elia,

OK. *Smiles at her* Better?


Dear Suzaku Seishi,


sikora ;.;

Dear sikora,

Please stop screaming at us! Try this site: http://www.gundamw.net/g_episodes.html.


Dear Tasuki,

Yo bro!


Dear Kouji,

Yo yerself! *Does the Bandit Dance with him.*


Dear Hotohori,

Aww... I beleave your Suzaku and not a chicken. ^_^


Dear Tana,

Arigato! *Smiles*


Dear Tasuki,

Will you teach my friend and I bandit dialect?? We'll pay good attention and stuff... Maybe Kouji can help ^_^ We'll pay you with maltodextrin... cause neither of us are old enough to get sake... So... will you????


Dear Tana,

Ya' mean Kansai-ben? Here's a peeji that gives ya' a good start: http://www.coara.or.jp/~ht/KANSAI/osaka.html.


Dear Tamahome,

What if somebody tosses you a bag full of 100,000,000 ryo to dump Miaka?

Nikki Praxedes

Dear Nikki Praxedes,

I still wouldn't leave her. When you truly love someone they're all that matters to you.


Dear Hotohori,

Hiya again! What do you think is your favorite animal in this list? (because I'm gonna draw you as that animal if you've ever become reincarnated)
Horse, Unicorn, Flying Horse

Oh yeah, what's a good thing to say to one of my friends if they comment that Tamahome's better than you? (I feel the urge to beat them up, If you know what I mean.)And do you have any special sword attacks?

Everytime I go to my bowling practice, I get bad scores at the first two games and a high one at the final game. What can I do harness some of your power as good luck? (Am I asking too much?)

Tell Tamahome that I'll give him one gold ryo to stop upsetting you!!! Ja ne!

Nikki Praxedes

Dear Nikki Praxedes,

A horse. Well, we all have our strengths and weaknesses. No, I don't. I have no "Luck Power". However, you could try practicing more. I'll tell him.


Dear Tamahome,

Oi Tamahome! Did Hotohori tell you that I'm gonna beat you up if you ever upset him?

Nikki Praxedes

Dear Nikki Praxedes,

No, he didn't. He did say you'd give me a gold ryo to stop upsetting him though. *Smiles and holds out his hand.*


Dear Tamahome,

hey tama, got one question thats kinda stupid and really none of my buisiness but... what would u do if miaka died befor u did? >.> v.v...


Dear sikora,

I'd be very sad.


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

Konnichiwa. If you could be with anyone in any time, any place where and with whom would you be with?

Have the Seiryuu seishi answer too, if they want to.

Yanagi Bi

Dear Yanagi Bi,

The Seiryuu Seishi have their own site or at least they did awhile ago. Here are your answers:

Tamahome - Miaka
Hotohori - Houki
Nuriko - Hotohori
Chichiri - Kouran, no da
Chiriko - My family
Tasuki - I dunno …
Mitsukake - Shoka

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Hotohori,

*suppresses laughter* Ok, ur highness, ur Suzaku. Um, if I may make a suggestion... Well, if u maybe painted the outfit red and gave urself a black pointed beak, then people might believe u were Suzaku. Just a hint to keep people (like me, sadly) from laughing at u. Um, u don't have to forgive my laughing at u if u don't want to. Gomen.

Ayame no Miko

Dear Ayame no Miko,

*Sweatdrops* Thank you …


Dear Chichiri,

Phew, that's a relief... but, then, why are u laying down with Tama-neko kind of pawing at ur face? I swear, if Hikou did ANYTHING to my aniki, I'll *raises fist threateningly*

Ayame no Miko

P.S.: Nice costume. I can see u couldn't get ur bangs to cooperate, but that's ok. :)

Dear Ayame no Miko,

Arigato! I'm glad you like it! I may have been unconscious, no da.


Dear Tasuki,

Hello. I hope you are well, Tasuki-san. *Bows deeply* I know you must have been asked similar questions regarding matters of alcoholic family members and such, but I find that I can't help myself from asking your opinion. My older brother will eventually be turning 20 as of this coming March and I fear that the increase in age will make him believe that he should still have every right to dismiss his responsibilities and continue to be a crazed party attendee. I do realize quite well that, although someone of his age should be more attentive to his responsibilities as an adult, he is still rather young and has every right to enjoy his youth. I hate having to sound like a stick in the mud as well as an extreme annoyance, but I am rather worried by his behavior. He has yet to obtain a truly stable job and a residence of his own, but finds that his social life is more important then either of the previously stated factors. What worries me the most is that his drinking habits are very severe. I know it is normal for someone his age to enjoy a cold beer every once and a while, but he goes through at least a whole six-pack everyday. I've asked him if he could consider cutting down, for mother's sake if not mine, but he simply shrugs me off.

I suppose I really have no right to impose on his enjoyment of life, no matter how he chooses to find fulfillment. I can't help myself, though. I'm a natural worrywart in cases regarding my loved ones. (Heck. I'm a worrywart in all cases where worrying is a normal thing.) I really do try not to be pushy when I ask him to consider being more responsible, but I'm afraid that I might be over stepping my bounds. After all, he is my superior in age and he knows more about life then I do out of experience, so who am I to try and tell him what to do? He is older and wiser. Do you think I should stop being such a pain in his derriere and just allow him his freedom? I think that I should do so, considering that I hate getting on my beloved Onii-sama's bad side. I can even count myself lucky that all of his temper tantrums are in check whenever he is under the influence. I do think that discontinuing to press him might end up with him getting in to trouble again and I really don't want him to have any more worries or offenses added on to his permanent record.

