Dear Nuriko,
*looks at the clock*
You're right look at the time.. *hugs Ryu* Well my superhero, what did you have in mind? *gets picked up and carried off*
Dear Doc-sama,
Shhhh … this is a PG-13 site!
Dear Hotohori,
Watakushi wa Namiya Nozomi desu, hajimemashite.
Well, I was wondering if you've ever felt unloved or uneeded? *Looks away* I've always felt like that, and I tell you it's
not a good feeling at all.
I suffered amnesia awhile back and I've never regained my memory back since. I don't know who my family was or what my name was.
I've been on my own, struggling each day to try and remember what had happened to me. A lot of people think I've got an attitude and tend to be prissy. Its not that I want to be like that, I try to control my actions. Maybe, it's because I don't know if I can trust other people or something in that fact. It's an awful feeling to have. Not knowing about your past, who you met,your family, your friends, your whole entire life to be gone within a minute. *Sighs*
Dear Nozomi,
I have felt manipulated, lonely and perhaps a bit unloved. I knew I was needed for my mother's aspirations to the Imperial Throne. Is there nothing modern medicine can do to help you regain your memories? *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
Hey, by chance are ya' lookin for another bandit? I'd really be interested in becoming one of yer bandits. I love to do eveything you do an' all, I even have a annoyin' ane. -.-;;
Dear Yosuyuki,
Not really, besides th' only way to join is to out drink an' out brawl alla us!
Dear Hotohori,
*glomps Hotohori and falls asleep* Zzz...^-^ Bishonen...
Dear Keiko,
*Carries her to a couch and gently places her on it.*
Dear Chichiri,
Can I Be your littel Sister please please please please please please please PLLLEEAAAAASSSSSEEE! (Big tight hug) /\ /\
* - *
Saint Star
Dear Saint Star,
Certainly, no da.
Dear Hotohori,
Boushin wants me to read to him *gestures to smiling, giggling, adorable little boy at her side.* Know any good stories we can read? He's such a sweet child. I'm watching him for a bit while Houki is taking a nap. So please tiptoe by your room.
*sits down on couch with Boushin in her lap* Ah. Here's a good story we can read. *starts reading a book on Ancient Greek Mythology* He really likes the story of "Cupid and Psyche." I wonder why?
*looks around and sees a bunch of mirrors* Well, I'm glad you made use of the gift certificate I gave you. I really like the mirror with the silver-leaf frame by your throne. That's the best one. Maybe that's why it's by your throne.
*sees Boushin looking a little disapproving* Okay, Boushin-san, we'll continue. Please excuse us for a little while.
Lady Shera
Dear Lady Shera,
Arigato for the present and for taking such good care of Boushin.
Dear Hotohori,
Hiii..something has been bothering me for quite some time....How DO you keep all of that beautiful hair of yours in that tiny little bun thing at the top of your head? And how do you keep your hair to be so nice? I condition and wash my hair each day, and make sure split ends are cut off and what not, but it still looks too frizzy!*pouts* any suggestions?*hands him a mini-cake* ^-^ thanks for your time.
Dear AquaFlame00,
Perhaps it needs to be deep conditioned. You might want to try a leave in conditioner as well. My hair is rolled into a bun on the top of my head and the crown is fitted over it. Then a long pin is put through both the crown and my hair. Arigato for the oishii cake!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
i have a bad grade in math any advice guys chiriko help!!!
Dear Luna,
You need to study more. Also, you might consider getting one of your classmates that is doing well in math to help you study and tutor you. Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Chichiri,
hi no da my freind is having a party on the 19th and guess what? *Smiles sweatly* *with big hearts in her eyes* you and tasuki are the geusts of honor *bows* sorry to the other seishi........anywho it's gonna be great and the night before that my other friend is having a party but i'm behind in mathugh well talking to you brightens my day noda!!!!!! *hugs chichiri big time* yay i got a hug see ya later!!!!!!! oh and chichiri tell these words to tasuki...
Dear Luna,
Arigato for inviting us, no da, I'll let Tasuki know. Now go study, no da!
Dear Mitsukake,
Ooh, ooh! Updates! Okay, Science Fair is done. And I'm happy, for there is no more stress in Science. I did my board chinese-style. ^_^
And my friend that keeps prying into my business is going out with the one person I DESPISE. I have good reasons, too. She cheats on him and she makes passes at boys, even when they're in the same room! He was absent one day, but she wasn't worried. She was sitting in David's lap.
I got a new game, Harvest Moon GBC 3. I've been playing it a lot. Uh.. It has sheep. And when you talk to them, they wave their butts in the air.
And, to close my latter, I have a question. Out of the following animals, which would you be? (I kinda need this answer, so don't weasel out of it, please. ^^;)
Ash-chan, who hates steam.
Dear Ash-chan,
Perhaps your friend doesn't care about her behavior. I would have answered your question, but you didn't list the animals.
Dear Tasuki,
Hey tasuki*big grin* this weekend at my freinds b-day party you and chichiri will be stars!!!!!!!!!! he can give you the details oooo happy day *gives him a hug* you two finnly get the attention two hotties like u deserve *winks* then thinks to self "of course chichiri is the hottest" anywho i thought i would spread the joy!!!!
Dear Luna,
A party? COOL! Is there gonna be sake?
Dear Mitsukake,
How do you stand being around people who are so much unlike you? I'm kinda surrounded with the same situation. But I just deal with it. Anyway, please answer.
Dear Chrissie-chan,
Being with people who are different from you enriches your life and can open you up to new experiences. You shouldn't see it as a bad thing.
Dear Hotohori,
*hmms and nods* Well, I suppose I could do a little travelling. I've sort of stuck to the elven provinces my whole life. Possibly I could go bother the hobbits in Shire and check up on Mirkwood. (God knows I'm getting pretty sick of visiting my mother-in-law in Lothlorien....)
Well, thank you for your excellent advice. I'll let you know how it pans out!
E. Half-Elven
Dear E. Half-Elven,
You're very welcome!
Dear Chiriko,
hey chiriko how are you i'm soooo p***** off right but anyway thats not why i'm here i have 2 questions do you think of Mitsukake as like a father figure kind of? 2nd con you help me find a japenese translator? thank you!^_^!
Dear Tasuki,
hey tasuki *gives him a hug* i was browsing on yahoo and i typed in fushigi yugi hold on...*goes on yahoo she comes back* okay here it is go down (mylie kawaii Tasuki site)it has some really nice pictures of you try it! C-YA!
Dear Samantha,
Thanks! I'll see if I can find it.
Dear Tamahome,
*gives him 1 million gold ryou* hey Tamahome how's Miaka? *gives him a hug*
i like your little sister Yuiren she is sooo cute and she kinda look's like you! hey if miaka weren't around and Yui was the miko would you like her?
Dear Samantha,
Arigato for the okane and your kind words. It isn't the station of Miko that makes Miaka attractive, it is Miaka's personality that makes her attractive. So, no I wouldn't like Yui like that.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Dajia hao! Wo xin Chi. *bows* Jian dao ni, hen gao xing. *looks at Nuriko* Ni hao! Ni de nian ling you duo da?
