Dear Tasuki,
does mine frow fire? *shakes it trying to get it to work then looks back up at him and smiles*
Dear Lita,
*Smiles and ruffles her hair.* Not yet munchkin. I don't want ya' getting' hurt! Yer ma would skin me alive!
Dear Mitsukake,
its still freeky though....a series named after your cat.....soon he'll have his own set of fan girls or probally fan girl cats...oh yeah and all my friends vote Tama is smarter than Nakago what do you think about that?
Dear Tana,
I agree!
Dear Chichiri,
Waaaaaa! I'm sick, AGAIN!! My friend and I were going to on a trip this week, but the car died and we were stranded on the highway for two hours! So, I've had to stay home for the past two days...It's so boring...there's nothing to do here...I'M GONNA DIE OF BORDOM!! HELP MEEEEEEE!!!!
Dear Missumi-sama,
Take it easy and get some rest, no da. If you're bored, read a book, no da.
Dear Chiriko,
well i had a pretty good christmas besides my grampa dieing eirlier that month chichiri will explain......*sweetdrop* boy i'm stressed *falls asleep* *c-chan takes over l-chans letter* excuse here she's not herself *puts to bed* she'll write later
Dear Luna,
My condolences on your loss. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
hi tasuki i got all my depression out by talking to chichiri so now i'm gonna go all crazy on u!!!!!!! so how was your day??? how many sisters do u have??? am i baka???? WWEeeeeeEee *starts singing with here pretty voice "sailormoon theme song" o.k. i'm done how u doin?????
Dear Luna,
I'm doin' fine! Ya' know I got 5 older sisters don'tcha?
Dear Chichiri,
oh i keep relizing my grampa isn't coming back and a few minutes ago my dad made fun of him and it almost made me cry last night i kept bualing my great grama died when i was six now a little more than six years later my grampa from the same family dies so my mom took pity on me and let me get on, she gave me the password and latley i feelo alone and my freinds and peers don't like my ideas, *sigh* so at least i can bother u and tasuki yay!!!! wahooo....... any way i hope me and magi girl can hang this weekend i worry about here @};- another rose i'm gonna send tasuki one *evil grin* arigato, noda!!!!
Dear Luna,
My condolences on the loss of your grandfather, no da. *Gives her a hug.* Arigato for the rose.
Dear Nuriko, teacher doesn't mind me yelling at him. ^_^; Oi...he and my English teacher told my friend that she was a Smart@$$...which she kinda is...but I replied saying I was a Dumb@$$. XD
Dear Keiko,
Now why would you call yourself that?? I'm sure it's not true!
Dear Tamahome,
Hi Pen-pal. I found somethings out about my fencing class and its not so good. The insturctor I guess expelled most of my friends from the class because he thought that they were trying to take his class away from him. They weren't. It started when one fencer went to a major competition and the people there said that there was more to fencing then what the instructor was teaching and that he was teaching it differently than it should be. She told some people at the class and the instructor took it all the wrong way so he dismissed them. He nearly broke two of my friends friendship with him favoring the one. See, one had to have surgery on a foot ligament and could not fence well for a long time. The instructor knew this, but didnt tell anyone so when he was mad at the person assigned to teach my friend he could bring up my friend's form and hurt him. My other friend ,on the other hand was doing very well and a competition began. This competition almost killed thier friendship. Everything is going insain in this class. I took a semester off to get my head straight and all my friends are gone now. What should I do?
Ascot Metali
Dear Ascot Metali,
I know you enjoy fencing but your teacher seems to have drained all the joy out of it. Have you considered joining your friends at their new class?
Dear Tasuki,
grr some jerk really drugged my tea and I still got a hang over ccan ya tell me what I said ta ya ya no good varmit?
Kou Aidou
Dear Kou Aidou,
Well ya' kept callin' yerself thoungest sister an' ya' were SUPER nice to me! I KNEW then that somethin' was wrong!
Dear Nuriko,
*finishes with Sora's ears, picks him up and gently takes him to bed*
I need to clean the mimikaki first.. *places the earpick into a cleaning solution* *grabs a thick cushion and sits on it*
Ready to put your head in my lap? *takes the mimikaki out of the bowl*
hmm Last time I heard, this is a sign of trust from a man. That I won't pop your eardrums. *grins* let's get to it.
Dear Doc-sama,
*Places his head in her lap.* OK. Hee-hee… that tickles…
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hiya Suzaku Seishi, I dunno if this question has been asked but I saw the Harry Potter movie (twice to be exact @_@) and I was wondering if you were to be placed in a house which would it be? Ravenclaw, Gryffindor, Slytherin, or Hufflepuff. Also what would you play in quidditch, seeker, beater, chaser or keeper? (there's just enough of all of you to be part of the 7 member quidditch team ^^;) Well....c ya!
Dear Suta,
I don't think ANY of us would be in Slytherin! I would be in Gryffindor and a chaser. Tasuki would be in Ravenclaw and he'd be a seeker because he's so fast. Mitsukake would prefer to be a teacher, Hotohori said he would be in Ravenclaw and he would be a keeper. I think Chichiri, Tamahome and Nuriko would be in Hufflepuff and Chichiri would also be a chaser while Nuriko nad Tamahome would both be beaters.
Dear Nuriko,
*nods* I'm going back to the outer banks this summer, but I'm not to thrilled about the shark attack that happened there >_> <_< Have you ever climbed a light house, just wondering ^^;;
Dear Suta,
Never. What's it like?
Dear Hotohori,
*sighs and gazes*
Do you mind if I ask, I hope it's not to personal, but I know you really really love Houki and it's so cute when she sees you again in the second OAV. (she's so lucky *sob*) You're such a good father and husband, so don't be sad, it wasn't your fault, it was nasty nakago! You were only doing your duty. *bows at his bravery* Anyways, I can't get it off my mind that you waited for Miaka allllllll your life until she appeared and was everything you hoped for and imagined. So, and this is the part you don't have to answer if you think I'm being rude, do you love her more than Houki? She taught you how you can't change peoples hearts with orders and she was so warm and kind. I know you love Houki very deeply, but to love someone that much and wait for her that length of time, means that you loved her very very much. If Tamahome (sorry Tamahome this is just for my example) was off the scene would you want to be with Miaka again. If the fact that you have a son influences your decision, say that you didn't?
I'm sorry if I've offended you in anyway, it's just something that I've never been able to answer, you see your such a nice guy I personally couldn't possibly see you leaving Houki, but theres that nagging voice in my head that keeps saying Miaka was the one for you. *hugs him, sorry if you don't want to answer, you don't have to.)