I'm terrible when it comes to rambling, aren't I? Perhaps I should conclude my words now, before I give you a severe headache. ^^;;; Any input would be most helpful if you have the time, Tasuki-san. You were the best person to ask, after all. You're quite similar to my brother. Although, I hope I don't sound like a bad sister for saying so, but you're much kinder then my Onii-sama and a lot smarter. I hope I haven't been a bother and please give Kouji-san my regards. *Bows again, gives him a batch of cookies, and offers a hug if the gesture is welcome* Ja ne! ^^

Aino Utena

Dear Aino Utena,

Thanks fer th' cookies! I think ya' need to go to yer local chapter of Al-Anon. It's a support group fer people in yer situation. Mebbe ya' can get him to go to an AA meetin', but I wouldn't bet on it. He has to be th' one to decide he's gonna change. Good luck! *Gives her a hug.*


Dear Mitsukake,

What prompted me to sign 'Ashley' on Chiriko's letter? x.x There could be others. They must not know my name.

How have you been doing? I'm okay right now, just tired and I have this odd grin across my face. I don't know why, but it just mysteriously appeared. *giggle* Heh.

You still = George, although George resembles Hotohori more than you. That Halloween picture with the blood instantly made me think 'George! :DD'. I have a large want to go and play Star Ocean 2, but I have to do other things, like homework, or projects, or pretending to care about the world around me.

And of course, right now, instead of doing constructive things, I'm opening and closing a pair of pliers. It's fun. Try it sometime.

Also, I'm sure Shouka wouldn't have anything to say. c.c Yes.

Ash-chan, who will spell her name correctly this time.

Dear Ash-chan,

I'm well. Who is George? I'm sure Shoka would tell you hat she and I ae soulmates. However, you and I are friends.


Dear Hotohori,

You'll be looking at my name in a few minutes, and you'll probably say, 'Hey, wait! This is that crazy Mitsukake fangirl! and wonder why I'd e-mail you. Remember that I AM you, in a weird, illogical sense.. that, and you're being picked on. So you're my outlet for the day. ^^

I had a really bad headache today, and I didn't take aspirin, but I fell asleep (by mistake). When I woke up, my internet had been disconnected by my brother. Another tally for disliking him. He's also been getting on my case more often. I don't know how he can get that I can be ordered around by him, but I won't. Now all that's wrong is the fact that my room is hot. But then again, it's always hot, so things are normal.

Now, one of my true reasons for writing you: I wanted to Chiriko to sing a fast, japanese song with me. Would you be up for it, too? ^^ We could all fail miserably together! And in just a few seconds, I'll write Mitsukake and ask him too. ^^;;

I'm flighty today.. Earlier on I wasn't, but there were only two things I talked about today. ^The Wrong.
Yes, that's it. *has an interesting life*

Ooh, and one thing I forgot. In an RPG for FY that a friend made, you'd probably guess I'm Mitsukake, right? :D If so, you'd be correct, but I'm also you. ^^ And I have a new AIM name to signify you.. Heh heh.. And it's rather fun using it, too, because people tend to be caught off guard.

Ash-chan, who was flight and likes the Suzaku costume. ^^;

Dear Ash-chan,

Arigato, I'm glad you like the costume! I'm certainly willing to try.


Dear Chichiri,

Gah... stress... Introduction to Physical Sciences sucks. We had to make our histograms and write a one-page conclusion to our experiments in ten minutes.

Come to think of it, I forgot to do my Blue Dot Questions... headache... Lately, I've been feeling like I'm a stupid idiot in Math and Science... I'd like to know WHAT I've done to deserve this...


Dear Amy-sama,

I don't know, no da. Perhaps you need to de-stress a bit.


Dear Tasuki,

What do you REALLY think about Miaka???

Pyr Twilight

Dear Pyr Twilight,

She's ok fer a girl.


Dear Tasuki,

*A now slightly older but familiar red-headed sorceress is perched on a tree branch, and tossing a peach in her hand idly before she notes the bandit beneath her.* Oi! Baka! Long time no see! *A devious grin spreads across her already devilish expression as she tosses the fruit at his head before jumping down to the ground.* So what have ya been up to these days? It's been ages since I have been around here and everything seems to have changed! @_@;


Dear Lina,

GAH!! *Catches peach* Some thins' have, some thins' haven't. Long time no see! How ya' been? Yer not gonna try to drown me again are ya'?


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

Hi, Can U all tell me how to say all 12 Horoscopes in Japanese?What are yours?Mine is Cancer.

Kagayama Yuki

Dear Kagayama Yuki,

Aries - ohitsujiza (Hotohori, Tasuki)
Taurus - kingyuukyuu, oushiza, or toorasu (Mitsukake)
Gemini - futagoza (Chichiri)
Cancer - kaniza (Tamahome)
Leo - shishiza
Virgo - otomeza
Libra - tenbinza
Sagittarius - iteza
Capricorn - yagiza
Aquarius - mizugameza
Pisces - uoza (Nuriko, Chiriko)

Suzaku Seishi

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