*goes to Hotohori* Wuang Saihitei! Ni de fa xing hen piao liang *blushes* Wo jue de ni hen ke ai...qu wo ma? *blushes deeper and hides behind Mitsukake* er...Dui bu chi!
I must go. Zai-jian! *runs off quickly*
Dear Chi,
We're very happy to meet you, too. Arigato for your kind words. I'm 18. I'm not sure I translated this properly but what do you mean by looking at Hotohori and saying you "like his envelope"? Hmmm ... ?
Dear Tamahome,
Don't worry, Tamahome-san, I won't call you that. ^_^ Why do you think you have that symbol instead of another symbol?
Dear Yamazakura,
I appreciate that! Arigato! I don't know. I guess it was the symbol that Suzaku wanted me to have.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I'm really having some trouble at my work, and I was wondering if any of you could help me. It was about a little over a month ago and I helping this customer and she was being a real pain in the @$$, and I mean a real bad one. She's always been like this to everyone, but she caught me on
a bad day and I was rather rude to her. Yes, I know what I did was very wrong and as an employee, I should never have behaved like that. She said she'd never be back due to the terrible time I gave her. Yeah, I had felt bad that I let her get the best of me, but I got over it and all. Anyway, I thought everything was over, until a customer came in today and placed an order. So we made it all up and everything and she goes,
"Oh, is this *****?" and we replied,"Yes." She said"Sorry, I'm not suppose to be here, you know you were so rude to my friend." and walked out. -_-;; I never said anything to her, I only let my facial expresions show. But now I upset that I may lose my job or something, or one of her friends might pull this act again. Anyway, I was wondering if what she's doing is legal,or if there's anything I can do?
Thank you,to whomever answers this.
A troubled employee
Dear troubled,
If her friends continue to do this and you can get proof she is behind it, then she can probably be charged with harassment. Does your boss know what happened that day? If not, you might want to consider giving him your side of what happened and apologizing for it. If after that, she sends in another friend you can let your boss know that she is harassing you at work and disrupting his business just to be malicious. This customer sounds a bit mentally unstable if she is going to these lengths just to be nasty and spiteful! Good luck!
Dear Nuriko,
Thanks for the hair tips....So Tasuki likes strong independent people, eh? Hm...I could be strong and independent! *tries to lift up her little brother and falls over* ...I can be independent!! ^^;; *jumps up* Do ya think I'd have a good chance with him??
Dear Ami-chan,
Ano … I meant emotionally strong. *Sweatdrops* As a friend? Of course! But he isn't looking for a girlfriend, so don't get your hopes up.
Dear Tasuki,
hmmph. Men can be such big babies. Especially you. ,, I mean's just a little make-up. Honestly. If you're good I won't hafta put you in this dress...*holds up a pink frilly dress with matching bows* But ANYWAY. >=( I've never met such a weakling. See??? I did it to Tamahome too!!! *drags Tamahome in; he's wearing a blue dress similar to the pink one* SEE? NOW HOLD STILL!!! *jumps on his back, forcing him into the dress*
The I'm-Gonna-Turn-You-Into-A-Woman Stalker
Dear Nutcake,
*Shreds dress off of him and then burns it. Storms off in a huff yelling obscenities… *
Dear Tamahome,
Hiiiiii Tamahoooooome *sounds too sweet; looks too sweet...has something on her mind* Couldja hold REEEEAAAALLY still? Please? *forces him into a blue frilly dress with a matching bow* HA! ~^^~ You look good in blue Tama-hime!!
The I'm-Gonna-Turn-You-Into-A-Woman Stalker
Dear Fruitloop,
*Rips dress off.* You have the wrong Seishi! Go talk to Nuriko!
Dear Nuriko,
You're welcomes, I'm glad you like them. Some people say I'm a cry-baby but I'm glad you don't! ^_^ *hugs* baibai
Dear Ami-chan,
*Hugs her back.* But you should keep in mind that if you're going to cry over a boy, he should be worthy of your tears.
Dear Tamahome,
I never thought about talking to someone about it...I guess I thought I had better keep it a secret or something...Thank you so much! I feel alot better now. *hugs him* Bye Tamahome!
Dear Ami-chan,
You're welcome! *Hugs her back.*
Dear Tasuki,
*sniffle*'ll be my friend? Really?
Dear Ami-chan,
Hai! I only said I wasn't gonna be no one's plushie. I never said nothin' 'bout friends.
Dear Chichiri,
Well, I asked him ta be my plushie, but he kinda sorta yelled at me. ^^;;
Dear Ami-chan,
Oh, don't worry, he yells at everyone. It's just his way, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
It has been one crazy weekend. On the upside, I got to see the movie "Kate and Leopold." It's a cute little romantic flick *sees Tasuki starting to make gagging noises* Okay, Tasuki, I won't go into detail. But it was a sweet, touching movie with a lot of funny parts. Meg Ryan and Hugh Jackman pulled it of wonderfully. Nuriko, would you like to go see it sometime? Leopold is one juicy bishounen. (No, you can't take him home with you.)
I also have a story posted that I'm thinking of giving over to the FY Fanfiction review site as well. Please feel free to look at and tell me what you think.
Here's the link:
I also went to get candy out for Valentine's day, except I'm not sure what everyone wants. Correct me if I'm wrong, but one of you wants chocolate-covered cherries, and someone else likes coconut chocolate (not Tamahome; I hear he HATES coconut), and yet a third person wants a chocolate orange. Well, who wants what? Tasuki, I know you want liquer chocolates, but I don't think you're gonna get a buzz from them. Not like with sake.
Well, take care you guys (and guy that likes to dress up as a gal). I'm going on vacation next week (YAY!!!). Want me to bring back some presents?
Lady Shera
Dear Lady Shera,
Omiyage? Sure! Don't worry about the chocolates, I'm sure one large box for us all to share will be fine. Arigato for thinking of us! I really like the story! I think you should submit it. Have a great time on your vacation!
Dear Nuriko,
*both sisters pick up Nuriko and throw him on the sofa* *Dooms Day sits down beside Nuriko. She takes out a pen and some paper and begains to write what her sister says*
Deserae: *ahem* .... Nuriko,are you indeed a guy? Yes? *walks around the sofa* *holds Nuriko neck softly and talks sweetly* Oh Nuriy Nuriy.....Why? Why? *in a dark vocie* Why did you kiss Tamahome on the lips? Don't try to get away. My big sister is stronger than you,you know. You can not say you didn't because we have the tape. Do we have to show it? *talks sweetly again* Just answer the question please.... you really hurt me... * flicks hair back*
Deserae and Dooms Day
Dear Deserae and Dooms Day,
Because I wanted to! Besides it really riled up Miaka!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
...WOW, how many letters of Ami-chan's did you ANSWER? Doesn't anyone else write to you? Well, anyway, I do have a serious question (at least as serious as mine get). I'm going to Japan next summer! (Yay, yay, go Mari!) I'm going to be there for two weeks. Is there anything (besides learning more of the language) I need to remember for the trip? Any good traveling tips or bits of advice you can pass on? I'll be sure to send postcards...I think...