*runs over to Nuriko and hugs him, and drags him over to join in gazing at the beautiful Emperor*
*sighs as she gazes and swoons*
Jen xxxxxxx
Dear Jen,
I have come to realize that as much as I love Miaka it is as a friend rather than a lover. It's true I waited all my life for the Miko to take away my loneliness, but I also came to understand that I was the only one who could truly do that. It was then that I met and fell in love with Houki.
Dear Mitsukake,
ONNISAN!!!!YAY!! *huggles her onnisan*boy have I missed you guys.*smiles*Guess what? I am part of Tasuki's bandit's now I think?*scratches head*Heehee he's so are you feeling?How is tama-neko? You know something? whenever I log onto yahoo messenger I always get this pm from tama-neko. o_O I didn't know he was a whiz at the computer too O_o;; I mean whenever I log on I always see a Tasuki,and tama-neko on there,and The tasuki I know actually looks like the real tasuki.O_o now is that freaky or what?I mean he acts so much like the real tasuki it's just creepy.O_o;;; and he likes me too O_o what should I do?I mean he acts,and looks so much like the real tasuki(your tasuki is who I'm talking about) and he likes me O_o;;; I need advice.
Destiny MNM
Dear Destiny,
What is a pm? Is it like AIM? I do worry about you though. Perhaps you need to give RL boys a chance. I just don't think meeting guys in the Internet is a good idea for you.
Dear Tamahome,
*huggles her onnisan*But I still don't see how we can not love you guys anymore?Even till this day I still love ya guys ^_^...and I've been in a bad relationship too,but when I was still in it before all this stuff happened I still thought of all you guys.We can never grow out of loving you.^___^.Heck I'm watching fushigi yugi again ^_____^.My 11 year old sister is into it too.One day last year when I borrowed my friend's oav video my sister(who was than 10 years old)tried to get me to let her watch it and i told her well there's some brief nudity in it and she's all well just add teen at the end of my age and i"ll be a teen XD.So even young girl's like you guys.^____^.Oh yeah I don't think I mentioned this but you're so kawaii when you turn chibi especially the part when summoning suzaku (I won't say any spoilers)but when taiitsukun appeared and stuff you were so kawaii when you turn chibi!!But we can NEVER stop loving you guys.Oh yeah btw,how can I talk to keisuke?I wanna talk to him ;_;.oh yeah btw,what's an imouto?
Dear Destiny,
Arigato for your kind words. I don't know if there are any sites for the rest of the Fushigi Yuugi cast. An imouto is a little sister.
Dear Hotohori,
Okay.... I've never really been on this board before, but you people seem to give really good advice and you in particular seem to be like minded to myself - so I thought you might be able to help me.
I'm having some problems with my daughter and her boyfriend. Okay it's just the boyfriend... Okay it's me....
My daughter is planning on marrying her boyfriend in the summer. It's not that I don't like this guy - he's been raised in my home from a very young age, he was orphaned and my family took him in - he's wonderful to my daughter and everyone..... but my daughter is the only one of my children that I really see any more. My wife is gone overseas and not coming back, my sons are out ravenuosly hunting things and my little girl is all that remains. Once she marries, she'll move miles away into another country with her husband and I have a horrible suspicion that she won't return.
I'm 3500 years old and I do not feel like having to start all over with my life - which is exactly what will happen! Is it so much to ask that I retain a few primary attatchments!?!? *sigh*
Anyway..... if you have any advice for me I'd appreciate it.
E. Half-Elven
Dear E. Half-Elven,
You should view this as an opportunity to travel and things you may not have been able to do while she was under your care. Besides, is there anything stopping you from visiting her?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I humbly extend an invitation to the emperor Hotohori of Konan and his six companions to come and visit my site. My domain shall to honoured by your presence.
Damon (thing)
P.s. thanx again for the banner
Dear Damon,
Arigato. We have already visited your site. It's actually quite nice. We really like the way you did the backgrounds for your fanfic chapters. Imaginative yet highly readable.
So, have you heard about the 2 friends that are already standing in line for the next Star Wars movie?
Dear Mitsukake,
*Gives him a hug for no reason other than she thinks he needs a hug* ^_^
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
*Hugs her back and smiles.* Arigato.
Dear Tasuki,
Dude, it's your own attack and you don't know what it is?! D*mn! Oh, well, it was only used once...
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
Musta been a drunken OAV thin'! Heh-heh-heh ..
Dear Hotohori,
*Looks at him with tears in her eyes* I've missed you... *Runs to him, hugs him and starts to cry*
Dear Elysian,
*Hugs her back.* What's wrong? Why are you crying?
Dear Nuriko,
NURIKO!!!!!Okay this is going to be a two-parter type letter.Anyways here we go....
Nuri-san,Remember how I told you about my ex-boyfriend's brother liking me?Well even though I dumped Draven I still talk to their sister skye cause we're like best friend's and we act so much like sisters I know I shouldn't be talking to her but I am 'cause she's really nice and she hasn't done anything to me to hurt me so I'm still talkin to her.Anyways,when I was talking to her the other day,she told me that she went into Scott(the brother who likes well loves me)'s room and she was like O.o;;; and he was like <.<;;;; when she saw what was in his room.She told me that he has my IRL name written on every wall,a notebook with my name written in it and my pictures by his bed.I was like O_O uhhh.....It's kind of flattering but REALLY creepy x.x what do I do?Anyways,I just received an e-mail from a 28 year old japanese male, and I think he likes me cause he kept saying I want to know more about you O_o;;;;.... he sounds really nice though but I think is a little too old for me o.o;;;;.
*Goes to a different store with him,and sees blue coloured slippers and pj's*NURI-san LOOK!!! *she goes to the man and asks him "how much are these slippers?"he says"the slippers are 17,but I'll let you have 15 for them.""Okay!"*she takes out some money and gives it to him.*"Oh yeah one more thing,how much is it for both of these Pj's?"*he says*"30 dollars but for you I'll let you have them for 28."Nuri-san pops in and says"How about 25?" the guy thinks a bit "Okay"*takes the money and the pj's with the slippers and puts them in a bag.*
LOOK Nuri-san now we can MATCH!! ^______^ wai wai!!I like going clothes shopping with you.Is there anywhere else you would want to go?
Dear Destiny,
Well Scott does sound a bit creepy. As for the 28 year old guy, yes, he IS too old for you! You really need to stick to RL boys your age that you can meet and get to know first.
