Dear Nuriko,
Uhm...I can be emotionally strong too!! ^^;; I go bein' a baka again! Worthy of my tears? What do ya mean Nuri-san?
Dear Ami-chan,
If the boys you cry over aren't nice to you and act like jerks, then they aren't worthy of your tears.
Dear Tasuki,
*stops crying instantly and her eyes get all sparkly and big* YAY! *huggles him*
Dear Ami-chan,
OK, ok, yer welcome!
Dear Tamahome,
Tana: hi how are you on this fine day? im having a "party" yeah.....we went to kidnap my friend and she wasnt even home the nerve! shes with her boyfriend the evil evil GOOMBA ever played mario? those dorky little mushroom guys thats what he looks like well anyhow hes evil! Steph told you about him before he sucks!
Steph: and her family is really creepy! like....he mom we have visions of her chasing us up the street with a rolling pin! the house looks like something out of a horror movie and yeah....well uhh.....what do you think about her leaving before we have the chance to kidnap her away from the house of evil?
Tana and SWEET Steph
Dear Tana and Steph,
I guess it depends on she feels about her family.
Dear Chiriko,
Ohaiyo gazaimasu Chiriko-sama! I'm feeling friendly today, so I thought I'd write to a few of you seishi. Why do you where your hair up like that? No ofense! I think it suits you because it's so cute, I'm just curious ^_^; How do you manage to tie it up so neatly? Do you mind that I called you "Chiriko-sama", I know you prefer "Chiriko". Gomen... Arigatou for your time reading this!
Dear Kikane,
Chiriko is better or Chiriko-san if you want to be more formal. I wear my hair that way so it won't get in my eyes.
Dear Mitsukake,
Hello! I thought you might be bored, so I'll ask you some questions, since not enough people do. Where did you find your little cat, Tama? What do you think happened to him (I noticed he was wearing bandages)?
Are cats your favourite animal?
P.S, Give this to Tama-chan *holds out a fish* Can I pet him? *looks hopeful* Good kitty, *holding out her hand to Tama*
Dear Kikane,
*Gives Tama-neko the fish and lets her pet him.* He actually found me. He got into a cat fight recently. Yes they are.
Dear Tasuki,
how p*ssed off would you be if Kouji was cheating on your sister?
some person who isnt Kouji
Dear some person,
Dear Hotohori,
Really...? Well I'll ask you again. Do you despise me?
Dear Moutaikou,
I … don't think so.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Okay, eh.. Does everyone have a favorite animal? If you had to choose a Seiryuu Seishi for a friend or sumthin, who would it be? Just curious. ^_^
Morgy-San~* ^-^
Dear Morgy-San,
We do but we have answered that question many times before. You might want to check in the archives. If we had to choose a Seiryuu Seishi it would be Amiboshi.
Dear Chiriko,
Chiriko! *glomp* Yer so cute! *takes out a grey-with-dark-grey-stripes kitty from her backpack* Looky looky! Ish mai kitty and his name is Odysseus (from the book The Odyssey...I'm sure you've read it, as you've read so many books...) and he's so adorable! Wanna pet him? He wont bite... Anyway, Do you prefer a particular season? (Just asking) I prefer Summer, cuz I can swim better than anyone else :)
Any tips on studying? I mean, well, I hate to say I dont have the best grades in the world...(D+ in Social Studies...C- in Science...B+ in Math and A- in Language Arts) But it's all cuz of homework! I never have enough time to do anything (what with my singing lessons, after-school talent show tryouts, poetry contest, etc etc...) and I really need help getting my homework done...I'm a slacker and a tomboy (I can probably belch better than Tasuki!) and I can also go on a sugar high without the sugar....useless info v_v;;
I also (and this may scare you, plus the rest of the Suzaku Seishi) have a crush on both you AND Suboshi O_. Weird yes...without a purpose...yes O_o But my friend is worse! She hates you, Chiriko-chan! How could she do that?! And she likes Amiboshi...and Chichiri, which I have no problem with...and Tasuki...and Hotohori...and Tamahome...I have a rep for liking the unloved (but not Mitsukake...he just isnt all that cute to me) plus a rep for being hot-tempered...which brings me to another question...I have to ride the bus to school (I'm yer age!) and there are a whole bunch of prissy girls that make fun of my hair and clothes...the bus driver and principal wont do anything...I've tried ignoring them, but that didn't I settled on yelling back in self-defense...and now all of the eighth grade hates me! HELP! Running out of questions...might ask more later...Buh-byies!
Dear Sarina-sama,
I like winter. You might want to get a study buddy or a tutor to help you in Social Studies and Science. If the principal and bus driver are ignoring your plight perhaps they will listen to your parents.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
OK, For some unknown reason my mom gives me heck for being nice. Like whenever I buy people gifts and don't expect anything in return I get grounded. Please tell me, whats with that?
Dear Kumade,
Are you spending her money or your own on your friends? And if it is your money, do you have to borrow from her to get through the week? If so, I can understand why she is upset with you.
Dear Tasuki,
what should i do? my brother is mean, short tempered and VERY abusive twards me. now he is dating my good friend,and his only intent is to get in her pants. My friend deserves SO much better then him and i know the relationship will end once he finds another sucker to screw.please help me because now i can't stand being near the jerk. *sniffles* HE CANT EVEN BE NICE TO HIS OWN SISTER!!!*runs off crying*
a distressed Hakura Mayabashi
Dear Hakura,
Ya' need to warn yer friend, an' if he's nasty to ya' then ya' need to let yer parents know what's goin' on. Good luck!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
MERRY BELATED CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!! *bounces around happy and gives out presents for everyone*
Hakura Mayabashi
Dear Hakura,
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
*Looks at him* Do you think I've been acting strange lately??? Honestly, have I been?@.@;; Anyway, thanks for correcting
Destiny-san on the confusion about the "make-up" thingy.
*~Yume-Chan,Tasuki no Mamoru~*
Dear Yume-Chan,
Yer welcome. I don't think yer actin' weird.
Dear Tasuki,
I was at another site, and it said you were on a rather lengthy vacation, courtesy of Yui. Is that true? And if it is, then why are you still answering questions here? Also, do you really hate Yui?
Dear Chrissie-chan,
No, it ain't true an' I don't hate Yui.
Dear Tamahome,
What is it about Miaka that makes you love her? My friend and I would really like to know. Thanks. By the way, your check is in the mail. =^_^=
Dear Chrissie-chan,
She is very sweet, caring, fun to be with, and selfless.
Dear Chichiri,
I'm considering cutting my hair soon and I was wondering if I should cut it like yours or get an Afro. What do you say?
Dear Chrissie-chan,
Neither, no da! Perhaps you should discuss this with your hairdresser, no da.
Dear Tamahome,
You're welcome.*Smiles* Do you ever wish you had a different one, or have you grown use to it?
Dear Yamazakura,
I've actually grown used to it.
Dear Hotohori,
Wow I haven't written to you Empepor! ::bows:: Can I sleep in a guest room? It would be easier to access you. Before I go I want to say.. ::I hope your son will turn out as beautiful as you!::
Dear Deserae,
If you wish. Arigato for your kind words. *Has a guard show her to a guestroom.*
Dear Nuriko,
O.o You really are confusing me... oh well new subject,only one tho "Do you have a girlfriend?" :>
Dear Deserae,
No, nor do I want one.
Dear Chichiri,
Okkie day! ::gets fishing outfit and rod:: ::Goes to a pond:: Umm.. Chichiri did you bring the bait?
Dear Deserae,
Hai, no da.