Can I take my plushie with me? *grins and huggles Chiriko*
Mari Komadori
Dear Mari Komadori,
I think we answered almost all of them. If you will be traveling through Japan it is a good idea to get a JR Rail pass while you are still in the States. Here is the website for information on them: If you are in Tokyo, there are a LOT of anime shops to visit! There is the 4-story anime "mall" in Nananko just in front of the Nananko station, there is Yellow Submarine in Shinjiku, as well as various bookstores, like Book Off to get manga from. If we knew where you were going to be we could give you better tips.
Dear Chiriko,
This is a really important question and since your the smartest person here ill ask you how come when i type in my password for your chat it comes out *******?
a confused person
Dear confused,
So your password remains a secret and no one can see what you are typing.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I was just reading this letter about a girl called Depressed Destiny, maybe she thinks it's none of my bussines but that letter made me so angry and Sad at the same time:
First it made me mad because it wasn't her fault growing in an enviorment of such irresponsible parents (Look don't take as an insult what i said about your parents, because i know that deeply inside of you, you love them, just because of the fact that theuy created you) and also i felt sad because i got the impression that she was giving up,(maybe she wasn't) i just wanted to tell her that there is always a light at the end of the tunnel and don't lose your hopes,a good friend once said "Hope, Kenshin, hope is what keeps us alive!"
I agree with Tamahome in that bussines about talking with your parents I just wanted to know if the Suzaku Seishi agrees with me.
Also i wanted to tell that since i came here i've found very special people (and i'm not kidding) they are the kind of people you don't find to easly and they have given me a great sense of trust, i mean al the Seishi and the people that visit this site.
To Finish i would like to leave you with a thought that i hope you apply to life (you may think it's stupid at first view, but one of these days when you read it again you will understand deeply the meaning of it:
"Forgiving and seeing the value of life, are a man's greatest strength" Hiko Seijuro
P.D: You can consider me (it's optional) as a new friend
Here is my
Dear Kenshin,
Arigato for your kind and wise words. We're glad that you are enjoying our humble cyber-abode. We agree with you about not giving up and we hope that Destiny does, too.
Dear Tasuki,
I only have one little girl.. * sniffles all teary eyed* And and I'm gonna kill Kouji when I get to him * sobs* I've been worried about him.. and and and then.. he .. he * breaks down in tears.. extremly upset.* My Little Lita has a Dirty no good *(^&*&^^%&^$**(^*&$%^$U&^&*)(*^*&^$^%# !! Please smack him for me.. little brother!
Kou Aidou
Dear Kou Aidou,
I will, but I think this happened before he met ya'. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tamahome,
The class is at the college. I am not sure if they tried talking to him about it being a misunderstanding but I'll bet that they did. Hes one of those people that will refuse to change thier mind after comming up with something. *sighs* Thanx for at least hearing me out. If anything happens I'll let you know.
Ascot Metali
Dear Ascot Metali,
Well, if it is a college course you are taking and paying for you can try talking to the dean of the college or whoever is this guy's boss and see if you can all get readmitted.
Dear Tamahome,
I was wondering a few things and since you look like a handsome,caring and very respectful guy. 1.) Is say you have a friend who is in a relationship with someone who is suppose to be the mature adult but emtionally,physically,and mental abuses her, he is so controling and has to know everything she does and when she does something he disapproves of he yells and hurts her. And me as a friend doesnt know what to do...she knows its wrong and all but you "loves" this guy and I wanna be a good friend and all and not have her always being upset and mad cause i only truely care. 2.) Do you see spending the REST of your life with that Miaka girl....cos I really think your my soulmate and wanna spend one romantic day and night with you. 3) Your the coolest over Tauski... cos he is alittle weird dont you think? well i hope you help me and will say yes to the last question.... will you go out with me? PLEASE....PLEASE....PLEASE WITH SUGAR ON TOP! well bye for n ow hope 2 hear from you bye bye cuttie pie*blows him a kiss and gives him a big hug and doesnt let go*
love always and forever,
Sweet Steph
Dear Steph,
Your friend needs help. Perhaps you can get her to a domestic violence group in your area. I believe that we have already posted some sites recently on this same issue. You may want to check the archives and this peeji for them. I do see me spending the rest of my life with Miaka and would never cheat on her.
Dear Tasuki,
*Looks up at him* Aidou not my mommy...My mommy didn't tell daddy 'bout me. She told me 'bout him and gave me a pic of him...she die a week ago...told me to go to daddy or his friends when she died *Sits on the floor and cries, then grabs his fan* New toy? *sniffles*
Dear Trista,
*Pulls tessen away from her.* No, it ain't no toy. So, Kouji had another woman besides my sister? That *(^%$ she is SO gonna KILL him!
Dear Nuriko,
In episode 25, what do you mean by "Miaka akachan aka mamushii"? I know it means something like "baby red viper", but... what is that suppose to mean?
(Something completley irrelevant to my first question)In episode... 5, i think, what are those little pink things that you're eating? My friend thought they were grapes, is she right? Domo arigatou for your time reading this!
Dear Kikane,
I was just being silly! I really don't remember what I was eating. It might have been pink mochi.
Dear Mitsukake,
i like your cat (hugs him)
Dear Samantha,
Arigato. *Hugs her back*
Dear Nuriko,
nuriko hi, i have a problem ok i have these friends and the one girl said that my friend smells now do i tell her or do i keep quiet? 2nd my friend has to act sooo annoyingly perfect now do i tell her or what do i do? thanks 4 listening! ^_^!
Dear samantha,
Depends on whether you wish to keep these friends or not. If friend #1 really does have an odor problem, perhaps you can get her some nice cologne for a birthday present. It is very hard to tell someone they have horrible B.O. and not hurt their feelings. As for friend #2, hopefully it is a phase that she will grow out of. But, I wouldn't tell her she is annoying. Good luck.
Dear Tasuki,
HEYA!! Would you like to fight Lina Inverse AND dark Schneider at the same time?I believe in you gen-chan!!I know you can do it I know you can win...You'd better I got money on this!
Lovely Hyosumi daughter of Nakago
Dear Hyosumi,
Dark Schneider yes, Lina, no! She's a girl an' I don't fight girls! But I'd love to see th' two of 'em fightin' each other!! Heh-heh-heh… Think that much ego can fit on jus' one planet?? *Grins*
Dear Tamahome,
Hi I heard a club for money grubbing,annoying,explosive tempered,brats like you just opened up... I sujest you join.^-^ (gettin' the vibes that I don't like you very much huh?)
Dark Hyosumi
Dear Dark Hyosumi,
*Glares at her…. *
Dear Tasuki,
Hello Gen-chan, hey I heard Kusanagi, Dark Schneider, Ryoga, and Zenki were opening up a club for bad tempered fang boyz.And its run by cat girls. Sooooo... you wanna' join?
Dear Hyosumi,
I dunno 'bout catgirls, but th' club sounds interestin'! Sure!
Dear Tasuki,
YAY! TASUKI! *glomps him* by the way about how many times a day do u fry Tamahome anyways?
Dear Dark,
I dunno, whenever I feel like it or he jus' annoys me. I don't keep count.