So, would you like to get some lunch?
Dear Tasuki,
hey I have 2 questions ! do you consider Chiriko to be like I dunno your son? 2 do YOU love miaka?
Dear Smantha,
No, to both.
Dear Tasuki,
No more *hic*sake?gosh darn Tasuki and I was....*feels all woozy,sees nuriko by the wall,she turns and takes a flying leap into the air,but finds herself stuck between the wall,while her leg twitches.*"dat *hic*hurt *hic*." *a few hours later she is back to normal.And looks at tasuki,holding her head*oi what happened?An' who are you callin lil?I'm almost the same age as you tasuki-san.O.o;;; OUCHIES!!My head!! x.x there was alcohol poisoning in that sake?*takes it sniffs it,and turns her nose up*ewwwwwwww...So am I now a bandit?^_^...gomen ne if I didn't make any sense.
Dear Destiny,
Gomen, but ya' didn't. An' alcohol poisonin' is what ya' get from drinkin' more booze than yer body can handle. Right now ya' got a hangover. I asked Mitsukake to coma an' take care of ya'.
Dear Hotohori,
hi Hotohori, your kid is soooo cute (gives him a hug)here for you (gives him a dozen roses and toys for Boushin)have fun C_ya!^_^
Dear Samantha,
Arigato for your kind words and thoughtful presents! *Smiles and sparkles*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
hey you guy's (gives them all a hug)i have some reaaaally late Xmas gifts 4 ya!
Tamahome:1 million gold ryou
Chichiri:fishing lures
Nuriko:Gift certificate to OLD NAVY
Hotohori:brushes and baby toys and stuffed animals for Boushinand perfume for Houki
Mitsukake:medical stuff
Chiriko: gives him Harry Potter booksand government books
Tasuki: wineand pixie sticks
Enjoy these you guys ^_^ (gives Chiriko a big hug)
Dear Samantha,
*They all give her a hug.* Arigato for all the wonderful presents!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Chiriko,
hey chiriko, guess what my grandfather is out of the hospital^_^ he also says thanks for your nice words! anyhoo how did you find out you had a symbol on your foot. (off the top of my head) oh i also kicked MIBOSHIS A**!
Dear Samantha,
I'm so glad to hear that your grandfather is out of the hospital! It showed up on my foot when I was very young.
Dear Tasuki,
Good god do you really like that dork miaka???
confused and disillusioned
Dear confused,
As a friend! An' anyway, what's so bad 'bout her? She's very nice an' sweet. OK, she's clumsy an' she lousy taste in men (Obake-chan), but she's really a nice kid.
Dear Chichiri,
Why didn't you show up more with your mask off in the OAV series!?
Dear Vicky,
It wasn't in the script, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Hi! I'm back to haunt you guys after a long break. Did ya get nice and drunk on New Year's Eve? ^.^ Betcha did. I just got my spiffy new OVA from a store that I didn't even know carried anime! Yay! ::skips around:: And I named that little reindeer Bob. I'm sitting here thinking of another subject for my third episode of my anime talk show. Hrm... any idea for one? ^.^ I'll even let ya host it!
I have another question... Can my other character, Kit, host with you? Well, I'm the authoress and she will anyway... scratch that. Okay, my question is why the JIGOKU did you kiss Miaka?!?!?!?!?!?! O.o I nearly DIED!
Sailor Singularity
Dear Sailor Singularity,
I didn't!! I gave her artificial respiration!!
Dear Tamahome,
*chucks a log at him* BAKA BAKA BAKA!! NOW LITA IS ALL *&%^*&' HYPER! * throws 3-4 more logs at him* JERK!!! STOP IT!
Aidou-Chan. Youngest Kou sister
Dear Aidou-Chan,
OI! Watch it! You're going to kill me with those things! *Ducks flying logs…* You have got to be an imposter! Everyone knows Aidou is the oldest sister and she has WAY better aim!
Dear Nuriko,
*sits on the floor with Sora in her lap, and picks his ear with a golden mimikaki*
well when you're done young man, I'm going to put you to bed. You're already asleep..
sora: is playing in the mud in his dream*
*smiles at Ryu* would you like a turn as well?
Doc-sama and Sora
Dear Doc-sama and Sora,
*Smiles back* Hai! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Mitsukake,
you know whats really scary? when you wake up about 7am on a saturday and you think its safe to watch a nice program....then flipping through chanels you see a show called TAMA AND FRIENDS! you know how scary that then i just had to see what its about and it was....very....intersting..... the only other name i caught onto was Momo was just scary!!!!!!!!!!!! is your cat making that show and sending subliminal messages to young unspecting children?
Dear Tana,
No, he isn't.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
This is a question of a more serious nature than my previous ones, and I've seen some really nice advice here. This is why I'm asking.
A preface of sorts, I'm in a private RP group, where the worlds are totally designed, and all the roles played, by our small little group. We've all been RPing for 3 to 5 years((Not the same group always)), in fact. Unfortunately, there's a kink in this little system.
There is one RPer who is causing us lots of problems. All he does is complain, and constantly "accidentally" says very hurtful things. He torments my love, just because my darling isn't agressive enough to fend him off, and then plays innocent about it. He starts fights, 94% of all of them, and continues to provoke them for hours at a time. Daily. He also insists upon being involved with the RPs even though he comes and goes on whims, and when he does come he's always going to sleep very early.
We've told him all about his problems, since August we've been working on trying to get him to end or even improve on this behavior.. But nothing works. We've talked with him, fought with him, debated with him, counsiled him -- He ends up draining away most of our time, and stressing us all out.. And still whining more about feeling "violated" about the way we act. We want to cut him out.. The only problem is, he actually can and has often been a nice guy, and hurting his feelings so much and so intentionally just isn't my gig. We've been hanging for years, and he's never been -so- obnoxious until as of late. He could just be turning into a teenaged male.. but it doesn't make what he does okay.
In other words.. We hate the way he acts, but he can be a good person, the person anyone wouldn't be able to be mean to. Should we tolerate him and hope after 5 months he gets a clue, or cut him our for causing us so much trouble?
Sorry to ask you, but we've exhausted our options ><
Dear Satchiko,
Have you tried talking to him about what is going on in his life? He may be going through some hard times and he is acting out in your RPG. Try that tact and if he is still obnoxious, apologize to him but let him know that until he straightens up there will be no more RP'ing with your group for him. Good luck!