Dear Chiriko,
Hi Chiriko!! Guess what I passed my reading functional test! I didn't pass my math.. but I have a C- in my math class. Am trying my best to get honor role!:::Please wish that I will pass everything:::^_~
Dear Deserae,
Study, study, study! Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I'm not sure what to do about my friends. We used to spend a lot of time together and they know more about me than anyone else, but lately we've grown distant. I guess it's because a while ago I had a fall out with one of my friends, and no one else noticed. Even when we argued in front of them, they didn't seem to notice any problem, and I started to feel they didn't care. I've made up with that person, but I don't feel good confiding in my friends anymore, and a lot of the time they don't even bother asking how I'm doing, they just talk about their own problems. When I really need to talk to someone, I find I have no one to turn to. I don't know what to do. They know it's bothering me, that it has been for over half a year, but they still don't seem to care. I want to figure out what's wrong, but I have no ideas I haven't tried a dozen times, and at this point I only seem to be hurting myself and them. I half want to just acknowledge that it's not going to work out, but they still say they care and I certainly still care about them, although it's more and more strained. I just don't know what to do...
Dear Riiya-kun,
Perhaps you are all growing apart. It does happen and it is really no fault of anyone's when it does. You may want to consider trying to make new friends as well as keeping in touch with your old ones. Good luck!
Dear Hotohori,
*Hugs back* I don't know of any, I wish I did though..
I'm sorry that you've felt that way at times, it must be hard living your life. It's an awful feeling inside of you
that you can't even control. Your emotions take over you and cause you to feel such ways. But that's what gives each person their personality. Some may take things harsher then others, and others may take more lightly, but That's beside the point
though. *Looks up at him* Do you think I will ever regain my memory back?
Dear Nozomi,
I would hope so. Arigato for your kind words.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
If each of you were a veggie-table or a fruit, what vegtable/fruit would you be and why??? please answer
Dear someone,
Tasuki - Scotch pepper - 'cos I'm so hot!
Hotohori - Orange - The flowers they come from are pretty and smell beautiful.
Tamahome - Spinach - it's the same nice shade of green as okane!
Chichiri - Blueberries - I like the color, no da.
Mitsukake - Apples - because they are healthy.
Nuriko - Strawberries -So I can be dipped in chocolate!
Chiriko - Cherries - Because they're sweet.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hey do you know when the chat room is going to come back I just got yelled at by my friend Inami she is really mean to my. Please Help me Tamamhome. ;_;
Dear Makoto-san,
BeSeen seems to be having server issues so we have no control over it. Why did your friend yell at you?
Dear Chiriko,
*SNIFF* YOU MEANIE! I AM NOT SCARY! Hmph... and I would've given you the rest of my textbooks too! *sighs, then looks at Chiriko and hugs him, sobbing* WHY DO YOU HAVE TO BE SO KAWAII! *hands him textbooks*
FY Angel
Dear FY Angel,
Gomen nasai, but you frightened me! Arigato, but won't you be needing these?
Dear Hotohori,
Jeez Hotohori-sama, so reserved. Bleh :p! Oh well, your bishounenness makes up for it! *hands him little top for Boushin as well as some sweets* Make sure he doesn't eat it all in one bite! Oh yeah *hands Hotohori-sama a mirror w/pictures of himself as a border* Hope ya like it! *hugs him*
FY Angel
Dear FY Angel,
Arigato for all the lovely gifts. *Smiles*
Dear Nuriko,
'Nii-san you're so sweet! *glomps him and looks at his hair* Ooh... shiny! Anyway... how's life? And wanna go shopping some time? I'll buy you something, promise!
FY Angel
Dear FY Angel,
I'm fine. Sure, when do you want to go?
Dear Tamahome,
Yes you should be flattered... hehe~ but you aren't one of my MAJOR obsessions, be glad that you're not... I stalk them and take pictures of them and sell their hair on the internet! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Just kidding, but it's a good idea, ne? So willing to donate some of the hair on your head so I can sell it? I'll give you half the profits and make sure I get a good amount of ryou for it! ^.^x
Hyper Chic
Dear Hyper Chic,
Hmmm … how much is my share?
Dear Tasuki,
*SNIFF* I-I tried! WAHHHHHHHHHHHH I'M SORRY DON'T BE MAD! If you want, *SOB* i-if you want I'll spread a rumor 'bout obake-chan for ya! *walks off, crying*
Hyper Chic
Dear Hyper Chic,
Geez stop cryin'! I hate it when women cry! I'm not mad at ya'!
Dear Chichiri,
I'm sorry Chichiri-san, I didn't mean to scare you. *holds out collection of rare smiling masks* You'll forgive me right? *hugs him* Anyhoo, say hi to the loonies (other seishi) for me! ~_^x
Genki Gal
Dear Genki Gal,
Hai! Arigato, no da!
Dear Chichiri,
Hmmm,I can't remember if I wrote you a letter or not,but I still don't think clowns are funny.<.<;; I mean I did have this one doll,that was a clown,and he used to sleep next to me when I was little,but it was one of those wind up dolls I guess...and would sing"it's a small world after all"and turn it's head clockwise o_O;;;;....skeery ne?I don't remember what I did with that doll though...I think it's packed away in the garage or something with my other stuffed animals ;_;.Anyways,and I think when I was watching something when I was little I think it was are you afraid of the dark(I know I was little than I couldn't help it x.x)and they had a show about a carnival and a clown...and even at that I had to sit with someone older then me <.<;;;;;;I just think I don't like clowns in general.And I'm not the only one umi-san,doesn't like them either.Anyways,remember my ex boyfriend/fiancee Draven?Well as I told mitsukake he has amnesia..well he finally remembered me after talking to me a lot.For some reason I'm the only person he will talk too even though we're broken up.I'm the only person he talks to and get's advice about stuff.And the other day he said I love you to me.What do I do?I don't know what to do.x.x
Dear Destiny,
*Takes off his mask and gets serious ...* To use the slang of your world, I think they are all playing you and that you would be better off if you stayed away from them.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
che!You guys are getting more glomps than ya are letters -_-.Maybe Yume-san and I should protect all of you not just tasuki and mitsukake?We'll be the suzaku mamorou's how about that?^_^ I'm sure yume-san will be up for the idea?What do you guys think?Poor chiriko is getting squished between these rabid fangirl's,his face is almost blue ;___; poor chiriko.I know you guys are kawaii and all but you all you guys need if Yume-san's up for the idea can we be your protector's?Or if she isnt can I be all of you guys mamorous?Pleaseeeeeeeee?^__^;*looks at them with cute puppy dog eyes.*
Destiny,MNM T-NNM
Dear Destiny,
It really wouldn't be fair to eveyone else, no da. Gomen.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hello again! ^^ I already asked Tasuki, but can I adopt all the rest of you guys too? Onegai?
Kashke Tesea
Dear Kashke,
You'll have to still share us with everyone else, no da. But, if you're ok with that then so are we, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
*blinks* It's been a coupla days since I've been here. *grins* It's nice to know you love your sisters! I have um..hold on a sec, I gotta count...*tries to rememebr just how many siblings she has* ^^;; Ok, I have 4 that live with me, 1 that doesn't but has kids, 4 that I adopted, um....*shrugs* I think that's it. That means I have 9 sibs...O.o
^^; Hey, I got an idea! Can I adopt you as my oniisan? Onegai? I'll be a good imouto, I promise! ^___^
Kashke Tesea (got a new last name ^^
Dear Kashke,
Dear Tamahome,
Cloud Fairy told me what happen about the whole love potion thing so here is something for the trouble*gives him a 100 gold ryou* No hard feelings?
Touya no miko
Dear Touya no miko,
None at all. Arigato!