Dear Tasuki,
(Thanks^_^) Tasuki-san!!!!!!! wait up!*Runs after him* I've got some make-up remover. *Blinks several times* Blue eyeshadow, that sure looks different. ^^;;
*~Yume-Chan, Tasuki no Mamoru~*
Dear Yume-Chan,
>.<;;; Thanks. *Takes makeup remover from her and cleans his face off.*
Dear Mitsukake,
Why are your songs so depressing sounding?
Dear Tana,
I don't know, I didn't write them.
Dear Nuriko,
I just saw episode 33 were you died. I was soooo sad. *sniffle* :(
I am sssoooo worried about exams. I just know I'm gonna fail my biology exam. Then I'm gonna be in trouble.X.x I suppose I should get studying then, huh?
Do you wanna see my site? Its called Wufei's Strong Treehouse of Justice:
Well I gotta go study! Ja ne!
Dear Shinimegami,
Interesting site, but your pictures aren't loading. We'll check it again. Ganbatte kudasai on your exam!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*looks around to see if Chiriko is around, and grins when she realizes he's not* If you ask somebody something, and they just sweatdrop, do you think that means yes or no? ^___^ No reason. Does anyone want some Code Red?
Mari Komadori
Dear Mari Komadori,
It basically means they're embarrassed. What's Code Red?
Dear Nuriko,
*grins then turns him over to work on the other ear*
If you're good, I might let you make me a sundae on my birthday ;)
*finishes up, then puts the Mimikaki back into it's cleaning solution*
There, now you have no excuse not to hear me. *kisses his ear* Aishiteru aishou.
Dear Doc-sama,
*Smiles and kisses her.* Isn't it past our bedtime?
Dear Tamahome,
Hi, how can I get my boyfriend to be more like you?
Dear Boogie,
I don't know. But shouldn't you love him for who is?
Dear Tasuki,
*goes into his room and starts to fall asleep on his bed* ....night night Uncle Shun'u Wo ai Ni * snuggles her Tasuki plushie and fall asleep*
Dear Lita,
Awww… not on my bed … 'Che! Oh well… *Sleeps on the couch.*
Dear Chichiri,
The warm bath and the milk don't work for me. I'll ask my mom to get some camomelle(sp) tea and see if that works.
We sang the premire for our church today, (Sunday). My dad and mom showed up. It was nice seeing them there. It was also nice to know that they didn't fight. I got most of my lines!
Well gotta go. I'm going to do my math so I won't have to do it tomorrow. Talk to ya later. Thanks for the advice.
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
You're welcome! I'm glad your premiere went well, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Thank you guys! Oh yea, guess what? I just saw Lord of the Rings last night! I *loved* it! Legolas is hot, Pippin is hilarious, and Frodo's cute! I did not like the ending though...I don't see *how* they could end it like that! ;.; And I have to wait til this Christmas before I can see the the next part...and then the Christmas after that to see the end! It's not fair! *calms down* I just needed to rant about that for a little bit. ^^; By the way, I'm hoping to get the first 3 paintings down by this weekend, I'll scan em and send em to ya, k?
Dear Kashke_TEA,
OK, we look forward to seeing them! Perhaps between movies you can read the Lord of the Rings trilogy.
Dear Hotohori,
*Smiles* How did you grow up to become such a wonderful person, Seishuku? *Almost bitterly* Especially when you're convinced that I am such a terrible person...? And maybe I am...
Dear Moutaikou,
I suppose I learned by example. I just did the opposite of what I saw going on at the Palace.
Dear Nuriko,
::skips in waving a sheet of notebook paper:: YAY! I GOT AN A ON MY MIDTERM! ^.^
Sailor Singularity
Dear Sailor Singularity,
Omedeto on your great grade! *Smiles*
Dear Hotohori,
I need a hug badly ;_;
Dear Sara,
*Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
*sniff* A really close friend of mine died and his wakse today. His funeral's tommorow... and I'm never gonna see him again! *cries into Tasuki's shoulder*
Dear Bon,
My deepest condolences on th' loss of yer friend. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Hotohori,
I'm just so confused all the time... I started thinking of my parents and I realized a few things. If my mother is my father's niece, then I'm my own cousin and my mother's cousin. And that's just the beginning. I'm only one of the ends of a long, confusing family tree, but I'd prefer not to even go into that...
Also, along with winter, my mother comes back to the Underworld. I become even more non-existant than I already am. The times I actually am spoken to, I get scolded for pitying myself and being selfish. Is it selfish to want someone to care about you? I suppose I do spend too much time feeling sorry for myself.
And... mixed in with all that... I'm truly happy to see you again. You're the only person I can call a friend...
Dear Elysian,
Well the gods of Olympus certainly do have a rather convoluted lineage. You are welcome to stay here as long as you like. We care about you.
Dear Tasuki,
^^; You poor seishi, you. All of these letters...Well, I went to see LOTR not once, but twice. I enjoyed every second of both the times I went. ^.^ Have you seen it yet? It's an awsome movie. It really is. Oh, yeah, and I went to the Doc's and found out that I'm allergic to cats and dogs.
--; Doesnt that SUCK? I own 6 cats and 4 dogs. What the h*ll? What now? I'm not gonna kick my babies outta the house...I guess I just have to keep taking medicine for it or something. That doesnt make sense though! ;.; I've been around cats and dogs my whole freaking life and I'm allergic to them? Did I miss something here? *sighs and shakes her head* Well, thanks again for listening to me. Peace.
Dear Kuro,
Sorry 'bout yer allergy. Glad ya' liked Lord of th' Rings! We did, too!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hey guys! What's up? ::hugs ya'll:: I brought candy...not that that's my main focus at the moment, but still. ::gives seishi bags of candy and such:: Actually, I'm worried about one of my best friends right now...She's 17, and she's engaged to this guy, but I don't know if it's really a good idea that she marry him, cuz she's so young, ya know? And I don't know if I'm just being paranoid or what it is. I mean, the guy she's engaged to is really nice and stuff, most of the time. But, he can also be really jealous and possessive of her sometimes. I just wonder if it might be that she would find somebody else later in life that it would be better for her to be with...Do you know what I mean, or am I just making no sense? And, she's pregnant, so, I wonder also if maybe she just wants to marry him so that her baby's dad will be around. I don't know what to say to her about how I feel without hurting her feelings or anything. And, the guy she's engaged to comes from a family where his dad was hardly ever around, and when he was, his dad was sort of abusive to his mom and his family in general. It just kinda worries me that maybe my friend's fiance would sorta repeat that pattern or something (I'm taking psychology, that could be why I'm nervous about that). My friend is the type who refuses to believe that her boyfriend could ever do anything wrong, so, I don't know how to tell her that I'm afraid that he might get possessive or abusive at some point in the future. What shoudl I say to her? And are there any warning signs, as far as ways that her finace might start acting, that I should look out for and try to help warn her of? Did this make any sense at ALL? Gomen nasai for being so...incoherent. ::sigh:: Had to ask it sometime though, cuz I really do worry 'bout my friend. Well, tlak to you guys later then! Tata! ::hugs you all again, and walks out again::
Dear Nuriko,
::wanders in, grumbling incoherently::
Oh, Nuriko-sama, I hurt. I didn't notice till last night that it hurts if you cry for too long. I miss my dad, I wish he still lived with my mom and my brothers and me. I'm awfully lonely, and I don't know what to do...I want to tell this one guy, Matt, that I can't talk to him anymore, because I'm afraid that I might start to like him, and that's the last thing that I want to do, considering he probably doesn't like me back.