Dear Hotohori,
I'm not trying to cause another fight on the board here,but that girl who wrote about the war's and stuff just this past week was a little harsh and wrong.Hotohori you are right that it's not the people's fault why they have bad government ruling and issues.The people that govern the country has the higher power so they say what goes and what doesn't right?I mean don't you think this will benefit for everyone.the afghani's,pakastini's adn all those other countries will be helped..because our leader is doing something to get rid of terrorism.and it will not only help us it will help the entire world.Will it not?I'm not trying to criticize anyone...but I do hate terrorism and wish it would come to a end.I mean when they first attacked the world trade center and the twin towers I heard ON the news that they were laughing and throwing a party in the streets.That's just sickening.And I also heard on the news that they're teaching their 5 year old children to become terrorist!!I think that's wrong.And since our leader who is the president he is doing something to get rid of the terrorist problem we have now.So I rarely doubt that it's only benefiting us but if we stop this terrorist problem once and for all it'll benefit for EVERYONE,NOT just americans.And who knows maybe those countries over there will change and have better issues/laws.They're only helping us to get bin laden because of the cowardly act he committed.Like I said I'm not trying to cause the fight but I watch the news in almost every language I have not just american.I watch it in English,chinese,japanese etc.So I can see what their views on this situation are.^_^;; and it's very interesting.It's kinda hard to translate and somewhat understand but I can get a pretty good view on what they're saying.To be quite honest even though I do live in the UNITED STATES I am kinda getting tired of it but it'll be with us till the day we die.Now since this happened I'm pretty sure it'll be printed in the history books and government books and stuff.But everyone in the u.s. is supporting everyone so those other countries aren't just supporting us we're supporting them.At least that's what I know from my knowledge.anyways I think I am just starting to babble here but I don't know if I made a point or not but I just had to let it out.And if people are mad at me for saying this..well it's just a letter life goes on right?
Dear Destiny,
Well eradicating terrorism would certainly benefit the world! Unfortunately, it is easier said than done as terrorism has many faces. Let's hope your leaders continue to act wisely and with good council.
Dear Chichiri,
I don't think Imouto-chan needs a psychiatrist. I think she's trying to scare me on purpose. Once I asked her what she was smoking, a rhetorical question commonly used among teens. She turned to me, shot me a peace sign and said, "Moon Prism Powder."
But "Lizard Queen"...? *Looks completely baffled* If my long-term memory serves, she got that from a TV show...
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
Maybe she's just looking for attention or going through an odd phase, no da.
Dear Tamahome,
You know my mom told me that when she was a kid she had a canary named Taka... @_@
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
Really?? *Looks surprised.*
Dear Hotohori,
Time for an unnecessary update on what I talked about in my last letter. The first boxset of Outlaw Star came a couple of days after Christmas. Demo, Dad ordered subtitled tapes rather than dub. After watching about five minutes of the first tape Imouto-chan and I realized what a big mistake we were about to make. You think I would learn after Magic Knight Rayearth! If I ever talk about wanting the dub version of anything again, smack me and bring me back to my senses! I beg you. I'm weird enough, I'd like to hold on to the little bit of sanity I have.
As to the Game Cube. Well, we've only played Super Smash Bros. Melee, but I love that game so it's not a total bust. Two more secret characters to go. And I think about three more battle stages... Through this game I've discovered what I look for in my bishounen. It's a sword (and in some cases a gun) for some weird reason. There's you, Mirai Trunks, Inuyasha, Sesshoumaru... Link is now on my list... *Hugs him* You however are always my favorite! @_@ I think I have a problem... Either that or anime boys are better than real boys. Considering I'm talking about ME here, it's probably both... Hori-chan, is there something wrong with me?
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
No there isn't. You're a perfectly normal anime obsessed teenager.
Dear Tamahome,
*Walks up to him, very nervously*
ummmm, errr.*Looks down at her shoes* Tamahome-san, I don't have any extra money, bu..but, would you still answer my question?
Dear Yamazakura,
Sure. See, I just did!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*walks in with a loaded .38 in her right hand*
I've been reading up on all these different letters, and I've especially been following the one about the girl with the drunk boyfriend (name???). I just want to say that she did a good thing by dumping him. Thank you so much for encouraging her to rid herself of that guy. You all did a great thing. She deserves someone better.
*points to a target on the wall* See that? You can bet that if anyone ever hit me or someone I cared about, he (or she) would end up just like this!
Cover your ears. SHINEEEE!!!! *takes safety off the gun, aims, and starts blasting holes in the target until the gun is empty* Any questions? *puts safety back on and stuffs the .38 back in its holster.*
'Tis better to ride solo than pick up a bad passenger. That's my reasoning behind all this. Now if you'll excuse me, I gotta go clean "Megami-sama" (the name of her holstered .38).
Homicidal LS
Dear Homicidal LS,
*All the Seishi sweatdrop.* So Tasuki, is she related to you?
Dear Tasuki,
Aaah! I hate when my bro does this.. Right now, I'm contemplating wether to help him decieve his girlfriend's parents, or staying home. I'll most likely -have- to go, because my dad's just that way, and he almost always gets final say..
My brother ALWAYS decides to do this while I'm asleep. Always. Then, he wakes me up, and yells at me when I can't go as fast because he woke me out of my harmonic sleep.
He tells her parents that she's "going somewhere with her friend Ashley". Then, he drags me along, and even tries to bribe me sometimes. I have no choice in the matter. My mom hates it though, and if he asks her, then I don't go anywhere. ^_^
Ash-chan, taking out her built-up stress on Tasuki.
Dear Ash-chan,
What he's doin' ain't right! Tell him to knock it off or you'll rat him out to your parents. Or worse, to HER parents!
Dear Chichiri,
Do you believ that there is a special someone for every one? Please don't post this message but send your reply to ...
Dear foxy,
Yes, I do, no da. As for your other letters, we do not do personal replies. If you want them answered, please resubmit them and allow us to post them, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
Hey! Long time no see, how ya been? I've been better, with the exception of this dumb@$$ boy in my history clas constantly hitting on me. I used to like him, ya know. And then, when he broke up with his girlffriend and started constantly hitting on got annoying. Know what I mean? So, now I can hardly stand him. There's this other guy who I used to like, but he's been totally and completely ignoring me for about 3 weeks. But, I don't care. Mostly, I've deicided that guys are jerks. Not you though, of course! ::hugs ya:: You're still great! I used to be p*ssed off that I didn't have a boyfriend, but, now I'm not, cuz I've just kinda made up my mind that most guys suck. Do you think I'll ever get over it and get married in the future or anything?