Dear Nuriko,
I have a bit of a problem. I'm an artist (I sent in 2 fanarts a while ago....maybe you saw them? ^_^; ) and my mom wants me to try and get into an art school next year. The thing is, I have a lot of really good friends at my current school and I like it a lot there, and I want to take dance there next year...(o.O run-on sentence, sorry...) But this new school could really help my drawing skills a lot.... I dunno, I'm really scared to go there (besides that, I heard the people there are kinda scary o.o). Actually, I don't know if I could get in or not...we have to get interviewed and submit a 15-piece portfolio....I don't know if I'd be good enough to get in.
Well, I'm sorry for rambling on like that....I might try to get into the school, but I really don't want to leave my friends behind...
Dear Kerri,
I say try to get in. If you do, there's always email and telephones for you to contact and stay in touch with your old friends and at the new school you'll make new friends. Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Tasuki,
*Places a reasuring hand on his shoulder* I understand. I'm not allowed to let my sister know that... well, you know. For now, I'm sticking with the story that her brain was taken over by aliens. I'm waiting for the day where she breaks into a zoo and frees the kangaroos. I'm also refusing to admit we're blood related until I get a DNA test.
ChibInu-chan no Miko: You called me your sister! ^-^
Umihebiza no Miko: Yeah, so?
ChibInu-chan no Miko: *Glomps her sister* Nee-chan! ^-^
Umihebiza no Miko: Damn it, she knows... *Hugs her briefly*
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
*Looks for Aidou and sweatdrops… *
Dear Tasuki,
*POUNCE!* Speed is going to whack Nate really hard for me if he goes to Texas Tech. =D I asked the other day. Fury and I have already moved two of our sites. We're moving to our friend IJ's server. We haven't moved A New Era or the main Reploid Productions Studios site yet, but we're making time XD Our address for the main RPS page will probably something like this-, but the redesign isn't complete, and it hasn't been moved yet.
*runs around in circles* Makou is coming to Anime Expo, he has enough money for it! It's going to be so cool!
Oh yez.... Nova. =) I told her gently how I felt, and asked her if she wanted to try and stay friends and talk, or go our seperate ways. That was on the 17th. Then, on th 18th, in her live journal she said she was feeling backstabbed and that friends don't give friends ultimatiums. An ultimatium is a DEMAND. I gave her a question. I wasn't pressuring her either way. Then today, the poster I'd gotten awhile back and mailed the 16th must have arrived, and she left a memo for me on IRC saying she liked it and thanks.
But she hasn't directly spoken to me, and won't come into her own chatroom because I'm there. I guess she's waiting for me to try to coax her back in. XP I don't fall for guilt trips!
Dear One-chan,
Seems thins' are goin' good fer ya' an' ya' didn't even hafta maim anyone! *Grins*
Dear Tasuki,
What do you do when an annoying friend keeps IMing you with bad spelling, grammar, and punctuation?
Ash-chan, at her last nerve.
Dear Ash-chan,
Ya' could jus' takje her off yer Buddy List so she doesn't see ya' or ya' can help her wit' her grammar an' spellin'.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
What would each of you do if you had the One Ring from LotR and there was no bad side effects? Also, I read TTT, Gollum came into the story, and the riders of Rohan, Shadowfax, Treebeard, and Boromir's brother, Faramir. Are any of them your favorite characters? I read that your favorite character is in the next movie.
Ascot Metali
Dear Ascot Metali,
Ah, that would be my favorite, Eowyn! She masquerades as a boy to help with the quest. We really don't know all the things the ring can do, so we really can't answer that question.
Dear Chiriko,
Konnichiwa chiriko*bows in front of him*genki desu ka?genki desu.^__^.heehee anyways,I have a it possible that people can see spirits IRL in their dreams and they can possess stuff like computers or whatever?the reason why i ask this is because a close friend one of my friend's died.And well,I can see him in my dreams.I mean I was talking to my friend one day and I had described what my dream was like and they said yep that's him o_o;;;.Isn't that freaky?And lately...I have been noticing unusual thing's around my house.Like one time I saw a blue light with a speck of white in it and the person who died had a watch like that o_o;; and I can see them in my dreams,and they contact me by going in my dreams and by e-mailing me o_o;; cause I can't really talk to them IRL I don't know why I can't but they can contact me and I can hear them.Why is that?I mean I don't want it to stop I think it's pretty cool that I can actually communicate with spirits,but my dad doesn't believe me.One day when I was in the computer room it was so cold..that my fingernails were turning blue o_o;;; BUT the heater was on!but I was cold.My hands felt like they were ice.o_o;;; what gives?Why is it sometimes I am cold but my dad isnt?I mean is it because the spirit is touching me or what?I need some information about this.Can you help me?
Dear Destiny,
More myth and legend surround such things than does fact. I believe it is possible to communicate with the dead. Perhaps you should ask them what they want.
Dear Hotohori,
Hotohori-san,it's okay.I mean,I still fear him a bit but not as much as I have.I know he won't hit me anymore,because he FINALLY dumped his girlfriend.I think she was pressuring him into so much and he couldn't act like himself and whenever he got confused or mad I guess he would take it out on me cause I'm the only one there.But he sure seems to be a lot happier since he got rid of her.And btw,he did say a few days back "what would I do if you weren't here?" ^____^.Well,I think that's about it.Gomen if this isn't long...I think I'm going crazy...'cause I am seeing dead people IRL...and I am seeing other thing's I don't want to be seeing either.o_o;;
Dear Destiny,
I'm glad that he is treating you better. Why are you seeing dead people? Are you on any medication that could be causing this?
Dear Tasuki,
arigato gozai masu tasuki-san ^___^...but why did I end up in one of their rooms though?o_o;;;..and who's room was I in?O_o;;; I don't really remember anything...what exactly did happen?x.x tasuki-san do me a favour and never never let me drink again x.x that stuff is like icky...and it makes you do stupid thing's...that you normally wouldn't do...although running into a wall is fun o_o;;;.
a sober destiny..
Dear Destiny,
Ya' were in my room so nothin' would happen to ya'! No problem!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Code Red's a yummy soda and it'll make you pretty hyper. I'm trying to get Chiriko-plushie-chan to drink some. ^_^
Awwww, but that doesn't tell me anything. Is it yes or no? *thinks about it* I know! He thinks being a plushie is kinda silly, so he's embarrassed to say yes! I knew it! *runs off shouting* Plushie-chan! You're small and cute, you'll be a GREAT plushie! Now where are're the only plushie I know who can help me with my geometry homework O_o *mutters something about "When are we gonna need to know this, anyway?"*
Mari Komadori
Dear Mari Komadori,
*They all sweatdrop*
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
Hi! Been a long time! Do you remember me? Hope ya do. I just wanna apoligize for chokin' ya. I've had some bad experiences with men in my lifetime.
Dear Tiaki,
OK, apology accepted.
Dear Tasuki,
^_^ Wanna be a real nice guy? Can I borrow your tessen? It' show & tell...^_^; *thinking* That boy is sooooo gonna be fried...*to Tasuki* Please? ^_^
Dear Keiko,
No, 'sides it won't work fer ya'.
Dear Chiriko,
*runs in and glomps Chiriko* WAAAAAAAAAAAAI!! *-* In like, a week and a half..I lose my most evilist test book...My history book! WAIWAIWAIWAIWAI! o_o; I's my heaviest book...oh well. ^_^ Ja mata neeeeeee!!
Dear Keiko,
Why are you going to lose it? Is the class over?
Dear Tamahome,
hey Obake-san. I'll give you 20 gold ryo if you find that O&*&%$^$*^(*&(*^*& son of a (*^(*^ Kouji.. A whole 20 * waves it infront of his face* wanna take the job?