Urgh. ::sigh:: This is totally pointless. Sorry, Nuri-chan, I whine at you too much, don't I? Ah well. It's all I can think to do right now. Sorry 'bout this randomness...Bye now
Dear Christi,
I don't think that you should push Matt away. Good friends are hard to come by. I'm sorry about your father. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Chichiri,
:: twitch twitch :: Why are you so annoying...?
Sore wa...himitsu desu
Dear Ijiwaru,
DA?? Why are you so rude, no da?
Dear Hotohori,
*Raises an eyebrow* Really? I'm sorry to hear that...I hope the majority of the holiday was enjoyable for you.
*Sits down next to him* My holiday? I've really enjoyed every minute of free time I got...I seriously need a break from reality because my schedule has virtually no gaps in it! I'm sure you know the feeling... I'm asking my friends to keep me sane by distraction from what I'm doing. *laughs* Watch out or I may ask you to sing again for me. ^_~ Any other suggestions for keeping endurance through a critical time in my music 'career' as well as school?
Dear Hoshi,
Take some time out to pamper yourself. A massage, a manicure, or a pedicure would all be a good start. Of course I'd be honored to sing for you.
Dear Chichiri,
HI!!!!!*gives big hug* How the heck do you make your hair so gravity-defying? Thank you!! *gives big hug again*
Dear Korat,
It just grows that way, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
If you guys were in a circus what would you be?
Touya no miko
Dear Touya no miko,
Tasuki - fire eater
Chichiri - clown
Hotohori - ringleader
Tamahome - box office manager
Nuriko - strongman
Nitsukake - lion tamer
Chiriko - publicist
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Can you please tell me the names of your seiyuu (voice actors)?
I've trying to search for them but came up with nothing. I only know chichiri's -- Seki Tomokazu. Thanx heaps!!! ~^.^~
Dear Nuriko,
You're right I should buy these another time.Can you believe it Nuriko I'm going to be a mother.Nuriko you've been a great brother in law so me and Rokou decided to name the baby after you.
Water Sprite
Dear Water Sprite,
Arigato! But if it's a girl, could you name it after our sister?
Dear Hotohori,
*Blushes, then starts losing touch with reality* He winked at me...
ChibInu-chan no Miko: *Sweatdrops* Nee-chan, he's hugged you before, how is this any better?
Umihebiza no Miko: Teehee... *Swoons anyway, making up for a lot of fainting that should have been done long ago*
ChibInu-chan no Miko: *Massive sweatdrop* You pushed her over the edge...
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
Gomen nasai!
Dear Chichiri,
Hi, I wonder, why does it seem like you're the coolest character on FY?
Dear Lain,
I don't know, but arigato for the compliment, no da.
Dear Chichiri,
Da! Da! Da! Hi Chichiri!!! Boy, it's been a llloooonnnggg time, huh? I hope you like the fanart I sent, (In truth I just wanted to see what it would be like for Hou Jun and Hikou to be SD'd).. hehe. I think it turned out well no da!! Anyway, ... I drew you as Santa too! But, I'll have to find a scanner to get it in. BTW, have you ever seen BeanClam's fanart. She's very good and draws shirtless Chichiri... Da..... *blushes immensely) Um...Got to go no da!!!
Dear Bosher,
I did, no da! It was really cute! I've never seen BeanClam's artwork. Does she have a website, no da?
Dear Chichiri,
If you were to be able to bring ONE person back to life, would you choose Kouran or Haikou? Keep in mind that Kouran dumped you, so you wouldnt be lovers if you chose her. Also, what is your favorite videogame? ^^;;;
loca chica
Dear loca chica,
That's a very difficult question, no da. I think I would choose Hikou since I feel personally responsible for his death, no da. I like to watch as others play the Final Fantasy games, no da. I prefer not to play games.
Dear Chiriko,
If you really do know everything....ansewr this...
On the PS2 game The Bouncer, there is a cyborg character called PD-4. Is PD-4 modeled after a male or a female?
Dear Unconvinced,
I never said I was omniscient! As I have never played that game, I wouldn't know.
Dear Nuriko,
Here's a classic question: Why?
The Philsopher's Apprentice
Dear Philsopher's Apprentice,
Why not?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi! I havn't written to you guys in..a couple of years. :) But due to what I think is a very, VERY strange situation that I write to you guys. :D
To put it bluntly: I don't know what my name is. Seriously. Checking out my birth certificae out of curiosity, I found that there's a DIFFERENT name than the one i've been using all my life on it. As well for my last name, as after thinking about it, my grandmother remarried twice AFTER my dad's birth.
Strange, isn't it? I have no idea wht my first or last name is! Is my first name the one I've been useing since birth, or what's on my birth certificate? Is my last what my dad was born with, or one of the other two he used in his life? (As it is now, he's using the one that he was born with).
..Or should I just legally change my name to something entirely different and settle it like that? ^_-
The Confused Cally_Kari_Shokka
Dear Cally_Kari_Shokka,
Legally, unless you change it, your name is what is on your birth certificate. You can always petition the court to allow you to change it to what you are now using if you wish. It's around $150-200 to do so.
Dear Chiriko,
You are so, so very cute... having stated this, I'd like to ask one thing.
Why are there NO pictures of you from the OAV?? If I'm not mistaken...despite your sad fate in the TV series, you ARE still in the how come there are no screen shots of you? How come there are screen shots of Tamahome's toupie and Taiitsukun, but none of you?? =;_;=
SeSe (Mutsuki the Child-molesting Shouta-Lover)
Dear SeSe,
I don't know. I guess it just wasn't in my contract. Arigato for your nice compliment!
Dear Nuriko,
Hi ^_^ Well climbing a lighthouse is a lot of fun (and a little scary but maybe that's just me being afraid of heights ^^;). It's really neat once you reach the top because there's a area and a rail up near the light where you can walk and take pictures or look around. It's a really good view as well. The only thing is that I may not climb them anymore because in the Hattaras Lighthouse some of the stairs collasped. Nobody was in there but still I find it disturbing -.-; Well Talk to you later!
Dear Suta,
Have fun and please be careful!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Maybe. *shrugs* She needs to get on in life, lord she's almost 20.
Dear Mushi,
Perhaps, but don't you think you're being a bit hard on her?
Dear Tamahome,
I feel so sorry for you! After all you have to feed Miaka. POOR YOU!!!! I feel so sorry for you I am going to give you 2000 gold ryou. Your Welcome by the way.
the baca
Dear baca,
Arigato! *Eyes glitter as he looks at all the okane...*
Dear Tasuki,
I started this club thingy called "Hit Nakago with a Brick". Do you wanna join?
Dear Shinimegami,
SURE!! Sign me up an' I want th' largest brick ya' got!!
Dear Mitsukake,
I'm okay really I am onnisan.I'm taking time-out from RL boys and internet boys.I'm not gonna be taking a time out on anime boys cause you can't and they're so gosh darn cute *___*...anyways...since I am your mamorou can I be tama-neko's mamorou too?I mean it's only fair? oh yeah...I dunno if I wrote you this or not,but can tama-neko type on the computer?cause I have this sn kawaii_little_tama_neko or something like that and they always pm me and go niyao o_o;; and they also I was wondering if tama-neko has the ability to write something?or am I being delusional?