Ya know what's really great though?? This girl that used to totally be my best friend, but that I haven't spoken to in AGES actually asked me if we could do something sometime. You know, like, to get to know each other real well again!! I'm so happy about it, it'll be great to see her again, because it was really such a huge waste that we weren't friends anymore.
I'm also working on a new website, so, wish me luck, ok?? I'll give ya the URL when I get it online. Will ya come and visit it for me? Please?? ::big sparkly eyes::
Well, gotta run, Nuri-chan! Love ya! ::hugs and kisses you::
Dear Christi,
Of course I'll visit your site once it's up. I'm sure that once you meet the right boy your feelings about men in general will change.
Dear Nuriko,
Hello! Did you do all the hairstyling for the crossdressing bus trip omake? If you did, major congrats on getting Tasuki's hair to actually look halfway decent...I mean, really, does he even own a comb? XD No, really, I'll quit now.
I finally gave up on dying my hair cherry-red and running for Student Council president. I just don't have the right coloration for it. Besides, having weird-colored hair just isn't weird anymore at my school. I saw a girl with a three-colored mohawk in the hallway once...pretty soon, having normal brown hair is gonna be pretty weird!
Have you ever noticed that when you have long hair, all the characters you wanna cosplay as have short hair? I mean, I don't wanna cut my hair...I love my hair *sniffle*...but I really wanna cosplay as Sakura. (You know, from Card Captor Sakura? LOL) ....hey! IDEA! I could just dye my hair a few shades darker and somehow get it to be wavy, dress up as Tomoyo, and run around with a camcorder all day! ^_^ There! Perfect! ....okay, I'll stop ranting now. Mata ne!
Mari Komadori
Dear Mari Komadori,
*Smiles* Yes I did do everyone's hair on the bus trip. I'm glad you liked it! As for cosplay, there are always wigs.
Dear Chiriko,
Ohayo, plushie-chan! *glomphuggle* Want a soda? *tosses him a Code Red* Okay, I actually do have a serious question this time. Who did your hair in the bus trip omake? You looked kind of like Miaka when you were crossdressing, coincidence...or not... *cue the overly dramatic sound effects* Okay, okay, that wasn't a serious question...but I bet Nuriko did your hair! ^_^ I'm going over there RIGHT now to ask how he did that cute little bun thingie. *skips off, not waiting to find out if Nuriko really did do everyone's hair*
Mari Komadori
Dear Mari Komadori,
Actually, he did. Plushie-chan??? *Sweatdrops*
Dear Hotohori,
hi hotohori you are one of my favorite my question ishow do you fit all your hair into that little hat? my friends and i have always wondered that.and this is from my friend for you because you are her favorite character. *hands you a pack of 10 silver plated hand mirrors* well bye-bye.
Dear annie460,
Arigato for your kindness. My hair is rolled into a bun on top of my head and the crown is fitted over it. It is held in place by a long pin that goes through the crown and my hair.
Dear Tasuki,
Hi how was your New Year mine was great. I got you something *Give's him a new shirt that say's don't mess with me* hope you like it* Smile's sweetly ^_^
Dear Makoto-san,
Cool! *Puts on shirt and grins.* Thanks!
Dear Tamahome,
Hiiii Tamahome. I missed you so much. Tama what kind of music do you like I like Enya. And Tamahome do you like Yui alot and tell the trueth ok (Hugs him and run's off yelling I love you Tamahome) ^_^
P.S your sweet and I have your pic by my bed you look so hot.
Dear Makoto-san,
Thank you for all your kind words. Yui is a nice person but I don't like her like that. I like Taiko drum music. Especially Kodo.
Dear Hotohori,
HOHO-CHAN!!!!!!!!!!! *glomp* I made you cookies! *gives a if-you-dont-like-them-im-gonna-cry-until-i-turn-blue smile* Try them???
Dear Ami-Chan,
Of course I will. Arigato. Oishii!
Dear Nuriko,
*a kawaii kid walks up to him*Are you my auntie Water Sprite's husband?
Dear Ken,
Eh? No, I'm her brother in law.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*looks super depressed* Mushi went bye-bye... *is so drunk she forgets her proper english and reverts to chibi form* Is not fair... *starts to cry* Why me!?!?!? ALWAYS ME! first my parents now Mushi! *sob* *hic* Waaaahhhh!!! *falls forward and passes out drunk*
Dear Aiaki,
*Picks her up and carries her to the nearest couch.* Shhhh… no da. We need to let her sleep it off, no da.
Dear Hotohori,
*sigh* You are beautiful Hotohori Sama. Do you mind if I just gaze for a while? *sigh*
Jen xxxxxxx
Dear Jen,
Arigato. *Smiles and sparkles* Not at all.
Dear Tasuki,
I was wondering something,by chance is Valentines day the holiday where you get the most glomps,kisses and all the rabid fangirls come out???
*~Yume-Chan, Tasuki no Mamoru~*
Dear Yume-Chan,
Nope! It's th' day I run an' hide so I can avoid alla that! *Grins*
Dear Chichiri,
*glomp* YOU ARE SOOOOOOOO CUTE!!!! you and nuriko and hotohori are my seshi i hope you guys had fun over the holidays and if no one has told you yet happy new year and free pop tarts for all *passes out pop tarts to everyone* have a great 2002 and have as much fun as possible.
Dear annie460,
Arigato, no da! *Tries a pop tart.* Oishii, no da!
Dear Nuriko,
thanks for the advice i'll try it. you are very helpful *gives you a hug and a smile* thanks.
Dear annie460,
You're very welcome! Good luck!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hello again! You're welcome for your presents! ^^ The best part of Christmas is giving afterall! Anyways, on to my question. You guys said in reply to me last letter that I could sell my art either online or locally....I was kinda wondering about how I would go about selling it online. Could you point me in the right direction, onegai minna-san?
P.S. You're welcome, CnA. It's nice to have friends when you're going through rough times...
Dear Kashke_TEA,
Chichiri no Aijin says" thank you". Well there is eBay or if you have a local ISP that gives free web space you could create your own website and sell from there.
Dear Chichiri,
Oi....I was helping my younger sis with a report she had to do last night and I was useing Encarta '98. After I pulled up all the stuff I could for her, I went ad played in the Language area thing. I looked under Korean and clicked on some of the things you can make them say, and I could almost promise (cant swear, tis rule mom pounded into my head) that the woman who was speaking was saying 'no da' at the end of some of the sentences.....o.O;; You're not Korean, are you? Anyways, I was just wondering about that (all through my science test ^^;) and was hoping you could clear up for me.