Dear Aidou,
Sure, but first you have to tell me what he did.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I can't wait until Sunday!!! I get to go on a cruise to the Caribbean, and get the heck away from all this cold weather. Won't that be great? This cruise has everything, duty-free shopping on the ship (so Nuriko can max out Hotohori's Konan Express Platinum card and get more stuff); a whole bunch of swimming pools and jacuzzis (so Tamahome can play water sports with Tasuki); enticing ports-of-call and luxurious beaches (so Chichiri and Mitsukake can find quiet meditation spots and get away from all the noise and chaos of the world...or just bring a book and read on the sand with Chiriko); and more free food than you can positively imagine, including a midnight buffet, a sumptuous dining room, a cappuchino bar, and a 24-hour pizzaria (Uh-oh...did Miaka just read this?)
On second thought, forget everything I said! *sees Hotohori, Tamahome and Tasuki breathe sighs of relief, while everyone else just looks defeated.*
But anyway, it will be so great to take a few days off work. It is absolute chaos there! My poor boss has been pulled in all sorts of different directions and has so much work on his plate, it's a wonder he can make it through each day as cheerful as he is. Maybe I should get him something as a souvenier. Got any ideas? Maybe something useful. I have no desire to bring back a cursed relic from any Mexican ruins...
Hotohori-sama--Boushin-sama was a very good boy while we were reading. He even tried some reading himself. (He's such a smart little boy!!) But I think I tuckered him out after all those stories, so I gave him to one of Houki-sama's maidservants. He's in his room now, sleeping with his panda bear (he loves that bear so much), so please be quiet going there. BTW--Houki-sama is awake now, and asked me to give you a message. *whispers something in Hotohori's ear* What do you suppose she meant by that? Or is it something I'm better off not knowing? Certainly don't mention it around Boushin-sama!
Nuriko--I really like that black silk kimono you bought with your gift certificate. I trust it's comfortable? And those silver earrings suit you very well. (I got Houki-sama a pair similar to those for Christmas. You two could be identical twins with the help of some colored contact lenses and a roll of toilet paper down the chest.)
Tasuki--this is for you *gives bandit a cold compress* I told you not drink that much sake in one sitting. You might want to go lie down for awhile.
Well, I guess I'd better finish packing. And I hope this darn cold goes away before I get on board. I have no desire to be sick on the cruise. See you later. Enjoy your weekend!
Lady Shera
Dear Lady Shera,
Arigato for everything! having never been to Mexico I really can't recommend any omiyage for your boss. Gomen. Have fun and don't drink the water!
Dear Chichiri,
There is this Japanese ex-change student at my school, and she isn't very good at english. I'm trying the best I can to translate this to Japanese for her but there is alot of thing I don't know how to say. Do you know where I can find a Japanese-English dictionary that tells you how to pronounce the words? Thanks a bunch. *Gives him a hug and runs away to try translating some more.*
the speaker
Dear Nuriko,
*nods and kicks the door shut*
Aishiteru Ryu :) *holds him close to her*
Dear Doc-sama,
Boku mo...
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
"Ito Chiisaki Negai", "Futatsu no Kodou", "Eien no Hikari". I've read these are all FY songs, but I don't recognize them. What CD(s) are they on? I'm confused... I haven't seen these titles anywhere and I did a lot of searching to find the CDs I have. Which reminds me, I need to go find the Outlaw Star soundtrack... *Starts singing to herself* Semenai de, kesanai de, makenai de, dare datte motteru hazu yuzurenai mono...
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
We can't find those titles anywhere! Minna-san, can you help?
Dear Chichiri,
You Know How Luna /\ /\ noda sent you and Taski a letter saying that your invited to a party. - How do I know this? Cause I'm the one whos holding the party! I was so overjoyed! I hope you guys have fun this saterday at 6 cause thats when it is Nyo!
Saint Star
Dear Saint Star,
I fope we do, too no da! Arigato!
Dear Tasuki,
Cononachiwa! Guess what I am Saint Star and your buddie Chichiri's new little sister. Ain't that grate
Saint Start
Dear Saint Start,
I guess so.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Whoa, long time no write... So, you guys seens or read Lord of the Rings yet? If you have, who do you think you're each the most like. Or who's your favourite character?
I'm personally confused over who mine is. I mean, Legolas is Superiorly awoly kick_@$$ cool, but Gili's so disgruntled and overlooked it's endearing. Oh well, Ja ne! Talk to ya later!
Shrinemaiden Keisei
Dear Shrinemaiden Keisei,
We have seen it and really liked it!
Our favorite characters are:
Chiriko - Frodo
Tasuki - Gimli
Nuriko - Eowyn
Mitsukake - Elrond
Tamahome - Aragon
Hotohori - Legolas (He's almost as beautiful as me.)
Chichiri - Gandolf, no da
Dear Tasuki,
*walks up and pokes his forehead* 'ey, Tasuki, were's Kouji been? I haven't seen him lately. Did you kill him? *grins* Want him all to yourself, huh, love? *laughs* I'm kidding, where /has/ he been, Tasuki, we all know you're responsible...*quirks a brow*
Dear Naruke,
I duuno, but I'll let ya' know when I find 'im.
Dear Tamahome,
*smiles* I made Uncle Shun'us toy frow fire *shakes it trying to get it to do it again* did you go? *looks up at him* will you play wif me?
Dear Lita,
*Smiles and points at Trista.* Sure, and who is your new friend?
Dear Tasuki,
*Looks over at Tasuki and sniffles* Nobody wikes me...Me just wanna have someone to pway wif...*She looks over at Lita, then back to Tasuki* Who dat? Will she play if me? *Walks over to Lita and grabs the tessen mine now! *runs around and hands it back to her* Der you go! ^_^ *looks at Tasuki again* me want a new mommy....*snffles and sits in a corner, crying softly*
Dear Trista,
*Gives her a hug.* Lita, can ya' do me a favor? Good girl. Play wit' Trista while I talk to yer ma.
Dear Hotohori,
*Blushes* Physically, I'm perfectly fine. Emotionally... *Hugs him as she may as well not waste this rare turn of events* I feel abandoned. I sent a letter and a Christmas present to my friend Becky, back in CT. That was December 26, and I still haven't heard from her. I gave her my e-mail address like she'd been begging me to do for months (I only got an e-mail address in mid December), but I haven't received e-mail, a letter, a phone call, ANYTHING! We've been together since kindergarten, this really hurts. I haven't seen her in nearly two years. *Is on the verge of tears* She's like one of three people in my life outside my family that really understands me. I don't make friends that easily... *Her tears start falling* Did she give up on me...?
ChibInu-chan no Miko: *Decides not to interfere and leaves Hotohori's shirt and her sister's calculator on a chair*
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
I don't think so. Are you able to call her? If so, perhaps you should. She may have lost your infotmation. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Well,I really don't know water sprite that well,and we may not know each other but she seems really nice.Could you please tell her and Rokou(is that how you spell his name?)congratulations on the marriage for having twin babies ^__^? please?arigato...Oh yeah could you give her this too since the baby shower is over with and stuff?It's a bag full of baby supplies and clothes.^_^.
Destiny MNM,T-NNM
Dear Destiny,
Of course I will! Arigato!
Dear Chichiri,
I was just wondering that if in real life you really did meditate?
The reason I want to know is because I think that my older sister would like to know. She really likes this tv show called Crossing Over. It has to do with this guy who can supposedly talk to other people who have crossed over (died). My sister really likes him. She has pictures of him in her room now.
I know that she is obsessed and all over him because that is how I am with anime but to tell the truth it really gets annoying when she comes to me and tells me all about her animal guides and stuff. I don't think that it is weird or anything but nobody who is not interested in the stuff wants to hear about it so often. I don't always tell her everything about anime!
Well got to go. Class is almost over and I need to move on to lunch. Yes lunch. I actually get to eat.(hehehe) Thanks!! Have fun!!!