Dear Destiny,
Of course you can protect Tama-neko if you wish. No, he doesn't use the computer but he does like to chase the mouse.
Dear Tasuki,
SURE!!I'll be your imouto.^___^ never had a brother before except tamahome and mitsukake..O_O uh-oh I just thought of something....if you're going to be my(word for big brother?)brother you'll be related to tamahome..which means lots more fights(which is kawaii),and lots more frying tamahome o_o;;; I bet you'll love that?Anyways,I think I'm getting annoying now -_-...oh well.being annoying is fun isn't it?Well I'd guess I'd better go now.TTFN ta ta for now.
Dear Destiny,
Oniisan is th' word fer older brother. Take care!
Dear Nuriko,
*looks at Nuri-san*RL boys? pft...rl boys are ummm dull?<.<;;; I didn't want that guy to hit on me all I wanted was a pen pal ;_; and I got hit on x.x I like anime bishounen better...they don't hurt you.o.o;; anyways,ummm RL boys consider me as their friend..nothing more I dunno why though..I guess I act like them,cause when I was growing up I was always around boys..cause that was all that was in my neighborhood except for a few girls.But I don't think I want RL boys...and I'm not going to do internet boys right now either.^__^ I'm gonna take it slow...and just watch anime bishounen like tasuki..and you and everyone else ^___^...cause you guys don't hurt people.^^; so umm I guess I am putting boys aside for a while?I guess that's what you call it....anyways,that 28 year old is REALLY up there so I don't think I'll even go that far.Anyways,thanks for lookin out for me...
Sure where would you like to go to lunch?
Dear Destiny,
No problem! That's what friends do for each other! Well, we are in Chinatown … so, how about dim sum?
Dear Nuriko,
..^_^; You should see a good day for me irl...I'm insane...and I am a dumb@$$. I'm clueless and stuff...It's quite amusing.
Dear Keiko,
I'm sure you're better than that. *Smiles*
Dear Tamahome,
They didnt make a new class. They were out-casted because the instructor THOUGHT that they were going to take his class away and they weren't in reality (He'll refuse to believe that though). My friends are trying to find a place that they can fence besides in competitions. That is much easier said then done. I'm trying to help them but its very hard. over half of them live out in the country and its a long drive for them. I'm at a loss for what to do.
Ascot Metali
Dear Ascot Metali,
Is this a private class or one that is provided through your school? I'd say if it was through your school you might be able to get the prioncipal involved and force him to take you all back in. If these were private lessons, then I too am at a loss as to what to do. Perhaps your friends could explain that it was all a misunderstanding?
Dear Tasuki,
HI! *A little girl runs around him in circles and grins, jumping in his arms* Daddy Kouji told me to leave him a lone and bug you *giggles and hugs him tihgt, her long dark blue hair falling in her face* Hehehe
Dear Trista,
Eh??? Since when do he an' Aidou have 2 kids? *Looks confused...*
Dear Tasuki,
*Smiles and hugs him tighter* Thanks for the optmisome. I'll try doing that but I know it won't work, none of my years are good so I developed a saying, 'If you don't have big expatations then when it dosen't happen you won't get hurt.' Try using that and I'm pretty sure live will be better for you, anyway, thanks. Oh can you do me a favor and frie Tamahome for me please? Love you!^~ *Hugs him tighter* Thanks Tasuki Wasuki your still my little seishi!
Dear Lucy,
Tasuki-Wasuki???? >.< Well, I'll fry him because I think it's funny! *Fries Tamahome* Sorry Obake-chan! I meant to do that! Heh-heh-heh ...
Dear Tamahome,
*walks in*Okay well I just want to apologize first hand for this letter being so long.but I really can't hold in my feelings any longer and it needs to be let out.Onnisan I don't think counseling would do any good 'cause I just don't think it would work.Anyways I'm going to tell you what has happened to me during the years I've been growing up.
When I was little my mom and dad would always fight,and stuff,and well I usually got treated pretty badly.I mean either my mom wouldn't take care of me and my dad would,or my dad would hit me for doing something I guess I shouldn't be doing,but it's not just a normal hit and go to your room type thing,it was more kind of like a lightforce blast that pushes you half way across the room -_- and I have actually been thrown across the room once but luckily I landed on my bed.x.x anywho,before my dad met my stepmom it was just me and him and couple of his friend's..but I don't remember anything bad happening to me than because I was too little to remember.Anyways,all i remember is that I kept getting threatened to go live with my mom,whenever he got mad at me and like I was saying it wasn't just a hit it was like 2 or 3 hit's than he would threaten me that I would go live with my mom.Anyways,that's how badly I got treated when I was growing up.and on top of that my mom wouldn't do anything for my birthday's,or take me clothes shopping or anything for school,in fact she wouldn't pay attention to me when I was with her and she wouldn't spend any time with me.Oh yeah when I was also growing up,I wanted to take piano lessons but never got too,because I always got told"You'll never go through with it"but yet when my little sister wants to take violin lessons because her school is offering them she get's too and my dad goes off and buy's her a violin.And when i commented about the piano lessons he said that my school never offered them and it's true they never did but I found a class that offered piano lessons but you had to pay for them.But I never got to take them.Anyways,you'll probably get pissed off about this but I've always gotten told I was stupid,retarded etc. whenever I asked a question or I would get yelled at if I did.I mean my dad and I get a long good together now but he still calls me stupid and stuff every now and than.And I do kinda feel like he favours my sister more because if she got hit it wasn't 2 or 3 times and it was just a little shove,and she hardly EVER get's yelled at.I DO,and I just feel like they (my dad and stepmom)favour her more because they never call her stupid they give her compliments,I never get any compliments.He's always complimenting the whole choir or whatever but he never complimented me,except for when I graduated.Oh yeah I also got teased a lot by my friends too when I was growing up and still do get teased x.x there are a few good friend's that I talk too who doesn't tease me.We get a long really good and stuff.But I don't know what to do anymore. x.x what should I do?I'm at the end of my I am not going to kill myself but,I just have all these feelings clustered up inside I just needed to pour it out to someone.Once again I'd like to apologize for the long letter.
a depressed Destiny
Dear Destiny,
Your dad shouldn't hit you or call you names. It's just not right! Anyway, I think therapy would help you, but if you choose not to seek any then the only other thing I can recommend is having a serious talk with your parents and tell them how their treatment of you has made you feel. Good luck! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tamahome,
Hey i can't pay you, you Know i'm poor, and live with Sano, Kaworu (i hope she doesn't get mad if i didn't write her name very well ^__^) and jahiko, well, well, the point is (Excuse mi ignorance) but what the hell is TERUMIN, i Saw it on Boogiepop phantom at the final chapter (Requiem) were Toka went in to some kind of music store (i think, 'coz i saw a lot of guitars in it) and came out with a packaje saying it was Terumin... I just wantet to know what the heck is Terumin.