Dear Kashke_TEA,
No, I'm not Korean, no da,
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I just wanted to thank you guys for listening to my and everybody else's problems. You guys rock, ya know? CnA, too. And I'm sorry about your dad, CnA...I know how ya feel-I recently lost my mother. Well...not -that- recenty, but still...;.; *hugs CnA* I know how it feels.
Dear Kuro,
You're very welcome! Thanks for all your kind words and support. *Hugs her back*
Chichiri no Aijin and the Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
How'm I doing? Well,lessee....I'm failing my supposed 'best' subject in school, I have to go to the doctor's to get a bunch of allergy tests taken on me for about two hours, and Kosei(Do you remember her?) is being very insensitive toward me and hurt my feelings. ;.; And I'm tired...I woke up at three in the morning today. But really, it's Friday, so that's great. And despite all of the evil things happening to me, I'm in a pretty good mood. ^.^ Maybe my going to see the Lord of The Rings tomorrow has something to do with it...*shrug* But really, I'm doing good. I mean, I feel good. Not healthy...but uh......I'm in a pretty good mood I guess ya could say. That's why I'm talking so much. ^^; How are you doing?
Dear Kuro,
Geez! I'm sorry to hear alla that! I hope thins' start getting' better fer ya' soon! As fer me, I'm doing pretty good. Jus' drownin' in letters. *Grins*
Dear Chichiri,
Thank you for all your help. You have helped me and my family more than I could ask for. Arigato
Dear Miaka912,
You're very welcome. Please seek help and take care, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
Oi,Nuriko-san wanna go shopping for baby clothes?
Water Sprite
Dear Water Sprite,
Sure! I'm always up for shopping!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
You missed me? Aw thanks guys! *hugs them all* I've had way too much h*ll lately and I just stopped writing as not to bother you all. *blush blush*
Anyway - now I'll ask a good question! WHO LOVES THE LORD OF THE RINGS MOVIE!?!?! *waves her hand in the air wildly and grins*
I am now so very very obsessed! *dances for joy*
My fave character is probably Frodo,(Elijah Wood), my favourite guy to stare at just for the raw sex appeal is Legolas (Orlando Bloom) and I would have to say that Aragorn (Viggo Mortensen) is my favourite bishonen AND character in one! *grin*
You gotta love movies that have hot guys in swordfights! Woohoo!
If you've seen the movie or read the books who all do you guys like?
Also - how is Amiboshi after the horrible scratching up he got on the first episode of that bus trip? Arigatou!
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
Amiboshi is healing nicely. We all liked Lord of the Rings. Our favorite characters:
Chiriko - Frodo
Tasuki - Gimli
Nuriko - Eowyn
Mitsukake - Elrond
Tamahome - Aragon
Hotohori - Legolas (He's almost as beautiful as me.)
Chichiri - Gandolf, no da
Dear Chichiri,
I was reading the replies when I came across Miaka912's letter and I would like to agree with your statement. The CPS labels any type of beating as abuse and they would investigate the matter closly. The reason for abuse is lack of understanding. I wish her luck.
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
Thank you, no da. I hope she gets through this as well, no da.
Dear Tamahome,
Hey Tamahomeboy! *Smiles as she runs up to Tama and gives him a big hug and kiss* ^_~
So sorry that I haven't written you in such a long time! I've never really had time this month or four months I should say!...Well how are you and the rest of the gang?..How much money have you collected since I've beeen away?....I hope everyone's doing alright in Konon (If that is where you are at this moment)
-Change Subject-
Hey guess what...(Not that you wanna know) But I'm gonna tell you anyway!!!*Gives a royal bow* I have started yet another fanfic!! In this one You Tasuki and all the others are going with us to L.A!!! So far in the story all we've done is go to a club (that is where we are at as of noe in the story!!)
Have any sujestions?..I have some plans but I wouldn't mind hearing yours.
I get a good laugh out of them most of the time.
-Change Subject-
One last thing! I've introduced my cousin Hajimano_Tenshi to F.Y!! She thinks your cute and wants to write you after I've finished my own letter!..She's just going to add it to mine!! *Hajimano_Tenshi (I'm not too sure how spell that? She is saposed to be the Angel of Dawn *Pretty Name hu?*) Do you think you could tell me how to spell or say that in Japanese(If I got that wrong)
*Smiles and then introduces haji to Tamakins, but quickly pushes her hands off of him and hugs him tight for herself*
H - Hey!You are so mean!!!
T - He's mine! Fine your own man!!!
H - Your the one that wanted to introduce us you crazy Angel!!
T - Oh! So now I'm crazy hu?...You don't even know him all that well and you are in love with him!!!!
H - Well if you hadn't introduced us then it wouldn't have come to this *Takes a knife from the kitchen table and plays a crazy sycho trying to kill me "Help Me!!*
T - I guess we will both die fighting for our man!! *She grabs a gun from the closet and points at Haji*
T and H - "No lets not fight over him! We wont give him the satisfaction!!!"
(Both girls laugh at the small play they just proformed)
***Hajimano"s Letter 2 U***
Hey Tamakins!
My cousin Tsukino_Tenshi tells me that you are probably 18-20 years old. *Well when you have the chance to answer this letter please tell me your exact age.* How is it over there in Konon? How is Hotohorie? ^_~ *winks* Is he still in love with Miaka? (As you can tell I have just barely begun to watch F.Y) The last movie I saw was the one were Amiboshi saved Miaka from getting really sick... How long have you and Miaka been together?
*********Here are some rather cute questions we thought we'd ask***********
1. Whitch one of the following would you rather be and why?
a) Jet Li
b)Jackie Chan
c)Tom Cruse
2.If you had to choose between Yui and Soi Who would you pick?
3.If you had one wish what would it be? **Smiles** (Can't be money!!!!!)
4.If you could be any other seishi other than yourself who would you be?
****************************THE END****************************************
love,Your Angels,
Tsukino_Tenshi and Hajimano_Tenshi
Dear Tsukino_Tenshi and Hajimano_Tenshi,
*Swetadrops* We're all fine. Dawn in Japanese is actually several different words. Akegata is one of the most common words used as is gyouten. Reimei and shinonome are also used but not as commonly. I'm19 and I feel like Miaka and I have been together forever. Here's the answers to your other questions:
1. Jet Li. He seems to be the most like me.
2. Neither! I'd always pick Miaka.
3. I'd tell you, but it's a spoiler.
4. Chichiri
Dear Tasuki,
Shun'u-kun.. Gomen For being mean.. and there is another person, or possibly two running around trying to be me.. But they couldn't hit the broad side of the house.. I don't want to get into Mai and Li'an's business.. Gomen nasaii Shun'u-kun. my adorable little brother.. thank's for being nice to my little angel.