Dear Alulah,
Yes I do meditate, but it is very different from what that person on Crossing Over does, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
Ok. I wrote to you a while back about my JF problem. I think that it just keeps getting worse. He doesn't want to listen to anything that I have to say. He tells just about every one that he and I are going to get married.
Maybe it isn't that big of a deal. Maybe I am just making a big deal out of this. Anyways, life seems to get better and better. (not with JF of corse) I get so many compiments now on dancing because of the roadshow that I am doing with a bunch of my friends. I think that it is fun but most of my friends think that it is really boring. i think that it is just because they don't get into it.
Do you who Brittany Spears is? If so what do you think of her? In the road show I am playing the part of one of her dancers. I really dislike Brittany Spears in real life though. I think that only guys here really like her.
If you can tell I am sitting here and starting to jibber jabber. I think that I am just bored. Ok. Now I get to complain of why I am bored. It is better then taking a test though. That is for sure. I am at the moment sitting in my business Technology class doing nothing of course. The work is so easy. The teacher gives us a week to do one assignment and I finish it in one day. Get this!!! The first 18 weeks all we did was typing. Well at least I am really good at it now. Now I just need to work on spelling. (hehehe) No School Monday!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That means more time to spend hanging out. Ok. I better stop writing because I know that all of this must be boring you by now. Thanks for listening!!!!
Dear Alulah,
I'm so sorry that JF is still being a pain. Some boys just don't seem to know when to quit! I know who Britany Spears is, but I don't think much of her. I'm glad that your dancing is going well.
Dear Nuriko,
*Looks at Nuriko-san*I didn't know that about dim sum restaurants.O_o;;*sees a person pushing a cart over by the table and takes something.Nuriko what's this?o_O;;; *looks at him.Than looks around at all the decorations*Why do they have so many decorations?
Destiny MNM,T-NNM
Dear Destiny,
That's sticky rice in a steamed lotus leaf. I don't know why there are so many decorations. But they're pretty, ne?
Dear Mitsukake,
You know something and tasuki are right..I mean I just realized how much stuff has happened to them..and was like -_-.I'm so glad I broke up with him....I don't need that much drama in my life when I already had enough of my own o_o;;.Anyways,guess what's in two weeks?My birthday ^_______^ wai wai!! It's on february 1st and I will be turning 19 *___* why is it I don't feel any older?
Destiny,MNM,and T-N NM
Dear Destiny,
Otanjoubi omedeto gozaimasu! I don't know perhaps you'll feel older when you actually turn 19.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi y'all! *huggleglomps all the seishi* I got happy little not-quite-pointless questions for the seishis!
1)If you had to be turned one colour and stay that colour for the rest of your life, what colour would you be?
2)What is the best costume you guys have ever seen at an Anime Con?
3)Would you guys like to see my Dilandau costume when I'm finished with it? (I'm making it for a con in May)
4)Who is each of your favourite characters in Escaflowne, if you've seen that show?
5)What is your general opinion on dubbed anime?
and lastly...
6)Don't you guys ever get sick of replying to these letters?
Well, thanks for reading! *gives you all cookies and scarves that Nakago knitted for you* Arigatou!
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
Here are all your answers:
1) Actually, we prefer to stay the way we are.
2) Most amusing or most beautiful? Most beautiful: Uran and Barbie Tsukino seem to always have the most beautiful costumes. The most amusing one was an Angelic Wizard in the box at AniMagic. The most inventive one was Gundam Wing Zero also at AniMagic.
3) Sure!
4) We have seen Escaflowne but did not care much for it so we have no favorite characters.
5) We prefer subtitled over dubbed anime.
6) If we start to "burn out" we just close down for a bit and take a vacation.
Arigato for the cookies. *Looks at the Nakago scarves suspiciously ...* Ano ... they won't strangle us will they?
Dear Chichiri,
Actually I don't really remember if I had a bad experience with Clowns or not.o_O;; I just don't like clowns,they eat little children <.<;;;;But I don't really remember anything bad happening except I did have a stuffed clown doll by my bed once o_o;;;..
Dear Destiny,
I was just wondering why you were so afraid of clowns.
Dear Nuriko,
*Golmp's riko* HI I just have one thing to say your so hot ^_^ *Hugs Nuriko* I love you Nuriko ^_^
Dear Makoto-san,
*Blushes and sweatdrops* Ariagto.
Dear Tasuki,
Ok then, if that's what it takes, I'm willing. (*Has no life*) o.o *Pulls out several bottles of sake and begins drinking* z_Z
Dear Yosuyuki,
Ok, this is gonna be fun!!
Dear Chichiri,
Oh hi Chichiri! Oh I missed you no da! I know I wrote to everybody but, I just had to talk to you,my favorite! ^-^ Oh am so happy!I went fishing before and I didn't get any fish... so I started to dig in the sand and found a very old quater!Am collecting old things.. maybe I will own a pawn shop! Oh well, I didn't have luck fishing but maybe with you! Want to go fishing and try my luck? ^-^
Dear Deserae,
Sure, no da
Dear Nuriko,
Oops sorry for the last letter...^^; I guess I was a little jealous that you kissed Tamahome... I had no ideal... sorry! Anyway, aren't you glad I came back?! *thinks why I called you Nuriy Nuriy oh well* Nuriy what color should I wear tomorrow? I always ask my sister that. Boots or sneakers? Sweater or shirt? ^-^* Hope not mad at me...
Ps:You didn't really think my sister is stronger than you, do you? I really didn't flick my hair back.. I usually keep it in a ponytail,so yeah.
Dear Deserae,
No, I didn't. Why not wear purple? Boots and a sweater if it's cold. Sneakers and a shirt if it's warm.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi everyone! Am back! Did you miss me? All this time a was dealing with school so I don't get to write much.. anyway.. I missed you all!!! *hugs*
Dear Deserae,
Of course we missed you. Welcome back!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Chiriko,
Have you ever read "Andromeda Strain"? @_@
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
Not that I can recall, but I did see the movie.
Dear Nuriko,
Hi again ^_^ Oh I will. Which conventions have you been to? Just wondering. I'm going to one this Febuary, Katsucon. It'll be fun I'm gonna be Xelloss in that Chinese style dress ^___^ It'll be fun to meet Lisa Ortiz too. Oh by the way have you seen Lord of the Rings? If so who is your fav. character?
Dear Suta,
I've been to AniMagic and Anime Expo. I have seen Lord of the Rings, but the character I like will be in the next film.
Dear Chiriko,
Yes, yes I know how kind and uniquely beautiful I am! *tosses hair* Man, still too short to do some good tossing. *pouts* Oh well... *hugs him back* Oh yeah, here's my Algebra 1 book for some LIGHT *coff* reading... ^_^x Have fun! I think you might find my problems a little hard! *sweatdrops as she sees Chiriko racing through it*... or not. I should've foreseen this, if I can get good grades in this class then why should Chiriko have any problems! FY Angel no baka! *hits herself over head* Ooh, 4 Chirikos! MINE! *glomps real one*
FY Angel
Dear FY Angel,
KOWAI! *Sweatdrops*
Dear Mitsukake,
Poor, poor Nii-san... surrounded by a buncha loonies! Hehe~ don't tell them I said that! *rubs head from where Tasuki hit her* Owie... *SNIFF* Anyway, do you have a girlfriend? You should find someone you know (not me, you're too old! ^_^x But not too old for that special someone!) I could hook you up! Let me know what you think!
FY Angel
Dear FY Angel,
Thank you, but I do not feel a need for a girlfriend in my life.
Dear Hotohori,
Well you could get a psychiatrist for him or something... you can afford it! ^_^x Anyhoo, Boushin is so kawaii! Say hi to him for me!
FY Angel
Dear FY Angel,
I suppose. I'll give Boushin your regards.