PD: (everyone is asking me what it is too and i am getting kind of DESPERATE)
Dear Chiriko,
Hi! Chiriko, well it's my first time writing so i hope you'll answer my question, i've got a very Big doubt:
I am just ending an anime story, and my director says she loves it but i just don't know if i should end it, since it is actually my first one, because if the producer spends a lot of money in it and then the people don't like it i won't Know what to do! (besides the producer is a relative of mine wich is soon going to london and says she will take the proyect with her after i end with it and register it) so i am some Kind of DESPERATE!!! because i don't know if i should end it and... well... Answer soon please!
Dear Kenshin,
If it is the only way to get the project done, then go ahead and end it. You can always do a sequel if peopel like it. Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Tamahome,
Thank you, Tamahome-san.*Smiles faintly* I'm not really a rich person, I come from a rather poor family. You see, I'm have a younger brother that I take care of and our parents died when we were very young, and we've been living with our grandparents. Their the only family we have left now. It's really hard for us survive when our income is so little. *Sighs* You really don't need to hear my sad story. My question, why does everyone call you obake-chan?
Dear Yamazakura,
The symbol on my forehead can mena ogre, demon, or ghost (obake).
Dear Nuriko,
NURI-CHAN!! *huggles him* ^^ I have a question...but don't tell Tasuki I asked, tay? Arigato!! *looks around quickly* ,,....What's his ideal woman...if he has one that is. Jin-san thinks that Tasuki has an ideal MAN...But anyway, I need help with guys! Tasuki seems to hate me, and I jus wanna be looooved...*siiiiiiiigh* Got any tips? And by the DO you get your hair so shiny?
Dear Ami-chan,
I don't think he hates you. he doesn't like clingy people. But I know he like strong independent people. As for my haie I was and condition it daily and get it cut on a regular basis.
Dear Tasuki,
*throws her compact at his head, stopping him. jumps on him* HOLD STILL TASUKI-HIME!!! I DUN WANNA HURT YOU!!! Someone get Nuriko-san to help me PLEASE!!! Now hold REEEEEEEAAAAAAALLY still Tasuki, eyeshadow is a VERY dangerous weapon!!!! *puts a dark blue color on his eyelids*
The I'm-Gonna-Turn-You-Into-A-Woman Stalker
Dear Nutcase,
Ya' know, yer startin' to annoy me! >.< *Pulls her off of him and takes off running.*
Dear Tasuki,
*sniffles* You don't love one does...I EVEN GOT YOU A REALLY COOL T-SHIRT AND STUFF!!! *sobs, holding up a T-Shirt that says "Psychiatric Ward Patient #24-7-365" and an imported keg that says "Tasukis's Drink. TOUCH AND FEEL THE BURN!!" and some cologne* I bought it all for you and you won't be my plushieeeeeeeeeeee.......!!!!!! *wails*
Dear Ami-Chan,
Thanks fer th' gifts but I still ain't gonna be anyone's plushie! I ain't no fuzzy stuffed toy! Ya' wanna be friends? I'll be yer friend.
Dear Tamahome,
Tamahome? Hi, it's Ami-chan, normally I'd be hyper and all but I have a really big's about my family. You once told Miaka-chan "All kids care about their parents. And all parents care about their kids." But with me it doesn't seem to be that way...I mean...*starts crying* I hate my step-dad he is so mean! He'll hit me and my little brothers and he makes me soooo MAD! And there is guy troubles...I can't seem to find a guy to treat me right, and it gets so frustrating. My real dad doesn't care for me at all, and my mom ignores me constantly, and I always have to take care of my brothers AND the house! I mean I know I should grateful to my parents and all but it can be so hard...I've tried killing myself 3 times now, and it's scaring me alot. I know you can help, I haven't really told anyone else yet...*sniffle, sob* It's just not fair!
Dear Ami-Chan,
Well, your step-father has no right to to smack you kids around. That is generally considered child abuse. If you can't talk to your about what is happening, what about a teacher, clergyman, or school counselor? Perhaps you can get one of them talk to her for you. You need to let your mother know what is going on! Of course, if he is hitting you kids he may also be hitting her as well. But please let an adult know what is going on so you can get some help. Good luck! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Mitsukake,
Hi Mitsukake-san. *grins* How are you? I'm er good. *sweatdrops at her stupidity* Anyway, I got you and all the other seishi gifts...IhopeyalikeitIknowIwouldIdon'tknowifit'syourkindathingbutIhopeit'sagoodgift,kay? *stops and takes a HUGE breath* Ja Mistukake-san! *waves*
Dear Ami-Chan,
Arigato for your thoughtfulness.
Dear Nuriko,
Hi Nuri-chan!! *huggles* You are so beautiful, I wish I was as pretty as you. I got you a late Christmas gift though! It's reeeaaally pretty and sparkly! *hands him a box of shiny hair things* ^_^ I hope you like it. I have a question, it might seem a little personal, but have you ever seriously cried over Hotohori-sama? I mean, I cry over guys all the time, so does that make me a cry-baby? Well, I have to go give Mitsukake his gift and I have to write to Tama-chan too. *huggles him* ~^_^~ Bye Nuri-chan!
Dear Ami-chan,
Arigato! They're very pretty. No, not really. I don't think you're a cry-baby for crying over boys.
Dear Chiriko,
Hi Chiriko-kun! How are you? I'm uhm ok I guess anyway I got you a gift! I hope you'll like it, it's very soft and kawaii! *hands him a soft gray kitten* ^_^ I gotta go give Nuri-chan and Mitsukake theirs too, kay? JA! *huggles and waves*
Dear Ami-chan,
KAWAII!! *Shows kitten to Tama-neko who ignores it.* Arigato! *Cuddles the kitten.*
Dear Chichiri,
Hi Chichiri-san! I've gotten you a late Christmas present! I hope you like it! I dun think Tasuki likes meh very much...anyways, here ya go! *hands him a glittery Mardi Gras mask* Well, I gotsta go! *huggles* Ja!
Dear Ami-Chan,
Arigato for the nice present! Why would you say that, no da?
Dear Tamahome,
*huggles* Aw...that was sooo sweet and romantic! *sniff* I'm getting misty eyed....*remembers what Tasuki said* Tasuki is so mean! Tama-kun, how come he's a real nasty guy? Why can't he be sweet and kind like you and Hotohori-sama? And Chichiri, and Chiriko, and Mitsukake, and Nuri-chan? *sniffle* S'not fair...Tasuki hates me...<=(...But anyway, here! I got you a a Christmas gift! Gomen nasai, I know it's kinda really late, but I hope you'll like it! *hands him a long wrapped box, inside is a pendant on a chain; the pendant has the Japanese character for "Tamahome"* ^_^ Well, I hafta go now and give the others their presents! *huggles him* Ja, Tama-chan!
Dear Ami-Chan,
Arigato for the nice pendant. I don't think Tasuki's mean. But I do think he's not too bright. *Smirks*
Dear Hotohori,
Hi Hotohori-sama...*sniffle* Tasuki is so mean...but anyway, I got you and the other seishi some late Christmas gifts! *hands him a a box filled with personalized stamps and letters and stuff* Hope you like it! Ja!
Dear Ami-Chan,
I'm sorry Tasuki was mean to you. I'm sure he didn't mean to be. Arigato for the nice present.