Aidou-Chan. Youngest Kou sister
Dear Aidou,
Yer bein' nice to me … Are ya' feelin' ok? *Looks at her with great concern.* An' ya said yer th' youngest sister. Ya' know yer th' oldest one! What's wrong wit' ya'?
Dear Tasuki,
*hands him a box of cookies and smiles really cute* I always knewed you were the bestest! *hugs him* Can i play wif the thinngy that frows fire? pwease?!
Dear Lita,
Thanks fer th' cookies! Ano … *Quickly makes her a paper halisen.* Here ya' go! A halisen of yer own! *Grins*
Dear Tamahome,
Tanks *cute smile* your almost as cool as my Uncle Shun'u!
Dear Lita,
*Smiles at her*
Dear Nuriko,
^-^;; Otousama...I'm a blonde...I yelled at my history teacher "I'M MORE OF A BLONDE THAN YOU'LL EVER BE!" ...because we both came back from vacation with bleachedness...I got a bleached head and he has some streaks. *sweatdrops* *glomps* Howya beeeeeeeen? ^-^
Dear Keiko,
I'm fine, but do you think it's a wise idea to yell at your sensei?
Dear Tasuki,
You've been visited by the Log Stalker...the Pancake Stalker....and the Milk Stalker....but never before have you been visited by the I'm-Gonna-Turn-You-Into-A-Woman Stalker!!!!!! Now hold reeeeeaaaally still coz I might stab ya in the eyes with this mascara wand if you don't!!!
The I'm-Gonna-Turn-You-Into-A-Woman Stalker
Dear Nutcase,
*Backs away from her and then turns and runs off…*
Dear Tasuki,
*comes runing at full force and GLOMPS!* TAAAAAAAAAAASUKI!!! ^_______________^ Hi!!!! How are ya!!!!!?????? I made you some cookies!!! I hope you like them!!!
Dear Ami-chan,
Thanks! Great cookies!
Dear Tasuki,
Aiaki: Load me up, insect!
Mushi: *vein* *smashes her upside the head with a bottle*
Aiaki: @_@ *comes to*
Mushi: Got get yer own acohol, bia!
Aiaki: *feels hurt* Mu-mu....
Mushi: Don't 'Mu-mu' me! I'm sick of yer whinin' and such! If ya want something, getta job like me! *stomps off*
Aiaki: *looks down at her bottle* Mu-mu... *feels hurt even more*
Dear Aiaki,
Dear Tamahome,
Two gold ryou? are ya Tama-baby?? ^.^ I'd make ya some cookies but Miaka-baka would probly eat ' I'll give them to Chichiri and Tasuki-hime...I mean...Tasuki...*innocently* No I am not daydreaming about dressing Tasuki up in Nuriko's clothes...What made ya fall in love with the baka? I mean, Miaka? I'm off! To see Hoho-chan...I mean Hotohori!! O_o;; Is it hot in here or is it just you? It's you *huggle* Ja matta ne Tama-baby!
Jin Hiirosama
Dear Jin,
Her sweet personality and selflessness. *Pictures Tasuki done up as Nuriko and laughs.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*Hugs Nuriko and hits Tamahome and Tasuki with steel mallets* Hi! I've got a question to pose to you guys. If you could go back in time to do something what would that be and why? I mean I don't mean to sound nosie but I was being curious because I ask myself that, for example: The last day I spent with my Dad was Father's Day in the hospital, Nuriko and Tamahome know what was wrong with him.My Dad asked me to stay after when my Grandparents left. *Holds back tears, and clenches her fist tightly and takes a deep breath* My stepmother was there and has soon as I closed the door, they, well Daddy demanded I say I was sorry to her because me and her did nothing but argued and I ran away one day... she jumped in and called me heartless and... *Begins crying* I rather not finish, but he took her side! I turned around and glanced over my shoulder and said. "That's the hardest thing you've ever asked me to do." Then I left and never visited until... *Wipes her tears away but more came* Until it was too late. I wish I'd never wished for a mother. Or my suicide attempts to work. *Smiles weakly* But enought about me, what about you?
Dear LoneWolf,
We're glad your suicide attempts didn't work! *All the Seishi give her a hug.*
Tamahome - I'd save my family from Suboshi.
Tasuki - I'd help Nuriko on th' mountain.
Nuriko - I'd save my sister.
Chichiri - I wouldn't fight with Hikou and I'd talk to Kouran and make her understand that it didn't matter to me, no da.
Chiriko - I wouldn't look at Miboshi so he couldn't possess me.
Mitsukake - I'd be there to heal Shouka.
Hotohori - I would reconsider my decision to battle Nakago in Konan.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
*Hugs him tightly* I'm so sorry I didn't get to wish you a merry christmas or a happy new year so I'll do it now. *Hands him a hand made neccklace* This was your christmas present, I hope you like it. *Smiles and hands him a bottle of wine* This is your new years gift just don't tell anyone I gave it to you or they may get mad at me. *Blushes* I hope your year is good. I know mine won't. *Sighs* It never is, anyway I love you Tasuki Wasuki. *Kisses him and hugs tightly*
Dear Lucy,
Thanks fer th' gifts! Now why would ya' say that yer New Year won't be good? Ya' don't know that! Try bein' positive an' see if that improves yer year. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Chiriko,
what about u chiriko how did your christmas and new years go????
Dear Luna,
I had a very nice Christmas and New Years. How about you?
Dear Chichiri,
arigato to u for caring, i think you would win nobel peace prize!!!!! and not just for bieng nice well tommorow i can hang with magi girl so maybe my spirit will lighten how have you been feeling????
Dear Luna,
I'm doing well, no da. Arigato for your kind words.