Dear Nuriko,
Arigatou for the hug! *smiles brightly* But I don't know what the idiot is up to these days... I think he might've stopped but I really don't know... I don't wanna know! He hangs out with the wrong people! I would smack him if I could... ;_;
FY Angel
Dear FY Angel,
You're welcome. Although, I'm sorry to hear he is hanging with a bad crowd.
Dear Tamahome,
Now really, Tama, do you think I'll outgrow you guys? Oh yeah, er... after gazing at a few pics of you I've decided I like you too! *glomps him* Sorry, I couldn't help it! Hehe~ the thing is, you guys are like my escape from reality... 2-dimensional guys are so much sweeter and considerate than the 3-demensional idiots here (I don't dare say you aren't real! I know you're out there somewhere and I shall soon find you!)well some of them, anyway. Some are EVIL *shudders*. Anyhoo, maybe if I can find a guy that's like you seishi, I'll be happy. But for now, I'll still be obsessed with you, even if you are a idiot! *dodges flying objects*
Hyper Chic
Dear Hyper Chic,
Thanks, I think …
Dear Tasuki,
Aww, that's so sweet! Anyhoo, of course I won't tell! I only told my best friend and... oh wait, SORRY! I had to let my school know, no one else knows honest! *looks at anime chat's conversation... randomperson: HEY EVERYBODY! TASUKI LOVES HIS SISTERS!* Uh... don't hurt me! *squeaks*
Hyper Chic
Dear Hyper Chic,
'Che! Can't ya' people keep a *(^%$#+ secret?!?!?!?
Dear Chichiri,
Aww, poor Chichiri-san! *hugs him* Don't worry I shall protect you! *reaches for sword and comes out with... toothpick?* Oro... @_@x er, I'll protect you some other way then. Hehe~ Oh yeah, before I forget, I'm one of those drooling chics too! BWAHAHAHAHAHA! *glomps him* MINE!
Genki Gal
Dear Genki Gal,
DA!! *Jumps and sweatdrops*
Dear Mitsukake,
They broke up. ^_^ I didn't? o_O 'Coulda sworn I did. The animals are: sheep, cow, and horse. There.^_^
Dear Ash-chan,
OK. I would pick the horse.
Dear Hotohori,
*Blushes bright red* Thank you... *Looks away and regains her composure* It looks like you have as many issues with your mother as I do with mine...
Dear Elysian,
*Sighs and looks pained* Hai, I guess I do.
Dear Tasuki,
O_o Did you just hug your sister?I knew it!You DO care about her.
Touya no miko
Dear Touya no miko,
SHADDUP!! I don't want her to know!! >.<
Dear Chichiri,
i got on the honor roll yesterday!!!!! *screams hugs chichiri for 15min., then slowly backs up* i'm sorry but hey that hug felt good see u at the party!!!
Dear Luna,
Congratulations, no da! I'm very proud of you!
Dear Tasuki,
Okay hey this is someone who has written before and all. I was wondering since you seem to be a good lucking guy. Can you give me any advice about getting over being in love for the first time? Cause i wanna hear from a few peeps their ways of moving on... cos i am kinda new at this you know. I am only 16 alomost 17 and need alittle help from a friend.... well i want you 2 be a friend can you? We can talk and all cool? So yeah okay please tell me what you might do or possible ways to help me move forward. thanks and hope to hear from you. Sorry for the last weird letter as well.
*Put hand out and smiles at him, waiting for him to shake it or hug me...something*
Sweet Steph
Dear Steph,
Well, I ain't never been in love, so I dunno. I'll be yer friend, though. Chichiri no Aijin says th' best thin' to do is to get on wit' yer life an' have fun. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tamahome,
Hey there Well thanks for some advice on my friend and i hope something good happens otherwise we as her friends will have to be there and watch her to make sure she is never harmed. Cos she is truely the greatest friend and person i know. So I was wondering since there's no chance with you and all if we could be good pals and all. Talk and all with one another? Whatcha think is that possible... hope so. Well that miaka girl tell her she is one lucky lady to have a sweet and caring guy like you around. Thanks again and talk to you soon to let you know how things are okay? bye*hugs him and smiles,puts my hand out for you to shake*
your friend always Sweet Steph
Dear Steph,
Of course we can be friends! *Shakes her hand.* Good luck with your friend!
Dear Tasuki,
why do people want to dwess you up like a girl?
Dear Lita,
I dunno. Because they're bakas?
Dear Tasuki,
Shun'u kun.. will you help me beat Kouji-baka senseless?* hugs back*
Dear Aidou,
Sure, after I hear what he has to say.
Dear Tasuki,
Konnichiwa, Tasuki-san!!!!!!!! ::does bandit dance:: Ano... what's with these people trying to turn you into a woman and throwing logs at you???? Don't they realize that you have an instrument that THROWS FIRE?!?! I would NOT want to get on your bad side, cuz you're soooooo awesome! My friend, Ryuen (not Nuriko, mind you) told me that I act like you. I have the tendency to swear like crazy, my hair is red (dyed, but I didn't do it to look like you, honest), and I LOOOOOOOVE fire! bwahahaha!! Tell Kouji I said "Yo" and keep your guard up around those scary fan-girls! ::gives him a quick hug::
your 21st century bandit kin - Kokkei
Dear Kokkei,
I dunno, mebbe I need to fry sa few of 'em jus' to teach th' rest not to mess wit' me. I'll tell Kouji ya' said hi!
Dear Tasuki,
*POUNCE!* I am feeling VERY 'evil genki' as I've decided to term it. I had the most enlightening talk yesterday...
... Which is why mine and Firefury's websites will be moving of Nate's server. I'll get the address(es) when we're up.
I suppose I must give Rachey credit. She did try to tell me, twice, that Nate was cheating on me with Tiamat. Anyways, suffice to say, Tiamat and Rachey had a rather large spat in #phc the other night, and yesterday, she decided to tell me about, since we both idle in my private chatroom.
I don't think Nate ever expected us to talk, for Ti to confess, or for me to mention to her Rachey's trying to tell me. But guess what! I did, she did, and we're just fine, sharing a common dislike of both Rachey and Nate!
I haven't actually been angry, just evil. I have truth, I have clousure. Revenge would be nice though. Nate deserves it. He broke a law of the universe! He can't have his cake and eat it too! Of course... Nate and Rachey deserve each other.
But I'm at least going to do this... Nate is most likely going to go to Texas Tech. Speed goes there. Speed has been my bestest guy bud on the net since like, 1997 or late 1996. Speed will still be their by the time Nate goes. Nate knows Speed too, and will probably want to meet him. I'm going to ask Speed to WHACK Nate over the head for me. Hard. And say that it was for Shannon and Tiamat! I bet I could get him to do it too! ;)
I'll of course have to notify them to a) Take my work down from The Protoman Homepage, b) Remove me from the channel operator list since I will truly NEVER return again, and c) Tell them to delete my account on the server because my webpage has already moved. .... Okay d) Maybe tell them what for. It'll depend on when the evil genki mood passes.
Now, if you'll excuse me, and have to gather up a few things to burn... maybe make myself a voodoo doll... It's just not right. He needs to pay for being an a--hole, and for stringing both Ti and I along. (It turns out he kept telling her he'd do something about it, etc.) I suppose it's a bit strange I'm not angry at her. But hey, she and I used to be really good friends back in 1997, then we drifted apart. =)
Dear One-chan,
I kinda' feel sorry fer th' bum 'cos he's really gonna be sorry he did this to ya'! But, on th' other hand, he is gettin' what he deserves! Go One-chan!!! *Hands her his tessen…*
Dear Mitsukake,
How long does it take for a bruise to heal? I jammed my finger two weeks ago and my knuckle got bruised. It's not purple anymore, but I still can't bend it.