Dear Tasuki,
*eyes fill with tears and her lower lip trembles* Y-You're the...the MEANEST person I ever knew! You HATE me don't you?! ADMIT IT! You HATE me! *sob* An' here I was....gonna give you late Christmas presents and all...*sniffle, sob* YOU HATE ME AND IT'S NOT FAIR!!! *wails deafeningly loud*
Dear Ami-Chan,
8Looks confused...* WHAT???? What th' H*LL did I do now???
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi everyone! How's things? I'm great! Gee, since I left Aiaki I'm really perky! *laughs* That felt good. *laughs again* Anyways, its my weekend and I'm hyped up and ready for anything!
Dear Mushi,
We're fine. But isn't your leaving Aiaki a bit sad for her?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*Sneaks in while nobody is looking*
Hi! *Grin* How were your holidays?
Dear Hoshi,
Welcome back! We had a nice holiday. Although it did have some ups and downs. So, how was you're holiday?
Dear Nuriko,
hey Nuriko wazzup? i just got some depressing news my friends told me that you died cause of that thing dog beast WHATEVER! anywho i really like your chracter your the next best besides Chiriko and i thnk it's sweet how you like Hotohori!
Dear Samantha,
Thank you for your kind words and tell your friends to stop telling you spoilers! >.<
Dear Chiriko,
Hey I just got off the seriyuu website o.o! that is some scary s*** miboshi's is even scarier i'll have nightmares forever! anywho my friend Amy is super hyper today so if and when she does write you...*WARNING run the other way!(gives him a hug)don't be scared just let me know if she scares you.oh i almost forgot here (gives him candy and harry potter stuff) i forgot something how do you manage to get through a french class with a teacher who constantly yells at you? C-YA! ^_^!
Dear Samantha,
Arigato for the warning and the gifts! Why does the teacher yell at you?
Dear Tasuki,
That's what I thought.^^ Anyway, it still must be hard to avoid all those fangirls.@.@;;...
*Smiles* But, You've always got me as your mamoru.^_^ I'm probably not the best at it, but I do try my hardest.
*~Yume-Chan, Tasuki no Mamoru~*
Dear Yume-Chan,
It is! They're a persistent lot! BUt I'm sure yer gonna be jus' fine as my mamoru. *Grins*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
You guys are proud of me? ^_^ That article took forever to get right, I'm glad something came out of the effort. *Hugs them all back then glomps onto Hotohori because that's just what she does* *Sees Nuriko is fuming about this, eeps, and holds Hotohori even tighter*
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
Of course we are! It takes courage to stand up for what you believe is right and even more courage to have it printed publicly. Oh, it's ok, you can glomp him a little longer. *Smiles*
Dear Hotohori,
*Crosses her arms, cocks an eyebrow, and tries really hard not to laugh* You do realize that "perfectly normal" and "anime-obsessed" don't belong in the same train of thought, let alone the same sentence, ne?
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
I suppose that depends on one's definitions of normal, ne? *Smiles and winks at her.*
Dear Nuriko,
I'm so glad you can come shopping with me Rokou has been really busy lately.You know Nuriko being with Rokou is great and living in Konan is not so bad.*picks up a red chinese baby shirt*Ooh this is cute and they have this matching baby dress for girls.You think I should buy them?
Water Sprite
Dear Water Sprite,
I'm glad that you are enjoying lfe with my brother in Konan. Ano... why don't we hold off on the dress until we know if it's a boy or a girl?
Dear Chichiri,
DA! *stumbles in with bags under her eyes* I'm soo tired. I don't know why either. I've been going to bed at resonable times (before midnight and usually 11:30) and sleeping fitfully, but I'm still so tired.
Then Tetsuno Tenshi and I just did a musical premire for our youth group. She had a solo and a few speaking parts (you should hear her sing, she has agreat voice!). I had a speaking part. Oh. I did ok, but I get extremly nervious when I speak in front of people. After I finished my speaking part, I almost cried and almost collapsed. I have really bad stage fright.
Well just thought I should tell my aniki what's going on in my life. I'm pretty sure you don't mind hearing that you're younger siblings are going through ordinary life.
Well, gotta go. Time for me to go to bed! Maybe I might be able to get that elsuive thing called "sleep." Any hints o how to get over insomia? Cause I have trouble sleeping and this isn't the first time this has happened. Agh. Horrible reality, no da. Well ja.
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
I'm glad the you were both able to make it through your musical premire and that you both did a good job as well, no da. Have you tried taking a hot bath or having some chamomile tea or some warm milk before you go to sleep? It might help relax you, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*nods* My dad told me about doing that, said he'd help me out whenever he gets some freetime. Buuuut he's just a little bit busy building my room down in the basement. Haveing 5 kids in a 3(recently 4, but its gonna go with us somehow...?) is not exactly a smart thing to do. Thank the gods for basements and nice landlords. In the meantime, my mom got me some canvases to paint on. I know exactly what I wanna do, I just hafta draw it now. Anyways....I was wondering if one of you guys or CnA would like ta buy one when I finish em? Please?
Dear Kashke_TEA,
We can't make any promises but we would certainly consider it.
Dear Tasuki,
I just read what Yume-san wrote about valentines day and I giggled o_o;;.I hardly ever giggle!anyways,Tasuki-san you should be glad to know you have a protecter on hand!^__^.Oh yeah...I know miaka is your priestess but can I be your miko?pretty please? oh yeah since every single one of my friends IRL and IC knows how much I like you,guess what they did a long time ago?(I just remembered it right now when I saw it)they all claimed me owner of all tasuki's ^_____^.WAI WAI!!! and aidou she said I could own you o_o; as long as I'm nice to you which of course I am.anyways,I dunno why I told you that I am being annoying now can i be your miko huh huh huh?purty please?! O_o;;; I have to figure out what are in my lunches when I make them...I've been really hyper the last few days.O_o;; Ooooh yeah I have something else to tell you..since you are an anime character who is EXTREMELY HOT might I add,and you can't be in our world...I found someone that is EXACTLY like you.O_o;; he acts,sounds,and looks like you.Coinsidence?Could he possibly be your clone?O_o;;; I mean he really does act like you.Isn't that freaky?Oh yeah my friend yui-chan says hi..she also says she's sorry she hasn't been asking anything lately.It's just that she's been having some family problems and stuff like that.But once she's all settled in somewhere she'll have more time to ask questions.^____^.Well I think I babbled on long enough and plus that running into that wall really hurt my left shoulder x.x anyways,take care.
Destiny, MNM
Dear Destiny,
Why'd ya' run into a wall? I already have a Miko. I guess ya' can be my imouto (lil' sister) if ya' want.
Dear Mitsukake,
I hate science.
But there IS one plus to it, because along with that and my stress, I cried allllll my emotions out. Yup. And then a friend of mine kept prying into my business. -_-; He doesn't understand "No, I'm NOT going to tell you who I like!". Mehhhh.. What's scary is, that he guessed right. But I can't tell him, because they're close friends. *nod*
Ash-chan, Incomprehensible version.
Dear Ash-chan,
I'm sorry you are so stressed. Perhaps a hot relaxing bath would help?
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