Dear Tamahome,
Tamahome!How can you tell Fy angel that?!You guys are so much better than IRL guys.And so much cuter too!!Noone can ever grow out of liking bishounen.Take me for instance,My friend Gloria told me about Fushigi Yugi and when I first saw your picture I was like *drool,gimme!*O_o;; and than she told me that you had a girlfriend which was miaka and I was gosh darn it!!And than I saw hotohori,and I was like *drool,gimme him too*o_o;;; and than she told me that he had a wife and son I was like ;_; awww.And than she told me about tasuki I was like YAY!!lol see you don't grow out of liking anime bishounen.I still haven't.I still like/love each and every one of you.Heehee,My friend Gloria STILL likes/loves you and I still like/love Tasuki and Keisuke,oh yeah btw,tell Keisuke I said hi to him I haven't talked to him in a long time he probably hates me ;_;.Oh yeah just to let you know that my birthday will be coming up in a month ^o^.I'll be turning 19 and we might go bowling!!!!!Would you guys come?When i say guys I mean the seishi,you,miaka,and keisuke?oh please oh purty please?;_;.okay I'm starting to bore you now cause I think you're about to fall asleep O_o;;;; heehee.Anyways,I just think that we can't grow out of liking you guys.^o^.When I was with Draven -_- I was still crushing on Tasuki.Oh yeah,btw my friend Gloria also drew me a picture of Tasuki and Miaka kissing from Oav 2 I think *scratches head*.Anyways,I could scan that and send it to you if you'd like?Well I'd better get goin now.TTFN
Dear Destiny,
If we could come to your world we'd be happy to celebrate with you. Keisuke says "hi". As far as outgrowing us, I'm sure as you get older you will eventually outgrow us and that's OK. Just know that we're here for you if you need us.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
What are all of your real names, and what do they maen in English?
the baca
Dear baca,
Here are our real names they don't have much meaning in English:
Tamahome - Sou Kishuku
Hotohori - Saihitei
Nuriko - Chou Ryuuen
Chichiri - Ri Houjun
Tasuki - Kou Shun'u
Mitsukake - MyoJuan
Chiriko - Ou Dokun
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
Hey! Tasuki! It's been a while since I've E-Mail you! *huggle* Anyhow... what do ya think about Dr. Demento's music? *innocent blink* Because everybody either doesn't know him or hates most of his music... *blinku* and I think some of the lyrics are... er, your style, I could say... ( you can hear some of the best at ). Some like... *cough* Maybe Shaving Cream or Dead Pppies... well, *huggles again* See ya sometime at the hideout!!!
Dear Bon,
Thanks! I do like Dr. Demento! he's cool!
Dear Chichiri,
hey first letter to you i have a question did you like miaka four a girlfriend? ^.^!
Dear samantha,
No, she is way too young, no da!
Dear Tamahome,
*hugs her onnisan*Long time no write!How are you?I'm good except,last night I had the same dream again -_-.Want me to tell you what it is?Well okay...I just have to warn you though I haven't seen or spoke to my mom in over a year and a half.Anyways,the dream starts off with my mom and I fighting/b*tching at each other(like it always happens),and than sooner or later my mom pop's out "We never wanted you,you're a mistake" and than I dream up another dream.O_o;; why do I keep having that dream?I mean I know I was treated pretty badly when I was growing up,but why do I keep having that dream?I don't think you want to know how badly I was treated,and it just wasn't my dad or mom was almost everyone I knew who treated me badly.But like I said,I don't think you would want to know.But why do I keep having that dream?
Destiny Mitsukake No mamoru
Dear Destiny,
I think you still have unresolved issues with your mother and how she treated you. Have you consider counseling to help you get past that time in your life?
Dear Chichiri,
Ooopsie I guess I should've posted my picture up there.Gomen Ne chichiri-san.Okay well here is the url for my picture. Http:// .I'm the one in the pink shirt and the other girl with me is one of my best friend's.^_^.Now don't you think my eyes look asian?One person told me the way I smile I look like I'm from vermont but I'm not O_o; and a couple of people told me that my eyes look asian.O_o;;; What do you think?btw,just to let you know that was taken early last year so my hair is a little bit longer now but still the same colour.
Dear Destiny,
That's a very nice picture of you and your friend, no da. Your eyes do seem to be a bit almond shaped so I can understand why people say that, no da.
Dear Mitsukake,
Dear Hyosumi,
He's a natural. *Smiles*
Dear Tasuki,
HI AGAIN TASUKI! hey can you find me the lyrics to your song ''Heart''?
Dear Chiriko,
Arigato for your kind words. I'm so sorry to hear about your grandfather. I hope he will get better soon. *Gives her a hug.* I've always called my mother okaasan and my father otousan.
Dear Hotohori,
HOTOHORIIIIIII!!!! *heart shaped eyes* MAN, you can sing. *gives him a rose as beautiful as he is*
Dear Hyosumi,
Arigato for the lovely rose and for your kind words.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
A question thats been bothering me,...what happens to my da-...I mean Nakago in part 2.I dont care about spoilers 'cause I already saw the last episode. But what is he doing there?!!!!????!!!
Dear Hyosumi,
You may not care about spoilers, but WE do! And we don't knowingly give them away. Sorry.
Dear Chiriko,
Do you find it hard to be the youngest suzaku seishi on the group and does not have fighting skills.I mean,that you won't be able to fight,and,if I were you I would hate it.
Dear kathryn,
It is a bit frustrating, but I know I have other talents that can help the Seishi.
Dear Mitsukake,
Is it hard to be a doctor?I wanna know because I'm thinking of being a docter.Nowadays,A doctor sometimes has to defend his/her opinion in a medical case.
Dear Krista,
The schooling is very difficult and the hours are long. It is hard to deal with the death of a patient as well.
Dear Hotohori,
Is it hard to be emperor and a seishi at the same time?
Kathryn,your biggest fan
Dear Kathryn,
It can be at times.
Dear Tamahome,
I hope You can explain this in as little words as possible. Is it hard to ride a horse without falling off and how do you do it?I'd like to be resdy for my next trip to Bagiuo,Manila.(I already rode a horse but an adult was with me and this time,I wanna ride alone.
Krista,your biggest fan
Dear Krista,
No, it's not difficult to ride a horse, but it is difficult to explain it. The best I can tell you is sit on the saddle, feet in the stirrups, hold the reins and go up when the horse goes up and goes down when the horse goes down. It's called "posting".
Dear Mitsukake,
tama-neko loves you tho' i cried when you died, then i ate a mousie. but that's not the point! i just noticed noone payed much attention to you in fushigi's because everyone pays attention to to kittie(which is me, nyo) i CAN talk!!!!!! nyanyanyanya!!!! what you havta do is go take over the world wit tenkou that's what ya need to do!! i'll be on your sholder all the way!!
Dear tama-neko,
*Pets Tama-neko.* Arigato. But I don't really want to take over the world.
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