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
You may not have bruised it, you may have sprained it and that takes longer to heal. However, you might want to consider having it x-rayed if it is still painful after another week as you may have broken it. Odaijini!
Dear Tasuki,
HEY!!Tasuki-san,I thought Yume-san was supposed to protect you not throw make-up on you?what's goin on?I'm not trying to ridicule anyone on here but haven't ya noticed that I'm like the only person that calls you tasuki-san instead of tasuki-kun?O_o;;; unless I could be mistaken...but all my friends calls you tasuki-kun 'cause they think it's kawaii and it get's on me nerves...'cause they know I like ya a lot...well my friend Gloria does she's the one who introduced me to FUshigi yugi ^__^.Anyways,I think yume-san bumped her head or something 'cause she's actin a bit different don't ya think?'cause 'cause I know that if you're supposed to be protecting someone you dun put make-up on them right?^_^.Okay I think I'm done with that..well since noone has asked this yet I think...I'm going to ask you because I am Mitsukake's and tama-neko's mamoru anyways,what do you really think of my onnisan mitsukake?And ummm howcome in the seiryuu box set,you hardly fry tamahome?;___; that is so kawaii when you do that.And and umm...I just love it when you say Lekka...Shinen ^____^ heehee....anyways I know tamahome's gonna get me for askin ya this...cause he is my older brother too...could you purty please fry him?XD...heehee...please?!WAI WAI WAI...*turns Sd and clings onto his leg's.*arigato!
P.s.when I was drunk that one time and got into the bandit's...the bandit's haven't tried anything have they?'cause I dunno if I ended up in one of their room's or not o_o;;; 'cause I was in a place I didn't really recognize because I believe I was told by one of them that I was in their rooms o_o;;;skeery...and ummm I gave that letter to my friend yui-chan and she laughed and she liked the name Drunken Destiny XD XD XD.What actually happened to me?
Dear Destiny,
Th' guys never touched ya'! I saw to th' that! An' Yume-san wasn't puttin' th' makeup on me, she was helpin' me take it off!
Dear Hotohori,
Okay well I read what Kenshin-san wrote about me giving up o_o;...I don't think I was giving up even though I think it sounded like I was.O.o;; Well to let you not worry much I am not giving up..I'm just getting stronger and stronger every day.^_^..and I vowed to myself that when and if I do have children I will not treat them with disrespect like the way my mother has treated me.And even though I have been treated badly growing up I still don't believe in hitting a child or anyone for that matter.It's just wrong!I don't know if I told you this or not but after my sophomore year of highschool I finally stood up to my dad and told him to stop hitting me 'cause if he didn't I'm pretty sure that there would be a good chance that I could have some brain damage if he kept hitting me like that.My grandmother's a nurse and she told me to tell him that so I did and he hasn't hit me since then.Even though when he get's mad I still fear that he's gonna smack me.I know it's childish but I still fear him so,when the computer messes up or anything like he automatically blames me for it 'cause I'm the only person/child here during the I just let him blame me for it even though I know I didn't do anything wrong.I just don't want to get hit and so far it has worked.I know I should stand up to him,but I don't really want too.And I don't talk back to him either..because like I said I am scared that he will turn around and smack me.But,so far it hasn't happened and he has gotten better a while back he's gotten anti-depressant pills which helped him a lot and he's a lot better off now since he is taking those pills.I guess the reason why I stayed with Draven until I finally dumped him was because even though he lived in a different country he still cared about me and I know he would never hit me and he was VERY protective of me too..When we were dating or whatever you call it...he wishes that he could be with me so if something like that does happen he would've stick up for me and take the hit for himself that I wouldn't get hurt.;___;...anyways I think that's one reason why I stayed with him up until now...but I'm not with him anymore *sighs*.Anyways I'm not gonna give up!I've never ever committed suicide and I don't plan on it either.^____^ *huggles hotohori-san and kenshin-san*.Well umm I think that's about it for now.
Dear Destiny,
I'm glad to hear that! Although, I'm sorry that you fear your father. I do understand why, but it is still sad.
Dear Nuriko,
*giggle* actually I said that I loved Hoto-sama'a hair, but I thought that being Chinese, you'd understand what I've said.
Dear Chi,
Honto ni? We showed it to someone who is Chinese and he also came up that translation! Was it Mandarin or Cantonese?
Dear Chichiri,
I think I've scared my friend Jessie M. I wanted to marry her OVS tape. She took it back and I made a scene over Hikou-chan. It's okay to marry a tape of sugoi anime bishounen, isn't it? Isn't it? ^_^;;; Ja!
Gin'yoku Kanashimi
Dear Gin'yoku Kanashimi,
You scare me, no da! No, it isn't right to marry a video tape, no da.
Dear Tamahome,
I am about ready to STRANGLE someone!!! I got a letter in the mail saying that I owe a late fee for my car tax! Well, I never received any kind of warning before that my money was due. Isn't that scummy?
Where do these people think they can get off pulling this cr*p? I keep all my cancelled checks, and I know darn well that I paid off that tax. So now why are they after me for more money? I got other things to worry about than this!!!
*starts punching the wall angrily* MAKES ME SO MAD!!!! *kicks wall twice, then stalks over to the couch and slumps over, head in hands, breathing hard* I just had to get that out of my system. I'll pay for the wall if there are any dents in it.
A furious, shaking LS
Dear LS,
Well, if you keep your checks, send them a copy via certified mail return receipt requested and then follow that up with a phone call to the office that sent you the notice. It's a lot of red tape but you MAY be able to get them to reverse the charge. Good luck! And don't worry about the wall ... I'll just blame it on Nuriko!
Dear Tasuki,
*wakes up then walks over to where hes sleeping* Uncle Shun'u will you play with me? *grabs his tessen and pokes him with it* Uncle Shun'u? *walks over to Tamahome with the real tessen* Wekka Shinnen!
Dear Lita,
*Tessen spurts a small flame and belches smoke…*
Dear Chichiri,
DA! chichiri you can't be a clown...clown's are skeery!!!especially the one from stephen king's IT....after I saw that movie I had to check my bathroom before I went into it o_o;;; clowns are skeery...I should take that avatar picture out of and show you it says"can't sleep,clowns will eat me" and it's true...o_o if you sleep and you're next to a get nightmares...uh-oh...x.x I might be dreaming of clowns now x.x skeery..heehee I'll have tasuki-san fry them up ^_^ yeah...fry yeah! ^_^...o_o *hears clown music in the background*uh-oh...*immitates tasuki and quickly makes a paper fan*Lekka...shinen!! *nothing comes out of the fan.*"uh-oh"....I'm in trouble...chichiri help me!!!ahhh...bad clowns...very bad clowns...
*turns to chichiri*I maybe turning 19 in two weeks but I am still afraid of you don't want me to be afraid of you do you?*turns SD and clings onto chichiri*heehee...dun I act like tasuki a bit?but hey you gotta love me?now i think you should be something different other than clowns chichiri-san...I think maybe you should be a umm...ummm..trapeze person...or a magician person...or something but not a I said and I'm sure everyone agrees with me clowns are skeery.o_o;;..*stops being all hyper now*.
Destiny,MNM,and T-N NM
Dear Destiny,
I've always seen clowns, as funny people who make you laugh, no da. I'm sorry they frighten you. Did you have a bad experience with one as a child, no da?
Dear Chichiri,
does you hat get lost forever in the seiryu shrine?
Dear Anonymous,
Yes, but I replaced it, no da.
Dear Chichiri,
*arches an eyebrow* Why dont you like to play video games?
loca chica
Dear loca chica,
They don't hold that kind of interest for me, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hello!,is it me, or have i already seen like 3 or 4 people who have tried to killed themselves?, i'm sorry if they think it's none of my bussines but i just can't stop watching them and asking myself why? hey, you know what?:
"It's easy to die, but living takes real courage" so, if you kill yourself, wouldn't you be demonstrating that you're weak? you have to fight man, i mean this life ain't easy and we all know it, this life is full of bull$**t, there are a lot of bad moments in life, but there are also good moments, the thing is, they are very few, and you have to enjoy them cause when the bad $**t comes, you'll fell that the only thing you have is bad moments, and believe me if i ever have to choose between life or death, y will certainly pick Life, cause even in death you suffer (you'll remember me when the time comes) "The only thing that can break the law of destiny is suicide"
(This letter is dedicated to all the people who think their life sucks, or they just want to kill themselves)
Dear Kenshin,
Arigato for your letter. We hope it helps someone. People do need to remember that there are always alternatives to suicide and that they are not alone. There is always someone willing to listen to them and help them.
Dear Nuriko,
*Walks in and sits down* Nuriko I'm so fed up of everything. I'm sure I suffer from depression or something, I always feel down. At sixteen I should be enjoying myself, but I'm always so miserable. I still don't like college. I've made loads of new friends and they are really nice so I don't know what my problem is. I got really upset today and sat in the refectory, my friends asked if anything was wrong I said no, because even if I said that there was I wouldn't be able to explain what it was. As I was walking to sociology I met my friend who always gets me to open up and tell her exactly whats wrong. She saw me and said that I needed a good girl talk. I skipped Sociology and went walking down the river with her, telling her that I didn't know what was wrong with me. She said she had told her mum that she was worried about me because I either looked like I wasn't sleeping or I wasn't eating properly. I told her that I had lost my appetite, but I couldn't get enough of chocolate, I want it all the time. I guess that might be comfort food. She knew I'd been feeling this way for a while, because at a club on New Year she stopped and asked me if I was alright.
She said I should go out with my friends more, but I go out to house parties, to the town and clubs and I still find myself being bored with life in general. Before I would always curl up on my bed and watch Fushigi Yugi and it would make me feel better, but it's got worse. She suggested that I might be feeling left out because my friends I have been with since I was in Secondary School have paired off and get on better with one particular person, which is good, I'm glad they are making new friends. The friends we've made are nothing but nice to me, they laugh at my madness, my english teacher's has even come to expect my outbursts of song in class and calls me sparkles as I told her I'm a Princess. The whole class wrote Little Princess in my Christmas card, so they are really nice.
My birthdays coming up soon but I'm not excited, I even told my dad that I wasn't even bothered about learning to drive as he got my application form today. Nothing interests me at the moment, I'm not a lets open up person, so I never confide in my parents, I always feel more comfortable talking to my friends because they can relate being my age. My friend told me that she loves me loads and everyone loves me for what I am, madness and all, they find that part of me funny and not to feel different.
I do have very different interests from people at school, even anime because not everyone knows what it is where I come from, but they tell me that I'm interesting, even the strange fact that my friend made me a top with "Dr Lecter's Lady" sewn on it. I'm glad I'm unique so I don't really see that as the centre of my problems. I also just can't be bothered with all my school work, even my teacher is asking whats wrong, she's noticed I'm not as sparkly as I was. My friend said I should really talk to someone older because she didn't know what to say to me. I know I can talk to you, and even if you don't know what to say either, I'm glad I got all of this off my chest, sorry for whining on. Arigato gozaimasu *Hugs her Onisan*
Jen xxxxxxx
Dear Jen,
You do sound depressed. Have you considered going to the school nurse or counselor? It might be helpful. You may discover that there is an organic reason for your depression and that you can take something for it. I don't have much other advice to give you, but do know I care about you, too! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tamahome,
Gomen Tamahome I forgot to write to you*smacks his forehead*I've been busy lately sorry for the late reply.Anyway I want Cloud Fairy to notice me but she is swooning over that stupid fiery haired pyro>_Water Sprite's older brother
P.S You do know who Cloud Fairy is?
Dear Water Sprite's older brother,
Yes I do. I don't know how to get her to notice you. Have a duel with Tasuki?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hey,I was just wondering... who is your least favorite Seiryuu seishie??
Dear Hazel,
We ALL vote for Nakago!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Nuriko,
Nuriko-san The doctor said I'm going to have twins!
Water Sprite
Dear Water Sprite,
Honto ni?? Omedeto gozaimasu!! Guess we'll need to buy 2 of everything!
Dear Hotohori,
Umihebiza no Miko: *Is still passed out on the floor*
ChibInu-chan no Miko: She'll be fine! ^_^ But to make sure she doesn't kill me later... *Rips off his shirt* Teehee! *Kneels down by her sister and starts shaking her* Nee-chan! Wake up! *Leaves a note next to her onee-san and proceeds to then run like hell, still holding Hotohori's shirt* Teeheehee!!!
Umihebiza no Miko: *Opens her eyes and looks up at the now shirtless Hotohori* I don't know if I'm dead or not, but I'm in my own personal heaven right now... *Picks up her sister's note*
"You kept ranting that you got a bad deal compared to Tamahome and Tasuki fans. Hope this helps"
I love my imouto now. *Stares at him with big sparkly eyes* Hori-chan...
ChibInu-chan no Miko: *A safe distance away* Hopefully her brain will melt enough that she'll forget I stole her calculator... again...
Two very insane sisters
Dear insane sisters,
*Smiles and sparkles* Are you ok?
Dear Chiriko,
hey i have 1 more question what's your favorite animal? *gives him a hug and starburst's*
Dear Samantha,
Dear Mitsukake,
hi i have a question how did you find Tama?
Dear Samantha,
Actually, he found me. He just showed up at my door one night and he has been with me ever since.
Dear Nuriko,
heehee okie Dim sum it is..*___* I love chinese food it's so yummeh..speaking of chinese food,my friend margaret and her family owns a chinese restaurant and I know her pretty well too and they always give me something.o_o;;; which is nice of them to do and it's jello and I don't really like jello but I take it to be nice to them.anyways *walks into a chinese restaurant,sits down at a table and looks at the menu*"nuriko what are you going to order?"
Destiny MNM,and T-NNM
Dear Destiny,
We won't be ordering from a menu. *Points out the dim sum carts being pushed through the restaurant.* We wait for a cart to come by and if we like what we see, we'll ask for it.
Dear Mitsukake,
*giggles a bit*Onnisan!You just made a funny!LOL *smiles*that was kawaii too.WAI WAI I get's to protect tama-neko too...I want to protect both of you guys 'cause I know what it's like to have a kitty..*protects mitsukake,and tama-neko from rabid fan-girls*"Okay girl's,back off or fear my lightforce blast" ^___^ heehee..oh yeah I have a there anyway to get a person's amnesia back?the day before yesterday,skye(my ex bf/fiancee's sister)told me on the phone that he had amnesia and doesn't remember anyone except his older brother who's dead but he doesn't know that he's dead.Is there any way to get his memory back?I don't know why i'm doing this but I am talking to him and he says that he remembers my IRL name and a bit about me and today(1-16-02)he said that if he heard my voice he might remember me more.o_o;;; he doesn't remember anyone else from what he tell's me and his sister.So is there any way we can get his memory back?
Destiny,MNM and T-N NM
Dear Destiny,
I don't know what modern medicine can do for him. There seems to be so much drama in his life, I too am inclined to think the same as Tasuki.
Dear Chiriko,
hey chiriko i got bad actually terrible news my dad came back from the doctor's office and he said that he has diabetes anyway i have a question how old is your mom?
Dear Samantha,
I'm sorry to hear that. If it is TypeII Diabetes he will have to take pills and watch his diet and exercise, but he should be ok as long as he maintains a healthy lifestyle. My mother is 60.
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